art > cameo
  Pronunciation: wényì
  Literary works
  (2) [writing technique]: refers to the writing skills
  (3) [article]: after surgery
  Art day the
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  Renaissance in the 14th century to the 16th century in Europe, a rise of ideological and cultural movement, bringing a science and art revolution, opened the curtain of modern European history, is considered the boundaries of the Middle Ages and modern times. Marxist historians considered the age of feudalism and the boundaries of the capitalist era.
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Renaissance Overview
  Generally thought that the Renaissance began in 14th century Italy (the term was derived from Italian Renaissance Rinascimento, which means regeneration or recovery), future expansion to the Western European countries, the 16th century reached its peak. In 1550, Vasari in his "Art Gallery Celebrity Biography", the official use of it as the name of the new culture. By the French transliteration of this word is Renaissance, 17 centuries after the Common European countries. The 19th century, Western historians as a further 14 to 16 century Western culture in general. Western historians had thought that it was in ancient Greece, Roman Empire, the revival of arts and culture.
  14th century, with the workshops and crafts industry development of commodity economy, the capitalist relations within the feudal system in Europe has been gradually formed; in politics, has caused widespread discontent feudal separatism, national consciousness began to awaken the public performance of the requirements of European Nationalities strong desire reunification. To arts and culture also began to reflect on the emerging forces of capitalist interests and demands of the new era. New bourgeoisie that medieval culture is a step backward, and the Greek, Roman classical culture is the light model developed, they sought revival of classical culture - the so-called "revival" is actually an unprecedented knowledge and spiritual liberation and creativity.
  Renaissance originated in northern Italy, generally considered the first representative of Dante, represented as the "Divine Comedy", his work first in a subtle way of criticism and expose the corruption of the medieval religious rule and stupid to the local dialect rather than as the official literary language of medieval Europe, Latin to create.
  Another representative is Petrarch, in his view of ancient Greece and Rome is the best era of human nature, is contrary to the Middle Ages to suppress human nature. Although he has depth and extensive literature on Latin American research, but written in Italian dialect form of a large number of the sonnet lyric poetry, by the city-state rulers of the warm welcome.
  Another important reason is that the Renaissance 1453 fall of the Ottoman Empire, Constantinople, Eastern Roman Empire. Affected by a large number of Eastern culture, but also to retain the spirit of the Roman Empire, people fled to Italy and brought back a lot of fresh ideas and art professor in Rome, the Greek run schools, to promote the formation of the Renaissance.
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Renaissance works of Thought
  Renaissance works, embodies the humanist idea: advocated personal liberation, against the medieval asceticism and religion; to promote science and culture, against obscurantism, get rid of the shackles of the church on people's thinking; certain human rights, against the divine right, reject as the basis of scholastic philosophy and theology all the authority and traditional dogma; support the centralization of power, against the feudal separatism, which is the main idea of humanism. Among them, the representative works are: Dante's "Divine Comedy," Boccaccio's "Decameron", Machiavelli's "Prince", Rabelais's "Giant" and so on.
  Renaissance art praised the beauty of the human body, advocates the proportion of the human body is the most harmonious proportion, and apply it to the building, and a series of stories although still the subject of religious painting, sculpture, but the performance is scenes of ordinary people, will of God pulled to the ground.
  Humanists began to study the Bible, classical literature method, the cost of national language translation of the Bible led to the rise of religious reform movement.
  Contempt for the secular humanist praise heaven, advertised to replace the divine reason, certainly, "man" is the creator of this life and enjoy, request literature and art to express the human thoughts and feelings, scientific human welfare, education, development of human personality to require the people's thoughts and feelings and wisdom from the fetters of theology. To promote individual freedom, so instrumental in the history of the progress of the development role.
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Other areas of the Renaissance
  Different areas of the Renaissance:
  Natural Sciences:
  Algebra in the Renaissance made a significant development, three or four equations solution was found. Italy Cardano in his book "Great technique" in Roots of cubic equation published formula, but the reality of this formula should be attributed to the other scholars made Tartaglia. EQUATION four students from the Cardano Ferrari found in the "big operation" also recorded. Bangbei Li expounded in his book about three equations can not be the case, and the use of imaginary numbers, but also improved the algebraic sign was popular. Algebra is a symbol of 16th century French mathematician Vedic established. In 1591 he published "Introduction to Analysis", on behalf of the mathematics to be systematically organized, for the first time consciously use letters to represent unknowns and given numbers. Another Whyte in his book "On the identification and the revised equation, the improved three or four equations method, also established the second and third equation of equation between roots and coefficients, called the Way of modern of Theorem. Trigonometry in the Renaissance also has been considerable development. German mathematician Regiomontanus "On various triangle" is Europe's first independent writings of trigonometry in astronomy. The book on the plane triangular and spherical trigonometry were systematically expounded, there are very precise trigonometric tables. Copernicus re-definition of students Pretty Adamkus, on the basis of trigonometric functions, trigonometric functions produce more sophisticated form.
  In physics, Galileo discovered through experiments falling body, throwing objects and runout three laws to make a new understanding of the universe. His student Torricelli The experiments show that the air pressure, invented the mercury barometer. Pascal French scientists found that the pressure of liquids and gases in the law of propagation. British scientists found that the gas pressure Boyle's law.
  Physiology and Medicine
  Belgian doctor Vesalius published "body structure," a book of Galen's "Trinity" doctrine to challenge. Servetus Spanish doctors found a small circulation of blood to prove that blood flow to the right ventricle and the lungs, through the tortuous route to reach the left ventricle. Harvey by the British anatomist anatomy of a large number of animal experiments, published in "sweat kinetic theory" and other treatises, the system explains the law of movement of blood and the heart works. He pointed out that the heart is the center of the movement of blood and power sources. This important discovery made him the founder of modern physiology.
  "Geographical discovery"
  Navigation technologies used to produce a revolutionary leap, Portugal, Spain, Italy explorers began a series of long-range maritime activities. Columbus and Magellan, who found that in geographic terms, as the round earth provided strong evidence.
  The discovery of printing in Europe, and from the east pass over the paper, the compass, gunpowder (China's four great inventions), to promote the rapid dissemination of scientific thought.
  The writers around the start rather than use their own dialect to Latin literature, led the popular literature, for a large number of literary works into various languages, including fiction, poetry, prose, folk and drama.
  In Italy, the Renaissance, pre-emergence of the "literary three heroes." But Ding Yisheng wrote many scholarly books and poetry, which is the famous "new" and "Divine Comedy." Petrarch is the founder of humanism, as the "father of humanism." He was the first revival of classical culture to issue the call, made a "human science" against "theological." Petrarch mainly composed many beautiful poems, sonnets poetry is lyrical masterpiece "songbook." Boccaccio is the founder of the Italian national literature, short story collection "The Decameron" is his masterpiece.
  In the UK, representatives are Thomas and Shakespeare. Thomas Moore is a famous humanist philosopher, was also the founder of utopian socialism. 1516 Latin he wrote "Utopia" is the first work of utopian socialism. Shakespeare was a genius playwright and poet, he and Homer, Dante, Goethe, together known as the European epoch of the four writers. Structural integrity of his work, plot vivid, rich in refined language, prominent personalities, focus on behalf of the highest achievements of European Renaissance literature, literature on the development of European reality has far-reaching impact.
  Renaissance architecture in the 14th century Renaissance in Italy with the birth of this cultural movement and the architectural style. Medieval theocracy based on the supremacy of the criticism and the recognition of the humanitarian, the proportion of architects hoping to re-shape the classical ideals of classical coordination of social order. Generally speaking, the Renaissance building is so particular about the order and proportion, with strict elevation and flat composition and classical architecture from the inherited column system.
  The proportion of building a strong pursuit, for example, must be a multiple of 3 and 2
  Using symmetrical shape, central
  Restore the "natural" to Ruler drawing to the main round and square
  Against the Gothic
  Italy and its representatives
  As the birthplace of the Renaissance in Florence, Italy, in poetry, painting, sculpture, architecture, music, all aspects made outstanding achievements.
  Brother of the famous Florentine Medici family, the United States was the most important patron of the arts.
  All three heroes famous Renaissance was born in Italy.
  Poet: Dante, Petrarch;
  Writer: Boccaccio, Machiavelli;
  Painter: Giotto, Botticelli, Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, Titian;
  Sculptor: Michelangelo; Architect: 伯鲁涅列斯基;
  Musicians: Palestrina, Lasso, etc..
  Spain and its representatives
  Half of the 16th century and 17th century Spanish Renaissance into the "golden period", in fiction and drama have made outstanding achievements.
  Representative: writer Cervantes, dramatist 洛卜德维加
  Germany and its representatives
  In Germany: The main achievements are manifested in the religious reform, peasant war, satire, and scientific and technological inventions and so on.
  Representative: Martin Luther, Durer and so on.
  With representatives of France
  In France: freedom of thought and doubt thinking is well developed.
  Representative: essayist: Montaigne, novelist: Rabelais and so on.
  With representatives of the United Kingdom
  In the UK: the unprecedented prosperity of poetry and drama.
  Representative: William Shakespeare and other writers.
  The significance of the Renaissance
  For a long time, the Renaissance is considered to be simply restored the classical culture. In fact, the Renaissance is not really to "recover" classical culture, but at that time to attack the culture and systems to create a new culture, to create a new social system fabricating public opinion.
  Renaissance is a period of progressive development, there is no clear dividing line and events. But the Renaissance to the time change people's thinking, leading to the Reformation and the fierce religious war. Later, the Enlightenment, the Renaissance for their example. 19th century scientific historians believe was the development of geographical discovery, the birth of the nation-state are from the Renaissance. Renaissance is the "dark ages" of the Middle Ages and the modern watershed, is the premise of the bourgeois revolution of public opinion. Renaissance is to get rid of the decadent feudal Europe, religious constraints, the expansion of a prelude to the world.
  Different views on the Renaissance
  "Renaissance" (Renaissance) term in 1855 for the first time the French historian Michelet, to summarize the 16th century "and human exploration of the world"; Since then, historians have to explain it many different views.
  Marxist historians view the Renaissance is an art, literature, philosophy and so there is a "class revolution" (pseudo-revolution). These changes only affect a small number of wealthy minority, while most of the population living in Europe compared to little change in the Middle Ages. Therefore, they do not recognize the Renaissance is an important event.
  Today most historians believe that rational thinking and the Renaissance represents a huge change in thinking, not the material dramatically. Perhaps the most important point for the Renaissance, those living in the Renaissance of the people think they live in a new era, a complete break with the medieval era.
  Johan Huizinga (1872-1945) acknowledged the Renaissance, but questioned whether it is a beneficial change. He thought that the Renaissance was a decline from the medieval era, and destroyed a lot of important things. For example, when the church and others in the use of Latin, has been obtained from the classical era of great development, is a living language. However, the Renaissance obsession with classical purity and its people that the classical Latin form of conflict, so the natural evolution of Latin stopped. Robert S. Lopez that the Renaissance was a recession period. But George Sarton and Lynn Thorndike thought that the Renaissance to the slower pace of scientific progress.
  Art Restoration era Italy. - Cai "picture"
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4. The latest progress of the Renaissance Revival
  By contemporary scholars, who launched the human scientist Mr. Zhang Ronghuan Renaissance thought, represent the new heights of contemporary Renaissance thought, mainly on the revival of his people made the top ten values, the direction of:
  First, from now on the Renaissance rediscovery of the human personality and great, certainly the people's values and ability to make people want to bring up personality, individuality should be wise;
  Second, the emphasis on human values, requirements to improve people's thinking ability and creative potential, encouraging a positive attitude towards life as to promote positive development of the spirit;
  Third, attach importance to real life, science, philosophy, theology, truth, goodness and beauty to the composition of summary and spread the people's daily lives;
  Fourth, the philosophical and artistic expression of people's feelings on the requirements, so that violence and hypocrisy have become old and useless until death, people live in harmony;
  Fifth, the same realistic spirit of happiness, we must first study what happens to the people, not content with little knowledge of other things, to create a happy life and the struggle for real optimistic and enterprising spirit of the people from the past, historical, ethnic, religious, geographical liberating the shackles;
  Sixth, everyone can believe the truth;
  VII, the establishment of the public spirit of faith and their corresponding ethical legal order so that the interests of all sectors of society the right to freedom of expression open to the truth so that the community can be a real public expression;
  Eight, in good faith to reflect the modern democratic society the social existence of people of high intelligence;
  Nine, people respective fields and encourage the integration of logical thinking of thinking of other forms of new logicism;
  Ten to improve things in groups, the wisdom of public capacity in individuals, families, groups, organizations, countries, and even the United Nations system, to bring about the harmonious development of mutual relations.
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  Literature and art
  Referred to literature and literary arts. Refers to all the ancient literature was written in words
  Literature books written in modern language refers to shape the image of the table to reflect the social life and
  Of thoughts and emotions of art, also known as "language arts." The image is not shaped by literature
  Image with the plastic arts, that does not have the intuitive, and need the help of words to arouse people's
  Imagination in order to be appreciated. This image is the indirect nature of the limitations of literature, but is also
  Is its features and benefits, because it allows literature to reflect the life of great self-
  By the degree and way in the performance space has tremendous potential. So. Literature can be engraved with special
  Painting the inner world of characters, the performance of deep thoughts, and feelings profoundly shocked readers
  Mind, with other arts unparalleled breadth and depth of thought and a huge infection
  Art is emotion and imagination to grasp and reflect the characteristics of a particular side of the world
  Type. It is through the reproduction of aesthetic creativity and performance of thoughts and feelings, to realize in the imagination
  Aesthetic subject and the object of the aesthetic object. Therefore, it is both real life and spirit of the people
  Reflect and reproduce the image of the world, but also artists of knowledge, ideas, feelings, ideals such as heart
  Management activities of the condensation. Many forms of art, according to their performance of different approaches can be divided into performance
  Arts (such as music, dance, acrobatics, etc.), the plastic arts (such as painting, sculpture, wood carvings
  Etc.), language arts (literature), and integrated arts (such as theater, film, television, etc.); root
  Time and space, according to the nature of their performance, can be divided into time for art (such as music, language arts),
  Space art (such as painting, sculpture), and when a comprehensive art space (such as movies, theater). Arts
  Surgery as a form of social consciousness, not only to meet the aesthetic needs of many people,
  You can also cultivate people's minds sentiments, imperceptibly improve people's spiritual and cultural factors
  Support. Therefore, literary and artistic works in the cultural market, play an important role.
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English Expression
  1. n.:  cameo,  correspondence,  literature,  literature and art,  writing technique,  article
French Expression
  1. n.  littérature et art
literature, the arts
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