literature and arts : cameo > literature
No. 1
  As a means of shaping the image of language to reflect the lives of an artistic expression of thoughts and feelings. Originated in the production of human labor. First appeared that the oral literature, generally connected with music as you can sing a lyric poem. The earliest written literature with the formation of China's "Book of Songs", India's "Ramayana" and the ancient Greek "ilion discipline" and so on. Classification of the European tradition of literary theory to literature into poetry, prose, drama three categories. Qin Dynasty in China will be in writing and are collectively referred to as literary works, Jin later gradually literature separately. Usually divided into the modern literary poetry, fiction, prose, drama, the four categories.
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wén xué
  Figurative language used to reflect the objective reality of the arts, including fiction, prose, drama, poetry, etc.
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No. 3
  Literature of interest. - Cai "picture"
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No. 4
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No. 5
  The chest was not any literature
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No. 6
  Articles learned. Confucian one of four sections. "Analects of Confucius advanced": "Virtue: Yan Yuan, Zi Qian, Ran Bo Niu, Zhong Gong. Words: kill me, Zi Gong. Political affairs: Jan Yu, Ji Road. Literature: Zi You Zi Xia." Criminal Bing Shu: "If the article is learned, there are sub-tour, Zi Xia two also. "Zhu Xi variorum:" disciples by the words of Confucius, remember the 10 people, but also present their skills, divided into four sections. Confucius teaches people of all their material, in This can be seen. "see" four subjects. "
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No. 7
  That Confucianism. "Han Fei six anti-": "Learning Road cube, from the law people, they said, the Blessed One of the people in literature." "Historical Reese Biography": "I have invited all of literature," Poems "and" book "100 speaker , Juan remove them. "
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No. 8
  Refers to articles by the membership. "Lu Dang soldiers": "to present the disease, said Yan Bing who, lifelong use of troops without being aware of paradox, so that though strong, although identified on literature although Bo, still not seen to listen." Han Yu "on the board of war Li Shilang book ":" Sex good literature, because of hardship sad, nothing to notice language, then have to study the Scripture Records of 100 of the said. "Qing Liu Da-kui" gift Zhang Hui Hsia Confucian order ":" I poor and cheap, only one meaning specializing in literature, but to the rest of paraneoplastic and the size of the seal since the Qin and Han Zhang. "
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No. 9
  Scholars. Also refers to a learned man. Southern Liang Xie, "Wen Xin Diao Long Timing": "Since the Emperor Xian retreating, literature Punta turn." "History of Ming Biography recluse order": "Ming Tai Zu Xingli Confucian scholars, engaged literature and search for caves." Lu Xun " Chinese Literary History, "the fifth chapter:" First Emperor not only strong, tight Kabwe; it gradually, and chief among the nations, though also called literature, Dr. home, and finally the burning of "poem" "books" to kill all health and wide. "
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No. 10
  Schools, the study of Confucianism. Wei Li Tao Yuan, "The Truth of the river a": "South Bank Road East, there is literature. Beginning to Shu Wen Weng Shou, Li auditorium for Shishi in South City ... ... after the state won the county, school moved south Yi Qiao Xing Road East."
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No. 11
  Wen-Cai; scholarship. "Northern History of Wei-call": "tert-quarter income from a literary landscape, the famous official calendar, and in close before." Sung Wong Dang "Yu Lin Addendum 3": "Starling Although the prime minister son, literature, extraordinary." Yuan Wuhan Chen "decorative band" Wedge: "Accordingly, the humanities, also on small government." Mingxie Zhao Zhejiang "Part Four of Five Miscellaneous ZU things": "Yao Da Nang as literature, but well funny, that made the event plane. "
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No. 12
  Tezhi the prison litigation papers, documents. "Penpower Records Biographies": "tim taste typical prison literature books." Sima Zhen Solitude: "Tien said that the prison law school taste, then literature for prison officials."
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No. 13
  East View of the Southern Song Dynasty set up one of the four subjects. "Song Chuan Lei second case Seclusion": "Science does not stand when the national child, the care knack surgery, so Dan Yangyin He is still the stand metaphysics, Prince Edward Ho Cheng Tianli rate even more history, Stuart joined the army Xieyuan Li literature, and all four school construction. "see" four subjects. "
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No. 14
  Guan Ming. Gun and the Kingdom of the Han Dynasty set in literature, or literature auxiliary, or literary history, the origin of the instructors for future generations. Three Weiwu home Prince Edward literature, there is literature in the Wei, Jin later. Early in the home counties by the Doctor, the Han and renamed the literature, after the Song of waste. Jin and Tang, the Prince and the kings are set under the literature. Ming waste.
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No. 15
  (10). To shape the image of the language to reflect the reality of art. Lu Xun's "Janus-faced set of" hard Translation "and" Class Nature of Literature "": "Literature loaned people, nor to indicate that 'sex', an employer, but also in a class society, that just can not dispense with their class character. "Guo" Literary translation ":" Literature is a reflection of real life. "
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  Literature - the image of language as a means to shape the social life, the expression of thoughts and feelings of an art. Originated in the production of human labor. First appeared in the oral literature, generally connected with music that can sing the lyric poetry. The earliest written literature with the formation of China's "Book of Songs", India's "Ramayana" and the ancient Greek "Yi Liang Ji," and so on. Classification of European tradition of literary theory into literary poetry, prose, drama three categories. Written in the Qin Dynasty in China will all collectively referred to as literary works, gradually only after Wei literature listed separately. Usually divided into the modern literary poetry, fiction, prose, drama, four major categories.
  Literature, is a kind of language used to express the social life and mental activity of the subjects. It belongs to the scope of the art of social ideology.
  Literature is the language of the arts (literature is formed by the fabric of language, pioneering silent environment), is an important social and cultural manifestations, in different forms (called genres) performance and the reproduction of a certain period, certain region of social life.
  The progress of the publishing and education and comprehensive development of society, has lost its monopoly status as a popular culture. Produced a so-called serious literature and popular literature or popular literature of the points.
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History of Western Literature
  Most already knew the literary work is a 2700 BC Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh, which describes the heroism, friendship, loss and the pursuit of eternal life. Different historical periods have different characteristics of the literature. Early works often with religious or teaching purposes. Preaching specification of the literature was born. The abnormal characteristics of the romantic bloom in the Middle Ages. Meanwhile, the Age of Reason created a nationalist epic and philosophical essays. Romanticism emphasized the popular literature and emotional investment, real slowly for Realism and Naturalism replaced. In the 20th century, the rise of symbolism to explore the role of the description and development.
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Literature categories
  1, according to carriers is divided into: oral literature, written literature, online literature three categories;
  2, according to the times of which are divided into: ancient literature, modern literature, modern literature and contemporary literature. As the scope of their readers are constantly migrating;
  3, according to production area is divided into: European and American literature, Chinese literature, Japanese literature, Latin American literature.
  4, according to the reader is divided into:
  a, according to audience identity / age of children's literature, adult literature;
  b, and is divided into groups by serious readers of literature and popular literature or popular literature, folk literature, minority literature, religion and literature.
  5, content is divided into: history literature, documentary literature, fantasy literature, reports and literature.
  6, divided by the expression of genres: fiction, prose, poetry, reportage, plays, folk tales, fables, literary sketches, unofficial, fairy tales, and jokes such couplets; others such as the history of biography, philosophy, Fu, prose, essays, literature criticism, movies, story-based computer game characters (including game consoles) etc.
  7, according to creative concept is divided into: Romanticism, Realism, etc.
  The above categories is only a summary of the classification as an example, not a comprehensive classification.
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Literary Theory
  1, literary theory
  a, Western literary theory
  b, Chinese Literary Theory
  2, literature review and research
  3, Literary History: History of Foreign Literature and History of Chinese Literature
  4, literary genres, literary trends and literary societies
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  1, Art Aesthetics
  2, studied art
  3, the socialist literature in the new
  4, Literary History of Thought
  5 of literary criticism
  6, literary history: a, modern literature; b, Modern Literature
  7, Comparative Literature
  8, dance literature
  9, derived from literature
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Literary genre
  Classical Chinese literature into poetry and culture, culture is divided into verse and prose, modern generally divided into: poetry, prose, fiction, drama, and the four major literary genres; China's lyrical poetry and prose (known as classical) first and more developed. The West is divided into two basic types of poetry and prose. Narrative poetry and drama mature earlier, in addition to the more developed the novel.
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Literary style
  Literary writers personality and style is the specific context of discourse due to the relatively stable characteristics of the overall discourse. Literary style is the subject and object, the specific integration of content and form, is a more mature writers, their works to achieve high artistic attainments of the mark. Literary style of authors style is the core and foundation, but also includes the style, ethnic style, regional style, genre, style, and content.
  Literary style, is the literary activities have emerged in the process characteristic of a literary phenomenon. Literary style, mainly refers to the style of writers and their works, both writers a unique symbol of artistic creativity and stability, but also their language and style reflect the maturity, usually known as the writer of the emblem or fingerprints. Literary style is related to personality and speech writer, creative forms, but also with the times, national, regional culture relations.
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Four major literary genre
  Literary genre has poetry, prose, fiction, drama
  One. Chinese traditional "dichotomy"
  All text is divided into verse and prose genres into two categories.
  Rationale: The text of the external features of the language of form factors.
  This classification is too general and does not involve subject matter, ideas and other issues, difficult to distinguish between literary texts and non-literary texts, has now been abandoned.
  II. The West "dichotomy"
  1. To Aristotle in "Poetics" in the "dichotomy" as a representative, his imitation of reality based on the means to distinguish between the text of the epic, dramatic two categories. The epic is to mimic reality through language, not as a music drama involved, it is seen as the strict sense of the literary type. As for the epic form of the language, which can be verse, it can be no rhyme prose.
  Is also a dichotomy, to Aristotle's text as the representative of the Western classical text of more emphasis on the inherent characteristics of the medium means.
  2. Second, the rule of thirds
  Dichotomy represented by Aristotle did not mention lyrics, when the lyrics raise the status of the literature since the dichotomy is replaced by the rule of thirds.
  3. Trichotomy is based on the literary works _select_ed themes, approaches and ideas shaping the image of the emotional experience of the performance of methods and techniques into all kinds of literature in narrative and lyrical class, drama class methods.
  In narrative literature focuses on the objective world and the virtual world events, people and the environment as a theme features content to imitate, the idea of fiction as a way to describe the specific and vivid as the main means of artistic expression, creativity and performance to reflect the social life of the main aesthetic grasp of the literature. Narrative is essential in narrative literary aesthetic features. In narrative literature, including novels, epic, narrative poem, story poems, historical literature, reports and literature.
  Lyrical kind of literature is focused on the subjective mind sees the hero as the lyrical subject matter, to the idea of inner feelings and experiences as a way to directly express the main means of artistic expression, which shows the main creation of nature, society, life, insights, and appreciate literature. Lyricism is a lyrical class of outstanding aesthetic features of literature. Lyrical kind of literature are lyric poetry, lyric prose, prose poems and so on.
  Drama literature is focused on conflicts in life as subject matter, to simulate and reproduce true to the idea of a virtual way to conduct their own action figures and lines as the main means of artistic expression, to reflect the creation of social life, the aesthetic subject A grasp of literature.
  IV. Quartation
  1, of "quartering" will be classified as literary text poetry, fiction, prose, drama, literature four major categories. Some increase in this film based on the literature.
  Of quartering is based on the external form of literary texts, taking into account the choice of theme, image building the image of the characteristics of the language features in text, based on space systems division of literary genre as a method.
  2, Canadian scientists Frye quartering Poetry
  He said: "The central tenet of the genre is quite simple, literature, class distinction based on the Chinese seems to be the performance principle. Words can act out in front of an audience, you can speak out in front of an audience; or they can sing it, or you can Readers write. "
  (〔〕 Canada • Northrop Frye, "Anatomy of Criticism", Chen Hui and other translation, Baihua Literature and Art Press, 1998 p. 308)
  "In front of an audience is a dramatic performance of poetry; in the audience before the reading of the poem is the narrative; the audience to sing or chant their backs is the lyrics; the novel is read to be quiet." (〔〕 Davide • Law Fontaine "Poetry - General Theory of Literature in the form of" translation Jing, Tianjin People's Publishing House 2003 edition page 126)
  Frye quartering quartering popular in China and the classification results based on the argument are not the same.
  Traditional poetry is rhythmic literature. It is through the imagination and lyrical poetry to express some strong feelings. Poetry is the oldest form of literature, China is the world's most developed country of poetry. From China's first poetry collection The Book of Songs, the first since a long lyric poem Lament. Yue Han, Tang and Song Verse, and the rise of the word Tang, Yuan and poetry since the May Fourth Movement. Ancient folk songs. Form of Chinese poetry unparalleled great tradition. In contrast the developed Western epic late, combined with drama, a great achievement. For example, Homer, Dante, The Divine Comedy, Shakespeare.
  The rhythm of prose is not strictly literary form and space limitations. And verse relative. Chinese prose essays evolved from the pre-Qin philosophers, on behalf of the prose famous masterpieces. Where Fu and historical essays and applications such memorials style statement, a profound impact on future generations. China is the world's prose has always been the most developed country.
  Drama is another ancient form of literature. It is mainly through dialogue between the different roles to express the author's thoughts and feelings. Drama can be used for stage performances, can also be read.
  Fiction is based on the contents of the virtual world as a comprehensive literary form. As the main body traditional prose. Chuang Tzu: decorative novel dry magistrate. Modern sense of fiction, prose from the Pre Origin of the fable, after the Han Dynasty's notes, to the Tang Dynasty Song and mature of the Imitation, then spread to the Ming and Qing novels represented the four Masterpieces and the short stories represented Strange. Western fiction as fiction, known as the prose epic. Myths and legends are connected to the novel, as the emerging literary form. Because of its large capacity, deep and comprehensive reflection of the reality of people's minds, to become the mainstream of modern literary form of the future.
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Literary figure
  Writer, playwright, essayist, novelist, poet, literary critic
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Literature in different languages or countries
  Asian Literature: Chinese Literature, Ma Xinwen Studies, Japanese Literature
  European Literature: English literature, German literature, Greek literature, Russian literature
  American Literature: American Literature, Latin Literature
  (Literature is also divided nation.)
  Comparative Literature
  Comparative Literature refers to the cross-cultural and interdisciplinary study of literature.
  Comparative Literature is a literary study, it first requires research in different disciplines, different cultures and people to communicate through various literary history, current situation and possible. It is committed to the mutual understanding between different cultures, and cherish a sincere hope that mutual respect and tolerance.
  The different meanings of literature
  (A) one of the social ideology. Ancient Chinese and foreign have the words written in the books of all documents referred to as literature. Modern specifically refers to the use of words to shape the image of the social life, express thoughts and feelings in art, so called "language arts." Southern and Northern Dynasties in China, has the verse and prose literature is divided into two categories, usually divided into modern poetry, prose, fiction, drama, film and literature genre. There are a variety of genres in a variety of styles.
  (B) of the Confucian one of four families. "The Analects of Confucius advanced": "literature, sub-tours, Zi Xia." Xing Ping Shu: "If the article is learned, there are sub-tour, Zixia two people." Also teach children of the nobility of the subjects. "Ray plays were Chuan Song": "Art on the care, so that the legislation is still metaphysical Danyang Yin Ho, Ho Cheng Tianli Prince ratio even more history, Stuart joined the army Xieyuan Li literature."
  (C) refers to the cultivation of rhetoric. Yuan Jie's "Ode to Great Tang Zhongxing order": "non-elderly in the literature, it is who should be?"
  (D) Formal Names. Gun and placed the Kingdom of Han, or "auxiliary literature", or "literary history", the origin of the instructors for future generations. Han for the _select_ion of personnel ad hoc "Elite Literature" courses, examinations by the county recommend personnel to Beijing and was recommending were sent for "Elite Literature." "Elite" is the correct moral, moral man; "Literature" refers to the person versed in the Confucian classics. Wei after the "Literature in the" name. Tang in the home counties, "Dr.", Dezon was renamed "literature", Prince Edward and the kings of the following are _set_ to "literature." Ming waste.
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Journal of Modern Literature
  "Literature": July 1, 1933 in Shanghai, founded by the founder of the literary society, life in Shanghai Bookstore Publishing. Volume 1, edited by the Department of the Literary Society, Volume 2 to Volume 9, has the Fu Donghua Wang Tong ﹑ ﹑ Zhenduo editor. Huang Yuan participated in Volume 1 to Volume 5 of the editorial work. Zhenduo ﹑ Mao is "literature" of the main sponsors. Members of the Editorial Board Yu Mao ﹑ ﹑ ﹑ Hu Yuzhi Wang Tao Chen Hong Shen ﹑ ﹑ ﹑ Fu Donghua Xu Fu stressed ﹑ ﹑ Zhenduo Ye Shaojun. The beginning of Lu Xun was a founding member of the Editorial Board. The purpose of the Journal, "is to focus the power of the national writers, enriching the content of the tendency on behalf of the latest books, supplies the needs of readers of literature generally." ﹑ Part of many content-rich publications, and changes from time to time, more or less a novel fixed ﹑ prose poetry ﹑ ﹑ ﹑ book reviews play ﹑ ﹑ Writers Literary Forum of translation ﹑ ﹑ ﹑ literary magazines such as the world's literary outlook. Of which the masters of literature published ﹑ ﹑ literary works by authors from research-based theory, on the New writers are often to be published and Review. Contributing writers have Lu Ba Lao Ling Bing qing Xu Shan Wang Luyan Guo Shao Yu Geng economy of Tian Han Zheng Boqi Dai Zhang Tianyi Li Liewen of 48 people, there are many well-known authors such as Guo ﹑ Ying ﹑ Zhou Yang ﹑ Feng ﹑ Jian first Ai ﹑ Lin ﹑ Shen Ai Wu Sha Ting ﹑ ﹑ ﹑ ﹑ Xiao Jun Xiao Hong Wu Zuxiang ﹑ ﹑ Zang, also repeatedly, that writing, writers writers hundreds of people. Published in the creative aspects of many influential works. Novels such as Mao Dun's "till winter", "polygonal Relations", "big nose of the story," tao's "over-charged the Third Five-Doo", "a trainee," Wang Tong's "Mountain Rain", "Fruitful", Xu Shan The "Chun Tao", "daughter of the heart," Wang Luyan the "roof", "country" Renew "Gui Public Pool", "arrest those who make fire," Yu's "twilight", "escapade," Ba Jin " sink "," God "," ghost, "Lao She's" office "," micro-God "," my life, "Zhang Tianyi" package's son "," Ching Ming Festival, "Shen" Eight Horses " , Sha Ting's "suffering", Ai Wu's "Roaring Xu Jiatun," Jian Ai's first "village tragedy," Wu Zuxiang's "peace and harmony," liang's "The Melancholy of Heron Lake", Cai Xi Tao The "Dandelion", Shu Kwan's "Children without a motherland"; essays such as Lu Xun's "My vaccination", "Yi Wei Su Park, Jun", "after the disease Zatan", "after the illness Zatan apart," Zhu Ziqing "Mourning alternate", "You and I", Feng's "edge margin Hall Essay", "workers are self-song," Ba Jin's "Traveling Notes", Wang Luyan the "father of the sea turtle," Shen's "Western Sketches"; Wang Tong poetry as a "her life", "hanging this battlefield," Zang "sin of the Black Hand", "Central China's armpit bladder", Zhu Xiang "Dreaming of late"; drama, such as Hong Shen's "after robbery Peach Blossom "(motion picture), Chen white dust of the" Golden Tamura "," Marco Polo Bridge Battle ", Xia Yan," Sai Jinhua ", Li Jian," Liang Yun-up "," Pharaoh and his comrades, "and so on. These different genres of work, most of them drawn from real life, at that time ﹑ feudal anti-imperialist struggle and other kinds of social conflict, do depict the true realism, as important works of modern literary history.
  "Literature" of the history of modern Chinese literature and writer of the work more emphasis, in modern literary press, it is a monograph published writer, most publications have been published in Mao Dun's "Bing on", "Yin On", " Peanuts on the "Hu Feng's" Lin Yutang on the "Mu-day" Hsu On "," Guo's poems, "Xu Jie," Zhou "theory, SU Xue's" Shen theory "and the more important papers, the writer pioneering role in research. Of Ding Ling's "mother" ﹑ Wang Tongzhao "Mountain Rain" ﹑ Ai Wu's "Southern Nights" ﹑ Wu Zuxiang's "Xiliu _set_" ﹑ Xia Zhengnong the "threshing floor" ﹑ Pengjia Huang's "good news" ﹑ Zhou's "snow "﹑ Vandy Crane's" Dasheng chapter "﹑ Cai Xi Tao's" Dandelion "﹑ Cao Yu's" Sunrise "﹑ Zang's" Brand "﹑ Ai Qing's" Big Weir River "to be made more neutral ﹑ timely review. "Literature" of the new literary movement and writing practice problems, Lu Xun published "and on the" third person "", "On the ironic", "" Scholars light "" (I-VII on the full-text) ﹑ "" title undecided "grass" (I-III), Zhou's "realism of", "Typical and personality," Hu Feng's "realism at the end of a" fix "" such as text, focusing on the attitude of the writers of reality creation and ﹑ the relationship between reality theoretical analysis made. Yu Jin Zhaozi ﹑ ﹑ ﹑ Huqiu Yuan Shiyi Shen ﹑ ﹑ Du Heng, etc. from the conversation by writing to the "May Fourth Movement of the historical significance of literature," Ying "China's new literature and its historical background together," Mao Dun's "future of the new literature What crisis? "," Early Vernacular Poetry "," narrative poetry's future, "qing's" Poetry miscellaneous words "," New Poetry Xunkan "Qu Yi's" Poetry of the traces of its way ", Chen Yu-door," Chinese Poetry of the Future ", Zhang Geng, "China's current stage," Hong Shen of the "1933 Chinese film" and other text, the development of China's new literature some of the issues discussed. Study these articles on the historical development of modern Chinese literature has important historical value. "Literature" also in 1934 and 7 moonrise a "special edition commemorating the first anniversary of literature" ─ ─ "I and Literature." There Mao Zheng Boqi ﹑ ﹑ ﹑ Ba Zi Ye Feng ﹑ ﹑ ﹑ Ai Wu ﹑ Shen Bian Zhilin and other 59 writers, write their own relationship with literature and the "kind experience", "a literary history of the valuable information" (" ‧ I Introduction and Literature "). July 1935 and out of the "literary Second Anniversary Special" ─ ─ "a hundred questions of literature," there Cai Mao Dun ﹑ ﹑ ﹑ Lu Xun qing Ye Shaojun ﹑ ﹑ ﹑ Hong Shen Yu Ying ﹑ ﹑ ﹑ Feng Feng, etc. 60 Written from multiple perspectives briefly describes the various ancient and modern literary characteristics of literary genres ﹑ ﹑ ﹑ creative methods of literary genre literary knowledge (Shanghai Bookstore in 1981, two special edition copy of the above). November 1936 ﹑ December had Compilation "Lu Xun Memorial Series" (a), (b), Mao Dun ﹑ Zhenduo ﹑ Wang Tongzhao ﹑ Fu Donghua ﹑ Yu ﹑ Zheng Boqi ﹑ summer hideaway respect ﹑ Ouyang Where Sea ﹑ force groups such as the author paints in tribute to this the death of the founder of a new literary spaces, and study and research activities of Lu Xun.
  "Literature" also noted that Chinese classical literature research, published over Guo, "Qu Yuan era" Renew "On Golden Lotus", "<Journey> evolution of" gang "out folk songs pipa words," Chen child exhibition "Two song man and poet, and moralists," and so on, in June 1934 is also out of a "Chinese Literature Special Issue", received a Guo Shao Yu's "Chinese poetry in the two-tone stacked rhyme," qing "On" realistic " and "picturesque", "Wu Han's" history novel ", etc. On the.
  "Literature" of the foreign literature and literary theory is also more emphasis on the translation of Introduction, translated Pushkin _set_ off ﹑ Gogol, Turgenev, Gorky ﹑ ﹑ ﹑ Schiller, Heine Andersen ﹑ ﹑ ﹑ Roman ‧ Hugo Keats ﹑ Whitman ﹑ ﹑ Roland Mark Twain and other famous writers ‧ representative works and theoretical writings ﹑ review their article, also published "Special Issue on Translation," "Minority Literature Special Issue", "1935 World Literature Memorial Series Life and Death "," Turgenev fiftieth anniversary of the death of Series "," Gorky Memorial Series, "and so on. And information on these translations of modern Chinese literature documented the close relationship with foreign literature.
  "Literature" is the early 30s, "Novel Monthly" folded, "Leftist" authority to suppress the case of repeated publication founded by left-wing writers to become published creative writers ﹑ progressive positions. Its dominant tendency is imperialism and feudalism consistent. August 1, 1937 Volume 9, No. 2 was published, Sino-Japanese War broke out, "literature" reduced length, in the same year on November 10 from sunrise to 9 Volume 4, ceased publication. "Literature" Hopewell is 1 every 6 volumes, a total of 9 out of 52 volumes, was published 30 years the longest time the most influential literary journals ﹑.
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Spiritual value of literature
  Literature in addition to external, practical, utilitarian value other than, more importantly, it also has inherent, seemingly useless, beyond the utilitarian value, both spiritual value.
  On the spirit, can have many different definitions. We are generally defined in this sense the spirit of this concept: it is the intention of the people inside there is a is a lot of people's rational and emotional psychological factors of the organic unity of the human been beyond the self, a kind of self-perfection psychological process. Thus, the spiritual value of the value of different substances, it is intrinsic, body, and continue to surpass their own. The creation of literary and artistic activities of the artist's spiritual literature, literary works belong to the human spirit products, literature and art belong to the people receiving the spirit of appreciation of activities in the area, so the spiritual value of literature and art should be most of its own internal, fundamental value. As the phenomenology of early German sociologist Moriz Geiger noted, "In art, there are some form to determine the characteristics of its value," artistic spirit that is characteristic of value that it does not think that the realization of a means for the purpose of the service, then he can not understand art. These values as being present in the works, as is included in the characteristics of works of art were among the people experience. "
  Art, in the discharge of their various "service" functions, but have forgotten what is its own, and we have too much "art" Shique lost "art of the spirit."
  Art, not just tools, and even that is not always "work." But art is essentially a way of life, attitude to life, the meaning of life, which support the spirit of life.
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Nobel laureate over the years
  --------------- Views more in line with the value of the works of the Western mainstream, there is no list of non-mainstream! By a designated officer to determine
  1901 苏利普吕多姆 (1839 ~ 1907) French poet. Major poems as "fate" essay "Poetry of the Will" and "On Art" and so on. 1901 work, "Solitude and reflection" was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. Awards reason: "is a noble ideal, the perfect art and rare soul and intellectual benefits of the evidence"
  1902 特奥多尔蒙森 (1817 ~ 1903), German historian. There are five volumes of the major poems, "History of Rome," and so on, and editor of 16 "Latin inscriptions Daquan." 1902 work "situation of Rome" won the Nobel Prize in Literature. Awards reason: "Compilation of present history of the greatest masters of this point in their monumental work" History of Rome "in the show no doubt"
  1903 比昂斯滕比昂松 (1832 ~ 1910) Norwegian dramatist, poet and novelist. Major works include the play "The Emperor", "challenge the gloves," poetry, "Poems and Songs," and so on. 1903 work "challenges the gloves," won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Awards reason: "He inspired a poet and a rare live Santa Claus, the written works of grace, beautiful but fun"
  Komi 1904 Frederick Starr (1830 ~ 1914) French poet. His main works are his poem "Golden Island", "Provence", "Milo by" and so on. 1904 work, "Golden Island" won the Nobel Prize in Literature. Awards reason: "The implication of his poems with fresh creative real appeal, it faithfully reflects the spirit of his nation's pristine"
  He Saiaiqiejia Lai (1832 ~ 1916) Spanish dramatist, poet. His main works are "great person to pull strings" "not crazy, that is sacred," and so on. 1904 work "a great person to pull strings" won the Nobel Prize in Literature. Awards reason: "Because it was unique and original style of rich and distinguished, the work restored the great tradition of the Spanish comedy"
  Establish conditions under which expenditure in 1905 was Henrik (1846 ~ 1916) Polish novelist. Major works include "The third woman," "crusaders" and so on. 1905 work "The third woman has" won the Nobel Prize in Literature. Awards reason: "Because of his novel writing in the history of outstanding achievements on the"
  1906 乔祖埃卡尔 Du Qi (1835 ~ 1907) Italian poet, literary critic. His main works are poetry "youth poetry" poem "Ode to Satan", dedicated to "the development of national literature of Italy," and so on. 1906 work "youth poetry" won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Awards reason: "not only because of his deep knowledge and critical studies, more importantly, to celebrate with his poems in the characteristics of a masterpiece, creating momentum, fresh style and lyrical charm"
  1907 约瑟夫鲁德亚 Deji Kipling (1865 ~ 1936), British novelist and poet. His main works are poetry "Ballad barracks," "Seven Seas", short story collection "Life of resistance" and the animal story, "The Jungle Book" and so on. 1907 work "Tiger! Tiger! "Won the Nobel Prize in Literature. Awards reason: "The world famous writers to observant, unique imagination, vigorous spirit, known for outstanding narrative"
  1908 Rudolf Eucken (1946 ~ 1926) German philosopher. His main works are "great thinker's outlook on life," "Marxism and the value of life" and "man and the world - the philosophy of life" and so on. 1908 work, "Essay on the spiritual life," won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Awards reason: "He's eager pursuit of truth, his capacity for thinking through his extensive observations, and his numerous works, justify and explain an idealistic philosophy of life, the outpouring of enthusiasm and strength"
  1909 Thelma La Love (female) (1858 ~ 1940) Swedish writer. His main works are the novel "Jerusalem" fairytale "riding geese travel in mind," and so on. 1909 work "Travels riding Goose" won the Nobel Prize in Literature. Awards reason: "Because of her unique works of noble idealism, imagination, and beautiful plain style"
  Paul 尔约翰路德维希 von Hesse in 1910 (1830 ~ 1914) German writer. Major works include plays, "Bayer Fort" novel "Pride of the Girl," "Trey Bailey Girl," "Ni Ruina," and so on. 1910 work "Trey Bailey Girl" won the Nobel Prize in Literature. Awards reason: "in recognition of the lyric poet, dramatist, novelist and short story writer famous in his long and prolific writing career, reached the art is full of idealism to the environment"
  1911 Maurice Maeterlinck (1862 ~ 1949) Belgian dramatist, poet, essayist. Major works include the play "Blind", "Blue Bird", essay collections, "Double Garden", "death", "Ant's Life". 1911 work "flower of wisdom" by the Nobel Prize in Literature. Awards reason: "Because of his many manifestations in literature, especially in dramatic works, not only imaginative, poetic fantasy, though sometimes to the face of the myth there, or is full of a deep inspiration. This revelation touched wonderfully a chord with readers, and stimulate their imagination "
  1912 盖哈特霍普 Hartmann (1862 ~ 1946) German dramatist, poet. Major works include the play "Before Sunrise", "Shen Zhong," and so on. 1912 work "group rat" by the Nobel Prize in Literature. Awards reason: "trying to use in recognition of his fruitful field of dramatic art, a variety of outstanding achievements"
  1913 Rabindranath Tagore (1861 ~ 1941) Indian poet and social activist Lord. His main works are his poem "Gitanjali," novel "two acres", "wreck" and so on. 1913 work, "Ji Tan Galileo - Hunger Stone" won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Awards reason: "Because of his to the sharp, fresh and beautiful verse; this verse out of the superb skills and English as he expressed himself so that his poetic thought has become part of Western literature."
  1914 Not awarded.
  1915 Romain Rolland (1866 ~ 1944) French writer and music critic. His main works are long masterpiece, "John Christopher" biography "Beethoven," "Michelangelo" and "The Tolstoy Biography" and so on. 1915 work, "John - Christophe" won the Nobel Prize in Literature. Awards reason: "the noble ideal of literary works and his different types of characters portrayed with sympathy and when the love of truth."
  Haydn Sitan Mu Wei Erna 1916 (1859 ~ 1940) Swedish poet and novelist. His main works are poems, "Pilgrim's" novel "King Charles's men," and so on. 1916 work, "Pilgrim's" won the Nobel Prize in Literature. Awards reason: "He praised a new era in Swedish literature an important share of the representative status."
  1917 Karl Gemayel Rupp, Danish writer. His main works are poems, "I love the volume"; novel "Minna," "Mill massacre," "has been hot for life," and so on. 1917 work, "Mills Murder" won the Nobel Prize in Literature. Awards reason: "Because he varied and rich poetry - they contain a superb ideal"
  Henrik Pontoppidan, Danish novelist. His main works are short stories, "to shade"; novel "Paradise" trilogy: "Fortunately, Piel," "Night Watch", "Kingdom of the dead" and "people's paradise" and so on. 1917 work "Kingdom of Heaven" won the Nobel Prize in Literature. Awards reason: "As he described the current Danish life of the faithful."
  1918 Not awarded.
  1919 卡尔施皮特勒 (1845 ~ 1924) Swiss poet and novelist. His main works are the epic "Olympia in the spring," "Passion of the Prometheus," and so on. 1919 work "Olympia Spring" won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Awards reason: "He particularly admired the epic" Olympus Spring "outstanding performance."
  1920 克努特汉姆 Health (1859 ~ 1952) Norwegian novelist, dramatist, poet. Major works include the novel "Hunger", "Shepherd Society", "fruits of the earth," and so on. 1920 work "Earth fruit - Animal Song" won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Awards reason: "for his epoch-making masterpiece," the growth of the land "."
  1921 Anatole France (1844 ~ 1924) French writer, literary critic and social activist. Major works include the novel "Lois moss", "Penguin Island", "thirsty gods," and so on. 1921 work, "Lois Moss" won the Nobel Prize in Literature. Awards reason: "his brilliant literary achievements, is the style that he is noble, humane sympathy and compassion, charm, and the formation of a true nature of the French temperament."
  1922 哈辛特贝纳 text 特伊马丁内斯 (1866 ~ 1954), Spanish writer. Major works include the script, "someone else's nest," "interest," "passion flower" and so on. 1922 work "unlucky girl" won the Nobel Prize in Literature. Awards reason: "Because of his in an appropriate manner, and continued the theatrical tradition of brilliant"
  William Butler Yeats in 1923 (1865 ~ 1939), Irish poet and playwright. His main works are his poem "When You Are Old," "Leda and the Swan" and so on. 1923 work, "Leda and the Swan" was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. Awards reason: "Because he was always full of inspiration for the poem, through a high art form they demonstrated the spirit of the whole nation"
  1924 Monte Vladislav Roble (1868 ~ 1925) Polish writer. His main works are the novel "blessed" and the four-volume novel "farmers" and so on. 1924 work "blessed" by the Nobel Prize in Literature. Awards reason: "We award to him because of his national epic" farmers "to write very well"
  1925 George Bernard Shaw (1856 ~ 1950) Irish dramatist. Total of 51 plays. Major works include "Joan of Arc," and so on. 1925 work, "Joan of Arc," won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Awards reason: "Because of his idealistic and compassionate to those works - they are the kind of excitement of satire, often exhibited the influence of a high degree of poetic Han Beauty"
  1926 格拉齐亚黛莱 of (female) (1871 ~ 1936) Italian writer. Major works include the novel "dove and an eagle", "olive grove fire", "Mother," "Lonely Secret", "to Egypt," and so on. 1926 work "the way of evil," won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Awards reason: "In recognition of her inspired by the works of idealism to the soft muddy thorough depicts the growth of her life on the island; in the general issue of human insight, showing the depth and compassion"
  1927 Henri Bergson (1859 ~ 1941) French philosopher. Major works include "Time and Free Will", "Creative Evolution", "Morality and Religion of the two origins," and so on. 1927 work, "Creative Evolution" won the Nobel Prize in Literature. Awards reason: "Because of his rich and full of vitality of the ideas, as well as demonstrated by the brilliant technique"
  1928 Sigrid Und_set_ (female) (1882 ~ 1949) Norwegian writer. Major works include the novel "Jane" and the trilogy "Christine, daughter of Lawrence" light. 1928 work, "the bride - the owner - the Cross" was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. Awards reason: "mainly due to her powerful medieval life depicted the North"
  Paul 尔托马斯曼 1929 (1875 ~ 1955) German writer. Major works include the novel "Ebdon Blok A," "Magic Mountain" and so on. 1929 work "The Magic Mountain" won the Nobel Prize in Literature. Awards reason: "Because he has that in the contemporary literature increasingly consolidated position of the great classic novel" Ebdon Blok, a "."
  1930 Sinclair Lewis (1885 ~ 1951) American writer. Major works include "Avenue", "Babbitt," "Arrowsmith," and so on. 1930 work "Babbitt" by the Nobel Prize in Literature. Awards reason: "Because of his abundant and powerful and moving personal narrative art, and his witty style to open up new talent"
  In 1931, Eric Schneider, Karl Ake Phil de Serre (1864 ~ 1931) Swedish poet. His main works are poems "The Waste Land and Love", "Autumn's horn," and so on. 1931 work "The Waste Land, and Love" won the Nobel Prize in Literature. Awards reason: "Because of his artistic value in poetry, no one doubted"
  1932 John Galsworthy (1867 ~ 1933), British novelist and playwright. With a novel "Forsyte family" trilogy, "modern comedy" trilogy and the screenplay "Silver Box" and so on. 1932 work "haves" won the Nobel Prize in Literature. Awards reason: "for the excellent description of art - this art in the" Forsyte family, "the peak"
  Alex Alexei Abramovich 1933 Ivan Bunin (1870 ~ 1953) Russian writer. His main works are poetry "leaves", short story, "Antonov's apples", "pine", "New Road" novella "village" and so on. 1933 work "m good Love" won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Awards reason: "Because of his rigorous artistic talent, the Russian classical tradition to be inherited in Prose"
  1934 路伊吉皮兰德 Lou (1867 ~ 1936) Italian novelist, dramatist. Life created more than 40 plays. Mainly play the "honest and happy," "Six Characters in Search of the role of drama," "Henry IV", "find themselves" and so on. 1934 work "find themselves" won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Awards reason: "He deftly bold and dramatic art and stage revival of the art"
  1935 Not awarded.
  1936 Eugene O'Neill (1888 ~ 1953) American playwright. Major Plays of "Beyond the Horizon," "Anna Christie", "eternal years" and self-SPECIFIC play "Journey long night," and so on. 1936 work "Beyond the Horizon" won the Nobel Prize in Literature. Awards reason: "Because he plays in the performance of the power, enthusiasm and deep and sincere feelings - they are fully consistent with the original concept of tragedy"
  1937 罗杰马丁杜 Gal (1881 ~ 1958), French novelist. His main works are the novel "Tebo, a" Volume 8: "Gray Notebook" "institutionalization" "good season" "diagnosis," "Little Sister," "father of the dead", "1914 Summer", "end" and so on. 1937 work, "Tebo - Home" won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Awards reason: "As in his novel" Tebo an "artistic expression to the charm and authenticity. This is basically reflects the face of human life."
  1938 Pearl S. Buck (珀尔塞登斯 Patrick Burke) (F) (1892 ~ 1973) American writer. Major works include "earth house" trilogy: "Earth," "My sons," "separation," "Mother," "Patriot," "Dragon Seed" and so on. 1938 work "Earth" won the Nobel Prize in Literature. Awards reason: "She's a rich peasant life in China and truly epic descriptions spirit, and her autobiographical masterpiece"
  Frans Emil 1939 Anglesey Lampa (1888 ~ 1964) Finnish author. His main works are the novel "holy poverty", "girls Xi Liya", "summer people" and so on. 1939 work "girl Xili Ya" won the Nobel Prize in Literature. Awards reason: "Because of his influence each other in portraying different things - the nature of his country, and the lives of farmers in the country - a deep understanding of the performance and fine arts"
  1940 -1943 years without awards.
  1944 Johannes Jensen (1873 ~ 1950) Danish novelist and poet. His main works are a long series of novels "long journey": "Ice," "ship" "paradise lost" "Noni Yage Manchester", "Qi Muli Expedition" and "Columbus"; poetry "world of light "" Jutland, the wind "and so on. 1944 work "long journey" won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Awards reason: "As a strong membership book rich poetic imagination, the mind and heart of a broad range of knowledge and bold, fresh and creative style combined"
  1945 列拉米斯特 Lal (female) (1889 ~ 1957) Chilean poet. Major works include "Death Sonnets", poetry "Desperate," "tenderness," "a thorn tree," "grape juice machine area" and so on. 1945 work "tenderness," won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Awards reason: "Her feelings are formed by strong lyrics, has made her name as the symbol of the Latin American ideal of world hunger"
  Man Hesse, 1946 (1877 ~ 1962) German writer. His main works are the novel "Knut Corp", "Demir", "席特哈尔塔", "Steppenwolf" and so on. 1946 work "Steppenwolf" won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Awards reason: "He who works full spiritual thinking - they have a high degree of creativity on the one hand and deep insight, on the one hand a symbol of classical humanitarian ideals and noble style"
  1947 Andre Gide (1869 ~ 1951) French writer and critic. Major works include the novel "Vatican cellar", "narrow gate", "Pastoral Symphony", "counterfeit money maker" and so on. 1947 work "Pastoral Symphony" won the Nobel Prize in Literature. Awards reason: "for his extensive work with the artistic texture in these works, he fearless love of truth and keen psychological insight, showing the problems of human nature and situation"
  1948, Thomas Stearns Eliot (1888 ~ 1965) Anglo-American poet, playwright, critic. His main works are poems "The Love Song of J. Alfred", "Wasteland", "Four Quartets"; of the "Tradition and Individual Talent," "critical function", "Poetry and Criticism of the utility" and so on. 1948 work "Four Quartets" by the Nobel Prize in Literature. Awards reason: "For the pioneer of modern poetry outstanding contribution"
  1949, William Faulkner (1897 ~ 1962) American writer. His main works are the novel "The Sound and the Fury," "As I Lay Dying," "Absalom, Absalom" and so on. 1949 work "As I Lay Dying" won the Nobel Prize in Literature. Awards reason: "Because he made the contemporary American novel potent and unparalleled contribution to the art"
  1950 Arthur William Russell (1872 ~ 1970) British mathematician, philosopher. His main works are "Principia Mathematica", "philosophical questions", "education and social order". 1950 work "Philosophy - Mathematics - Literature," won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Awards reason: "in recognition of his humanitarian ideals written to defend freedom of thought and a variety of significant works"
  1951 帕尔费比安拉格 Quest (1891 ~ 1974) Swedish poet, dramatist, novelist. His main works are poetry "genius"; play "in the asylum's Midsummer Night's Dream"; novel "dwarf", "thief Barabbas," and so on. 1951 work, "bandit Barabbas" won the Nobel Prize in Literature. Awards reason: "Because he works for the human face the difficult search for answers to the eternal demonstrated artistic vigor and true independence of opinion"
  1952 Mauriac F. Mauriac, French writer. Fiction: "Dailai Si Si Gailu moss." Drama, Mauriac published a "Esimotai," "not be loved people," "ground fire" and other plays. Also wrote his memoirs, "Memoirs of the heart," "inner memories of New Record" and "political memoirs," and so on. In 1952 with "Desert Love" won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Award-winning grounds that "because of his novels in his analysis of the drama of life, the profound observation of the mind and the art of compact". "
  1953 Winston Churchill (1874 ~ 1965) British politician, historian, biographer. Former British Prime Minister. Major works include "Mara Kender Anabasis", "Second World War", "History of the English nation," and so on. 1952 work "does not need war," won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Awards reason: "Because of his history and biographical description of accomplishments, and because of his defense of the noble human values brilliant speech."
  1954 Ernest Hemingway (1899 ~ 1961) American writer. His main works are "The Sun Also Rises," "A Farewell to Arms", "Seoul Whom the Bell Tolls", "Old Man" and so on. 1954 work "Old Man" won the Nobel Prize in Literature. Awards reason: "because he was skilful in the narrative arts, prominently with its recent" Old Man "yet; but also because of his style of contemporary style"
  1955 赫尔多尔奇 Neon 拉克斯内斯斯 (1902 ~) Icelandic writer. His main works are the novel "Cabal Shull Card", "independent people", "light of the world", Volume 3, Historical Novels, "Iceland bell," and so on. 1955 work, "Yu Jianv" won the Nobel Prize in Literature. Awards reason: "He works for the outpouring of vivid epic power, so that Iceland has been very good description of the original literary skills even more magnificent and beautiful"
  World-famous literary works
  Johnson Crusoe Hundred Years of Solitude
  Oda Nobunaga Toyotomi Hideyoshi
  The Old Man and the forests of Norway
  Haobingshuaike Izu Dancer
  Never share a love letter
  Bridges of Madison County a good wind Zhang Yin
  Dances with Wolves princess kiss
  Forrest Gump Godfather Metamorphosis
  The Unbearable Lightness of Being
  Braveheart too small xiao (China Linze Gang)
  The story of Zoya and Shura
  Classic example
  Old Man
  The Old Man and the Sea, by Ernest Miller Hemingway (1899 - 1961)
  "Old Man", the American writer Ernest Hemingway. "Old Man" is Hemingway's masterpiece, is a symbolic novel. Santiago is a fisherman hero, he passed numerous hardships and dangers, to capture the "more than one thousand five hundred pounds weight of a big marlin", but this novel to the big marlin been shark fishing for the elderly shows the realistic approach Santiago remains under pressure grace of this spirit can never be defeated by a history of literature's most famous "tough guy" image one. For the "Old Man" This text has been translated into dozens of works that Hemingway himself "is written in my entire life can best work."
Translated by Google
History of Chinese Literature
  First, the poetry
  China first appeared as a literary genre, from the primitive voice of labor, is a kind of rhyme, a singing of the literature.
  Poems to four words, such as "Book of Songs", the Eastern Han, after the multi-Wu Yan, Seven. Body and near the ancient Tang Dynasty, the body of the points, "May Fourth" With Poetry.
  Halcrow China's ancient poem called the Song, the poetry as poetry substandard music. Halcrow, whether or not, has a strong musical beauty.
  According to the times of ancient poetry into poetry, poems and poetry in recent; by expression into narrative poetry and lyrics; by content into idyllic, landscape poetry, science poetry and chanting verse four.
  1, classical poems
  Also known as "poetry" "antiquity" means before the Tang Dynasty (mainly Han) in imitation of Tang Dynasty poetry and works of poetry before. It evolved from the folk songs, no antithesis, ze, Rhyme freedom. Bai in the Tang, Yuan Zhen Yue in the form of innovation with the title, said the New Conservatory, is still the scope of the ancient poems.
  2, Modern Style
  Ancient poetry with a poetic style of the relative, also known as "this body of poetry," "Verse", sentence, word, or Oblique, with a rhyme, there are stringent requirements. Verses and quatrains divided into two categories.
  3 Poems
  A recent poetry style, sub-five laws, and Qilu. Its phonology, ze, sentences, parallelism has certain specifications and requirements on. The poem eight, divided into the first joint, jaw joint, neck joint and tail together.
  4 quatrains
  A recent poetry style, sub-five unique and Seven-, four one, generally considered to be "cut half of Verses" made.
  5 Songs
  A style of poetry, produced by Chu in the Warring States Period, named after the South to Qu Yuan's "Lament" as the representative, also known as "Sao."
  Features: to melt a lot of fairy tales, full of fantasy and romance; than lyrical, the lay out of the way Dayong; sentence prose comparison, a large number of "Xi".
  6, Verse
  Also known as "modern poetry" refers to China, "May Fourth" movement since the emergence of new body of poetry. It broke the classical poetry in the form of restrictions on metrical songs, using a more free form and close to the spoken vernacular, reflecting the social life and to facilitate the expression of thoughts and feelings.
  7, Gexing Style
  A style folk songs. Song is the general name, said the line stretched and singing ability, and the "Yin" "song" "drawing" "sigh" "chapter", "Tune" said Deng Jun, "Yue Ge Xing body", during which no strict distinction.
  ① Characteristics of a fixed term adjustment, but most of the articles no fixed sentences, sentences with no fixed terms in order to complex speech-based, more colloquial language, popular and vivid; ② rhyme rhythm rhythm more freedom, do not speak ze, antithesis; ③ performance practices : In addition to Xing, the more elaborate use of parallelism, the narrative twists and turns dripping, longer than the dialogue and detailed descriptions to characterize people, shaping the image.
  Second, Fu
  This is a literary technique of expression, as the "Book of Songs," "six sense", one of the Han Dynasty to form a specific system. As a cross between poetry and prose between the stress lay out, attach importance to rhetoric, duality, rhyming style. To elaborate the main thing is the "Fu" to the main lyric called "Little Fu", close to the prose of the "Wen Fu."
  It is different from the title of today's essay "fu" word has not elaborate, but "like" "Song" means.
  Ancients "speech" "fu" together, because both body flexible, open space the length of the sentence to four, six word-based, and allow scattered mixed; from the style point of view, are fastidious literary talent, the use of extravagant way . The difference is: "speech" in the sentence or the end of the multi-use "Come" to regulate the syllable, and "Fu" is more use of prose sentences, even whole rhyming verse interspersed with prose statement completely.
  Third, Parallel Prose
  Is a two-sentence (ie, Li Antithesis, antithesis)-based, pay attention to parallelism and sound law, relative to a verse and prose. Most important feature is the full text with the dual sentences, forming up and down together equal number of words, sentence structure symmetry, part of speech, meaning together with each other right. The antithesis is usually composed of four words, and sixth, alternating with each other (forty-six text), such as "Tengjiao from Phoenix, Meng Xueshi words were; purple electric blue cream, General Wang of the arsenal."
  From the Han Dynasty, was formed in the Wei and Jin, prevalent in the Northern and Southern Dynasties. Early still learning this along to the Han, Liu was succeeded after the decline of this style before.
  And Han, Liu advocated classical than classical stresses "momentum", Parallel stresses "character"; classical smooth talk, talk about subtle prose; classical stresses simplicity, say M & prose.
  Fourth, the word
  Halcrow ancient song produced for a new Poetry, (that is, "Yi Sheng lyrics"). Known as the "song words" "Long Short Sentence," "Dynasty" and so on.
  Each poem has a name that tune music (Tune), which provides the words for concert music, the lyrics are provided for as a "word" of words, sentence number, number of rhyme, rhyme-bit and so on. Most are divided into pieces (above), the "film" also called "all over" or "tie down" the meaning of music over and over again.
  Word for melody length, divided into Xiaoling, the tone, long tone (slow words).
  When the word has been as far away as prototype Liang, Tang stereotypes, flourished in the Song Dynasty.
  Five novel
  One of the major styles of literary works. Story by describing the complete and specific environment, create a wide variety of characters, widely reflected in many aspects of social life.
  Originated from ancient Chinese myths and legends of the novel, through the Six Dynasties, Tang Legend, Song and Yuan Dynasties, the Ming and Qing novels and the "May Fourth" the development of modern fiction.
  Articles can be divided by the length of long, medium-length, short; by content divided into social fiction, myth novels, historical novels, science fiction and detective novels.
  1, Ghost Stories
  On the Han Dynasties refers to the spirits of a strange old novel. Originated in the ancient myths and legends. Such as "Immortals."
  2, anecdotal novel
  Since the narrative Wei Chong Shangqing for intellectuals to talk about rumors and wild anecdotes is a novel.
  3, Legends
  Is a plot more surprising, miraculous classic novel. Generally refers to the Tang, Song writing classical short stories. Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties novels, playwright draw treasure trove of subject matter. Six out of its source, "Ghost."
  4, the words of the novel
  Song words that the master copy used by artists. In simple language the novel, about the history of the contents of the memorandum or record their own to teach others. The novel became a style, that is, if the novel. It marks the maturity of China's classic novel.
  5 Novels
  A novel style of ancient China. Is talking about history, then developed on the basis of a sub-chapter narrative of the novel.
  Story is characterized by the development of general and conflicts in the paragraph, is divided into a number of back, and multi-purpose dual sentence for the back to reveal the contents of the back. Poetry is often the beginning every time. Revert back to the contents of the first period in order to link this back to the contents; every time at the end, more than the height of an abrupt end in the left plot suspense.
  6, denounced the novel
  To expose social ills, and the various feudal officialdom and society condemn the sick to a flogging and novels in general. Arising before and after the Revolution.
  7 Novels
  An old style novel. General history books, legends, oral narration written by modern. History of the development by the stresses come.
  Six essays
  Ancient times, which do not rhyme, do not re-Parallelism of discrete articles, including history books, including by transfer, shall call prose. With modern prose is poetry, fiction, drama, saying the literary genre.
  Drawn prose is characterized by a wide range, "Form Loose Poly"; form of freedom, flexibility in writing; rhythm of language is not restricted, the expression of subtle, meaning.
  Differences in content and expression by the different ways can be divided into:
  Narrative prose - to remember people, events and Syria, tilting, scenery-based prose.
  Lyrical prose - through the characters, events, or the narrative description of the scene, to child care, Yong Zhi, Emotion in the matter of purpose. Often subtle symbolism of the passion of expression, and guide people to the memorial and Lenovo.
  Argumentative essays - often by means of examples of reasoning brief description of the image portrayed and express feelings to carry out. No logical reasoning, and tight argument.
  1, Ancient
  Refers to the classical discrete written text, not in terms of prose. Tang Wei, Han Yu against the style of writing since the Parallelism to promote the widespread use of pre-Qin Han discrete text, adding text to classical discrete, then used as a prose Title.
  2, note
  ① tablets: an ancient carved stone figures on the life story narrative style of writing.
  ② Travels: a prose description of travelogue genre.
  ③ Miscellaneous notes: See the ancient meaning for things, seen and heard no more complex to write argumentative essay genre.
  ④ in mind ... ... to do: record of ancient life stories of people's style.
  ⑤ Note: Ancient to note the length of the main short, content-rich style. "Meng Xi Bi Tan."
  3, the ancient style debate
  ① Original: Ancient Origin of the arguments Jiuli style. "Yuanjun" (xi)
  ② identified; the discussions in the ancient style right from wrong.
  ③ said: for the ancient narrative, argumentative, or that other means to elaborate the common sense of style. "Ma said," "Spirit"
  ④ theory: discussion of ancient reasoning reasoning style. "Six Kingdoms"
  4, was the emperor of ancient courtiers into the memorial - an argumentative style
  ① sparse: a statement of the subjects as points of views to the emperor as a style. Also known as the memorial, memorials. "On the product storage Shu" (Yi)
  ② table: state an opinion or a matter of style. "Statement" (LI Mi)
  ③ policy: ask the civil service examinations to be held at the policy and that those who are called to answer policy questions of style.
  ④ Irony: a class of ancient parables suggest ways to persuade others to accept lower euphemism style comments. "King of Qi Zou Ji satirical satisfied Remonstrance"
  5, order, Postscript
  6, Zeng Xu
  One of the ancient style is to Parting Words written. "Sending raw sequence Dongyang Ma"
  7, Shi Chuan
  ① the century: a biography, special account of imperial deeds.
  ② family: The main narrative of the deeds of princes and special characters.
  ③ Biography: general account of the ministers and the common people for the deeds, but also used to record the history of minorities and other countries.
  8, reportage
  A new style of prose, is the close-up, arts and communications in general. The performance of the use of literary techniques, the rapid and timely reporting of social life that people care about things, with news, images and political commentary of the characteristics. Known as the literary front, the "light cavalry."
  China reported three landmark works of literature, "bonded labor", "Who is the most lovely people", "Goldbach's conjecture."
  VII, drama
  Comprehensive performing arts, drawing on literature, music, dance, art, sculpture, architecture and other artistic means of shaping the image of stage art, reveals social contradictions, reflecting the social life.
  In China, the drama is drama, drama, opera in general. Often specifically refers to the drama. In Western dramas.
  The basic elements of dramatic conflict.
  Dramatic language, including dialogue, monologue; stage instructions.
  Dramatic structure: one-act, multi-screen.
  Category: Works by type of minutes with tragedy, comedy, drama is; subjects divided by historical drama, modern drama, pantomime; by the structure with one-act play, multi-act play.
  1, Yuan Dynasty
  Include Song and Drama.
  1) Verse
  Yuan rise of a new form of verse, is in gold, "Popular Ballad FOLK POEMS" based on the development of growing up. Points Xiaoling, copy number two.
  Xiao Ling is a monotonous song, short concise, not words, as on the strict metrical, often with lyrical scenery, such as Yuan Ma Zhiyuan [Tian Jing Sha] "Thoughts in Autumn."
  Copy number is more than two songs augmented by certain rules associated together Suite, also known as "casual" _set_ "divertimento." Must belong to the same full _set_ of Gong. Copy number can be used to describe a more complete plot, story or folder arguments, such as Yuan Sui Jing Chen [like a sentinel over the transfer involved] "emperor return home."
  2) Drama
  Include music, song and dance of the integrated arts. Sub-lyrics, Spoken, Xun Section three parts.
  Lyrics composed by the Verse of the divertimento, for the cast singing purposes. Off by one person for each solo, the other actors only dialogue. Branch is fast movements and expressions.
  Structure: "Sizhe a wedge", "wedge" is the description or introduces the characters, contact circumstances. Off the music unit of the organization, but also the story development of the natural passages.
  Yuan Dynasty's role: "the end" "Dan" and so on.
  Literary Criticism and Literature 80
  80 Leading Literary Criticism needed
  The late 90s of last century was 70 after a surge of literature, in the new century attributed to silence, followed by the sky of the 80 literature literature in the new century produced a broad impact, but also triggered a long-lasting controversy. In fact, the writer of this age group identity in general and by the practice of literature, or political events with a time of literary history in general and by the same research shows the literary criticism and discourse weakness. Our concept of literary thought and criticism of the 20th century was almost completely overshadowed by the Western literary criticism, and these critical methods can not effectively command the new generation of personalized, diversified literary phenomenon; a result, publishers and media collusion, the traditional literary criticism 80 out of the field of literature the carnival. Obvious fact is that after 80 publishers of literature and the media favor and respected, not based on the literary significance of writing after 80 recognition, but the sights on the culture behind the huge market and a strong ability to spend. By Han Han, Guo, Zhang Yueran of Han, Li Shasha, Murakami, Hu Jian, SUN Rui, Gong Min language, as the representative of a small meal after the writer of 80 books on the market was a great success, but never did get the mainstream recognized literary critics. For a long period of time, coerced by the market based on the literature after 80 strong market momentum, the mainstream of literary criticism aside, discipline, divorced from the mainstream literature outside the system, showing a conventional development of the state.
  Many writers in their 80s, "known to be as early as possible," the real interests, driven by impetuous desires fame and fortune too early psychological and flooded the inner spirit of literary pursuit, but rather as tools for profit publishers. Among them, the copying and imitation of the style of the spread of the homogenization of trends and patterns of writing, not only greatly diminishing achievements of 80 works of literature, but also hindered the development of their creative spirit, but also that the lack of life and experience is 80 common problems after the writer. Strong media hype and convenience, but also largely eliminate the 80 writers on the literary and the pursuit of further exploration. If after 80 writers to imitate others, to meet the hype, the practice of pro-and audience, the objective is the operation of the market need, part of the 80 positions after the writer of the pure and noble literary abandoned the ideal of literature on the artistic personality, originality, can not give you the depth of thinking is worrying. By contrast, mainstream literary critics after 80 and ambiguous literary indifference, critics adopted a more lofty and sit on the sidelines of the attitude. After 80 years leading literary criticism literary need, really need is a serious and effective, there is a component of guiding significance to critical articles. The absence of literary criticism and aphasia show the market has experienced the baptism of 80 literary urgent need to establish a complete and sound environment literature.
  80 after the development needs of literature itself, are strong calls for the rise of literary critics after 80. Of Chinese, in the current, the existence of quasi-critics after a large number of 80, with 80 writers who share a common memory of the times, growing environment, education background, ways of thinking and ideological foundation, they focus on the performance of the Literature 80 subject matter and life, with real life experience and fresh emotional experience, consequent to 80 after more easy to get into the deep texture of literature itself, is more likely to explore and explain the value of 80 literature and literary significance.
  Watch "after the youth literature"
  As in the recent earthquake relief, the 80 changes in the outstanding performance of the whole society after 80 previous lack of social responsibility, lack of mobility, poor quality, and so the negative psychological understanding as to mature within 80 after the literature is also undergoing fundamental changes, the gradual differentiation of 80 writers made 80 showing a new look literature. When, after 80 generations of literature as a name, the general literature is gradually lost, then use the "post-youth literature" to describe the status of literature after the current 80 and future development seems to be more theoretical legitimacy. Mainly rely on network and pre-writing, commercial publishing, literature and market development patterns are different, the moment of "post-youth literature" mainstream literature showing the value of a degree of recognition and the development track to merge traditional literary trends. In 2007, the Zhang Yueran of Han as the representative writer of 10 joined the Chinese Writers Association after 80 and 80 after a lot of writer Lu Xun Literature Institute admission of this evidence can be used as a symbol; especially in the last two years, the traditional literary journals published in large quantities after 80 writers, further evidence of this kind of trend. Impression in the past 80 gradually ceased to exist after the writers, many writers idol or stick to the business of writing mode, or gradually fade out literature, and more young, unknown mechanisms of literary breakthrough in the shelter of business becoming increasingly visible water. Stick to the ideal of young writers of literature have been or are being cast off the mask of youth, instead of the more far-reaching for the vast field of life and the more profound display of lofty ideological level of the building. With the growth of young writers, mature, "after the youth literature" performance in the field of life will be even more vast, complex and emotional experience more subtle, more profound thinking of the theme, "after the youth literature" will gradually penetrate and integrate into the new century Chinese literature, and demonstrate its unique ontological meaning of literature.
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  One of the basic styles of art, also known as language arts. It means language as a medium and create artistic images, reflecting real life, the performance of people's spiritual world, by way of the aesthetic aspects of the society to play its role.
  Evolution of the concept of literature, "literature" in the ancient books has long been China, but its secondary meaning and modern aesthetics of language arts is different. In the pre-Qin era, "literature" both "articles", "learned" two meanings, said about modern literature, philosophy, history, and so include in the "Literature" at home. To the Han Dynasty, people began to "culture" and "learning", "article" and "Literature" to distinguish, say a literary talent, and full of artistic works as the "culture" or "article", and the academic work is called " learning "or" literary "─ ─ Modern said it" literary "meaning of the term vary widely. To Wei, the one hand, many people still follow the Han Dynasty to say, the modern literature mentioned as "articles", said the modern academic is called "literature"; the other hand, many people began to sense the same up using the "literature" and "article", that is, the two words are said to represent the modern literature, and other academic works will be referred to as "classics", "History," "Metaphysics," and so on. However, in the Tang and Song Dynasties, the emphasis on "Taking the Tao" or "the text as a vehicle" and even appeared in importance to the tendency of light text, so not big emphasis on "culture" and "learning" the difference between re " Articles "and" learned "together as a talk," Literature, "the term became a generic term for all academic. Until the Qing Dynasty, the "literature" in this sense the term usually been used. Such as the late Qing Dynasty scholar Zhang Binglin in the "Literature always a little" article said: "humanists to have text with the Bamboo and Silk, so that the text, on the French, that the literature." Specifically refers to the language of literature as art aesthetic terms, the early 20th century in China, especially the "May Fourth New Culture Movement" before being finalized, and is widely used. Since then, the "literature" is rather the concept of strict exclusion of non-artistic meaning, and become the name of a style of art.
  In the West, "literature" 〔Latin for lit (t) eratura〕 The word has both broad and narrow meaning. Broad language of literature is recorded with the social significance of all the works of human thought; narrow language arts literature refers. Specifically refers to the language of art as a "literary" is a term only in modern times, especially after the 18th century replacing the former "Poetry", "poetic art" the term is widely used.
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English Expression
  1. :  piece of literary, musical or artistic composition,  artistic creation
  2. n.:  coprology,  hellenist,  impressionism,  letter,  literature,  maecenas,  parnassus,  stuff,  learning,  knowledge,  literature as a profession or an academic study
  3. adj.:  classic
French Expression
  1. n.  littérature
literature research
art create
wenxue Township
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