mathematics discipline : math, physics, and chemistry > math and applied math
No. 1
  Business Training Objectives:
  Mathematical Sciences, the professional training Zhangwo the basic theory and basic methods, Jubei use of mathematical knowledge, using a computer the ability to solve practical problems, Shoudao preliminary scientific research training in science and technology, education and economic sectors in research, teaching or management in the production of and management in the practical application of research and development of senior management expertise.
  Business training requirements:
  The students study mathematics and applied mathematics major basic theory, basic methods by the mathematical model, computer and mathematical software in basic training, with better scientific literacy, initially equipped scientific research, teaching, solve practical problems and development software the basic skills.
  Graduates should be given the following knowledge and abilities:
  1. With a solid mathematical foundation, subject to more stringent training in scientific thinking, scientific thinking initially grasp the mathematical methods;
  2. Has applied mathematics to solve practical problems, in particular, the initial capacity of mathematical models to understand one should be 3. Familiar with computer (including the common language, tools, and some mathematical software), with the ability to write simple applications;
  4. Understanding of national science and technology and other relevant policies and regulations;
  5. Learn some of the new Mathematical Sciences, development and application;
  6. Has strong language skills, master the data query, document retrieval and use of modern information technology, the basic method of access to relevant information, has some scientific research and teaching ability.
  Main subjects: Mathematics.
  Main courses: Analysis, algebra, geometry, probability theory, physics, mathematical models, mathematical experiments, computer based numerical methods, history of mathematics, as well as the direction of choice depending on the application of basic courses.
  Main practice teaching links include: computer training, production training, research training or thesis, is normally arranged 10 to 20 weeks.
  Duration: four years.
  Degrees: Bachelor of Science.
  Similar professional: Information and Computing Science, Statistics.
  Mathematics and Applied Mathematics (teacher)
  Business Training Objectives:
  This professional development to master the basic theory of mathematical science, basic knowledge and basic methods, able to apply mathematical knowledge and use of computers to solve a number of practical math problems, with higher and secondary schools in the teaching of mathematics teachers, teaching and research staff and other educators.
  Business training requirements:
  The students learn mathematics and applied mathematics major basic theory and methods, subject to strict mathematical thinking training to acquire the basic principles and application of computer tools, and through education, curriculum and teaching practice theory links the formation of good quality teachers, training in mathematics teaching basic skills and mathematics education research, mathematics research, the practical application of basic math ability.
  Graduates should be given the following knowledge and abilities:
  1. With a solid mathematical foundation, the initial grasp the basic idea of the scientific method of mathematics, including mathematical modeling, mathematical calculations, the basic ability to solve practical problems;
  2. Have a good use of the computer's ability to write simple programs, master of multimedia mathematics software and computer technologies, educational software can be a simple secondary development;
  3. Have a good professional quality of teachers in mathematics teaching and basic skills. Familiar with the Education Code, hold and the initial use of education, psychology, theory of the basic theory and mathematics teaching;
  4. To understand overview of the development of modern mathematics and its role in social development, understanding the latest developments in a number of mathematical science, mathematics teaching some of the latest research results and teaching methods, to understand the general principles and similar professional knowledge; school to learn infiltration course, access to a wide range of humanities and science training;
  5. Strong language skills and classroom management;
  6. Master data query, document retrieval and use of modern information technology, the basic method of access to relevant information, and has some research capabilities.
  Main subjects: Mathematics.
  Main courses: mathematical analysis, geometry, algebra, physics, probability theory and mathematical statistics, differential equations, function theory, discrete mathematics, history of mathematics, numerical methods and computer technology, mathematical models, mathematical experiments, pedagogy and psychology based teaching of mathematics, humanities and social science foundation.
  Main practice teaching links include: teaching practice, student, education, investigation, social investigation or thesis, is normally arranged 15 to 20 weeks.
  Duration: four years.
  Degrees: Bachelor of Science.
  Similar professional: Information and Computing Science, Statistics.
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English Expression
  1. n.:  math and applied math
Containing Phrases
math and applied math specialityZhejiang industry and commerce Math and applied math speciality
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