medicine : psychology > psychics
Psychological origin
  Life practice in the interaction with things around, there must be this or that subjective activity and behavior. This is the person's mental activity, or simply called the mental. Specifically, changes in external things or the body's role in the human body or the senses, through the nervous system and brain information processing, to produce a sensation and perception of things, memory and representation, and thus the analysis and reflection. In practice when dealing with objective things, they always have an attitude, to the formation of a variety of emotions. Practice in life but also through action to deal with and change things around, which showed the will of activities. Mentioned above feeling, perception, thinking, emotions, will, are all human mental activity. Mental activity is that people practice in their lives caused by the objective things, in the minds of the subjective activity. Any mental activity is a dynamic process of changing, may be called mental process. People understand and transform the objective world, each has characteristics different from the others, each of the psychological processes have shown the difference large or small. This difference not only with everyone's innate qualities, but also with their life experience and learn about. This is referred to the character or personality. Psychology, mental processes and personality are important research objects. Who also studied the psychology of individuals and society, the normal and abnormal behavior. Animal psychology, animal behavior studies, animals not only to understand mental activity itself, but also contribute to the understanding of human mental activity. In the highly developed human society, the human mind has attained a full development of animal evolution on his ladder to climb the peak. Psychology is the study of human understanding of their own for a basic science.
  Biological psychology is the product of neural activity, mainly from the psychological origin of Comparative Psychology (study of the biological species level of neurological and psychological development), developmental psychology (psychology during the development of human individuals) two fronts. Animals have nervous system is the psychological origin of the material basis and the necessary conditions.
  Psychology is the study of human behavior and mental activities, the laws of science.
  Gailun Ti after the ancient Greek concept out of the temperament with temperament instead of personality, the formation of the four temperament, and later psychological study, followed this classification.
  19th century, psychology is philosophy category.
  Mid-19th century, introduced as the psychology of experimental methods, making psychology as an independent discipline. Weber in Germany, developed the famous Weber's law (sensory threshold law)
  In 1860, Germany created Fechner psychophysical, Germany Ebbinghaus created experimental study of memory.
  1879, University of Leipzig, Germany, Wundt established in psychological research, marking the birth of scientific psychology. The use of empirical research methods of this discipline to become a turning point in science. The subsequent hundred years, psychology, and highly developed martial strife, but also further improve the disciplinary system.
  Psychology, social science or natural science, is the angle and position, because it itself has two characteristics. Classified as natural science foundation areas of psychology, applied psychology, social sciences category classified, therefore, it was called the "middle Discipline. "
  Psychological origin, especially human higher mental processes, such as thinking, language, emotion, the production of high-level psychological characteristics, is the neural basis of the process and product of human society, so we can not be purely biological point of view of this proposition .
  The historical roots of psychology
  First, the historical roots of psychology: the material reflects the characteristics of the product of long-term development
  Reflect the characteristics of stimulation was apparent only by its existence, there is no stimulation, reflecting the characteristics will lie low, do not show it. Psychology has so common. Only when stimulated, will show psychological phenomenon, showing mental existence. Without stimulation, psychological disappears. Psychology is based on the stimulus, existence and development. Psychology is reflected in the physical stimulus to the material highly organized
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Psychology logo
  Second, the psychology of the signs: feelings
  The logical level, the psychological phenomena, including sensation, perception, imagery, memory, thinking, imagination, emotion and volition, in the end is a psychological phenomenon that marks the birth of psychology? That psychology is a sign of what? What kind of psychological phenomenon of the declaration of a psychology in?
  A phenomenon must have its essence, a psychological phenomenon, there will be psychology. In all psychological phenomena that are the first generation but the most basic kind of psychological phenomenon, but also launched the development of other psychological phenomenon reasonable? Is obviously feeling. Was first produced only feel but also to develop other psychological phenomena, it should be a sign of psychological birth. This inference from three aspects: (1) feeling is the foundation of all other psychological phenomena, did not feel there is no all other psychological phenomena. Feeling born, and other psychological phenomenon in the sense that developed on the basis of, the feeling is the source of all other psychological phenomena and the "germ" in the sense that other psychological phenomenon is based on the development, growth and mature together. Other psychological phenomena feeling is building, "foundation", and other mental phenomena are built on the basis of feeling. (2) that individual psychology: the baby born to only unconditional reflex, only a simple feeling, and perception and representation, and so have not yet developed, but we can not deny that the baby would be no psychology. This is actually our subconscious recognition of the babies has only has a psychological feeling! With the birth of psychological sense of the birth, as soon will have a psychological sense. Only have feelings, it marks the birth of psychology, all other psychological phenomena are to feel the "germ" to develop, is the germ at different stages of growth. As the baby's development, have gradually developed their mental and psychological phenomena become increasingly complex. (3) the evolutionary history of animals also shows that the feeling is a sign of psychology and the "germ." Feeling is when _select_ed? That feeling in the evolutionary history of animals is that animals began to appear in it? History of animal evolution. In the beginning there is a psychological phenomenon coelenterate animals. Coelenterate nervous system with a mesh to a simple reflection of sensory stimuli of the outside world, has the simplest coelenterates the lowest level of psychological phenomena, that have a psychological, mental coelenterate who was born in the future with the animals evolution and development, psychological development is also gradual, rich, gradually appeared in perception, image, imagination and thinking and so on. Evolutionary psychology evolutionary history is the history of animal attachments, and with the evolution and the evolution of animals. Psychology is from the only animal with a sense of the evolution and develop biological, psychological basis in the sense of biological evolution with the numerous and complicated, there has been perception, representation and imagination and so on, until the emergence of consciousness and thinking and other senior psychological phenomenon.
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Psychology and the objective laws
  If the properties of the natural world and the common law, then the human mind must also follow these rules
  Then the following things to give a total of 11 natural laws (natural civilization】 【Collection terminology) and the psychological relationship
  1. Psychological】 【phenomenon can be saved
  ● Natural things are "can exist", but there's "local" and "time" just not the same. This is the 【】 quality can be kept
  ● Then we have this mind_set_ of "can save" phenomenon?
  ● Of course, some, such as: "ideology" itself can "exist", otherwise there can be no talk we had.
  2. Psychological phenomenon】 【storage space
  ● natural world have a "store" their "space", we referred to as empty】 【storage.
  ● To identify a "thing" is not a "storage space" is actually very simple, as long as _set_ to "in the × × in / on" that "× ×" is, "reservoir empty", and finally you will find an interesting phenomenon: all the things, can be _set_ to the "× ×" in! That is to say "the world of all things" are different categories of "storage space." And we know that in daily life, there is a special phenomenon: with the "cup" can be "water" fight with "shovel" to the "soil" scoop up. That is different "storage space" between this "tough" and "call" and "storage" phenomenon.
  ● So, our "ideology" where there will be such a "phenomenon" it?
  ● Absolutely. What is it? Is the "category" of "words." For example: Yesterday I asked you to eat "rice" all "spit" out, then you "for dinner yesterday," all "sense of child" (feel the smallest particles) is not all stressed out it? And we often ask people "what do you do", that is to turn other people "store" to a "category" inside.
  3. Psychological】 【fight the phenomenon of the source
  ● natural world things are put together some resources, a phenomenon known as the source】 【fight
  ● awareness of where we thought there was not such a "fight source" phenomenon?
  ● course, some, such as our "word" as "resources" to "split" into sentences, and sentences as a "resource" and "put together" has become a paragraph, last paragraph and as "resources" to "split" into the "article" and so on.
  4. Psychological phenomenon】 【Yan Ran
  ● In fact, the "universe" is so "natural" reproduction "natural" and even "unlimited". Such as: "hydrogen" + "oxygen" + "light" + "normal atmospheric pressure" and "mother" has been in the "proliferation" of "water" this "substance", a phenomenon we referred to as contingent】 【Yan.
  ● Then we "ideology" also have "Yan Ran" phenomenon?
  ● course there, you do not find it? Our brains in the various "issues" are "proliferation" a variety of "exploration" behavior, and these "acts" and "multiply" a variety of "answers."
  ● then those "problem" is what "reproduction" come from? This problem can be divided into several areas in terms of the: ① objective laws. Such as "causality," thus we see a "result" it will ask "why" is. ② goals. As long as people _set_ a "target", they will "ask" a lot a lot of how to achieve "target" of the "problem" and so on.
  5. Psychological】 【_set_ of natural phenomena
  ● natural world are focused towards a particular space, distributed only to the relative concentration in the outer space; this phenomenon referred to as contingent】 【_Set_
  ● then our "consciousness" also has this "_set_ of natural" phenomenon?
  ● Of course, there is! Do not you find all of the outside of the "natural information" is to keep your "brain" in the "concentration" it? And these "information" is to some "category" on the "concentration" and so on.
  ● However, "Water can carry a boat, can also capsize!", That is, "_set_ ran counter effect." What does that mean? That is to say: When we put some points the wrong things "category", then all of us will be "logical" and "acts" have a negative impact.
  ● Therefore, we should always check his own score, "category" is "correctly", is "one-sided", the need for "niche" and so on.
  6. Psychological phenomenon】 【class deposit
  ● natural world belong to a category of existence, a phenomenon we call existence】 【class
  ● whether the ideology we also keep the class phenomenon?
  ● certainly exist, such as the existing categories: perception (visual, hearing, touch, taste, smell, etc.), emotional (emotions, etc.), logic and so on.
  7. Psychological phenomenon】 【linked deposit
  ● natural world are interconnected beings, a phenomenon we call joint deposit】 【
  ● ideology we are also associated memory phenomenon?
  ● certainly exist, such as: our various perceptions associated with the objective world, and all kinds of behavior is associated with a variety of psychological, psychology is different with each other, so will produce a variety of psychological contradictions.
  8. Psychological phenomenon】 【special deposit
  ● natural world are a special category of existence, a phenomenon we call】 【special deposit
  ● whether the ideology we also keep the special phenomenon?
  ● course, some, such as: interpersonal psychology, though they are a "human psychology" but because we are not the same variety of specific psychological, so before the formation of a variety of personality, and then let us distinguish others.
  9. Psychological phenomenon】 【lead deposit
  ● natural world has a "guide" their "presence" of things, which we call existence】 【guide.
  ● In the biology has not appeared in front of things there, "the nature and law" to "guide" its "existence", which we call "first derivative of deposit"; and our "consciousness" is the second "guide" things "existence" of things, so we called the "secondary lead deposit."
  ● So, all the psychological phenomena can use "better guide exists" as a logical, for "understanding" and "analysis."
  10. Renew】 【psychological phenomenon
  ● Everything in the world have various levels, such as "how much", "size", "distance" and so on, follow the phenomenon exists, we call】 【Renew
  ● the mind_set_ that we have not kept this continued phenomenon?
  ● course, some, such as we each "emotion" has different intensity; attention to the things we have different emphasis and so on.
  11. Psychological phenomenon】 【weekly deposit
  ● various properties of the natural world all the cycle of existence, a phenomenon we call existence】 【Week
  ● ideology we are there weekly memory phenomenon?
  ● course, some, such as: the existence of a variety of emotions always cycle and lead to various acts of our activities.
  Poetry】 【Memory
  Students can keep the essence of all things:
  Storage space derivatives _set_ to fight the source of course,
  Union special classes weekly guide continued existence.
  【】 【Storage space can be saved to fight the source】 【】 【】 【Yan Ran Ran】 【_set_】 【associated storage class memory special deposit】 【】 【】 【renew the deposit guide】 【】 week deposit
  ◆ Use logic: the existence of such a world class nature and law, all things must operate in accordance with these laws, even the "ideology" is no exception! This is all "common" nature and the law, is "essential goals" of the inner ring.
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The classification of psychology
  The establishment of experimental psychology to mark the development of modern psychology has been born out in theory, philosophy, forming an independent system of science. The application of psychology practice in the field with the society established extensive ties to the formation of many branches, reflecting on the independent system of classification in science. Cognitive psychology since the 20th century, the rise since the 50's, has become the mainstream school of psychology. Psychology, cognitive neuroscience is the most promising direction of development. Coupled with the development of artificial intelligence and experimental psychology, modern psychology has to experimental research methods, evidence-main features.
  Chinese psychologists studying Western psychology with the local application of sociology to better development of human psychology.
  General Psychology
  Abnormal psychology
  Cognitive Psychology
  Experimental Psychology
  Physiological Psychology
  Social Psychology
  Group Psychology
  Developmental Psychology
  Educational Psychology
  Labor psychology
  Literature psychology
  Sports Psychology
  Aerospace Psychology
  Organizational psychology
  Clinical or medical psychology
  Justice and Criminal Psychology
  Psychology, Public Relations
  Consumer Psychology
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Psychology in the objective tools
  Third, the psychology of the objective tools: the nervous system
  Psychology is not unique to the human brain. For example: decapitated planarians can regenerate; Frog and Toad are still conditioned reflex removal of the cerebral hemispheres; removal of the brain is still instinctively dove non-conditioned reflex, can still walk and fly. In the absence of the brain, these animals still showed a psychological phenomenon. Therefore, the brain is not a necessary condition for the existence of psychological.
  History shows that animal evolution: evolutionary psychology is to coelenterate animals generated when, this time the animals had the most primitive nervous system nervous system ---- network. In the chain of evolution, before the appearance of the nervous system is not psychological phenomena, both mental and nervous system is generated. Then gradually as the complexity of the nervous system, psychological phenomenon every step of the enriched. Appearance as a psychological one, its behavior is also increasingly complex. No matter what stage of the animal, if its all out or damage the nervous system, psychology will disappear. And if the damage a certain part of the nervous system, its bound to a number of abnormal psychology.
  Caused by the psychological stimulus is caused by electrical impulses to stimulate the nervous system, the spread of the biological current spread in the nervous system caused by generated, is to stimulate the cell membrane induced currents in the nervous system caused by conduction The. The nervous system under the action of the stimulus generated. Therefore, the nervous system is a tool for psychology.
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The mechanism of Psychology
  Fourth, the mechanism of psychology: nerve cell membrane potential change
  Generated from a single starting point for psychological point of view, the first stimulus in the nerve cells is caused by psychological, this is how a single cause mental stimulation? Existence of nerve cell membrane polarization, negative charge accumulation inside the cell membrane, accumulation of positive charge outside the cell membrane, the membrane is equivalent to the existence of a plate on both sides of the membrane inside the equivalent of negative plates, the outer membrane is equivalent to the positive plate, This is equivalent to the existence of a membrane electric field, not subjected to any stimulus in the cell membrane, the membrane on both sides of relatively static and there is the resting potential, once the film by a certain intensity of stimulation, resting potential becomes action potential, membrane again on both sides of the charged particles combined to form a membrane accumulation of positive charge and negative charge gathered outside the membrane electric field, when the stimulus disappears, the cell has been adjusted, they were not stimulated to return to the state, when the membrane aggregation gathered outside the membrane negative charge positive charge, so that the electric field across the membrane occurred in two changes of direction, that the electric field has undergone major changes, changes in the electric field produces a magnetic field, this time formed the electromagnetic field, which is equivalent to electromagnetic shocks. The result of this change is to stimulate the cell membrane and restore the original at the state, so the stimulus applied to the cell transfer all the energy out. How to pass the energy from? The stimulation caused the cell membrane potential changes in the cell membrane, resulting in a excitement caused by the stimulus is not close to membrane potential changes have taken place, the formation of new excitement, the specific process is: the electric field and the neighboring excitement excitement's not potential difference between the electric field, charged particles will move so close to the Ministry of excitement is not excited, the electric field direction changes occur, the department's potential from the resting potential into action potentials, resulting in a positively charged membrane aggregation gathered outside membrane negative charge of the electric field, and not the electric field in the opposite direction when excited, the original excitement of the energy transfer to the Department of the Ministry is not excited, so excited, not excited Division, conduct a magnetic shock, resulting in the electromagnetic field. Similarly, the excitement of this new department in turn down an electromagnetic field is not excited about the Department of Communication, and the mechanism is the flow of charged particles across the membrane, but relatively far apart if we had the excitement has been so excited to find this the exchange of two particles has not been the same only two have experienced a continuously varying electric field, and electromagnetic fields generated, which is what caused it? Be traced, which is actually caused by electromagnetic fields to stimulate the membrane to the spread. Nerve cell membrane to stimulate the "code" into a certain frequency and intensity of the electromagnetic field, spread along the nerve fibers, causing a person's feelings, resulting in psychological, electromagnetic activity in the nervous system is the mental activity, electromagnetic transmission in the nervous system and phenomenon is caused by processing of psychological phenomena (electromagnetic field through the muscle cells to nerve traction performance of the body changes, so we can examine changes in body to infer psychological changes.) Psychology is the electromagnetic field, electromagnetic field in the nervous system is the orderly expansion of mental activity and exercise.
  Electromagnetic field of human senses can not be directly perceived, can not see, touch or smell, which is caused by the limitations of human senses, and mental stimulation can produce only, and therefore people feel mysterious, psychological hard man The grasp of understanding is not surprising, however, the psychological response to stimuli as a human product, in human life occupies an extremely important position, played a very broad role, because of his ignorance of mankind, for his the great role and can not control, but mankind must make a plausible psychological explanation of the phenomenon, so took him a mystery, produced a variety of scenarios.
  Plants and lower animals without nervous systems, electromagnetic fields generated by the membrane can not achieve long-distance communication in the cell membrane, but can not achieve directional communication, film in the electromagnetic field produced by stimulation within a small range close only the proliferation of electromagnetic fields can not be achieved orderly dissemination, therefore this is not a psychological fields. Only directional transmission in the nervous system and constraints, the electromagnetic fields generated in the membrane is psychological. Left the nervous system, and there will not produce psychological.
  In short, the nature of mental stimulation of the nervous system formed in an orderly change in the electromagnetic field.
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Psychological phenomena and the unity of mental processes
  Fifth, psychological phenomena and the unity of mental processes (feeling of psychological establishment)
  Feeling is that some characteristics of stimulus into the nervous system of the "channel", which to stimulate the "code" into different frequency and intensity of the electromagnetic field in the nervous system "travel", caused by changes in the corresponding body (including the behavior and language.) People feel is very limited to species, only five senses, man has a lack of pigeons by the magnetic sleep. To feel the rate is concerned, can only feel a certain range of stimulus intensity, too low to stimulate all our senses can not be directly caused by the human sense of smell is no dog (there exists a world we feel.)
  By sensory perception is to the "gathering up" properties of several substances together for reflection, the material representation is the overall understanding of the past to the present summary, the imagination is the basis of representation in the past, the possible morphology of the material forecasts. In the four-dimensional space-time, to imagine the formation stage of understanding the substance of the visualization. This thinking is the figurative thinking, abstract thinking is characteristic of things in the abstract thinking. Thinking is characteristic of things, "processed." Thus, the feeling is building other psychological phenomena, "foundation", and other mental phenomena are built on the basis of feeling.
  Memory is to the characteristics of things, "input" of the brain process; entry contents are sometimes established links with other original content, to take root and the performance of the "long-term memory", and no shade to the memory, but also according to their can recall the length of time is divided into short-term memory and temporary memory.
  Ability is the result of psychological function in behavior reflect on, act to achieve the desired purpose of the results shows that the high capacity, strong mental function, and vice versa, then the capacity is low and psychological weak.
  Psychological function of intelligence is a reflection on the outcome of thinking, a higher intellectual thought from the results to show that high. On the contrary, it indicates that low.
  Temperament is the psychological state of the human body's reflection. Good state of mind to make good temperament, appearance different state of mind for the different temperament.
  Demand is the biological development and improvement of their own psychological reflection. Animals always tend to preserve and improve the self, reality can not be immediately available once the self-preservation and improvement of the conditions, psychological conditions will produce to meet the requirements of demand than we have. Biological self-generating demand for survival and development needs.
  Guide behavior is the psychological motivation to achieve. Demand is the motivation generated by the premise.
  Emotion is the new knowledge with existing knowledge of the psychological phenomenon of the collision, when the new cognitive conflict with existing knowledge and even contradictory, psychological will cause negative emotions (through the endocrine system?), With the intensity of size, emotional corresponding increase or decrease the intensity, and vice versa cause positive emotions.
  Emotion is emotion recognition in a matter of condensation on. One of the things that will take the initiative feel that the things good or bad, fast skip the process of conflict arising from fixed emotions. This is another higher level can be adjusted by changing the mood or cognition and emotion.
  Learning is active, systematic and specialized memory processes.
  Character refers to the psychological stability of the bias. When shown in the attitude intuitive.
  Psychological characteristics of personality is shown in the social stability of the bias. Compared with the character, personality focused on the person's knowledge systems and thus determine the values ​​and character are focused on the psychological characteristics of its own.
  The various processes and phenomena of psychology are to _set_ up the basis of feeling, the feeling is the mental process and the logical starting point for psychological phenomena, are developed from the feeling. If we feel as a "baby" is a mental process and mental phenomena of various types of "adult", the feeling is psychological, "germ." Therefore, all the mental processes and phenomena can be reasonably explained from the feeling of starting, so psychology is based on a unified feel. Psychology is the essence of feeling grand unified psychology.
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The complex causes of mental phenomena
  Sixth, the reasons for the complexity of mental phenomena
  (A), not directly perceptual psychology. Psychology as a field, the five human senses are limited can not be directly perceived. Only aware of its common ---- the largest objective reality, while other specific properties can not directly grasp.
  (C), a powerful nervous system self-organization. Rely on the psychological functioning nervous system, the nervous system itself and can continue to build and perfect the mental function better and more powerful to play and make more complex psychological phenomenon. This is actually the relationship between function and structure of a miniature. Used the structure of the hand to hand in the development of more regular activity engaged in heavy physical labor all year round, their hands are more lenient and cocooning; always running, his legs are often developed. These are examples of functions to promote structural development, development of the structure and make it function better play.
  Brain Science also shows that: people who frequently engage in certain activities, regulating the activities of the more developed parts of the brain often; and few people who engage in certain activities, regulating the activities of parts of the brain tend to shrink, even disappear in people's growth!
  Memory psychology show that: long-term memory is to change the direction of nerve prominent and axons, size and even the connection. Temporary and short-term memory is not obvious change in the nerve cells.
  Mental function through the nervous system have been, but at the same time play a role in the nervous system "become" more conducive to play the role of psychology. This interaction, like the current itself does not depend on light bulb filament to make it light, but continuous role in the current filament will burn more brighter. Improve and promote each other to make the case more complex psychological phenomenon, as chicken or the egg as confusing and difficult to distinguish.
  Stimulation is also a role, the role of a force of nature can be reduced to the role of all four loads. Different intensity and types of stimulation can promote the development of the nervous system, also make up a powerful psychological. Therefore, more exciting contact with children is more intelligent.
  (D), the complex interaction of the five senses. How the five senses has caused such a complex psychological phenomenon. This is because the seemingly complex nature of things the original is pure and simple, but complicated in the development process. The development of law among the many things that can transform a complex calculation and computer graphics, is built on a simple binary on the basis of; "million through the first" Book of Changes, which produces only two Yao Yin and Yang Yao those interactions; the countless creatures of nature are five base pairs of genetic material, the order of the different connection and pairing. Vision, pain, touch, taste and hearing can make psychological complex, dazzling.
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Three Trends and representatives of Psychology
  Psychoanalysis, behaviorism, humanistic psychology, the greatest impact, known as the psychology of the three major forces.
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  Representative: Floyd
  Created by Freud psychoanalysis, followed by constantly revised and development, and impact far beyond the psychology, so the corresponding wider readership.
  Opinion: Freudian psychoanalysis is the spirit in the life of medical practice, the morbid psychology of the people after numerous summary, the accumulation of years of evolving. Mainly focused on the spirit of the analysis and treatment, and thus put forward the psychological and personality of the new and unique interpretation. Freud's psychoanalysis the most important feature is the emphasis on human instinct, passion, natural aspect, it first describes the role of the unconscious, affirmed the role of irrational factors in behavior, opening up the subconscious of new areas; it attaches to the study of personality, attention to psychological applications.
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  Representative of Watson, Skinner
  Watson founded behaviorism psychology 20 years in the 20th century system of rage, a profound impact on the psychology of the process. Thereafter, behaviorism has been continually developed to Skinner, the most influential.
  Behaviorism in the United States one of the major schools of modern psychology, but also the greatest impact on Western schools of psychology. Behaviorism can be divided into the old behavior and neo-behaviorism. Representatives of the old behaviorism led to Watson. New Behaviorism Skinner was the main representative and so on.
  Watson, that human behavior is learned, the environment determines a person's behavior, both normal and pathological behavior, or behavior are acquired through learning, you can also learn to change, add or remove, that identified the behavioral response to environmental stimuli and the relationship between the regularity, we can predict the response under the stimulation, or inferred based on response to stimulation, to predict and control the behavior of animal and human purpose. He believes that behavior is the organism to adapt to environmental stimuli of various combinations of physical reactions, and some expressed in appearance, some hidden in the house, in his eyes no difference between humans and animals, all follow the same law.
  Skinner believes that psychology is concerned with the appearance of observed behavior, not the acts of internal mechanisms. He believes that science must be within the scope of natural science research, its task is to determine from the experimenter controlled the stimulus followed by reaction between the function of the organism. Of course, he not only considered a response to a stimulus and the relationship between those changes also take into account the relationship between stimulus and response conditions, his formula is: R = f (SoA)
  Philosophical Background: early 20th century, treat them as materialistic thought of machine (including Descartes on the human body mechanism mechanistic thinking, pull o the United States Little man as machine and other views), as well as empirical fact, as subjective and objective tool to write off the boundaries of realism are the new students have a great impact on China.
  View: behavioral psychology, the main point is that consciousness should be studied not only the behavior should be studied, the behavior and consciousness completely against each other. In research methods, behavioral advocate the use of objective experimental methods, instead of using introspection.
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  Representative: Maslow, Rogers
  Maslow Maslow's self-realization of human behavior that is not the psychological drive of instinct, but the person's needs, he will be divided into two categories, seven-level, like a pyramid, bottom-up order is the physiological needs, security needs, belonging and love needs, esteem needs, understanding needs, aesthetic needs, self-actualization needs.
  Rogers people to realize their own nature, no longer dependent on external values, people trust again, to rely on experience of the body to deal with the valuation process, eliminating the external environment through the internalization of values ​​imposed on him, people are free to express themselves and feelings, by their own will to determine their own behavior, control their own destiny, repair damaged self-fulfilling potential to promote the healthy development of personality.
  View: Humanistic psychology against the vulgarization of people, animals of the tendency to sick people as opposed to just study, the human instinct to look for the victims of psychoanalysis, but also of people as opposed to physical, chemical school of thought the behavior of the object. Advocated the study of meaningful progress on issues of human concern for human values ​​and dignity.
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Unity Schools of Psychology
  Generally, there are schools of psychology: behavioral psychology, psychoanalysis, psychology, existential psychology, humanistic psychology, Gestalt psychology, cognitive psychology, functional psychology, structural psychology. Psychological nature of these schools focus on the exploration of some of its basic theory. The following analysis of these schools one by one, all these schools are focused on the actual psychological phenomenon, process or function of a link, and suddenly drop caused by other sectors, is one-sided, partial, or part of the study, no overall, comprehensive or the nature of the research.
  Behavioral psychology focused on the outside of a psychological performance (behavior) were studied. Mental through the nervous system to muscle contraction and relaxation have dominated action, resulting in behavior. This psychological approach is the role of psychological functioning, and obviously the main channels. Play a role in the way of psychological and many channels, such as: talk, written language and eye contact and so on. In fact, the mental through the nervous system is reflected in the overall phenomenon is outside the body, the behavior is developed from the body into a branch, the branch is priority and prominence, so that cover the entire body. Body like other branches of the stars, and act like the sun, cover up the acts of other branches of light, it is often obvious and prominent part from start to study, so the behavior is highlighted in psychological research out. To study the behavior and even to replace the psychological research, psychology, defined as the science of behavior, which is to study the direction of the disproportionation and expansion. Behavioral psychology is only an external phenomenon of psychological research, the overall performance is the mental body, posture and other forms ---- discourse, written language and eye contact, etc., in recent years, the rise of psychology, language is a proof .
  Psychoanalysis research direction is focused on exploring the subconscious function, precisely, is repressed in the subconscious awareness of the damage. And other aspects of psychological rarely involved. In fact, the boundaries of the subconscious and consciousness are not as obvious Freud said. Such as riding a bicycle while watching the landscape side, cycling behavior of the control at any time according to changing circumstances and out of the subconscious. Essence, consciousness is the subconscious, conscious attention to the content if not to be pressed into the unconscious, into the contents of the unconscious. The vast majority of people affected by the subconscious behavior is controlled by the behavior of conscious control only a small proportion of this will help a person while engaged in a number of sports, more deeply about the benefit of humanity to adapt to nature, man's heart rate, respiration and blink and other basic physiological activities are controlled by the subconscious, which will help reduce the sense of pressure. If both people to be aware of and control these activities, people will be exhausted by these activities, but both the survival and development. The movement was suppressed in the subconscious when it fails to properly, will return to the awareness level, awareness of proactive re-regulation.
  Humanistic Psychology from the existence and development all have needs, that everyone should develop and perfect themselves, have a good direction to the psychological. Is a human reflection of the normal and reasonable demand. The man of psychology as a whole, focuses on the human development needs of the implementation process, which aims to explore the psychological process of self-realization of human nature. The main point of psychology is that everyone has the pursuit of the meaning of life and the potential to create a better life, which is actually a reflection of people's development needs. In short, humanistic psychology focuses on human survival and development needs of the psychology, but this is only a small aspect of psychology.
  There's a whole psychology is starting from the individual psychology of independent relations with the world, emphasis on the independence of individual psychology, the existence of independent personal overall experience. The emphasis of individual psychology is the psychological nature of the world's environment as a whole were studied.
  Focused primarily on cognitive psychology studies human cognitive processes, the study of how people acquire knowledge, is the process of acquiring knowledge of human psychology, emotional, and personality and other psychological phenomena of smaller, more regardless of the will, motivation and demand and so on.
  Psychology focuses on the structure of consciousness using experimental methods of structure, which is affected by the physical structure of the results. Because high psychological rheology, complex and highly self-organization, to use a simple test to accurately sense the structure of the existing level of science is impossible. However, the full psychology of the "brick" the role of lead on the broader and more profound psychological study of the psychology leads to many "pieces of jade."
  Psychology as a function of the structure opposite of psychology emerged, focusing on the individual adapt to the environment arising from the psychological function. With the decline of structuralism, the school also go away
  Psychology: the study of human psychological phenomenon is the occurrence, development and change process, and on this basis, then the law of human mental activity as a science.
  Brief summary:
  1, the generation of the nervous system is the psychological origin of the material basis and the necessary conditions. (Not brain)
  2, the psychology is reflected in the material on the highly organized stimuli of the material. (Psychological and a necessary condition)
  3, the psychology of the flag is feeling. (Mental quality of the external signs)
  4, the nature of mental stimulation of the nervous system formed in an orderly change in the electromagnetic field. (Psychological biophysical analysis)
  5, the complexity of mental phenomena from the complexity of the nervous system.
  6, the complex psychological phenomena are united in the feeling (and its systematic and organized.)
  7, the starting point of the philosophical school of the nervous system and sense.
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Summary of other classical schools of psychology
  Content psychology school
  Content psychology school
  The 19th century, 60 years, generated content psychology in Germany. Content psychology school representatives are Fechner and Wundt.
  Fechner (1801-1887) Physics is about the psychological or between physical and mental stimulation and mental phenomena outside the functional relationship between the rigorous scientific or dependencies. This is a range between psychology and physics, an independent discipline. Fechner by He 'Butte inspired, that psychology is measurable. After many experiments and derivation, he felt the strength and the relationship between stimulus intensity summarized as the following formula: S = C * log (R/R0), where S-sensory intensity; C-for different feel to each sensory constant; R-stimulus intensity; R0-threshold stimulation in strength.
  This formula shows that the effect of stimulation is not absolute, but relative to the strength of feeling there. Fechner in the study of psychophysics has created three methods of psychological measurement: jnd law, is wrong and mean subtraction method. Fechner to the number of measurement methods of physics into psychology, provides a research tool was a psychology experiment. From the historical point of view of modern psychology, Fechner should be considered as the main founders of modern Western psychology, one of his psychophysical psychology Wundt established the foundation to the role.
  Wundt (1832-1920) is one of the founders of modern psychology, the psychology and the psychology of his name in the history of independent and experimental (content) to establish direct contact with psychology.
  Psychology School Construction
  Psychology School Construction
  School psychology made by Wundt's student Titchener most loyal faction in the formation of the content of psychology in the United States nearly 20 years after the establishment is content psychology inheritance and further development of ideas. However, no equivalent construct psychology school psychology school in the content, both in terms of the formation of the time, place, and research methods and specific content, there are differences.
  School construction Psychology Titchener personal efforts and important relationship. Titchener died in recession. Functional Psychology in the School with the debate in the developed.
  Spirit of the times:
  Contending the scientific community. In fact, Germany has become the world center of psychological research.
  Function and structure of school psychology, school psychology, the debate
  Construction school psychology Titchener, only the tradition of always obvious, he is a character, perseverance, good scholars argue, because of a brain tumor in 1927 Titchener's death, controversy gradually subsided.
  Constructivism in psychology development psychology school contributions and limitations
  School construction is an application of psychology in the history of psychological problems of experimental methods faction system. In their demonstration and advocacy, Experimental Study of the Western has been the rapid spread and development.
  On the theoretical basis for the pure experience.
  To psychology as a pure science, only of mental content itself, the study of its actual existence, not to discuss its meaning and function. It is extremely narrow.
  Functional Psychology School
  Functional Psychology School
  Generalized Functional Psychology 50 from the mid 19th century, experienced a long historical period, including the psychological school of motivation, character Whitesburg School, Geneva, schools, behavioral and Colombia Functional Psychology pie. Functional Psychology to send a narrow mainly refers to Functional Psychology Chicago school (psychology school of pragmatism.) Appeared in the late 19th early 20th century.
  Spirit of the times:
  Since 1859, the emergence of Darwin's evolution theory, religion and theology suffered a fatal blow. James and John Dewey and others to subjective idealism, utilitarianism philosophy and critical theory combined experience, and using Darwin's evolution theory to create a philosophy of pragmatism. Its basic point that "there is useful", there is no objective measures of truth, the only standard is successful.
  Functional Psychology to send in the psychology of the contributions and limitations
  Stressed the psychological phenomenon of adaptation and function of the objective environment, not to the extent of conscious experience.
  Interest in the various fields of psychology and applications and improve the effectiveness of psychological research methods.
  Gestalt psychology school
  Gestalt psychology school
  1912, M. Wittmann published paper, "Experimental Study of apparent motion", marks the rise of a school.
  In theory some of the pioneers:
  German philosopher Immanuel Kant's philosophy: Perception is not a passive impression and feel of a combination of factors, but the initiative to organize these elements into a complete experience and the experience together.
  Physicist Mach ("sensory analysis" 1885): spatial patterns (such as geometry) and time patterns (such as melody) the feeling has nothing to do with the elements. Even if the observer watching the object of spatial orientation may change, but its visual or auditory perception of the object is unchanged. For example, in terms of which side or from the top, or from the corner to see, in our perception, a table is still a table. The same series of sounds, such as a melody, even though the speed may change, but in our perception of a melody is still the same. (In my opinion, even if the scale changes, or the wrong tone, does not affect people's perception of this tune.)
  Ecuador edge Fair: some experience in a variety of quality can not feel the traditional combination of explanation, the quality of the quality called Gestalt, or form quality. Outside of the individual sensory perception is based on something. A melody is a form of quality, does not depend on the composition of which it is a special feeling.
  Spirit of the times:
  The last decades of the 19th century, the field of physics the concept of recognition and acceptance, it has less and less use of the concept of atomism. Such as magnetic, optical, electrical. The field is considered both a space-extensive, but also with complete type or model. They are seen as new structural entity, not the role of individual elements or particles combined.
  Wittmann's apparent motion experiment
  To Koffka, harsh Le do is try, Wittmann using tachistoscope, the two projected through two slit light, a vertical, and vertical lines into another 20 or 30 degree angle. If the first show of light through a slit, and then display another light, the light in between the two has a longer interval (more than 200 milliseconds), then the two subjects have been there to see the light. If the time interval between the two light short subjects to see two consecutive lights. However, in between the two light one of the most suitable time interval (about 60 ms), subjects saw the light from one place to another move, and then move back. This is part of the overall sum is not only an obvious example.
  Gestalt psychology school in the psychology of the contributions and limitations
  Gestalt psychology school as an independent school, is interested in people's conscious experience, at least for the conscious experience of psychology as a legitimate field of study, and continue to encourage people to study the experience of consciousness and the interest is significant. Gestalt school while the school on the same fair and firm on criticism of the development of psychology has an important influence.
  The direct experience of the world, but as the only truly knowable world.
  To all the psychological problems, simplify the number of total management of the problem. In fact, this concept has been against the system.
  Geneva School of Psychology
  Geneva School of Psychology
  Geneva School also known as the Jean Piaget School of Psychology, University of Geneva, Switzerland, Professor, distinguished psychologist, philosopher, created and led by Jean Piaget.
  By Kant.
  Spirit of the times:
  Open concept. And be compatible with the spirit.
  Geneva School in the psychology of the contributions and limitations
  The integration and development of school psychology. Child psychology.
  Western scholars to Piaget, Pavlov, Freud regarded with the three giants of contemporary psychology.
  Cognitive psychology school
  Cognitive psychology school
  Cognitive psychology began in the mid 50s of this century, 60 years after the rapid development of the official formation in 1967. 1967 N. American psychologist, "Cognitive Psychology," a book published, marking the cognitive psychology has become an independent genre.
  Wundt psychology with the same strain of inheritance. By the ideological influence of Gestalt psychology. Is the reaction of behaviorism.
  The basic ideas of modern cognitive psychology is to people as information transmission device and information processing systems.
  There are three proposed short-term memory encoding:
  ① auditory encoding the vocoder;
  ② visual coding that codes can;
  ③ semantic encoding that is intended to code.
  That man is based on a variety of things will be divided into three coding traits were stored in three different locations, then you can use the sound, shape, meaning three different ways to retrieve the memory.
  Spirit of the times:
  The rapid development of information technology. Study of computer intelligence.
  Psychological effects of color test color psychologist Lv Sheer (M. Lusher) analysis of the relationship between the color and character
  1. Red 2. Blue 3. Yellow 4. Green 5. Tan 6. Purple 7. Grey 8. Black
  Character orientation:
  1. Red representative of conquest and manly color. Congress has ambitions like red, will actively seek to get something you want is action-oriented person. Work is also enthusiastic, but may be too excited when people around offensive, red represents the passion and glory, red represents the spirit of never say die temperament.
  2. The symbol of the blue sea is calm and on behalf of feminine colors. Character of people like the blue in very calm and stable, and honest, very seriously relationship of trust between people can take care of the people around, with people very polite, blue for broad mind, never give up spirit. harmonious world.
  3. Yellow for lively, bright and warm colors. Cheerful yellow people like outgoing, and has a lofty ideal. They want to show their own personality, but sometimes things will be some reluctance, yellow represent the traditional atmosphere.
  4. Green represents confidence, stability and superiority of color. People who like green more stable, is very strong type of endurance. Great attention to the harmony with the surrounding environment, but it is necessary when carrying out their own ideas, and can calmly expressed. Green represents health, nature, harmony between man and nature.
  5. Brown on behalf of the family, home, warm colors of the environment and security. Moderate generous people like Brown, is the type of coordination. They are good at dealing with the relationship between people, in general, there is trouble when you can find the type of person to talk, Brown also represents a special kind of culture, tea ceremony.
  6. Representative of the color purple, sensuous, mysterious, erotic things. Like purple, it is very romantic, is rich in the type of sensitivity, character and delicate, full of personality. Will be shown in some narcissistic features. Purple also represents a special kind of idealism.
  7. Gray represent the quiet, elegant, lonely color. Most people like the gray self-centered, others are not interested. Sometimes seem indecisive, dependence on others. Gray also represents the decadent, old, old to become a symbol of a new special meaning.
  8. Cut off the idea of ​​representing the black, yield, refusing to give up color. Like black people more independent, have a strong desire to change the status quo. They are very hard to upward mobility, but sometimes there is no constancy. Black represents the mysterious, omnipotent power!.
  Relevant to the Psychology Courses
  First, the unity of physical and mental health working visit series:
  A, "leisurely" soul SPA ---- tension and anxiety stress management;
  B, Square ---- meditation health meditation with modern psychology, the traditional combination of physical and mental health and happiness of the law;
  C, happiness ---- sleep insomnia natural treatment of workshops;
  D, "wonderful sound," Health Corner ---- through a simple self-conditioning sounds or music to help their own emotions, peaceful mind, healthy mind and body;
  E, analysis of the script of life inherent in your model ---- exploration, the idea of ​​himself, and the subconscious level, needs and desires;
  F, sensory recovery ---- sincere face their feelings and understand their own sensory loss or numbness of the causes and solutions to restore the perception of all senses to enjoy the happiness of much more expensive than life;
  G, life figures (color, environment, time) to understand the life energy ---- the password, the password number using the energy of self-energy system to reconcile their own, then the energy of their powerful, transforming the energy around to protect themselves.
  Second, hypnosis series:
  1, the International Hypnosis Certificate
  2, International Certificate Course Hypnotherapist
  3, the integration of physical and mental pleasure trip decompression ----
  4, the hypnotic charm of beauty ---- journey of life
  Third, Enneagram Studies series:
  1, Basic Class Enneagram
  2, Advanced Course Enneagram
  3, selling Enneagram Workshop
  4 Enneagram Management Workshop
  5, relationships Enneagram Workshop
  Fourth, Business Series:
  1, the peak sales psychology
  2, marketing channels Training Camp
  3, excellent communication and power
  4, excellent leader of the force
  Fifth, a miracle of life series:
  1, Life Wisdom meditation tour dancers ----
  2, one physical and mental energy ---- One Journey of the Souls
  3, the miracle of life journey
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Stronger at home and abroad university psychology
  Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences - known as "China counselors," the cradle, is the only national research institute of Psychology, Chinese Psychological Society is affiliated units. This unit is very strong in the direction of physiological psychology, neuroscience, cognition, especially terrible. Zhang Kan, president of the Chinese Psychological Society, Psychology dean Lin Zhongxian in this unit. Title of the subject within the degree have a right to grant, students graduating from the Chinese Academy of Sciences can be considered the "root seedlings are red", is definitely a job and academic prospects are excellent!
  Psychology stronger U.S. graduate schools
  1. Stanford University, Stanford University
  2. University of California Berkeley University of California, Berkeley
  3. University of Michigan Ann Arbor University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
  4. Yale University Yale University
  6. Princeton University, Princeton University
  7. University of California Los Angeles University of California, Los Angeles
  8. University of Illinois Urbana Champaign University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign
  9. Carnegie Mellon University Carnegie Mellon University
  10. Harvard University, Harvard University
  11. University of Wisconsin Madison University of Wisconsin-Madison
  12. Massachu_set_ts Institute of Technology Massachu_set_ts Institute of Technology
  14. University of Minnesota Twin Cities University of Minnesota Twin Cities Campus
  15. The University of Texas at Austin University of Texas at Austin
  16. Columbia University, The School of General Studies, Columbia University
  17. Cornell University Cornell University
  18. University of California Irvine University of California, Irvine
  19. University of California San Diego University of California, San Diego
  20. University of Minnesota Twin Cities University of Minnesota Twin Cities Campus
  21. University of Pennsylvania University of Pennsylvania
  22. Indiana University, Bloomington Indiana University, Bloomington
  23. Johns Hopkins University Johns Hopkins University
  24. Northeastern University Northeastern University
  25. University of California Irvine University of California, Irvine
  26. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  27. University of Washington University of Washington
  29. Duke University Duke University
  30. Indiana University, Bloomington Indiana University, Bloomington
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  Psychology (Psyehology) line of psychological and
  The laws of science. Mental process from the person's mental
  (Cognitive process, emotional process, and will process) and
  Psychological characteristics of personality (temperament, character and capacity) of the
  Composition, so psychology is the psychological process
  Psychological characteristics and personality laws of science. The heart
  Management is the function of the brain is the subjective objective anti-
  Mapping, so psychology is to study the objective reality in the human
  The subjective mind and its dynamic role mapping rules
  Science. The word psychology comes from the Greek, by the
  Ping ux few (soul) and into the 0 Y 05 (learning) of the structure
  Into, that is, on the soul of learning. The Psychology
  Technical terms, is the 16th century emerged in Europe.
  Some said that Merlin had used the word Eriksson made about the academic
  The subject of speech, and some say 1590, Germany Fort Ma
  Psychology professor Ge Keer first used the word
  To mark its books. Truly recognized
  C. Wolf in Germany "rational psychology"
  (1732) and "empirical psychology" (1734) came
  For the future. Psychology is both an ancient Division
  Science, is a young science. The so-called ancient,
  Thought that psychology has a long history. It is the same
  Philosophy of animism, hylozoism, vitality of thinking
  To the generation of closely intertwined, and to think
  Doctrine and functional as the main idea of ​​the opposition line
  Cable. The so-called Young refers to as an independent science
  Produced only in modern psychology, usually Wundt
  University of Leipzig in Germany in 1879 to create a psychological
  Laboratory as a symbol, only a hundred years of experience
  History. Psychology is a science with both natural
  Matter, also has a social science or scientific nature of the intermediary
  Edge of science. This is the psychological subject, the heart
  Management organs, mental content, mental and psychological processes
  Determined by the nature of roots. As for the psychology
  Different branches may be emphasized. Such as social center
  Science close to little more than social science, physiological psychology
  Learn a little more close to natural science. Psychology and its
  He has a variety of complex and intricate scientific point of contact
  Crossing points and junctions, so the whole of modern psychology
  A scientific system is the core position. Psychology
  Variety of research methods, there are observation,
  Experiment, survey methods, activities, product analysis,
  Questionnaire, test method, self-observation, etc., should be
  According to the nature and content of the different
  Be emphasized. Usually combined with each other, integrated transportation
  Use. Psychology is in a high degree of integration and differentiation
  Among the many has become a huge scientific knowledge
  Knowledge systems, now has hundreds of branches. Soviet Union
  Psychological Science, psychologists compared to the forest science
  Of a tree, the tree trunk at the bottom of the section is
  History of Psychology, the above is a general psychology, and then
  Trunk divided into two: one is social psychology,
  There are many branches, such as the national psychology, class
  Psychology, political psychology, religion, psychology,
  Forensic psychology, propaganda psychology, management psychology
  Science, educational psychology, etc.; the other is the individual
  Psychology, there are many branches, such as Experimental Psychology
  Science, physiological psychology, neuropsychology, animal
  Psychology and more. Remains between the branch and the branch Hsu
  Multi-cross, each other and mutually penetration,
  And will continue to the emergence of new branches. Psychology
  Not only has important theoretical value, constitutes a defense
  Proof of one of the basic science and epistemology, and
  Has a very wide range of practical significance, as individuals
  Growth, daily life and social development of essential
  One of the areas of knowledge.
  (Mu husband Bo Wang Qikang review essays)
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English Expression
  1. n.:  psychics,  psycho,  psychology,  science or study of the mind and how it functions
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