psychics > applied psychology
Brief introduction
  Applied Psychology is an important branch of the rapid development of academic psychology. Because people need to work and live in, a variety of topics related to research in the field of applied psychology discipline formation. Application of the basic principles of psychology to study psychology in various practical fields of application, including all areas of industry, engineering, organizational management, market consumption, social life, health care, sports and military, judicial, and environment. With the rapid development of economy, science and technology, society and culture, applied psychology has become increasingly broad prospects.
  The training goal is to systematically master the basic theory and professional knowledge of applied psychology, applied psychology to understand the new progress at home and abroad, and to learn the latest methods and technology to complete the application of psychological research or field research experiments independently. In theory and applications can be made unique insights. At least master a foreign language, proficiency in reading this professional foreign language data, with some writing ability and capacity of the international academic exchanges. After graduating competent Applied Psychology teaching or research work, and to engage in work on the application of psychology in the real sector.
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Main courses
  General psychology, experimental psychology, statistics, studying psychology, social psychology, psychological measurement, industrial psychology, educational psychology, clinical psychology, developmental psychology.
  Professional experiment: experimental psychology experiments, cognitive psychology experiments, the development of experimental psychology, business administration psychology experiment.
  Duration: 4 years.
  Degree: Bachelor of Science.
  Similar professional: psychology, education, clinical medicine, human resource management.
  Employment Prospects: Main to education, engineering and design departments, businesses, medical, judicial, administrative and other departments engaged in teaching, management, consulting and treatment technology development work.
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Distribution of institutions:
  [Beijing] Peking University, China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing Normal University, Renmin University of China, Beijing Sport University, Central University of Finance and Economics
  [Tianjin] Tianjin Vocational and Technical Teachers College, Tianjin University of Commerce (formerly Tianjin University), Tianjin Medical College, Tianjin Normal University, Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
  【】 Hebei Province, Hebei University, Shijiazhuang College, North China Coal Medical College, Tangshan Teachers College, Baoding College
  [Hainan] Sanya, Hainan University
  [Shanxi] Shanxi University, Taiyuan Teachers College, Changzhi Medical College
  [Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology]
  【】 Shenyang University, Liaoning Province
  【】 Jilin, Jilin University, Jilin Agricultural University
  [] Heilongjiang Province, Qiqihar University, | Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine, Qiqihar Medical College, Heilongjiang University, Harbin Normal University
  [Shanghai] Shanghai Normal University, East China Normal University (985, 211), Shanghai Normal University, Chinese Academy Day
  [] Nanjing Normal University, Jiangsu Province, Suzhou University, Yancheng Teachers College, Nantong Teachers College, Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Huaiyin Normal University, Nanjing Xiaozhuang College, Jiangsu Teachers University of Technology
  [Zhejiang, China] Zhejiang University, Zhejiang University, Wenzhou Medical College, Zhejiang Normal University, Hangzhou Teachers College, Huzhou Teachers College School of seeking truth
  [] Anqing, Anhui University (Anqing Teachers College), Anhui Medical University, Hefei University, Anhui Agricultural University, Wannan Medical College, Anhui College, Anhui University, Fuyang Normal College, Chaohu College, Huaibei Coal Teachers
  [] Fujian Province, Fujian Normal University, Fujian Medical University, Fujian Medical College of Jimei University, Quanzhou Normal University, Fuzhou University (211 key universities)
  】 【Jiangxi Gannan Normal University, Jinggangshan Normal College, Nanchang University
  [Shandong Province] Shandong Normal University, Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Weifang Medical College, Yantai Normal University, Jinan University, Binzhou Medical College, Lu Tung University, Linyi Normal University, Qingdao University
  】 【Henan Henan University, Zhengzhou University, Luoyang Normal University, Nanyang Normal University, Xinxiang Medical College, Xuchang College Shangqiu Teachers College
  【】 Hubei Province, Central China Normal University, Wuhan Institute of Physical Education, Yangtze University, Jianghan University, Hubei Normal University, Central University for Nationalities, Hubei College
  Central South University, Hunan Normal University, Hengyang Normal University, Hunan University, Hunan Province, Hunan Medical University []
  [Guangdong Province] Guangzhou University, Zhaoqing University, Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, Guangdong University of Finance, South China Normal University, Guangzhou Medical College, Zhongshan, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou College of Pharmacy, Southern Medical University, Guangdong Medical College
  [Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of Guangxi Normal University, Guangxi University
  [] Southwest University, Chongqing, CHONGQING, Chongqing Normal University, Chongqing University
  [] Luzhou Medical College Sichuan Province, Neijiang Normal University, Yibin College, Sichuan Normal ARTS Southwest University for Nationalities
  [Guizhou Province] Guizhou Normal University, Guiyang Medical College, Zunyi Normal College
  【】 Shaanxi Normal University, Shaanxi Province, Shaanxi College, Shangluo University
  [Qinghai Province, Qinghai Normal]
  Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, Ningxia University []
  [Gansu Province] Northwest Normal University, Northwest University for Nationalities, Lanzhou Medical College, Tianshui Normal University, Hexi University
  [] Shihezi University, Xinjiang
  Recommended candidates colleges: Zhejiang University, Peking University, Beijing Normal University, Nanjing Normal University, Tianjin Normal University, Qingdao University
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The main destination
  Industrial and Organizational Psychology
  Industrial and organizational psychologist (I / O) initials industrial and organizational composition. Have expertise is mainly used to improve the working environment to maximize productivity and morale. Some industrial and organizational psychologists interviewed by designing and testing procedures to help organize the _select_ion of new employees and training staff. Others are used to retain employees, while others used for market research.
  Sports Psychology
  Is working together with athletes and help them to play their own performance to normal levels. They can inspire athletes to help them control their emotions under pressure, but also to plan the training schedule.
  Engineering Psychology
  The main human-computer interaction. Some of them take a variety of devices designed to be reliable and easy to use. These devices include live flight instrument control panel display devices. Others are looking for in the investigation into the accident to human error.
  School Psychology
  The main problem of teaching. They often work in the campus, the diagnosis of learning and behavioral problems, and for teachers, students, and parents consulting services. They will spend a lot of time for psychological testing, to test the questionnaire sentenced points, and interpretation of test results.
  Rehabilitation Psychology
  Rehabilitation psychologists and doctors, nurses, health consultant working together. Treatment of patients have both mental and physical illness. Some of them work in hospitals, compared with other social service agencies or disabled training center.
  Clinical and Counseling Psychology
  Clinical and counseling psychologists to help those who have problems in social, emotional adjustment, but also to help those who face difficult choices in relationships, career and education. The general received his Ph.D. in clinical and consulting psychologist psychology as their major. Clinical psychologists often work independently, their work, including psychological testing and long-term psychotherapy. Consulting Psychologists tend to institutions and schools to work fewer hours as a separate object services.
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Domestic psychology academic journals: "Applied Psychology"
  "Applied Psychology" (Chinese Journal of Applied Psychology), sponsored quarterly Psychological Association and Zhejiang University, Zhejiang Province. Psychology publishes applied research and applied basic research papers, commentary, research reports and academic trends. Particularly welcome cognitive psychology, management, psychology, engineering psychology, educational psychology, social psychology, psychological measurement, medical psychology, mental health and counseling, sports psychology, literary psychology, psychology and psychology of justice in other areas, such as the use of articles . ISSN: ISSN 1006-6020 CN 33-1012 / B
  Yellow bear with counselors, clinical psychology, psychology of human resource management, marketing, psychology, educational psychology, applied psychology information.
  Suitable for working people engaged in the field of psychology
  Passion for community-based human person friendly, easy to get along with people and things in between prefer dealing with people. Articulate, likes to listen to and understand others, care for the community and helpful. Dating widespread, strong affinity, there is a strong spirit of cooperation, but the lack of a sense of competition. Such people are generally suitable for work in research and the field of psychology.
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Book Information
  Title: Applied Psychology
  Author: Zhu Baorong
  Publisher: Tsinghua University Press
  Publication date: February 2009
  ISBN: 9787302191841
  Folio: 16
  Price: 45.00 yuan
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  "Applied Psychology (Second Edition)" on points, the next two, a total of 20 chapters. Part of the "modern psychological principles and application skills," including motivation and work efficiency, control of attention and consciousness, perception and information control, memory and access to information, thinking and problem solving, emotional and mental health, ability and quality of training, personality Optimization and personality, will and decision-making behavior, communication and interpersonal relations, etc.; next to "the principles of modern psychology major application areas," psychological principles involved in management, education, justice, environment, ideological and political, economic, consumer, communication , and other fields of medicine and engineering applications.
  On the basis of the second edition of the first edition, an increase of psychology basics, the basic principles of the new achievements, while increasing the proper interpretation of case studies to help resolve the phenomenon of modern society. Also focused on increasing the students' physical and mental development and growth of relevant knowledge, knowledge structure tends to make sound, rational, modern psychology major financial principles and application of psychological principles in one skill to help students understand the growing confusion, relieve physical and mental troubles.
  "Applied Psychology (Second Edition)" apply to colleges of arts, science, engineering, agriculture, medicine and other disciplines non-psychology undergraduate. By "Applied Psychology (Second Edition)" teaching or self-study, the reader can main principles of modern psychology and its major application areas have a general idea, and from the acquisition of the main methods and basic ways to optimize their psychological qualities , resulting in a variety of practice weaknesses, play to their strengths, deal with the problems encountered and became strong competitive society.
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About the Author
  Zhubao Rong, PhD in psychology, philosophy professor at Fudan University, doctoral tutor, Chinese Dialectics of Nature Research Association, Secretary-General of the Shanghai Dialectics of Nature. Fudan University undergraduate liberal arts school, "Applied Psychology" public basic course has reached 15 years. Author of "capabilities" (Fudan University Press), "Psychological Principles and Applications" (Shanghai People's Publishing House), "Modern Psychology Research Methodology" (East China Normal University Press), "mental philosophy" (Fudan University Press ) more than 20 monographs, textbooks and dozens of academic papers related to psychology. Achievement Award for Teaching Excellence Fudan, Shanghai Philosophy and Social Sciences excellent book prize.
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Library catalog
  Part of modern psychology theory and application skills
  The first chapter motivation and work efficiency 2
  Section 2 Overview of motivation
  Section 14 Motivation Theory
  Section motive strength and efficiency 25
  IV measurements motivation 26
  The second chapter attention and conscious control 30
  Section 30 Note Overview
  Note that Section 34 of the physiological mechanisms and theory
  Section 38 awareness activities and conscious control
  Common fourth state of consciousness 41
  Chapter 57 Perception and information control
  Section perception Overview 57
  Section 60 of the basic characteristics of perception
  Section perception Type 64
  Section IV illusion 74
  Section V Pattern Recognition 77
  Memory and access to information Chapter 84
  Section 84 Memory Overview
  Section 90 program memory
  Quality and Training Section 104 memory
  Chapter 109 of thinking and problem solving
  Overview of Section 109 of thinking
  Section 114 concept and form
  Section 120 problem-solving and reasoning
  Section IV of creative thinking and culture 129
  Chapter VI emotional and mental health 138
  Section 138 Overview mood
  Section emotional and mental health 145
  Section emotional self-test 153
  IV emotional self-regulation and control 157
  Chapter VII of the capabilities and quality of training 168
  Overview of Section 168 capability
  The main factors that affect the ability to form a Section 172
  The ability to identify the level of the main methods of Section 177
  The ability to develop good basic ways IV 184
  Chapter VIII of the character and personality Optimization 200
  Overview of Section 200 characters
  The main factors that influence personality formation Section 205
  The main method to understand the character of Section 208
  Proper character traits modern IV 218
  Section V abnormal personality and Countermeasures in 222
  Chapter IX will and Behavioral Decision 226
  The first section will outline 226
  Action will conflict with the decisions of Section 231
  Section 234 willpower and culture
  Chapter 240 contacts and relationships
  Section 240 of interpersonal perception
  Section 245 of interpersonal communication
  Section 251 of interpersonal attraction
  Section IV interpersonal influence 256
  Section V obstacles to deal with 263 contacts
  The main application areas of modern psychological principles of Part II
  Chapter XI principle in the field of psychology in management 274
  Overview of Management Psychology Section 274
  Section humanity assume management application 276
  Creative application of Section 280 in the management
  In the fourth quarter incentive management of performance 284
  Section V 292 Leadership and management theory
  Section VI corporate culture and knowledge management 296
  Conflict and Management 300 Section VII
  Chapter XII principles of psychology in the field of education 304
  Section 304 teachers' psychological
  Section 309 psychology students
  Section 314 Psychology of Learning
  Section IV teaching psychology 319
  Chapter XIII principles of psychology in the field of justice in the 325
  Section 325 Overview of forensic psychology
  Section 326 of Criminal Psychological Test Technology
  Section Psychology in the judicial field analysis 337
  Chapter XIV principles of psychology in the field of environment in 353
  Section 353 psychological impact of environmental factors
  Section II of the people-oriented environment design 359
  Chapter XV of ideological and political principles in the field of psychology 364
  Section 364 of ideological and political education and psychology
  Section psychological knowledge in specific ideological and political education in the use of 366
  Section ideological and political education of quality and work skills 376
  Chapter XVI principles of psychology in the economic field 381
  Section 381 Overview of Economic Psychology
  Section 384 of national economic psychology
  Section 387 financial investment psychology
  IV investors psychoanalysis 399
  Chapter XVII principle application of psychology in the consumer area of ​​405
  Section 405 Overview of Consumer Psychology
  Section advertising and packaging of consumer skills 414
  Section 420 modern consumer hot discussions
  Chapter XVIII psychological principles in the field of communication in the 428
  Overview of Section 428 spread Psychology
  Section cognitive psychology in the dissemination of specific applications 436
  Section social psychology in the dissemination of the use of specific 443
  Chapter XIX principle applied in the medical field of psychology 451
  The role of psychological factors in the construction of the first new medical model and the new model of the 451 healthy
  Section psychological factors in disease occurrence, development, rehabilitation of the role of 452
  The role of psychological factors in Section III clinical activities 457
  Chapter principles of psychology in the field of engineering 483
  Section 483 Overview of Engineering Psychology
  Section man, machine and environment coordination 493
  Section accidents and mistakes psychoanalysis 499
  References 506
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Applied Psychology employment direction
  On the current situation, the national psychology graduate, job flows include: intelligence agencies, schools, hospitals and clinics, prisons, corporate human resources, public security and judicial organs, counseling centers, marriage agency, talent market career planning service centers and other people need to do psychological analysis of enterprises and departments and units (consumer psychology analysis of real estate clients, FMCG purchase psychoanalysis, the site used to analyze the user clicks on the advertiser development needs analysis, etc.) and more diversified consulting service establishments .
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Research units
  Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, is China's only national psychology research institutions, is also affiliated to Chinese Psychological Society.
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  Therapy, psychological rehabilitation, mental health, etc. (7)
  Judicial aspects, such as trial evidence gathering, the legislative process,
  Management and re-education and other inmates. (8) Defence
  Matter areas, such as personnel _select_ion, classification armed services, military
  Matter of education, publicity and psychological warfare, psychological and other rumors.
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English Expression
  1. :  applied psychology
Related Phrases
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Containing Phrases
applied psychology specialityapplied psychology disciplineInternational Association of Applied Psychology, IAAP
Hohai University Applied psychology InstituteHuman resource management, hrm digraph applied psychology
Classification details
Heat environmentoccupation headContents model stimulate abstract
Current model stimulate abstractword intelligibilityhand controls
Hecibogede two-factor theoryworkplace designcognitive ergonomics
motion and time studyTarget guiding abstractcontrols
simon Principleglaremush
managerial psychologysports psychologyTotal Quality Management, TQM
regulate rangeConsumer psychicsApplication Research
job analysismanagement by objectives; quota managementmanagement information system, MIS
industrial psychologyliterary psychologybusiness psychology
environmental psychologypsychology of musicman-machine system
Abet connection abstractergonomicsemployment supply
blower consultindustrial relationsRegulate development
tissue balmyEmployment evaluateheritage Organization Theory
caring information processing modelworkloadcritical incident technique
management decision-makingdecision-making theoryjudicial psychology
military psychologytissue typeoverfatigue
conclude communicateCall at sb's house cage technologyimpeccability regulate
organizational diagnosisclassic regulate schooladept evidence
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