electrician electric : Machinery electromechanical > agency
gōng jù
  Originally referred to the work required of apparatus
   production equipment used by the work, such as sawing, planing, plow, hoe.
   The hand tool into semi-mechanized production. - "Remember a spinning wheel"
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No. 2
  After the idea was to achieve complete or promote a certain thing means
   analogy to an end the exchange of ideas of things language is the people's ~.
   Language is the most important tools for communication
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No. 3
  Used in the production process equipment manufacturing products. Mao Zedong's "Second Plenary Session of the Eighth's speech": "Productivity has two, one person, one is a tool. Tool is a human creation."
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No. 4
  Yu things to an end. Xie Juezai "superiority of socialist democracy": "capitalism and democracy for the bourgeoisie service ... ... the tools of democracy to become the monopoly capitalists, very few people enjoy the benefits of democracy." Nong "shame of the door" poem: "like fire red garnet fat , Fenbi like white flour, do I make a living from this tool. "
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No. 5
  Yu will work specifically adhering to the others who like the tool. Many with derogatory. Such as: He is a bully bullying civilians tool.
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No. 6
  Phonetic: gōngjù
  1. Originally referred to the work required for the apparatus, after the idea was to achieve, complete, or a means of promoting a certain thing;
  2. [Tool; means; implement]: the former refers to the work required for the apparatus;
  3. [Instrument]: after the idea was to achieve complete or promotion of a thing means.
  · Tool ·
  n. tools, utensils, minions, lackeys, means
  vt. with the tool processing, use of equipment
  vi. tools
  · Facility · n. easy, simple, smart, skilled, convenient, quick, equipment, tools
  · Implement ·
  n. tools, equipment
  vt. implement and achieve
  v. Executive
  · Instrument ·
  n. tools, instruments, equipment, utensils, tools
  · Gear ·
  n. gear, gear
  v. adjust (to) fit, shift
  · Goods ·
  n. goods <U.S. rustic> Tools
  Tool in the process of human evolution
  Paleolithic stone tools simply
  Neolithic polished stone tools
  Bronze Age copper tools
  Iron Age iron tools
  Modern era of modern tools tools
  Tool is easy for people to complete the work to the apparatus, its benefits can be mechanical, it can be intelligent in nature. Most of the tools are simple machines. For example, an iron rod can be used as leverage to use, force to leave the pivot point farther, the greater the force transmission lever.
  Philosophers once thought that only humans use tools will therefore be defined as people know how to use tools of animals. But observed that chimpanzees and other animals, especially primates, and some birds (eg ravens), and sea otters can use tools such as. After the philosopher believed that only humans have the ability to make tools, until zoologists observed birds and monkeys will be making some tools so far. Most anthropologists believe the use of tools is an important step in the history of human evolution; human development of the thumb and other fingers to grasp the relative tools, and intellectual progress of the proper use of tools to help mankind.
  Most of the tools can be used as weapons, such as cone, cutter; Similarly, one can also use explosives and other weapons as tools.
  (1) originally referred to the work required for the equipment to hand tools into a semi-mechanized production. - "Remember a spinning wheel"
  (2) after the idea was to achieve, to complete a thing or means to promote human language is the most important communication tool
  (3) is used to rotate the screw, nut like parts of a rotary screw, wrench or other objects
  Classification 1:
  Equipment is a new invention or a specific purpose tool.
  Equipment is small and relatively simple tool.
  Instrument is the result of fine-tuning tool that can be specific or abstract.
  Cooking utensils for the use of tools.
  By a number of pieces of the machine is composed of more than a simple tool orderly system, the machine can be used as a complex tool.
  Category II:
  Hand tools include: pliers, flat ax, ax, chisel, clip, Diamond, file, hammer, police knives, machetes, plane, saw, screwdriver, shovel, stone, ruler, rake, ruler, tire iron, scissors, wrench
  Tools: including sickle
  Power Tools: including crushers, drills, shredders, motor graders, wire bonding, scoop plane
  Machine: including lathe, milling machine, shape machine, grinding machines, metalworking equipment Diamond bed
  Hydraulic tools: including the Hurst tool and hydraulic hammers
  Pneumatic tools include: pneumatic grinding, pneumatic grinding, pneumatic Diamond, pneumatic screwdriver, pneumatic tapping machine, pneumatic hacksaw, pneumatic shear
  Heat tools include: iron, welding and thermic lance
  Utensils: including chopsticks, fork, knife, spoon
  Cooking utensils: pot Ding
  Cleaning equipment: including a variety of brushes, such as toothbrushes and brooms, brushes cloth, cleaning gloves, washed, dried with towels and other items
  Writing tools: including ball-point pen, brush, pen, pencil, quill pen, stylus
  Measuring instruments: measuring
  Instruments include: guitar, piano, etc.
  Tools for specific purposes: including whips, cattle rods, artificial penis, shock device, grindstone, hair dryer, egg poking, hair burning, fireplace stamp
  Multi-purpose tool: Swiss Army Knife, Pliers
  Sporting Goods: including jumping rope, punching bags, pieces, pommel horse
  Other household items include: it-yourself, bottle opener, can opener, fan, fly swatter, pump, toothbrush, brush the cloth
  Toy: popular kids love. Some toys, tools, pocket tool is a real version, such as children on the beach or sand shovel and bucket with toys; there are some other tools and toys, no real features, such as a blunt plastic knife.
  Transport: cars, planes, boats
  】 【Chat
  Chat or IM, also known as IM software tool, which offers Internet-based client for real-time voice, text transmission. Technically speaking, consists of server-based IM tool, and based on P2P technology, IM tools.
  Server-based IM software market the first generation of IM software, typically including icq, msn, etc..
  IM software based on P2P technology, the second generation of IM tools, skype, etc. Typical applications include
  Common chat: QQ, MSN Messenger, UC, Skype
  [Download Tools]
  Download the tool is a faster way to make you something of the software downloaded from the Internet. The reason to use to download the stuff faster because they use a "multi-point connection (segment download)" technology, full use of the excess network bandwidth; with "HTTP" technology, at any time to continue to follow the last stop position Download, effective way to avoid the duplication of effort. This greatly saves those who download connection download time.
  [System Tools]
  System Tools is responsible for WINDOWS systems do not carry their own optimization and management tools for the role!
  Tools】 【cafe
  Internet refers to Internet tools and the tools used to manage now that they refer to some of the hacking software to break the major limitations of Internet cafes.
  Software tools []
  Software tools is to support the computer software development, maintenance, simulation, developed for transplant procedures or management systems. It is developed for specialized purposes, in the context of software engineering is to achieve the software life period of the various treatment activities (including management, development and maintenance) of automated and semi-automated procedures for the development of the system side.
  The ultimate goal of developing tools to improve software productivity and improve software quality.
  Software tools can be divided into six categories: simulation tools, development tools, testing and assessment tools, operation and maintenance of tools, performance, quality tools and programming support tools.
  Detailed classification of software tools:
  Scanners, exploit, network tools, backdoors, denial of service, sniffers, Trojans, password cracking, proxy, firewall, intrusion detection, integrity checking, encryption and decryption, an encrypted tunnel, programming related, worms, and other tools
  Use of tools (tool using) of an animal body functions using external objects as an extension to achieve a particular purpose. Many examples of animals using tools, such as the vulture (Neophron percnopterus) often use a stone to smash thick shell of ostrich egg; Galapagos Islands Woodpecker finch (Camarhynchus pallidus) can use a stick or cactus spines to hidden under the bark or tree taken out of the cave insects; Tailorbird (Or-thotomus and Phillergates spp.) while in the nest can grow on trees, leaves, folded a large, and then leaves the edge of the plant fiber stitched together to build a comfortable nest; archerfish (Toxotes jaculator) that rest on the surface of the water plants, insects, they accurately shoot a powerful current, to shoot down insects captured them in the water. Mammals use the tool using a well-known example is the sea otters smashing mollusks shells stones; chimpanzees will stick digging underground either edible plants and termites, also forced open the carton pick up the banana with a stick, but also to pick up a few boxes stacked food hanging from the ceiling. Animals use tools both innate instinct factors, have acquired the learning factors, but in most cases are acquired through learning.
  [Decision-making tool]
  Decision-making tools (decision maker), in recent years in some phone models appear on a new feature, the role is for mobile phone users in the specified number of items in random decision, similar to our usual "draw."
  】 【Financial instruments
  Financial instruments (financial instruments) is in the financial markets in tradable financial as_set_s. Different forms of financial instruments have different financial risks. Financial instruments into two categories: cash class and derived class. Classes are divided into cash and other cash securities (such as loans, deposits). Class is divided into exchange-traded derivative financial derivatives and the counter (OTC) derivatives. In addition, the type of property can also be divided according to type of debt and ownership type.
  The electric motor or solenoid driven, driven by the work of the first transmission of a mechanical tool.
  Power Tools
  Hand-holding operations to low-power electric motor or solenoid as a driving force, operating through the transmission to drive the work head tool.
  Development Brief
  In 1895, Germany created the world's first direct current drilling. Shell is made of cast iron, in steel 4mm holes drilled. Subsequently, there were three-phase power frequency (50Hz) electric drill, but did not break the motor speed 3000r/min. In 1914, there have been single phase series motor-driven power tools, motor speed of 10000r/min above. In 1927, there have been power supply frequency of 150 ~ 200Hz IF power tools, both single-phase series motor has the advantages of high speed, but also has frequency three-phase motor structure is simple, reliable benefits, but required IF current supply, use is limited. 60 years, with the battery manufacturing technology, there has been with the nickel-cadmium battery powered battery-free power cord electric tools. But at that time due to expensive and slow development. In the late 70's, lower prices due to the battery, charging time is shortened, this power tool in Europe, America, Japan, widely used. Power Tools for the original cast iron shell, after the switch to aluminum for housing. 60 years, engineering thermoplastics to obtain applications in electric tools, and implements a double insulated power tools to ensure the safe use of power tools. As electronic technology, also appeared in 60's electronic speed power tools. This power tool uses thyristor composed of electronic circuit components, such as to be pressed into the switch snaps to adjust the depth of the different speed, so that when power tools in use by the different objects to be processed (such as different materials, hole diameter size, etc.), choose a different speed.
  Types of power tools
  Consists of metal cutting power tools electric tools, grinding power tools, assembly tools, and electric railway with power tools. Common power tools drill, electric grinder, electric wrench and screwdriver, hammer and impact drill, concrete vibrator, electric planer.
  【Tools Implications for Human Labor
  From the natural process of human labor by cost and create wealth perspective, any of the tools of civilization, such items are the cost of labor after the "materialized", which Marx had already pointed out. Thus, from the value perspective, tools, machines and other forms of capital is nothing but a historical cost of human labor "alienation" of the existence and mode of operation. So if the machine so that the formation of new value, it is nothing but the value of human labor to form a way. Value from the use of tools, it is a means of human labor with the help of extension is greater in order to play their own labor, while saving their own means. Such as human beings created out of the telescope, you can make the eyes see farther, beyond people's perception of perceived marginal; create a mechanical crane, you can replace human manual lifting overweight items. Therefore, the effectiveness of tools from the value on the formation and not with human labor constitutes a contradiction. Work to create civilization, the civilization created by objects in turn be extended and the labor savings, it is natural harmony of things, like a man having children, children grow up in turn to help her do this and which one.
  【】 Sophisticated tools to accelerate human evolution
  Engels said, "No one ape hand had been manufactured and one that even the most clumsy knives." In other words, whether the manufacturing tool is the fundamental difference between humans and animals. Place to live in Beijing China, a large number of scientists not only found the fossil remains of their ancestors, they also found the survival of working tools. Stone and wooden tools are the earliest human labor.
  University of Illinois archaeologist Ambrose's study, he found, began to manufacture simple tools from 250 million years ago to 30 million years ago, this long historical period, human evolution rather slow. Dating back about 300,000 years ago, humans began to learn how to build complex tools, after the complex task of the brain responsible for part of the anterior lobe of the brain with sophisticated tools and the grammar of the language showing the simultaneous development of the phenomenon.
  In human evolution occurred during the first breakthrough is the invention of the tools used with both hands, usually the major stabilizing role in one hand, force the other hand, then on people out of the ape-man period, the top modern stage.
  Ambrose pointed out that the manufacture and use of multi-unit tool to promote the development of brain function, and evolution of language provides the basis, because the manufacture of complex tools need to improve motor skills and possess problem solving and planning capabilities.
  He concluded by stating that evolution is a complex tool for people like this look into today.
  【Status】 Chinese tool industry
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English Expression
  1. n.:  machinery,  utensil,  instrument held in the hand and used for working on sth,  appliance,  tool or instrument,  instrument or device for a specific purpose,  tool; means; implement,  means of conveyance,  by means/way of,  vehicle,  tool,  tackle,  servant,  organ,  ministry,  means,  agency,  lever,  layout,  instrumentality,  instrument,  implements,  implement,  goods,  gear,  facility,  facilities,  engine,  device,  creature,  agent
  2. adj.:  faulty
French Expression
  1. n.  outil
  2. n.  instrument
appliance, apparatus
one's physical appearance (usually connoting his moral and intellectual capacity), apparatus, xieqi, device, Device, tackle, appliance, belt, that which is installed, way, plan, technology
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