Industrial Economy : industry and commerce : environmental resources > industry
  Natural material resources to create the means of production, means of subsistence, or agricultural products, semi-finished products for processing such as the productive sectors of society. Can be divided into heavy and light industry. In some countries, in some countries, also known as manufacturing industry, which hired a large number of workers and have a lot of money, engaged in the manufacturing sector, usually refers only to the processing industry.
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The basic meaning of
  Industrial (industry) is a product of the division of social development, through handicrafts, large industrial machines, several stages of development of modern industry. In ancient societies, agriculture and handicraft just a sideline, after a long historical process,
  Industry refers to the collection of raw materials and put them into products produced in the factory work and processes.
  English explanation Industry
  Industry: Industry is the work and processes involved in collecting raw materials, and making them into products in factories.
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Appear Industry
  Appear until the 18th century British industrial revolution, so that the original hand-technology-based handicraft workshop gradually transformed into large industrial machinery, industrial agriculture was finally separated from the material out to become an independent production sector. With the advancement of science and technology, the late 19th century to the early 20th century, entered a stage of development of modern industry. Since the late 1940s, in order to automate the production process as the main feature, the use of electronically controlled automated machinery and production lines for the production, changing the machine system. From the late 1970s into the 1980s, the center of microelectronic technology, including biotechnology, fiber optics, new energy, new materials and robotics and other emerging technologies and emerging industries flourished. These new technological revolution is changing the basic features of industrial production.
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Industrial Classification
  In the past industrial economics, often based on the relative weight of the product per unit volume is divided into light and heavy industrial industries. Product weight per unit volume is large industrial sectors of heavy industry, light industry and light weight of the case. Belong to the industrial sector of heavy industry iron and steel industry, non-ferrous metallurgical industry, metal materials industry and mechanical industry. Since the development of modern industry, the chemical industry is very prominent resident status, therefore, in the industrial classification of industrial structure, often independent of the chemical industry, with light and heavy tie. Thus, the industrial structure will consist of light, heavy and chemical industries into three parts. People often put together heavy and chemical industries, together weighing chemical industry, with relatively light. Another division of light and heavy industry standard is to provide the means of production department called heavy industry, production and consumption of information department called light. These two principles are divided over a difference.
  National Bureau of Standards after a close division of light and heavy industry, "China Statistical Yearbook" in the definition of heavy industry are: to provide material and technical basis for each of the major sectors of the national industrial production. Light is: the main provider of industrial production of consumer goods and hand tools. In the study, as described above, often heavy and chemical industries collectively known as heavy industry.
  Heavy industry: refers to the provision of material and technical basis for the major sectors of the national industrial production. The nature of their production and use of products, can be divided into the following three categories: (1) mining (cutting) industry, is the exploitation of natural resources, including oil exploration, coal mining, metal ore mining, non-metallic mineral mining and timber harvesting other industries; (2) the raw materials industry, pointing to the various sectors of the national basic materials, fuels and power industries. Including metals smelting and processing, coking and coke, chemical, chemicals, cement, plywood, and power, petroleum and coal processing industries; (3) processing industry, refers to the industrial raw materials for re-processing and manufacturing industries. Including machinery and equipment manufacturing industry, metal structure, cement products and other industrial equipment sectors of the national economy, as well as agricultural production provided such as fertilizers, pesticides and other industries.
  Light: refers mainly to provide consumer goods and industrial hand tools. According to the materials used can be divided into two categories: (1) agricultural products as raw materials for light, refers directly or indirectly to produce the basic raw material of light. Including food manufacturing, beverage manufacturing, tobacco processing, textiles, sewing, leather and fur production, paper and printing industries; (2) to non-agricultural products as raw materials for light industry, refers to industrial raw materials for light industry. Including cultural sporting goods, chemicals, manufacturing, manufacture of synthetic fibers, household chemicals, household glassware, household metal products, hand tools, medical equipment manufacturing, cultural and office machinery manufacturing and other industries.
  According to the principle of classification, the repair industry to heavy industry products for the repair job object is zoned heavy industry while zoned light industry.
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The industrial sector
  Industrial production is the only means of modern labor department, which determines the speed, scale and level of modernization of the national economy plays a leading role in the national economy in the contemporary world. Industry also provide various other sectors of the national economy itself and raw materials, fuel and power, providing industrial consumer goods for the people's material and cultural life; it is the main source of state revenues, is the country's economic autonomy, political independence, the fundamental guarantee of national defense modernization. In addition, under socialist conditions, industrial development or consolidate the material foundation of the socialist system, is to gradually eliminate the difference between the workers and peasants, urban and rural differences in physical and mental differences, promote socialist transition to communism prerequisite.
  Industry is one of the most important economy of material production sectors. Industrial production is mainly the process of natural resources and raw materials for processing or assembly.
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Industrial location choice
  A main factor to consider when plant location
  Industrial production, we should first consider the location of the plant. The factory was built in what is the most reasonable place to require government or vendor to make reasonable decisions, policy makers assume that we as a country or region to social reality, for example, analysis of plant location choice. We know that the plant location decisions should consider the full range problems, and its main factors based, for example, in the above example, the main factor is close to both raw AISC fuel origin, but also close to the consumer market, is a major factor Steel both close to the consumer market, there are convenient transport conditions. In addition, you should also consider the power, labor and other factors; see the economic benefits, the site should be chosen to spend the lowest production costs, access to the most profitable areas. If we can plant in abundant raw materials and power, cheap labor, the market prospects of the place, it certainly is the best. But in real life there are few such ideal place, which requires decision-makers, be realistic, local conditions, the plant in place a clear advantage.
  Industrial location factors 2. Impact
  As can be seen from the above analysis, the impact of industrial location factors are many. Are: raw materials, power (fuel or electricity), labor, markets, transportation, land, water, and other government policies. In many locational factors, the main factor in some industrial location choice to be considered may be only one or a few, then _select_ the location of such industries is to point to its dominant factor, pointing to the formation of different types of industries. Mainly in the following five categories.
  3 different location factors formed the industrial classification
  (1) industrial raw point: these industry mainly refers to long-distance transport of raw materials is not easy to higher raw material costs or transportation, processing volume and weight greatly reduced prices and low industry. The use of such materials in industrial enterprises and more choice in the raw plant origin. Save on shipping and reduce losses. That kind of industrial raw materials point type industries. For example, beet sugar factories (one ton system generally requires eight tons of sugar beet as raw material), cane sugar refinery, aquatic plants, fruit canning factory (fish, fruit and other perishable, not long storage, such as to canning , need to place more timely processing).
  (2) the market point type industry: mainly refers to this kind of industrial products are not easy to higher cost of long-distance transport or transport products, or finished products after processing volume increases and inconvenient transportation industry, such industrial enterprises, mostly near its sales to plant. Save freight, reducing costs. For example beverage plants, which finished a large volume of raw materials, transportation and easy to wear and tear, the empty bottles of liquid substance, the weight has increased a lot. Therefore, local sales better. There are similar industrial furniture factory (finished), printing, food factory.
  (3) Industrial Power point: this kind of industry in the production, processing process, consumes a lot of energy companies to reduce costs, the factory was built in the energy supply of large areas. For example, non-ferrous metal smelters. An annual output of 100,000 tons of refined aluminum smelter, it needs 200,000 to 400,000 kilowatts of power plant matched, so this type of factory is built around low-cost electricity production size plants.
  (4) cheap labor industrial point: mainly refers to the number of such industrial needs of the labor of many, but the technology is less demanding, workers can quickly master production requirements, the wages of workers in these industries is low, much of the increase in production costs, while the ratio of profits to improve a significant role. Such industries should be close to a place with a large number of cheap labor. For example, ordinary clothing, electronics assembly, taping, umbrella, footwear and other industries.
  (5) technical point type industry: industry mainly refers to the production of such high technical requirements, must go through rigorous training, with a certain level, and workers can be employed to operate the machines suitable for production companies. Such enterprises require more stringent quality workers, its internal division of production is very small, highly specialized, highly technical requirements. Such industries should be close to higher education and technology developed regions. Such as electronics manufacturing industry, satellites, aircraft, precision instruments and other industrial and R & D base.
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Industrial modernization
  Industrial modernization is to use the computer, such as the latest technology and equipment to arm the various departments of industry, with modern management tools and management methods to manage the industry, so that industrial production to achieve a high degree of automation, so that industrial labor productivity to meet or exceed the world's advanced level.
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Industrial Layout
  Industrial layout is related to government and other decision-makers about how to plan for the local industry, the layout of the main factors affecting the industry is the environment.
  Water distribution in the upstream of the river water, polluted industrial layout of industrial air pollution in the downstream of the general layout of the wind in the city
  Industrial Resource Network
  Industrial Resource Network, the English called China Industrial Supply Register, referred Cis, CIS industrial resource network is tailored for industrial people resource optimization tools, is currently the only focus on the "industrial" theme B2B websites.
  Industrial Resource Network relies on more than 3,000 domestic and international buyers fixed resources and industry professionals to tens of millions of dollars, and by virtue of advanced network technology and unique professional experience in the promotion industry, is committed to playing a leading multi-channel industrial resources search platform. Provide resources for industrial users of open source, throttle, lowering the efficiency of comprehensive services, and also to build the integrity of the supply and demand for the SME platform to provide a more effective Internet marketing solutions.
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  Obtained from natural resources and raw materials for processing, reprocessing of social and material production sectors.
  Industrial development is a product of the social division of labor, through handicrafts, large industrial machines, several stages of development of modern industry. In ancient societies, agriculture and handicrafts only a sideline, after a long historical process, until the Industrial Revolution in the 18th century Britain appeared, so that the original hand-technology-based handicraft workshop gradually transformed into large-scale machine industry, the agricultural industry was finally out to become separated from the a separate material production sectors. With the advancement of science and technology, the late 19th century to the early 20th century, entered a stage of development of modern industry. Since the late 1940s, in order to automate the production process as the main feature, the use of electronically controlled automated machinery and production lines for the production, changing the machine system. From the late 1970s into the 1980s, the center of microelectronic technology, including biotechnology, fiber optics, new energy, new materials and robotics and other emerging technologies and emerging industries flourished. These new technological revolution is changing the basic features of industrial production.
  Industrial production is the only means of modern labor department, which determines the speed, scale and level of modernization of the national economy and plays a leading role in the national economy. Industry also provide various other sectors of the national economy itself and raw materials, fuel and power, providing industrial consumer goods for the people's material and cultural life; it is the main source of state revenues, is the country's economic autonomy, political independence, the fundamental guarantee of national defense modernization. In addition, under socialist conditions, industrial development or consolidate the material foundation of the socialist system, is to gradually eliminate the difference between the workers and peasants, urban and rural differences in physical and mental differences, promote socialist transition to communism prerequisite.
  (Ling Ge)
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English Expression
  1. :  industrial estate,  manufacture
  2. n.:  industry,  industrial physician
French Expression
  1. n.  industrie
business, Industry Category, occupation, employment, employment, hire, serve, type of activity or business, take, Leasing, enterprise, manufacture or production, charge, For rent, department of activity, way of earning a living, speciality, ministration, abet, thing to which one gives one's time, energy, etc, business, bureau, tissue, adventure, event, paid job, craft
industry Community
Industry Juweihui
Gongye Subdistrict
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