sciences of philosophy > theology
No. 1
  Religious Studies
  The Study of Religion
  For the study of religion and social sciences.
  The phenomenon of religion by religious origins, evolution, nature, law, the role of the humanities and social sciences.
  Their research methods can be divided into descriptive and normative study of two categories. The former method of descriptive research, the value of religion to take a neutral stance, focusing on religious historical and structural; the latter study with standardized methods, do not avoid value judgments of religion, focusing on the religious experience, and beliefs and other propositions the authenticity and acceptability.
  Half of the 19th century, Western scholars of religion was first established in the discipline. Generally published in 1873, Max Muller, "Introduction to Religious Studies", pioneered the use of "religion" in its beginning. Object because of religious studies, the main objectives and methods of different views, the Western religion with a narrow and broad. Outside the field of theological scholars generally recognize only a narrow religion, that is purely historical, objective description and comparison without subjective value judgments of religion, that it is a fact that the emotional experience of academic research, philosophical ideas are not discussed in the specification disciplines, both believe that the gods exist is different from the theological premise, there are also different from the denial of divine doctrine of atheism, but the social history of the religious phenomenon as the object of its study to investigate the origins and history, examining its concepts, action and organizational form, to analyze the survival of the social and cultural background and foundation to identify its inherent nature and laws, social function and role. Because these scholars emphasize the descriptive display of religious rather than agreed with the standard meaning of "religion" to embrace its subjects, highlighting the historical description of the scholars call it religion, history, and make it a subject of international religious studies organizations and academic associations official name, and prominent scholars in comparative description of comparative religion is used to call it. But many religious scholars themselves philosophers or theologians is that they do not agree with the religion as a purely descriptive or understanding of the subject, that does not include value judgments and normative study of religion is not complete, he insisted that a kind of broad understanding, advocating religious phenomena of all specialized disciplines are included in religious studies, emphasizing that it should face the essence of religion and values ​​issues, can not exclude religious normative, defining research. In this way, narrow religion, including the development of a systematic study of religious religious history, comparative religion for a variety of comparative religion studies, historical facts to describe the phenomenon of religious and abstract classification of the phenomenology of religion, to explore the psychology of the human spirit sort of understanding and religious believers of various religious experience and religious sociology, psychology, religion, religious anthropology, religion, geography, religion, ecology and other descriptive discipline, a broader study of religion has increased from a philosophical, point of view of the world the nature of religion, religious significance, religious studies and Definition of the concept of religious philosophy and reviewed it from philosophy, psychology, sociology and other point of criticism of religious identification and religious criticism of science and theology of various religious ideas and comparative study of religious theory and other normative theological discipline.
  A Brief History
  The formation of the various disciplines of religion in human history, a long-standing religious observation and research-based. Back in ancient Greece, people began to observe the phenomenon of religion, noted the ethnic and religious differences. 6th century BC Ionian philosopher Xenophanes Lee have pointed out, in accordance with their different ethnic characteristics to shape the national character of the nation's image of the gods, which will show a direct reflection of the divine nature of their national identity. Past the first three centuries of European thinkers, black beauty school Leni Lu also in its "holy history" addressed him in the Indian Ocean island of Kim Joo on the inscriptions found in the temple, that the gods are these inscriptions contained in the ancient heroes King, tribal and other deified ancestors came. These views have gods as part of its separate analysis of the object, and tried from the relevant national social and cultural backgrounds to find the correct answer. Roman Christian thinkers have also noted the value of other religious and theological significance of such problems exist, they have studied comparative religions, trying to outline the history of religious development. This academic tradition preserved in the medieval play, Bacon, Thomas Aquinas and Nicholas Cusa, who have studied in depth from different angles Christian relations with other religions, Cusa Nicholas has also to "a variety of religious worship means" to say to seek common ground for a variety of religions.
  Europe after the Renaissance, people's understanding of religion with the new developments and breakthroughs, while the modern Christian missionary activities overseas to provide them the opportunity to touch many other religions. To the 17th and 18th century, some European scholars began systematic study of religion, there has been a number of historical description of the phenomenon of religion and religious writings, such as Herbert's "On the pagan," Hume's "Natural History of Religion" and burro plug "on the object worship of God," and so on. 18th and 19th centuries, Western scholars began to contact and study of ancient India, Persia and Egypt's religious classics. In 1771, the French translation of a Persian scholar Dubai Long ancient law by the "Avesta", has since translated Latin classics Brahmanism in India, "Upanishads." German scholar Gro-Fonds in 1802, successfully deciphering cuneiform. French scholar Champollion also because in 1822 the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics to decipher the results and laid the foundation of Egyptology. Many scholars have also carried out religious literature on the collation of ancient Babylon. In this way, Egyptology, Assyriology, Iranian Studies, Indian Studies, Hebrew University and other new disciplines have been laid, they studied the system provides a valuable first-hand religious materials and advanced research tools. The development of cultural anthropology of this period for the establishment of religion to create the conditions. Western anthropologists is still in the primitive society of the tribal stage of the Americas, Oceania and Africa, indigenous peoples, conduct research, collect the raw materials of cultural and religious importance, published a large number of academic discourse. In addition, the emergence of Western sociology of religion have a direct impact on the formation. Comte and Spencer were made in France and the United Kingdom social evolution theory, the creation of a system of modern sociology, and religious origins and evolution of the given sociological inquiry.
  Research Methods
  In the methodology, religion absorbed the modern natural sciences and social sciences an important achievement, the linguistics, archeology, psychology, geography, sociology, ethnology, anthropology, philosophy, history, etc., as their religious studies auxiliary disciplines, drawing and using some of the basic aspects of these disciplines and methods, so that their relationship with the cross-Infiltration. Religion prevailing research methods described for the vertical and horizontal comparison, and the phenomenology of the spirit of inquiry and analysis. Describe the significance of the vertical focus on the time that the historical development of religion as an objective for the narrative, to chronicle order to describe a particular religion or religion of the entire human stage of development, evolution and the rise and fall of historical facts, and sketched out religious ups and downs, changes the overall connection. Horizontal comparison is based on the spatial sense, that focus on religious differences in spatial and geographical diversity of the types of forms, through the comparison of different religions and find the common essence and meaning of religion, the typical display of religious form and specific characteristics. General point of view, this horizontal comparison, including comparison of form and content. The former involves the development of religious form and structure comparison, the structure of the social structure of religion in general (such as religious organizations, groups and institutions), constitute a theory of religion (such as religion, myth, doctrine, doctrine), and religious practice models (such as religious worship, prayer, sacrifice and other rituals). The latter seeking consistency in the content of religions, from different religions to find common, the nature of things, such as the concept of the gods, piety psychological act of faith, divine association. Phenomenological inquiry approach is a more abstract, more intrinsic to the comparative research methods, which by means of modern Western philosophy, phenomenology and hermeneutics, the theory asserts that according to the nature of religion, religious view of the structure to hole, that does not depend religious phenomena in space and time in the position and its external cultural environment to illustrate the dependence of these phenomena, thus the suspension of the subjective nature of judgments of the visual image or visual. Psychoanalytic method from the field of human consciousness deep into the subconscious area, analysis of the human "instinct" of their spiritual life and religious behavior and dominance, this psychoanalysis from Freud's emphasis on personal religious beliefs and mental problems and mental Jung on religion and development to social, collective unconscious activity analysis.
  Study Area
  The scope of religious studies, including the nature and elements of religion, religious ideas and concepts, and emotional religious experience, religious behavior and activities, religious organizations and institutions, religion, origin and development, and religion and other social or cultural awareness form relationships.
  Academic institutions
  Religion is to recognize the religious nature of the phenomenon, revealing the emergence and development of religion, the laws of science. The object of study of religion as a social phenomenon of religion. Religion and philosophy, ethics, law, politics, literature, art, social consciousness is a superstructure and an important part of the form. Every kind of social phenomenon, the ideological superstructure and the various sectors of society should and could become the object of human knowledge and scientific research, on this basis, established an independent, self-contained a variety of philosophy and social science disciplines. Religion is a religion for the study of an independent discipline, which is different from the general view of religion (religious doctrine, religious doctrine) there are two points: One is the independence of its subjects. It is the phenomenon of religion as a social and historical understanding of this object, it academic study and research, the real religion, like philosophy, history, literature, political science, law and other disciplines, should be an independent humanities. The second is its systematic in content. Religion should be in all aspects of religion based on the systematic study of the formation of religious knowledge, but not just the individual nature of concepts and theories. With the Marxist world outlook and methodology to guide research on issues of religious formation of the Marxist religion. Marxism in the social sciences major contribution to the transmission is carried out in the world view of dialectical materialism field of social history, made a historical materialism. With the social economic foundation of historical materialism to explain all the features and the nature of the superstructure, with the changes and developments in the economic base to illustrate changes and developments in the upper building, which reveals the nature of the various parts of the superstructure, for us to understand the world of religion providing methodological guidelines. Although we advocate the science of religion to the guidance of Marxism, but non-Marxist religion of all the valuable things, all in line with scientific factors, we must conscientiously sum up, to be absorbed, as the construction and development of Marxism Religion reference.
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百科 Daquan
  Religious Studies
  science of religion
  For the study of religion and social sciences. Is a study of the emotional experience of the fact that subjects, rather than the philosophical ideas discussed in the specification disciplines. Thus, both the existence of gods is different from the theological premise, there are also different from the proof theory of the gods of atheism; and to exist in society, history and among the religious realities of the object, examine their ideas, actions and organizations form and content; study the origin and evolution of the process and its creation and existence of the foundation, and to explore its nature, law and social role.
  After a brief history of the development of religion as follows:
  In the Middle Ages, some theologians of different religions (especially European Christian theologians), in the dissemination of religious competition, made some of the comparative study of various religions. Later, with the ruins of ancient books and research findings, the study of religious history, despite the push, but mostly not with the theological separation.
  The birth of modern religion, many philosophers had discussed religion. Mid-19th century, the theory of evolution before Darwin, Comte and Spencer proposed the theory of social evolution, and to push the origin and evolution and religious issues. Comte believes that religion is concerned, the evolution of the human mind, through the "theological stage" and "metaphysical stage", the two phases of religion reflected in the worship of the gods; in the evolution of human thought began to enter the "positive phase" time, there will certainly evolve into a human religion itself as objects of worship, "the religions of mankind." Spencer believes that religion originated in the worship of ancestors, ghosts, religious behavior and attitudes, which are deduced from.
  As sociology, anthropology and social study of recent development of the original deposit, on a variety of religious phenomena to explore specific academic activities are gradually carried out. 1866, the founder of British anthropology, Taylor proposed the "animist" hypothesis. 1873 F. Max Muller in his "Introduction to Religion" was first proposed a "religion" is the name of religion came to be regarded as the official birth of the sign.
  Religion relies mainly on the development of comparative linguistics Mueller's research, especially in the ancient Orient (India, Persia, etc.) to inspect the language of religious texts in order to analyze the study of human origins and development of religious ideas. Later, he was considered the language of religion school founder. He believes that: the origin of religion in people's "original sense of the sacred" myth from the "language ills." Through his analysis of language to explore the occurrence and development of the human mind, which of course has some significance, but limited role, after all, in order to derive the assertion often with a lot of speculation of. This method criticized by many, especially the school of criticism from human. Mueller made clear as early as prior to the above proposition, Taylor in 1871 published the "original culture" in that: the soul of primitive concepts generated from experience, after so that everything has soul, and finally produced the concept of the gods. This was said by his successor Mallett was revised to "pre-animism" that the primitive concept of animism in the form before that the prevalence of the universe, the vitality of a non-personality concept. Fraser, the British anthropologist deeply realistic interpretation of inference is more important than the stories he collected a huge number of examples, compiled into "War" and its sequel, in order to demonstrate his full to be sure of Hegel's idea: " In religious times "before, there had been a" magic age ", and pointed out that the emergence and development of agriculture, culture, religious values ​​for many
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English Expression
  1. n.:  theology,  science of religion
religion, Religion study, divinity
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