culture : theology > religion
zōng jiào
  I believe there are supernatural forces of the world's social ideology. That this power to dominate nature and society, and thus on the awe and worship. World religions are Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, etc., as well as Japan, Shinto, Hinduism in India and China, Taoism and other religions. Teachings of various religions have their own creed, theological theories, rules and prohibitions and rituals systems.
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zōng jiào
  Based on the supernatural power in the universe who created and control exists, it gives to the soul after death and continue to belief systems
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No. 3
  The world's four major religions
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No. 4
  Yue religion. - Cai "picture"
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No. 5
  One of the social ideology, including the appropriate worship. I believe there in the real world of the supernatural, super-human strength and the state, dominated the natural and social. By Engels say, religion is "dominated the daily life of the external forces in people's minds the illusion of a reflection, in this reflection, the world's forces took the form of super-human strength." With the development of society and history, religion also evolved. The initial manifestation of religion is magic, totemism, fetishism, animism, etc.. Development after the polytheistic worship to a God; religion evolved from the tribal ethnic and religious, as well as the world's religions (Buddhism, Christianity, Islam).
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  Religion is the history of human society to a certain stage of the emergence of a cultural phenomenon, a social ideology. Main features, that keep the real world outside of the mysterious supernatural forces or entities, unifying all things and the mystery of absolute authority, dominate the natural evolution, decided the fate of this world, which makes this a mystery in awe and worship, and thus extended cognitive beliefs and rituals of the activities. Some early human societies, religious commitment to the interpretation of the world, justice, moral development and psychological comfort and other features. Modern society, science and justice have been isolated from some religions, but the moral development and psychological comfort features also continue to exist. Posed by the belief systems of religious and social groups is the cultural and social patterns of human thought is an important component. The subjects of religion, religion.
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Etymology of religion
  Western language of the "religion" (such as English, Religion) from the Latin Roman Religio. Although the ancient Greeks expressed the fear of God, piety, and etiquette related discipline, has not formed a specific concept of religion. Roman philosopher Cicero, in his book "On the nature of God" in the used Relegere (meaning repeated reading, meditation) or Religere (meaning attention and careful consideration), we can see that he was on the worship of God need to focus attention and the need for serious. Another theologian Augustine Roman "On the True Religion" and "the number of souls" are used Religare, representative, between God and the soul re-integration of the people of God Union explains that the close relationship with God. Augustine also in the "revised" and "City of God" in the use of Re-eligere to represent people in re-faith choice and decision, people need to be considered and _select_ed by God to re-repaired. Therefore, the original intent of the Latin word Religio should be man of the holy faith, obligations and worship, and the combination between God repaired. Thus, Religio and the modern Western concept of religion have in common is not the same.
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The definition of religion
  There are various definitions of religion, the majority of the definition of trying to explain a lot of extreme balance and meaningless statements. Theory was that the application form and to define it, it was also more emphasis on experience, emotional, intuitive, ethical factors.
  Sociologists and anthropologists tend to view religion as an abstract concept meaning. This abstract concept is based on the development of their own cultural _set_ up. "Encyclopedia of Religion," in the definition of religion is this:
  In summary, it may be said that almost every known culture involves the religious in the above sense of a depth dimension in cultural experiences at all levels - a push, whether ill-defined or conscious, toward some sort of ultimacy and transcendence that will provide norms and power for the rest of life. When more or less distinct patterns of behaviour are built around this depth dimension in a culture, this structure constitutes religion in its historically recognizable form. Religion is the organization of life around the depth dimensions of experience - varied in form, completeness, and clarity in accordance with the environing culture. "
  "Translation: In general, every known culture, contains a more or less religious, they are confusing or have tried to understand or explain the world perfect. When some act in a specific example of a cultural when you get established, it will lay deep in the culture, the history of branding. even in the form of religion, integrity, credibility, and so should be different cultures and different, but people in society will inevitably be subject to religious or impact. "
  The following are the religious scholars of religion's definition:
  Some people think that the various definitions of religion, the main Abrahamic Western scholars to teach the definition of cultural areas, and its corresponding English as a religion. In China's view, Western culture, religion (religion), but God of religion, that is worship of supernatural religion. Narrow concept of Western religion, and the broad concept of religion in China, is different. The concept of Chinese culture and religion in addition to Taoism, Buddhism, Hinduism, and teach other Abrahamic "monotheistic religions", and "people of religion." Sage and teacher known as the master of Confucianism, Confucius is a man of religion, or "holy religion." Apart from a few will be deified Confucius Confucian schools of followers, the Chinese sage Confucius that is not the supernatural, he is not a prophet, but only the first saint and teacher, which is more in line with the religious nature of rational religion. People of religion in the Confucian-based society, the dissemination and development of scientific knowledge, not only will not get resistance from religious believers, but because people pay attention to the concept of cultural knowledge and inquiring, respected by everyone, people are willing to openly discuss any learning the problem, not a taboo subject for science to exist. Belief in the ancestors of the Chinese people, it is based on people's "faith in God." Confucian civilization in the region, the faith of ancestral spirits, ancestors, bless, and so the concept is also a belief in supernatural forces. Meanwhile, there are other types of Chinese folk belief in the deities. In addition, the Confucian society often co-exist with the Taoist and Buddhist belief in a supernatural God and other religious and other types of civil religion.
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Religious elements
  The reason why a religion a religion, because it consists of three levels, one for religious ideas and emotional experience (teaching), two acts of religious worship and ritual practice (teaching apparatus), the three systems for the teaching of religion and social organizations (Mission).
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  Religious teachings are divided into "concept" and "experience" two. Ideal type concept of the divine soul of the concept of the concept of God the type of religious experience a sense of awe amazing sense of guilt depends rescued experience a sense of mystery hunt was the type of theory of religion attend religious morality Drug Application religious view that the people of God and the fear of God mentality, it is the religious heart of the internal factors, it is "faith in God" is the root of all religions. The object of religion be understood and controlled as a supernatural or mysterious force of nature is sacred, it is regarded as a god, spirit, gods, the highest of a God, or in the abstract to the Absolute, the Eternal, the supreme person, there are those who never owned, there are infinite, beyond time and space are termed. This belief is considered the origin and destination of all things, the foundation and basis of all existence. However, the understanding of the various religions of God are different, there may be "numerous and orderly", "single and exclusive", it is possible to "Beyond" or "internal" exists, which constitutes polytheism, the main Church, one Lord God education, dual polytheism, they are also super-pantheism pantheism, animism, etc. of different gods. Religious interpretation of the concept of God "theology," theology in religious communication, history, evolution, human progress has been adjusted continually revised. Theology, religion and self-consciously, the major difference of religion, because theology has its theoretical and systematic, but religion is not a spontaneous theological system.
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Teaching instrument
  Witchcraft religion repentance sacrifice prayer taboo acts of worship, religious etiquette are the external factors. Reflect the practice of religious doctrine, but also reflects the religious tradition of reform and its social and cultural background. Teaching instrument is standardized, stylized, institutionalized and institutionalized, its content, including prayer, sacrifice, sacraments, liturgy, practice and ethics. Doctrine is based on the theoretical system of religion, and teaching instrument is based on the activities of social practice, the former provide a basis and guidance for the latter, the latter to the former to promote the spirit of charm and externalization; the former by the continued interpretation, collection, compilation of religious texts The deepening of the latter is also the accumulated experience to determine the extent of implementation, so the doctrine and teaching instruments and all the cultural atmosphere in which people have an accepted social practice.
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  Religious teaching system and the Mission system (such as the Christian Church, pastoral; Buddhist Sangha), represents the institutionalization of religious belief systems and social, is the religion of the most shell, but indispensable. On the one hand provide a space for religion, on the other hand there is also given protection. Teaching system has the external form of religion has been visible to the community work. Historically, political and religious unity or separation often reflects the social function of administrative functions and combination of the priests of religion, that religion and secular society that both the individual links and differences between them. Mission and the formation of teaching, marking the maturity of the human belief system, enrich the religious, make up the doctrines and ordinances, which highlights the unique nature of religious and other social awareness and social and cultural history of the different characteristics of the phenomenon.
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The origin of religion
  Religion from the quasi-religious phenomenon, arising from the original religion before the current activities of Mao's first known form of human consciousness, one of a certain degree of religious factors, but no concept of the supernatural body, the object has not yet deified, not called upon to worship The study, all thanks to the illusion that certain actions can affect the certain phenomena or things, such as magic spells, acupuncture wood dolls, wear jade.
  Paleolithic cave paintings of animals throughout the image is sharp stab of the traces of many magicians thought to increase the hunting shooting. The Neanderthals, Upper Cave Man and other burials, the bones were found strewn on the Pink and sand and gravel, probably by blood line spells things, in order to secure the deceased after death or regeneration. When the formation of the concept of religion and gods, magic spells and more become a subsidiary of religious action. Religious origins of the discipline of religious anthropology (Anthropology of religion), the main theory of animism, the former animism, magic of the original monotheism, function theory, theory and language disorders myth structure theory, the former the four schools is the theory of evolution, the latter three schools are cultural circle.
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  Animism by the British archaeologist Taylor (Edward Burnett Tylor) proposed that the primitive religion before the formation of "animism" concept, in the shadow, reflection, echo, respiratory, sleep, think that when people substances within the body of a non-material things, people have a life, of which the greatest impact to the feeling of a dream, when the unknown thing that leave the body, the body will lose activity, breathing stops, Taylor called this unknown things as Anima. Primitive man pushing all the growth or activity of caries things, even such as Sun Moon Jieyou Anima, but modern scholars believe that primitive man is not a religion, the abstract reasoning ability, but also did not find any archaeological evidence.
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Animism ago
  The former, also known as hylozoism animist is Marrett amendment to the animism, he considered primitive in the production "animism," the concept, first with a concept, is that the whole world is live, it is also the world every living thing, not all things to all with its own premise of an independent soul, but have not found any archaeological evidence.
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On Witchcraft
  Proposed by the Fraser of witchcraft, he believes the development of the human spirit by magic to religion and then science. Witchcraft is a quasi-religious phenomenon. Primitive that witchcraft can be controlled naturally, because nothing more than contact with law or similar law, that is a part of something that made a practice that can affect the whole of the property, or that the object of similar practices can affect the physical properties, But humans do not believe that this virtual force, then transferred to the comfort of supernatural beings and compassion.
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Theory of language disorders
  Language theory of disease (a disease of language) by the German Marxist philosopher, Muller (Max Müller) proposed that the ancient Indo-European language of his less abstract words, words must be given some of these conceptual links personified, otherwise we can not use. Gods name was originally merely a natural phenomenon, and later from the personification of vocabulary, resulting in a sense it is, the myth was born. Thus, the object causing fear gradually overshadowed the language and metaphors act as the final phase separation and direct perception.
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Primitive monotheism
  Original monotheism made by the Schmidt, he was of the Catholic clergy members will be members of that most ancient cultures in general have the most on the existence of God can be found in the North American Arctic peoples, the Pygmies and the South East Aboriginal Australia, it is monotheistic religion is humanity's oldest, first the image of God is the first revelation from God, the subsequent degradation of religious development was being overshadowed by the strange gods discussed Spectral Essence.
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Function of
  Function of the first by the British anthropologist Malinowski made, also features a series of school after the general theory, he considered religious rituals and witchcraft behavior is to meet the psychological needs of individuals, reduce the pressure to provide a positive attitude towards life to face death in the face, but also protect the tribe's traditions and values, these functions can be divided into biological, spiritual and standard three.
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Structural Theory of Myth
  Structural Theory of Myth by the French anthropologist Levi Strauss suggested that he thought the different parts of the world, the original structure of the human mind Jieyou common, Jie Yu explained things in the world, this phase is to develop a common _set_ of myths and the driving force.
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Criticism of religion
  Religious intellectualism
  Religious intellectualism in a rational, logical to explore religion, it is like a double-edged sword, can also protect against the Church teaching.
  Anti-religionists Russell pungency of style to the most prominent point of view, first of all, he maintains that all things have causes, that God should be no exception, said the first cause of religion and there is no logic at all. He believes that science with a second degree of randomness, and today we know that quantum mechanics, chaos theory has a certain degree of unpredictable nature, suggesting that natural law may not determine everything from the hand of God, but simply changing temporary scientific conclusions. In addition, he also considered that the theologians are full of "anthropic principle" unreasonable expectations, reason why theologians that the world is like this is to enable people to live, this example is equivalent to say that man is to grow high nose frame glasses as simple as the results become a reason for the emergence of Russell that the human is just a product of natural evolution, if God is the Creator, why create a fascist party, or so much terrorism? He also believed that, if it is non-standard depends on the word of God, that God himself should not have to speak of perfection, if you believe that God is the supreme good, then have to admit is a non-standard things by God to judge the outside, this dilemma, Yiling theists whom men can answer.
  On the religious sentiment
  To show that the religious sentiments of the nature and significance of non-religion is reflected in the activities and achievements of intellect, intuition is a kind of "unlimited", "the divine" and students of the absolute, unconditional sense of interdependence. Schleiermacher that the scientific or ethical reason to criticize religion is superficial, scientific outline emphasizes the reality of the world, to the same phase, the inevitability of regularity to deduce the facts, and morality from the people themselves start to develop a responsibility system, relying on what the ultimate authority to do under the command not to do that. Religion has its own, in general, religion is "a sense of absolute dependence." Limited activities through intuition, to those we face not visible, full of reverence for the eternal, the universe once the intuition, the understanding of their sense of the small and humble, and thus arouse "feelings of the Infinite." Otto pointed out that a large number of religious texts to describe the divine word, the more clear when the concept is to convey the more determined tendency to make a rational religion, but religion is "irrational" (the non-rational) (Note that does not mean "irrational" the irrational). We only borrowed words to determine the properties of the main body, but this subject is infinite can not rely on them to understand, he pointed out that this is the most intuitive person - "Sacred" - must rule out any moral considerations, the "mysterious who "give rise to" fear ", and" high sense "and" a sense of vitality. "
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The will of religious
  On religion will play in Pascal, by James takes it. In conclusion, we believe fail to get a letter with no reason to choose the letter, but the analysis of risk to make bet, available "stake of faith," these five words to wind up. Provided that the belief in God is a "real choice", James genuine choice is defined as "a viable, can not be avoided, significant value" in the present, we are pros and cons of each argument, in the foreseeable future Some people are not necessarily fully support the existence of God or the reverse proposition, so we are not rational and can be hesitant to commit themselves, to avoid the error due to the loss of benefits, and this may cause great displeasure of God, and faith and unbelief can be seen as a major stake in life, if you believe in the existence of God, available to all gambling wins, if the bet will lose, it will not lose anything, but do not believe the existence of God, won the bet but emotional victory, lost the bet puts out the hope of future life. On the will of the point of view, the will of Russell's criticism as "utilitarian, subjective," first, James is only wishful thinking that the eternal hope that religion can be obtained, but this proposition has been confirmed that he did not go, it may believe in God but had to go to hell instead. In addition, devout religious believers, the existence of God is accurate, as history has had such a person of Mao Zedong, the orthodox religious believers will think, "I believe in God, therefore I am blessed," said James rather than " If you believe in God, you will be happy. " Beyond the will of the religious sense of the sacred to erase, requires an absolute commitment of the followers into a materialistic businessmen, will become only the letter is good, no real exploration. On the religious ultimate
  Religious dialogue
  The development of information, freedom of religion, and the social economy to a non-self-sufficiency, the implementation of global integration, global village gradually formed. Inter-religious dialogue is not only self-survival, the need to promote the right path, but also to avoid the conflict was a disaster, whether it is between the Church, or the various religions, made to stand out more and more dialogue, of which the position of each religion has its self- , respectively, exclusivity, and the merger of pluralism.
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  Influence of religion in the world of religious and ethnic groups in various countries there. So far, no country that is not religion. And the world has more than the absolute number of religious believers had no religious beliefs.
  Religion and Politics
  The relationship between religion and politics is complex, religious beliefs will affect the law. Religion is a social ideology, is part of the superstructure. Historically, the religious ruling class is often used as a tool to rule the spirit of the people. On the other hand, religion has often been used as a rebel against the oppression of the tool. Modern in many countries, citizens have freedom of religion, that is, religious freedom, there are no religious freedom, freedom of faith that religion, but also believe that freedom of religion, it is one of the fundamental rights of citizens. The Middle Ages, the world has many countries have adopted the system of politics and religion, state power and religion into one, is head of state religious leaders to gain direct control of state power; establishment of a single religion as the state religion, religious rules is the law of the land, citizens must believe and compliance with, citizens have no other religions or no religion of freedom, otherwise it will be considered "infidels" and persecuted. But in ancient China, the Confucian influence, allowing citizens the freedom of other religions, but all other religions must be included in the framework of Confucian ethics. Currently identified by the People's Republic of religion must be one of patriotism for ideological dogma. Marxist view that when social development to communism, religion will disappear. Religion and Culture and Arts
  Religious literature of religious art religious paintings religious buildings religious art religious dance drama of religion Religion and science Religious Dress
  Religion and science are usually mutually exclusive. European medieval Inquisition, the church that is contrary to the "Bible" words and deeds of the people sentenced to torture. Many scientists have been persecuted. However, some aspects of religion in promoting the development of science. But there are also religious teachings into science examples: Raelian Movement believe that God is actually another planet, scientists, using genetic engineering to create human beings, and God is the Creator of creation with this method, and considered that a solution to the current human problems and will be able to use technology to create life, to be the next wise Creator of life.
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List the number of believers of all religions
  Shinto Taoism --------------------- ------------------------ 2,680,000 - 100 million 600 million 4.34 million Jainism, Confucianism --------------- ---------------------- 6.32 million Baha'i --------- -------------------- ------------ 7,400,000 Judaism --------- ------------------- 2,382 million 1,453 million Sikhism Zoroastrianism --------- ------ 2,666 million Hindu Buddhist ---------------- ---------------------- 200 000 000 ------- 360 million 389 million Chinese folk religion of Islam -------------- ------------------ 1.2 billion Christianity (including all sects) --- about 20 billion other Christians have been classified ----------- ---- 2,720 million 8,166 million Anglican Church of England Christians Uncategorized - ---------------- ---------------------------- 217 million 110 million Orthodox Protestant ------------------------------- -------------- 350 million remaining independent churches -------------------- ---- 400 million 1 billion Roman Catholics
  From Compound Brittanica Encyclopaedia
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The world's major religions
  Buddhism: Theravada Buddhism, Mahayana Buddhism, Chinese Buddhism, Tibetan Buddhism, Islam (Islam): Sunni, Shia, Sufi, Hindu ima send twelve projects (also known as Hinduism): Brahmin Teaching Taoism: Taoism in Vietnam, the Korean Taoist Christianity: | | Western churches: Catholic, Anglican, Protestant
  (Including: Calvinist, Lutheran, Anabaptist), recovery denominations (including: the main Mormon Church of Latter-day Saints and Jehovah's Witnesses (heresy the Church) (includes: Charismatic Movement, Seventh-day Adventist Association) | | Eastern Church: Orthodox, Copts, Assyrian Church of the East (Nestorian),
  Judaism: | | Rabbi Jewish community: Orthodox Judaism, Conservative Judaism, Jewish re-create camp, Reform Judaism | | Carly too send | | liberal | | Messianic sects (most do not agree, and only re-created School Identity) | | Kabbalah (disputed)
  Kuan Tao Taoism Shinto days (Christian heresy) Bon Sikh Baha'i Zoroastrian (Zoroastrianism, Zoroastrianism): Manichaeism (Persian Mingjiao) Wika other emerging religious sects
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Confucianism is a religion on the debate
  Confucianism is a religion, there are different views. In general, as the religion of Taoism is a religion of Taoism is not considered, like Confucianism, Confucianism is not considered a religion, while Confucianism is the existence of different views, some people think is not a religion, some people think of religion, It depends on the Confucian understanding of the meaning and understanding of the meaning of religion. In Hong Kong, Indonesia and other places, Confucianism (Confucianism) is regarded as religion. No matter how controversial, it is undeniable, there is a religious form of Confucianism (Confucianism), as in Taiwan, there will be Chinese Confucianism in Indonesia, there are holes church.
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English Expression
  1. :  religion
  2. n.:  conference,  convention,  creed,  faith,  theology,  particular system of faith and worship based on such a belief
French Expression
  1. n.  religion
theology, Religion study, divinity
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