reference book : vocabulary : classifier > dict
Dictionary meaning of the field in the hacker
  Hacks's dictionary is a text file that contains a lot of passwords, hacking software commonly used in generating the dictionary contains a lot of password files, and then use software to keep a dictionary of passwords to try landing, until the successful landing. This process is known as brute force, or called exhaustive.
  English translation:
  1. Dictionary
  2. Character dictionary
Translated by Google
  Collection of words, arranged according to a method of search words, and one by one indicate its pronunciation, meaning and usage of the tool. Is Chinese and similar languages (such as the Tangut, Khitan text) in a language specific dictionary. It contains a single word for the object, but also integrated a small amount of compound words.
  Dictionary has a long history in ancient China known as the "Book" (a word that refers to the book and dictionaries). Dictionaries term, as a text book to explain the pan that has been common in the Northern and Southern Dynasties, but the ancient Chronicles of its classified as "primary" category, until the Qing period made "Si Ku Quan Shu" when separate classes in primary schools " Dictionaries "category. The earliest record found in the word book is a legend out of Taishi Zhou Zhou Xuan Wang hand when the "History of Zhou article" (according to neighbor to research, the book is actually between the Qin made the Spring and Autumn). Warring States to the Western Han Dynasty, the Chinese word book infancy. In addition to the representative of "the history of Zhou article", there Qin Li Si's "Cang Jie chapter," Zhao Gao "Yuan Li chapter," Hu not respect the "erudite chapter," History of Han Yu's "first aid chapter," Yang Xiong The "training Compiling articles," and so on. Most times they just compiled the text, there is no explanation. The first word in a systematic book, Han Xu Shen's "Dictionary" (written in AD 100). The book's first radical scheduling method, meaning, style, pronunciation comprehensive interpretation of the word for the future development of the book laid the foundation. Then modeled on the "Dictionary" word a lot of books compiled, existing mainly between the Southern Chen and Liang Gu Ye Wang's "jade articles," North Songwang Zhu, Sima Guang, etc. "category articles", Ming Mei Ying Zuo The "words" and so on. Fifty-five years of the Qing Emperor Kangxi (1716), edited by Chang Yu-book of "Kangxi Dictionary" was published, the "dictionary" than the word "Book" is more traffic. Take "dictionary" for the title, usually believed to have started, "Kangxi" Tang Hui Lin also suggested that "all the sound and meaning," has been quoted "dictionary," a book, "Dictionary" is the emergence can be traced back to Tang Dynasty ago .
  Detailed dictionary and the dictionary can be divided into special dictionary. Detailed word dictionary is to shape, sound and meaning to a full explanation, such as "Xinhua Dictionary", "Dictionary of Chinese Characters" and so on. Special dictionary also known as specialized dictionaries, it is far as to explain a particular aspect of the word, such as orthographic dictionary, pronunciation dictionaries, virtual word dictionary, word dictionary so difficult.
  (Yang Zuxi)
Translated by Google
English Expression
  1. :  Dictionaries
  2. n.:  dict,  dictionary,  glossary,  thesaurus,  wordbook,  India paper,  book that lists and explains the words of a language, or gives translations of them into one or more other languages, and is usu arranged in alphabetical order,  character dictionary
French Expression
  1. n.  dictionnaire
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