astronomical > body
Author: Guo Heli
tiān tǐ
  The universe, stars, planets, satellites, comets, space dust, meteors, nebulae, etc. referred to
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No. 3
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No. 4
  Son's birthday bare ass photo objects, then the pleasant smile
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No. 5
  Day form; universe. "East View of the Han Kee and Deng Xi Queen Biography": "palpable taste of dream objects, floating about being green slip." "Later Han Zhang Heng Chuan," "a" spiritual constitution "," calculate disregard of "a very full and clear statement" Li Xian note cited "Chinese famous officials played": "Yong said: 'those who made objects, there are three: First of Zhou Bi, second is infinite, third is Theory of sphere.'" Qing Ye Ting Guanxi "If fishing gull Pei Shu-Yu Jin Qiao Selected Poems ":" Miscellaneous poem: objects of this great circle, transportation and health in the dry. "Ba Jin" destroyed "the 20th chapter:" In this great boundless objects too, only a few How many pieces were inlaid clear star. "
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No. 6
  Sun, Earth, Moon and other stars, planets, satellites and comets, meteors, etc. all the stars collectively known universe.
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No. 7
  Exist outside the Earth's atmosphere all the Aggregate. As the sun, moon, stars and nebulae and so on. Some are spherical, some were spiral-shaped or diffuse form. Artificial earth satellite in 1957, days after it emerged a class of natural objects with different "artificial objects."
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No. 8
  First, the object is to form the universe in terms of material existence, is all the known stars and interstellar matter, such as stars (including the sun), nebulae, planets (including Earth Mars), satellites (including the moon), asteroids, comets, meteors, etc..
  Material universe, the formation of any gathering of a variety of astronomical objects. If the sun in the solar system, planets, asteroids, satellites, comets, meteoroids, interplanetary matter, the galaxy of stars, star clusters, nebulae, interstellar matter, and the external galaxy, galaxies, super clusters of galaxies, intergalactic substances. By means of radio and space detection means detecting the infrared source found, UV source, radio source, x-ray source and γ-ray sources, are also objects. Humans in space launch and operation of satellites, rockets keep the universe, space laboratory, lunar, planetary probes, interplanetary probes, etc. are referred to as man-made objects.
  The position of celestial objects in a coordinate system the coordinates of the celestial sphere, usually it is in the equatorial coordinate system coordinates (right ascension and declination). Equatorial coordinate system as the basic plane (equatorial plane) and the main point (vernal equinox) because of precession, nutation change with time, right ascension and declination of celestial bodies also change. In addition, the observer on the Earth's celestial coordinates of the observed objects themselves and also because of the observer relative to the Earth where space for movement and position of celestial bodies differ. There are several positions of celestial bodies defined: ① level position. Consider only the precession of the equatorial plane and the equatorial level of peace known as the vernal equinox vernal equinox, the coordinate system defined by their level equatorial coordinate system is called, the reference coordinate system measured in this ascension and declination referred to as horizontal position. ② true position. Further consideration of the equator relative to the level of peace for the nutation of the equinox and the vernal equinox is called the equatorial plane and the true vernal equinox true equator, defined by their coordinate system equatorial coordinate system called the True, the reference coordinate system measured in this ascension and declination known as the true position. Horizontal position and true position changes with time, and space motion of the Earth's speed and direction, and has nothing to do with the relative positions of celestial bodies. ③ depending on location. Taking into account the instantaneous observations of celestial bodies above the earth relative to the space factors, the true position of celestial bodies aberration and parallax correction from the position of a place that is called. As the position equivalent to the hypothetical observer on Earth without the atmosphere observed directly measured instantaneous equatorial coordinates. Star positions of celestial bodies listed in the table is usually a relatively certain of a _select_ed instantaneous (epoch known as the catalog) in flat position. To get the apparent position of the instantaneous observations need to add: ① the catalog epoch to the observation and self-correction of the instantaneous precession. ② observed transient nutation corrections. ③ observed transient aberration and parallax correction.
  Their distance from the observer on the Earth from space objects. Different types of difference between the very poor object distance, the measurement method is also different. ① objects within the solar system is the latest of a class of objects that can be used triangulation method for the determination of the Sun Moon and planets horizon parallax; and then under the theory of celestial mechanics obtained solar parallax. Can also be launched to the moon or the planets or to the moon launched the radio pulse laser, and then receives the echo reflected from their surface, record radio from time directly from the projected object. ② For close objects outside our solar system, trigonometric parallax method is only 100 seconds away from the sun, the stars within the gap to apply. Trigonometric parallax of stars farther too small to determine, indirectly, to use other means to measure the distance. Are: analysis of stellar spectra of some of the lines to estimate the absolute magnitude of stars, and then through the star's absolute magnitude compared with the magnitude of the demand of its distance; analysis of stellar spectra to estimate the strength of interstellar absorption lines from stars ; use of visual binary of the revolving period and the orbital inclination of the observed values to derive the distance; moving clusters by measuring the position of radiation and the star of their own members and the radial velocity to calculate the distance to the cluster; to have something in common characteristics of a group of stars according to their own mean estimate the average distance of stars; use of the Milky Way and the stars in differential rotation principle as to the speed of the radial velocity measured values from the constellation of the average seek distance. ③ far outside the solar system objects for distance measurement methods include: the use of Lyra rr-type variable star's apparent magnitude of the observed equivalent; use of Cepheid variable stars Zhou relations; use of globular clusters or galaxies, the angular diameter measured values; use of tested cluster of main sequence stars with known stellar main sequence stars of the comparison; use of the observed star, or supernova, as the magnitude of the maximum; use the observed extragalactic bright star in the average apparent magnitude; use of the observed globular clusters cumulative apparent magnitude; use of the spectrum redshift galaxies and the Hubble's law and so on.
  Because the shape and rotation of celestial objects are not particles, has a certain size and shape of objects within the attraction between particles and rotation of the centrifugal force makes the object shape and produce changes in density distribution within the material, but also the rotation movement of celestial bodies have an impact. Theory of shape and rotation of celestial bodies is to study objects in the gravitational effect of the shape and rotation of the law of movement.
  -------------------- ---------------------------- Dividing line -
  Second, the Western body of a bare their behavior.
  What is the real nature of objects behavior?
  Celestial bodies in the nude, but not show nudity, but bare their bodies healthy
  Object is showing off the body, but not posture Competition, but the face of a calm state of mind, respect for self and others body
  Object can be an activity, but not intentionally, but of inner voice to listen
  Objects can be in the outdoors, at home, you can group, you can personal
  Object is to try to get rid of unnecessary shackles, trying to back to nature, feel free
  Object is to feel the wind from the clouds to move, meditation experience of air through the body, allowing the tactile nerve endings come back, so that blood flow
  Objects is a disposition, a state of mind, put aside suspicion and panic, calm, spiritual cultivation
  We do not exclude objects, objects do not advocate
  Object is not a dogma, not a utopia, but a natural way of life, for freedom of choice
  Object is not formalism, is not performance art, not the ultimate goal, but the return to nature return "true" one of the possible ways
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The definition of celestial bodies
  Material universe, the formation of any gathering of a variety of astronomical objects. Object is to form in the universe in terms of material, a variety of known stars and interstellar matter. If the sun in the solar system, planets, moons, asteroids, comets, meteors, interplanetary matter, the galaxy of stars, star clusters, nebulae, interstellar matter, and the external galaxy, galaxies, super clusters of galaxies, intergalactic substances. By means of radio and space detection means detecting the infrared source found, UV source, radio source, X-ray source and γ-ray sources, are also objects. Humans in space launch and operation of satellites, space rockets, space laboratory, lunar, planetary probes, interplanetary probes, etc. are referred to as man-made objects.
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The position of celestial bodies
  Celestial coordinate system in a celestial coordinates, usually it is in the equatorial coordinate system coordinates (right ascension and declination). Equatorial coordinate system as the basic plane (equatorial plane) and the main point (vernal equinox) because of precession, nutation change with time, right ascension and declination of celestial bodies also change. In addition, the observer on the Earth's celestial coordinates of the observed objects themselves and also because of the observer relative to the Earth where space for movement and position of celestial bodies differ.
  There are several positions of celestial bodies definition:
  ① level position. Consider only the precession of the equatorial plane and the equatorial level of peace known as the vernal equinox vernal equinox, the coordinate system defined by their level equatorial coordinate system is called, the reference coordinate system measured in this ascension and declination referred to as horizontal position.
  ② true position. Further consideration of the equator relative to the level of peace for the nutation of the equinox and the vernal equinox is called the equatorial plane and the true vernal equinox true equator, defined by their coordinate system equatorial coordinate system called the True, the reference coordinate system measured in this ascension and declination known as the true position. Horizontal position and true position changes with time, and space motion of the Earth's speed and direction, and has nothing to do with the relative positions of celestial bodies.
  ③ depending on location. Taking into account the instantaneous observations of celestial bodies above the earth relative to the space factors, the true position of celestial bodies aberration and parallax correction from the position of a place that is called. As the position equivalent to the hypothetical observer on Earth without the atmosphere observed directly measured instantaneous equatorial coordinates.
  Star positions of celestial bodies listed in the table is usually a relatively certain of a _select_ed instantaneous (epoch known as the catalog) in flat position.
  To get the apparent position of the instantaneous observations need to add:
  ① from the catalog epoch to the observation instantaneous precession and self-correction.
  ② observed transient nutation corrections.
  ③ observed transient aberration and parallax correction.
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Their distance
  Observer on the Earth's distance to the object. Different types of difference between the very poor object distance, the measurement method is also different.
  ① objects within the solar system is the latest of a class of objects that can be used triangulation method for the determination of the Sun Moon and planets horizon parallax; and then under the theory of celestial mechanics obtained solar parallax. Can also be launched to the moon or the planets or to the moon launched the radio pulse laser, and then receives the echo reflected from their surface, record radio from time directly from the projected object.
  ② For close objects outside our solar system, trigonometric parallax method is only 100 seconds away from the sun, the stars within the gap to apply. Trigonometric parallax of stars farther too small to determine, indirectly, to use other means to measure the distance.
  Some lines of stellar spectra to estimate the absolute magnitude of stars, and then through the star's absolute magnitude compared with the magnitude of the demand of its distance;
  Analysis of interstellar absorption lines in stellar spectra to estimate the strength of the distance from the star;
  Use of visual binary stars revolving cycle and orbital inclination of the observed values to calculate the distance;
  Moving clusters by measuring the position of radiation and the star of their own members and the radial velocity to calculate the distance to the cluster;
  Have some common characteristics for a group of stars, the average estimate in accordance with its own stars, the average distance;
  Using the Milky Way and the stars as the differential rotation speed of the principles of the radial velocity measured values from the constellation of the average seek distance.
  ③ far outside the solar system objects for distance measurement methods are:
  RR Lyrae type variable stars using the observed apparent magnitude equivalent;
  Cepheid variable stars of the week using light relations;
  Globular clusters or galaxies, using the angular diameter measured values;
  Tested clusters using main sequence stars with known stellar main sequence stars of the comparison;
  Using the observed star or supernova maximum apparent magnitude;
  Use the observed extragalactic bright star in the average apparent magnitude;
  Globular clusters using the observed cumulative apparent magnitude;
  Use of the spectrum redshift galaxies and the Hubble's law and so on.
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Shape and rotation of celestial bodies
  The object is not a particle, has a certain size and shape of objects within the mutual attraction between particles and rotation of the centrifugal force makes the object's shape and produce changes in density distribution within the material, but also the rotation movement of celestial bodies have an impact. Theory of shape and rotation of celestial bodies is to study objects in the gravitational effect of the shape and rotation of the law of movement.
  Theory in the shape of celestial bodies, usually the object as an incompressible fluid, to discuss objects in the homogeneous or inhomogeneous density distribution of the equilibrium shape when the next rotation and stability problems. Currently the most in-depth study of the shape of the earth theory, the equilibrium shape of the rotating ellipsoid, triaxial ellipsoid, and so the Earth model. In recent years, dedicated to the Earth using information obtained from satellite measurements, is the result of ground geodetic tie to establish a more accurate Earth model.
  Object's rotation theory, mainly to discuss the rotation axis in space and celestial bodies within the mobile body and the rotation rate changes. Among them, the theory of the Earth's rotation has been discussed very detailed. Earth's rotation axis formation in the body movement within the earth move (see polar motion); the same time, the orientation of Earth's rotation axis is change in space (see precession, nutation). The rate of rotation of the Earth are changing, it has both long-term slow down the length of the sidereal day every 100 years, an increase of approximately 1 / 1000 seconds, there are a number of short-cycle and irregular changes (see Earth's rotation).
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Determination of the mass objects
  The quality of the Earth and other celestial bodies, great, Newton discovered the law of gravity to provide the possibility of calculating the quality of celestial bodies. Suppose a celestial body mass M, has a mass m of the planet (or satellite) around the object in a circular motion, circular radius r, operating period T, because gravity is the star in a circular motion the centripetal force, so there is GMm / r ^ 2 = 4π ^ 2rm / T ^ 2, which we obtain M = 4π ^ 2r ^ 3 / (GT ^ 2), if it detect T and r, you can calculate the object's mass M.
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Object density
  Application of the law of gravity measured by the quality of an object, can detect the object's radius or diameter, the density of the object can be obtained, that is ρ = M / V = M / (4πR ^ 3 / 3).
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Physical behavior
  A bare their bodies Westerners behavior.
  What is the real nature of objects behavior?
  Celestial bodies in the nude, but not show nudity, but bare their bodies healthy
  Object is showing off the body, but not posture Competition, but the face of a calm state of mind, respect for self and others body
  Object can be an activity, but not intentionally, but of inner voice to listen
  Objects can be in the outdoors, at home, you can group, you can personal
  Object is to try to get rid of unnecessary shackles, trying to back to nature, feel free
  Object is to feel the wind from the clouds to move, meditation experience of air through the body, allowing the tactile nerve endings come back, so that blood flow
  Objects is a disposition, a state of mind, put aside suspicion and panic, calm, spiritual cultivation
  We do not exclude objects, objects do not advocate
  Object is not a dogma, not a utopia, but a natural way of life, for freedom of choice
  Object is not formalism, is not performance art, not the ultimate goal, but the return to nature return "true" one of the possible ways
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  celestial body
  The generic term for various stars in the universe. Solar system objects including the sun, planets, satellites, comets, meteors and interplanetary small objects and so on. Objects in the Milky Way has stars, star clusters, nebulae and interstellar matter and so on. External galaxy and the Milky Way is equally large objects. Above are considered the natural objects. In recent years, the use of infrared observations, radio observations and high-energy detectors discovered infrared source, radio source, X-ray source and γ-ray source and so is the natural objects. Running in the sky satellites, space rockets, interplanetary spacecraft and space laboratories, is a man-made objects.
  (Chen contains Zhang)
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English Expression
  1. :  Celsius heavenly body,  astro,  heavenly body
  2. n.:  celestial body,  sun-bathing,  nudism,  heavenly bodies,  heavenly bodies, ie stars, planets, etc,  body,  a celestial body,  a heavenly body,  sphere,  orbit,  orb,  luminary,  globe
  3. adj.:  naked
French Expression
  1. n.  corps celestes
celestial(或heavenly)body, Star cones, globe
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