religion : Christian vocabulary > popery
Brief introduction
  Catholic Church, also known as Catholic, but since it adopted the name of the Ming Dynasty, "Catholic" has become synonymous with the official Chinese (because it will not use God, believe in God and other words to call God, but only the use of the word of God). In all Christian churches among the public, the Roman Catholic Church (Roman Catholic) congregation of the most massive, the number of the world's 11.3 million, accounting for 17% of the total world population, and therefore the term Catholic Church (Catholic) often refers to the " communion with the Roman Catholic Church Pope ", the current Catholic Church but for all Christian churches in the most massive
  One of the three factions of Christianity. Stuttgart force transliteration teach Catholic translation. According to the Chinese translation of the late Ming and Jesuit missionaries, called the Catholic Church, the Roman Catholic Church, is taken from the Chinese old saying "High Morrow day, Morrow Supreme Lord." According to 2000 statistics, the worldwide total of more than 10 million followers. 395 years of the Roman Empire split into two parts, stuff, stuff empire differences in the political, social, linguistic, cultural traditions and other aspects of the impact of Christianity, in its initial form, it gradually into Latin in Rome as the center and to the king who sent Fort Constantine as the center of the Greek camp, something the two factions of the church and doctrinal issues such supreme power long debate, the official end to the 1054 split. East faction emphasize their orthodoxy, called Orthodox, Western faction emphasize their universality, called Catholic. Catholic Catholic Church in the Middle Ages that has depth in all areas of Western Europe's political, economic, ethical, legal, academic, cultural, education and the arts become omnipresent spiritual power. Until the 16th century Reformation Movement, which has split the relations with the Holy See from the Protestant (anti-Rom cases) factions. Launched a confrontation with the Catholic Church on the one hand anti-religious reform, strengthening the power of the Holy See, to purge the church discipline, while the establishment of the Jesuits and other organizations, all walks of life to reinforce the activities of the Catholic Church. With the European powers have expanded overseas, to the Catholic Church in Africa, Latin America, North America and Asia to carry out missionary work, expanding the influence. In the 20th century, the face of major changes in the world occur in the interior of the Catholic Church on the one hand against modern theology, against communism and other "error theory", on the other hand is also gradually changing rigid stance proposed policy reform and dialogue, seek and Christian parties and all sectors of society to cooperate.
  Organization of the Catholic Church strictly centralized. It attaches to teach order system, teach-order system is divided into first and governing power of God to teach vocational order. God vocational order are: the pope, bishops, priests and deacons. Teach order has the right to rule the pope, bishops, archbishops provinces are bishops, Bishop, etc., the pope has the highest authority, the sanctity, the College of Cardinals elected by cardinals constitute generation, the College of Cardinals is the main advisory body to the pope . Catholic clergy strict rules shall not married, and laity have clear boundaries. Congregation of believers, monks beard the Poor, chastity, obedience three willing and collective life. In addition to the pope, the public meeting also has the supreme authority. Public meeting hosted by the Pope on behalf of all the bishops of the world. Important religious, seminary leaders and renowned theologian, canon law experts also often invited to participate. Since the 12th century, the Catholic Church has held 13 public meetings. The Catholic Church's first decree was complete mid-12th century "Glasgow Chretien Decretals." In the 16th century, "Encyclopedia of Canon Law," the advent of the early 20th century, and modify the compendium of "Code of the Catholic Church", 1983, and enacted a more concise new "Code of the Catholic Church."
  Catholicism believes in God and respect for the Virgin Mary, on the Nine gods, the world of the Queen Mother, the patron of mankind, but also respected saint saint. Doctrinal unity, fundamentalist creed has God exists; God eternal, infinite, omniscient, omnipotent, all-good, He created the world and mankind, and Shangshanfae; Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the Trinity, the Incarnation, the Son of the Passion , resurrection and ascension, Armageddon, etc.. The Catholic Church believes that Christ created, is the body of Christ, who can only be saved through the church. Early Catholic theologians and based primarily on Alexander Augustine theological interpretation of doctrine, the 13th century theologian Thomas Aquinas system gradually became the official theology. After the 20th century, neo-Thomism, supernatural Thomism is also used to demonstrate the Catholic faith and doctrine. The birth of Jesus Catholic Church, resurrection, Pentecost, Feast of Our Lady of the Assumption as four, note on top of specialized teaching experience, whenever a large mass of these festivals to be held in the main ceremony. Also features Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, unction, confession, Kamijina, seven sacramental marriage. Baptism, Confirmation, the Eucharist is the sacramental entry.
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Name and Chinese translations
  The word "catholic" comes from the Greek "καθολικός", meaning "universal, universal", it is also translated as "Catholic." "Catholic Church" and "public" originated from the original Latin catholicus, meaning "universal", as the Chinese translation of "public" is taken from the "Things" and "public" because Catholics believe that only the Catholic Church was is "the world", "general", "popular" church. They chose the name, because they think the church is open to the first of all people, and not a specific race, class, or a specific denomination.
  "Catholic Church" appeared early in the term of the Catholic Church is now in the Apostles' Creed: "Holy Catholic Church (sanctam Ecclesiam catholicam)", and the Nicene Creed which one: "I believe in one, holy, to public, and apostolic Church (Et unam, sanctam, cathólicam et apostólicam Ecclésiam) ".
  "Public" in the original meaning though usually, but in the history of Christianity there are many sects and churches want to have the title, in the end, "the Catholic Church," the term has been owned by the Roman Catholic Church in the legal, just as positive Church's "positive", which literally means, while also usual, but then only owned by the Orthodox Church. Still, there are not affiliated with the Roman Catholic Church to use or maintain "the Catholic Church" (Catholic Church) in the name, such as the ancient Catholic Church, Liberal Catholic Church.
  The word "God" from the "Iori, one said to God, Temple Tianqi" contained "Records • Sealing a book." Our ancients called "day" as God, the "day" refers to God by justice Shangshanfae on (a personal God). Catholic missionaries in China during the late Ming to preach, in order to distinguish the gods believed in traditional Chinese religions, according to Chinese classical Confucian "highest Morrow day, Morrow's most respected master" of the sentence and said his own belief in God as "God "Take meaning" God of heaven and earth, the Lord God, the Lord is also the owner of all things, "it said their own religion is Catholicism.
  In China, some of the Chinese translation of the name of Christianity caused a misunderstanding of the Catholic and Protestant, "Christian" translated from the English "Christianity", refers to all who believe in Jesus Christ the Savior of faith, including Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant, etc.; while In China, the "Christian" generally refers to the English "Protestantism", a more precise translation is "Protestant" was in 1517 by the Christian sect after Martin Luther Reformation formation. In order to avoid misunderstanding and confusion, the entry to avoid the word "Christian", and the "Christian" means in English "Christianity", "Protestant" or "Protestant" means in English "Protestantism".
  AD 1517, the Catholic Church will Oswald Martin Luther priest "separate portal," separated from the Roman Catholic Church out. The Catholic Church was once called "protest cases," "anti-Luo cases", "anti-Christian oath," and so on, until the year 1962 -1965 Second Vatican Council (referred to as "Vatican II") before slowly changing these titles, The brothers were called away from the church will, that is, Protestantism or Protestant, which is in Chinese, called "Christian."
  Said the international Catholic as "Christian," said the emerging church "Protestantism, Protestant or evangelical," China has said the emerging church "Christian", so that a large number of unknown history of China and the China Christian Protestants teach people outside are mistaken, Catholicism is split away from Christianity: first Protestant (China says Christian), after the Catholic. As everyone knows, the Catholic Church is the Roman Catholic Church, founded by Jesus Christ himself, are based on faith in Jesus Christ, which is the predecessor of Judaism, therefore, inherited the concept of a God of Judaism and the Old Testament. The Chinese called Christianity that is internationally as Protestant, was the first in 1517 after the birth of Jesus was split by the International called on the Roman Catholic Christianity out of the church.
  1517 years ago, called Christian, not Protestant, but Roman Catholicism. Because Martin Luther founded the Protestant priest (China called Christianity) has not yet born. AD 1517 after the alleged Christian, not a Catholic, but Protestant (China called Christianity). Because Martin Luther founded the Protestant priests have been born. Second Vatican Council called Christianity, Protestantism was not specifically refers to, but to the Church of Jesus Christ of all faiths.
  We should note that when the church who read the book, not the church published books or books when translated from foreign church, we must distinguish era, not to Protestantism (Chinese call it Christianity) and the Catholic confuse.
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Worship a single god
  The Catholic faith is the object of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit Trinity single God. Father, Son and Holy Spirit are three persons of God, the equivalent of three different forms. (Catholic worship only Lord God, but also worship their savior Jesus)
  When a person through any of a visible image (saints, angels and the Virgin) to "respect the tribute," conducted salute aimed at saluting the image of the characters portrayed, not a worship ("Catechism" on 2131-2132 # ). When worship (God), like Jesus, not the worship of the products, but rather to represent this as the essence: God extend unlimited worship. Church of Our Lady is not (DPRK) worship, but in the mood of her beloved children. Church never worship the Virgin Mary, Our Lady did not put as salvation itself. She only worthy to receive the highest salute, only God was worthy of worship. Therefore, the Church is not the Church of Our Lady of worship. Instead, this behavior can be activated salute the journey of faith of God's people, thanks to the Lord's redeeming grace, and full of hope of salvation.
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Catholic doctrine
  1, "Trinity." Catholicism believes that the world and the universe and the existence of a supernatural power over society, this power is God. He is unique, all-powerful, all things visible and invisible creation of God. Because he has three persons - Father, Son and Holy Spirit, so called him "trinity" of God. Because of the Father in heaven, calling him Father, is considered paramount, dominate all power. He is the "trinity" in the first place. Son, Jesus Christ, sent by the Father come to earth, with their bloody sacrifice on the cross to save the suffering of the world. He is the "trinity" in the second. The Holy Spirit is God and human intermediary, enlightened wisdom and faith, the evil become good people. He is the "trinity" in the third. These three persons are not three separate, but the same body, composed of three God unified whole.
  2, God of Creation said. Catholic Church believes that God created everything in the universe is, of course, God created humans. "Old Testament Genesis," it reads: God five days to create a nature of all things, who made the first six days, the first seven days rest. Genesis says God is the core of the Catholic Church. It is precisely because God created everything, that he was said to be supreme, omnipotent omniscient, omnipresent One True God, is the highest masters of the universe.
  3, the original sin. Catholic Church believes that human nature is sinful. Preach God made Adam and Eve humans, they were placed in the Garden of Eden, lived a carefree life. Later in the devil tempted Eve, encouraging the Garden of Eden Adam ate the knower fruit of the tree of good and evil, that the forbidden fruit (fu), which angered God, was expelled from paradise, "decentralization" to the ground work. The sin of Adam and Eve has passed all of their descendants, to be a source of human suffering, that the original sin of the whole human race. Even newborn babies that died, although not commit any crime, but because there are inherent original sin, it is still a sinner.
  4, Redeemer said. Catholicism believes that since human beings have original sin, they can not help themselves, so God sent his only son Jesus came to earth, as the representative of the sins of mankind by the death of the outflow of blood to redeem mankind's sin. Only trust and rely on Jesus as a savior of mankind atonement, people can obtain eternal life after death.
  5, heaven and hell to say. Catholicism believes that this world is full of evil, the future Christ from heaven, the trial ground living and the dead, the good will go to heaven for eternal life, and the wicked will be cast into hell forever by the crime. Church of the paradise portrayed as a paradise. It is "paved with gold, precious stones to build houses," "seeing beauty, ears music", "mouth taste delicious, each can have a disproportionate sensory bliss." Hell is full of eternal fire, snakes and scorpions everywhere, terrible to the extreme. In addition, between heaven and hell, as well as purgatory. There are some sins, but do not go to hell who was temporarily placed in purgatory suffer, and all other sins flawless, penance is over, before entering heaven.
  6, patience obedience said. Catholic Church called on people to be patient and obedient. "New Testament Romans" talk to people to obey those in power, because the rights are God given. Therefore, the power to resist is to resist God's command, that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.
  In short, the Catholic Church believes that God the Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit), also saluted the Virgin Mary. Father preached create heaven and earth; Incarnate Son, death and resurrection on the cross to save the world, breaking the boundaries of heaven and who became the only mediator between God and man; Holy Spirit from the Father and the Son, is the life-giving God. Declared that the Church founded by Jesus Christ, is the one, holy catholic and apostolic church, the right to pardon sins of the world. Publicity Saints communion, human flesh resurrection and eternal life can be. Yongfu said to enjoy the good, the wicked have eternal wait.
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And comparing the difference between Catholicism and Protestantism
  Historical origins
  Catholicism from Judaism was born out of
  In 1003 BC, King David Leadership 12 tribes of Israel in Jerusalem in order to establish a unified North - South Utah Federal kingdom. Unified federal kingdom momentary glory soon after it split and downhill. 722 years ago, the North in order to be destroyed by the king of Assyria 撒尔贡. The first 598 years and 587 BC, there were 3023 Southern Jewish high class Jews, more than 800 Jews in exile in Babylon class. 587 years ago by the king of Babylon took Southern Jewish high step II are eliminated. Israelis lived for generations in the Palestinian territories has become the rise of the Persian Empire, Egyptian Empire, the Greek Empire, the Roman Empire colonies. In the apostolic era of the Roman Empire after the death of Jesus, that is, AD 70 -72 years of the Jewish War, the eradication of Israel. Since then, Israel has been scattered throughout the world, and until 1948 was the establishment of the State of Israel.
  Jewish colonial empire after prolonged life, day and night they expect God to salvation promised "Messiah" to rescue them from the hand of the oppressor. About 8 BC to 2 years, the Jewish Messiah chosen girl - Maria do their own mother, born in the Jewish - Palestinian Land: Jerusalem at the southern end of Bethlehem. His mother wrapped in swaddling clothes with him, and put him in the stables (also known as a manger), there are angels sing: "Glory to God in the heavens, the Lord loved ones alive to enjoy the peace (Luke 1-20 ). "he told the Magi (the Gentiles) worship later, his mother took him to flee to Egypt, and stay there until the persecution of King Herod of his death, came back from Egypt (Matthew 2:7 -22). His name is Jesus. When he was twelve years old, was in the holy city of Jerusalem, the Temple was the political, economic, religious and cultural center of the listening scribes preaching to them to ask (Luke 39-46). He lived and grew up in the small town of Nazareth in Galilee province until around (Luke 3:23) 30-year-old did not leave this place, go to Galilee to preach the good news of the kingdom of heaven (Mk 1:14-15). Therefore, he is called Galileans and Nazareth (Matthew 2:23). This Jesus of Nazareth in the Jordan, baptized by John (Mk 1:5), began to preach his gospel: "period is full, the kingdom of heaven is near, ye repent, believe the gospel right (Valley a 14-15 .) "He is the beginning and the terminal (default 22 13), past and present, time and history, glory and power belong to him; But he came to earth, their own field, but his own people did not accept he; after he suffered humiliation and pain of the world, was crucified on the cross, at which time about 33. On the third day after his death, his words come true: the resurrection from the dead the third day of the necessary up (Valley sixteen 1-20). The witness, he summoned his disciples are all in mind, passed down from generation to generation, there are two thousand years.
  Jesus' three-year-old left the seclusion of Nazareth came to Jordan, openly preach the kingdom of God and his gospel, many people began to accept his preaching, and follow him, the Gospel of life. From which he chose twelve apostles for. After the resurrection from the dead, he would ordain (ordained) Peter is the rock of the church: "Simon son of Jonah, you want to be called Peter - a rock, and upon this rock I will build my church , the forces of the underworld can never beat him (Mt sixteen 13-19), "clearly announced the establishment of the church. With Peter as the head of state in the communion of the apostolic shepherd, who follow the Lord gradually formed a visible small groups. This small group is to become the future development of the universal Church one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Roman Catholic Church. Century AD Roman Catholicism. As the church advocated freedom, equality and fraternity and was the ruler of the Roman Empire incompatible with life, so the early church repeatedly persecuted by the Roman Empire, known as the "Ten persecution", this time called "teach difficult period." . In 313 AD, the Roman Emperor Constantine issued the Edict of Milan, Italy, and the Roman Catholic Church to admit the old religion (majority God) have equal status. Therefore, the church spread freedom in the Empire, the church has made vigorous development. In 380 AD, the Roman emperor Theodosius I officially recognized Roman Catholicism as the "state religion." Since then, although the church has certain privileges in the community, but the church and politics mixed together, especially in the era of European medieval theocracy, due to human factors, the historical legacy of some of the negative impact. From the front, the European barbarians various ancient cultures interact with new life custom blend, the Christian faith with its subtle features slowly fueling the birth of a new civilization, the Catholic Church became the cradle of European civilization and social progress which is a never be no one can deny the historical facts. Then, as the focus of Emperor Constantine established the new capital, virtually, the church will move in Constantinople by the Roman Constantinople. Since then, derivatives between Rome and Constantinople many large and small, are political, religious, cultural, ritual and doctrinal aspects of grudges and friction, the friction after 700 years of agonizing, finally played in 1054 The final break broke something between the Catholic Church. Eastern Church in Constantinople as the center themselves "Orthodox" - Orthodox, mainly in Eastern Europe; Western Church in the center of Rome claiming to be "Catholic" - Roman Catholic.
  15th century to the second half of the sixteenth century, Europe World Wind Kusakabe, crumbling social conscience, many clergy academic moral character can not meet the needs of demanding Catholics. Deep in the hearts of mankind in this era, the church with lofty ideals, has repeatedly called for ecumenical council, religious and social reform. October 31, 1517, the German Augustinian priest will 士马丁 • Wittenberg Luther published his ninety-five complaint form, criticized the church authorities irrational arguments and practices. So lit the fuse of the sixteenth century Reformation.
  About the internal division of the Roman Catholic Yin Mading • Luther's Reformation caused, generally considered to be a lot of people inside the church dereliction of duty, abuse of power, so that some people could not understand the church, and are unable to restore vitality, and finally abandoned the Catholic Church disappointment. After a lapse of nearly five hundred years, and today the majority of people think the real factors that old religious reform movement is part of the inner spirit, that is: the end of the Middle Ages to the occasion, people ambition to pursue the true face of the Gospel of Jesus Christ . This is, after hundreds of years of painful tests, people are more fair, objective view. In recent decades, Protestants and Catholics through various efforts, to narrow the distance between us. • Everyone thinks Martin Luther acted out of religious fanaticism enthusiasm. Church is a group of people, who are often caused by defects and missing church, unfortunately, sometimes it is difficult to make up for these unfortunate and recovery. The Reformation produced a Christian, but split after various denominations in the world is still referred to as Christianity.
  In the evangelization of the world church teachings of Jesus Christ, the love of God to the world through the efforts of the Holy Spirit who, welfare society, the preservation of all Christ's Sermon. Church never changed, add to or _delete_ from the Ten Commandments and the pro-given seven sacraments promulgated by God himself.
  Protestantism is separated from the Roman Catholic Church in 1517 out
  Early 16th century, European countries up to the size of more than four hundred, which is very complex political, religious life is quite low. At that time, the construction of St. Peter's Basilica in Rome among the vast expense, and sometimes can not raise. Pope Leo X. sent to around fundraising for enthusiastic donors, bestow a number of amnesty. Bestow amnesty not illegal, but as a Way of people, or have too much emphasis on suspicion of money, and thus lead to a lot of people dislike. In 1511, the German Catholic Congregation of Augustinian priest, Martin Luther went to Rome to witness the Holy See's life of luxury, then the initiation determination to reform the church, but he did not "reinvent the wheel" attempts. Actual cause of the subsequent amnesty, killing his Reformed Church fuse. October 31, 1517, he was posted in Germany Whiting Fort Church 95, expressed their faith advocates, launched a vigorous wave of religious reform. Unfortunately, this wave intensified, thus involving the basic tenets of the church. The pope can not convince him, he issued edicts in 1520 on June 15, saying, limiting him to undo the dispute within 60 days, otherwise it is excommunicated. Luther publicly burned the edicts to express indignation. In 1521 January 3, saying the pope deprived him of his excommunication. Since then, new born Protestant split from the Catholic Church, until now still not reached a total fusion.
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  Catholic advocates of a righteous person is saved, not only by faith, but also to implement this line of faith, that is faith to bear good work. In addition to the various sects of Protestantism Anglican (formally separated from Rome in 1534), the Lutheran, the other factions who have advocated faith alone can be a righteous salvation, good works do not need to; Fortunately, in October 1999 31, 2009, the Catholic Church and the Lutheran Augsburg, Germany formally signed the "Joint Declaration doctrine of justification."
  Catholic view of justification
  Faith is free bestow gifts, justification by faith.
  1250 BC, the Lord Yahweh Joseph family from slavery to freedom - of Egypt, in the Sinai mountains veins Camps rib cloth entered into covenant with God - Sinai covenant (Scotch Bible P81-108). This covenant is a covenant between the rights and obligations of the man of God stand each other - the two sides, and is God's act of self-starting lead (German Franciscan priest Fu and Germany with the "Old Testament background" P325 Ecuador 罗兴典 conditional beliefs Covenant) that requires people to respond - to obey God's laws and hold religious worship. From the wilderness period (Shen, 1250 BC - 1200 BC) to _set_tle the Holy Land after the period (the Soviet Union, China) to the north and south of the aggregate of the Babylonian exile and the exile period (sprinkle, the column from top to bottom) of 700 years (561 years ago to only), meantime, who abide by the law, then blessed; abandoned the law, then punished (listed under twenty-five 27-30, "the Old Testament background" P6). This period, but to the people misunderstood the true meaning of this conditional beliefs, their misconceptions held that God's love is to get changed earn achievements. More regrettable that in the era of the Reformation, Luther strongman eventually climb to save another pull no extremes - just "trust" is sufficient, while the value of all the power lines rejected. If someone says he has faith but does not conduct what doth it profit? Is that faith save him do (James 14)?
  Indeed, the salvation of the kingdom of God is not a reward, but rather to establish interpersonal relationship with God bit. Breaking a reward concept in the Gospel is not uncommon. Lord, if you are willing to be able to cleanse me, Jesus reached out to touch him say - I want you clean it (Mt eight 1-3); rehabilitation centurion's servant, Christ said to the centurion - I'm in Israel had never met a person has had such great faith (Mt eight 5-13); you see it, your faith has saved you, this is the blind see again grace Jericho (Luke eighteen :35-43). In particular, workers parable that Jesus "pink eye," said - Do not allow the line to take all my belongings I wish it (Matthew twenty 1-6); the prodigal son parable (Luke 15:20 11-32) and Raya Paul resurrection (if XI 17-44) - the Lord Jesus to break the law because of their own ethnic stereotype derived reward to further strengthen the establishment of international relations with the main bit. Apparently, the owner of rights and higher status among workers and must not be _set_ on a bit interpersonal relations between Heaven. From the above small fragments, regardless of the line or the reactive power line tours, are not contrary to nature and grace, everything is God's grace, we have not received it as coming (1 Corinthians 4:7). God's work in us, so that we are willing to allow us to practice for His purposes (Phil 2:13). We understand that free grace and reward are not things - physical nature, but God gave the whole self, so definitely not return with any higher status may request a reward, but is a gift of God, eternal gratuitous.
  Martin Luther rebound materialized grace of justification by faith alone launch, grace alone, with the exception of the three principles of the supremacy of the Bible. His theological beliefs contrary to the Bible. So in German Romans three 28 "justification" after the word alene alone, we can see that he did not comply with the Bible, does not respect the authority of the Bible. He declared righteous themselves will be able to rely on the letter of justification, "Jacob book" is "worthless letters." However, Jacob book two 24 expressly justification is due to human behavior, not only because of faith. • Martin Luther Master Zhang Chengyi strongman faith alone, not by the sacraments and personal effort. He even preached faith alone in the church, and even then was in the pulpit declared - I may be in the crime of adultery 100 times a day without affecting my justification before God (Scott and Kimberly couple of "Sweet Home - Rome "P7). Indeed, Catholicism and Protestantism agree that salvation comes from grace (Eph. 8-10), but the Bible does not negate the value of the behavior (Romans 2:6, Matthew twenty-five 40). Lutheran doctrine - the only justification letter, denied the validity of the sacraments do, refuse to recognize the validity of the sacrament of things.
  Protestant view of justification: justification by faith
  Justification by faith is the core of the Protestant rescue law theory, advocated saved "by grace through faith." According to Christian doctrine of original sin and the person who has the crime, can not help themselves, can not be justified before God. Saved only by the Son of God in Christ is the salvation to the world. Therefore, the root cause of salvation from God's grace. This is a common belief of Christianity factions. As for how to obtain this grace sinners receive salvation effect, Protestant opinion, this is the sacramental between God and man as a "deal." In the Protestant view, the Catholic Church by the provisions of the believer must fulfill the requirements of some homework or good deeds, as do the Mass, devotion, repentance, penance, etc., expressed remorse or compensation, in order to receive God's grace. Church clergy (priests, bishops and popes) to become an agent of salvation monopoly. Protestants believe that this is not only contrary to the "Bible" lesson, but also brought a lot of drawbacks, according to the "New Testament" and "Romans" and "Galatians" a lesson that can not comply with the law and the commandments are justified. Salvation is to believe and accept the true meaning of Jesus Christ is Lord, with confidence, through the work of the Holy Spirit, the believer and Christ become one. Because of this combination of mystery, of Christ's salvation will take effect in the believer, so that believers "or as sinners before God and have to be justified." Protestants believe that good deeds should be, but the performance is born again, not a virtue in itself does not make people saved performance.
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Days subjective
  Catholic subjective day
  Catholic faith expect the Messiah of Israel, the only Savior Jesus Christ, to worship Christ as he is the core of faith. By understanding this faith in Christ, to accept the baptism of the Holy Spirit, to worship God the Father, became the father of their children. This is the trinity of days subjective.
  Faith, not primarily for the understanding of certain doctrines, but God the Father's self-presentation, a personal encounter with God and to his conversion. Faith is not knowledge of the prototype, some type or form of vague, but pure knowledge. Not to accept a _set_ of beliefs about God's idea or doctrine, but a moral reaction, absolute faith in his promise, stick to his words, and expect his help, I believe that the hero incarnate - Jesus Christ is God mighty.
  Faith is converted to God's call, and the most thorough conversion is completely turned on the Lord and His kingdom. This belief is to accept the gospel of the kingdom comes from Jesus himself declared identified. It is still not to agree on certain doctrines dogmatic faith, but on the Word of God - fully trust in Jesus, and accept his call for a lifetime does not regret his decision to follow, to be baptized into the life of door, and Christ in His death, life, enjoy his promise of salvation, and the kingdom of heaven on earth to practice, to live out the love of Christ.
  Protestant subjective day
  Protestant faith of Israel is also expected Messiah, the only Savior, Jesus Christ, to worship as he is Christ the Lord core beliefs. In addition Unitarian, Jehovah's Witnesses faction, universalist camp, Unitarian, totally do not believe in one God there are three, namely, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I believe there is only one God, the other Protestant sects basic will be consistent with the Roman Catholic, absolutely convinced that one God there are three, namely, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit (the Spirit), I believe there is only one God.
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  Catholic sacramental view
  Catholic respect for the Bible, the Sermon on the preservation of the faithful fulfillment of Jesus Christ, never changed, add to or _delete_ from Jesus himself established seven sacraments.
  Sacrament is the suffering of Jesus from the cross, that infinite credit and get its value. It was created by Jesus Christ and the Church established by the seven sacred mark used by the Church of our way to salvation. Jesus is willing to use this action to represent external invisible grace through the pass, this pass is through the sacraments. A total of seven sacramental called seven Sacrament (Sacraments): Baptism, Confirmation, thanksgiving (Eucharist), penance (confession), the patient anoint, Holy Orders, Marriage.
  Protestant sacramental view
  Protestantism generally only recognizes two sacraments of baptism and the Holy Eucharist that that the Bible clearly documented etiquette established by Christ himself.
  In addition to the Anglican Church, the other Protestant denominations retain only Jesus himself established seven sacraments of Baptism. For Jesus established the Eucharist, the sacrament is called only Protestantism, but to commemorate the ceremonial holiness of Jesus in the Upper Room at the body of the Holy Blood, but does not believe the bread and wine become Jesus after being consecrated immediately real flesh and blood of Christ. For Confirmation, confession, anoint the patient (final FU), Holy Orders, the sacrament of marriage five are _delete_d. In marriage, the Catholic generations keep enduring: Effective indissolubility of marriage (divorce); Protestant sects consented divorce.
  Protestant believers emphasize that everyone can be a priest. That since you can be saved just by faith, then the believers that everyone can be a priest, without clergy as an intermediary between God and man. In addition, the believer can pray for each other, every believer in religious life to help take care of each other's rights and obligations, has spread the gospel of the day responsibilities. This watered down or even abolish the difference between clergy and laymen. Although most Protestant denominations still retain the Senate full-time staff (pastors, etc.) titles and letters stand ceremony, but this is mainly a sign of his position, does not mean that the privilege has bestow grace.
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Name Origin and History
  The Roman Catholic Church
  Fifth century Roman East, after the West division, the Eastern Roman Empire Bong Patriarch of Constantinople is authentic, and evolved into the future of the Orthodox; while retaining the original capital of the Roman Curia, which became the authentic split Hou Xiluo Empire, for "Roman Catholic Church" That name's origin.
  Roman Catholicism is derived from Christ's authentic. Their argument comes from the Gospel of Matthew Chapter XVI 18, Jesus said to St. Peter's (Protestant translation of Peter) said these words: "You are Peter (rock), I will build my church On this rock. "; Peter in Matthew's name, in Palestine Aramaic language, is as" Cephas "(Cepha), Protestant translation of Cephas in Aramaic language is the" rock " meaning, and thus they believe St. Peter was the first bishop of Rome, has been inherited to the present. And Peter's successors, that person is called the Pope is the supreme leader of the world's Catholic.
  The scope of the rule of the Roman Catholic Church was once known as the Papal States, until now, the Pope is still the head of the Vatican.
  Other Catholic Church
  In addition to the Roman Catholic Church, but in Eastern Europe Uniate Catholic Church (popular in Ukraine, Belarus, in the Soviet era were forced to incorporate the Orthodox Church), in Lebanon Maronite Catholic Church in Egypt Coptic Catholic Church. They differ from other churches, recognize the status of the Pope, there is the relationship between the Catholic communion.
  Teachings of
  Catholic doctrine of Catholic Church can be found in the Catholic Church's official Catechism.
  The core of the Catholic faith is seven sacramental life, that is the sacrament of baptism, the sacrament, the sacraments, the Eucharist, the sacrament of marriage, sacrament of Holy Orders, the sacrament of anointing of patients (only Protestant Baptism and Eucharist keep blood as an official of the sacraments). In this one, Mass (Eucharist as its theme) is the most important.
  Daily life, chanting activities are also conducted regularly Catholics. These verses are some big important scriptures through choreographed litany, such as "Our Father", "Apostles Creed" and "rosary."
  Many Catholic festival, the three factions in the Christian Orthodox and less than Protestantism. One of the more important are Christmas, Easter, Pentecost, Feast of the Assumption, Holy Body and Blood Festival.
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Catholic Bible and Holy Tradition concept
  From the Bible and the Holy Roman Catholic emphasis on biography, and called Sindh treasure for generations faithfully kept
  Book chapter III, section 16-17 after Timothy: Where people were God wrote the Bible as the inspired teaching, rebuking, for the correction, for instruction in righteousness are beneficial, so that God's sake, for the line a variety of good works.
  After the Thessalonians who book chapter 15: Do you want to stand, or you stick by our words, or by our epistle have learned to teach.
  Matthew Chapter 15: Not all traditions but Jesus condemned corrupt tradition. From the above we can see the Bible - did not like Martin Luther advocated • Sola Scriptura, 16-17 after three brother clearly states that "Where the Bible" rather than "only" the Bible so beneficial. In 15 post was clear that we adhere to believe what the Bible teaches, but did not teach us the only authority is the Bible. In this Bible tells us there is "traditional", "discipline." So Scripture alone mainly Reformers historic confession, which used to control the church's statement - in addition to the Bible, there are heritage and the Magisterium. Brother before 2:15 Paul tells us: the church is the pillar and foundation of truth. In this we can conclude that the Bible supports the principles of the Church - the only Protestant alone rather than rely on the word of the Bible. The Bible does not tell us - the mere existence of the Word of God in the Bible, in fact, can be found in the Word of God, the supreme (15 after scoring two, three 6 in the church in many places - church tradition; Beth previous 25 to 20 after the primary - 21, Matthew 18:17 - the church preaching and discipline).
  "The Bible" is a book without error
  God can not make any mistakes, but by the content of the silent God want to express a sense, there is no error. Under the inspiration of God's people, the revelation of God to write everything down.
  Indeed, people and God is the author of the Bible. Because the author has been chosen by God to give the sense of God's silent writing of the Bible, and through their hearts and minds, according to the historical environment (different times, different places, different environments) and cultural backgrounds, religious practices, wrote The truth about salvation.
  Peter 20-21 after a book: "You should know everything on prophecy, should never be interpreted with private prophecy came not by the will of the human hair, but by the saint sent by God in the Holy Under God push that out. "
  Timothy 14-16 after three books: "You must adhere to the letter and you learn things ....... Where the Bible written by the inspiration of God, as a lesson to teach people rebuke ...... ...... is beneficial."
  For the "Bible" silent emotional, not all religions have insisted their silent sensibility is real. Three faith only God Religion: Protestant Christianity and Judaism in just stick thirty-nine TaNaCH book is by inspiration of God, and does not recognize another seven Greek text written in the "Old Testament" God's got Mo sense; Christ Catholic and Orthodox religions have recognized the "Old Testament" forty-six book tacit sense of revelation by God; For the "New Testament" twenty-seven book, whether Protestant, Catholic, Orthodox unanimously acknowledged It is by God's silent Kai; Muslims insist "Koran," Allah Allah is silent flu.
  "The Bible" is divided into "Old" and "New Testament" of two parts, a total of 73 volumes: "Old Testament" 46 volumes (Torah, the Prophets, the holy volume), the "New Testament" There are 27
  "Old Testament" in 39 volumes with the West Semitic and Hebrew Hebrew and West Semitic language related to Aramaic writing, and another seven are written in Greek. The seven volumes (Pakistan, many friends, plus, plus, the moral, intellectual) are: BC, written about 200 years, "Baruch book", written in the third century BC, "Tobit," AD written before the Second Century, "Judith," "the Maccabees book" was written about 100 BC, "under the Maccabees book" written in 124 BC, 120 BC wrote "The German training articles ", written in 50 BC," Wisdom. "
  "New Testament" in addition to the Mark V 41: "! Ta Lita, ancient" former Corinthians 16:22: "O Lord, Come!" Apocalypse 22, 20: "Lord Jesus, Come! ! "is outside of Aramaic, the other part of the New Testament are used after the passage of Greek writing.
  Under the Magisterium exegesis
  The Bible is the Word of God. Catholic interpretation of the Bible in a very cautious and believe that individual freedom can not be subjectively interpreted. Because the Bible has the true meaning of its objective correct, it should comply with objective criteria, to prevent deterioration of the original intent of the Bible.
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Protestant view of the Bible and the Holy Tradition
  Sola Scriptura
  Protestant factions stressed that only the root cause is from the Bible, the emphasis on the Catholic holy mass refusal is not satisfied.
  Only believe the Bible, the Bible only credential argument, only in the Bible, the only effect. Every reason unbiblical, have refused to recognize the validity of the sacraments do, this is the Bible alone.
  Agree with the Catholic view of Scripture, but does not recognize the Greek Old Testament belongs to seven-volume book of Baruch, Tobias next book, book Judith, Wisdom, Sirach book, the Maccabees Maccabees books and books for the God of the Bible silent start
  "The Bible" is divided into "Old" and "New Testament" of two parts, a total of 66 volumes: "Old Testament" 39 volumes, the "New Testament" There are 27
  Liberal exegesis
  Protestant factions on the interpretation and use of the Bible are not the same. If fundamentalists emphasize each word of each sentence Bible is inspired by God, no corruption, some of the other factions theologians think that the Bible is God's revelation of the record, it reflects the biblical authors volumes at different times revelation of God feelings and understanding. The method can be applied to text textual and historical research study and interpretation of the Bible, to discover where the hidden truth. In short, the various sects advocates are free to interpret the Bible every believer, in his own interpretation to understand the Bible. Because each believer guided by the Holy Spirit can comprehend God's direct revelation and truth from the Bible. Thus, resulting in internal Protestantism split into many different sects, their own ways.
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Worship Prayer
  Catholic worship: ceremonial center of life is the Eucharist
  Catholic emphasis on ritual life, reading, meditation, sharing, living testimony of the Bible, perennial sacrament, every day for the people of God Eucharist sacrifice to save souls, receive the Lord's body, respectful Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart, memorial ancestors ......
  Protestant worship: to interpret the Bible, publicity doctrine, singing hymns
  Attaches great importance to the reform of the Protestant worship rituals. The first is to use the national language of the Mass of the Lord's Supper Man, and gradually to a more flexible form, citing "Psalms" by the lesson, prayer, etc., by the believers to participate in Gregorian chant. Some denominations have compiled books for the use of public worship, such as the Anglican "Book of Common Prayer," Reformed "prayer style" and so on. Protestant attaches great importance to the role of preaching in worship, Bible explain its contents, publicity doctrine, with a firm belief in the audience and evoked religious zeal; sometimes depart from the doctrine of moral and political issues of social comment. By the participants of all believers worship and sing hymns is also one of the features on Protestant worship rituals.
  Salute icon
  Catholic worship permit any icon on the home church or church members, like worship ancestors funerary same.
  God is the Lord of all the beauty of creation by the source is (Chi 13:3). He is all there is, beyond all his chemical (Germany forty-three 27-28). But from the beginning of the Old Testament, God had ordered / allowed some religious statues carved to symbolize the way the Incarnate Word oriented given.
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Other differences
  1, on the achievements of righteousness, Christian (Protestant) and outside factions except the Anglican faith can stand alone as righteous, no power to do good; according to the teachings of the Catholic Church of Jesus Christ, on the one hand by the German heart, hand to follow God the will power to do good.
  2, in the Sacrament Catholic Church has seven sacraments: Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist (Catholics believe that the bread and wine after priests ordained in essence become the body and blood of Jesus Christ, so called Eucharist ), marriage, confession (we think the bishops are the heirs of the apostles, according to the New Testament Gospel of John chapter 20 21 to 23, there was now something holy confession), Holy Orders (also known as Kamijina become clergy personnel), extreme unction (disease FU); Christian sects have been changes (do not become sacramental) or _delete_d. Another Catholic allowed to divorce, Christianity allowed.
  3, according to the source doctrine: according to the teaching of God and Christ, there are two sources: the Bible and the Holy Tradition, also known as the treasure house of faith; Christianity recognizes only the Bible as the only source.
  4, Bible volumes directory, Catholic Old and New Testaments were seventy three volumes, which forty-six Old Testament, the New Testament twenty-seven; Christian Bible only sixty-six, thirty-nine Old Testament only the Christian Old Testament Greek wrote seven volumes using _delete_ does not recognize the Bible
  5, in the liturgy, liturgical life of the Catholic emphasis on Christianity in some ceremonial aspects are to be simplified and removed.
  6, in the system, the contents of faith and academic administration, the universal Catholic Church are pursuing a unified doctrine, commandments, the sacraments; Christian denomination has a different, fragmented, their own ways.
  7, for the Virgin Mary, the Catholic Church to give proper salute, because she is the mother of Jesus Christ, raising Christ, in the person of Christ on behalf of penance for the sharing of spiritual suffering Christ, and obedience, humility, patience and so on virtue, is our role model. Christianity does not salute the Virgin Mary, and some extremists even condemned, misinterpreted the intention of the Virgin Mary Catholic respectful.
  8, on the worship icons, Catholic icons license Catholics worship at home, visited the salute of Catholics, such as the worship of Jesus suffering, it will make us think that Jesus was crucified on the cross for our redemption last generation kindness, etc. . Christian opposition worship icons, considered idolatry is sinful behavior.
  9, on worship, Catholicism is reverence for his ancestors, to promote the virtues of ancestors, ancestor worship ceremony held at some time, to follow the Ten Commandments of God fourth ring. Christian opposition worship ceremony that is idolatry. General bow.
  10, in terms of whether it is called the Lord's call to have different, Catholic, said God, a God of Christianity in the Holy Trinity in the third place, according to the Bible, translated the Holy Spirit Catholic Church, Christianity translated the Holy Spirit. In the Bible for the names, there are different translations of names, such as the Catholic Church, said Peter, Christian said Peter, the other does not enumerate.
  11, clergy, Catholic clergy, nuns and other needs of the faithful vow for life, Christianity is no such requirement. Another Catholic priest clergy called "priest" (lower level than the priest called deacons, bishops called high-level "bishop", the main difference is the number of executable Sacrament), multi-called Christian pastors according to different sects. " minister ", also known as elder like. Catholic nun, Christian did not. Also Jesus Christ is the same one, just called different.
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Chinese Catholic
  And Eastern Catholic missionaries about the world, can be said to be the most famous St. Francis Xavier, he is also known as the "East Asian Apostle." Although he very thought of China as a missionary, but only on his deathbed arrived today on Kawashima Guangdong province of China, who later also became the leader Chuan Bao.
  Catholic mass into China has twice: first flight during the Yuan dynasty iron Mu ear (XIII century), said "it may be warm in teaching." The second in the late Ming (1582) re-introduced into China, known as "Catholic."
  The Catholic Church in the Yuan Dynasty, China was by the Franciscan Shi Meng high Calvino, Archbishop of Beijing. But Han failed to integrate into the community, and with the dollar and eventually death. To the mid-Ming Dynasty, Catholic missionaries began to arrive in China. Belonging to the Jesuit missionary Matteo Ricci successfully entered the Chinese Ming Dynasty emperor and get confidence again spread Catholicism in China, while undergoing the Qing Emperor Yongzheng "excommunication" policy since the various effects, but the Catholic Church has been deeply rooted in Chinese.
  Currently the number of Catholics in mainland China, estimated that about 15 million people. Chinese world are the Latin rite of the Catholic Church Roman Catholic Church.
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Chinese Catholic Church
  After the Revolution, the Catholic Church adopted a "Chinese" measures. 1922 Pope Pius XI to send envoy to China just Costantini for the Holy See. In 1926 the Holy See appointed the first bishop of six Chinese nationals. 1946 Vatican announced the establishment of its hierarchy in China, the country _set_ up 137 parishes, 20 belong to the archdiocese, the jurisdiction of more than 300 square Catholics. After the establishment of the People's Republic of China's Catholic Church in communion with the Roman Pontiff remains. Pope Benedict XVI on June 30, 2007 sent a letter to China's Catholics called "To the Catholic faith of the PRC," the pastoral letter, he insisted in a pastoral letter of the Holy See have the right to appoint bishops, But in the nomination list of the Bishops, the Holy See and mainland China may be able to reach an agreement; addition, he urged the Chinese government to give followers of religious freedom, and the Beijing government and expect to be able to re-establish diplomatic relations. Vatican with the pastoral letter is accompanied by a statement, the statement that "Pope Benedict XVI said he fully willing to cooperate with the civil authorities to calm and constructive dialogue, and ultimately find a solution to the various issues related to the Catholic community approach; to achieve normalization of relations between the Holy See and the People's Republic of what we expect. "
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Catholic Church in Hong Kong and Macau
  Church of Hong Kong and Macao regions, because I have experienced foreign domination, so with China to develop a different style. The Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong under one country, still under the leadership of the Holy See, not the Patriotic Association. Catholic Diocese Bishop John Tong Hon incumbent Bishop (Bishop Tong, Hon John). The Catholic Diocese of Macau and the Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong as in the case no change, but before the return attributable to the Archdiocese of Portugal. The current bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Macau Li Hongsheng and Bishop Emeritus EAST.
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Taiwan Catholic Church
  Catholicism Taiwan, began the Spanish colonial northern Taiwan to Koxinga family ruled Taiwan interrupted mid-nineteenth century came to Taiwan again later. In the Japanese colonial era, the church gradually complete system in Taiwan. After 1949, the ROC government relocated to Taiwan, bring a lot of Catholics and clergy from the Chinese mainland in 1952 by the missionary district is subordinate to the restructuring of the Holy See of St. traditional system.
  Taiwan Catholic Church is divided into seven dioceses, apostolic and Matsu area directly under the Holy See, a total of seventeen bishops (including the Shan Kuo-hsi world's only one of the two 华人枢 local bishop), and has a Bishops (Taiwan Bishops). In addition there are nearly seven hundred priests, nuns around 1,200 people, distributed in eight hundred churches and other church institutions.
  Taiwan Catholic population of about 30 million people, although only one percent of Taiwan's total population, but the Catholic community in Taiwan, such as social services, health care and cultural and educational aspects of the contribution, there is a very high influence.
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Brief introduction
  One of the three factions of Christianity. Stuttgart force transliteration teach Catholic translation. According to the Chinese translation of the late Ming and Jesuit missionaries, called the Catholic Church, the Roman Catholic Church, is taken from the Chinese old saying "High Morrow day, Morrow Supreme Lord." According to 2000 statistics, the worldwide total of more than 10 million followers. 395 years of the Roman Empire split into two parts, stuff, stuff empire differences in the political, social, linguistic, cultural traditions and other aspects of the impact of Christianity, in its initial form, it gradually into Latin in Rome as the center and to the king who sent Fort Constantine as the center of the Greek camp, something the two factions of the church and doctrinal issues such supreme power long debate, the official end to the 1054 split. East faction emphasize their orthodoxy, called Orthodox, Western faction emphasize their universality, called Catholic. Catholic Catholic Church in the Middle Ages that has depth in all areas of Western Europe's political, economic, ethical, legal, academic, cultural, education and the arts become omnipresent spiritual power. Until the 16th century Reformation Movement, which has split the relations with the Holy See from the Protestant (anti-Rom cases) factions. Launched a confrontation with the Catholic Church on the one hand anti-religious reform, strengthening the power of the Holy See, to purge the church discipline, while the establishment of the Jesuits and other organizations, all walks of life to reinforce the activities of the Catholic Church. With the European powers have expanded overseas, to the Catholic Church in Africa, Latin America, North America and Asia to carry out missionary work, expanding the influence. In the 20th century, the face of major changes in the world occur in the interior of the Catholic Church on the one hand against modern theology, against communism and other "error theory", on the other hand is also gradually changing rigid stance proposed policy reform and dialogue, seek and Christian parties and all sectors of society to cooperate.
  Organization of the Catholic Church strictly centralized. It attaches to teach order system, teach-order system is divided into first and governing power of God to teach vocational order. God vocational order are: the pope, bishops, priests and deacons. Teach order has the right to rule the pope, bishops, archbishops provinces are bishops, Bishop, etc., the pope has the highest authority, the sanctity, the College of Cardinals elected by cardinals constitute generation, the College of Cardinals is the main advisory body to the pope . Catholic clergy strict rules shall not married, and laity have clear boundaries. Congregation of believers, monks beard the Poor, chastity, obedience three willing and collective life. In addition to the pope, the public meeting also has the supreme authority. Public meeting hosted by the Pope on behalf of all the bishops of the world. Important religious, seminary leaders and renowned theologian, canon law experts also often invited to participate. Since the 12th century, the Catholic Church has held 13 public meetings. The Catholic Church's first decree was complete mid-12th century "Glasgow Chretien Decretals." In the 16th century, "Encyclopedia of Canon Law," the advent of the early 20th century, and modify the compendium of "Code of the Catholic Church", 1983, and enacted a more concise new "Code of the Catholic Church."
  Catholicism believes in God and respect for the Virgin Mary, on the Nine gods, the world of the Queen Mother, the patron of mankind, but also respected saint saint. Doctrinal unity, fundamentalist creed has God exists; God eternal, infinite, omniscient, omnipotent, all-good, He created the world and mankind, and Shangshanfae; Father, Son, Holy Trinity, the Incarnation, the Son suffering, resurrection and ascension, Armageddon, etc.. The Catholic Church believes that Christ created, is the body of Christ, who can only be saved through the church. Early Catholic theologians and based primarily on Alexander Augustine theological interpretation of doctrine, the 13th century theologian Thomas Aquinas system gradually became the official theology. After the 20th century, neo-Thomism, supernatural Thomism is also used to demonstrate the Catholic faith and doctrine. The birth of Jesus Catholic Church, resurrection, Whitsunday, Feast of Our Lady of the Assumption as four, note on top of specialized teaching experience, whenever a large mass of these festivals to be held in the main ceremony. Also features Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, unction, confession, Kamijina, seven sacramental marriage. Baptism, Confirmation, the Eucharist is the sacramental entry.
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Eastern Rite Catholic
  Eastern Rite Catholic Church (Eastern Rite Catholic Churches or called Uniate Catholic Church) using factions Eastern Rites of the Catholic Church in general. Mostly isolated from the 16-17 century ancient Eastern Orthodox Church and some smaller out and participate in the Catholic Church, they recognize the status of the heads of the Pope, but continued to maintain their original eastern faction traditional etiquette and characteristics, without Latin constraint language etiquette and rules of the Catholic Church. Church has been called the merger, but is considered with derogatory, but not used as a formal title. Mainly in West Asia, North Africa, Eastern Europe, the Soviet Union and the Balkans and other places. There are a lot of believers in the Americas and Western Europe's immigrants. Patriarch Pope acknowledged its highest position in the church, but the Catholic bishops generally have far larger autonomy. Their position is roughly equivalent to the Catholic cardinals. -
  Eastern Rite Catholic to have the next characteristics: Eastern Rite Catholic Church is different from the Latin Catholic Church in many ways, but there are many similarities with the Orthodox Church. In etiquette: the Eucharist (Mass) in most of the unleavened bread and with no leavened bread; during the cross itself, a horizontal line from right shoulder to left shoulder, rather than from left to right; only plane portrait and St. not three-dimensional sculpture statue; in terms of the main characters in Greek, Syriac, Cyrillic, Arabic, Coptic, Armenian, etc. instead of Latin; institutional aspects: Patriarch autonomous system _set_ up for life deacon system. In addition to the monks and bishops, the clergy in general may celibacy. -
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  Catholic worship: the center of liturgical life is the Eucharist
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Catholic and Orthodox
  I. Introduction
  395 AD, the Roman Empire split into fragmented Western Roman Empire and the Eastern Roman Empire. With the split of the Roman Empire Catholic, Greek regional differentiation in the center and sent to the Latin East region as the center of the West faction. Thus, Constantinople and Rome became the religious center of the church thing.
  Since the era of weak alternating and empires, the Roman Empire in the Mediterranean world dominance is gradually disappearing. Each nation before yielding under imperial rule, so most people understand Greek and Latin. Church and therefore easy to engage in church activities. Empire weak, consistent use of language has become empty, Eastern and Western churches in Greek and Latin, their study religious issues, ignoring the exchange between the two sides, resulting in greater religious barriers, and then the Great Schism occurred in the history of the Catholic Church.
  Second, the split reasons
  Since both Eastern and Western factions church thinks he is the Roman Catholic orthodoxy, and therefore, two factions compete with each other chief position of the Catholic Church. Papal pretensions to the heads of the church, pretentious; Meanwhile, Archbishop of Constantinople patriarch in itself. Therefore, the East-West Schism theological dispute can not be said, because after only theological dispute occurred. Catholic division is the result of people with ulterior motives use; on the other hand, one of the important factors that cultural differences are also split, as mentioned in the preface, there is something special between the two factions of the Greek culture and Latin culture side, and in the religious face reflected. Latins conquered Germanic peoples, to generate new blood; on the other hand, the Greek ethnic Armenians and Slavs and intermarriage. Therefore, the Roman Junichi race becomes two different races. Different cultural backgrounds, theological thinking the problems are different. For example: East Church that "the way of salvation" is the "Word of God into flesh and blood," while West Church emphasized that "soteriology." It can be seen, the cognitive differences between religious factions. Again is Eastern Empire and the Western Empire gradually split, thus resulting in differences in Eastern and Western churches. In the West, the pope is free to exercise their powers to manage the scheduler Western church and culture. But in the East, because the Patriarch in festivals in Kyoto, in the exercise of powers by the Byzantine emperor lot to tie him down. This is the difference between the Eastern and Western church leaders.
  Third, the historical background
  Since the initial cause of the Roman Pontiff declared the primacy of the Roman Church is Jesus Christ disciple Peter created. So, Peter, who naturally inherited all the rights possessed the highest privileged position, that position than any other pope in Rome bishop. But that's just wishful thinking papal views, Constantinople Church does not agree with this view, they even express strong dissatisfaction and opposition. In 857 AD, the East Roman Emperor Michael III Bianchu Constantinople Patriarch Ignatius parish ﹝ Ignatius ﹞, West Dover reform legislation confidants about ﹝ Photius ﹞ as Patriarch. Pope Nicholas ﹝ Nicholas ﹞ I objected, because the Buddha dating impede Western control of the Eastern Church Pope. After that, the Pope declared illegal Buddhist Patriarch of the West is about, get rid of his excommunication, and declared that the real Ignatius Patriarch. However, the Buddha held west about 868 AD Synod in Constantinople under the support of the East Roman Emperor, to compete with the Roman Pontiff. He accused the Western church: one, to make the Bulgarian church in Rome, the pope Saturday fasting. Second, they eat butter, milk and cheese in the Lenten period. Third, the exclusion of married priests. Fourth, do not recognize the priest had done Confirmation ceremony ﹝ Confirmation ﹞. Fifth, the "and Son" ﹝ filioque ﹞ adding the word "Nicene Creed" in the. Six, so that clergy shave his beard. And condemned Pope Nicholas I spread heresy, expelled from their excommunication. The incident also caused friction Eastern and Western churches.
  On the other hand friction is two factions vying Moravia Kingdom and the Kingdom of Bulgaria's sphere of influence. In 862 AD, the Kingdom of Moravia rid of the feudal lords and the Church of Deutsche control, achieved independence. In 863 AD, the Byzantine Empire dispatch repair Ambrosius Stub Lille and his brother to the United States Duodi Wu Moravian missionary. To the local Slavs missionary work, beauty 多迪乌 Cyrillic alphabet based on Greek, Cyrillic alphabet created, translated into Slavic Missionary typical text book for a more convenient and easier to preach. But nothing lasts forever, not willing to lose the Western Church Moravian region, planning to overthrow the pro-Byzantine Empire Moravian king, followed by military conquest Moravia, the expulsion of the Eastern Church missionaries. This struggle can be said that the victory of the Western Church. Another conflict is the Kingdom of Bulgaria compete. AD 852 years of King Boris of Bulgaria ﹝ Polis ﹞ throne, he wanted out of control and influence of the Byzantine Empire and the Western Church, the Muslim envoy had received and considered Muslim, but this message is heard by the Byzantine Empire, immediately Boris will be a princess to marry the king, in order to draw policy and pro-Indianapolis, on the other hand, the Byzantine Empire by force demonstrations, making Boris Byzantine king had to admit to his sovereign. Boris was baptized as a Christian through the call of the National People also followed the King Catholic. In 866 AD, King Boris to get rid of the Byzantine Empire and the Eastern Churches control, tend to the Western Church, the Byzantine Empire furious and accused the Western Church. However, in 870 AD, King Boris of Bulgaria to the Archbishop of the Roman bishops _set_ up in Bulgaria seat request was denied. Thus, King Boris and pour back the Byzantine Empire, restored relations between the past. This time the results may be said to be a church of the Byzantine Empire and the West than a tie situation.
  Differences in religious doctrine, the Eastern Church believes that the Holy Spirit from the Father, and the Holy Spirit from the Western church advocate Father and the Son, the two sides debated the issue for the Oriental Churches accused the West of spreading doctrinal heresy, especially speaking and in which the Son plus filioque ﹝ ﹞ term to "Nicene Creed" is. In the past the word "Creed" is not that there is not. Therefore, the Eastern Church declared Pope Nicholas I and supporters to respond to trial. But the Western Church categorically rejected such allegations.
  AD 963, the Roman pope as German King Otto I ﹝ Odo I ﹞ coronation ceremony was held, called the Holy Roman Emperor. This makes the Byzantine emperor and the wrath of the Eastern Church, as has been the Orthodox Byzantine Empire, the Roman Empire itself, although the Western Roman Empire, the territory has been annexed by the barbarians, but the capital of the Roman Empire and the eastern territories still exist, but the Germanic pope in Rome State called the Holy Roman Empire, even though they want with the Byzantine and Oriental Churches hostile, so the Eastern bloc not to grant recognition to this name.
  Two things before sectarian friction are just a short separation, finally opens mutual dialogue and cooperation. However, in the year 1043, Mi Nagar, Sai Lula ﹝ Michael Caerularius ﹞ as Patriarch of Constantinople Patriarchate. His temperament arrogant, ambitious, intends to get rid of the Byzantine Emperor and make their own dignity than the Pope. Thus resulting in the final split.
  At that time, the Byzantine Empire in the west of Italy still has the legacy of Justinian I, is to keep the land in its territory for the purposes of the Greek church ceremony, excluding the impact of Western churches. 11th century, the Bishop of Rome encouraged to enter the Normans in southern Italy, an attempt to use force to destroy the Normans in southern Italy in the Byzantine forces. Unexpectedly, in addition to attacking the Byzantine belongs Normans territory, but also attacks on the territory of the Bishop of Rome. Thus, the Bishop of Rome Leo IX again forced to cooperate with the Byzantine Empire against the Normans. As the country was weakened Byzantine Empire, unable to send troops to rescue the distant southern Italian possessions. Therefore, the Byzantine Emperor Constantine IX promised in due course in the south of Italy, Apulia and other church owned by the Roman Pontiff jurisdiction. Mi Nagar, Sai Lula was furious after that, immediately ordered the Byzantine Empire at the ceremony of the exercise of the Latin Church to be changed in order to run the Greek ritual, in retaliation for the Roman Pontiff encouraged Norman prohibited Eastern Church in its occupied areas Greece belongs to implement parish ceremony. After Mi Nagar, Sai Lula wrote a letter to the Bishop of Rome, the letter accused the Roman Church heresy charges: one, where the Church of Rome in the Communion eat unleavened bread. Second, Lenten fasting period Saturday. Third, eat the meat of strangled animals and their blood. Fourth, the Lenten period not sing "Yaliluya." Pope Leo IX received this letter very angry, this letter never severed its military alliance with the Byzantine Empire, Constantinople Patriarch accused of abuse of power, condemned in the West, he closed the church of the Byzantine Empire. AD 1054, the pope sent a special envoy Holm Bert ﹝ Humbert ﹞ with the Pope's didactic to the Patriarch of Constantinople, the didactic content of the Bible and Constantine's encyclical wing production are apparently expressed the Pope for the whole church leaders. But Patriarch Mi Nagar, Sai Lula flatly refused, so the Pope envoy _set_ didactic at the altar of St. Sophia, the curse Mi Nagar, Sai Lula and their advocates, given their propaganda sin of heresy. After splitting amorphous situation, claiming the Oriental Orthodox Churches, because the parish is located in the east of the Mediterranean, which is also called the Orthodox Church. Western Catholic Church is claimed, is Roman Catholic.
  Fourth, the Orthodox and Catholic Perspectives
  In doctrinal terms, only the Holy Spirit from the Father advocates Orthodox, Catholics maintain that the Holy Spirit from the Father and the Son. No information on the existence of the Orthodox Church between "heaven" and "hell" "Purgatory," saying, while claiming Catholic purgatory between. Virgin Mary Orthodox Church denies the virgin conception and physical ascension teachings, and Catholic recognition. Orthodox do not recognize the Pope as the heads of the universal Church, bishops and only admitted his job "Western Church Patriarch", while the Catholic Church the Pope claims to be the world leader.
  In theological terms, there is no innovation and development of the Orthodox, conservative, lack of energy, the Catholic Church for the community, the world and the future activities it carried out in many parts of the world than there are angry, advocated open society, freedom, equality, raised many progressive theology, like liberation theology, feminist theology, public theology, and so on.
  In the ritual, the Orthodox clergy and Catholic priest different dress, wearing a dome cap Orthodox bishop, wearing a silver and white or black robe of God, chest hanging icons, handheld token, while wearing a peach of Catholic Bishops peaked cap, body God wear special yellow gown, chest hanging cross, wearing a right hand ring; during the ceremony, in addition to the use of the Greek Orthodox Church, but also the use of local ethnic languages, use only the Latin Catholic Church in the long term (in the Catholic Church after Vatican II , consented with the local dialect), but some of the Catholic Church can also use the local national language; while singing hymns, no Orthodox choir organ accompaniment, while the Catholic choir there; prayer, Orthodox ﹝ with three fingers thumb, forefinger ﹞ and middle finger on the chest down in a self-painted cross from right to left, while Catholics use the entire palm on his chest from the top down, draw a cross from left to right; when baptized Orthodox using immersion type, the Catholic Church adopted water injection. After the baby was baptized Orthodox advocates are eligible to receive Holy Communion, the Catholic Church is opposed. Confirmation Orthodox ceremony in children baptized ﹝ ﹞ held shortly before the age of seven, Catholic Confirmation ceremony in the child grow up to be seven to eight years old; while holding the Eucharist, the bread and wine fermentation using Orthodox, Catholics use unleavened Bread and stipulates that only the clergy to use bread and wine, Catholics generally use only bread; during worship, Orthodox synagogues do not put chairs, participants can stand, and the Catholic Church put rows of benches, knelt for prayer; repentance, the Orthodox regulations, Christians can stand in front of the priest, to kneel, Catholicism provides that only Catholics kneeling in front of the priest; Orthodox clergy other than bishops allow all married, the marriage issue more freedom, while the Catholic Church is very strict, everything will not be married clergy, emphasizing celibacy and asceticism.
  In the festival, the Orthodox Catholic Church some big festivals and large to the same, just different names. In Kamijina side, after splitting the Catholic Church, the Orthodox Patriarchate will be implemented after the Patriarchate established Kamijina of black and white: Black Kamijina have monks, friars acolytes, monks Daisuke offering, monk priest, monk priest , bishops, archbishops, bishops ﹝ Governor Patriarchate parish representatives stationed abroad ﹞, Metropolitan, Patriarch; chanting white Kamijina have disabilities, vice deacon, deacon, Daisuke sacrifice, the priest, the high priest, the chief priests, etc., Catholic will be divided into seven product Kamijina: Secretary gate keepers ﹝ a product ﹞, chanting member ﹝ two products ﹞, exorcism member ﹝ Mishina ﹞, Xiang Lai member ﹝ four products ﹞, vice deacon ﹝ five products ﹞, deacon six products ﹞ ﹝ and Bishop ﹝ seven items ﹞. After further development of the Roman Curia, bishops grade is divided into Pope, Cardinal Cardinal ﹝ ﹞, Patriarch, Archbishop and General Synod.
  Teaching calendar, the Orthodox use the Julian calendar, the Gregorian calendar is now predecessor, the old calendar. Pope Gregory XIII to reform the old calendar, announced a new calendar in 1582, said Glenn calendar, since then the Catholic Church will use this calendar. This calendar is used in most countries, is recognized as the Gregorian calendar.
  In the church, the Orthodox Church uses the Byzantine architectural style, or Slavic style. Roman Catholic Church or the Gothic style. And its inner layout is also different, Orthodox Church chancel central hanging icons, and surrounded by portraits hang Saints, while Central Catholic altar hung portraits of the Virgin Mary, Jesus portrait hanging on both sides of the altar, surrounded by a wall hanging fourteen crucifixion portrait.
  In philosophy, the philosophy advocated Orthodox unity of God and the world, God and human harmony, divinity and humanity combined, theology and philosophy unity and oppose rational, advocate mysticism through mysticism, people learn God's intelligence, stressed How to become the savior of the body of flesh and blood and how to come from the world of mystery; Catholic philosophy advocated rational, emphasizing God's revelation and human reason is consistent opposition to mysticism. Philosophy advocated by the Orthodox theological and philosophical way of thinking to build a true Christian civilization, belittle Catholic, Catholicism can not carry forward the view that Christ's love and self-sacrifice, accusing the Catholic Church separated from God and humanity, and therefore can not establish a genuine Christian civilization.
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Chinese Catholic
  Catholic mass into China has twice: first flight during the Yuan dynasty iron Mu ear (XIII century), said "it may be warm in teaching." The second in the late Ming (1582) re-introduced into China, known as "Catholic."
  The Catholic Church in the Yuan Dynasty, China was by the Franciscan Shi Meng high Calvino, Archbishop of Beijing. But Han failed to integrate into the community, and with the dollar and eventually death. To the mid-Ming Dynasty, Catholic missionaries began to arrive in China. Belonging to the Jesuit missionary Matteo Ricci successfully entered the Chinese Ming Dynasty emperor and get confidence again spread Catholicism in China, while undergoing the Qing Emperor Yongzheng "excommunication" policy since the various effects, but the Catholic Church has been deeply rooted in Chinese.
  After the Revolution, the Catholic Church adopted a "Chinese" measures. 1922 Pope Pius XI to send envoy to China just Costantini for the Holy See. In 1926 the Holy See appointed the first bishop of six Chinese nationals. 1946 Vatican announced the establishment of its hierarchy in China, the country _set_ up 137 parishes, 20 belong to the archdiocese, the jurisdiction of more than 300 square Catholics. After the establishment of the People's Republic of China's Catholic Church in communion with the Roman Pontiff remains. Pope Benedict XVI on June 30, 2007 sent a letter to China's Catholics called "To the Catholic faith of the PRC," the pastoral letter, he insisted in a pastoral letter of the Holy See have the right to appoint bishops, But in the nomination list of the Bishops, the Holy See and mainland China may be able to reach an agreement; addition, he urged the Chinese government to give followers of religious freedom, and the Beijing government and expect to be able to re-establish diplomatic relations. Vatican with the pastoral letter is accompanied by a statement, the statement that "Pope Benedict XVI said he fully willing to cooperate with the civil authorities to calm and constructive dialogue, and ultimately find a solution to the various issues related to the Catholic community approach; to achieve normalization of relations between the Holy See and the People's Republic of what we expect. "
  Currently the number of Catholics in mainland China, estimated that about 15 million people. Chinese world are the Latin rite of the Catholic Church Roman Catholic Church.
  Catholic Church in Hong Kong and Macau
  Church of Hong Kong and Macao regions, because I have experienced foreign domination, so with China to develop a different style. The Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong under one country, still under the leadership of the Holy See, not the Patriotic Association. Catholic Diocese Bishop John Tong Hon incumbent Bishop (Bishop Tong, Hon John). The Catholic Diocese of Macau and the Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong as in the case no change, but before the return attributable to the Archdiocese of Portugal. The current bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Macau Li Hongsheng and Bishop Emeritus EAST.
  Taiwan Catholic Church
  Catholicism Taiwan, began the Spanish colonial northern Taiwan to Koxinga family ruled Taiwan interrupted mid-nineteenth century came to Taiwan again later. In the Japanese colonial era, the church gradually complete system in Taiwan. After 1949, the ROC government relocated to Taiwan, bring a lot of Catholics and clergy from the Chinese mainland in 1952 by the missionary district is subordinate to the restructuring of the Holy See of St. traditional system.
  Taiwan Catholic Church is divided into seven dioceses, apostolic and Matsu area directly under the Holy See, a total of seventeen bishops (including the Shan Kuo-hsi world's only one of the two 华人枢 local bishop), and has a Bishops (Taiwan Bishops). In addition there are nearly seven hundred priests, nuns around 1,200 people, distributed in eight hundred churches and other church institutions.
  Taiwan Catholic population of about 30 million people, although only one percent of Taiwan's total population, but the Catholic community in Taiwan, such as social services, health care and cultural and educational aspects of the contribution, there is a very high influence.
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English Expression
  1. n.:  popery,  romanism,  curse by bell, book and candle,  curse with bell, book and candle,  extreme unction,  All Souls' Day,  venial sin,  the V-of Christ,  Catholicism,  the Catholic Church,  the College of Cardinals, ie the whole group of them, esp as advisers and electors of the Pope (,  Roman Catholicism,  Catholic church
  2. adj.:  Catholic
  3. abbr.:  Roman Catholic
French Expression
  1. n.  catholicisme
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