globe : overseas travel > Continent
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dà zhōu
  Earth's surface, a piece of the mainland and nearby islands collectively. Earth is divided into seven continents: Asia, Europe, Africa, North America, South America, Oceania, Antarctica
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Generally speaking continent
  Continent on earth and its nearby islands collectively known as continents.
  The number of global continents
  Divided the world into seven continents. They like the beauty of the puzzle, each combination of ingenious, co-founded the Earth's land. Order according to their size into Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe and Oceania.
  Continents size
  Asia area is 44 million square kilometers, an area in Africa is 30 million square kilometers, the North American area is 24 million square kilometers, an area of South America is 18 million square kilometers, an area of Antarctica is 14 million square thousand meters, the area of Europe is 10 million square kilometers, Oceania, the area is 9,000,000 square kilometers.
  Continents, beginning with the largest area of simple mnemonic: North Asia and Africa, South America, the Antarctic Ocean in Europe.
  The naming of continents
  Asia: Asian Island referred to, which means the East the sunrise.
  Europe: Europa Island referred to, which means land of the western sun_set_.
  Africa: A short non-american continent, meaning the sun scorching the earth.
  Americas: american short Chau, also known as the New World. Italian navigator Amerigo's name. In 1914, after the Panama Canal opened, people to the canal as the boundary is divided into North and South America.
  Oceania: means land in the ocean.
  Antarctica: the Antarctic region because of its name.
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Name of administrative divisions
  Continents in Anhui Province, 18 km north county Fanchang the Yangtze River, are Baoding Township, Ming and Qing Dynasties of siltation, out of the water. Formerly known as King Chair Chau, deformation Island, they Hing Chau.
  Origin of name
  1912 embankment reclamation, levee break in 1954, after the closure work and renamed Baoding Island, take the "Baoding harvest" significance.
  Cash crops
  East to west, 10 km north-south maximum width is 4.5 km, an area of approximately 43.7 square kilometers, there are 23,000 acres of arable land to grow vegetables, cotton-based.
  The opening of navigation
  Baoding bridge built in 1971, you can pass vans, outside the port Peng Jiang _set_ up the first station, a ferry north through Town of Wuwei County, Tom, Di (Hong Kong) Wuhu (Lake) ferry through.
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Buddhist Encyclopedia
  】 【Continents (community name) of the four sea Sumeru, four continents. That the four continents. Kosa eight said: "Four Continents: The Ministry of looking for a South Island, two continents Dongsheng body, the three western cattle cargo Chau, Lo all four North Island."
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English Expression
  1. n.:  Continent
Dazhou Village
Dazhou Town
dazhou Township
Continent Community, Continents home Authority
Related Phrases
Afeili CaliforniaglobeAFRICAantarctic
the South PoleoceanAsiaEast africa big rift
Containing Phrases
Dazhou Townseven continentsthe five continents--Asia, Africa, Europe, the Americas, and Australiathe six continents of the world
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