religion > antinomian
One. Christianity
  Pronunciation: jī dū jiào
  Christian (Greek: Χριστιανισμός, Latin: Christianismus) is based on faith in Jesus Christ as the savior of the religion. Catholic (Latin: Ecclesiam catholicam), Protestant (German: Protestantismus, French: Protestantisme, English: Protestantism), Orthodox (Greek: Ορθόδοξη Εκκλησία, Church Slavonic: Православиѥ), referred to the Christian Maronite and other Christian - the Chinese language " Christian "often refers specifically to Protestantism (also known as" Jesus taught "), the three major denominations (Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant) and the Maronite Christian general term for general use" Christianity "of the word. However, in this entry, the "Christian" means "Christianity", that is the general term, not Protestant.
  Currently, about 2.14 billion Christian believers in the world, to have the most religious believers, to Asia, Africa, the fastest growing believers.
  Division of the Roman Empire from 476 to 1453 Eastern Roman Empire. Christianity split into the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox (1054) 1517 Calvin Luther Martin
  Britain independent of the Holy See established the Church of England (Anglican)
  One. Jesus Christ taught the origin (origin)
  1st century AD, Christianity originated in Palestine (previously: the land of Canaan) in the Jerusalem area Jewish community, and inherited the Hebrew Bible as the Christian Bible Old Testament (Greek: Παλαιά Διαθήκη, Latin: Vetus Testamentum).
  The founder of Jesus Christ (Hebrews Language: ישוע, Greek: Ιησοῦς, Latin: Iesus). Was born in Bethlehem of Judaea, the mother called Mary, his father called Joseph. Christianity began in 1st century Palestine Jewish life and faith environment. 1 to 5 century founder of Christianity and from Israel transmitted to the Graeco-Roman cultural regions 313, Constantine the Great (Constantinus I Magnus) edict issued by Milan (Edictum Mediolanensium), Christianity became the Roman Empire allowed religion. 391, the Roman emperor Theodosius I (Theodosius I) announced that it is the state religion. According to the classical Christian view, the founder of Christianity is Jesus, his 30-year-old (30 years-first century AD) began missionary work in the Palestinian areas. He claimed that his coming is not to replace the Jews in the past recorded in the Old Testament law, but to fulfill it. Jesus the center of thought, is that "every possible means try to love God" and "Love others as yourself," two points. He came out preaching, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, urges people to repent and turn from evil. He learned and miracles, the people have a lot in response. This makes Madi Zheng Luo group under the priests of Judaism seriously affected, deeply felt their status was not guaranteed, so keep him than eradicated. Later, because the disciple Judas was the informant, the Roman Empire in the Jewish Governor Pilate (Pontius Pilatus) Jesus arrested. Jesus suffered maltreatment and humiliation, and finally nailed to the cross and died. However, it is the intention of Jesus in order to redeem the sins of the world, willing to out of his own blood. Testimony based on his disciples, Jesus died on the third day resurrection from the tomb caves. His tomb was empty, he repeatedly told the disciples full of doubts appeared. They are growing more convinced that Jesus really rose again, is better than the death of the Savior. Jesus ascended to heaven from this world of time and space over, his enthusiastic disciples together to promote the lessons of Jesus, and declared the death of his victorious resurrection of the Lord. Composed of believers who love each other, worship God in Christ in the name of the group is Christian. On this day the resurrection of Jesus as the later Easter (Greek: Πάσχα, Latin: Pascha) (after the vernal equinox each year, has stimulated the full moon on the first Sunday). Pope to the sun god's birthday was established December 25 as Christmas is the birth of Jesus (Latin: Christi Natalis, Greek: Χριστούγεννα) (the exact day Jesus was born has not test). Jesus was born later that year as the year for dating the first year (but because miscalculation of the actual birth year of Jesus should be six years or four years BC).
  The Life and Legend of Jesus
  The people of Christian origin, always face the question: whether the real Jesus of history has its people? Denies that Jesus is indeed some scholars who hold the following types of view:
  (1) that Jesus is the Christian myth of the idol;
  (2) Jesus is the error legendary figures;
  (3) Jesus Christ in the history of the same name is actually kneading hybridity;
  (4) in the contemporary history of archaeological work and can not find sufficient grounds;
  In addition, the church also has some people deny that Jesus had flesh and blood, they believe Jesus Christ is God, as the history of human flesh and blood of Jesus is only a "phantom", or a human phantom.
  Jesus is indeed advocated by both the people who care to teach, but also non-Christian scholars are often very different between the various views can be broadly divided into the following categories: (1) fully acceptable to the Bible records, maintenance of church tradition that Jesus Christ is the Word made flesh; (2) Jesus was Jewish, "rebel leader"; (3) Jesus is the leader of a revolutionary movement; (4) Jesus is a big liar; (5) Jesus is the Zhisibuwu prophet; (6) Jesus is the ordinary people of flesh and blood, but then the people deified him. Academia on the Bible, "Jesus of Nazareth" is the name started being discussed. "New Testament" Jesus said the first five volumes of "Nazarene (Nazarene) or" Nazuo La Pine. (Nazoraean); and in Jewish literature, Jesus and the disciples were called "Nasalimu" (Notarim). Most scholars believe that these words are related to Galilee called "Nazareth" (Nazareth) in the city, but it also has a small number of scholars do not agree with this view, they recognized in the "Old Testament" not found in the Nazareth the name of the city, possibly it is a small village name. Neighbor Robertson (Archibald Robertson) quoted the 4th century the literature pointed out: BC in Syria and Palestine there is a sect called the "Nasa Li School" (Nasaraens), and said: "Another pile miracle is that a religious faction called the Man Daan, who worship John the Baptist as the true prophet, and rebuked Jesus is a liar and a liar, but still said their main members of the Na Sala (Nasoraye) is "Nazuo La Pine." He therefore concluded that: "John and Jesus, believers are called Nazuo La Pine. But this title is not from the name of the village of Nazareth, but the word is derived from Hebrew Natzar was originally 'Code' means or refers to secrecy by Jewish law strictly. "China also suggested that Christianity is developed from the Nazarenes. It seems more scholars adhere to the Nazarenes are a sect of Christianity's view that the time of the camp there should be 1,2 century.
  "Jesus" in Greek as Ιησοῦς, the Hebrew ישוע (Yehuo Joshua). יהושע (Jeshua / Joshua) transliteration of the words, meaning "Yahweh (is) to save." Robertson that the Greek "Christ ‧ Jesus" is the "Messiah ‧ Joshua," with the "Old Testament" prophet Joshua are intrinsically linked. But this ignores one of the words "Joshua" the meaning of the word itself, but also put aside the "Matthew" Chapter 1, Section 21 of the explanation, it is not accepted by most scholars.
  Even if Jesus is indeed very sure of its people who still have the life of Jesus all the doubts, such as Jesus's birth and death, according to church tradition, Jesus Chronicles lifetime is the beginning of the year, but historians have pointed out: " Luke Chapter 2, "_set_ out in Section 2," Quirinius governor of Syria, when "should be in the year 6 - 7 years, but according to" Matthew "in Chapter 2, Section 1 of the record" when Herod Wang, Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea "point of view, Lifetime should be _set_ in 4 BC. Lifetime not only still unsolved, and Death is also difficult to determine.
  "The Bible" in the life story of Jesus recorded in very few, almost no mention of the things of childhood, only in the "Luke" mentioned in Chapter 2, the age of 12 with his parents to Jerusalem, in the temple sitting in the middle of listening questions scenarios. Then that is Section 23 of Chapter 3, said: "Jesus began preaching, aged about 30 years old." In addition, all recorded in the Gospel preached, after the words and deeds. Hegel also think it is not without regret, said: "About Jesus [thought] the development of the maturation process of this interesting question, we did not get any news. He first appeared already in adulthood, when he had the Jews the liberation of the consciousness of the traditional old customs read out. "
  Integrating existing data and research results point of view, the following points about the life of Jesus we can be certain: 1. Jesus was a Jew; 2. Living in the early 1st century AD; 3.30-year-old around in the Galilee and the Jewish missionary ; 4. have received 12 people for the great disciples (disciples, after also known as "Acts"); 5. was jealous of the Jewish upper elements; 6. after the "rebellion of Rome" crime was crucified and the cross.
  "Christ" in Greek word for "Χριστός", meaning "anointed", that is, the Hebrew "Messiah," the corresponding word. In the "New Testament" the Bible, often used in conjunction with him or for use. However, with modern researchers often to Jesus Christ apart. Some will be "historical Jesus" and "Christ of faith" to be distinguished.
  The story of the letter is saved
  "Luke" 23:39-43 do not believe in all the circumstances of Jesus, and Jesus Christ crucified, a prisoner, repentance and faith in Jesus, his sins are forgiven and saved.
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II. Christianity
  Early Christian
  Early Christianity is generated as a mass movement. Compared with the traditional Jewish emphasis on following the law, Christianity emphasizes the saving grace of Jesus, and believe in Jesus Christ that as long as the Old Testament is the inspired prophets of Christ, willing to accept him Lord and God's mind is determined to living standards, committed themselves to Jesus Christ for the fault to be considered is repentance, baptism can be accepted by a member of the church.
  In the early stages of Christianity, the Christian Council has implemented a total of property, outside them as a secret religious organization. Jewish Church as deviant heretics, often to the Roman authorities against them. Roman government that Christianity is a Jewish, not at first how to force the church. Until the Emperor Nero (AD 54 years -68 years) in office, the church has grown to the number of levels can not be ignored, from the mid 60s AD, the persecution of the Roman government began. At that time Christians in general, regardless of race and social class, and even slaves were also in the letter immediately after the Lord was accepted as brothers.
  As Christianity spread, more and more people all walks of life joined the church. Although the Church in the second, third century encountered many dreadful persecutions, many bishops and believers were burned to death, eaten by wild beasts in the arena, but the church still continued to thrive until the promulgation of the Edict of Milan in 313, the Roman Empire finally recognized the legitimacy of Christianity. With the development of Christianity, the church began the day Jesus was resurrected on Easter, but also _set_ December 25 as the birthday of Jesus, the Christmas (the exact day Jesus was born has not test).
  The Christian Middle Ages
  Since AD ​​476 the Western Roman Empire was destroyed by the Germans, the number of Germanic tribes, such as the Franks, also started to convert to Christianity. Because the Germans were low educational level than in Rome, and even your own text did not, so the church in Western Europe during the Middle Ages became the only academic authority; because it was almost the only priests and monks to read, that all scholars are the churches people. For this reason [citation needed], Western Europe began to completely fall into a dark age superstition.
  Christian Classics
  Main article: The Bible and the second by
  Christianity is the basic classic "Old Testament" (Hebrews Language: הברית הישנה, ​​Greek: Παλαιά Διαθήκη, Latin: Vetus Testamentum) and "New Testament" (Hebrews Language: הברית החדשה, Greek: Καινή Διαθήκη, Latin: Novum Testamentum), two major parts of the "Bible." Basically, the contents of the Old Testament and Judaism, "Hebrew Bible" is no great difference, but in the book's classification, the classification is different from Judaism, the Hebrew Bible and Christian Old Testament books number is not the same. The Protestant is by discretion, did not adopt the "Hebrew Bible" in Volume 6, verses, this Volume 6, a few verses of the Hebrew original have been lost, leaving only very little of the Fragment , the Greek translation is still intact, a small number of volumes were originally written in Greek, the details can be found in Scotch Bible Society published the "Bible" translation, "Old Testament" Volume 6 of these instructions by the book. After this six-volume book, in the Anglican Church has been classified by the type of meeting.
  Today's Christian
  Christianity including Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant three factions, but also claimed that with the other churches have different historical origins and beliefs of the Christian denominations. 2004 only, 20 million Christians. Among Christian believers, including the Catholic Church, 1.1 billion people, 200 million Orthodox Church 1600 people, the edge of the church of about 3170 people, is a Protestant denomination of about 300 million of the 6,700 million and 8,400 million people in the Church of England. The Independent Church (not affiliated with any major denomination) of the 400 million 1400 million people, in fact, primarily refers to the science mission in Africa.
  Christianity is currently the world's largest religion, but on the whole, and compare the world's population growth rate is shrinking. When the world population of about 1.25% per year growth rate increased, the growth of Christianity is only 1.12% per year. In contrast, Islam is based on 1.76% growth per year. However Christianity in specific areas (such as Africa, Asia) and the particular church groups (such as evangelical, charismatic and "independent" denominations) is growing rapidly.
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III. Christianity in China
  Taizong Zhenguan nine years (635 years), Christianity began to spread into China, but was then introduced to China was once considered heretical Nestorius sent (China called Nestorian, now known as the "Assyrian Church of the East") Huichang five years later in the Tang Dynasty (845 years) is prohibited spread. Yuan Dynasty, Christianity (Nestorian and Roman Catholic) came to China again, as "too profitable temperature" (in Mongolian, "a humble man"), interrupted after demise of the Yuan Dynasty. Decade of the Ming Wanli (1582), sent by the Catholic Jesuit Matteo Ricci, he was allowed to _set_tle in Zhaoqing in Guangdong and missionary, once successfully in the Catholic Church to be based in China.
  Five years of the Qing Emperor Yongzheng (1727), the Orthodox Church began to spread in China. In 1807, Morrison sent the Protestant missionary to China, Protestantism began transmission in China. After the Opium War, Christianity as a base to the rapid development of coastal ports. In 1843, Hong with Christian doctrine, claiming to be Jesus's younger brother, a "worship God", and later established the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom (1851 -1864 years).
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IV. Christian doctrine
  (See Nicene Creed)
  1. Joint doctrine
  Although there are three major denominations, but the basic doctrines are the same. Genesis says that God, original sin on salvation, heaven and hell said. "The Bible", by "Old Testament" and "New Testament" of two parts, a Christian classic. The cross is the symbol of Christianity. They believe in "God" or "God" the body is unique, but include the Father, Son and Holy Spirit (Holy Spirit) three persons.
  God God (Deus): Christian Faith Father, Son and Holy Spirit the Triune God. God is a Trinity - God the Father is the source of creation with the Lord, the Son was in the beginning of the road and come to earth is the man Christ Jesus, the Holy Spirit sent by the Father, and there are being run on, but by the Father and Son The send and run into the church. But the three are still the same God, not three God - three cells, a body, referred to as the Trinity.
  Creation (Genesis): the Christian view that God created the universe (time and space) of all things, including human ancestor.
  Sin (Peccatum): Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden in the wrong side of God's commands out of love, eating the forbidden fruit, you want to get away from God and his wisdom from God, source of life and isolation, resulting in the body of evil and the devil Chan, and illness and death was the inevitable outcome. They are all descended upon the world, life is hard to avoid committing the same crime, took to the road of destruction.
  Salvation (in French: Expiation, English: Atonement): the hope of life is to believe in Jesus Christ is Lord, because he's atonement on the cross and his resurrection from the dead three days later, the repentance of those who believe that the sins of his are forgiven, and be able to beat the devil and death, eternal life.
  Soul and eternal life (in French immortalité, English immortality): man has a soul, depending upon their behavior, after the death of trial, during his lifetime faith in Christ who rely on Christ to eternal life. Hardened, they will be subject to penalties and the demise of justice. There may be end of the world, but God had made in the new heaven and earth, but it is eternal life remain.
  2. The doctrine of different sects (see Christian denominations)
  Catholic: Catholic religious life is the core of the seven sacraments, namely Baptism, Sacrament, Sacrament of Reconciliation, Holy Eucharist (Mass), marriage, something sacred rank sacrament Anointing of the Sick sacraments. In this one, the Mass is the most important. Daily life, but also Catholics reciting regular activities, these verses are mostly choreographed by the great verses of the litany, for example, by God, the Apostles Creed and the "Rosary."
  Orthodox: Orthodox theology and the interpretation of the Scriptures are to follow the early rise of Christianity as passed down model. All their efforts are to continue and continue to pass on his first apostles of Christ, and the Apostles of the early church's theology and beliefs monks. In a sense, is the most conservative Orthodox Christian denominations.
  Protestant: Protestant and Catholic and Orthodox have a different doctrine, such as: Lutheran (Lutheran) stressed that "justification by faith", that can be justified is not any good deeds, only care about the letter; everyone can be a priest, Because Peter 2:9 "But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people of God is, to give you preach that called you out of darkness into his wonderful light virtue "; only the highest authority of the Bible, and only admitted to baptism and communion between the two sacraments, which focus on the Catholic and Orthodox sacrament (that is, sacraments) tradition different.
  3. Christian doctrine
  Christian doctrine on the concept of God can be summarized as follows:
  1, God is a bit cell of the one true God;
  2, God is the creator of heaven and earth of all things;
  3, God is the master of history;
  4 God to save His people and forgive their sins, they shall be his children;
  5, the end of the world God will judge the world.
  About the devil, the Christian doctrine that Satan was originally created by God, his rival and adversary of God, against God's salvation plan.
  Satan was originally an angel of God, is an archangel, managing a large number of angels. However, due to see God has so much power, evil heart health, leading some of the angels against God. God put them out of heaven, Satan fall into the ground, doing the devil, and openly oppose God. Contamination of the human mind, the ideological control, drives people to do some bad things, far from the truth of God.
  From the Christian Church was founded at the beginning of the explanation of Jesus within the church has been no agreement. Such as "Mark" that Jesus is man, when he was baptized in the Jordan, the Holy Spirit descending upon him, when a voice came through the clouds, announced that he is the Son of God. Antioch Christian theologians of the time in the study are to follow such an interpretation. "John," suggested another view, it believes that Jesus is the Incarnation. According to this view, Jesus has a divine nature, not to say that he is a divine supernatural power, his divine presence in the world but from the first line of succession from the road. Alexander theologians hold this view. Jesus announced the kingdom of heaven will come and start to establish the cause of the kingdom of heaven, I believe that Jesus Christ is bound to believe in heaven. Christian eschatology and the "Old Testament" God has sent word about the coming of the Messiah. Before the birth of Jesus the Messiah as advertised uprising after another. Jesus refused to become a political Messiah, the hope that the people of heaven down. In addition to this other than political aspirations, another form of eschatological expectations of the ground is not the Messiah, and expect to stand on the destiny of the Messiah, the Messiah is the kingdom to be established, not the ground state.
  Jesus Comes To achieve the kingdom of heaven people. For the worship of the Virgin Mary, in the Constantine the Great declared Christianity the state religion of the Roman Empire, when large numbers of people converted to Christianity began to prevail. Living in the Mediterranean and Near East nations is difficult to understand the absolute authority of God the Father; Jewish concept of God with the narrow concept of family rights, promotion of early Christianity inherited this concept, it is difficult to accept the various ethnic groups. These peoples for thousands of years in the worship of a Virgin goddess, a holy virgin, this worship from the ancient Babylonian and Assyrian Religion has reached the end of Greek culture. Although the teachings of the Christian gospels against the worship of the goddess, but this reverence by the worship of Mary has been expressed in the form; said that Mary is in the belly of the road before with the divine and human nature as to achieve a combination of wonderful Jesus . According to Christianity, the Holy Spirit is the essence of the concept as free as the wind, the Spirit of prophecy and knowledge of the Spirit is not a prophet or a wise man can freely around. Revelation of the Holy Spirit, showing the wisdom of the prophets or the language, write that "the Bible." Church of the Holy Spirit is constantly promote the history, innovations and creative power. Christian doctrine on the Trinity from the early Christians experienced in the formation of the special doctrines. 500 years through the "Athanasius Creed" doctrine of the Trinity clear definition of a final. About people, first of all Christian doctrine that man is made out in accordance with the image of God, so God reveals Himself to us as, the people must play a decisive role. As people reflect God's image of God in the practice of their plans inevitably requires the co-operation. Attachment to God and closer to each other, it can be said of God and human beings are to each other for each other's sake there. According to Christian doctrine, the Church is composed of persons chosen by God the end of the world body, the Holy Spirit poured in during the life of the Church; the church by the people who believe in Jesus Christ, of which there are both Jews and Gentiles, the church members are the "new Israel people "are God's chosen; the Church of Jesus Christ's body, the church members are used in the construction of the church building a" living stone. " Account of Christian doctrine in the Christian factions gain universal recognition of the "Apostles Creed" (Symbolum Apostolorum), "Indonesia - Constantinople Creed" (Symbolum Niceno-Constantinopolitanum) (also known as "Nicene Creed") and the "Athanasius Creed" (Symbolum Quicumque) on. Anti-Lo is a multi-regional churches were developing their own faith are the key link. In 1960, the World Council of Churches Central Committee of the City of St. Andrews in Scotland, the expression of the Christian factions unanimously adopted a common belief based on the draft in detail: the "World Council of Churches is a church fellowship organization, the Church under the" Bible " believe in the Lord Jesus Christ is God and the leader, so they seek to achieve this common goal summoned to the glory of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
  Christian and patristic philosophy
  (C) Christian doctrine (belief)
  1, God
  God is the only the highest divine beings, personality of God, the ultimate is absolutely perfect
  Trinity: one God has three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
  But the Lord is God, except he there is no other God - "Old Deuteronomy" 4
  The nature of God is one, as God is without beginning or end, no form, like, not separate (no part), omnipotent, all-wise, all good, of all things visible and invisible creator of the depositary; but he Three, homogeneous, with the right, but also belong to the eternal, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
  ---- "Ancient Christian creed Creed Augsburg"
  2, the original sin
  The nature of the crime: people refuse to obey the will of God, let God decide his life away, and determined to go its own way _select_ed.
  Sin elements: knowledge and pride do not believe; will have the desire to be equal with God; emotionally indulgent and laissez-faire
  3, Save (Salvation)
  Adult incarnation of God's only son, with its death restricted to the atonement on the cross, forsaken of God to overcome sin conditions, repair and re-make with God.
  4, the Kingdom of God and the Last Judgement
  "I tell you the truth. Rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven is difficult. I tell you, a camel through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter the kingdom of God is easier!" (MA 19)
  5, inspiration
  God Himself, God's will and self-display and the word of God spread in the world. Revelation is God's gift. Christian understanding of God and faith under the inspiration of God.
  (D) of the Christian moral Ten Commandments:
  1. Except me (God) shall have no other God than you;
  2. Not to worship idols and carving their own;
  3. Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God;
  4. When the Sabbath day and hallowed it;
  5. Honor your parents;
  6. You shall not murder;
  7. Shall not commit adultery;
  8. You shall not steal;
  9. Not for false testimony against your neighbor;
  10. Not covet your neighbor others wife and property.
  1, the ethical tradition of Israel: "Old Testament" in the "Ten Commandments."
  2, Christian ethics: "New Testament" in the Sermon on the Mount:
  A. "You shall not murder" --- respect for human life (5:21-26)
  B. "Do not commit adultery" --- respect for the opposite sex (5:27-30)
  C. "non-divorce" --- respect for the spouse (5:31-32)
  D. "swear not" --- respect for the truth (5:33-37)
  E. "non-retaliation" --- put aside self (5:38-42)
  F. "love your enemies" --- go the extra mile (5:43-48)
  3, the core of Christian ethics is love, love God and love is the principle of unity.
  "To make their heart and soul love the Lord your God. This is the first commandment is the greatest. The second is like, is to love thy neighbor as thyself. These two commandments hang all the law and the prophets reason Master. "
  Second, the godfather of Philosophy Overview
  1, meaning: apologist explained to formulate doctrines of systematic, theoretically demonstrated and defend the Christian faith, theologians, called the godfather, whose idea is called "The Godfather philosophy."
  2, period: beginning in the 2nd century, ending in the 6th century. Divided into "Greek Fathers" and "Latin Fathers."
  3, the first Greek Fathers: Charles Shiding (Justinus also translated Augustine travel about 100-166) made Christianity than, superior to Greek philosophy, Christianity is the true philosophy. Advocated a rational defense of faith doctrine.
  4, the first Latin Fathers: Tertullian (Tertullianus, about 160-240) specialized theological terms such as "Trinity," "Sacraments," "salvation" and its first. Abide in the Latin theology of the revered ancestor. That "because of ridiculous, so I did not believe" --- of conviction: the Son of God crucified, and not because it is the stigma of shame on the people; God's son is dead, because this is ridiculous Therefore, it is absolutely reliable; He was buried and then rose again, is because it is impossible, so is certain. "
  Third, a master of philosophy Godfather Augustine
  Augustine (Aurelius Augustinus ,354-430) works: one hundred and thirteen more than five articles and lectures. Representative of "Confessions," "Kingdom of God," a model of the prodigal son, Bishop of North Africa, old age either. Known as "the great Godfather", "God's messenger."
  God's revelation to prodigal son Augustine
  "Confessions" URL:
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Five. Christian major festivals
  The main Christian festivals are Christmas, Good Friday, Easter, Ascension, All Saints Day (Halloween), etc., there is the Catholic and Orthodox Pentecost, Assumption, name day and other festivals.
  Christmas: Dec. 25. Roman mythology, originally the birthday of the sun god Apollo; Roman Empire to Christianity as the state religion after the birth of Jesus Christ this day as a memorial, but the actual date of birth of Jesus Christ no one knows.
  Good Friday: Friday before Easter, commemorating Jesus Christ was crucified on the Cross.
  Easter: March 21 to April 25, between each of the first full moon after the vernal equinox Sunday to commemorate the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
  Thanksgiving: (Christian festivals in North America, rather than the universal Christian holidays) on the fourth Thursday in November (USA), or the third Saturday in October (Canada).
  VI. Christian churches and monuments
  1. China's Christian Heritage
  Catholic churches and the famous ruins: Beijing South Hall and North Hall; Matteo Ricci tomb; Tianjin Old West to open the church; Shanghai Xujiahui Catholic Church; Shanghai Sheshan Cathedral of Our Lady; Guangzhou Sacred Heart Cathedral;
  Famous Orthodox churches: St. Sofia church in Harbin; Shanghai Notre Dame Cathedral;
  Famous Chinese Protestant churches: Shanghai International Church; Shanghai Immanuel Lutheran Church; Shanghai Holy Trinity Church; Shanghai King mourning;
  2. Rest of the world famous church
  Notre Dame de Paris (Paris, France), Great St. Martin Church in Cologne (Cologne, Germany), the Savior Cathedral (Moscow, Russia), Hagia Sophia (Istanbul, Turkey), St. Peter's Basilica (Vatican City) St. Paul's Cathedral (London, UK), St. John's Cathedral (New York).
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VII. Christian "Bible"
  Abrahamic Bible teaching (including Protestant, Catholic, Orthodox, Judaism and other religions) of the religious classics, the Old Testament and New Testament composed of the Old Testament book is the Jewish scriptures, the New Testament of Jesus Christ and its Apostle's words and deeds and stories of the record.
  Old Testament
  Catholic and Orthodox Old Testament a total of 46, which contains the designated times by the other sects of several books; Protestant Old Testament, 39 volumes; the Hebrew Bible of Judaism less as the number of sections Synthesis of a roll book, a total of only 24 volumes, content, and Protestant Old Testament consistent.
  New Testament
  The number of New Testament more consistent, has 27 volumes. Judaism does not recognize the New Testament as canon.
  In addition, Islam accepts only the first five books of the Old Testament (Torah), Psalms and New Testament as the four canonical Gospels, but found that a large number of errors, is the private copies of human errors in the translation process; Christianity with the traditional different versions of the transcript to refute the accusation of Muslims, and the formation of the Ottoman version of the Koran counterclaims have been tampered with Caliph Osman Mohammed oral text of a major suspect.
  Old Testament, the books thirty-nine volumes, the New Testament there are twenty-seven volumes, is a total of sixty-six. Archaeology shows that completion of the Old Testament several hundred years before the birth of Jesus to thousands of years, such as the Pentateuch ("Genesis", "Exodus," "Leviticus," "Numbers", "Deuteronomy" ) was completed in about 1400 BC, "Malachi," was completed in about 400 BC; the New Testament were completed in the year a century, the new writing of the Old Testament took 1,500 years.
  Volumes of the Bible written in the book are independent, written after the Jewish synagogue and the Christian church passed reading. To around 250 BC, the Jewish high priest, he went up from the twelve tribes of the Jewish scriptures in the _select_ed six elders, gathered in Alexandria, the Hebrew Old Testament translated into Greek popular at the time, this is the famous Seven translation of ten persons. AD 70, when the holy city of Jerusalem will be destroyed on the occasion, the Jews held a high-level meetings, formal recognition of the canon of the Hebrew Bible, the book twenty-four volumes (the Old Testament canon thirty-nine volumes). In AD 382 and AD 397 on the two well-known meeting, the ratification of the New Testament canon of twenty-seven-volume book position.
  Catholics must adhere to the life of the ceremony held in the following seven: Baptism, Confirmation, repentance, Holy Communion, marriage, and finally Bo and priesthood. Them for Christmas, Easter, Pentecost and other religious holidays very seriously, every Sunday and major religious festivals, Hindus are a church for Mass must go.
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VIII. Christian Events
  1. Since the birth of Jesus to Christianity became the state religion of the Roman Empire until about 500 years, is the early Christian period.
  2. Subsequently, from 500-1500 years, Christianity gradually spread to the Roman, Celtic, Germanic and Slavic and other ethnic groups, to establish the Middle Ages in Europe, Christian civilization. However, also in this period, the Christian by the ordeal. Its sphere of influence of early Palestine, Syria, Asia Minor, North Africa and even in some areas has been Islamization of Spain, Sicily and southern Italy are also under threat. The relegation of Mongolia and Russia, the Turkic Khan Khan, Golden Horde under the rule, followed by Anwar, Huns, Mongols, Turks also has invaded the West.
  3.1054, the Catholic and Orthodox Christianity is divided into two faction.
  4.16-century religious reform movement that has produced a Christian Protestant, Anglican, Lutheran, in the final authentic and other factions.
  5.19 century Christianity in the history of the "great century", in this century, Christianity was spread around the world.
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IX. Formation of Christian Doctrine
  The relationship between Christianity and Judaism, both inherited from the out_set_ have separated. In the 1,2-century, the Roman rulers that Christianity is nothing more than religious Jews, the persecution of Christianity and Judaism all. Since Constantine the Great, after _set_ting the national religion of Christianity, especially from the 6th century, the Christian persecution of Jews, the successive Crusades to Jews and Muslims, as enemies. However, the ancient Christian theologians for guidance to the Jewish Bible scholars, Jewish mysticism, the mystery of Christ also continue to influence factions. 2 centuries later, Christianity and from the Greek culture absorb the nutrients. Some theologians think that the logos of Greek philosophy is the Messiah, he became incarnate Jesus Christ. Plato the idealist interpretation of the real world, Aristotle's discussion on the existence and knowledge, are infiltrated Christianity. Part of Christian worship, and hymns are also traceable in the Greek esoteric and mystical philosophy. In the Christian era as the state religion of the Roman Empire, especially the 4 century, the emperor 狄奥多西登 bit later, believed to be heretics by the state sanctions a criminal act against the Church is against the empire. 4-8 century, the Imperial Conference of bishops of religious minorities often hold different religious views of people declared to be heresy, as traitors to be cut off. In order to maintain the orthodox doctrine of the medieval church, according to church law and issued the Inquisition was established, "the Vatican banned the directory."
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Ten. Christian organization
  On the organization of the Church, the Orthodox and Catholic bishops have consistently implemented the system. In England, despite educational reform and revolution, the Puritans and the opposition pro-independence although very intense, but the line of succession of bishops from Apostolic times the theory and practice of the system intact, preserved by the Church. Sweden will remain the state religion Lutheran bishop of the system. Evangelical Church in Germany (in the Lutheran faith and naturalization is authentic) Bishop of the system has been abolished during the Reformation. Church of Scotland and North America, the Presbyterian Church and many Protestant factions have adopted Presbyterian in form resembling a democratic republic. Congregational church emphasized independently by the individual to preach, worship, management and administrative aspects.
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XI. Christian liturgical
  Numerous forms of Christian worship, personal prayer and family worship attention. The family is the basic Christian community. Collective worship in the form and amount vary by denomination. On the sacraments, the Catholic sacrament of the provisions of seven, that Baptism, Confirmation, Confession, Eucharist, Holy products, extreme unction and marriage. Orthodox sacraments are seven. Law cases of classical anti-Lutheran, Anglican and Reformed Church using only two sacraments, namely baptism and Holy Communion.
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XII. The spread of Christianity in the world
  Christianity spread throughout the world, the scope of its spread than any other religion, Islam, before the impact of the West, the Eastern Church has been vigorously engaged in missionary activities. Eastern Church, especially the Church of Nestorius was introduced to China in the 3,4-century (called Nestorian), Central Asia and Mongolia and other places. Eastern Church also expanded to the west of the Germanic tribes migration in Asia Minor and the Byzantine Christian. In the north, northeast and northwest of the Slavic system by different ethnic groups but also by Byzantine Christianity. Missionary and colonial savages with these three activities are often carried out, therefore, represents a more advanced culture of the missionaries, many of the more backward regions tend to bring important changes. Romania's anti-missionary activities were to be reverent from the start of a Theory of School, this theory must be used to illuminate the light of the Gospel of Christ "dark" of the pagan world. In the 20th century, produced by the European and American missionary so-called sub-church organizations, strongly urge the independence requirements of the United Christian factions.
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XIII. The history of Christianity
  (As was the postmodern critique of modernism history, not by doctrine)
  Christian, formerly known as Judaism, and so far most of the Christian Bible is the content of the Jewish Bible (Old Testament). Speaking of Judaism, it must be said that the founder of Moses. Moses and the Israelites conquered by the Egyptians reduced to slavery of Pharaoh in Egypt the Israelites. But he and the Israelis in general different, he is Israel, but it is raising the daughter of Pharaoh of Egypt and the Egyptian culture and education are well brought up children of Israel. Because of his legendary experience and a good culture and education make him the founder of Judaism and Israel's religious leaders. Israelis have been the original religion of God is the Lord God (God), Moses and the Israelites to the Lord God by faith, expressive of the intention, the organization completed the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt to flee Pharaoh action. The Great Escape Action for such large-scale ethnic collective action, at the time did not help the power of religion can not be done. Not only led the Israelites, but are also used to deal with Pharaoh the power of religion, because he understood why the Egyptian religion and culture can be negotiated with the Egyptian Pharaoh. These are very specific in the Bible records. As in the Bible, "Exodus," "Moses and the burning bush" section in this description: [God said to Moses: "Go and gather the elders of Israel said to them: 'Lord God of your fathers, Abraham, the God of Isaac, God, the God of Jacob, appeared to me said: I have surely visited you, I have also seen how the Egyptians treated you. "I said: To you from the affliction of Egypt, leading out to the ... ... ']. Through several negotiations with the Egyptian pharaoh and struggles, the Egyptian Pharaoh was forced to agree to the Israelites out of Egypt. As Moses, the wisdom and courage to lead the Israelis to overcome the difficulties, the success of the Egyptian Pharaoh to kill free, safe arrival of Palestinian areas. Success to Moses out of Egypt, Pharaoh enslaved the Israelites became a hero to the nation's savior. However, he knows that the tragic fate of the nation of Israel, mainly because of lack of national unity. In order to achieve national unity, there must be a spiritual unity, the historical conditions at that time to achieve this requirement, the only way is to create a whole nation can accept the religion; and, this religious doctrine must be primitive religions, should have on people's thinking and behavior of uniform effect, that is, the social nature of man more to strengthen support. To make us accept his ideas, Moses need to use the trust of his people, the use to convey the Lord God (God), then to create a new, more powerful religion. To this end, the elders of Moses and the Israelites at Mount Sinai for a very grand and mysterious ceremony. This is in the Bible, "Exodus," "Mount Sinai" section in this description: [You have to give people all around the mountain _set_ting limits, saying: 'Take heed to yourselves, can not go up the mountains, and do not touch the mountain boundary; Whoever touches the mountain, put to death. Can not touch him, and shall be stoned, or shot through; both man and beast, shall live. 'To the sound of the trumpet prolonged, they can come to the mount. "] So the word of God is conveyed entirely by Moses, to which he monopolized the interaction between God and the right to be the only spokesman for God. This is the new religion of Moses is extremely important, because this is so He became the sole representative of God, so he would not be contrary to God will become evident. Moses to create a new religion, the first thing is to all Israelis that "Ten Commandments" and God is the Lord (God ) in the form of proposed agreement with the stone carved, there is no room for discussion, must be unconditional, and comprehensive compliance.
  For the social issues, we look at Moses as the cornerstone of Judaism, "Ten Commandments" content. (1) The Lord God is the only God; (2) can not imagine any of his own idol to worship, and observe the commandments from the heart; (3) not to abuse the name of the Lord God; (4) Remember the Sabbath when , six days and rest one day, as a holy day to remember the Lord God created the heaven and achievements; (5) honor their parents; (6) shall not murder; (7) Do not commit adultery; (8) shall not steal; (9 ) Do not bear false witness against your neighbor; (10) can not be greedy. From these elements it is clear that Moses "Ten Commandments" In addition to 1 to 4 is the worship of the provisions of section 5 to 10 for all of the social nature of specific provisions. And in the Bible, "Exodus," "Hebrew slave", "personal injury", "protection of property", "social responsibility" and "fairness and mercy of Regulations" and other sections have further to observe the social ethics, orderly specific interpretation and description. All this shows that the establishment of the religion's main purpose is to guarantee people's social culture, maintaining a unified social order. Even the Lord God's will is to introduce a new religion, there is still great resistance, in the Bible "Exodus," "Golden Calf" section to record with such a thing. The children of Israel when Moses to the mountain, immediately made against the precepts of the things - worship the golden calf. This is obviously the political authority of Moses has just established the most serious challenges. ["Moses saw that the people in defiance, stood gate of the camp, said: 'Fanzhu the LORD shall come to me!' ... ... He said to them: 'Lord God of Israel says: every one of you cross-knife at the waist, between the camp from this gate to that door, kill everyone and his brother and fellow neighbors' sons of Levi did as Moses said the line. that day about three thousand people killed. " ] In this way, Moses re-establish by force the rule of his unique authority. Moses established a new Jewish festival is still based on traditional methods, the use of cattle, sheep and other livestock, grain, incense and other items for worship. If one commits a crime, you can use the money to redeem the items for worship. Meanwhile, the new Jewish also provides a series of social rules and laws and the decisions required to comply with all Israel, which has a detailed description of the Bible, and these rules are for the maintenance of social order in the slave society at that time played a very important role. So was Israel Judaism can be said to establish their own country, for maintaining social order from the fundamental guarantee. Until today, these Jewish laws and decisions of the Jewish community is still the moral and the importance of maintaining social order and guarantee. Moreover, as the future of Judaism and Christianity developed out of broad impact on the world, these moral norms and social order in the history of Western society, even for today's society there are still a huge influence. Of course, with the development of society, religion is continually reforms to better adapt to society's requirements change. For the problem of religious reform to adapt to society in the next section we will discuss further. We now continue to discuss the social role of Christianity.
  Around the first century AD, the Jews of Palestine under the rule of slave owners in the Roman Empire, the cruel oppression and exploitation, provoked strong resistance from the Jewish nation. Occurred at a number of Jewish uprising, but in the Roman Empire failed brutal repression. Especially those living in lower classes of slaves, poor farmers, fishermen and craftsmen are the main force against the movement. In this background, the original slave society to maintain order in the State of Israel as the main purpose of traditional Judaism has united the Jewish people can not play out the role of the rule of the Roman Empire. Nazareth in the Palestinian areas so the poor farmers, fishermen and craftsmen among the emergence of new religious ideas. One of the major representatives are; to Jesus baptized by John, Jesus and his disciples and so on. They seek refuge with the powerful Roman Empire that exists between the Jewish upper sharp contradictions and conflicts. Because the new religious ideas is to promote equality, mutual love, against the ruling power, and the Jewish people and their organizations against the top elite, so the spread of new religious ideas of the ruling class who have suffered persecution. The contents of the New Testament the four Gospels in the Bible "Matthew" "Mark" "Luke," "John" have documented. Such as: [the chief priests and the whole Sanhedrin were looking for false testimony against Jesus to put him to death. Though many false witnesses Debu really far. ] Later, the camp followers, many of whom were killed, the rest of the people were driven from it all in the synagogue. However, the new religious ideas has been the general public to accept, and gradually formed a new independent sects. It was a century and fifty years, developed into the original Christianity. Can know from the Christian Bible, the new Jewish religion fully accepted social norms of the original - the order of the State of Israel the Jewish people, but also accepted and expanded, such as monotheism (God is the only Lord God), Prophet Messiah (Christ) and other Jewish teachings. But the Jewish leaders, some of the reforms has been thought that Christianity and Judaism contrary. In fact, precisely because it was the Jewish nation is in the Roman Empire's rule, it continued to promote the rule of God's absolute authority, not only to support the rule of the Roman Empire, but also can not explain to people why not come to God to save his people in Oliver. To take advantage of the new religion, religious awareness to promote their ideas to the public, so that the true Christian prophet Messiah (Christ) has appeared, he is Jesus, he is the Son of God, God's intention for him to preach. Although the Christian Bible, Judaism accepts the original, but some of its basic idea is really different from the original Judaism. Object in the worship of God recognizes only Judaism, and that God promised the prophet the Messiah (savior of recovery) has not yet come, should continue to wait. Do not recognize Jesus as a prophet of God promised Messiah. Religious ideology, still adhere to traditional Jewish rituals, and the statutes and judgments, such as the only recognized the talent is circumcised Jews. The Christian tradition of Jewish ritual simplified, statutes and ordinances of the church must abide by are not stressed, but open to anything other than the Jewish nation, any race. The main emphasis on the ideological beliefs of Christianity and recognition, faith, hope, love is thinking of program, special emphasis on the love of God, love people, to love their most fundamental norms of the law called it the largest law. In obedience, the Christian emphasis, "submit to the authority" [In the last one having authority, and everyone submit to him, because there is no authority except from God, who is in power by God. ] Teach the servant to obey the master, his wife submissive husband, do not fight with others and so on. The contents of the New Testament in the Bible, "Romans" and other chapters have described. This is why the Christian faith, hope, love as the main body of religious thought, the social nature of human culture, education is particularly beneficial to the fundamental social role of religion there is considerable consistency. In the state apparatus increasingly sophisticated society, it is easy to accept both the people and the ruling class. This is the future of Christianity in the extensive development of the world, and has continued for thousands of years without failure, until it became one of the world's largest religion, the main reason.
  Gang was founded in the early Christian (30 to 40 years-first century) mainly for the Jews believe, be regarded as heretical Jewish factions. The late 40 century, Paul and others to preach to non-Jews, the Christian will break the boundaries of the Jewish people, one after another of Antioch in Syria, Alexandria, Rome, Constantinople and other established churches in the Roman Empire ruled by the widespread among the peoples of the ancient. Around the church and the absorption of local ethnic culture, form their own nation to accept the local culture. After this stage of Christian development, and gradually built up in the ideological belief system of their own theory, the formation of the organization becoming more and more of the church system. The early Christians mainly lower classes of slaves, poor farmers, fishermen and craftsmen, as Christian doctrine, regardless of race, regardless of social status, rich and poor, or even as long as the recognition of Christian slaves, joined the church can meet as equals call each other brothers. More and more people to join this Christian Church, organized by the church to engage in collective activities. Christians in the Roman Empire that the ruling class recognizes only God and Jesus is king, it will reject the authority of the Roman Emperor, and the increasingly powerful church organizations may be shaken Roman Empire; Judaism because Christianity on the upper elite of the reform of traditional Judaism, as well as Christian priest against the corruption of Judaism, so they are strongly suppressed, persecuted Christianity. Christian religious leaders, the murder of Paul and Peter is a typical representative. Recorded in the history of the great persecution ten times, including Emperor Nero last three decades is the most powerful wave of persecution. A large number of Christians were killed, many churches were closed down, property was confiscated. However, the ruling class and the physical elimination of political persecution, can not stop even not prohibit the development and dissemination of Christianity. This further illustrates the need for religion is society, is not to change the behavior of the ruling class of society. After the third century AD, the Roman Empire ruling class gradually realize that the social role of Christianity and the cancellation policy of persecution of Christianity. With the development of the Christian church organizations, but also the knowledge class and more affluent society to join the church. And, in Christian doctrine to explain and promote, further emphasis on obedience and maintenance of the existing social system, advocated by bite the bullet; the pursuit of happiness after the death of the hope for the kingdom of heaven, in the hands of the Second Coming of Christ died. At that time, the most influential masters of Christian theology Augustine (AD 353--430 years), his masterpiece, "Trinity" and "City of God", laid the foundation of Christian theology. In the compilation of the Christian classic "Bible", in addition to the "Old Testament", the "Bible" in the "New Testament" is in the latter half of the first century AD, written in Greek. To the fourth century or so, edit the date completion of the use of the "Bible" full, complete theoretical system of Christianity. To the fourth century the Roman Empire around the recognition and support of not only Christianity, but also increasingly used to unify and control Christian Roman Empire to Christianity as the state religion, designated as the Christian nobility of Rome the pope and bishops, with the state machinery to support the eradication of Christianity to other religions development. To around the fifth century Christianity has not only dominated areas in Rome, but in the Greek and Latin regions, west of Gaul and North Africa also includes some non-Latin population, the east has reached Armenia became a Christian country, but also other Christian also based on the number of ethnic Syriac, the ancient Egyptian population, the Arabs, and even may have to Da Gede, Georgians and Indians. Christianity has become the feudal dynasties of Europe's main spirit of the pillars of social stability. Emperor countries came to the throne, often have to preside over by the Pope embodies the meaning of divine right of kings. With the rapid growth of the Christian Church property, rights, more and more so the Christian church is not only a religious leader, and is in fact a cross-national feudal dynasty. Pope and Archbishop of the Church of political and national rights the focus of struggle, or even to intervene and participate in many European feudal dynasty's political and power struggles. 11th century split into the Roman Catholic Church of Christ and the Orthodox, to completely become a political and religious organizations the right to struggle. Especially the Roman Catholic Church and Islam launched the Crusades between the wars, the surface is the struggle of two religions, in fact, the church is the ruling class, the use of and incitement to religious fervor of people for their wealth and power war, is completely contrary to the Christian doctrine of political behavior. From 1096 to 1291 nearly two hundred years, Roman Catholic Church has organized eight countries of the Mediterranean coast east of the Crusades, people of many countries brought grave disaster. Roman Catholic Church to suppress heresy also established the Inquisition, the cruel suppression of the so-called heretical ideas and part of the natural scientists. All religions, as such behavior is not some dark social role of religion itself, but a minority ruling class use of religion to control people's thinking on the role of religion by the majority of people on the blindness of religious doctrine to achieve the benefit of the few acts of the ruling class . Of course, this description from the other hand, due to the non-scientific nature of religion, the social role of religious minorities are often easy to use and produce anti-social behavior. Therefore, the reform of the sixteenth century post-Christian, especially Protestant Christianity have won the ethical basis of capitalist development of religious thought.
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XIV. Two of Christianity in China
  XV. Important people
  Early Church
  Peter Paul, a Papias Singapore Travel
  Patristic period
  Main article: Church elders
  Mrs Alexandria Clement of Rome Clement Tertullian Cyprian 圣奥古斯丁耶 repair soft Damian Polo Eusebius of Caesarea Pope Gregory I, Origen
  Middle Ages
  Albert Thomas Aquinas Saint Bernard Great Duo
  Since the Reformation
  St. Ignatius Loyola 拉马丁路德 Calvin John Wesley Tsz Wan Li 多马斯摩尔 Edwards, John Cardinal Newman
  Cardinal Wojtyla (Pope John Paul II) Cardinal Ratzinger (now Pope, theologians) Rowan Williams (now Archbishop of Canterbury, theologian), Dr. Billy Graham (Grievous Han) (sermon home) Bell Martin Schaeffer Stowe was Packer Dr. Tang Chongrong Carl Henry (preacher, theologian)
  Christian holy city
  Bethlehem - the birthplace of Jesus. Jerusalem - the capital of Israel, Jesus was crucified and where the incident occurred the other Bible. Nazareth - where Jesus grew up, he is also known as "Jesus of Nazareth." Antioch - Christian conduct to the center of the Roman Empire. Vatican City - the center of the global Catholic Church, served as the Pope's office. Constantinople - until 1453 until the demise of Byzantium, has been the center of the Orthodox.
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  And Buddhism, Islam and said one of the world's three major religions. The mid-1st century AD, 2 formed in the mid-century eastern Roman Empire. Originally a Jewish tribe. Jesus Christ for worship, and orthodox Jewish division, after the combination of Greek culture in the Roman Empire spread, 4 end of the century the state religion of the Roman Empire. Middle Ages in Europe dominated. After the 16th century, spread to Africa, America, South Asia, East Asia, Oceania countries. The history of Europe and America, and cultural development there is a very important influence. (See color pictures holy city of Jerusalem)
  Early Christian history of the mid-1st century AD, Palestine Jewish uprising, brutally crushed by the Roman rulers, some of the Jews to their own liberation in the hands of religion. They hope the "savior" came to save people's suffering. New sects of Christianity then submitted the original form of Judaism. Propaganda "coming kingdom of heaven", called "sinners to repentance." One end of the century spread to Syria, Asia Minor, Macedonia, Greece, Rome, Egypt, to win followers among all people, then, with the popular Greek philosophy, ethics, mysticism and other combination; the process in Greece, from the original Christian Jewish religion evolved to adapt to a world religion of the Roman Empire, the teachings of the afterlife awaiting the advent of the original idea thought gradually replaced by the suffering endured. 2, mid-century, the formation of an organized Christian Church. 3, mid-century, in Western Europe, North Africa and West Asia has considerable influence. 3 half-century, the Roman Empire as a social force throughout the development. As the Roman Empire to strengthen internal repression, external aggression, class conflicts, the growing intensification of ethnic conflicts, to facilitate control of the Roman rulers and the oppressed people of the conquered nation, leaves early in the 4th century, Christianity began to take control of use policies, to support; 4 end of the century, will be the national religion of Christianity, the church supported by the imperial rulers, and further development. All against Christian doctrine, creed, against the Church authority of the Church's activities have been judged as heretics by the government crackdown.
  476 Middle Ages, the Western Roman Empire. Before and after, the Bishop of Rome has gradually become church leaders in western Europe, and then obtain political power. 5 end of the century to 10 century, the process of European feudalism, the Christian act mainly by ruling dynasty spread to most countries in Europe, churches and monasteries became the largest feudal lords, is the main pillar of the European feudal society; Christian monopoly of culture and education, in the sense form fields, the political, legal, philosophical, moral theology are placed under the control. 1054, the Archbishop of Constantinople, led by the Eastern Church and the Pope led the Church to split the Western, Eastern Orthodox Church claims to the western Roman Catholic Church, the Church claimed (China known as the "Catholic Church"). 11th century, the nearly 200 years, the United States Pope King, the nobility started 7th Crusade, invaded the East. Half of the 12th century, the church began to _set_ up a "heresy trial of the" resistance to suppress the people and stifle progressive ideas. 13th century, Pope power to reach its peak at the same time, corruption within the church, sparking discontent among the masses, against the Church of the Albigensian heresy, etc. He played sports in this V. 14,15 century, the public class and the rise of the nation-state, a heavy blow to the Church Hussite War forces.
  In the meantime, the Pope and the King of Spain to strengthen the activities of the Roman Catholic Church, the establishment of theocratic rule to protect the pope for the purpose of the Jesuit, Catholic forces in support of Western European countries. In Spain, the heresy trial of the activities of the most rampant.
  Half of the 16th century, French Catholic and Calvinist Protestant nobility nobility within the 30 years between
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English Expression
  1. n.:  zion,  Christian,  the Christian religion,  the last trump (=the trump of doom),  The (Book of ) Proverbs,  minor prophet,  major prophet,  power of the keys,  Four Horsemen,  Holy father,  version,  scripture,  intercommunion,  daniel,  cross,  congregationalism,  Christianity,  book
  2. adj.:  antinomian,  interdenominational
French Expression
  1. n.  christianisme
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