the phenomenon of nature : applied mechanics : geology : DISASTERS > earthquake
  Earthquake (also known as ground motion, ground vibration) is a rapid release of energy during the earth's crust caused by vibration, will produce seismic waves during a natural phenomenon.
  English: earthquake
  Global Plate Tectonics Earth can be divided into three layers. Centre layer is the core; middle mantle; outer layer of crust. Among earthquake generally occurs in the crust. Crust is constantly changing, the role of the resulting force (ie, the role of internal forces), the crustal rock deformation, fracture, dislocation, so they earthquakes. Super seismic waves that are extremely strong earthquake. But the occurrence of 7% of total 21% of the earthquake, the damage is several times the atomic bomb, so a wide range of super earthquake, is also very destructive.
  Earthquakes are the Earth's interior dramatic breakdown of the local media, the resulting shock wave, which in a certain range of ground vibration caused by the phenomenon. Seismic (earthquake) is the rapid vibration of the Earth's surface, also known as the earth in ancient times. It is like tsunamis, cyclones, ice storms, as often happens on earth as a natural disaster. Earthquake ground vibration is the most intuitive, the most common manifestations. In the seabed or coastal region of strong earthquakes can cause huge waves, called tsunami. Earthquakes are very frequent, about 550 earthquakes per year worldwide million.
  Seismic origin of the place, called the source (focus). Source in the vertical projection on the ground, the ground is called the nearest point from the source epicenter. It is to accept the first part of vibration. Called the focal depth of the epicenter to the focal depth. Usually less than 70 km focal depth is called shallow earthquakes, called the depth of 70-300 km in the earthquake, called the depth of more than 300 km deep earthquake. For the same size of the earthquake, not the same as the focal depth, extent of the damage on the ground are not the same. The more light source, the greater the damage, but spread to the smaller range, and vice versa.
  Destructive earthquakes is generally shallow earthquakes. Such as the 1976 Tangshan earthquake focal depth of 12 km.
  The most devastating earthquake ground vibration as a very strong earthquake at the very epicenter of the earthquake zone is often located.
  The distance from the epicenter of a call with the epicentral distance. Less than 100 km from the epicenter of the earthquake as local earthquakes in the earthquake as between 100-1000 km near earthquake, more than 1,000 km of seismic shock as far, of which the longer the epicenter of the local impacts and damage is smaller.
  Ground vibration caused by the earthquake is a complex movement, it is by the interaction of longitudinal and shear waves in the results. In the epicenter, the ground wave move up and down Britain. Wave shaking the ground level. The longitudinal wave propagation speed, attenuation is also faster, slower wave propagation velocity, attenuation and slower, so far away from the epicenter, the place, often do not feel up and down, but can feel the level of shaking.
  Occur when a when a large earthquake in the period of time, often a series of earthquakes, the largest of which is called the main shock of a quake, the earthquake took place before the main shock is called foreshocks, main shock earthquakes called aftershocks .
  Earthquake with a certain temporal and spatial distribution.
  From the time point of view, there is an active seismic period and quiet period alternating cyclical phenomenon.
  From space, the distribution of the earthquake was some band, said the seismic zone, mainly in the Central Pacific and the Mediterranean - the two major Himalayan earthquake belt. Pacific seismic belt is almost 80% of the world focused on the shallow earthquakes (0 km to 70 km), all of the source (70 km ~ 300 km) and deep earthquakes, the seismic energy released about 80% of all energy.
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  Refers to the size of the earthquake magnitude is a measure of the strength of characterization of the earthquake, the earthquake is measured by the energy released each time the number of seismic activity determined. Magnitude is usually expressed by the letter M. The magnitude of current standards, is a common international classification table Richter, divided into nine levels. Usually less than 2.5 magnitude earthquake called the Little Earthquake 2.5-4.7 earthquake called the felt earthquakes, greater than the 4.7 earthquake called the devastating earthquake. Every difference of 1.0 magnitude, the energy difference of about 30 times; every difference of 2.0, the energy difference of about 900 times. For example, a 6-magnitude earthquake released energy equivalent to the U.S. atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima, Japan possess energy. A magnitude 7 earthquake is equivalent to a 32 6 earthquake, or the equivalent of 1,000 5 earthquakes.
  Magnitude of the earthquake according to size can be divided into the following categories:
  Weak local magnitude is less than 3. Felt the earthquake magnitude is equal to or greater than 3 and less than or equal to 4.5.
  The earthquake magnitude greater than 4.5, less than 6. Earthquake magnitude is equal to or greater than 6. Magnitude of which is greater than or equal to 8 level, also known as a huge earthquake.
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Seismic intensity
  The same size earthquake, the damage is not necessarily the same; with an earthquake, in different places are not the same damage. To measure the extent of the damage the earthquake, scientists and "make" another the "ruler" eleven seismic intensity. Seismic intensity scale in China, and on the person's feelings, the general level of building damage and other phenomena were described, can be used as the fundamental basis for determining intensity. Factors affect the intensity of the magnitude, focal depth, the distance from the earthquake, ground conditions and formation structures and so on.
  Under normal circumstances far as intensity and source, the relationship between magnitude, the magnitude of the larger more shallow source, the greater the intensity. In general, an earthquake occurred, the epicenter of the destruction of the most important, the highest intensity; the intensity is called epicentral intensity. Extended to four weeks from the epicenter, the earthquake intensity decreases. Therefore, only one magnitude of an earthquake, but the damage it causes, in different regions is different. That is, an earthquake, intensity can be divided into several different areas. This is after a bomb explosion, near and far different from the damage the same reason. The amount of explosive bomb, like a magnitude; bomb damage in different locations, is like intensity.
  For example, February 10, 1990, Changshu - Taicang 5.1 earthquake occurred, it was said that four in Suzhou, Wuxi is a 3, which is wrong. No matter where, can only say that in Changshu - Taicang 5.1 earthquake occurred, but the earthquake, the sand in the Town Taicang seismic intensity is 6 degrees in the seismic intensity of 4 degrees in Suzhou, Wuxi seismic intensity is 3 degrees. There is 12 May 2008 in Wenchuan had 8. Earthquake caused a great loss.
  In the world have used several different intensity scale. Western countries is to improve the Maijialilie prevailing degree of tables, referred to as the MM intensity scale, from 1 degree to 12 degrees is divided into 12 intensity levels. Japan will not feel as 0 degrees, I felt to Ⅶ degree is divided into a total of eight levels. The former Soviet Union and China, according to 12 intensity scale intensity grading. China, 1980 redesign of the seismic intensity scale (see table).
  Chinese seismic intensity scale
  1 degree: no sense - can be recorded only instrument;
  2 degrees: Micro-felt - a particularly sensitive person felt in complete stillness;
  3 degrees: a rare sense of - a few people at rest in the room felt hung on a structure to wobble;
  4 degree: Multi-felt - most indoor and outdoor minority felt hung on a structure oscillating, unstable containers creaked;
  5 degrees: wake up - most people felt outdoors, animals restless, the sound of doors and windows, walls, cracks in the surface
  6 degrees: panic - people standing firm, flight livestock, utensils, turn over, the primitive hut damage, landslide scarp;
  7 degrees: houses were damaged - Housing minor damage, the Church, chimney damage, cracks and sand blasting the surface to take water;
  8 degrees: Building damage - damage to house more than a small number of damaged embankment collapse, underground pipeline rupture;
  9 degrees: widespread destruction of buildings - houses most of the damage, a small number of dumping, the Church, chimneys collapsed, rail bent;
  10 degrees: widespread destruction of buildings - buildings had collapsed and damaged roads, rocks a large number of landslides, surface flutter shore big wave;
  11 degrees: the destruction - a large number of collapsed houses, a large section of roadbed embankment collapsed, have a great change in the surface;
  12 degrees: mountains and easy to view - widespread destruction of all buildings, terrain dramatic changes in flora and fauna are destroyed;
  For example, the 1976 Tangshan earthquake, magnitude 7.8, epicentral intensity is eleven degrees; by the Tangshan earthquake, seismic intensity is eight degrees of Tianjin, Beijing, for the six degrees of intensity, and then away to Shijiazhuang, Taiyuan, the only four to five degree of.
  08-08-31 World earthquake situation
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Earthquake Phenomena
  When the earthquake occurred, the basic phenomenon is the continuous ground vibration, is obviously shaking.
  Most people in the quake zone was a large rock before the first was jumping up and down sometimes. This is because the seismic waves within the ground came from the ground, the reason P-wave first arrival. Then produce large amplitude wave horizontal shaking is the main reason for the earthquake disaster. 1960 Chile earthquake, the largest shaking lasted for 3 minutes. First, the disaster caused by the earthquake damage to houses and structures, such as the 1976 earthquake in Tangshan, Hebei, China, 70% to 80% of the buildings collapsed and suffered heavy casualties.
  Earthquake on the landscape also has a great impact on the natural world. The main consequence is a gap in the ground and ground cracks. Surface earthquake fault often tens to hundreds of kilometers stretching, often has a prominent vertical and horizontal stagger stagger, can reflect the structural changes at the characteristics of the source (see the thick end of a major earthquake, the San Francisco earthquake.) But not all of the surface faults are directly associated with the source of the movement, they also may be due to secondary effects caused by seismic waves. In particular, the surface areas of thick sediment, slope edge, often appear on both sides of river banks and roads to crack, this is often due to topography, there is no basis in the side of the surface under the conditions of shaking loose and crack. Earthquake shaking the surface subsidence, shallow groundwater will be squeezed up to the surface along the fissure to form a blast to take water phenomenon. Earthquake can change the local terrain, or uplift, or subsidence. Crack crack urban and rural roads, rails twisted, broken bridges. In the modern city, due to rupture of underground pipelines and cables were cut resulting water, electricity and communications disrupted. Gas, leakage of toxic gases and radioactive substances can cause fires and toxic, radioactive pollution and other secondary disasters. In the mountains, earthquakes can cause landslides and landslides, often bury the village caused the tragedy. Landslides blocked rivers, rocks, formed in the upper reaches of the earthquake lake. 1923 Great Kanto earthquake in Japan, Kanagawa Prefecture landslides along the valley down, as far as 5 km.
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Causes and Types
  Divided into natural and artificial earthquake earthquake earthquake two categories. In addition, some special cases also have earthquakes, such as large meteorite impact on the ground (meteorite impact earthquake). Vibration caused by many reasons why the Earth's surface, according to the causes of earthquakes, the earthquake can be divided into the following categories:
  1, tectonic earthquake
  Because deep underground rock failure, dislocation and the energy of the long-term accumulated rapidly released in the form of seismic waves spread out in all directions, causing the room to the ground wiping called tectonic earthquakes. The highest number of such earthquakes, damaging also the largest, accounting for more than 90% of earthquakes around the world.
  2, volcanic earthquakes
  As volcanism, magmatic activity, such as gas explosions caused by the earthquake is called volcanic earthquakes. Only in the volcanic activity may occur before volcanic earthquakes, such earthquakes account for only about 7% of the earthquake around the world.
  3, collapse earthquake
  As the top of underground caves or mine collapse caused the earthquake known as collapse earthquake. Relatively small size of these earthquakes, the number of few, if any, clouds tend to occur in the limestone cave underground mining areas or large-scale mining.
  4, induced earthquake
  Because reservoir storage, oil field water activities such as earthquakes triggered induced earthquake. Such earthquake only in certain reservoir or oil region.
  5, artificial earthquake
  Underground nuclear explosions, explosives, blasting and other human-induced ground vibration is called artificial earthquake. Artificial earthquake is an earthquake caused by human activities. Such as industrial blasting, the vibration caused by underground nuclear explosions; in the high-pressure water injection in the deep and large reservoir water pressure were increased, the crust, and sometimes induced earthquake.
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  The first wave just as the physical characteristics of sound waves. Sound, and even ultrasonic, are in the air by the alternate compression (push) and expansion (pull) and delivery. Because the liquid, gas and solid rock as to be compressed, the same type of wave energy in the water such as oceans and lakes and through the solid Earth. In the earthquake, this type of wave from the breaks in all directions with equal speed to the rumor, alternately squeezing and stretching them across the rocks, the particles in the direction of wave propagation forward and backward movement, other words words, the movement of these particles is perpendicular to the wave front. Forward and backward displacement is called amplitude. In seismology, this type of wave called the P wave, that wave, it is the first to reach the waves.
  S waves have polarization, only those in a particular plane in the lateral (up and down, horizontal, etc.) that light can pass through polarized lenses. Called plane polarized light through the light. Sunlight through the atmosphere is not polarized, that there is no preferred transverse wave vibration direction. However, the refractive lens or through a special manufacturing of plastic, such as polarized light eyes, and make non-polarized light into plane polarized light.
  When the S wave through the earth, they encounter structural discontinuity occurs when the interface refraction or reflection, and its vibration direction of polarization. When a polarization of the S wave of rock particles moving only in the horizontal plane, known as the SH wave. When rock particles with wave propagation in the vertical plane in the direction of movement, such as SV waves S waves.
  Flexible movement provides an excellent revelation, that the local shock waves through the rocks is how the energy changes. And the spring compression or stretching the elastic potential energy, sports-related components and spring energy is kinetic energy. Any time the total energy is elastic energy and kinetic energy between the two combined. For an ideal elastic medium, the total energy is a constant. The location of the maximum amplitude, all the energy is elastic potential energy; when the spring balance oscillator to the middle position, all the energy is kinetic energy. We have assumed that there is no friction or dissipative force, so once started reciprocating elastic vibration, it will continue the same rate. This is certainly an ideal situation. In the earthquake, the rock movement of the friction between the heat and gradually dissipate the wave energy, unless there is new energy add to the mix, like the vibration of the spring-like, the Earth's vibrations will gradually cease. Energy dissipation of seismic waves inside the earth to the measurement of elastic properties of non-important information, however, friction and dissipation in addition, the seismic shock to the propagation distance increases gradually weakened the formation of the phenomenon and other factors.
  Because sound propagates as a wave front expansion of its sphere, as the distance to carry the voice increases. External expansion of the wave with similar ponds, we observed wave height or amplitude, outward gradually reduced. Amplitude decrease is because the increasingly wide spread of initial energy generated decay, called geometric diffusion. This type of diffusion also makes seismic waves through the Earth's rocks weakened. Unless there are special circumstances, or seismic waves to spread farther from the source, they are the more energy to decay.
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The most earthquake
  Ten a major earthquake in China
  1556 Shaanxi Huaxian 8 earthquake, the death toll as high as 83 million people. Is the world's largest earthquake known to have died.
  The evening of 25 July 1668 around 8 pm, Shandong Tancheng 8.5 magnitude earthquake Tancheng earthquake affected 161 counties in 8 provinces, is the largest earthquake in the history of the earthquake, one damaged area of ​​500,000 square kilometers or more, known as the "gone with odd disaster."
  At 20:05:53 on December 16th, 1920, China Haiyuan County, a strong magnitude 8.5 earthquake. Death of 24 people, destroyed four city, dozens of county destroyed.
  At 6:32:47 on May 23, 1927, China occurred in Gansu Gulang strong magnitude 8 earthquake. 4 million people dead. Earthquake, land cracking, green hair black smoke, sulfur gas Smirnov, a smell that many hungry people.
  At 10:04:27 on December 25, 1932, Gansu, China Chang Marburg occurred magnitude earthquake was 7.6 magnitude. 7 people died. Earthquake, wind white yellow loess wall "sprang towards me"; rock dust, smoke jumping chaos, Jiayuguan China's famous historic corner of the tower collapse 被震; Shule south Xuefeng collapse; Cheonbuldong falling rock rolling ... ... frequent aftershocks, continuing as high as six months.
  At 15:50:30 on August 25, 1933, Mao County, Sichuan, China magnitude 7.5 occurred stacked town-level earthquake. When the earthquake occurred, to spit Huang Wu, castle no deposit, there is a boy even a double over the mountains. Huge landslide that Minjiang stop, obstruct dam into the lake. The earthquake should have a revelation of the earthquake.
  At 22:09:34 on August 15, 1950, China Chayu County, a strong magnitude 8.6 earthquake. Million square kilometers of land of the Himalayas a few moments beyond recognition: the Brahmaputra in the landslide was cut into four paragraphs; whole village was thrown into the river the other side.
  Earthquake in Xingtai earthquake two components: at 5:29:14 on March 8th, 1966, occurred in Xingtai area Longyao large magnitude 6.8 earthquake, at 16:19:46 on March 22nd, 1966 Hebei Xingtai area of ​​7.2 magnitude occurred Ningjin County-level earthquake killed a total of 8064 people, injured 38,000 people, economic losses of 10 million.
  At 1:00:34 on January 5, 1970, Yunnan Province, China magnitude 7.7 occurred Tonghai major earthquake. Killed 15,621 people, 32,431 disabled people. Since 1949, following China's Yangtze River flood in 1954 after the death of people over the second worst hit.
  At 19:36:06 on February 4th, 1975, Haicheng County, Liaoning Province, a magnitude 7.3 occurred the great earthquake. Since the earthquake have been successfully forecast the prevention, so that even large and heavy losses can be avoided, it is known as the 20th century, the history of earth sciences and the history of the world the wonders of science and technology.
  At 3:42:02 on July 28, 1976, magnitude occurred in Tangshan City, Hebei Province of China 7.8 magnitude earthquake. Killed 24.2 million people, injured 16 people, destroyed a heavy industrial city, 100 billion yuan in direct economic losses, as the 20th century, the world's biggest earthquake casualties.
  At 21:03 on November 6 1988, 21:16, Yunnan Lancang, Gengma magnitude 7.6 occurred (Lancang), 7.2 (Gengma) of the two major earthquakes. 120 km away from the two earthquakes, the time interval is only 13 minutes, two county town was razed to the ground, injured 4105 people, 743 people died, 2.511 billion yuan of economic losses.
  At 14:28 on May 12, 2008, Wenchuan County, Sichuan (31.0 ° N, 103.4 ° E), a magnitude 8.0 earthquake occurred directly severely affected areas of 10 square kilometers. As at 12:00 on July 4, Wenchuan earthquake has caused the victims: 69 225 people were killed and 374,640 injured, 18,624 missing people. 1500.6341 evacuated people, the current total number of 4624 people affected. Economic losses have more than 800 billion yuan.
  Since the world's strongest earthquake in the twentieth century
  Waters near the island of Sumatra, March 28, 2005 (Beijing time at 0:09 on the 29th) Richter 8.5 earthquake, which is the history of humanity since 1900 occurred on one of the strongest earthquake XI. Here are ten basic situation of a major earthquake (in magnitude order):
  1, Chile earthquake (May 22, 1960): Richter 8.9 (there are reported to be 9.5.) Area in central Chile, triggering tsunamis and volcanic eruptions. Altogether, the quake killed 5,000 people, 200 people homeless. The highest magnitude earthquake history of an earthquake.
  2, the Alaska earthquake (28 March 1964): magnitude 8.8. The tsunami resulted in 125 deaths and property losses amounting to $ 311,000,000. Most parts of Alaska, Yukon, Canada and Colombia and other places have strongly felt.
  3, the Alaska earthquake (March 9, 1957): 8.7 magnitude, occurred in the United States, Alaska and Wu Fanuc Andreas Island near the island waters. Earthquake caused more than 200 years 维塞维朵夫 dormant volcano and triggered a tsunami 15 meters high, affecting as far away as Hawaii.
  4, (tie), Indonesia earthquake (December 26, 2004): 8.7 magnitude, occurred in the Aceh province on Sumatra, Indonesia. Earthquake triggered tsunami in Sri Lanka, Thailand, Indonesia and India and other countries, leading to about 30 people missing or dead.
  4, (tie) Russia earthquake (November 4, 1952): 8.7 magnitude. The earthquake triggered a tsunami affected the Hawaiian Islands, but caused no casualties.
  5, Ecuador earthquake (January 31, 1906): magnitude 8.8, occurred along the coast of Ecuador and Colombia. Strong earthquake triggered the tsunami, resulting in 1,000 deaths. Central American coast, St - 费朗西斯科 and Japan have felt.
  6, (tie) Indonesian earthquake (March 28, 2005): 8.7 magnitude, epicenter located in the waters north of the Indonesian island of Sumatra, away from the 9.0-magnitude earthquake occurred three months ago near the location. 1000 has already caused deaths, but did not trigger a tsunami.
  6, (tie) Alaska, earthquake (4 February 1965): 8.7 magnitude. Up to 10.7 meters earthquake triggered tsunami that swept the entire Shuman Ya island.
  7, China's Tibet earthquake (August 15, 1950): 8.5 on the Richter magnitude. More than 2,000 houses and temples were destroyed. India's Brahmaputra hardest hit, at least 1,500 people were killed.
  8, (tie) Russia earthquake (February 3, 1923): magnitude 8.5, occurred in the Russian Kamchatka Peninsula.
  9, (tie), Indonesia earthquake (February 3, 1938): magnitude 8.5, occurred near the Banda Sea in Indonesia. Earthquake triggered a tsunami and volcanic eruptions, personnel and property losses.
  10, (tie) Russia's Kuril Islands earthquake (October 13, 1963): 8.5 Richter, and spread to Japan and Russia.
  The World's largest magnitude is May 22, 1960 8.9 Earthquake in Chile
  * China, the largest magnitude is August 15, 1950 8.5 earthquake in Tibet
  * The largest number of deaths is 23 January 1556 in Shaanxi Huaxian 8 earthquake killed 83 people
  Was followed July 27, 1976 7.8 earthquake in Tangshan, the official data of 25.5 million deaths (estimated up to 65.5 million people)
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Self earthquake
  Likely aftershocks after the earthquake, and aftershocks may not be the source close to the location of the position. So learning self-help is very important after the earthquake one of the measures.
  When the earthquake occurred, it is essential to have a clear head, calm attitude. Only calm, peace be possible to use the knowledge learned from the earthquake and distance to determine the size of the earthquake. Under the recent earthquake often bumpy start over, after vacillating. Teleseismic they feel less ups and downs, but mainly in order to swing around, and the sound crisp and vibration. Of small earthquakes and distant earthquakes generally do not have to flee. This shows the earthquake, although humans can not completely avoid and control, but as long as self-help and mutual aid can master the skills, can make the disaster to a minimum. Summarize the following points:
  1. Calm is very important in the earthquake, it was observed that many innocent people were not injured by collapsed houses or crush injury to death, but because of a nervous breakdown, loss of hope of survival, Luanhan, aloud, in extreme fear of "killing" himself. This is because Luanhan barking will accelerate metabolism, increase oxygen consumption, the physical decline, reduced tolerance; the same time, screaming, a lot of smoke will be inhaled, could easily lead to suffocation unnecessary casualties. The correct attitude in any hostile environment, always remain calm, analyze their environment, find a way out, waiting for rescue.
  2. Bleeding, injured, and crush injury of fixed common earthquake damage. Open wounds, bleeding should first stop the bleeding Taigaohuanzhi outside, while crying for help. Of open fractures, the scene should not be re_set_ in order to prevent tissue re-injury, generally covering the wound with clean gauze for simple fixed after the operation. Different parts of the fractures were fixed according to different requirements. And in the light of different injuries, injury classification, grading, to the hospital for further treatment.
  3. Properly handle the crush wound, you should try to lift the weight, we encounter a major area of ​​trauma, and they should keep the wound clean with a clean gauze bandage wounds, suspected tetanus and gas bacillus infection, the hospital should immediately contact timely diagnosis and treatment. Trauma and the large area of ​​severe trauma, could oral sugar, salt, prevent shock occurs.
  4. To prevent fire, earthquake and often caused many "sub-disaster", the fire is a common one. In the fire as soon as possible from the scene of the fire, burning off his coat, or cover the body with wet clothing, or lying to roll, but also pour water directly to the fire. Never beat the flames with both hands, otherwise it will cause your hands burns. Sterile gauze bandage or clean cloth evacuation hospital for further treatment.
  5. At the same time to prevent tetanus and gas gangrene, and to bury bodies as soon as possible, drinking water, diet and health, to prevent the big disaster of major epidemics.
  New self-help advice: do not hide under the table
  Japan's "Earthquake Handbook" shock ten knowledge, the first to clearly read, "to hide under sturdy furniture." Therefore, the Japanese teachers believe that the best way is to "hide under the table." The idea is based on Japan in the tens of seconds after the end of the earthquake, the ceiling will not fall as the prerequisite.
  Buildings due to earthquake collapsed the ceiling, bed tables and other furniture, pressure will be destroyed, one person who hides, the consequences would be unthinkable, if a person hiding in the low position of furniture next to the items of furniture can be affected by the collapse of the force, so that one side of the people to obtain living space.
  School Suspension
  1, in the playground or outside, they can stay put squat, hands to protect head, pay attention to avoid tall buildings or hazards.
  2, do not return to their classrooms.
  3, after the earthquake should be an organized withdrawal.
  4, do not jump! Do not stand outside the window! Do not go to the balcony!
  Family shock Tips
  1. Seize the time for a crime. If it feels very light shaking, indicating that more distant source, just next to a sturdy furniture can. Earthquake vibration process from the beginning to the end of time, but ten seconds to tens of seconds, so pay close attention to the most critical time for shock, do not waste time.
  2. Choose the right shock absorber space. Interior space than the safety of the shock absorber: foot of load bearing walls, corner; a plumbing and heating pipes, etc.. Shock absorber inside the place is the worst: no supports for the bed; ceiling, hanging lamp; around on the floor without support; glass (including mirrors) and large window.
  3. To protect yourself. First of all be calm, after choosing a shelter should be at the squat or sit down, face down, forehead on the pillow in his arms; or seize firmly around the table legs and other objects, so as not to shock or when the falling out of control due to displacement of the body injured; protect the head and neck, bow, hand cover your head or neck; protect the eyes, bow their heads, eyes closed, to prevent foreign body injury; protect the mouth, nose, when possible, use a wet towel over his mouth and nose to prevent dust, gas.
  Self-help after the earthquake
  If an earthquake buried in the ruins, the surrounding is dark, only a very small space, you must not panic, be calm and establish a life of confidence that someone will rescue you, to do everything possible to protect themselves.
  After the earthquake, there are often several aftershocks, the situation may continue to deteriorate, in order to from a new injury, to try to improve their surroundings. At this point, if the emergency package in the side, will play a great role for you out of danger.
  In this extremely adverse circumstances, we must first protect the respiratory flow, pushed to the head, chest of debris, the smell of gas, poison gas, the use of wet clothes and other items cover your mouth and nose; to avoid the collapse of the body above the material is not strong and other easily lead to falling objects; expansion and stability of living space, with bricks, sticks and other technical support collapsed buildings, in case of aftershocks occurred, further deterioration of the environment.
  Try out of the woods. If you can not find the channel out of the woods, try to save energy, can be issued with stones percussion sound objects, sent out distress signals, do not cry, impatient and blind action, this will consume a lot of energy and stamina, as far as possible control their emotions or turn a blind eye to rest, waiting for the arrival of rescue personnel. If injured, the idea dressing to prevent bleeding.
  Sustain life. If buried under the ruins of a long time, rescue workers yet to come, or did not hear the signal for help to find a way to maintain their own lives, shock package must be saving water and food, try to find food and water, if necessary When your urine to quench their thirst can also play a role.
  If you have the tripod area, you can use something to cover your own side, so as not to hurt himself again, aftershocks, and then stretched out his hand and chest, clean gravel in front of my face, so that they can breathe, and others to rescue you .
  Mutual aid after the earthquake
  After the earthquake, the outside world can not be immediately rushed to the disaster relief team of the scene, in this case, for the more buried in the ruins of the staff, gain valuable life, actively involved in mutual help people in disaster areas is to reduce the most casualties timely and most effective way, also reflects the "save in distress," the noble virtues.
  Save time in a timely manner, the greater the hope of rescue. According to statistics, 20 minutes after the earthquake rescued more than 98% saved, rescued one hour after the earthquake save rate dropped to 63%, 2 hours after the earthquake can not rescue the personnel, the number of deaths asphyxiation deaths accounted for 58%. They are not in the earthquake killed by building collapse, but died of suffocation, such as timely relief, is life can be. Tangshan earthquake in the hundreds of thousands buried in the ruins, the disaster areas through self-help, mutual help the majority of people buried pressure to regain life. Participation by the people in stricken areas of mutual rescue operations, disaster relief throughout the play an irreplaceable role.
  Save method
  Should be based on conditions after the earthquake, the actual situation of the environment and take effective rescue method, the purpose is to pressure people buried safely rescued from the rubble.
  By understanding, searching, sure there are people buried in rubble after pressure to determine the location of its underground pressure, to the ruins of propaganda, or percussion and other methods to pass the rescue signal.
  Rescue process, paying particular attention to burying personnel. First, the use of tools (such as iron bars, hoes, clubs, etc.) will not hurt bury staff; the second is not to bury and destroy the support staff around which the conditions of space, causing a new collapse, so bury another person in distress; Third, as soon as possible and bury the enclosed space communications personnel, so that fresh air inflow, such as digging in the dirt too much expense should spray dust, so as not to bury kill; Fourth bury a long time, and at another difficult rescued who may be trying to bury transport drinking water, food and medicines to maintain their lives.
  Before carrying out rescue operations, in a planned, step by step, where the dig, where should not be dug, where the hoe, where the use of sticks, should be considered.
  Rescue workers have occurred in the past blind action, those who buried pressure Trampling head room Cover, officers killed were buried, so the rescue process of a scientific analysis and action, to receive a good rescue effect, blind action often will cause new harm to the rescue object.
  Rescue and care
  First person buried pressure head exposed from the ruins, clear the nose and mouth in the dust, to ensure its smooth breathing, for the injury serious, can not bury themselves away at the staff, should try to carefully remove the body and bury the surrounding objects, and then press officers carried out the buried ruins, should not have dragged strong pull.
  Of hunger, injury, suffocation is more serious and longer bury time and personnel, was rescued to use a dark cloth blindfolded, to avoid the light stimulation, the injured, according to the severity of injury, or sent to the medical dressing point of rescue treatment.
  Suspension points
  Run or hide when the earthquake, the majority of our experts: nearest escape when the earthquake after the earthquake rapid evacuation to a safe place, is a better way to the emergency suspension. Interior solid suspension should be _select_ed, to cover the body of the object under the (next), easy to form a triangular space where the small hall, with support of local, rooms at the open, safe place.
  Body posture should be taken:
  V and to be determined, squat or sit down, try to twist the body, reduce body weight.
  Seize the legs and other solid objects.
  Protect the head and neck, eyes, cover your nose and mouth.
  To avoid the crowd, do not mob chaos owned, it should not point the fire, because the air may be flammable and explosive gases.
  How to save themselves after a strong earthquake
  1, after the earthquake, should be actively involved in relief work can be ear against the wall and listen to whether there are survivors of the sound.
  2, so that the first exposure of the injured head, keep breathing clear, if choking, artificial respiration immediately.
  3, once buried pressure, to try to avoid the collapse of the body at the top is not solid objects, and try to use the brick, wooden sticks and other support ruins, strengthening the environment.
  4, is the moment the earthquake occurred, and no one should save themselves, and then expand relief. First save the trade, after rescue; first save the near post to save far.
  How to identify earthquake rumors
  1, the correct understanding of the current domestic and the actual level of earthquake prediction, the human time scale being made larger and long-term forecast has a certain credibility, but the short-term prediction success rate is still relatively low.
  2, must be clear in our country, published in the Government permission to earthquake prediction, any other units or individuals have the right to publish news of earthquake prediction. Treatment of the earthquake rumors, to do not believe, no communication, timely reporting.
  3, study earthquakes common sense to eliminate the fear of psychological shock.
  Earthquake comes, the family members how to shock, the experts recommended to master the three principles:
  Principle: local conditions, the correct choice. Live or live in the cottage building, earthquakes occurred in the day or night, the house is not strong, there is no shock interior space, the location of your distance from the door, outside is open and safe.
  Principle II: decisive action, should not hesitate. Shock success to the critical juncture, must not be indecisive, hesitant. Such as shock absorbers when the cottage to live, but also to act decisively, or the nearest shelter, or emergency out, do not travel.
  Principle III: volts and to be determined, not a disease. The ancients in the "earthquake recorded" is written: "Curan smell change, not a disease, V and to be determined, even if we have the nest, Ke-ji eggs will survive", meaning to say, an earthquake, do not hurry to run out of outdoor , and should seize the time to find the right shock survival place to squat or sit down the way, wait for earthquakes in the past, so that even if houses collapsed and may also fine.
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Earthquake of 9 notes
  1. Shake off the fire immediately, immediately extinguishing the fire
  When a major earthquake, there will not rely on fire to fire-fighting situation. Therefore, each of us off the fire, extinguishing of this effort, is whether the earthquake disaster control in the smallest degree of important factors.
  From peacetime to develop even small earthquake also the habit of it off the heat.
  In order not to fire lead to disaster, the family self Needless to say, the neighbors helped each other and rigorously enforce the earlier fire is extremely important.
  Earthquake, the opportunity to fire off three times:
  The first opportunity comes in large rock to rock before the time of the small
  Shaking in a small moment of perception, instantly greeted each other: "Earthquake! Quick off the fire!" To close is to use heating stoves, gas heaters.
  Second chance in the big time when shaking stopped
  When a large rock in the event to turn off the heat on the gas stove, heating stove top kettle, etc. fall down, it is very dangerous.
  Large shaking stopped, once again shouting: "Turn off the heat! Off the fire!", And to turn off the heat.
  After the third time the opportunity to fire
  Even the case of fire occurred in 1-2 minutes, or you can fight for. To be able to quickly fire, _set_ fire extinguishers, fire buckets are often placed in areas away from the use of fire close to the place.
  2. Do not panic run to the outdoor
  After the earthquake, panic and run out, broken glass, roof tiles, billboards and other fall bash in the body, is very dangerous. In addition, precast concrete wall, vending machines, also the danger of collapse, not close to these objects.
  3. Open the door to ensure that exports
  Housing and other reinforced concrete structures, earthquake shaking can cause the dislocation of windows and doors, open the door, someone happened to be closed in the room examples. Please open the door to secure an exit.
  Prior to the event should always be kept in a good house, how to escape a method for preparing a good ladder, rope, and so on.
  4. Outdoor occasion, to protect your head, to avoid the danger
  When the earth shook violently, to stand firm, helped by the people will have to seize what psychology. Around the post, most of them will be helped by the walls of the object. However, these seem quite durable solid things, but they are actually dangerous.
  Miyagi Prefecture in 1987, undersea earthquake in Japan, because precast concrete wall, the collapse of post, have caused too many casualties. Must not be close to the precast concrete wall, post, etc. to avoid.
  In the bustling street, floor area, the most dangerous is the windows, billboards and other objects falling down the injured person. Pay attention to other objects by hand or bag to protect the head.
  In addition, attention should also be overturned vending machine injuries.
  In the floor area, depending on the circumstances, relatively safe escape into the building.
  5. In department stores, theaters when the action in accordance with the instructions of staff
  In department stores, the underground street other staff of more places, the most frightening thing is chaos. Follow the shop staff, security personnel's instructions to act.
  To earthquakes, said underground street is relatively safe. Even if a power failure, emergency lighting, power will light up immediately, please be calm and take action.
  In case of fire, instantly will be full of smoke. To suppress the body's posture asylum, and be absolutely no smoking.
  If the elevator
  In the event of earthquake, fire, can not use the elevator. Encountered in the elevator in case of earthquake, the operation panel on the press all the buttons on each floor, once stopped, quickly left the elevator, that it is safe refuge.
  Recent high-rise buildings and elevator buildings, are equipped with controls to run the device. When the earthquake occurred, the action will be automatically stopped at the nearest floor.
  Event was held in the elevator, please call through a dedicated elevator and the control room to contact for help.
  6. Car parking by the side of the road, closed to the control region
  A major earthquake, the car will be like as the tire deflated, can not grasp the steering wheel, hard driving. Must give full attention to avoid the intersection to stop the car by the roadside. In order not to impede the evacuation and the evacuation of emergency vehicles, let the middle of the road.
  Most of the city center area will be a total ban on road traffic. Full attention to the car radio broadcasting, nearby, then the police should act in accordance with their instructions.
  Evacuation is necessary, as not involved in fire, shut the windows, the car key was in the car, do not lock the doors, and to act together with local people.
  7. Be sure to pay attention to landslides, falling rocks or cliff tsunami
  The hillside, a steep slope lots, there are landslides, falling rocks and dangerous cliff, should evacuation to a safe place quickly.
  On the coast, there is the danger of tsunami. Earthquake or tsunami warning sense, then, please note that radio, television and other information, the rapid evacuation to a safe place.
  8. When refuge on foot, carrying goods should at least limit
  Fire caused by the earthquake, the spread of burning, a crisis of life, personal safety, the case when the measures taken refuge. Evacuation method, in principle, to disaster prevention and public organizations, streets and other units, such as police, in charge and led the way to take refuge on foot, carrying the goods should be minimum. Must not use car, bike shelter.
  For patients such as asylum, cooperation and mutual assistance of local residents is indispensable. From the usual, the neighbors need to advance to the mode of asylum to agree.
  9. Do not listen to rumors, not to act rashly
  In the event of a major earthquake, it is easy to produce psychologically shaken. To prevent confusion, each person based on correct information, to act calmly, very important.
  From the portable radio, grasp the correct information. I believe the government, police, fire and other disaster agencies get the information directly, not credulity of irresponsible gossip, do not act rashly.
  Family Earthquake focus, mainly to ensure that when the earthquake and after the earthquake to the orderly conduct of the family earthquake disaster relief.
  According to various different situations, may take the following measures:
  1) The seismic study of knowledge, self-help master the scientific method of self-defense.
  2) to assign each task when the earthquake emergency, to prevent the rush, valuable time wasted.
  3) identify evacuation routes and the shock location, made to achieve smooth.
  4) Reinforcement indoor furniture debris, especially in a place to sleep, but also to take necessary defensive measures.
  5) The implementation of fire prevention measures to prevent the stove, gas stove when the earthquake overturned; home sure to keep flammable items;
  Bathroom, a bucket to water, ready to fire with sand; learn the necessary fire prevention, fire fighting knowledge.
  6) learn and master basic medical care skills, such as artificial respiration, bleeding, dressing, handling the wounded and
  Care methods.
  7) timely family emergency exercises to shock measures that make up the deficiencies and to correctly identify
  Have a solid foundation of the building
  If some of the unusual animals bolted on the road, this is a harbinger of the earthquake, to even let people leave the building to the open space to
  To do predict the future with the fastest speed to let people know that timely evacuation opening, reducing the losses
  1. What precursors before large earthquakes? 1. Groundwater anomalies.
  The underground rock is squeezed or stretched, so that water table rise or fall; or to crustal material within the gas and some of the overflow with water, leaving the water bubbling, made muddy, taste and so on.
  Well water is a treasure, precursor comes early
  Muddy rain water, well water Tianzao risk,
  Water level changes, turning flowers fizzy,
  Some change color, and some change flavor. 2. Animal exception.
  Before the earthquake, a day or two, cows, horses do not rush into the ring, jumped wildly chaotic, screaming more than, restlessness, eating less; number of swine and sheep do not eat, restlessness, running around rampant; more than the barking dog; chicken is not into the nest, the shock is more than sings; duck is not water; rabbit jumped wildly chaotic, frightened; pigeons flush a few days before the earthquake, not back to the nest; Bee nest nest to fly away; mice were the most sensitive , the day before the earthquake to a few days, the rats suddenly ran away, some dangling from moving the mouse; some hibernating snake crawled out outside, on the tree; panic jumping fish swim toward the shore, bellies up, and so on.
  Hints about animals before the earthquake; mouse to move to the flight;
  Chicken pig fly tree arch; duck barking dog is not water;
  Ma snake hibernation early hole; the fish to panic the water jump. 3. To light to sound.
  To light and to sound the eve of the earthquake or the earthquake, from the ground or the ground, sending the light and sound, is an important harbinger of impending earthquake. Earthquakes "foreshocks aftershocks of a main shock of a" law, to be careful to prevent how to prepare before the earthquake?
  Earthquake Disaster Reduction to master knowledge and enhance awareness of self protection; clear evacuation routes during an earthquake and shock sites; clear the corridor and in front of the debris; proper disposal of inflammable and explosive materials indoors; turn off gas, cut off the power, put out stove fires, etc. ; his pocket, loaded the list of family members, work units, communication numbers. Have to specify the exact blood type blood type. How to survive an earthquake? Earthquake, the houses collapsed from the earthquake, generally have 12 seconds, this time to stay calm
  (1) can be evacuated when a quick and orderly evacuation to a safe area _select_ed, do not crowd the stairs and gallery.
  (2) late withdrawal, should be close to shock, shock and then quickly evacuated to a safe place. For example: in the home may be hiding in the bed or
  Span of the table below or smaller rooms, such as bathroom. In the classroom may be hiding under the desk or a corner edge. Machine tools in the workshop may be hiding in or under the small room. In theaters, the hotel may be hiding under the chair.
  (3) withdraw or are outside the outdoor staff to _select_ an open area refuge.
  (4) shock absorbers, it is necessary to protect the head, such as a pillow on his head, with a basin on his head, with a bag on his head, cover your head with both hands.
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Safety and preparedness
  1. Your home security measures are foolproof?
  The usual preparations, is affected to a minimum level of basic.
  The large wardrobe, sideboard kitchen, refrigerators and other well fixed, to prevent dumping measures.
  In the kitchen sideboard, window glass and other transparent film on the glue or tape to prevent broken glass when the splash.
  To prevent the shaking caused by earthquakes kitchen cabinet doors open, which fell out of items in the cabinets, clo_set_ doors to install hinges to be fixed.
  Do not TV _set_s, vases, etc. placed in a higher place.
  To prevent broken glass scattered on the ground hurt, usually thick slippers ready for more.
  Note that the placing of furniture, to ensure the safety of space.
  Such as kerosene heaters full attention to the use of fire apparatus and the management and storage of dangerous goods.
  Reinforced precast concrete wall, so strong is not easy to collapse.
  2. Emergency preparedness supplies ready?
  (1) drinking water (2) food, infant formula (3) emergency medical supplies (4) portable radio, flashlight, batteries (5) cash, valuables (6), underwear, towels, toilet paper, etc.
  3. From peacetime, the establishment of the collaborative system of neighborhood support
  When a major earthquake can be expected to cause great disaster in the vast region. In this case, fire engines, ambulances can not call. So, it is necessary from peacetime through the streets and other organizations, to communicate with local residents, and establish a deal with fire, the wounded when the collaborative system of mutual aid.
  From the usual, the neighbors should be mutual cooperation when the system once the emergency talks.
  Actively participate in disaster prevention and public organizations.
  Actively participate in disaster training.
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Impending emergency preparedness
  In the published forecast imminent destructive earthquake, the area should do the following aspects of the emergency work:
  1. Prepare urgently the impending article, after the earthquake, food, medicine and other daily necessities in the production and supply will be affected water tower, water is often 被震 bad, resulting in interruption of water supply. In order to tide over the difficulties of life after the earthquake early, before the impending social and family should be prepared a certain amount of food, water and daily necessities to meet their urgent needs.
  2. To establish the impending evacuation housing problem is a major event. Premises 被震 bad, the need for safe refuge; aftershocks continue to occur, there must be a hiding place. This will require temporary structures earthquake, fire, cold, rain and the earthquake shed. Can use a variety of tents, small round grain storage warehouses in rural areas, but also a very good seismic room.
  3. Delimitation of evacuation, transport of dangerous goods: the urban population density, shock and evacuate people more difficult, to ensure that when the earthquake safety of personnel, before the earthquake, according to Street, zone distribution, the nearest designated evacuation routes and places the mass suspension. Before the earthquake, should flammable, explosive and toxic materials in a timely manner transferred to the outside storage.
  4. _Set_ the injured first-aid center and strong earthquake in the city, places, or in the emergency center _set_ up outside the city, prepare beds, medical equipment, lighting equipment and medicines.
  5. Suspend the activities of the official public notice of impending earthquake prediction, a variety of activities in public places should be suspended, the audience or customers to have an orderly withdrawal; in primary and secondary school temporarily in the outdoors; station, the terminal may be waiting in the open air.
  6. Organized evacuation and transfer important property if the impending formal warning or notice, to the rapid and orderly evacuation of mobilizing and organizing the masses of houses. The treatment of serious illness is to be transferred to a safe place. Paralysis of the few thinking people who have mobilized to safe areas. Rural areas of livestock, tractors and other production materials properly before the impending move to safe areas, institutions, enterprises and institutions out of the vehicle to the garage, parked in open areas to play a role in earthquake relief.
  7. To prevent the occurrence of secondary cities in the earthquake disaster may be a serious secondary disasters, in particular, chemical plants, gas secondary disasters such as earthquake-prone unit, to strengthen Kam measurement and management, design and hand guard on duty day and night.
  8. To ensure the security of confidential departments of various city departments and banks are more confidential, earthquake strengthening security to prevent loss of state as_set_s and confidential leaks. Fire brigade vehicles must be a library, fire fighters should be ready to put out the fire and reduce economic losses.
  9. Organized rescue teams, reasonable arrangements for production before the impending earthquake, local governments at all levels to organize the rescue team (rescue, medical, fire, water, electricity, communications, etc.). When necessary, some of the factories should be a unified command headquarters shock to suspend production or low load operation.
  10. Preparing for family earthquake earthquake prediction has been published for residents to be earthquake prepared for family to develop a family earthquake plan, check and home in time to eliminate the adverse shock hazard. ⑴ inspection and seismic strengthening of housing on the housing is not conducive to strengthening, not reinforced dangerous to leave. Housing for heavy ornaments, such as parapets, and other high Menlian be removed. ⑵ reasonable place furniture, big furniture items fixed to prevent the dumping of smashing people, solid pieces of furniture to be vacated to prepare for shelter when the earthquake; furniture items placed to achieve "the next, the light in the" wall hung on a structure to take down a fixed position to prevent fall injuries; cleared debris, so that the door, the corridor flow; balcony wall to clean up, remove the pots, sundries; flammable and toxic substances to a safe place ; ⑶ prepare the necessary items to prepare an earthquake, including food, water, emergency lights, a simple medicine, rope, radio, etc., Family Earthquake package, easy to get around on. ⑷ of family emergency earthquake evacuation drills and evacuation exercises, and "one minute the emergency" practice.
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Earthquake prediction
  As earthquakes and wind and rain, is a natural phenomenon, it is a precursor before the on_set_, especially in earthquake preparation process in the ground and the ground will always rise to various physical and chemical changes, providing information to people as long as people carefully observe and grasp the law of earthquake precursors, earthquake prediction will one day be realized. In terms of earthquake prediction, seismic workers in China has made gratifying achievements. February 4, 1975 magnitude 7.3 earthquake in Haicheng, China made a successful forecast, this is the first time in human history, successful earthquake prediction. Successful in its forecast after the May 29, 1976 magnitude 7.3 earthquake in Yunnan Longling and August 16, 1976, August 29 in Songpan, Pingwu two between 7.2 earthquake. Several times the past ten years have better earthquake prediction. Successful earthquake prediction is not only greatly reduce casualties, but also has obvious economic and social benefits. The example shows that the earthquake is the earthquake precursors, are predictable, preventable. Period of time before the earthquake, the earthquake will always be some abnormal changes in the vicinity. Such as groundwater changes, suddenly rising, falling or taste, made muddy, fat sound, bubbling. Weather changes, such as sudden cold weather, sudden fever, severe drought occurs, large floods, the electromagnetic field changes, the impending before the animals, plants, and so the abnormal response. According to a comprehensive study of these reactions, coupled with the professional sector from the earthquake mechanism, earthquake geology, geophysics, geochemistry, biological changes and weather anomalies and other celestial bodies affect the terms of use observational data processing equipment analysis, the time of earthquake , to predict the location and magnitude. As 7.3 1975 Haicheng earthquake prediction success, is one example. However, due to the complexity of the causes of earthquakes and a sudden earthquake, as well as the current scientific level of the people is limited, until now, earthquake prediction is a worldwide problem, there is no a reliable in the world, ways and means to be able to predict all the damage earthquakes. Workers and experts in this country are in seismic exploration efforts. However, earthquake prediction is one of the problems of contemporary science, earthquake prediction is far from through, half still in the semi-empirical theory of phase, the global land each year more than seven earthquakes occurred several times and some of our recent strong earthquake occurred , in particular the 1976 Tangshan earthquake 7.8 magnitude have not been able to make short-term prediction. The earthquake caused great human disaster. Therefore, the need for earthquake prediction scientists around the world work together, the common concern of the whole society needs the hard work of generations of workers in the earthquake is possible in theory eventually overcome. Release provisions of earthquake prediction: Earthquake prediction generally issued by the provincial government, emergency situations, can city and county government issued within 48 hours of the impending alarm, and also report to their superiors. Earthquake prediction in Beijing by the State Seismological Bureau, proposed, approved by the State Council, and then by the Beijing Municipal People's Government to the community. Any other unit or individual has the right to publish news of earthquake prediction. The level of the current status of earthquake prediction, generally can be sum it up: We are the principles of earthquake preparation, be aware of laws, but not entirely understand; we can make certain types of earthquake prediction to some extent, but can not forecast all of the earthquake, we make a larger time scale and long-term forecast has a certain credibility, but the short-term prediction success rate is still relatively low. Since the state of earthquake prediction and its explicit attention to the task of, through the efforts of a generation, has been among the world's advanced ranks. Seismic activity in the fourth period, has successfully done the Haicheng earthquake and other times short-term prediction, the assessment by the UNESCO as the only success of the impending earthquake prediction made in the country, was _set_ into history. But from the world that the earthquake prediction is still in the exploratory stage, not yet fully grasp the law of development of earthquake preparation, our prediction is mainly based on observational data accumulated over the years and the earthquake case, the empirical prediction. Thus, inevitably there are significant limitations. To do this, "People's Republic of Earthquake Disaster Mitigation Act," Article XVI: The State applies a unified system of earthquake prediction. Short-term forecasting and impending earthquake prediction, the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities in accordance with procedures issued by the State Council. Any unit or professionals working in the earthquake prediction on the short-term earthquake prediction in the comments or impending, should be reported to the State Council administrative department or the earthquake local people's governments above the county level responsible for the management of the departments or institutions for seismic work shall be dealt with in the preceding paragraph are not allowed spread to the community. In China, the release of earthquake prediction power in the government. Seismic system at any level are administrative units, research units, observation stations, scientists, and any individual, has the right to publish news related to earthquake prediction.
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Earthquake Science Data
  The field of earthquake science data applications
  (1) basic research in earth science role
  Earth Science is the observation-based science, earth science can not do without a lot of basic research of Earth observation data. For example, Earth's deep structure, geodynamics, crustal movement and other current research requires a lot of seismic geomagnetic, gravity and crustal deformation data. Well-known geophysicist Paul Gooden said: Earthquake is the light that the Earth's interior light. It is modern seismic observations, in particular, digital seismic enable geophysicists reveal the internal structure of the Earth, the Earth changes within the media. Theory of continental drift and plate formation and earthquakes, geomagnetic observations are closely integrated. America and the United States geophysicist geophysicist Dr. Song Xiaodong cooperation, through continuous observation of a large number of seismic data and found that Earth's outer core and the Earth's rotation speed is not as important as the phenomenon of the twentieth century is listed as a major Earth Science One of the findings. Therefore, the basis of geophysical and geochemical data is the formation of human understanding of Earth and an important basis for innovation and discovery of Earth science foundation, Chinese Academy of Sciences and the universities for basic research of the Earth System Science department of the China Seismological Bureau opening geophysical and geochemical observations with great interest.
  (2) in national economic construction and national decision-making in major projects has been widely used
  China is in large-scale economic construction period, construction of earthquake science data on the national economy and national decision-making with major projects of great significance. Large-scale industrial and mining enterprises, nuclear power plants, reservoirs, railways, highway construction should be carried out seismic and geological hazards and related safety evaluation studies. If China's Yangtze River Three Gorges Project have been identified, water, Qinghai-Tibet Railway, the West-East and other major construction projects, as well as the western development will require construction of major facilities and a variety of seismic hazard zoning of earthquake prediction scale and a number of observational data and geophysical data, tectonic activity as the project in decision-making and implementation process, the scientific basis to resolve the problem.
  Earthquake in accordance with its access to scientific data channels can be divided into five main categories:
  Observational data. Include: earthquakes, geomagnetism, gravity, ground deformation, ground, underground fluid, strong motion, crustal movement and other observations. This is the largest number of earthquake science data in a class of data.
  Probe data. Include: seismic, magnetotelluric, seismic and other data flow array.
  Survey data. Include: seismic geology, earthquake hazards, earthquake site expedition, engineering damage, damage prediction, seismic and remote sensing data.
  Experimental data. Include: construction of physical experiment, the new structure's test, and structural seismic experiment data in geotechnical earthquake engineering experiments.
  Thematic data. Such data for the integrated data, primarily for a major research topic of major construction projects, comprehensive research in a particular region established objectives. Such as: detection of large section of geoscience, volcano monitoring studies of earthquake monitoring, monitoring of mining-induced earthquakes, the typical earthquake damage, environment, crustal stress data in China Three Gorges Project, the Qinghai-Tibet Railway, the building seismic safety evaluation, etc. data.
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Proverbs about earthquakes
  Oxen and horses into the stables jennet not not eat pigs Arch and downtown
  Shengjiao sheep suffer anxiety and dancing rabbit jumped Shuer
  Barking dog howling cat on the house to the surprise exodus of downtown
  Chickens and pigeons flush into the nest tree habitat is not back to the nest
  Weasels busy moving rats sub-groups Results Team Race
  Hibernating animals Xaisur ice and snow as early as the snake out of its hole
  Listen to move large groups of bees flying direction of the running light
  Fine silent frog toad fish bellies water jump
  Pheasant barking strange noise under the tree do not call and cry Chaner
  Pandas do not eat in the Tiger Balm Garden frightened deer strange howl
  Mi ashore cockroaches out of a large goldfish tank cage bird noise
  1. The sound of a report, the earthquake came.
  2. Earthquake sound heavy, the sound of small earthquakes hair tip.
  3. Ring too long, and in the remote; sound too short, not far away.
  4. First listen to the sound, after the earth, hear the sound of fast action.
  5. Up and down Britain for a top, back and forth shaking half a day.
  6. From too close, jump up and down; stay further apart, left and right.
  7. Up and down Britain, in the eyes; dangling in the sky.
  8. The house put something, anything to the earthquake; if the North and South put it to North and South.
  9. Sandblasting to take water along the road section, underground river is so.
  10. Sandblasting which take up water? Needless to say Xiaolaowa alkaline land.
  11. Tofu a squeeze, and the effluent slag; Earthquake downtown, water sandblasting.
  12. Depression weight, flat light; Saudi heavy, land light.
  13. Brick package adobe wall, the least strong earthquake.
  14. Crisp fresh in Britain, and fell to the Huang Jin on.
  15. Parapet, eaves around the earthquake the most unlucky one.
  16. Foundation firmly that the farther away from the river; the wall a little better, tighter links; house a little shorter, lighter roof; layout a reasonable point, like a simple point. To better point, more than each other learn.
  17. Quake trouble, often to the rain, not heavy rain to that violence.
  18. Lunar fifth ride started this home doing alterations and more attention.
  19. Well water is a treasure, precursors come early.
  20. Groundwater aura: not up is down; sweet and bitter, bitter become sweet; and made muddy, but also turned the sand. To see, and to report. Why? Trouble forecasting.
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Aphorisms about earthquakes
  "Pre-disaster prevention, disaster relief is not only more humane than, and more economical." - Kofi Annan (Kofi A. Annan)
  "Rather there was no earthquake preparedness can not be unprepared when the earthquake."
  "Good publicity and education to enhance awareness of disaster prevention and reduction of the whole society."
  "Establish and improve earthquake monitoring and prediction, earthquake disaster prevention and emergency rescue system for the three major work." - Wen Jiabao
  Groundwater anomalies
  Well water is a treasure, precursors come early.
  No muddy rain water, well water drought risk.
  Water level changes, turning flowers fizzy.
  Some change color, and some change flavor.
  Four earthquake
  Earthquake in China are mainly distributed in five regions: Taiwan, China, Southwest China, Northwest China, North China, the size of the southeast coastal seismic belt and 23.
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The most earthquake
  Waters near the island of Sumatra, March 28, 2005 (Beijing time at 0:09 on the 29th) Richter 8.5 earthquake, which is the history of humanity since 1900 occurred on one of the strongest earthquake XI. Here are ten basic situation of a major earthquake (in magnitude order):
  1, Chile earthquake (May 22, 1960): Richter 8.9 (there are reported to be 9.5.) Area in central Chile, triggering tsunamis and volcanic eruptions. Altogether, the quake killed 5,000 people, 200 people homeless. The highest magnitude earthquake history of an earthquake.
  2, the Alaska earthquake (28 March 1964): magnitude 8.8. The tsunami resulted in 125 deaths and property losses of 311 million U.S. dollars. Most parts of Alaska, Yukon, Canada and Colombia and other places have strongly felt.
  3, the Alaska earthquake (March 9, 1957): 8.7 magnitude, occurred in the United States, Alaska and Wu Fanuc Andreas Island near the island waters. Earthquake caused more than 200 years 维塞维朵夫 dormant volcano and triggered a tsunami 15 meters high, affecting as far away as Hawaii.
  4, (tie), Indonesia earthquake (December 26, 2004): 8.7 magnitude, occurred in the Aceh province on Sumatra, Indonesia. Earthquake triggered tsunami in Sri Lanka, Thailand, Indonesia and India and other countries, leading to about 30 people missing or dead.
  4, (tie) Russia earthquake (November 4, 1952): 8.7 magnitude. The earthquake triggered a tsunami affected the Hawaiian Islands, but caused no casualties.
  5, Ecuador earthquake (January 31, 1906): magnitude 8.8, occurred along the coast of Ecuador and Colombia. Strong earthquake triggered the tsunami, resulting in 1,000 deaths. Central American coast, St - 费朗西斯科 and Japan have felt.
  6, (tie) Indonesian earthquake (March 28, 2005): 8.7 magnitude, epicenter located in the waters north of the Indonesian island of Sumatra, away from the 9.0-magnitude earthquake occurred three months ago near the location. 1000 has already caused deaths, but did not trigger a tsunami.
  6, (tie) Alaska, earthquake (4 February 1965): 8.7 magnitude. Quake triggered a tsunami of up to 10.7 m, sweeping the Shuman Ya island.
  7, China's Tibet earthquake (August 15, 1950): 8.5 on the Richter magnitude. More than 2,000 houses and temples were destroyed. India's Brahmaputra hardest hit, at least 1,500 people were killed.
  8, (tie) Russia earthquake (February 3, 1923): magnitude 8.5, occurred in the Russian Kamchatka Peninsula.
  9, (tie), Indonesia earthquake (February 3, 1938): magnitude 8.5, occurred near the Banda Sea in Indonesia. Earthquake triggered a tsunami and volcanic eruptions, personnel and property losses.
  10, (tie) Russia's Kuril Islands earthquake (October 13, 1963): 8.5 Richter, and spread to Japan and Russia.
  The World's largest magnitude is May 22, 1960 8.9 Earthquake in Chile
  * China, the largest magnitude is August 15, 1950 8.5 earthquake in Tibet
  * The largest number of deaths is 23 January 1556 in Shaanxi Huaxian 8 earthquake killed 83 people
  Was followed July 27, 1976 7.8 earthquake in Tangshan, the official data of 25.5 million deaths (estimated up to 65.5 million people)
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Since the founding of New China, the earthquake more than 6 previous
  August 28, 2009 09 52 points, Autonomous Prefecture in Qinghai Province (37.6 degrees north latitude and 95.8 degrees east longitude) a 6.4-magnitude earthquake.
  At 19:19 on July 9th, 2009, and Yi Autonomous Prefecture of Yunnan Yao'an magistrate Tunxiang (25.6 degrees north latitude, 101.1 degrees east longitude) 6.0 earthquake occurred.
  At 9:22 on November 10, 2008 Autonomous Prefecture in Qinghai Province (latitude 37.6 north, longitude 95.9) 6.3 earthquake occurred
  At 16:30 on October 6, 2008 in Lhasa Damxung 6.6 earthquake occurred
  At 23:52 on October 5th, 2008 in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Kizilsu Kirgiz Autonomous Prefecture Wuqia County, 6.8 EARTHQUAKE
  At 9:47 on September 25, 2008 in the Tibet Autonomous Region, Xigaze 6.0 earthquake occurred Zhongba County
  At 4:30 p.m. on August 30, 2008 Renhe District of Panzhihua City in Sichuan, Huili County in Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture 6.1 earthquake occurred at the junction
  At 21:22 on August 25th, 2008 Zhongba County, Shigatse Region 6.8 earthquake
  At 17:49 on August 5, 2008 Qingchuan County, Guangyuan City, Sichuan Province, 6.1-magnitude aftershock occurred
  At 16:32 on August 1 2008 Du Zhen Yao Qingchuan Guangyuan City, Sichuan and Gansu Province at the junction of 6.1-magnitude aftershock occurred
  At 0:59:24 on June 2, 2008 6.0 earthquake occurred in Taipei, Taiwan
  At 16:21 on May 25, 2008, Sichuan, a 6.4 magnitude aftershock Qingchuan
  May 18, 2008 early morning rural Sichuan Province, north of Jiangyou Wensheng, Ma Kok 6.0 aftershocks occurred west of the town
  At 14:28 on May 12, 2008 Town in Wenchuan County in Sichuan 8.0 earthquake occurred
  March 21, 2008 06, 33 points Yutian County, 7.3 earthquake
  June 3, 2007 a 6.4 magnitude earthquake in Yunnan Pu'er
  At 10:03 on February 24, 2003 in Jiashi County about 40 miles east 6.8 earthquake occurred.
  November 14, 2001 Kunlun Mountains in Qinghai 8.1 earthquake region
  September 21, 1999 Hualien, Taiwan earthquake of magnitude 7.2 occurred southwest of
  January 10, 1998 6.2 earthquake occurred Hebei Shangyi
  May 3, 1996 in Baotou City in Inner Mongolia a 6.4 magnitude earthquake Guyang
  March 19, 1996 JIASHI - a magnitude 6.9 earthquake Artux area
  At 17:14 on February 3, 1996 Lijiang 7.0 magnitude earthquake occurred in the city
  October 24, 1995 06, 46 minutes and 52 seconds, Wo Fat Wuding County in Yunnan Province, according to Kang 6.5 earthquake occurred along the
  July 12, 1995 Myanmar border in Yunnan Menglian County magnitude 7.3 earthquake
  At 9:03 p.m. on November 6, 1988 and 21:15 in the Lancang and Gengma County of Yunnan Province, respectively, 7.6 and 7.2 occurred earthquake
  August 16, 1976 Songpan - Ping Wu Fasheng 7.2 Earthquake
  July 28, 1976 7.8 earthquake in Tangshan, Hebei 24.3 million deaths caused by
  May 29, 1976 7.4 earthquake occurred in Yunnan Longling
  February 4, 1975 magnitude 7.3 Haicheng earthquake
  May 11, 1974 earthquake of magnitude 7.1 occurred in Yunnan mark
  February 6, 1973 7.6 earthquake occurred in Sichuan Luhuo
  January 5, 1970 in Yuxi City of Yunnan tall Tonghai Township, Asan County Jiezhen and Jianshui Qujiang 7.7 earthquake occurred between the towns of
  July 18, 1969 7.4 earthquake occurred in Bohai Bay
  1966 mid-March 8 to 29 7.2 magnitude earthquake in Xingtai
  August 15, 1950 Motuo 8.5 earthquake occurred
Translated by Google
  Earth's internal medium (rock) suddenly destroyed, resulting in seismic waves, resulting in a considerable range of ground shaking caused by the phenomenon. Destruction of the place to start as the source. Source in the vertical projection of the Earth's surface is called the epicenter. When the earthquake is large, damaged area of ​​earth medium scale up to tens or even hundreds of kilometers, called the source area. Most of the ground vibration caused by the earthquake only by sensitive instruments to detect.
  Direct result of the earthquake phenomena including earthquakes and by the phenomenon of the native variety of secondary phenomena caused by the earthquake.
  Earthquake ground shaking is the direct result of the basic phenomena. Earthquake ground shaking caused by a complex containing a variety of different frequency and amplitude of the vibration, the vibration of the advantages of direction changes rapidly over time. Earthquake ground motion and thus the trajectory of the particle shows a very complex image (Fig. 1 earthquake ground motion of a particle trajectories.)
  Earthquake ground shaking caused by highly destructive, it can be in minutes or even seconds on the natural landscape and causing serious damage to human structures. Longqing "Chinese state" records: 1556 Shaanxi earthquake Huaxian, "easy to move mountains and rivers, roads improved. Yiran into the sky by Fu, who under the sill into the sink, however, suddenly thrust into the Bay by spring, the crack suddenly Yan persons into the gorge. China House official shrine, God, city buildings, while the tilting moment destroyed carry on. "(see the famous earthquake)
  1906 San Francisco earthquake and the 1923 Kanto earthquake, have occurred in densely populated cities nearby, causing a very serious disaster and loss of life (Figure 2 1923 Kanto earthquake caused Sumida River near the naval fire See the world famous earthquake). 1976 Tangshan earthquake in China's large population and industrial city, in a very seismic area, after the formal design of the various types of industrial plant and structures, 70 ~ 80% of the collapse, or the main structure was severely damaged.
  Strong ground shaking would cause liquefaction in some places, making some structural failure because of the foundation building strong and the overall dumping. In the modern city, the earthquake caused roads crack crack (Figure 31 923 Great Kanto Earthquake in Japan Tokyo is destroyed the city tramway), rails twisted, broken bridges, dams burst, as a result of damage to underground pipes and cables are caused by water, electricity , communication disruption and explosive material caught fire, toxic gas escape and so on would lead to very serious secondary disasters.
  Seismic faults and ground fissures shallow earthquake, the surface can still see the earthquake fault (Fig. 4 1964 Alaska earthquake caused the fault (dashed line fault, said datum point to line)) and ground fissures (Figure 5 1964 Alaska earthquake caused the crack width of 1.8 meters long and 830 meters). Source rocks at the extension of fracture and dislocation to the surface and the formation of faults called the primary fault, and often extends for tens to hundreds of kilometers, but through different landscape units remained the same direction. Secondary fault is native on the ground shaking under the influence of fault activity occurred in smaller local fault, the dislocation of many different forms. Fuyun 1931 earthquake in China, from two _set_s Koktokay to form a spectacular 176 km-long seismic fault. The fault dislocation approach to the right-lateral horizontal dislocation-based, can also be seen in the local section of normal fault with strike-slip component of the thrust fault, graben and horst uplift depression. 1891 Nobi earthquake in Japan in the root end of the valley there was a huge fault, to a road cut, about 6 meters east of the ground up, and about 4 meters north of dislocation, so the end of the valley formed at the root of a large cliff. 1906 San Francisco earthquake, occurred along the San Andreas fault dislocation, is the maximum horizontal displacement of 6.4 m dextral dislocation. Many earthquakes occur on fault lines in the original new dislocation, but also some faults in the earthquake after the earthquake occurs.
  Thick sediment layer at the surface of the plains region, the role of surface soil under seismic force in the formation of various forms of land often cracks. By squeezing the water emitted by underground sand along the crack surface, the formation of sand to take water (Fig. 61 976 when the Tangshan earthquake in China to take water blasting phenomenon). Reasons for the formation of ground fissures is more complicated. Some ground fissures may be related to bedrock below the fault activity, or being exposed at the surface faults, is a native of; but some ground or surface cracks is affected by the nature of the terrain effects of strong shaking on the ground formed when the local collapse is the secondary's.
  Landslides and landslide earthquake, the natural landscape will also change. Avalanches and landslides buried villages and towns often, or blockage of river
Translated by Google
English Expression
  1. :  earthquake,  n sudden violent movement of the earth's surface,  seism
  2. n.:  cataclysm,  earthquakes,  magnitude,  quake,  shock,  tremor,  earthquak, quake,  convulsion of nature,  earthquake; seism; quake,  earthquake shocks
French Expression
  1. n.  tremblement de terre, séisme
seismogeology, geomechanics, seismography
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Containing Phrases
seismographyseismographseismographseismic belt; earthquake beltearth quake wave
Seismosaurusseismogramseismic area (region)seismic (seismological) stationseismic
earthquake shelter-tents (used as emergency shelter after an earthquake)
Classification details
ExpandgeosphereExpanddammed lakeExpandbasin
liquidplumethe continental shelf
Qinghai-Tibet Plateaueclipticmagnet field
subterranean heat; the heat of the earth's interior; terrestrial heatthe earth 's coredive
biosphereremote sensingthe first meridian
horizonriver bedmud-rock flow
eclipse of the moonPlate tectonicslacuna
shock proofdebaclebending
tendChromatographic analysisperipheral fault
bouguer correctiondiscrepancy intensitysedimentary formation
sink hydrocelestability of magnetsmagnetostratigraphy
mainland earthquakecontinental accretionstratigraphical gap
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