Geosciences > Science of Geography
About Discipline
  "Geography" concept in 1986 put forward by Chinese scientist Qian. He should understand the geography and natural sciences, social sciences, mathematics science big science in parallel system, it said, "Geography." This can be divided into three levels, namely basic theoretical level (basic science), technical theoretical level (technical sciences), technology level (Engineering Science).
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Course subjects included
  Generally, the theoretical basis of the theoretical level, including geography, regional geography, department of geography (such as physical geography, human geography and its branches); technology is mainly theoretical level geography theory research applications, such as the construction of geography, topography applications , applied climatology, etc.; skill levels, including the practical application of technology disaster forecast, eco-design, regional planning, quantitative geography, geographic mapping, remote sensing, geographic information systems and other aspects. Such understanding of the geographical areas of scientific research than the traditional sense of geography to be much broader. From the nature of the subject, it is guided by the philosophy, natural science and social science integration; from level point of view, is a "basic theory - technical theory - application of technology," the complete system.
  Qian in the modern system of 11 categories of human knowledge, the science of Geographic Sciences attributed to the natural bridge between science and social science; in five open complex giant system, the exhaust system between the galaxy geography and social systems; in The overall design of the community consists of four construction, construction of the geographical and political civilization and material civilization, spiritual civilization tied. Qian Geography seen as pivotal to the scientific system. Qian from the philosophical level, from the height of human knowledge system, from complex systems science theoretical framework, the overall design of the project from the practice of social starting, elevated to the geography of science serve the national economy and, therefore, has an important geographical science theoretical and practical significance.
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Name of university undergraduate
  Business training objectives: the professional training with the basic theory of geographical science, basic knowledge and basic skills, in research institutions, schools, enterprises engaged in research, teaching, management, planning and development and in the administrative departments in the senior management expertise. Normal requires that the education of secondary schools in geography teaching, teachers, teaching and research, teaching and research staff and other educators.
  Business training requirements: The students mainly study the basic theory of geographical science and basic knowledge, by the basic research, applied basic research in scientific thinking and the training of scientific experiments, has good scientific quality, master the use of remote sensing and geographic information system map Experimental analysis of the environment and resources and has an initial basic skills teaching, research, development and management capabilities.
  Main Subject: Geography
  Main courses: physical geography, human geography, economic geography, modern geomorphology, environmental change, quantitative geography, surveying cartography, geographic information system, regional geography
  Main practice teaching links include: indoor and outdoor practice, production internships and thesis, the general arrangements for 10 weeks to 12 weeks.
  Main Experiment: geology experiments, experimental geomorphology, meteorology and climate experiment, hydrology experiment, experiment plant geography, soil geography test, sedimentation experiments, geographic simulation, geographic information systems experiments
  Duration: four years
  Degrees: Bachelor of Science
  Similar or related fields: Resources, Environment and Urban Planning, GIS, astronomy, marine science
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Creation of institutions (in alphabetical order)
  Qingdao, Chongqing Normal University, Shaanxi Normal University
  China West Normal University Guizhou Normal University Yunnan Normal University
  Tibet University, Northwest Normal University, Xi'an joint
  Qinghai Normal University, Xinjiang, Ningxia University
  Capital Normal University, Tianjin Normal University in Xinjiang Normal University
  Shanxi, Hebei Normal University, Shanxi Normal University
  Yanbian University of Inner Mongolia Normal University, Liaoning Normal University
  Qiqihar University, Harbin Normal University, Jilin Normal University
  Shanghai Normal University, Nanjing Normal University, Xuzhou Normal University
  Ningbo, Zhejiang Normal University, Anhui Normal University
  Jiangxi Normal University, Shandong Normal University, Fujian Normal University
  Liaocheng University, Shandong Qufu Normal University East (formerly Yantai Teachers College)
  Hunan Normal University, Hubei, Henan University
  Hunan University of Science and Technology University, Guangzhou, South China Normal University
  Guangxi Normal University Guangxi Normal University China University of Geosciences
  Peking University, Beijing Normal University, Northeast Normal University
  Central China Normal University East China Normal University Nanjing University
  Jiamusi University, Southwest China Normal University Zhongshan University
  Weinan Teachers College, Lanzhou University Baoji University of Arts
  Taiyuan Xinzhou Normal University Inner Mongolia Normal University
  West Anhui University, Nantong University, Harbin Institute of Teachers College Shangrao
  Jinan University Teachers College, Linyi Normal University Anyang
  Neijiang Jiaying University, Wuhan University Teachers College
  Tangshan Normal College, Yuxi Teachers College College of Mount Tai
  Xuchang University, Suzhou Science and Technology, Mianyang Teachers College
  Hengyang Normal University, Sichuan Normal University
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Journal name
  "Geography" by the competent Chinese Academy of Sciences, Northeast Institute of Geography and Agricultural Ecology, organized by geography class comprehensive academic journal founded in 1981.
  Purpose of the magazine:
  "Geography" as a comprehensive academic journal Geography, the journal aims to introduce the various branches of geography with the advanced level of academic papers and research, geography, new theories, new ideas, new methods and services in the economy construction, and promote academic exchanges at home and abroad, prosperity and development of geographic science.
  Main coverage of:
  Major domestic and foreign publications or databases to retrieve your situation:
  Current Geographical Publications (USA), Elservier / Geo Abstract (UK), Russia Journal Abstracts Search publications, Chinese Academic Journal Comprehensive Evaluation Database source of journals, periodicals source of Chinese Science Citation Database, Chinese Geographical Science Digest, "China Journal", "China Academic Journal (CD) "full-text indexed journals.
  Social and economic benefits:
  The geography of development, domestic and international academic exchanges, personnel training, in order to contribute to national economic construction, and has become more influential international publications geographic sector, is the core journals of natural science, geography scholars have been core journals as one of 3 large, become universities, research institutions provide professional staff, fund results of the project evaluation, an important basis for doctoral students graduated. Foundation of Chinese Academy of Sciences published in journals, won the 2000 Outstanding Journal Award of Chinese geography.
  Since 1981, "Geography" in the majority of workers look forward to the advent of geography, Geography of participating in foreign exchange and the development of competition in the spring and autumn, respectively, 20 have been in the field of natural science and social science research results of our records to reflect the level of the National Science played an important role, becoming the highest national academic journal Geography, "Geography" after one of the most influential academic journals. Currently, the publication has become a foreign exchange academic scientists geographical ideas, explore new theories, new methods, reflect the latest, most important research results and important position, "Geography" long-term characteristics of a middle-aged group, as personnel training, found the importance of talent garden. The level of domestic and foreign academic journals industry experts praised the geographical, the internationally renowned publications included in the geographic information retrieval, Journal of the Library of Congress as a collection, the United States, Britain, Germany, France, Canada, Russia, Japan and other countries many of the higher colleges and research institutions have established exchange relations with its become a powerful tool for international academic exchanges. "Geography" from the quarterly to bimonthly in 1998, 16 in 1999 into a large open version with international standards, an increase of 2001 pages, increase the amount of information, increasing the number of press, shortening the cycle for publishing.
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English Expression
  1. n.:  Science of Geography
Related Phrases
weatherspeciality presentationChina mining University
geographic informationthe kingdom of scienceAir science
Containing Phrases
Geosciencesgeography Academy of Science
Science of Geography introductionScience of Geography advance
Science of Geography specialitystate-run Science of geography School
Canton university Science of Geography CollegeSouthwest university Science of Geography College
Nantong university Science of Geography CollegeSouth china normal university Science of Geography College
ha Normal Science of geography CollegeFujian normal university Science of Geography College
Nanjing normal university Science of Geography CollegeScience of Geography Discipline development notify
Chongqing normal university Science of Geography CollegeScience of geography And Plan College
Science of Geography Discipline development notifyMinistry of Education Geosciences Speciality Doctrine Direct part committee
Science of geography And Land Cure reach Regional development researchShenyang university Travel And Science of geography College
Xinjiang normal university Science of geography And Travel Collegeestablish Geosciences Geographic information system Professional Yuanxiao register
Inner mongolia normal university Science of Geography CollegeNatural science Cicerone Library Geography roll Geography Science Zhichuang
Qinghai normal university Head And Science of geography CollegeZhongshan university Science of geography And Plan College
Chinese academy of sciences Science of geography And Exploit InstituteBaoji character the faculty of science Science of geography And Environment Engineering be
Liaoning engineering university Mapping And Science of geography CollegeHarbin normal university Science of Geography College
Zhongshan university Science of geography And Plan College Interior designJilin normal university Travel And Science of geography College
Yunnan normal university Travel And Science of geography College
Classification details
ExpandgeographyExpandeducation of geographyExpandgeomorphology and quaternary geology