Science of Geography > geography
No. 1
  Of people and geography of science. Study the earth's surface the main elements of nature and the distribution of human geography and spatial relations. According to the nature of the study can be divided into physical geography and human geography; according to study the system, geographical, geography can be divided into departments and regional geography. As the geography of the extensive and comprehensive, its natural and human science research as well as national economic planning and knowledge of popular culture plays an important role.
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dì lǐ xué
  Study of the Earth and life sciences; especially over land, ocean, atmospheric descriptions of flora and fauna, including the distribution of the human condition and human relationships under the various forces of nature description of work undertaken
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No. 3
  Refers to the art of feng shui. Lu Song, "Wise Temple create Xing Ji": "Qi Zhi stick and look around, saying: 'Knowing it as Temple, who Zhiyi match made in heaven, and personnel can not charge forth, so this. Day of the Secular me Hing here?' Is pick all the geographers, then their words and Qi come first. "
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No. 4
  Geography as the study of science. Generally divided into physical geography and economic geography.
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Subject Concepts
  Geography is about Earth and its features, inhabitants and phenomena of learning. "Geography" first found in China's "Book of Changes": Yang to view the astronomical, prone to detect in geography, is a refresher nether the rules.
  Earth is home, man has been very concerned about their survival and development of the situation of the Earth's surface, which sprouted out of a variety of geographical concepts. With the development of human society, the accumulation of geographical knowledge, and gradually formed a research relationship between nature and man and nature, science, divided into physical and human geography. In short, geography is a study of the relationship between people and geography subjects, the purpose of the study is to better develop and protect the surface of the earth's natural resources, coordinate the relationship between nature and human beings.
  The word geography comes from the Greek geo (earth) and graphein (description). Describe the surface of the earth science. Description and analysis of geography in the Earth's surface on the physical, biological and cultural phenomena of space, and to explore the relationship between them and the important regional types.
  Geography is an old research project, has been called the mother of science. Exploration on the ancient geography the main shape of the earth, the size of the measurement method, or known to describe the regional and national. Traditionally, the geography of different regions and in describing the situation between the residents, the close ties to and history (eg Herodotus); in determining the Earth's size and location of the region to contact, and astronomy, and philosophy (such as Eladuose〕 〔Eratosthenes and Ptolemy). German naturalist and geographer Alexander von Humboldt (Alexander von Humboldt, 1769 ~ 1859), is a key figure in the rise of modern geography, as he made a precise measurement, careful records and observations on the importance of humanities and natural features region type mapping.
  Refers only to the Earth's past, drawing geography and exploration, and today has become a wide range of subjects. Phenomena of the Earth's surface changes of any type of space affected by the natural world and human life in many factors, which geographers must be familiar with biology, sociology and in science and other disciplines. For example, desertification in Africa are often attributed to drought, but research shows that because of overgrazing, deforestation, agricultural expansion and wood over exacerbated. Many phenomena by experts to study other disciplines, but the geographer of the special task is to investigate the distribution pattern, with the region, connecting the various components of the network, and the interaction process.
  Geography can be divided into physical geography, human geography and geographic information system of three branches. The main physical geography topography, soil and other natural phenomena of Earth's surface and natural disasters, land use and cover as well as ecological and geographical relations. Human geography including historical geography, cultural and social geography, population geography, political geography, economic geography (including agriculture, industry, trade and transport research) and urban geography. GIS is computer technology and the product of the combination of modern geography, the use of computer modeling and simulation technology of virtual geographical environment and process to facilitate the geographical analysis of the phenomenon of visual science, and provide basis for decision making.
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  Geography is a discipline that is old and young. In its development process, the apparent formation of the ancient geography, geography of modern geography and modern three periods.
  Since ancient times to the 18th century, the period of ancient geography, mainly to describe the main geographical knowledge of records and these records are mostly fragmentary, and the lack of theoretical system, geography disciplines within the division has not yet appeared, is basically a national geography closed conditions in the country to develop.
  In the early days of ancient Greece to China and the results of the most significant. China's "Shangshu Yu Gong," "pipe to members", "Shan Hai Jing", "Waterways" and other works are the world's historical geography earlier. To the late emergence of European geographical discovery of Columbus, Vasco da Gama, Magellan and other geographical explorers, they found a great impetus to the development of geography.
  Early 20th century from the 19th century, 50 years, is the period of modern geography. Marked by the formation of modern geography in Germany Hong Baode the "universe" and Li Teer's "General Theory of Earth Science" two books published.
  Modern geography is a product of the industrial revolution, along with the development of mature industrial society together. During this period, various theories pm onwards, schools and many. The departments of geography in this period almost all subjects there and the establishment of, and therefore a period of vigorous development of geography departments.
  Hong Baode natural geography, plant geography laid the foundation for the future Richthofen of Germany, France, de East is the development of physical geography has made important contributions; the United States and Germany Pang Davis grams were established doctrine and hillside erosion cycle theory of parallel retreat, marking the establishment of geomorphology; Austria Wo Hanen "climate Handbook", the Russian 沃耶伊科夫 "global climate and climate in Russia", the German Coburn's world climate classification, the basis for climate science; UK division into Wallace on the world animal laid the foundation for animal geography; the soil zone of Russia Road Kuqiayefu theory laid the foundation for the soil geography; Lite Er pull picks and Germany established the Human Geography and so on. Among them, expression of human geography scientists a deep-seated desire: to understand the complexity of human experience and sophisticated, thus in practice, more attention to quality rather than quantity, an adjective, not noun, psychology rather than economics. If the ideal point, people should be a geographer Alexander Humboldt, holds the mass of the fact - that is, noun. But he must also love nature, to nature and to seek the meaning of perception, just like his brother, like Humboldt. "What does it mean? What does it really mean?" This question must always be hidden in the humanistic geographer's consciousness, so that he can become a moralist and philosopher.
  60 years since the 20th century is the period of modern geography. Modern geography is a product of modern science and technology revolution, and with the progress of science and technology development, marked by the number of geographical methods and theories born of geography and computer cartography, geographic information systems, the emergence of satellite and other applications. Emphasized the unity of modern geography of geographical, theoretical, quantitative, behavioral and Ecology.
  With the scientific and technological progress, countries and regions of economic development and construction and environmental management and protection needs of Geography will become a have a solid theoretical basis, application of the basic theoretical disciplines, is also a close contact with the actual production application of discipline, subject content and structure will also change.
  Methods in Geography of disciplines and technical 学科 - Geography quantitative methods, cartography, etc., will be first to get more development; comprehensive branch of applied branches, such as integrated natural geography, urban geography, tourism geography , medical geography, behavioral geography, resource geography, population, geography, and other development will be faster; trends in human geography research will be strengthened, human geography in the geography of the proportion will increase.
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  Geography is the study of Earth's surface that is closely related to human geography, geographers have used geographic shell, landscape shell, the terms refer to the Earth's surface Earth's surface. It circles the Earth every level - the atmosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere, mutual transfer interface, with a certain area and thickness. The Earth's surface, natural phenomena and human phenomena form a vast surface complex, which has the following features:
  On the one hand, the earth's surface is composed of five concentric spheres of the whole, they are the troposphere, the upper lithosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere and noosphere.
  Mainly composed of gaseous tropospheric composition, but also part of the liquid and solid particles. Because the troposphere and surface contacts with the ground, so the various elements in the atmosphere are strongly influenced by the underlying surface;
  The upper lithosphere formed mainly by the solid material, including part of the gaseous, liquid substances and microorganisms, it is the attachment of biological and human place, but also various spheres of mutual influence, where the highest concentration of interaction;
  Hydrosphere mainly composed of liquid water, there are land-based marine surface water and groundwater. Water cycle in the Earth's surface material and energy cycle plays an important role, it is the biosphere and human survival and development cycle basis;
  The activities of the biosphere is the circle of life, including plants, animals and microorganisms. The biosphere with the troposphere, the upper lithosphere, hydrosphere intertwined to form a huge complex of natural complex;
  The emergence of the human face of the earth formation and development of an important turning point. Human wisdom and its unique labor, through the social production and life in all aspects of influence on the Earth's surface, creating a new world, and develop into a new layer circle - the human circle.
  The circle formed by layers of the Earth's surface complex, which is a natural result of historical development, the formation of layers in the practice ring have a certain order: the lithosphere, atmosphere and water are all inorganic substances, first appeared ; the biosphere and its associated organic soil, is developed on the basis of inorganic spheres of; human biosphere is developed to a certain stage of the product. This development is driven by internal and external forces in the earth - solar energy.
  On the other hand, is an uneven surface of the earth level, there is a clear regional differentiation. Uneven surface of the earth and caused a regional differentiation is mainly due to the distribution of solar energy in the Earth's surface and uneven energy distribution within the Earth's inhomogeneity. Human beings are in a certain geographical environment, survival and development, and therefore human institutions and social, political, economic, and cultural activities are obvious regional differences. Such as ethnic differences, lifestyle differences and so on.
  Where the earth's surface are constantly changing. During the formation of the Earth's surface, the mainland and the sea area and the location of several changes, the climate has experienced hot and cold, alternating wet and dry several times, biological from the ocean to the land, there is a simple to complex, from lower to higher ... ... .
  Change the nature geography of human geography, human geography but also counterproductive in the natural geography. Especially in the modern industrial era, human activities are the surface of the earth profound changes, on the one hand to control or reduce some of the natural disasters, on the other hand such as forest logging, pollution, desertification, etc. situation, and destroyed the natural ecological system balance. With the rapid population increase, consumption of large quantities of resources, human impact are growing.
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Subject characteristics
  Geography of the Earth's surface in the process of evolving, and constantly improve the theories, methods and means.
  As a study of the Earth's surface is a complex interaction of many factors that determine the characteristics of a comprehensive study of geography.
  Geography of the Earth's surface are not limited to the various elements, more importantly, it as an integrated whole, comprehensive study of its constituent elements and their spatial combinations. It focuses on the interaction between the various elements of research, relationships and characteristics of the surface complex and the time and space variation. Comprehensive study of geography is divided into different levels, different levels, different degrees of integrated complexity. Comprehensive study of high-level, that is, people in related research, is the unique geography.
  Determine the characteristics of a comprehensive geography was a cross sectional discipline, which studies the Earth's surface with a layer of a circle or a circle of some elements of a layer are closely related disciplines, such as research atmosphere atmospheric physics, the geological study of lithosphere science, the study of human circle of economics, political science, psychology and so on. Geography lessons from these subjects on the expertise of various elements, in turn, provide for the various elements of these disciplines and with other links between the phenomenon of knowledge.
  Surface of the earth natural phenomena and human characteristics of the phenomenon of uneven spatial distribution, have determined the geography of regional characteristics. Because different regions have different natural phenomena and human phenomena, a factor in a region showing the variation may be completely different in another area, so the researchers will analyze the different geographical areas within the region of the structure, including between the different elements relationship and its overall role in the region, the links between regions and their relationship between the constraints of development and change. The content of geographical regional studies, including regional and interregional relations between the internal structure of the two aspects.
  Regional Geography of the scope of the object under study is divided into three scales: large-scale global or regional focused on the continent-wide differentiation within the law and the internal structure, which reveals the overall global or continental features; the scale regional studies the analysis of large regions within the country or regional general characteristics and Regional Differentiation, and the region of large-scale regional differentiation of the role; small-scale region is to reveal the regional characteristics of local areas and Variation, and the region on the scale of regional The role of differentiation.
  The changing nature of the Earth's surface to determine the geographical point of view must be used to study the dynamic characteristics. Geography and pay attention to changes in space, but also note the time change. Such changes have both periodic arbitrary; a long period, but also has a short cycle.
  With the dynamic perspective of geography, to require the historical development of modern geography as a result of the phenomenon and the starting point for future development, of different stages of development in different historical periods and the law of geographical phenomena. Modern geography has been possible now for the future development of certain areas of forecast, and forecast results based on the control and management to meet the requirements of regional development. So. The concept of unity of time and space, in the study of geography more and more attention.
  The complexity of the Earth's surface determines the diversity of geography research methods. Use of modern geographical study, field trips and laboratory experiments to simulate the combination of research methods. Study of geography is the Earth's surface on the Earth's surface properties and characteristics of the data mainly from the field survey, along with remote sensing, meteorological and earth resource satellites, space technology, research results are widely used in geography to improve the field investigation of the speed and accuracy. Geographical data processing, laboratory simulation of various geographical phenomena, also developed rapidly, which not only greatly improve the efficiency, but also promoted the rapid development of geography.
  Geography as an integrated discipline, and his range is very wide. Involving language, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology .......... he is very practical, but also very difficult to learn, to learn it is not easy, but we can strengthen, organize, summary. These methods, which this branch of learning to learn.
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  Physical Geography is the study of the geographical features of the environment, structure and Regional Differentiation of the formation and evolution of the discipline, geography is one of two basic disciplines. The study is the surface of the Earth's natural geographical environment, including the troposphere, hydrosphere, biosphere and lithosphere top. Characteristics of their respective branch of study divided into two groups according to:
  One group is comprehensive, including integrated physical geography, ancient geography.
  One group is sectoral, including geomorphology, climatology, hydrology, soil geography, biogeography, but also newly developed, combined with other natural sciences from some of the edge of the disciplines, such as chemical geography, medical geography, and natural elements of different subjects of special subjects, such as glaciology, permafrost science.
  Geography is the study of Earth's surface of human socio-economic activities and changes in the spatial structure, and the relationship with the geographical discipline is geography, another two basic disciplines. Study can be divided by social and cultural geography, economic geography, political geography, urban geography and other branches.
  Social Geography Human geography is narrow, including the ethnic geography, population geography, _set_tlement geography, social geography, cultural geography.
  Including agricultural geography economic geography, industrial geography, business geography, transport geography, and the newly formed Tourism mechanics.
  Political geography, including the narrow sense of political geography and military geography.
  _Set_tlement geography, urban geography as part of the city, under the social and cultural geography, after nearly 20 years of development, and content of its object of study is beyond the scope of _set_tlement and socio-cultural, as an independent branch of human geography.
  Historical geography is the study of human history and human geography of the natural environment and its changes in rules and disciplines, geography is a young branch.
  Regional geography is the study of Earth's surface to form a regional geographical environment, structure, characteristics and evolution, and regional differentiation rules and disciplines, is an important part of geography. Modern regional geography emphasizes the unity of physical and human geography, focusing on elements of regional physical geography and human geography elements of the regional integration and spatial connection.
  Cartography is the study of map preparation and application of the theory, methods and techniques of disciplines, is an integrated form in order to map the expression of an area's natural geography and human geography of knowledge of the subjects. It is the geography of the technical disciplines, with various branches of geography are closely linked, in promoting the development and practical application of geography have always played an important role.
  Geography is the study of theory in various geographical phenomena on the basis of the unity of the general rule followed by the subject. The research includes the structure of space, of man-land relationship and location of such.
  Application of Geography Geography is the use of the theory, principles and practical solutions to social, economic and environmental problems of the subjects. In fact, many branches of geography is developed for applications such as medical geography, military geography. Since many important issues, such as desertification, environmental protection, land use and other problem solving and research is not a qualified individual can discipline, and geography as a comprehensive cross-sectional subjects, particularly suitable for this application research.
  Others include the number of geography, toponymy, local records and so forth.
  In short, the 21st century will be a geographer at the theoretical and quantitative, based on further integration, ecological, social theory and application of both the amphibious science.
  Other branches of geography
  Overview of geography, physical geography, geomorphology, dynamic geomorphology, tectonic geomorphology, climate, geomorphology, applied geomorphology, plant geography, animals, geography, glaciology, permafrost science, ancient geography, hydrology, soil geography, chemistry geography, integrated physical geography, human geography, economic geography, agricultural geography, industrial geography, business geography, transportation geography, tourism geography, population geography, ethnic geography , _set_tlement geography, rural geography, urban geography, social geography, cultural geography, medical geography, political geography, military geography, cartography, toponymy, theoretical geography, regional geography, applied geography
  Geography and nature-related basic science: physics, mathematics, chemistry, astronomy, biology.
  Human Geography-related basic disciplines: politics, history.
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Disciplinary applications
  Geography using a variety of methods and techniques, earth direct mapping is particularly important. Aerial photography and artificial earth satellite remote sensing technology enables electronic measurement method has been improved. Help information on the number of statistical methods, mainly demographic and survey data, the geographic analysis. However, mapping has been a unique means of geographers.
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English Expression
  1. :  geology
  2. n.:  geography,  scientific study of the earth's surface, physical features, divisions, climate, products, population, etc
French Expression
  1. nf.  géographie
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