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Interpretation of China's four famous
  Now recognized as the four famous: "Three Kingdoms", "Water Margin", "Journey to the West", "Dream of Red Mansions."
  Incisive Comments: four famous in China and even a precious cultural heritage of mankind, throughout the Chinese world has a profound impact. Study of China's four famous is the view of the intelligence of Chinese classical literature, but also experience traditional Chinese culture, society, ethics, history, geography, folklore, psychology, traditional knowledge including the library. In fact, representatives of the four famous imperial, theocratic, aristocratic power, and violence the right to not say the Three Kingdoms, the imperial power, the West, divine right, the Red House, aristocratic power, Water Margin, violence and power. In fact, feudal society of the operas are only . when everyone thought limitations, and in this routine operation, then virtually a feudal society, the rules of the game.
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"Three Kingdoms"
四大名著 《三国演义》
  Author: (Yuan and Ming) Luo Guanzhong
  Name: Three Kingdoms
  Back a few: hundred and twenty times
  Description: According to Chen Shou "Three Kingdoms", and Fan Ye "Han", the Yuan, "Three Kingdoms words" and a number of written folklore. Is seen to Jiajing of the earliest printed edition, in 24 volumes, 240. Qing of Mao has made some changes, as is now back to the passage of 120. Minister is the first chapter of Fictions.
  "Three Kingdoms" story began in the Liu Bei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei Taoyuan trio ended in Wang Jun-ping Wu, described the late Eastern Han Dynasty and Three Kingdoms era of Wei, Shu, Wu Sanguo between the military and political struggle. Plain text, the characters portray the image of a deep and involving plot, structure ambitious.
  Yuan and Ming, China's novels into a new era, especially Fictions into improving stage. China's first most widespread and deepest, the most successful, the daring, the largest Chapters classical novel "Romance of Three Kingdoms", the "Three Kingdoms", is by living in this historical period, all outstanding novel - written by Luo Guanzhong The birth and popularity of your masterpiece known to the world. His history of literary development in China, great achievements indelible contribution. Meanwhile, the treasure house of world literature, but also adds a brilliant luster.
  "Three Kingdoms" describes the large and small, all kinds of war, grand ideas, methods varied, so that we clearly see a ghost field Daoguang war scenes. One Guandu war, Battle of Red Cliff and other ups and downs in the description of the war, ups and jumping, thrilling to read.
  "Three Kingdoms" structure of seven works of three virtual reality, writing in the use of fabricated, deceitful, embellished, exaggerated fictional artistic rendering.
  Luo Guanzhong (1330 between one in 1400), the name of this, the number of people scattered lakes, Ming popular novelist. He is a native of Taiyuan (Shanxi Province today), one said to the Qiantang (present Hangzhou), can not really test. According to legend, Luo Yuan Dynasty peasant uprising had been acting as military Zhang Shicheng the Muke. In addition to "Three Kingdoms", he also created the "Sui Tang Biography" and other popular fiction and the "Dragon and Tiger Zhao Taizu situation will" and other drama. In addition, a considerable number of people think that "Water Margin" is the back by thirty.
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"Water Margin"
  AKA: "Outlaws of the Marsh loyalty", "Jianghuhaoke Biography"
  Author: (Yuan and Ming) Shinai In addition, a considerable number of people think that "Heroes" is back after thirty by Luo Guanzhong.
  Ming Kao-ju, "Sea bibliography" Recording the findings of the former Department "of the Qiantang Shinai, Luo Guanzhong of arrangement." Hu Ying-lin "Shaoshi Shan Cong room document" that is made Shinai, Wang Qi, "Book of General continued," that is made by Luo Guanzhong.
  Outlaws of the Marsh Description: Author of "Vision and the Heritage of" and related words in this story made based on the creation. Book to describe farmers as the main theme of war, shaped Li Kui, Wu, Lin, Lu Zhishen other Liangshan heroes, reveals the social conflicts. The story twists and turns, lively language, distinctive character, with high artistic achievements.
  Version: Outlaws of the Marsh in the spread, the emergence of a variety of different book. Now see, there are 100 back to the 120 back and 70 back to the present. 100 back to this in the "amnesty" after a "sign of Liao" Fang La uprisings and repression of the circumstances; 120 back then _insert_ed by the repression of the Tian Hu, Wang's plot. Tan after the deletion the book, and after removing the amnesty thing, called the 70 back (actually 71 back).
  Shinai (1296 ~ 1371) Mingzi security (some say were the ear), and Ming Zhaorui, yin side, No. Nai An. Birthplace: Xinghua Baiju field people (this is of Jiangsu). . Taizhou Ling County native sea, outside the gate of heaven to live in Suzhou Shi Jia Xiang, and later moved Baiju field was Xinghua County (now Baiju Dafeng City, Jiangsu Province town).
  Outside the city gate of Suzhou, Shi Jia Xiang Huai Xu northbound facilities have a family name, is the seventy disciples of Confucius, one of the descendants of Chang Shi. Shinai's father passed this one is XIV. Million years into the cases of Yuan Zhen (AD 1296) applied a male family Tim. An old scholar from a name to the baby, called yin side, which means that children grow up, be a bit behaved wit. Yan end of the infant, later famous through the ages to write "Water Margin" the Shinai. Shinai 7 years old, the family poverty, can not go to school. But he smart, studious, often library view, asked the neighbors to teach, sometimes to the university to attend. In this way, he read the "University", "The Analects of Confucius", "Book of Songs," "Book of Rites," and many other books. 13 years old, has been able among a large crowd, fluent, write gem. Once, the elderly neighbor died, invited to teach in private schools Hushuguan scholar to write the oration quarter. Quarter scholar failed to arrive, someone suggested to try the Yin side. Naian young and fit, want to demonstrate their talent, not sometime, came with ease. Then read this quarter, both childlike and scholar judge the funeral oration, endless praise. Offered with Shinai to Hushuguan to read, and does not charge tuition fees. Also his daughter was betrothed to the Shinai. Shinai Hushuguan reading in very hard, he not only familiar with the various schools, and all kinds of books to browse. Then print and publish the "Great Song Xuan and Romance", stresses Chao Gai circumvent birthday program, "" Song Jiang Yan Poxi kill, "Yang sell knives," and other stories, Shinai interest aroused, he often after school to read. Also partners with the little get together brandish sticks, practice martial arts. At that time, often singing in Suzhou city, some such as "stone SUN", "Green side beast," "Monk," "Wu Departed," "Fun Home Yanqing stroke fish", "Jing Li Kui negative" and other words and the drama of the , Shinai sometimes to the amusement of these "generous attempts Hero", "Atlas Heroes" reveals admiration.
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"Journey to the West"
  Author: (Ming) Wu Cheng-en
  Aka: "Journey Release Eritrea Biography"
  Back a few: hundred and back (solid hundred and one back)
  Description: Monkey Journey to the West to learn from folklore and related words in this story and drama (Yuan and Ming Yang Lane for) made on the basis of creation. Monkey Journey to the West the first seven back to the birth narrative, a Monkey King and other stories. After writing the Monkey King with the monk Buddhist sutras, along Chuyao fell monsters, overcome the difficulties of the story. The book Monkey, Monkey, Pig, Drifting and other image depicts a lively, large-scale, structural integrity.
  Content is divided into three parts: Part I (one to seven times), introduced as the Infinite Monkey King, Monkey King; the second part (eight to twelve back) learn the reason Syria Sanzo; third part (thirteen to one hundred Back ) is the main body of the story book, writing, etc. yield Wukong demons, and finally to the Western Paradise to retrieve scriptures.
  Wu Cheng-en (about 1504 - about 1582), the word Yu Zhong, No. Sheyang Hermit, Huaian people. Journey to the age of 40 make up about one-year-old Gong was born in Beijing waiting for allocation of office, has not been _select_ed, because the mother was poor and old, to do the Changxing County Deputy Governor, and finally due to the falsely accused, two years later, "stormed and go," old age to sell paper for a living, living for nearly 80 years.
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"Dream of Red Mansions"
  AKA: "Stones" "Fengyuebaojian" "Twelve Beauties of Jinling," "Love Monk recorded" "Grand Suo Lu" "Jin Yuan," "Love the Civil sector"
  Author: (clear) Cao
  Dream hundred and twenty back, back to the CAO for the previous eighty, is generally considered the latter forty made by high-E. CAO for the eighty-back in the writing, the process of amending the way to spread the transcript. Five years of Qianlong (1791), Cheng Wei Yuan will back the former and the latter forty eighty draft continued to movable type to print, from hundred and twenty back to the epidemic. But the first eighty chapters of the text had changed.
  Description: Dream of Red Mansions was written in the mid-eighteenth century, the Qing Emperor Qianlong era, content Jia, Wang, Shi, Xue four families as the background, Jia, Lin Tai-yu's love tragedy the main line, describing the feudal bureaucratic Jia, Wang, Shi, Xue four families, in particular the decline of Jia's process of exposing the evil of the feudal rulers, shows the history of feudal dynasty will decline fate. Beautiful works of vivid language, good characterization, shape Jia, Lin, Wang Xifeng, chai, Third Sister and other distinctive characters. Book large-scale, structured, with high artistic achievements.
  Cao, Qing Dynasty writer, the word dream Ruan, Xue-Qin number, and number Qin Pu, Qin Kai, native of Liaoyang, born 1715, died in 1763. The Ancestors originally Han, Cao white flag after being coated Manchuria (slaves). Cao Xi Cao Xueqin's great-grandfather, grandfather, Cao Yin, father of Cao Yong and Cao overlooking Jiangningzhizao 60 years have been as long as Emperor Kangxi Chongxin popular. Cao Xueqin grew up in wealth and splendor. Yongzheng Dynasty, the feudal ruling class struggle involved, Cao hit by multiple blows Cao overlooking the prison was dismissed and family, not copied, his family moved back to Beijing, consist in from the wane. The turning point, the inconstancy of human relationships Cao deeply and more clearly understand the essence of the feudal social system. Since then his life penniless, he can draw poetry, good writing, to an unswerving sense of purpose in the novel "Dream of Red Mansions," the writing and revision, Piyue 10 _set_, add and _delete_ 5 times, wrote the film with Chinese classical novels Writing into the peak of the great works of literature. "Dream of Red Mansions" with its rich content, the plot twists and turns, deep thinking and understanding, the exquisite art of Chinese classical novel way to become a great work of realism. Twenty-seven years of Qianlong (1762), son premature death, grief and sorrow over Cao caught, to this year's New Year's Eve (February 1, 1764), due to the poor and sick without health and death (the death of the year on the CAO, and another twenty-eight and twenty-nine years of Qianlong two versions), buried, the expense of the Friends funding.
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China's four famous opening words
  "Three Kingdoms"
  Rolling in the Yangtze River eastward, spray depleted hero. Success or failure turned empty. Aoyama is still there, How Many Suns.
  Yue Qiao Jiang Nagisa white hair, the moon used to look spring. Pot liquor Happy Encounter. Number of things past, have to pay jokes.
  "Dream of Red Mansions"
  Full of ridiculous statement, a bitter tears. Are clouds of ignorance, Who knows which flavor?
  "Water Margin"
  Look at the book hidden at the forest, how many Toshihaya Confucianism flow. Vanity small profit margins to do with depression, cutting ice and snow cut, talk and laugh to see Wu hook. Comments before the king, and after the Emperor, sub authenticity, occupy Plains, seven powers of the chaos around the around the Spring and Autumn. Rise and fall like brittle willow, life experience class virtual boat. See famous countless Picture countless more that fled were numerous. Shashi length of the New Moon River, Old Road, lakes mulberry change. Surprised asks for a fish rafters of wood, choose wood to be poor ape, fear of injury, the curved wooden bow is far better to cover hands and the cup, and then listen to the new sound of curvature.
  "Journey to the West"
  Chaos chaos undivided world, no one see in a blur. Since Pan Gu Hong Meng breaking open up Debate from're voicing.
  Yang Qun review contained Most Gracious, the invention all things are as good. For good fortune will yuan power, have to look at "Journey to the West Explanation Eritrea Biography."
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Europe's four famous
  1, "Homer"
  Homer, was born in the latter half of the eighth century BC, the Ionian, is the most famous and ancient Greece's greatest poet. He is the "Homer" (sub "Iliad" and "Odyssey," two parts) of the author. "Homer" to six alto trochaic languages, _set_ the culmination of ancient Greek oral literature. It is the greatest works of ancient Greece, but also the West's greatest works of literature.
  "Iliad" and "Odyssey," dealing with the subject were in the Trojan War, Achilles and Agamemnon disputes between and after the fall of Troy, Odysseus return to the island kingdom of Ithaca , and Wong Houponieluo reunion story.
  "Homer" is a large panoramic view of the early heroic age, but also the wonderful art of making it to the whole Greece and the surrounding sea as the main plot of the background, showing scenes of freedom of liberalism, and the Greeks for the future moral values (and thus for the whole morality of Western society), _set_ a good example. Following this comes the first of a pursuit of achievement, the human self-realization ethics, followed by a gay person the freedom of God theology, stripped of the spiritual world of the mysterious fear. "Homer," so it became a "Greek of the Bible."
  11th century BC to the 9th century BC Greek history known as the "Homeric" epic named Yin Hema. Homer is the only written historical records of this period.
  According to legend, Homer was written by the blind poet Homer, in fact, many folk minstrel singers it is a collective verbal creation. Since the epic, including the Mycenaean civilization centuries of oral tradition to written text before the 6th century BC. It as a historical, not only reflects the 11th century BC to the 9th century BC, the social situation, and reflects the Mycenaean civilization.
  2, the "Divine Comedy"
  Divine Comedy (Commedia, Divine Comedy), Italian poet Dante Aligaili (Dante Alighieri, AD 1265 - AD 1321) of the poem. Written in 1307-1321, the poem into three parts, "Hell" (Inferno, Hell) "Purgatory" (Purgatorio, Purgatory) "Heaven" (Paradiso, Paradise), condemned the church's rule, but still not out of Christian theology point of view.
  The poem is divided into three, each 33, the top of an increase in prologue, a total of 100 articles. Three lines of verse is a chain rhyme (aba, bcb, cdc, ... ...), roughly equal to the length of each chapter, each is basically the same. (Hell 4720 line; purgatory 4755 line; Paradise 4758 lines), each with "stars" (stelle) term ends.
  3, "Hamlet"
  Full Name:
  "Tragedy of Hamlet Prince of Denmark" (The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark)
  Short: Hamlet
  AKA: "Hamlet," "Hamlet"
  Major role
  (Because of version differences, the name may differ, refer to the original name and English translation of Shakespeare. The following from the Shenghao translation.)
  Hamlet, Prince Hamlet - Prince of Denmark. Is plagued by the ghost of his father, to revenge on the murderer killed his father. After struggling through the pain reached his objective, the palace fell into the terror of death. He eventually died in the deadly poisoned sword.
  Claudius Claudius - the current king of Denmark. He is Hamlet's uncle, succeeded to the throne after the death of his brother. Pharaoh's ghost tells Hamlet that he is the murder of his murderer. He deserved, and finally died in the poisoned sword of vengeance under his nephew.
  The ghost of King Hamlet (Ghost) - Hamlet's father's death into a ghost. Brother when he was poisoned, Hamlet is abroad.
  Gertrude Gertrude - Queen of Denmark, Prince biological mother. She remarried after the death of Pharaoh, Claudius, in Shakespeare's time this relationship is considered incest, so aroused the hatred of Hamlet. Her to Claudius Hamlet mistakenly drank the poisoned wine to the default, died instantly.
  Polonius Polonius - Claudius the Imperial minister. He is a notoriously old fogy, obstruction between Hamlet and Ophelia's love. Hamlet is always stupid to pretend to tease him. He hid a piece of tapestry, the eavesdropping on Hamlet's conversation with the queen, Prince sword was stabbed to death.
  Leo Tees Laertes - Polonius's son. To the death of his father and sister to kill Hamlet with a sword. He died in Hamlet's poisoned sword, although the sword was not aware of Hamlet is poisonous.
  Ophelia Ophelia - Polonius's daughter. She fell in love with both of Hamlet, but all obstacles to warn the prince, so that they no hope of combining the political status. Hamlet mad as part of a plan of revenge, she was abandoned by his ruthless, with his father's death made her into a mental disorder, and ultimately slip into water was drowned.
  Horatio Horatio - Hamlet's close friend in college. He was not directly involved in the conspiracy between the royal family, so he became the mouthpiece of Hamlet, Shakespeare to contrast with his story. He is also the only one lived to the end of the play the main role. Although he had threatened to commit suicide.
  Crane and Gaideng Si Luo Deng Rosencrantz & Guildernstern - are Hamlet's college classmate. They were attracted to look after Claudius Hamlet. Although the two men play the role of small, but the prince quickly suspicion they were spies. When the king away to be executed under the Order of Hamlet in the UK, he stole the name changed. So the two behind the scenes inexplicably died.
  Fording Brass Fortinbras - Prince of Norway. In the play had only a short scene. But his importance lies, the play's last lines in his state, seems to symbolize a more bright future, describes the play theme.
  4, "Faust"
  [Germany] Goethe original. Goethe wrote "Faust" It took six decades.
  "Faust" is a long twelve thousand one hundred and eleven rows of drama, the first twenty-five field, regardless of screen. The second part of the five acts, xxvii field. The play does not end to end continuity of the plot, but by thinking of the development and changes of Faust as a clue.
  Faust self-improvement, the pursuit of truth, through the den of life, love life, political life, the pursuit of classical beauty and make contributions to the five stages. The five stages are based on reality, they are highly concentrated from the Renaissance to the early 19th century, several hundred years in Germany and Europe's number one capitalist spirit of exploration and history of Fen. Here, Faust can be said to be a symbolic image of the art, Goethe is the fate of him as an incarnation of all mankind to be shaped. Of course, the so-called up during the whole of mankind is an advanced bourgeois intellectuals in the typical image of the enlarged Bale. Age of Enlightenment with no difference other bourgeois thinkers, Goethe is the representative of the class as all humanity's. Faust out of the dark den, to the broad nature and real life, embodies the Renaissance, the Reformation, until the "Sturm und Drang" movement awakening bourgeois ideology, negative theology, critical dark reality of the anti-feudal spirit. Faust and Mary Gan tears of love tragedy, it is the pursuit of narrow self-interest personal happiness and hedonism, philosophical reflection and negation. The failure of politics, that the enlightened monarch who Enlightenment illusion of political ideals. Helen combination with a sad end to the declaration of the modern classical beauty of the aesthetic cultivation of the humanitarian ideals shattered. Finally, the natural transformation of Faust at the launch mass, the grand cause of creating paradise in the world to find the truth of life, from which we can see the 18th century Enlightenment have repeatedly described the "rational kingdom," the shadow, and the 19th century can be heard faintly utopian socialists call the voice of the future.
  The image of Faust philosophical meaning also higher. This was reflected in the famous "Faust problems" and shown the face of this dilemma the "Faustian Spirit" on. A profound sense of Goethe's dialectic Faust reveals personality conflicts in the two factors, namely, "yes" and "good" factor with the "negative" and "evil" factor and the development of the complex relationship between course, more optimistic attitude to the performance of the Faust never satisfied, constantly overcoming obstacles, beyond the self, "there continue courageously to the highest" forward valuable spirit. "Faust problem" is actually common human problems, it is every person in the pursuit of value and meaning of life when they can not escape the "inspiration" and "meat", the natural desire and moral spirit of environmental, personal happiness and social responsibility dilemma between. The binary opposition to the Faust and all unresolved proposed a serious internal contradiction. In the "Faust", the hero of this conflict through the pursuit of life, reflected in Faust, and his inner conflict with extravagant non-Lancaster conflict are intertwined.
  In a sense, Faust's inner conflict with his extravagant but also non-Manchester inherent contradictions and conflicts of the embodiment of his non-Crest with extravagant contradictions and conflicts are also the externalization of his inner conflict expression. This non-Manchester with extravagant, "the father of all the obstacles," became the embodiment of evil master and servant, to accompany the line, the Faust of the future can be described as dangerous, is possible at any time degenerated into slaves of the devil. However, the constant pursuit of continuous improvement, the courage to practice and self-denial is the main character of Faust, which makes him bad luck from sinking to realize the value of life and ideals. The opposite of evil here but never played a "good thing but often the result of" promoting the role. Goethe dialectical view of the relationship between good and evil, and not as an absolute opposition, but rather see it as interdependent, mutually transforming relationships, revealing the evil of mankind is in the same struggle to overcome their own contradictions continue to make progress of the profound truth. This is the beginning of the drama about when the good man of God will not be lost to the right path up the arguments, and the drama at the end of angels sing the "All self-improvement are, at the end can save my generation," the lyrics have been clearly reflected.
  Of course, this does not mean that "Faust" is a perfect for irreproachable. From the ideological point of view, it will be negative for the spirit to explore the political revolution, social transformation will be transformed into the tendency of self-improvement, which reflects the weakness of the bourgeois and compromise inherent in nature, and its predatory as the exploiting class. From an artistic point of view, the contents of numerous and very much with the Code, a symbol of numerous, difficult to work obscure, it is difficult for cable solution. Especially the second, the image of Faust abstract, conceptual orientation, to the general reader to read and understand the difficulties caused by the larger.
  "Faust" grand idea, the complexity of the structure of large range of styles, financial realism and romanticism in a furnace, will be true of the description and unrestrained imagination, contemporary life and ancient myths and legends of hybridity in one place good arrangements for the use of the law conflicts contrast scenes, character configurations, when the village when the harmonic, there is a satirical song, diversity, mottled colors, reached a high artistic level.
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Mark Twain's four famous
  "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn"
  Little hero 哈克贝里芬 is an orphan, no tubes, but good-natured, likes and dislikes clearly. He helped black Nuji Mu fled slavery area, the sorts of people met along the way, encounter many difficulties and obstacles, and finally won. Good friend Tom Sawyer's mother to take him as the adopted son, but he would not accept the so-called "education", would rather no one bundle of life to continue to lead, so he escaped. Each reader will be as worried about the fate of his future ... ...
  This book is the "father of modern American fiction," Mark Twain's masterpiece. Huck was drunk father urchin abuse and abandonment, and fled with the black Nuji Mu began drifting on the river adventure. They lie on the way to get to know the "Duke" and "Emperor", the two families involved in feud fight, got caught in a legacy of disputes pulled unclear how to get rid ... ... Hack wrapped around his father's recovery? The trick will succeed the two swindlers it? Black Nu Jimu will not again be caught back?
  Language humor book, text clean; distinctive character depicts the bourgeois exposed fierce greed, pure and good and Huck's in sharp contrast. Works exposed the ignorance of religion, condemned the slavery of sin, promote racial equality, advocating that everyone should have equal rights, the history of American literature in the epoch-making significance. Famous American writer Ernest Hemingway once said: "America's modern literature are derived from a book, its name is" Adventures of Huckleberry "."
  "Adventures of Tom Sawyer"
  "Adventures of Tom Sawyer" is a famous American novelist Mark Twain's masterpiece, published in 1876. Tom Sawyer 天真 protagonist and lively, full of fantasy and adventure, unable to bear bondage personality, boring life, do something Yingxiong fantasy career.
  The adventures of the novel through the protagonist, vulgar hypocrisy of the U.S. social customs, religious hypocrisy and rigid stereotypes of school education was satire and criticism, described the tone with a bright and lively children's freedom of mind.
  "Adventures of Tom Sawyer" thick rice with its strong sense of humor and keen observation of character, became the greatest works of children's literature is an American "golden age" of the pastoral.
  "Adventures of Tom Sawyer" is the companion volume, "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn."
  "Adventures of Tom Sawyer" is a nineteenth century American literary master Mark Twain's masterpiece, is a treasure house of world literature classics outstanding.
  "Adventures of Tom Sawyer," describes a nineteenth-century Mississippi River town, people's lives, can be said that life was a microcosm of American society. We can learn from the novel rich and poor, churches and schools, Religion and crime in all aspects of American life at that time.
  Mark Twain of the enthusiasm and sincere love for readers to create a small hero Tom Sawyer and his group of peers. Tom Sawyer is a growing child, he naughty, mischievous, but kind of cute happy others. He hated the teacher dry preaching church, he does not like day in the life of the school dry and tasteless, he looks to become the outlaw, he wanted to join the pirates, too new and exciting life. He is always dangerous moment, to come forward and out to make those cowardly "good boy" decent "outstanding student" act of justice can not be made, demonstrating their own charm.
  哈克贝里芬 is focused on characterization of the other "mischievous ghosts." He does not go to school, not educated, but they have a righteous heart, brave heart. Honest courage, do not do that we should learn
  The book is full of innocence, childlike, which may be of experiences. On the lack of parental care from childhood, because this will be seen and heard the child's written so vividly. Mark Twain to a child's experience, detailed description is filled with playful element. adults looked at, but also to re-experience the childhood life.
  "Ruined Hadleyburg"
  "Ruined Hadleyburg" is Mark. Twain, one of the most famous short stories. Hadleyburg as "the most honest and clean the whole town area" and renown. One day a stranger Edward. Richards left home the gold value of $ 40,000, to thank his ideas make him rich benefactor. Later, the city actually emerge is that many people claiming to be "benefactor," and they are all celebrities in town, the result is one became the object of ridicule.
  "Ascetic mind"
  "Ascetic mind," Mark Twain is a semi-autobiographical book, wrote his 1861 - 1866 years of adventure in the life of the western United States. This book, composed of hundreds of interesting stories, some Jiaoren laugh, some people Shenran.
  "Ascetic mind" is the second part of Mark Twain fame for, the book has a lot of lyrical, lively, humorous chapter highlights the author's writing style early.
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