county-level : Shito Ministry words > county
Traditional Chinese:  ( ????)Pinyin: xiàn, xuánHeader: 
Total Strokes: 7Extra Strokes: 5UTF-8: E5 8E BF
UTF-16: 53BFUTF-32: 000053BFGB 2312: 4756
Cangjie: BMIFour Corner Code: 7773One word full code: xian4qiesi
One word double code: xiqisiOne word single code: xqsCharacter structure: Top-(middle)-bottom
Level of decomposition: 5Strokes: 丨????一一一????丶Stroke sequence: 2511154
Stroke Description: vertical, turning, horizontal, horizontal, horizontal, turning, downwards-rightOthers' sequence: 2511154
Structure of components: 且(⺝(冂(丨????)二(一一))一)厶(????丶)
Simple Explanation
  County (County) xiàn a Chinese provincial level administrative divisions. County (County) xuán old with the "hanging." Stroke: 7; radicals: Si; stroke ID: 2511154
Detailed Explanation
  (Knowing. From the Department held the first down. Hoisted look like. (Xuán) original meaning: Suspension)
  County under the guise of "atlas" for the counties of the county〗 〖county. Administrative division units. Zhou county than the county, the county is the county after the Qin. This is an administrative division, under the region, autonomous prefectures and municipalities under the
  Yi County, then tied. - San Guowei Handan Chun "Humor"
  South Fan II Prefecture. - "Guangdong Military Affairs in mind"
  Longquan County. - Ming Liu Ji "sincerity of public Collection Bo Liu Wencheng"
  Clear the way home county. - "History of Ming Dynasty"
  Again: Xian Yin (a County Executive); County School (the old system in the county's schools, to nurture talents, education people, said county school); county (county-level Communist Party of China Committee for short)
  〗 〖Localauthorities official. Such as: County Jun (Song Dynasty official wife of a title); county (county government; County Government)
  The rule of ancient emperor, in Kyoto, within a thousand miles around, that Ji〗 〖feud. Such as: county (Confucianism is said, to within the four seas to Kyushu, one of the Guinea, the emperor of the rule); County Main (royal women of the title); County Princess (Han Wong woman title)
  See xuán
  Xian Cheng
  〗 〖Assistantofcountymagistrate Guan Ming. Placed in the beginning of the Warring States Period, Qin and Han rule _set_, typical instruments and positions in the prison, is the magistrate's main assistant. After all ages _set_. Slightly different functions
  County seat
  〗 〖Countytown towns where county government
  〗 〖County county (and proper names are not used in conjunction)
  Left out of our county population of less than three hundred thousand
  〖Countymagistrate: County Executive, where
  Magistrate urgent cable rent. - Tandoori Fu, "Song of the Chariots"
  Japan has little intrinsic magistrate. - Ming Lian "send Dongyang Horse Health Order"
  〗 〖Court: court
  Today all students to learn in the Imperial College, the magistrate for a little at a granary. - Ming Lian "send Dongyang Horse Health Order"
  〗 〖Countymagistrate Guan Ming, the Chief Executive of a county old
  The magistrate today. - "Han Feizi"
  Fragrance will be taken magistrate. - Qing Shao-heng, "Green left the door draft"
  Magistrate sent the media. - "New Poems Poems for the Making up Wife"
  County magistrate
  〗 〖Countymagistrate old magistrate's commonly known as
  Xian Wei
  〗 〖Anofficialjustbelowtheheadofthecounty Guan Ming. Located in the county magistrate or under. Charge of law and order
  Xian Wei Zhang Huang Gai was. - Qing Shao-heng, "Green left the door draft"
  County head
  〗 〖Theheadofacounty manage a county administrative officials. China's Qin and Han dynasties, more than management of the county as magistrate million, million, said County the following, Tang County, divided into three ranks, so long no longer divided, after the Song temporary management of the county government by the officials in the capital, calling to know certain county affairs, Ming and Qing magistrate renamed
  〗 〖Countymagistrate a County Executive, said Early Years
  County annals
  〖Countyannals; generalrecordsofacounty〗 devoted to documenting the county's history, geography, customs, people, culture, education, property, etc. Local Records
  Hang hung 〖〗
  County, the Department also. From the Department of the county agree. - "Said Wen."
  Li Ji, please make application, in order to speed at Quwo County. - "Mandarin Jin." Note: The "constriction also."
  No hunting is not hunting, Hu Zhan Xi Seoul court has county quail? - "Poetry Wei Feng Cutting Sandal"
  Seoul court has county special Xi.
  Seoul court has county quail Xi.
  Another example: magistrate (hanging order. That is, "Gao", "name only"); county car (hanging the reins, do not park the car. Metaphor is no longer official career retired)
  Maintain; tethered; Department of United tie〗 〖
  Union County plant room. - "Huainanzi the Classics"
  County coffin and seal. - "Book of Rites Tan Gong"
  Another example: The county must (cut off the hanging of the rope); County Alliance (wooden rafters and eaves phase of Office)
  Revealed; awarded reveal〗 〖Li
  County law to lure people. - "Han Food and Money"
  Another example: County Law (published in ancient laws, were suspended in the palace, the so known, so to say decree)
  Weighing; measure〗 〖weigh. Such as: County of stone (weighing stone); County severity (on balance)
  Old name suspension of musical instruments, such as Zhong Qing〗 〖instrument
  County are happy place. - "Little Zhou Xu." Note: "The case that Zhong Qing."
  Another example: County hanging (suspension means Zhong Qing and other musical instruments); County Xing (played Zhong Qing like musical instruments); County chime (chime hanging. Yu empty of all, poverty and)
  〗 〖Theslidingweightofasteelyard scale hammer
  Therefore, in order to balance the severity of Prudential County can not be bullied. - "Book of Rites by the solution." Note: "that the hammer also."
  Another example: Heng County (scale hammer)
  Far, the poor〗 〖beseparated
  Thousands of miles across the county. - "Han Ji Gotti"
  This solution is also ancient, so-called county. - "Great master Chuang Tzu." To Note: "nothing departments it."
  Another example: every county (far apart or very different. With the "hanging compartment"); County for a long time (long long duration); county away (and the poor; distant)
  See xiàn
More Simple Explanation
  County (knowing. From the Department held the first down. Hoisted look like. The original meaning of suspension) the county under the guise of the atlas, "tied for the counties of Yi County, then the county. - San Guowei Handan Chun" Humor "South County Fan II. - "Guangdong Military Affairs in mind," Longquan County. - Ming Liu Ji "sincerity Bo Liu Wencheng of public Collection" clear the way for the county home. - "History of Ming Dynasty," and if Xianyin (a County Executive); County School (located in the old system the county's schools, to nurture talents, education people, said county school); county (county-level Communist Party of China Committee for short) official County (County) xiàn ⒈ provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions under the leadership of an administrative region. ⒉ < Ancient> General "hanging." county xuán 1. hanging. 2. 古称 hanging musical instruments, such as Zhong Qing, etc. 3.. hanging Zhong Qing of a 4.. to maintain; tethered; line together. 5. gap; far. 6 . reveal; enacted legislation. 7. reward. 8. scale hammer. 9. weighing; measure. 10. Festival name. 11. name. Spring into the county from time to time. See "Historical Records. ZENY disciples Biography."
More Detailed Explanation
  County xian
  Radical Radical Si 02 total strokes 07 strokes
  County 2
  Hung [hang]
  County, the Department also. From the Department of the county agree. - "Said Wen."
  Li Ji, please make application, in order to speed at Quwo County. - "Mandarin Jin." Note constriction also. "
  No hunting is not hunting, Hu Zhan Xi Seoul court has county quail? - "Poetry Wei Feng Cutting Sandal"
  Seoul court has county special Xi.
  Seoul court has county quail Xi.
  Another example is the magistrate (the order was placed. That Gao "in name"); county car (hanging the reins, do not park the car. Metaphor is no longer official career retired)
  Maintain; tethered; Department Union [tie]
  Union County plant room. - "Huainanzi the Classics"
  County coffin and seal. - "Book of Rites Tan Gong"
  Another example is the county must (cut off the hanging of the rope); County Alliance (wooden rafters and eaves phase of Office)
  Revealed; awarded Li [reveal]
  County law to lure people. - "Han Food and Money"
  Another example is the county law (announcement of ancient laws, were suspended in the palace, the so known, so to say decree)
  Weighing; measure [weigh]. If the county stone (weighing stone); County severity (on balance)
  Old name suspension of musical instruments, such as Zhong Qing and other [instrument]
  County are happy place. - "Little Zhou Xu." Note that the Zhong Qing of the genus. "
  Another example is the county down (referring to musical instruments hanging Zhong Qing, etc.); County Xing (played Zhong Qing like musical instruments); County chime (chime hanging. Yu empty of all, poverty and)
  Scale hammer [the sliding weight of a steelyard]
  Therefore, in order to balance the severity of Prudential County can not be bullied. - "Book of Rites by the solution." Note that the hammer also. "
  Another example is the value the county (scale hammer)
  Far, the poor [be separated]
  Thousands of miles across the county. - "Han Ji Gotti"
  This solution is also ancient, so-called county. - "Great master Chuang Tzu." Note also the Department of nothing. "
  Another example is the county separated (far apart or very different. With the hanging compartment "); County for a long time (long long duration); county away (and the poor; distant)
  See xiàn
  County 1
  (Knowing. From the Department held the first down. Hoisted look like. (Xuán) the original meaning of suspension)
  County under the guise of the atlas "for the counties of the county [county]. Administrative division units. Zhou county than the county, the county is the county after the Qin. This is an administrative division, under the region, autonomous prefectures and municipalities under the
  Yi County, then tied. - San Guowei Handan Chun "Humor"
  South Fan II Prefecture. - "Guangdong Military Affairs in mind"
  Longquan County. - Ming Liu Ji "sincerity of public Collection Bo Liu Wencheng"
  Clear the way home county. - "History of Ming Dynasty"
  Another example Xian Yin (a County Executive); County School (the old system in the county's schools, to nurture talents, education people, said county school); county (county-level Communist Party of China Committee for short)
  Official [local authorities]. If the county Jun (Song Dynasty official wife of a title); county (county government; County Government)
  The rule of ancient emperor, in Kyoto, within a thousand miles around, that Ji [feud]. If the county (Confucian said to Kyushu within the four seas, one for Guinea, the emperor of the rule); County Main (royal women of the title); County Princess (Han Wong woman title)
  See xuán
  Xian Cheng
  [Assistant of county magistrate] Guan Ming. Placed in the beginning of the Warring States Period, Qin and Han rule _set_, typical instruments and positions in the prison, is the magistrate's main assistant. After all ages _set_. Slightly different functions
  County seat
  [County] County, (not, and proper names used in conjunction)
  Left out of our county population of less than three hundred thousand
  [County magistrate]: county governor
  Magistrate urgent cable rent. - Tandoori Fu, "Song of the Chariots"
  [Court]: court
  Today all students to learn in the Imperial College, the magistrate for a little at a granary. - Ming Lian "send Dongyang Horse Health Order"
  [County magistrate] Guan Ming, the Chief Executive of a county old
  The magistrate today. - "Han Feizi"
  Fragrance will be taken magistrate. - Qing Shao-heng, "Green left the door draft"
  Magistrate sent the media. - "New Poems Poems for the Making up Wife"
  County magistrate
  [County magistrate], commonly known as old magistrate
  Xian Wei
  [An official just below the head of the county] Guan Ming. Located in the county magistrate or under. Charge of law and order
  Xian Wei Zhang Huang Gai was. - Qing Shao-heng, "Green left the door draft"
  County head
  [The head of a county] to manage a county administrative officials. China's Qin and Han dynasties, more than management of the county as magistrate million, million, said County the following, Tang County, divided into three ranks, so long no longer divided, after the Song temporary management of the county government by the officials in the capital, calling to know certain county affairs, Ming and Qing magistrate renamed
  [County magistrate] said that a County Executive, Early Years
  County annals
  [County annals; general records of a county] devoted to documenting a county history, geography, customs, people, culture, education, property, etc. Local Records
  County 1
  xiàn ㄒ ㄧ ㄢ ╝
  China, an administrative division below the provincial level.
  Zheng code lczs, u53bf, gbkcfd8
  7 number of strokes, radical Si, Stroke No. 2511154
  County 2
  xuán ㄒ ㄩ ㄢ
  Old with the hanging. "
  Zheng code lczs, u53bf, gbkcfd8
  7 number of strokes, radical Si, Stroke No. 2511154
Kangxi Dictionary
Not concentrate  【】 【Ji Yun Guang Yun Yun will】 【】 【】 ???? Hu Yun Juan is cut, audio hanging. Department of Culture】 【that also. 【Note】 Xu Xuan said: This is a county of the hanging of the county, through the counties of the county. Add this popular heart, do not be suspended, meaning nothing to take. Yi Xi Ci】 【County as the next, great sun and the moon almost. Poetry Zhou Song】 【County should Tin Drum. Zhou Chun Xu 【small】 officials are happy the county of the place. Yan Li】 【ritual musicians County. Years】 【Zuo Cheng Fan Ying Qu County to North Korea. Former Han Ji】 【Gotti thousands of miles across the county. Huang Guang Yun】 【practice has cut】 【Ji Yun Ying silk cut, ???? sound hyun. Rhymes】 【Austin shaped cut, sound now. Release Name】 【County, also suspended, hanging in the county also. 【】 Old for Huan Guang Yun. Chen Chu Zhuangwang off the county, county since the beginning. 【】 Zhou day official state county large slaughter Fu. 【Note】 State County four. Stuart has a small】 【local officials for the county four Austin. And five rustic】 【then one for the county. 【Language】 three Xiang Lu for the county. Records of Emperor of the century】 【real great, holy, among the county buildings. 【Note】 County, Red County. Geography】 【Former Han at the world as a county. Also note】 【Records Jianghou family magistrate, that the emperor also. King official world, twenty years before the magistrate as well. Another name. County Ceremony Music Ceremony】 【Ben parent. 【】 County Historical Biography disciples Zhong Ni single parent. ○ Click "said the text" in the ???? Ministry of Unification into this.
Explain Word
County  System also. Support from the Department of ????. Juan Hu Chen-hyun cut etc.〗 〖note said: This is a county of the hanging of the county, through the counties of the county. Add this popular heart, do not be suspended, meaning nothing to take. Man II
No. 8
  Including land (state, league) cities, provincial cities districts, counties (banners), flag, county-level city
Translated by Google
No. 9
  County xiàn】 【term
  (Knowing. From the Department held the first down. Hoisted look like. (Xuán) original meaning: Suspension)
  County under the guise of "atlas" for the counties of the county〗 〖county. Administrative division units. Zhou county than the county, the county is the county after the Qin. This is an administrative division, under the region, autonomous prefectures and municipalities under. The county administrative divisions of Japan, the equivalent of China's provinces.
  Three-level administrative unit in China
  Yi County, then tied. - San Guowei Handan Chun "Humor"
  South Fan II Prefecture. - "Guangdong Military Affairs in mind"
  Longquan County. - Ming Liu Ji "sincerity of public Collection Bo Liu Wencheng"
  Clear the way home county. - "History of Ming Dynasty"
  Again: Xian Yin (a County Executive); County School (the old system in the county's schools, to nurture talents, education people, said county school); county (county-level Communist Party of China Committee for short)
  〗 〖Localauthorities official. Such as: County Jun (Song Dynasty official wife of a title); county (county government; County Government)
  The rule of ancient emperor, in Kyoto, within a thousand miles around, that Ji〗 〖feud. Such as: county (Confucianism is said, to within the four seas to Kyushu, one of the Guinea, the emperor of the rule); County Main (royal women of the title); County Princess (Han Wong woman title)
  See xuán
  Xian Cheng
  〗 〖Assistantofcountymagistrate Guan Ming. Placed in the beginning of the Warring States Period, Qin and Han rule _set_, typical instruments and positions in the prison, is the magistrate's main assistant. After all ages _set_. Slightly different functions.
  County seat
  〗 〖Countytown towns where county government
  〗 〖County county (and proper names are not used in conjunction)
  Left out of our county population of less than three hundred thousand
  〖Countymagistrate: County Executive, where
  Magistrate urgent cable rent. - Tandoori Fu, "Song of the Chariots"
  Japan has little intrinsic magistrate. - Ming Lian "send Dongyang Horse Health Order"
  〗 〖Court: court
  All students to learn in this Imperial College, the magistrate for a little at a granary. - Ming Lian "send Dongyang Horse Health Order"
  〗 〖Countymagistrate Guan Ming, the Chief Executive of a county old
  The magistrate today. - "Han Feizi"
  Fragrance will be taken magistrate. - Qing Shao-heng, "Green left the door draft"
  Magistrate sent the media. - "New Poems Poems for the Making up Wife"
  County magistrate
  〗 〖Countymagistrate old magistrate's commonly known as
  Xian Wei
  〗 〖Anofficialjustbelowtheheadofthecounty Guan Ming. Located in the county magistrate or under. Charge of security.
  Xian Wei Zhang Huang Gai was. - Qing Shao-heng, "Green left the door draft"
  County head
  〗 〖Theheadofacounty manage a county administrative officials. China's Qin and Han dynasties, more than management of the county as magistrate million, million, said County the following, Tang County, divided into three ranks, so long no longer divided, after the Song temporary management by the county government officials in the capital, calling to know certain county affairs, was renamed the Ming and Qing magistrate.
  〗 〖Countymagistrate Early Republic, said a county executive.
  County annals
  〖Countyannals; generalrecordsofacounty〗 devoted to documenting the county's history, geography, customs, people, culture, education, property and so on historical texts.
  County xuán】 【verb hang hung 〖〗
  County, the Department also. From the Department of the county agree. - "Said Wen."
  Li Ji, please make application, in order to speed at Quwo County. - "Mandarin Jin." Note: The "constriction also."
  No hunting is not hunting, Hu Zhan Xi Seoul court has county quail? - "Poetry Wei Feng Cutting Sandal"
  Seoul court has county special Xi.
  Seoul court has county quail Xi.
  Another example: magistrate (hanging order. That is, "Gao", "name only"); county car (hanging the reins, do not park the car. Metaphor is no longer official career retired)
  Maintain; tethered; Department of United tie〗 〖
  Union County plant room. - "Huainanzi the Classics"
  County coffin and seal. - "Book of Rites Tan Gong"
  Another example: The county must (cut off the hanging of the rope); County Alliance (wooden rafters and eaves phase of Office)
  Revealed; awarded reveal〗 〖Li
  County law to lure people. - "Han Food and Money"
  Another example: County Law (published in ancient laws, were suspended in the palace, the so known, so to say decree)
  Weighing; measure〗 〖weigh. Such as: County of stone (weighing stone); County severity (on balance)
  County xuán】 【term
  Old name suspension of musical instruments, such as Zhong Qing〗 〖instrument
  County are happy place. - "Little Zhou Xu." Note: "The case that Zhong Qing."
  Another example: County hanging (suspension means Zhong Qing and other musical instruments); County Xing (played Zhong Qing like musical instruments); County chime (chime hanging. Yu empty of all, poverty and)
  〗 〖Theslidingweightofasteelyard scale hammer
  Therefore, in order to balance the severity of Prudential County can not be bullied. - "Book of Rites by the solution." Note: "that the hammer also."
  Another example: Heng County (scale hammer)
  County xuán】 【adjective
  Far, the poor〗 〖beseparated
  Thousands of miles across the county. - "Han Ji Gotti"
  This solution is also ancient, so-called county. - "Great master Chuang Tzu." To Note: "nothing departments it."
  Another example: every county (far apart or very different. With the "hanging compartment"); County for a long time (long long duration); county away (and the poor; distant)
Translated by Google
English Expression
  1. n.:  County,  district,  subdivision
xian Township
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