Angiospermae : magnoliophyta > liliopsida
No. 1
  Aquatic or semi-aquatic herbaceous plants. Leaves alternate, basal-like, often dense near the top of the rhizomes or stolons was usually base expanded and sheathing. Inflorescence cymose umbrella, a racemose or panicles, sometimes solitary; neat flower base (majority), bisexual or unisexual; perianth 6, arranged in two outer 3 was calyx-like, the inner ring 3, petal-like; pistil 3 - 20 free (or base joint), arranged in a spiral arrangement.
  The head including to spend Lin Branch (Butomaceae) Alismataceae 3 families.
  The water turtle head (Hydrocharles)
  The purpose is just a subject, Hydrocharitaceae, morphological characteristics of the same family.
  Hydrocharitaceae (Hydrocharitaceae)
  Perennial (rarely annual) the floating, or Shen plants this, raw fresh or salt water. Stem or none. The leaf ro_set_te sometimes, sometimes two, alternate, born to whorled, or elbow differentiation lanceolate, oval or heart-shaped oval leaves and petioles. Flowers solitary, in pairs or arranged in inflorescences like, often spathe-like bracts or the bracts raw packet; usually solitary, rarely bisexual, actinomorphic; often the majority of male flowers arranged in umbrella shaped; single female flowers; tepals 1 - 2, 3 rounds, such as 2, the Ocean Shipping respect sheet, inner petals shaped, white, Qiang color, purple, blue or yellow; stamens usually majority of development to the heart, dilute 3 or 2, anthers outgoing, linear or oval; the pollen grains nearly spherical, often without colporate or monocolpate; ovary inferior, the carpel 3 - 6 (dilute 2 - 20), the same number of style and carpel, does not crack or 2-lobed, 3 - 6 Parietales the ovule majority. Fruit fleshy, berry-like, but usually irregular, or stellate cracking. Seeds of the minority to the majority, with the upright or slightly curved embryo. Chromosomes: X = 7 - 12.
  Bachelor 16 genera and about 100 species, mainly distributed in tropical and subtropical regions, some species are distributed in temperate. China has 9 genera and about 20 species, mainly produced in southern.
  The entry only betel nut Branch, morphological characteristics of the same family.
  Betel nut Division (Arecaceae) palm (Palmae)]
  Tree or shrub, upright alone, unbranched, rare for Fujimoto. Evergreen leaves, shaped, alternate, palmately lobed or pinnate, bud inward or outward folding, _set_ born tree at the top to form a "palm" canopy or climbing species scattered. Petioles often expanded into a fibrous sheath. Flowers small, usually yellowish green, bisexual or unisexual, the same strain or different strains, basically 3 base, neat or sometimes slightly irregular, composed of branched or unbranched spadix, outside the 1 to the number of pieces large shaped Buddha flame-like involucre wrapped, was born in foliage or sheath beam; tepals 6, arranged in two separate or connate; stamens 6,2 round, rare for 3 or more filaments separation or the base joint ring, anthers 2; the carpel 3, separation or varying degrees of joint; pollen nuclear Most monocolpate, also with 3-channel or ditch, or 2 holes; ovary superior 1 - 3 rooms , dilute 4 - 7 rooms, every room has an ovule; style short, stigma 3. The fruit is a drupe or berry, exocarp fleshy or fibrous, sometimes covered imbricate scales. Seeds with endocarp separation or bonding, endosperm, homogeneous or ruminate. Chromosomes: X = 13 - 18.
  Approximately 212 genera and more than 2780 species, distributed in tropical and subtropical to tropical America and tropical Asia distribution center. China has 22 genera (including cultivation), about 72 species, mainly distributed in the south to the south-eastern provinces, mostly for important fiber, oil, starch and ornamental plants.
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  danziye zhiwu gang
  一般认为单子叶植物是由已绝灭的原始双子叶植物中如毛茛类或睡莲类的祖先演化而来。H.休伯尔认为单子叶植物和毛茛类双子叶植物是同出于一个自然单位的极端两翼,而番荔枝科、马兜铃科、睡莲科及胡椒科为两翼间的纽带。即休伯尔认为单子叶植物起源是与毛茛类的祖先相关的。而A.克朗奎斯特则认为可作为单子叶植物起源的双子叶植物,应是草本、形成层活动力弱、有正常花被(即花被不特化)、单孔的花粉、离生心皮及薄片胎座的类群。在现存的双子叶植物目中,睡莲目具备此类特殊性,虽它非单子叶植物的直接祖先,但在前单子叶植物的双子叶植物中,有近似睡莲目的化石,见于晚白垩世阿尔比期(Albian epoch)。
  1964年H.梅尔希奥将单子叶植物纲分为沼生目(He-lobiae)等14目,А.Л.塔赫塔江和 A.克朗奎斯特改本纲为百合纲(Liliopsida)。1981年,克朗奎斯特,还将本纲分为泽泻亚纲(Alismatidae) 等 5个亚纲,共有泽泻目Alismatales等19个目(见被子植物门)。1980年,H.T.达尔格伦,改称本纲为亚纲,分为泽泻超目 (Alismatiflo-rae)等7个超目,共有水鳖目(Hydrocharitales)等26个目,各分类内容大都相似。
English Expression
  1. lat.:  liliopsida
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