preclinical medicine : applied psychology > medicopsychology
The highest institution of medical psychology of the domestic
  Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences - known as "China's counselors," the cradle, is the only national research institute of Psychology, Chinese Psychological Society is affiliated units. This unit is very strong in the direction of physiological psychology, neuroscience, cognition, especially terrible. Zhang Kan, president of the Chinese Psychological Society, Psychology dean Lin Zhongxian in this unit. Title of the subject within the degree have a right to grant, students graduating from the Chinese Academy of Sciences can be considered the "root seedlings are red", is definitely a job and academic prospects are excellent!
  Psychology is the psychology of the first to be approved at the national level doctoral and postdoctoral research and teaching of psychology units. Psychology in the November 3, 1981 the State Council approved the first doctoral degree to become one of the units. September 22, 2000 the State Council Academic Degrees Committee of concluding a psychology for the psychology doctoral and master's granted units. Psychology postdoctoral mobile stations in the February 14, 1995 at the National Postdoctoral Management Committee for approval by the fifteenth meeting.
  Psychology doctoral existing 6, Master 6, more than 20 doctoral supervisors, more than 20 master supervisors. Graduate students enrolled since 1956 have been recorded since more than 30 graduates. Since 1995, in order to meet the needs of graduate students has expanded steadily, the establishment of a Graduate Division, responsible for graduate affairs. Since then, the growing ranks of graduate students in the graduate school from around 20 in early 1994 to the present development of more than 180.
  Graduate of Psychology from 1995 to 2006 by the President Scholarship, Liu Ling scholarships, fellowships Gang Peng Yam, Wai Wah Science and Technology Scholarship, Procter & Gamble Austria outstanding doctoral fellowships and scholarships and other awards to a total of more than 100 people. Since the National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award since Psychology has been the only places in psychology doctoral students for three consecutive years to obtain.
  Psychology graduate students enrolled the first year of graduate school at the Chinese Academy of Sciences professional study in the second year into the issue back to the beginning of the paper work. In the first year of study, instructors will ask the students often return to participate in project work in order to complete the study and to graduate from the undergraduate focus on research-based concept of change, adapt to the research work. In the three-year doctoral student in the first semester of the course study time, public courses to complete the PhD in English and political learning, as well as degree courses, "Ph.D. Forum," the study. "Ph.D. Forum" is full of the Ph.D. advisor to doctoral students to open a course, each instructor for a seminar, open about 20 topics each.
  Psychology graduate teacher training to implement the responsibility system. The daily management of graduate students must have instructor consent, in the Graduate School of the record. Psychology graduate students attached great importance to ideological and moral education. Psychology, held every year "to celebrate Teacher's Day and welcome the new forum", please all the teachers and students. At the meeting, the leader of your current form and current tasks, the professor introduced me to the history of the development work after graduation by the doctoral and master, and graduate students will be experienced cadres to teach the students to new learning experiences warned that they should cherish the good times, more results, scheduled graduation, instructors are teaching students how to scholarship, how to behave, to encourage students to open up the courage, innovation, contribute to the cause of the power of psychology. Through this meeting, so that hard-won new understanding of the present conditions, should humbly ask for advice, study hard, continue to enrich themselves and be a useful person to society, but also closer to the tutor, the distance between the students and enhanced teacher understanding between students, but also encouraged the students morale. Shihai per academic year will just newly enrolled students and graduate school education back school students a forum Postgraduate Learning documents.
  Counseling Psychology, has a center for psychology graduate students a very good opportunity to practice. Counseling, founded in May 4, 1999, more than 20 existing members, all of various professional psychology doctoral and graduate students, and mental health counseling, senior psychology expert guidance.
  To build a high-quality teachers guide students to improve the quality of graduate training, psychology instructor _select_ion once every year. Tutor psychological self-examination of all rights, the State Council Academic Degrees Committee and the relevant provisions of the Ministry of Education, psychology instructors established a strict _select_ion system, from the applicant's moral and scholarship, research business capabilities, research output, the Graduate Students experience and research funding application to the circumstances and physical condition and other aspects of rigorous investigation to determine whether the teacher condition.
  As a good reputation and the special nature of the discipline and mental situation of the distribution of graduate students is very good, generally assigned to major universities, such as Peking University, Tsinghua University, Beijing Normal University, Renmin University of China, Capital Normal University, etc., as well as major companies is to do the work of human resources, to go abroad either.
  Book "medical psychology"
  Information on: Li Xin Yue Wenhao days
  Publisher: People's Medical Publishing House
  Page: 1262
  Publication Date: 2009
  ISBN: 9787509126516
  Binding: Hardcover
  Folio: 16
  Price: 298.00
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  "Medical Psychology (fine)" Chapter 68, editor of sub-12 comprehensive, systematic and detailed introduction to the history of medical psychology, basic theory and clinical applications, including health and disease presented in the process of mutual transformation of mental health and psychological problems , psychological distress, mental disorders, psychotic disorders and psychological rehabilitation. In particular, of the site visit Sichuan earthquake psychological guidance and research after the earthquake, the details of writing a "psychological crisis intervention" and other related content.
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  Li Xin days, in February 1942 graduated from Tsinghua University, Guiyang High School, June 1948 graduate of Xiangya School of Medicine (six years), and stayed any physicians. Professor Huang Youqi in 1951 to help build nerve Psychiatric Hospital. Commissioned by the Ministry of Health in 1952 and South Africa in our hospital neuropsychiatry training task of teachers, transferred to industry professionals attending physician provincial medical training. Professor by the Lingmin You (Dean), Professor Wong and I created neurology, psychiatry, neuropathology, and neuroanatomy courses. 1954 appointed deputy director of Department of neuropsychiatry, psychiatric director and other staff. April 1958 after the transfer of any individual group of Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Psychology (Study Group III - Medical Psychology Unit) Secretary, head of the (1963 -), director (1965-1969), the third Research group leader ( 1973-1978), medical research director of psychological and physiological psychology (1978-1985). Five Seven cadre delegation of Chinese Academy of Sciences (1969-1972) as a doctor. Department of Medical Psychology part-time director of Beijing Medical University, Professor (1985-1999), Peking Union Medical College (1987-1990), China Medical University (1986-1991) professor of medical psychology. Peking University Health Science Center for psychological counseling and therapy training director (1985-2000). He was vice chairman of the Chinese Mental Health Association, executive director of the Chinese Psychological Society, Medical Psychology Professional Committee, China Association of Higher Education Medical Education Committee of Medical Psychology Education Branch President and other staff. Director of the China Psychological Society, Clinical Psychology and Counseling Professional Committee (chips) Deputy Director, Medical Psychology Professional Committee. For our medical psychology and clinical neuropsychology one of the founders.
  Professor Yue Wenhao attaches great importance to basic and clinical integration, long-term Affiliated Hospital of Shandong Medical University, Chinese medicine, neurology cooperation. For example, with the director of neurology Zhu Hanying study the treatment of patients, and nearly ten thousand cases of neurological examination EMG. Created by brain evoked potentials, EEG, EMG, psychological tests of brain function as the index system, emphasizing the psychological and physiological study of the principle of integrating the study formed their own characteristics.
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Editor's Choice
  "Medical Psychology (fine)" are new, practical and guidance is strong, is the medical students, general medical and mental health nurses, psychologists, counselors, and (or) the essential book of psychological therapists.
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  First Zonglun
  Chapter 1 Introduction
  Changes in the traditional medical model of Section
  Section II of the research tasks of medical psychology
  Section of Medical Psychology and related disciplines dead branch
  Chapter 2 A Brief History of Medical Psychology
  Section of Medical Psychology in Medical Thought
  Section of modern formation and development of medical psychology
  Section of modern China Formation and Development of Medical Psychology
  Chapter 3 the basic theory of medical psychology and development
  International Journal of Psychology, Section on the basic theory of health and disease perspectives
  Section of Medical Psychology of the theoretical point of view of health and disease
  Section of Medical Psychology of the modern theory of fate - the theory of a possible trend
  Chapter 4 Methodology of Medical Psychology
  Section of Medical Psychology in the Study of general issues
  Section of Medical Psychology Psychological research methods commonly used
  Methods Section of Neurobiology
  IV statistical methods in medical psychology
  Second medical psychology of the physical, psychological, social basis of knowledge
  Chapter 5 brain, the basis of mental activity
  Section I of the brain functional structure
  Functional properties of brain II
  Section the brain chemical reaction system
  Chapter 6 Perception eleven objective reality of information transmission and processing
  Section sense and reality
  Section II feel perception: bottom-up and top-down processing
  Section III interoceptive
  Chapter 7 states of consciousness
  Section Overview
  Section level of consciousness
  Section to change the material state of consciousness
  Chapter 8 Learning & Memory
  Section classification of learning and memory
  Section of brain memory trace
  Chapter 9 of the brain mechanisms of speech and thought
  Section speech production and understanding the brain mechanisms
  The basis of thinking and brain II
  Chapter 10 Emotional and Stress
  Section emotion theory and early experiments
  Brain mechanisms of emotion II
  Biological Psychology Section view of mood disorders
  Section of Psychological Stress
  Chapter 11 will
  Section Overview
  Section II of the will of the physiological and psychological
  Section III will of the obstacles
  Chapter 12 and the biological basis of personality
  Section Overview
  Section II of factors affect the formation of personality
  Personality and Biology Section
  Chapter 13 Social Behavior
  Section I of the biological basis of social behavior
  Section Social Cognition
  Section III of social interaction
  Third of mental health
  Chapter 14 Overview of Mental Health
  Section of Mental Health Standards
  Mental Health Promotion Section
  Chapter 15 Psychological Development and Mental Health
  The general rules of Section psychological development
  Mental Health Section of fetal
  Children's Mental Health Section
  Adolescent Mental Health Section
  Section V of the mental health middle-aged
  Section VI Menopause Mental Health
  VII elderly mental health
  VIII life care
  Chapter 16 Group Psychology and Mental Health
  Family Mental Health Section
  Community Mental Health Section
  Mental Health Section
  Mining Section of Mental Health
  Mental Health V motor vehicle drivers
  Section VI Mental Health Navigation
  Section VII of the military organization of mental health
  Section VIII of the Mental Health Pilots
  IX astronaut mental health
  Air traffic controllers in section X of mental health
  Section XI of mental health law enforcement officers
  Section XII of mental health researchers
  Section XIII Management of Mental Health
  Mental Health Section journalists
  Mental Health V king of laid-off staff
  Mental health of migrant workers section XVI
  Chapter 17 in the field of occupational medicine psychological problems
  Psychology Section of Occupational Medicine
  Section II of the patient's psychological characteristics and occupational therapy
  Chapter 18 and Mental Health
  Section Five of the levy
  Section II of the psychological structure
  Section III the principle of sexual health
  Section IV of family planning and mental health
  Relationship between physical illness and psychosomatic Part IV
  Chapter 19 pain-related psychological problems and treatment
  Section mechanisms of pain
  Section II of chronic pain
  Section III of the control and management of pain
  Chapter 20 in the field of medicine and treatment of psychological problems
  Section Overview
  Section II of cardiovascular disease and treatment of psychological problems
  Section III of respiratory diseases and treatment of psychological problems
  Section digestive diseases and treatment of psychological problems
  V endocrine and metabolic diseases and treatment of psychological problems
  Section VI genitourinary system diseases and treatment of psychological problems
  Section VII neuromuscular diseases and treatment of psychological problems
  Chapter 27 in the field of surgery and treatment of psychological problems
  Section surgery and treatment of the patient's psychological problems
  Section II of the psychological problems of organ transplantation and treatment of patients
  Section dialysis patients and treatment of psychological problems
  Equipment operation during the fourth quarter of psychological problems and treatment
  Chapter 22 in the field of obstetrics and gynecology and treatment of psychological problems
  Section obstetrics and treatment of psychological problems
  Section gynecology and treatment of psychological problems
  Chapter 23 in the field of pediatric psychosocial problems and treatment
  Section chronic psychological problems and treatment of children
  Section mental retardation and treatment of psychological problems of children
  Section III and treatment of common childhood behavior disorders
  Chapter 24 in the process of plastic surgery and treatment of psychological problems
  Section of Psychology of plastic surgery
  Psychotherapy Section of plastic surgery
  Chapter 25 in the field of dermatology and treatment of psychological problems
  Section Overview
  Section urticaria patients and treatment of psychological problems
  Section neurodermatitis and treatment of the patient's psychological problems
  Section IV of patients with psoriasis and treatment of psychological problems
  Chapter 26 eyes, facial features and psychological problems in the field of dentistry and treatment
  Section of Ophthalmology and treatment of the patient's psychological problems
  Section II of the psychological problems of facial features and treatment of patients
  Section dentistry and treatment of the patient's psychological problems
  Chapter 27 human cancer patients and treatment of psychological problems
  Section Overview
  Section II of cancer patients diagnosed psychological reaction after
  Section III cancer patients may suffer from psychological problems and treatment essentials
  Chapter 28 Psychological Issues in AIDS prevention
  Between the first and AIDS-related individual and group psychology
  Section II of HIV infection and the patient's psychological support
  Part V Mental disorders
  Chapter 29 Overview
  Section of normal and abnormal psychological criteria
  Section II of the reasons for the formation of mental disorders
  Chapter 30 Mental disorders during
  Chapter 31 Personality Disorders
  Chapter 32 of the psychological disorder and sexual dysfunction
  Chapter 33 psychological barrier under special conditions
  Title VI of the relationship between psychology and the human brain
  VII and psychological care physician-patient relationship
  The eighth chapter of Medical Psychology Consulting
  IX Medical Psychological Assessment
  Psychological treatment of the tenth chapter
  X a drug treatment of psychological disorders
  Psychological rehabilitation of the precedent
  ... ...
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  Preparation of "medical psychology" large reference book version 2 of the guiding ideology of the new concept of health. World Health Organization (WH0) 1946 years will defined health as "health is a physical, psychological and social state of perfection, not merely the absence of disease and weakness." Because doctors and medical students not only in the knowledge structure of the biological mechanisms of disease, disease duration, diagnostic criteria and biological drugs, surgical treatment, but also understand the causes of psychological diseases, social factors, environmental impact, with rehabilitation, life-long prevention concepts of health.
  "Medical Psychology" large reference book version 1 by Li Xin-day editor, Guonian Feng, Liang Baoyong, Xu Bin, Huang Fu-En, Wang Tao, Zhao Geng source, Jun Xu Mian, Yuewen Hao, Li Ming Gao, Gong Yaoxian, Bi Xi name, Hu Peicheng other 12-bit code edited by the Committee and to write 129 in 1998 by the Beijing Medical University and Peking Union Medical University Joint Publishing House, the book 1,506,000 words, covers a wide range of rich content, medical institutions of higher education, scientific research, medical reference value, after the publication of well received by many printing, are sold out. In view of the original author of what the older generation of Mu-Tao, Sheila Sheu, Wan Wen Peng, Zhang Sufan has died, the original editorial board Guonian Feng, En Huangfu, Gong Yaoxian, Li Ming Gao is also due to illness can not write, so in the first 2 to adjust the personnel, by the Ho Mu-Tao Yang Yanchun succession, Wu Zhenyun then Sheila Sheu, Li Xin-day access Guonian Feng, Dan-Min Miao pick En Huangfu, HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY pick Gong Yaoxian, Liu Ying Li Ming Gao received. Book is divided into twelve: first Zonglun heart day by Li, Yue Wenhao, Liang Baoyong, Du Wendong responsible; second medical psychology of the physical, psychological, social basis of knowledge is responsible for the Xu Bin; third mental health effects from the King Road, Gu Yu Qi responsible; Title IV somatic and psychosomatic diseases is responsible for relations from Liu Ying; fifth chapter is responsible for mental disorders by the crown Xu Jun; the sixth chapter the relationship between psychology and the human brain by the United States Tom Chi, Li Xin-day responsibility; VII physician-patient relationship and psychological care by the Chen Sukun responsible; eighth chapter Zhao Geng medical psychological consultation by the source is responsible for; IX is responsible for medical psychological evaluation by a HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY; tenth chapter is responsible for psychological treatment by the Hu Peicheng; X a psychological barrier is responsible for drug treatment by the Yang Yanchun; precedent psychological rehabilitation by the Yuewen Hao, were responsible for the completion of Greece.
  This book serves not only as teaching institutions of higher medical reference books, but also for hospital doctors, nurses, clinical diagnosis, treatment and care needs. In addition, mental health care in the mental health division, and engaged in psychological counseling and ( or) work in psychotherapy and psychological consultant (or) is useful for therapists reference.
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English Expression
  1. :  medical psychology
  2. n.:  medicopsychology
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