vegetation Promote class > agriculture
① Agronomy category
  Agriculture is officially the mainland of China by science, engineering, agriculture, medicine, philosophy, economics, law, education, literature, history, management and so one of the eleven disciplines.
  Agriculture (Agricultural Sciences) is a research and crop production related areas of science, including crop growth and development of its relations with the outside environmental conditions, pest control, soil and nutrition, cropping systems, breeding and other fields.
  Agriculture (Agricultural Sciences) is the study of agricultural development in natural and economic laws of science, which involve agricultural environment, crop and livestock production, agricultural engineering and agricultural economy with a variety of scientific and comprehensive. Forestry and Fishery Sciences is sometimes included in the broad sense within the context of agricultural science.
  See "University undergraduate course catalog"
  09 subject categories: Agriculture
  0901 Plant Production
  090101 Agronomy
  090102 tropical crops
  090 109 medicinal plants (part)
  090108 Soil and Agricultural Chemistry (part)
  090112W tobacco
  090102 Horticulture
  090103 Horticulture
  090,104 fruit trees
  090105 Vegetables
  090106 Ornamental Horticulture (part)
  090103 Plant Protection
  090107 Plant Protection
  090104 △ tea
  090,110 tea
  0902 Grassland class
  090,201 Grassland
  090,111 grass study
  0903 Forest Resources
  090301 Forestry
  090201 Forestry
  090 202 forest protection
  090 203 forest
  090 204 Development and Utilization of Plant Resources (part)
  090 302 Forest Resources Conservation and Recreation
  090 204 Development and Utilization of Plant Resources (part)
  090206W Forest Tourism
  090303 Wildlife and Nature Reserve Management
  090,205 Wildlife Conservation and Utilization
  090 605 Reserve resource management
  0904 environment and ecology class
  090,401 garden
  090106 Ornamental Horticulture (part)
  090,301 garden
  090302 Landscape Architecture (part)
  090402 Soil and Water Conservation and Desertification Control
  090303 Soil and Water Conservation
  090304 Desert Control
  090403 Agricultural Resources and Environment
  090108 Soil and Agricultural Chemistry (part)
  090305 Agricultural Environmental Protection (part)
  090604 fishery resources and fishery management (part)
  070904 Agricultural Meteorology (part)
  Animal Production Class 0905
  090 501 Animal Science
  090401 Animal Husbandry and Veterinary (part)
  090402 Livestock
  090,405 bees Studies (part)
  090406 Animal nutrition and feed processing
  090502 △ Sericulture
  090,404 Sericulture
  Veterinary Medicine Class of 0906
  090,601 Veterinary Medicine
  090401 Animal Husbandry and Veterinary (part)
  090,403 animals
  090407 Veterinary
  090408 Veterinary
  090409 Animal Medicine
  0907 Fisheries
  090701 Aquaculture
  090501 Freshwater Fisheries
  090 502 Mariculture
  090 702 Marine Fisheries Science and Technology (Note: You can grant a bachelor degree or agriculture)
  090,503 Marine Fisheries
  090604 fishery resources and fishery management (part)
  (△: strict control _set_tings)
  ② agronomy (090 101) is the next one. Business training objectives: the professional training with crop production, crop breeding and seed production and management and other basic theory, basic knowledge and basic skills in agriculture and other related departments or units engaged in agriculture-related technology and design , promotion and development, operation and management, teaching and scientific research work of the senior scientific and technical personnel.  business training requirements: The students mainly study of agricultural biotechnology, agro-ecological science, crop growth and inheritance and other basic theory and basic knowledge of crop production and crop by breeding new varieties and other aspects of basic training, with crops breeding, crop cultivation and farming, seed production and testing and other basic skills.  graduates should acquire the following knowledge and abilities:  1. Have a solid foundation in mathematics, physics, chemistry and other basic theoretical knowledge;  2. Master disciplines of biology and agriculture the basic theory, basic knowledge;  3. With agriculture production, especially crop production skills and methods;  4. Jubei awareness of sustainable development of agriculture and basic knowledge of agricultural production and scientific and technical understanding of the scientific frontier and trends;  5. familiar with agricultural production, rural work with the relevant guidelines , policies and regulations;  6. to master scientific literature search, data query the basic method, has some scientific research and practical work;  7. a strong research and decision-making, organization and management, oral and writing skills , with independent access to knowledge, information processing and innovative basic skills.  Main Subject:  Main courses: Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, applied probability and statistics, genetics, field experimental design, agricultural ecology, crop cultivation and Farming, breeding, seed science, agricultural economics and management, agricultural extension major  Practice Education: including teaching practice, production practice, curriculum design, Thesis (Graduation), research training, production and labor, social practice, the general arrangement of not less than 30 weeks.  major professional experiment: plant growth forms, field diagnostics, crop hybridization and _select_ion, seed production  Duration: four years  Degree: Bachelor  similar professional agriculture: horticulture, plant protection  create institutions: the University of Science and Technology, Sichuan Agricultural University, Southwest Tibet, Guizhou, Yunnan Agricultural University University University University of Ningxia, Qinghai, Gansu Agricultural University, Xinjiang Agricultural University, Beijing Agricultural University, Tianjin Vocational Technical Teachers College, Hebei Agricultural College, Hebei Agricultural University, Shanxi Agricultural University, Inner Mongolia University, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Yanbian University, Jilin Agricultural University, Heilongjiang August First Land Reclamation University Northeast Agricultural University, Yangzhou University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Anhui Agricultural University, Jiangxi, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University Laiyang Agricultural University, Shandong Agricultural University, Henan Agricultural University Henan Agricultural University Henan Vocational Technical Teachers College Yangtze University, Zhanjiang Ocean University, Hunan Agricultural University, Chung-Kai Hainan, Guangxi University of Agriculture and Technology University China Agricultural University, Shenyang Agricultural University, Huazhong Agricultural University, Nanjing Agricultural University South China Agricultural University South China University of Tropical Agriculture, Southwest Agricultural University Northwest A & F University, Tarim University, Hefei Economic and Technological Institute of Shihezi University of Yancheng Institute of Huaiyin Institute of Zhejiang University, Foshan University Xiaogan Hebei Institute of Architectural Science and Technology Hebei North University, Datong, Shanxi
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History of agricultural science
  Early agriculture, "Han Yi Wen" has been specifically listed as "farmer" on a total of 9, 114. Which recorded "When the six countries," Agriculture is basically nothing works exist, we see the pre-Qin literature specifically on agriculture, only the "Lu" in the "on farm", "any place", one "soil" "When the trial" Four.
  "Lu" in the "on farm" and four is the pre-Qin writings of the most systematic agriculture, which is basically taken from the "Book Filled with farmers." "Hou Ji agricultural book" should be the earlier works of the Warring States. The agricultural book in the "Han Dynasty History" is not mentioned, we can see it has already lost, but fortunately in the "Lu" in this part of the reservation. Among them, "the farm" article about the agricultural policy; "any place", one "earth", "trial time" three, talking about agricultural technology.
  We now can see the Han agricultural book, the "Book of Bom win" and "Simin on order."
  The formation of modern agricultural science is only 100 years of history, but its occurrence and development of the process of a long history. Ancient astronomy, phenology, calendar, measuring the formation of such knowledge, in fact, with the practice of early human agricultural production related to agricultural production was one of the conditions of the seasons changing laws, and land-use methods to explore the results reflected.
  Later, an attempt to understand people from the agricultural environment, and progress to try to change the environmental conditions and agricultural production and the object itself, but also promotes soil tillage, fertilization, irrigation, and crop breeding and cultivation, livestock breeding and breeding knowledge and so on gradually systematized. China's vast agricultural book space for the brilliant achievements of ancient agricultural research provided strong evidence.
  After the mid 19th century, the natural sciences such as biology, chemistry, physiology, genetics, entomology, microbiology, soil science and meteorology research results, and experimental methods have been gradually used in agriculture, promote agricultural research from the experience level to a qualitative change in modern agricultural science. Liebig's 1840 classic "organic agriculture and physiology in the application" was published, the general system of modern agricultural science that marked the beginning of the development.
  Since then, based on experiments by the gates of Agricultural Sciences has formed. Agricultural chemical application in crop cultivation, resulting in the establishment of the chemical fertilizer industry and plant physiology, the development of plant nutrition, crop cultivation technologies and therefore more scientific. Mendelian genetics and genetic theory put forward, resulting in the birth of the modern 作物育种学. As the biochemistry, physiology, pathology, anatomy and genetics and other disciplines, the principle used for livestock production, livestock breeding, breeding and feed science and veterinary science, also developed rapidly.
  Early 20th century, power machinery, especially tractors and other motorized farm implements internal combustion engine to gradually extend to the situation of animal power for agricultural change has accelerated the process of agricultural mechanization. The resulting scientific agricultural machinery, to continue to improve agricultural productivity to provide a theoretical basis.
  After World War II, the rise of synthetic chemical industry, and promoted a variety of pesticides, herbicides and plastics, and other agricultural research, plant protection means more improvements. Cytogenetics and molecular genetics with the development of biotechnology, genetic engineering, application in agriculture beginning of the study results, suggesting a new breeding technology revolution. The ecology and systems science applications in agriculture, from the macro development of agricultural science has opened up new ways and fields.
  At the same time, the nuclear technology, computer and remote sensing, remote sensing and other tools provided by new research, but also the agricultural research have been and are being more precision. Now, thanks to advances in agricultural technology, agricultural producers not only have been possible even a few times several times to improve agricultural productivity, and can greatly improve the yields of a variety of animal and plant products, to effectively improve product quality, and significantly mitigate the adverse natural conditions, pests and loss caused. Agricultural productivity, agricultural science has become an indispensable part of the modernization of agriculture and increase agricultural production levels high speed necessary conditions.
  Of course, the improvement of agricultural productivity, not just benefit from the natural sciences. Agricultural economy development of science, for people to more consciously to carry out economic laws based on agricultural production, transformation and improvement of agricultural production relations in the rational organization of agricultural productivity, improve agricultural production, circulation, distribution links and improving economic efficiency, also played a a big role.
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Content and a branch of agricultural science
  The diversity of agricultural production and production conditions the object of the complexity of the decision of the wide range of agricultural science and in various categories, which focus on basic theory, but also focus on applied technology. With the mutual penetration of related disciplines, the new emerging field of study, academic content areas is still expanding.
  According to the current situation, in addition to Forestry and Fisheries Sciences and another independent disciplinary system, the agricultural science can generally be summarized into five main categories, each category there are a number of disciplines and their respective branches.
  ENVIRONMENT agricultural environment is the survival and development of agricultural bio-material conditions, the generalized also include organic environment, that is agricultural biotechnology than the other biological factors, but the habit often refers to sunlight, temperature, water, air and soil inorganic environment conditions. Agriculture is to agricultural biotechnology Environmental Science - Environmental occurrence and development, composition and structure, regulation and control, adaptation and utilization of the research. Currently there are more mature branches of soil science, agricultural meteorology. Agriculture, including irrigation and water conservancy engineering science, environmental science is an integral part of agriculture, but has developed into an independent discipline.
  Crop Science, also known as agriculture or agronomy. In addition to their study field crops, but also includes fruit, vegetables, flowers and other horticultural crops. Crop production is a complex interaction of many factors the process of crop production science that is often integrated with the natural sciences it is difficult to completely separate subject, but in practice has also developed some of the more systematic studies.
  作物育种学 and the role of crop cultivation is to increase crop yield, quality and resilience, and even change the plant configuration and plant organs to adapt cultivation, packaging and storage and other measures of need. Plant pathology, agricultural entomology, weed science, science and the role of pesticides lies in minimizing the loss of crop production.
  With further research, further differentiation of these disciplines on the one hand, such as plant pathology subdivided into pathogenic fungi, Plant Bacterial Diseases, plant virology, plant nematodes, Plant immunology; the other hand, they they tend to integrated, such as pest control in the use of integrated control, plant protection measures and breeding, farming and cultivation and combination of measures. This has led to ecological and systems science in agricultural production and more attention.
  Animal Science is good for the economy to increase production of livestock, poultry and meat, milk, eggs, fur and other animal services science. Among them, the development of livestock breeding and heterosis and artificial insemination, embryo transfer and other technology, has greatly accelerated the rate of breeding livestock and poultry breeding. Advances in animal nutrition, has become increasingly clear to reveal a variety of animals in different situations of nutritional needs, and a variety of nutrients in a number of feed content.
  Computing technology to study the best diet plan, and effectively promoted the development of feed industry and livestock production mechanization and the factory to improve the breeding density and labor productivity, shorten the production cycle and make products more standardized .
  Veterinary science is a big subject of independence, many countries do not include it within the scope of Agricultural Sciences. But because it is closely related to Animal Husbandry in many cases will be compared between the two.
  Veterinary Science is important because it is to improve the environmental health conditions in animal husbandry, prevention diagnosis and treatment of animal diseases, thereby reducing economic losses caused by disease possible. Trends in the increasingly industrialized livestock production and intensive conditions, the role of veterinary science will become more prominent. Subordinate branch of veterinary medicine including veterinary microbiology veterinary parasitology, animal diseases, veterinary medicine, veterinary surgery, veterinary science and other obstetric and veterinary drugs.
  Agricultural engineering science is biology and modern agriculture, a combination of modern engineering an applied science. It combines the application of engineering knowledge, to improve agricultural production (including agricultural processing, storage and transportation) and environmental conditions, technology and services and, sometimes, to improve the living conditions of service of farmers.
  Early studies of agricultural engineering to resolve the major agricultural machinery only to the design, manufacture, use, management and sales services issues. The scope of the present study has been extended to agricultural buildings and environmental control, soil and water resources, rural energy development and utilization. Targeting the agricultural system, agricultural systems engineering applications in agriculture distribution, water ecosystems, crops and integrated pest population physiological aspects of agricultural production will be systematic, quantitative study and the most important means of optimization.
  Economic science to agricultural production relations in agriculture and productivity of movement of the object, agricultural production, exchange, distribution and consumption of various kinds of social relations in the process, and the use of agricultural productivity and composition of the various elements of the situation, the productive sectors of agriculture proportional relationship with the layout of agricultural production and other economic effects of technical measures. Some of them have formed a relatively independent branch of agricultural production, such as economics, management and economics.
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Prospects for the development of agricultural science
  Development needs in the promotion of agricultural production, the current agricultural science, whether in the field of micro-or macro-have continued to move forward. Particularly striking was the fact that many problems of agricultural production, requiring multi-disciplinary, multi-disciplinary co-ordination, agricultural science, on the basis of the continued breakdown of the trend to integration is strengthening, which gave birth to many new subjects and new professional.
  Such as comprehensive management services in low-yielding areas of the country regional governance of science-breeding high-yield, high quality, strong resistance and wide adaptability of the improved varieties, and the collection of genetic breeding, plant pathology, plant physiology and other disciplines of knowledge in one of the "Genetic Evaluation and the use of "professional and so on. Efficient means of research and is further precision. The same broad international cooperation in scientific research collaboration and research are further developed.
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English Expression
  1. n.:  agriculture,  agronomy,  science or practice of cultivating the land and rearing animals,  farming,  science of controlling the soil to produce crops
agricultural science, nongke, agronomy, zuowuxue
Nongxue Village
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Expandgenetic engineeringExpandplumExpandtheriatricsExpandnatural reserve
Expandenvironmental resourcesExpandagriculture environmental scienceExpandagriculture engineeringExpandbriny
Expandfarming scienceExpandmedicinal plantExpandGround And agrochemistryExpandCropper life midwifery
Expandagriculture engineering scienceWhite Dewoptionrepetition
functionWaking of Insectsexamsample
brightnessdelitescenceGrand Torreya Seedancestry
unginned cottonbloatcontinuousaccommodate
Brassicasubsist in hardshipagriculture electrificationtarget theory
labelled compoundstratify disposelife colelife corn
purity determinationArise mete divinationradiotracerBranching model
branching divinationradioprotectionOrange maggotsSorghum Mangying
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