military affairs > detach
No. 1
  Pinyin: jūnduì
  English: [army]
  Explanation: for the political purposes of the armed groups
  [Array]: a group of soldiers
  Army (English: army, French: Armée de terre)
  With the military class and the emergence of countries appear, development, and will die out with the class and the state die out. In different historical stages and different countries, the evolution of the armed forces with the social productivity, economic and political system reform, science and technology, wars and military development of the theory closely linked to such factors.
  Later on, China has gradually evolved into semi-feudal society, the army started to accept Western influence and to change. Army formally divided into the Army, Navy, two military services. "New Army" _set_ step, horses, artillery, engineering, baggage and other arms, according to the town, Hip, standard, business, team, volleyball, studio sequence preparation, equipment from the Western acquisition and imitation firearms, drill Western drill book and tactics. Navy has been compiled by the Northern Sea, Southeast Asia, Fujian, Guangdong and other Navy (Fleet).
  Republic of China period, the Kuomintang troops divided land, sea and air three services. Army have established a armored, communications, chemical warfare, engineering, railway corps and other forces, change march, division, brigade, regiment, battalion, company, platoon and squad's preparation.
  Class society in China for thousands of years of history, slaves, peasants, members of the public class, and even the national bourgeoisie, the ruling class to resist oppression, to resist foreign invasion, the army has hundreds of times to organize the uprising. Although most of the rebels failed, and some were slave owners, landlords, comprador and other use of the exploiting class, as a tool for regime change, but in a certain period of time against the ruling class, in different degrees, have promoted the development of society.
  China's new people's army in the Chinese Communist Party led the Chinese people's revolutionary struggle, the creation and development of a new people's army ─ ─ PLA. August 1, 1927, the Chinese Communist Party has led the Nanchang Uprising, the Autumn Harvest Uprising Xianggan Bian, Guangzhou Uprising and many other areas of the uprising. Compiled over the Red Army troops began the uprising. Agrarian Revolutionary War, Red Army established the Army People's Army line, principles and principles, developed a corresponding system. At that time, the Red Army troops distributed among the revolutionary base areas, different size of the organization, preparation and equipment vary. Mainly infantry, and gradually _set_ up a small amount of cavalry, artillery, engineers, signal corps unit, using machetes, spears and seized rifles, machine guns, light artillery combat. General by Army, Corps, corps, division, brigade, regiment, battalion, company, platoon and squad of the sequence and the "three-thirds" principle establishment. Anti-Japanese War, the Red Army reorganized as the National Revolutionary Army Eighth Route Army and New Fourth Army, deep behind enemy lines, adhere to an independent guerrilla war. Usually divided into the main forces, local forces and guerrilla forces, mainly by seizing on, the puppet troops to supplement and improve the weapons themselves. The liberation war, the Eighth Route Army, the New Fourth Army was renamed the People's Liberation Army. Expanding, weapons and equipment improved. Artillery, engineering, communications unit has made great progress, railway corps troops and tank crews, anti-chemical warfare unit began to build. Forces divided into field armies, local forces and guerrilla forces. Armies in the field by field army, corps, column (Army), division, regiment, battalion, company, platoon and squad preparation sequence.
  The armed forces of other countries around the 4th millennium BC to the early 6th century BC, ancient Egypt, the Sumerian, Akkadian, Ur, Babylon, Hittite, Assyrian, Urartu, and India appeared early slavery the army, as plunder slaves, livestock and property, suppression of the slave uprising tool. Members of the armed forces are mainly slave and freemen. Mainly infantry arms, and some car soldiers, cavalry, and some also _set_ up a maritime fleet. The initial use of wood, stone weapons, and later with copper, iron cooling weapons. When fighting the implementation of a positive impact. After the 6th century BC, ancient Greek, Roman and other slavery Army has appeared in public. China military formation according to property standards, the richest slave editor for the cavalry, occupy more land, slaves, editor of the heavy infantry, non-sole for servants and slaves army composed of light infantry. General Code ten teams, a hundred teams, to take intensive matrix operations, the largest square up to people. 5th century BC, Athens and Sparta, the armed forces have the military transition to employment by the people standing army. 2nd century BC, the Roman slave people standing army troops have been replaced by employment. To heavy infantry, light infantry and cavalry regiment as the basic unit mixed, administered a number of squadrons, teams and hundreds of people groups, the main use of iron spears, swords, javelins, bows and arrows and other weapons, and ladders, towers, battering ram, crossbow siege artillery and other equipment, and gradually abandoned phalanx tactics, the soldiers put into before, during and after the three operations.
  Since the 4th century AD onwards, in Europe, Asia and some countries, with the collapse of slavery, the feudal system gradually formed, landowners and aristocrats into the armed forces seize territory, conquer alien, a tool for repression of peasants. In medieval Europe a thousand years, the cavalry as the main army. Although the number of multiple infantry, but the organization is loose, in combat, the general responsible for secondary tasks. 15th century, guns, guns equipment, a large number of troops, causing the changing military structure. Again become a major combat infantry forces, there has been company, battalion, regiment, brigade and other formal establishment. Western European countries to establish standing mercenaries.
  During World War II, further expand the scale of the belligerent forces. Appears with various arms army corps, Army, tank crews, artillery on the battlefield to play a major role. Equipment, aircraft carriers and submarines in the Navy fleet in the battle played a great power. Air Force into a powerful and effective strategic and tactical air force's air defenses. After the war, the new birth and development of all socialist countries of the socialist type of army. Many colonies, semi-colonial countries, there has been fighting for national liberation and independence of the army. In the world, increasing the Army armored forces, there has been missile (rocket) unit, electronic unit; the rapid development of the Navy submarine force, air force units, the development of nuclear power plants, missile weapons systems and new electronic equipment; air in most countries become an independent armed service, a lot of equipment, jet aircraft, the development of supersonic jets, missiles, nuclear weapons and new electronics to the military on land, sea and air to expand the scope of activities, improve the combat capability. The Soviet Union and other countries also established a separate strategic rocket forces and air defense forces.
  Modern world forces, the leadership system, and generally the heads of state or the ruling party as the supreme commander, and _set_ in the Government Department of Defense, _set_ up in the military leadership and command organization. Structure in the army, according to operational areas, mission and major weapons and equipment, are generally divided into land, sea, air, and some have strategic rocket forces and air defense forces. Within the military services in many countries still distinguish between arms, a specialized arm leadership. In the military system, the Army general into divisions (brigades), regiment, battalion, company, platoon and squad preparation sequence, and some have also made the military or army. Navy are fleet as the basic unit of grouping. Air Force wing in most countries to the highest division or combat unit, the Soviet Army to Army, Air Force is the highest U.S. military combat units. Compiled in the army, continue to develop the synthesis of various armed services, and the formation of rapid reaction force. Scale in the organization, usually a lean standing and a huge reserve army of the combination of maintaining an army for the benefit of a small peacetime, wartime and more troops. In combat, the Soviet Union, the United States and other countries to fight both the military has become a conventional war, nuclear war and play joint and combined arms army.
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  With the military class and the emergence of countries appear, development, and will die out with the class and the state die out. In different historical stages and different countries, the evolution of the armed forces with the social productivity, economic and political system reform, science and technology, wars and military development of the theory closely linked to such factors.
  Later on, China has gradually evolved into semi-feudal society, the army started to accept Western influence and to change. Army formally divided into the Army, Navy, two military services. "New Army" _set_ step, horses, artillery, engineering, baggage and other arms, according to the town, Hip, standard, business, team, volleyball, studio sequence preparation, equipment from the Western acquisition and imitation firearms, drill Western drill book and tactics. Navy has been compiled by the Northern Sea, Southeast Asia, Fujian, Guangdong and other Navy (Fleet).
  Republic of China period, the Kuomintang troops divided land, sea and air three services. Army have established a armored, communications, chemical warfare, engineering, railway corps and other forces, change march, division, brigade, regiment, battalion, company, platoon and squad's preparation.
  Class society in China for thousands of years of history, slaves, peasants, members of the public class, and even the national bourgeoisie, the ruling class to resist oppression, to resist foreign invasion, the army has hundreds of times to organize the uprising. Although most of the rebels failed, and some were slave owners, landlords, comprador and other use of the exploiting class, as a tool for regime change, but in a certain period of time against the ruling class, in different degrees, have promoted the development of society.
  China's new people's army in the Chinese Communist Party led the Chinese people's revolutionary struggle, the creation and development of a new people's army ─ ─ PLA. August 1, 1927, the Chinese Communist Party has led the Nanchang Uprising, the Autumn Harvest Uprising Xianggan Bian, Guangzhou Uprising and many other areas of the uprising. Compiled over the Red Army troops began the uprising. Agrarian Revolutionary War, Red Army established the Army People's Army line, principles and principles developed
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  "Army" (A rmy) Engels described the military
  Development of military history books. Written in English in 1857 thanks to
  September, initially published in the name of Marx (
  New Encyclopedia, "1858 Edition, Volume 2. Chinese translation
  3.3 million words, full income "of Marx and Engels II
  Chinese version of Volume 14, No. l, and "Marx Engels Shaw
  Collected Works "Volume 1.
  April 1857, the U.S. private journalists
  New Encyclopedia of the country, "the compilation of one of the initiators C.
  Encyclopedia invited to participate in the preparation of Marx
  Marx and Engels supported to accept the commission, and A.
  Help them write some military items. "Army" is
  This paper systematically discusses the world from 30 BC
  Mid-19th century AD, the world (mainly the West
  Home) during the evolution of the armed forces, analysis of the various
  Times and in different countries, organizations and state armed forces
  As well as ways and means of war and combat, and demonstrates
  Team's development depends on social and material production
  Of the armed forces of the nature and type of Syria and its compilation
  Equipment, operational methods, as well as training, organization and command
  At the level of development of productive forces and social systems and other heavy
  Management. ① the military establishment, with the slavery
  Is the. Army to attack or defense and the State
  Organized armed groups. ② Rise and Fall of the armed forces
  Changes in the social and economic patterns. Greek Army
  The disappearance of the square tactics, the Roman army and
  College system in the decline of the Middle Ages and the Cleveland Cavaliers
  Fighting tactics of the demise of tenure were slaves
  And the results of the collapse of feudal society. From the quantities
  Employment universal compulsory military service by the military to recruit into the
  Significant evolution of the mass army, reflects the information
  Sense of social formation and development process. ③ socio
  State change time is often the major development of military art
  American war of independence forces in the uprising, the great French
  The bourgeois and peasant, revolutionary France
  Island Coalition of feudal despotism wide war
  Soldier, the military side have shown great
  Made of. They are constantly looking for and can always find a suitable
  At that time local conditions, new operational methods and strategies
  Sent to the country about t)) to help in the matter to the United States with Nunn, the military must change the original equipment and military decisions that support the main form on the Council. Life was founded in Europe and France teams
  Bu profile recognition consumption ,.}((. door to know what,} f B cut time for eight small spoon to Lee Chong Liu edge women fantasy women small group of r Guang dagger group J,. Acetabular change the state song, play Island.} L report
  . The old mesh to
  Ancient Roman infantry and cavalry battle scene (carved sarcophagus of Sidon Alexander Local)
  Shape, so as to continuously push the whole army
  Military Art forward. ④ weapons
  Improvement of the armed forces always
  Development and ways and means of warfare brought
  Changes. Gunpowder in the military arts
  Play a role in promoting the development is
  "Destined to change the whole method of warfare
  The new factor ". ⑤ staff officers
  The position in which the military is extremely important
  To. With the increase number of troops
  More, the expansion of arms, prepared
  Complex, constantly change equipment
  Progressive, increasing the difficulty of the command by
  Large, there has been agreement to _set_ Command
  Help smooth the implementation of the command of Commander
  Objective need. Staff officers to choose
  Pull those in the senior military schools
  Received a complete military education, and know
  In each arm
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English Expression
  1. :  armed forces,  detach
  2. n.:  military,  army troops,  troops [pl] soldiers,  army,  join force with, arms,  put on the alert,  troops,  soldiery,  legion,  forces,  force,  cohort,  chaplain,  battalion,  array
  3. vt.:  evacuate
French Expression
  1. n.  forces armées, armée, troupes
party, military region, part of an army, air force, etc, organized and controlled separately, military forces equipped for war
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Expandrailway corpsExpandmilitary legal systemExpanddetach The game of `politics
Expanddefend Chemistry SoldierExpanddetach tissue orderExpandarmed police
ExpandJapanese armythe Chinese People’ s Liberation ArmyPeople's Liberation Army