military affairs : Surveying and Mapping Engineering : topography > military survey and mapping
No. 1
  Military Mapping
  military surveying and mapping
  The military needs to obtain and provide geographic, topographic data and information, professional service. National defense and the protection of military command. Basic tasks are: measuring system and the collection of military and military map of geodetic results, gathering information about military geographic information; organization and implementation of the mapping work and training operations. Usually implemented by the military mapping authorities. The main purpose: to ensure the geographical situation of the theater commander to understand and master the battlefield terrain; support troops in combat and training in the proper use of terrain; guarantee accurate positioning technology weapons, give full play shooting performance.
  Wide range of surveying and mapping support is a service at all levels of command, such as the military services, surveying and mapping support arms, synthetic military surveying and mapping support, protection of national defense science and technology mapping. The main contents include: ① the theater, sea battle in military geography and terrain analysis. ② reserves, supply of military surveying and mapping results and other topographical information. ③ organization and implementation of field fast mapping. ④ guiding force terrain training. With the development of science and technology, the range of military mapping from land, sea extended to outer space.
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Mapping Wikipedia
  Mapping the military needs to get the military to provide terrain, geographic data and information, professional service. Including production of mapping results and the implementation work of surveying and mapping support both. Production of surveying and mapping results, mainly measured system mapping products meet the specification requirements. Their work are: astronomical geodesy, physical geodesy, satellite geodesy, aviation, space photogrammetry, topographic survey, marine survey, engineering survey, topographic maps, nautical charts, aeronautical charts and thematic maps of military preparation, printing, military geography and soldiers to topographic survey, preparation and publishing. Implementation of the surveying and mapping support, mainly for the protection of military operations, training and research and organize the work of surveying and mapping technology. Such as surveying and mapping support arms and services, defense technology mapping support, synthesis military surveying and mapping support. Military mapping purposes: protection of the geographical situation of the theater commander to understand and master the battlefield terrain, support troops in combat, proper use of terrain, security technology weapons accurate positioning, give full play shooting performance.
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Wikipedia Daquan
  junshi cehui
  Military Mapping
  military surveying and mapping
  The military needs to acquire, provide geographic, topographic data and information, professional service. National defense and the protection of military command. Basic tasks are: measuring system and the collection of military and military map of geodetic results, gathering information about military geographic information; organization and implementation of the mapping work and training operations. Usually implemented by the military mapping authorities. The main purpose: to ensure the geographical situation of the theater commander to understand and master the battlefield terrain; support troops in combat, proper use of terrain; guarantee accurate positioning technology weapons, give full play shooting performance.
  A Brief History of Military Mapping the terrain from the operations research and utilization. Now rely mainly on the initial observation; when the battle goes beyond visual range or not is to study and combat command, the map then gradually become an important tool for directing operations. Military Mapping is from the measurement system, developed to provide military maps. Ancient times, the main advantage of mapping the map "quasi, rope, regulation, moment" and other simple tools to determine the distance between the ground and the high and low points, and ways to paint a portrait to be painted landscape elements. Chinese classics, "the tube map chapter," reads: "All soldiers know the main person must first map of the trial. ... ... And then you can march hit Yap, initiatives have to know, without losing the location." Clear the map in the military operations of the status and role.
  Measured when the system of the Western Han Dynasty in China, "topographic map" and "military plans" (1973 in Changsha, Hunan Han Tomb Unearthed in Mawangdui III, Department of sacrificial lambs in 168 BC), has been shown in more detail towns, mountains , rivers, roads, location and military situation, is by far the world's oldest military maps found (Figure 1 Mawangdui 三号 Tomb unearthed "garrison map" of recovery plans 98 cm × 78 original size cm, on the south to the north .) The 17th century, Western Europe and China have been determined by triangulation based on the ground point as the control for large-scale mapping, the military has increased the accuracy of the map. Mid-18th century map of France with the Army Battle Command Flanders, began mapping the country after winning a large scale map. 18th century, the French first contour lines on the map accurately show the undulating topography, elevation map to solve the problem of the amount taken, this is a military map of the major changes. 80 19th century, artillery range increased by the need to establish artillery control network, and even measuring the artillery battle formation and target location, the military began to expand the battlefield geodetic control network, the results of geodetic control not only as a basis for mapping, and direct combat support for the artillery. World War I, began to use aircraft for aerial reconnaissance photography, the resulting mapping using aerial photography, topographic maps of the new measurement methods to improve the speed and quality of mapping, surveying and mapping technology, which is a major development. After World War II, to protect the long-range weapons of Accuracy, calls for unified global coordinate system, the Earth's gravity field model, and the measurement system the target area of the topographic maps, and man-made earth satellite, computer, laser, remote sensing science and technology development, for global positioning and mapping provides a new means to develop a satellite geodesy, photogrammetry and remote sensing space, maps and other new areas of automated test system.
  Mapping tasks, including production of military surveying and mapping results and the implementation of the task of surveying and mapping support two aspects: ① the production surveying and mapping results, mainly measured system mapping products meet the specification by mapping professional forces. ② the implementation of surveying and mapping support, mainly to provide surveying and mapping results and operations for the troops, training to prepare the terrain data and comprehensive measures taken by the mapping service units, detachments were. Production and protection of close contact between the two form a whole, is to protect the material conditions of production to ensure the production of the main purpose of the role of the size of the mapping results, depending on the effectiveness of security operations to play.
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English Expression
  1. n.:  military survey and mapping
Containing Phrases
military survey and mapping datamilitary survey and mapping namemilitary survey and mapping accouter
military survey and mapping sectormilitary survey and mapping serviceMilitary survey and mapping cipher information system
Classification details
cliffcactusCompassBig Dipperface
heighthungrinessfluxvalleyupper reaches (of a river)
cynosureunderground riverBeijing timethe first meridianscrub
Longitudekarst landformairspeedtime zonedrainage
lower reaches (of a river)gibbousvegetationcoordinategully
gallerya commanding elevation [point]Cruxcombbottleneck
gradepiedmontbraepiedmontmiddle reaches (of a river)
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