society > arm
Author: Mai Gu
  As a new novel or special situations intellectual pioneer of the novel, the plot and decryption Mak dumping countless readers, deceitful military reproduce the two strange and odd talents, opened a dark world outside the military world: the soldiers today are loaded with A Strangeness talent wheat out of the house within the military world, access to the outside of the military world, they fight on the battlefield, fighting their hearts ... in depth ... the famous illustrator artist Wei Erqiao Mak undoubtedly adds to the dazzling style and some distant sense of destiny.
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jūn shì
  With the army or war-related issues ~ Work Your actions ㄧ ~ ~ Your ~ science base.
  Intelligible military. - Another "Look at Several"
  Military exercises
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No. 3
  Military or war related things. "Historical Records": "tired of suffering will be emperor military, also plan Xiao Zhang, Xiaoyan Wu therefore a rest, Jimi did not prepare." Tangliu Zong Yuan "Ji Li Zhongcheng text": "fortune in the history of participation in the military." Yang New Moon, "it snows in Manchuria": "temporary military defeat, had not been to the motherland compatriots Manchuria disappointed."
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Related Concepts
  Military: the army and the war on things or transactions.
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The world's major powers military strength Introduction
  U.S. military power the world's first, most advanced military technology, has opened the world's highest military
  Branch, the most powerful navy and air force. The United States is the initiator of the new revolution in military theory, military force is to the outer space development, and attempt to dominate space, and further control the world. The U.S. not only has the world's most powerful "Trinity" nuclear offensive capability, the Armed Forces of the global delivery capabilities, all-weather long-range precision strike capability and the most advanced military technology, especially information technology, but also actively seeking to develop the world the most powerful strategic defense capability. U.S. active-duty force numbered about 140 million, of which 50 million people in the Army, Navy and Air Force, the 35 million people, 18 million people in the Marine Corps. United States currently has 850 military bases overseas.
  Europe has been the world economy and one of the regions most technologically advanced, but also the birthplace of modern air force and navy, and its economic strength and military technology enough to compete with the United States.
  Military integration of the EU is still under construction, Western Europe's traditional power, the limited capacity of long-distance delivery, and "NATO" communications command, logistics support, investigation and surveillance, command and management of various systems of organization and technical support are in the United States control.
  Britain and France all have improved, developed the military industrial system, industrial base and the strength of military technology, weapons, a strong R & D capabilities.
  British military-industrial-scale level of the European Union first, is a traditional maritime power, water, weapons, gas turbines, detection technology, aviation engine technology and military shipbuilding technologies are a world leader.
  France to design and manufacture of advanced fighter aircraft, armored vehicles, nuclear aircraft carrier, submarines, including a variety of advanced weapons and various supporting radars, electronic equipment, military intelligence units and communication systems, detection systems.
  Strategic nuclear forces of Britain and France both the quality and size can not be compared with the United States.
  Russia inherited the Soviet Union, 70% of the military, heavy industry base, military technology developed, the military system is complete independence, external dependence is very small, with a strong independent development ability of weapons after the Cold War of its conventional military strength has been declining sharply, due to economic difficulties, making the Russian military weapons and equipment on active service have not been updated for a long time, Russia's vast nuclear arsenal is also facing problems of aging and poor management.
  In the former Soviet Union Russia made a detour, electronic technology behind the West, processing technology, backward technology, the quality of weapons, life, reliability, maintainability as the West. Russia in recent years benefited from the international raw materials and energy prices, economic recovery began to stabilize domestic politics.
  Russia conducted a military system reform, long-term development of the military construction program, to amend the national strategy that seeks not involved in the arms race, increase spending on military construction, and actively expand military-technical cooperation with the West.
  China, a weak state in the early years, "a poor and white", ten years the "Cultural Revolution" to the military construction has caused tremendous damage and interference, the strategic adjustment of national eighties, second-generation central leadership pointed out: "The army must be patient." Concessions in the national economic construction of military construction, the state has limited resources into economic development all up.
  At that time relations between China and the West have begun to ease, a favorable international political situation, the state through various channels to seize the opportunity to actively expand exchanges and cooperation with western countries, targeted to introduce a lot of weapons and equipment and technology, few countries take a lot of detours . The development of military and defense industry development in a difficult predicament, most of the key projects of national defense lack of funds, or due to historical reasons do not meet the requirements of the new situation dismount, paralyzed and semi-paralyzed state, national best efforts to keep the focus of a number of military project. Many military-related research institutes, design, factory in trouble, most of the units started into business, or converting, the brain drain is very serious.
  The early nineties the twentieth century the Soviet Union, despite drastic changes in the world, the world situation has undergone dramatic changes in international power politics of groups relying on political and economic dominance of military power in the world provoked several local wars, far-reaching.
  Since reform and opening up three decades of China has made great achievements, greatly enhanced overall national strength and international status has greatly improved with sufficient resources to the armed forces, and external communication channels over a relatively broader. Benefit from the country's economic strength and national science education standards, lack of funds, talent shortage has been greatly eased. As China's national security situation gradually improved, real military pressure has decreased, the military construction and development of progressive track.
  After several disarmament in the post-PLA (1985 disarmament 100 million in 1997, 50 million of disarmament, disarmament 200 000 2003) to form a moderate scale, organizational structure, a reasonable situation, now has 2.3 million regular troops, this is a match the current size of the military situation, because China is a vast geographical conditions and the surrounding international environment is complex, low level of mechanization in the military situation to continue disarmament but will weaken the national defense. China's national defense mobilization capacity is very strong, has a strong homeland defense capabilities.
  People's Liberation Army Headquarters departments have publicly declared: "China has gradually built up with Chinese characteristics, the main battle equipment, support equipment and electronic information equipment, coordination of supporting the modernization of weapons and equipment system and the integrity of the defense industry system." People's Liberation Army has spent twenty years of "tolerance period."
  Now the PLA is still lagging behind the overall level of equipment, weapons and combat equipment, weak, lack of high-tech experience in large-scale joint operations, large-scale, long-distance force projection capability is not strong, not strategic projection of air high.
  People's Liberation Army, "Second Artillery Corps," equipped with a number of advanced land-based nuclear ballistic missiles, compared with other nuclear powers have limited nuclear deterrent capability, according to Western standards, China's missile technology is still relatively backward, sea Nuclear power is in steady development. Strategic forces is the town a national treasure, not "bombs and one satellite of a boat," China is now no such international status.
  China's rising power status and disproportionate military power behind the People's Liberation Army is currently facing, "the level of modernization and winning local wars under conditions of information seeking can not meet the military capability and performance of the new century, the historical mission of our military is incompatible, "the outstanding problems. Dramatic changes in international and domestic environment, the military commitment to the task even more onerous than in the past: international peacekeeping, international humanitarian relief, the fight against natural disasters, terrorism, stability maintenance, joint exercises. The increasing complexity of non-traditional security threats and a variety of military tasks, the party and the country to the military construction and development put forward more and higher requirements.
  People's Liberation Army is in a human scale to the quality and efficiency of the critical period of transition, according to the national public planning: the initial mechanization will be 2020, 2050 information. Navy and Air Force focus on the development, in accordance with the "politically and competent militarily fine style of work, strict discipline and adequate logistical support" the general requirements of military transformation in the thinking of the new guidance laid down with Chinese characteristics, the composite development of mechanization and the Army way , adhere to the "national interest where the development of the army's historical mission to be extended to where the" efforts to improve the containment of war and win wars.
  Actively outreach PLA: Foreign increasing military transparency, to open a wide range of military activities, use the news media, newspapers, magazines, web promotion army building, the military culture.
  PLA attaches great importance to security work, attention to strengthening the network security work.
  Since reform and opening all kinds of corruption within the armed forces is becoming more serious, the army stepped up construction of anti-corruption, anti-corruption vision to develop and improve the audit and supervision of the work of cadres at all levels.
  China with the US-led Western military power compared to the overall military strength of the gap between the poor and the gap continues to widen. Because of China's comprehensive national strength also need decades to catch up with the United States, a country's science and technology, industry standards embodied in the most concentrated level of military equipment, so in the future for a long period of time will keep the U.S. military to China's absolute advantage of the PLA long way to go.
  People's Liberation Army in the case of relatively weak should still adhere to "do something, do certain things," the Army policy and national defense principles. China's long-term goal is to achieve modernization of the army and defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity, defending the country's marine rights and interests, "build a country's international status and commensurate with the interests of national security and development to adapt the consolidation of national defense and a strong army."
  China in the future for a long period of time will continue to pursue national defense policy defensive in nature, do not take the lead, not dominate; hard-won peaceful and stable international environment for China's development is inseparable from the world, the PLA will always be a maintenance world peace and an important force for regional stability.
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About past military nuclear age
  With the development of high technology, microelectronic technology, directed energy technology, new materials, technology and other high-tech group of wide application in the military field, so that arms and equipment into a new phase, a variety of weapons to intelligence and denuclearization. Once-powerful nuclear weapons now in the update before the various energy weapons, met a strong opponent. Moreover, the conventional war in the future, all kinds of tactical laser weapons, electromagnetic weapons, microwave weapons, stealth weapons, smart weapons will be fully displayed their prowess. They can replace the implementation of tactical nuclear weapons, air defense, anti-submarine and combat ground targets, and other functions. Operational effectiveness and nuclear weapons is not only pretty, but without taking political risks to make war to "nonroutine." Therefore, as the support of the strategic high-tech weapons, and gradually replace nuclear deterrence-based strategy has been the imperative.
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Military saying
  Fu Bing image of water, water form, to avoid becoming the next high; soldiers form, to avoid real and imaginary attack. Water flow due to the system, soldiers and victory for the enemy. Therefore, potential soldiers impermanence, impermanence form of water can change because of the enemy to win those, that of God. (Sun Tzu)
  Therefore in victorious, the good and not too good; the enemy without fighting the soldiers, the good and good also. (Sun Tzu)
  Refresher win five: knowledge can not fight war with who wins, use knowledge Zhonggua wins, wins up and down with the desire to risk to be unexpected victory by the king will not Yuzhe wins. The five who also know the road win. Hence we say: Know thyself, know yourself; I do not know he and close friend, and one win and one loss; I do not know he is not friends, every battle will be perilous. (Sun Tzu)
  Military forces of the Road, the hearts and minds, attacking the city for the next; psychological warfare is, the soldiers fighting for the next. (Zhuge Liang)
  More than moral support from those who help, those little support unjust. (Mencius)
  Days as location, location not as good as people. (Mencius)
  Points were the enemy as the enemy, the enemy than the enemy yin yang. ("Sanshiliuji")
  Bing herein to Riot, ban evil within. (Pipe)
  Cardiff war, courage. Big bang, then the decline, and thrice. (CAO)
  Xu to the body and what not to? (Yue Fei)
  Bing is the victory of the people. (Mao Zedong)
  The enemy advances, we retreat, the enemy harass the enemy tires, we attack the enemy retreats, we pursue. (Mao Zedong)
  Concentrating a superior force to destroy the enemy. (Mao Zedong)
  A single spark can start a prairie fire. (Mao Zedong)
  Object of war and destroy the enemy is the main preservation the secondary, because only a lot to destroy the enemy in order to effectively preserve oneself. (Mao Zedong)
  Weapons are an important factor in the war, but not the deciding factor. The determining factor is people, not things. (Mao Zedong)
  Injured his fingers off as one means. (Mao Zedong)
  Yong should be left to recover tottering foe, can not sell school Overlord. (Mao Zedong)
  Strategic defiance of the enemy, the enemy tactically. (Mao Zedong)
  You really want the atomic bomb is very wanted, or only a few minutes thought, not quite think? You really want, is you want, you reduce the proportion of military expenses, to build more economic construction. (Mao Zedong)
  Advantage of the enemy because I can reduce the effort in making it, its shortcomings can be the result of my efforts in making it expand. We counter that the benefits of my efforts can be strengthened because I am of the disadvantage due to the effort I have to overcome. (Mao Zedong)
  Since the advent of atomic weapons, military strategy and tactics and equipment have greatly changed, and in this regard, we know nothing about. (Mao Zedong)
  The length of the transition phase, depending on the fight. (Zhou Enlai)
  If you do not bloated bodies "swelling", not to mention directing operations, evacuation is not easy. (Deng)
  Truly modern military equipment, only established a good basis for the national economy is possible. (Deng)
  Winning the war hit, can not win away. (Chu)
  There is no correct political principles, we can not have the right military policy. (Chu)
  The people's army and the people as one, we can effectively defend the country's external, internal democracy and freedom will be able to defend the right of the people. Large landowners, the big bourgeoisie army, because the people of division and, for the defense of the motherland can not be either incompetent, and shaken, defeatist, and even into rebellion (such as when the puppet), for the people's democracy and freedom, it is destroyed , and oppression. (Chu)
  Proved to the enemy on foot chase modern equipment, can not achieve a major success. (Peng)
  Underestimate the enemy, such as a thought of the concept of impulsive action will be vulnerable to loss. (Lin)
  We fight, that is, first pick to play soft. You have to first hit hard, playing for it, the results of those soft, has also become hard. First hit soft, soft eliminated, the result has become that hard a soft. (Liu)
  Fighting and a battle of wits (tactical) is the use of troops to handle. (Liu)
  Find the enemy's weakness, as it did not weakness, it is necessary to create the enemy's weaknesses. (Liu)
  Information is not usually very good training, not a good use of forces during the war, still did not have a savings of money, no money is available. (Liu)
  Study of military theory and practice must be combined. (Liu)
  Bloody revolution, not tears, no grudge extraordinary life and death. (Chen Yi)
  For the weak enemy, take it as a powerful enemy to fight; the enemy, take it as more enemies to fight. (Xu Xiangqian)
  Unknown enemy, not with fighting. (Xu Xiangqian)
  Line operations alone, the task uncertainty, hesitation wandering, in fact, military commander of the taboo. (Xu Xiangqian)
  Fighting for an independent army, commanders can, under the operational tasks and the battlefield situation, specifically the line drive off, flexible enemy, often a decisive influence on the situation of the war. Actually a complicated battlefield, the ever-changing, many important issues, the front-line commanders to rely on immersive adaptable, "fait accompli", decisive disposal. Control situation of the war, commanding the war, if not from reality, independent judgments circumstances, be determined, but eagerly look on, all worship, is called blindness, mechanical. From the actual war in order to punish, is impossible. (Xu Xiangqian)
  Modern war, whether it is the army, navy or air force commanders at all levels are familiar with the weapons used by his troops. Technology is not good, it will affect the tactics. (Ye)
  Against the enemy, not only fighting force, but also to a battle of wits. (Su Yu)
  The concentration of large formation combat, you need to command a high degree of unity, the need for internal unity and intimacy, the only way to make our actions consistent, collaborative action to fight the iron fist of our contradictory unity of the enemy, victory belongs to us naturally. (Su Yu)
  As more production and the development of science and technology, the needs of the war, military weapons and equipment compiled and increasingly complex, sophisticated, modern navy and air force and armor have allowed expansion of the war from the ground to the sea and air, the development of war from the line style a plane and three-dimensional war. (Su Yu)
  Must be consolidated Haiphong. Haiphong can only consolidate consolidate national defense, coastal defense is no defense no. (Su Yu)
  The right strategic intent must be to achieve victory in battle. (Su Yu)
  Should be remembered that Cicero's words, "the greatest disaster of the civil war." (Lenin)
  Our war is forcing the enemy to obey the will of an act of violence. (Clausewitz)
  A determination to battle commanders, we must rapidly build troops, not be ignored, and sometimes, only been a battalion will be the key to victory or defeat. (Napoleon Bonaparte)
  Commander should ask ourselves every day, if I appeared on the front or around the enemy how to do? If he know what to do, and that he is incompetent. (Napoleon)
  The principles of war and implement the principles of the siege, like fire to be concentrated in one point, and must open a gap, once the stability of the enemy is destroyed and then, the task is to make it completely defeated. (Napoleon)
  A group of sheep led by a lion will defeat a group of lions led by a sheep. (Napoleon)
  The soldiers can often make up the outstanding generals of the error (Monson)
  Most of the military problem, and only two answers. One is the right one is wrong. As a soldier, you must have a strong personality, to the war in the complex to judge right and wrong. (Bernard Delaunay Montgomery)
  Outstanding senior commanders, once _select_ed, will have to be trusted, and given maximum support. (Montgomery)
  Moscow, Russia lost not lost, I have ordered a retreat to the motherland. (Moscow, Mikhail Kutuzov, after giving up a famous phrase)
  No force is incapable of justice, force without justice is tyranny. (Pascal)
  Yes, we want to go home early. We want an early end to the war. The quickest way is to ignite the war to kill their dog hybrids. (Little George Smith Patton)
  Medal fairly quickly, is critical for morale. (Barton)
  Military Strategy and the dull, old-fashioned and rigid are incompatible. (Lobov)
  I think the general environment is a product of natural increase. I said the environment is the leadership training and exercise opportunities. (Eisenhower)
  Only applies to any tactical certain historical stage; if weapons improved, technology have made new progress, then the form of military organization, with the military command of the methods will change. (Frunze)
  Personnel, weapons, military thinking - this is an army of three basic elements. (Zhukov)
  If I know that there are minefields along the way, I will force open directly in the past. (Zhukov)
  Cool, calm and respect for subordinates, is the head must have the character of each. (Rokossovsky)
  Death in the brave sword and bayonets before the retreat. (Suvorov)
  One minute to decide the outcome of the fighting, an hour to determine the outcome of the Battle of the day to decide the fate of the empire. (Suvorov)
  Decision point tactics is the use of force in the art, the aim is to make their time in the decision, the decision on the location, the occurrence of a decisive role. (Yue Mini)
  National self-esteem and self-confidence is extremely valuable. Without such national pride and self-confidence may perish, but have a sense of national pride and confidence in victory is the nation invincible. (Kim)
  To defeat the enemy's attack plan, only to take an active defense, that is offensive defense. (Chuikov)
  The losing side has not completely lost in his resistance tool, will not admit defeat. So, your goal is to destroy those who resist the tool. (Foch)
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English Expression
  1. n.:  arm,  logistics,  military affairs,  military matters
  2. adj.:  military
French Expression
  1. n.  affaires militaires
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