Portland Head (orchidales) Monocotyledoneae (Lily Gang) Terrestrial, epiphytic or saprophytic herbs. Often bilaterally symmetrical flowers, mostly for gender; tepals 6,2 wheel; pistil consists of three carpels, ovary inferior, 1 or 3 rooms. Seeds small, very much, undifferentiated embryo with no small amount of endosperm or endosperm. The project includes orchids, water Hosta Branch (burmanniaceae) four subjects.
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No. 2
Portland Head (Orchidales) Monocotyledoneae (Lily Gang) Terrestrial, epiphytic or saprophytic herbs. Often bilaterally symmetrical flowers, mostly for gender; tepals 6,2 wheel; pistil consists of three carpels, ovary inferior, 1 or 3 rooms. Seeds small, very much, undifferentiated embryo with no small amount of endosperm or endosperm. The project includes orchids, water Hosta Branch (Burmanniaceae) four subjects.