The three kingdoms-wei, shu han and wu Characters ell : military survey and mapping : Road transport : Highway And Bridges : HUMAN SETTLEMENTS > highway
Gong Lu  

  Return to Highway 61, 亦名 road. Professionals, and the name of a song from Bob Dylan. Early by the literature, the impact of music began writing in 1997, as "Al-Hayat's" People's editor, columnist. Indispensable to life four things: books, music, smoke and love. Life is not a highway, unable to return, except to the humble position to write, so that all appear to be a bit of sense.
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ɡōnɡ lù
  Outside urban areas can access a variety of vehicles, broad and smooth road.
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No. 3
  ◎ Highway gōnglù
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No. 4
  Free public access roads (such as paths, roads or water)
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No. 5
  Managed by the State or local government to build roads for long distance driving car
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No. 6
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No. 7
  Gu Guan Ming, head of road vehicles monarch. "Wei Feng Shi Fen Juru": "U.S. unrestrained, Distinct almost road." Zheng Xuan 笺: "Highway, the main ruler of Mao cars, Bastard whom, Jin Zhao Dun of the family car for the Mao is also." Kong Ying Shu: "line of a public highway and also, its main Jun road vehicles, that the highway." See also "public deeds."
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No. 8
  Right path; right track. "Song Wang Hua Chuan": "Chen loss, saying: '... ... this theory before, lines of age, Qiwei government without blighted beetles, hand, foot and public shelter it, will make road Nissin, gradually Cypriot private please.' "" New Tang Cui Youfu Biography ":" Wing Tai, the slightly suppressed, while the element contain Allusion, not with the official non-bribery Hsieh, Chan Cypriot roads, big bad discipline. "
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No. 9
  Towns, villages and mining base for automobile access between the major flat wide road. Hong Shen, "Green Dragon Pool," the first act: "It is said to county master, to tell us to build a road." Mao Dun "cordon off": "He has sent in the mountain lookout, in the Highway Shao Tan."
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Words to explain
  1, the highway (highway)
  Join the city, between rural and industrial mining, mainly for automobile traffic and have a certain technical standards and facilities, roads, said road.
  Chinese said the "road" is the modern view, classical does not exist, "highway" is a road named after its public transport; foreigners call it road.
  Some people must have way more people will inevitably go into the road, this is the truth. However, this way is not the road. To say that the history of highway, three thousand years BC, the ancient Egyptians built pyramids for the construction of the road, should be the world's first highway. Second millennium BC, is about the streets of the ancient Babylonians, earlier than many of China's highway.
  About five hundred years BC, the Persian Empire Avenue through the East and West, and connects the road to China, forming the world's oldest and longest of the Silk Road, which can be regarded as two thousand five hundred years ago, the great highway.
  Roman road once mighty empire, which to the center of Rome, was radial to the all around twenty-nine built roads, known as the world unparalleled. So far it has produced a common foreign saying, "All roads lead to Rome."
  Highway construction also has a constantly improving technology and updating the process of building materials. Of course, is the first dirt road, it easy to build but easy to broken, rain more, traveling more than this, it uneven and even destroyed. Gravel occurred earlier in Europe, more than into the soil into a large. Then after a brick road, it is much earlier than China.
  Spread the gravel road in the history of pouring asphalt is a major breakthrough, which is modern things. Inn of China since ancient times Post Roads, the first more advanced but the real road, paved in 1906 in Guangxi is the state to Zhennan Guan Long road.
  The difference between highway and road
  Roads are for various types of vehicles (no rail) and pedestrians of the engineering facilities. Features into their use of urban roads, highways, factories, mines and roads, forest roads and rural roads.
  Highway classification
  First, the classification by the Chief
  Highway can be divided according to administrative levels: national highways, provincial roads, county roads and township roads (referred to as the national, provincial, County Road) and five levels of private roads. Generally known as the National Road and Highway Route, County Road and County Road known as the Extension.
  National Road is a national political and economic significance of the main arterial roads, including major international highways, national defense highway connecting the capital with the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the capital of the highway connecting the major economic center, the Hong Kong station hub, commodity production bases and strategic location of the road. National Road in the inter-provincial highway by the Ministry of Transportation approved the construction of the specialized agencies, conservation and management.
  Highway is a provincial (autonomous regions and municipalities) political and economic significance, and the provincial (autonomous regions and municipalities) shall be responsible for road construction, maintenance and management of highways.
  County Road is a county (county-level cities), political and economic significance, connecting the main county town and township (town), the main road of commodity production and distribution center, and does not belong to national, provincial inter-county roads. County Road, county and municipal highway departments responsible for the construction, maintenance and management.
  County Road is the main townships (towns) economic, cultural, administrative services, roads, and highways are not above the county road between the rural and township and rural roads with external contact. County Road by the People's Government responsible for the construction, maintenance and management.
  Is dedicated to special highway or mainly for factories, mines, forests, farms, oil, tourism, military site with external links such as roads. By the special unit responsible for special highway construction, maintenance and management. Can also be built by the local highway departments, conservation and management.
  Second, by using the tasks, functions and adapt to the traffic division
  According to China's current "Highway Engineering Technical Standard" (JTJ001-1997), road by the use of tasks, functions and adapt to the traffic volume divided highway, highways, secondary roads, tertiary roads, four roads five levels :
  1, the highway is designed for automotive lane points to the points and should control access to all multi-lane highways.
  Four-lane expressway will be able to adapt to a variety of small passenger cars converted into average daily traffic volume of 25,000 ~ 55,000.
  Six-lane expressway will be able to adapt to a variety of small passenger cars converted into annual average daily traffic volume of 45,000 ~ 80,000.
  Eight-lane highway should be able to adapt to a variety of small passenger cars converted into average daily traffic volume of 60,000 ~ 100,000.
  2, a highway for vehicles for the sub-lane divided according to the need to control access to multi-lane highways.
  Four-lane highway should be able to adapt to a variety of small passenger cars converted into annual average daily traffic volume of 15,000 to 30,000 vehicles.
  Six-lane highway should be able to adapt to a variety of small passenger cars converted into average daily traffic volume of 25,000 ~ 55,000.
  3, secondary highways for motor cars and two-lane highway.
  Generally able to adapt to every day and night between 3000 and 7500 medium-sized truck traffic.
  4, three main highways for motor cars and two-lane highway.
  Generally able to adapt to day and night from 1000 to 4000 for each medium truck traffic.
  5, the four highways for motor cars as the main two-lane or single lane roads.
  Four two-lane highway to adapt to medium-sized truck traffic per day, 1,500 cars less.
  Four lane highway to adapt to medium-sized truck traffic per day, 200 units or less.
  Third, the highway construction
  (A), the scope of highway construction enterprises contracted projects
  1, the highway construction contractor General Contractor Scope
  No. The scope of works contract level of qualification
  An enterprise can afford the level of super highways and bridges, tunnel construction
  2, a single company can undertake the contract amount does not exceed 5 times the registered capital of enterprises of all grade highways and bridges, the length of 3,000 meters and below the tunnel works
  3 two companies can take the amount of a single contract for enterprises registered capital of no more than 5 times the level of standards and the following roads, single-span span <100 meters of the bridge, the length of <1,000 m of the tunnel works
  4, three individual companies can take the contract amount does not exceed 5 times the registered capital of enterprises of the two standards and the following roads, a single bridge length of <500 meters, single-span span <40 meters of the bridge works
  (B), road subgrade engineering contracting business scope of contracted projects
  Serial number range of enterprise-class contract projects
  1 level, enterprises can take the road at all levels of earth and stone, single-span span of less than 100 meters, single-seat less than 500 meters long bridge, bridges, protection and drainage, soft ground treatment works 2 two companies individual contract amount is not affordable enterprises registered capital of more than 5 times the level of standards and below the earth roads, small bridges and culverts, protection and drainage, soft ground treatment works
  3 three enterprises can take the amount of a single contract for enterprises registered capital of no more than 5 times the secondary standard and below the earth roads, small bridges and culverts, protection and drainage, soft ground treatment works.
  1, Class A units of engineering design engineering design undertaken by the scope and areas without restriction.
  2, B unit can undertake the engineering design, engineering construction projects of small tasks to undertake engineering tasks in areas without restriction.
  3, C units can undertake small-scale engineering projects engineering design tasks to undertake engineering tasks limited in the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities within the administrative jurisdiction.
  2, the ancient king in charge of the official bus.
  【Source】: "Poetry Wei Feng Fen Juru": "U.S. excess, Distinct peaceful road." Biography of Mao: "The road, the car also." Brief Account Shu: "line of a road and the public also, with its main bus Jun , that the highway. "
  3, issued from the right path.
  【Source】: "New Tang Cui Youfu Biography": "and of Yuan Allusion, not with the official non-bribery Xie, planning Cypriot roads, big bad discipline."
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  Yuan Shu
  Highway words
  Native Yuzhou Runan Ruyang (now Shangshui County of Henan Province)
  Clan rose to the rank of General Zuo Hou
  Birth and death? - 199
  Every father Yuan
  Fang Feng female spouse
  Yuan Yao Yuan Shu children
  Yuan Shao Yuan Yi siblings Yin-Yuan Hong Yuan Yuan base
  Yuan Shu - Concise History Biography
  Yuan Shu (? -199), The word road, Runan Ruyang (now Zhoukou Southwest) people. Yuan Shu came from wealthy, prominent family background. It can be said through the ages, prominent families such as Yuan Jia is simply rare. Flying described by Li Gu Li Xunhuan, called "a seven Scholars, three dynasties third overall," Qing Haining check home also has "a seven Scholars, nephew of two Hanlin," said the Changshu Weng Qing-called "champion Mun, Tai family division ", is easy to see, like this family background, speaking style and how the glory, but compared with the Yuan family, to simply unambitious.
  Lao Yuan mention of home, there is a very popular talk about "IV Three", why is this argument? Gaozu Fu Yuan Yuan Shu's safety because of the Eastern Han Szeto, Yuan Yuan An open the second son, did Sagong, Yuan Yuan Jing An older son do Shujun though only prefect, but the son of Yuan in Beijing, which is the Yuan An grandson, but rose to the rank Qiu Yuan Tang, and Yuan Yuan soup every third child, fourth son of Yuan Wei also places to Excellencies, so people said Yuan Jia is a "self-security four-bit native Excellencies, from a potential tilting the world ", meaning that this generation down from the Yuan An, are located in four consecutive generations to Excellencies, this is the IV Sangong the origin of the saying.
  Maybe because of Yuan Jia, "IV, Excellencies, disciples Guli throughout the world", so the two brothers and Yuan Shao Yuan Shu, students not only the dark heart of Nelson. Separatist warlords during their brothers south and the north, as the strength of dysfunction among the strongest. To the strength of the two of them and the family's reputation, not to mention the revival of the Han Dynasty according to truth, even if the brothers together, start all over again, unified China is not a very difficult thing, but in the end they are nothing but come to a ruin, notoriety in the end.
  Yuan Shu early career can be described as smooth, relied on family background and was moving in as a common phenomenon in every father Yuan, Yuan Shu, a young man would give Xiaolian as Lang, history books, said he was "inside and outside the calendar level," there are many jobs through experience, demand justice and later served as Captain of the Huben Zhonglang Jiang and other duties. Dong authoritarian period, in order to win over Yuan Shu, but also specifically named him after the general. Yuan Shu, then how very clear the mind, to see the criminal intent of the Dong Zhuo, Yuan Shao and brothers as they took the opportunity to flee from Luoyang and quickly organized to discuss various separatist forces in the Joint Board. Yuan Shu should be said at this time is very appealing, his most successful trick is to pull Sun Jian Changsha Prefecture at the time his side.
  Shortly after the Sun Jian on the north, the newly appointed provincial governor Liu Biao in Jingzhou emperor on the table, so that after the general sense of the word Yuan Shu, as leader of Nanyang Prefecture, and Yuan Shu, also took the opportunity on the table, so did Sun Jian Yu prefectural governor. So we see this scene: the family background of this troubled times every prominent Yuan Shu, was described as day; awarded the Sun Jian as precursor, can be described as someone; and cross-Jing, Yu-two states, may be described as location, time of Yuan Shu, has a large Die Another Day has a tendency of the world. For this reason, the war lords in other adverse circumstances, Sun Jian was able to in the support of Yuan Shu, Dong Zhuo drive away, all the way into the medal Luoyang.
  Yuan Shu But this is not the most glorious moment, because soon, Yuan Yuan Shao forces forces group and inter-group contest began. Yuan Shao Dong Zhuo is hated for not ready to recognize established by the Dong Han Xiandi book, then another _set_ for an emperor, but Yuan Shu as the expansion of their site, wild ambition gradually exposed, the emperor began having a dream, he looked had an excuse to refuse to cooperate with Yuan Shao, the relationship between two brothers originally on the general, so that, gradually, such as fire and water to some of the potential.
  However, Yuan Shao not fool, and he started against Yuan Shu, a series of diplomatic actions, making the Yuan Shu become common, with Yuan Shu's own shortcomings, some of the potential crisis began to appear. Yuan Shu has occupied Yangzhou, Yuzhou, Sili, and Jingzhou one, the South has become dominant. This time, he began to be complacent, not only forget to stick one reason, but also put on a pair of the pack leaders, haughtily, to stir up trouble everywhere, creating all kinds of trouble, broke a dog in the manger, not only, and cousin Yuan Shao enemies, but also with neighbors Liu Biao turned face. Enemies too much too fast, is a major failing Yuan Shu.
  Yuan Shu - History Evaluation
  Yuan Shu Luxury, Indulgence and defiance, and Wing do not have the final, self-created the well. - "The Three Kingdoms II Dong Wei Shu Yuan Liu Chuan Six"
  Although surgery is still odd boast names, and arrogant nature, Stanford, respect for property has hills. And the pseudo-number theft, prostitution and even luxury AIDS, Royal Maid Accompanying hundreds, all part-Lo Wan, Leung tired of meat, since trapped under the hungry, the simple Mo-shirt. - "After the sixty-fifth Han Yuan Shu Biography"
  Yong Yan for animal husbandry, to Xihou Fu. Camps Cloud load? To fall by the body. Hundred patients only greed, cloth also capsized. - "After the sixty-fifth Han Yuan Shu Biography"
  Wei Shao stalwart has capacity, who love raising the name of the guests spoke Cou return, y well, wood wheel, fill then Street street. Yi Yi Xia Qi Wen surgery. - "Forty-eight Mirror Han Dynasty"
  Kui Ho said: "Shun Tian Zhisuo donors, the donors were of the letter. Soon the real operation without the letter, and hope the help Heaven, this can not blossom in the second world 。"--" Three Kingdoms Wei Shu * Ho Kui Biography "
  Yuan Shu-free miniature of the power of good fiber medium, and furious at the time, jump to establish self-esteem, becoming a solid Yifu of the human spirit of the same disease. Although the use of multiple Gongjian Festival, and the fall of Utah will be too busy. - "The Three Kingdoms II Dong Wei Shu Yuan Liu Chuan Six"
  Chen Deng said: "Road arrogance Hao, non-combat confusion of the two main 。"--" first Lord of the Three Kingdoms Shu Shu Chuan"
  Jung said that the first phase the main North Sea said: "Qi Yuan Road, forget worrying for the country house those others? Graves in the bones, mind ?"--" mention the first two Lord of the Three Kingdoms Shu Shu Chuan"
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  rural highway
  Connecting towns, villages and industrial mining for motor cars between the main road.
  A brief history of 1885 cars was invented, people began to travel in accordance with the requirements of vehicle, and gradually some of the old animal-vehicle road traffic can be converted into road cars, some old rock and stone are transformed into asphalt pavement or cement concrete pavement . Of the 20th century, 20 years, the popularity of the automobile, many industrial countries the rapid development of highway construction, known as the automobile era. To 30 years, the industrial countries road network has evolved. With the auto industry, car production and ownership gradually increase, many industrial countries began to carry out technical transformation of existing roads to accommodate traffic volume and vehicle load, speed, growing demand, asphalt pavement and cement concrete pavement increasing over time. Germany and the United States also in 1931 and 1937, respectively, began the construction of the highway. 50 years, a number of industrial countries, car production and ownership in the rapid increase in road construction around the world in order to achieve modernization, began a large-scale transformation of the old road, and the construction of the highway. The early 80s, the world total of about 22 million km road, which the United States up to about 6.37 million km.
  Features and Classification of the difference between highway and city roads, because of its generally narrow road width, intersection less, both sides of the lower housing construction, the main driving motor vehicles, no sidewalks, underground utilities rarely use the drainage ditch.
  Highway generally divided according to the state administrative system, the scope of services in the entire road network in the status of the political and economic role played by classification. For example: Japan is divided into high-speed car national highway, national highways, are Road, prefectures and municipalities Road Road, four; the United States into interstate highways, state highways and local roads into three categories, China is divided into:
  National Highway (State Road) leading from the capital, provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions of the political and economic center of the main highway, north to south and east-west inter-provincial or autonomous regions, and between the main highway leading to the major ports, railway hubs, important industrial and mining base and edge (sea) against strongholds of the trunk road.
  Regional Road (Highway) within the major cities in the province or autonomous region of contact between the road and some big cities and their satellite or industrial areas, scenic areas, ports, airports and other contact line.
  Local roads (county and township roads) of the County, county and township, and the contact line between the towns of rural roads.
  Technical grade highways generally follow the highway to adapt to the annual average day and night traffic and use of the task and the nature of the highway is divided into a number of technical levels. Ministry of Transport issued in 1981, "Highway Engineering Technical Standard" on the road is divided into five technical level, all levels of the major technical indicators such as road table at all levels of the major technical indicators highways.
  Highway to adapt to day and night average traffic volume 25,000 vehicles or more. Particularly important political and economic significance, specifically for automotive lane high-speed, continuous running, all _set_tings and control the interchange
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English Expression
  1. :  open road,  public way,  Gong Lu
  2. n.:  drain that crosses beneath a road, railway, etc,  a `highway,  culvert,  main public road,  underground channel for electrical cables (,  causeway,  Road,  median strip,  trafficway,  pavement,  parkway,  highway,  highroad
  3. adj.:  the public highway
French Expression
  1. n.  route
Underground electricity tramway, way, road
communication artery
Highway Juweihui, highway Community
Gonglu Village
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