Order study : military affairs > commonweal
Poet: Lu You

  Kuang Jiang days to pick, sand ruin marketplace shift.
  Shelter from the wind to stay half a day to buy rice to be a long time.
  Cold stop mushroom butterfly leaf, branch Lu near Gull tame.
  Xiren MULTIPURPOSE, the Saoshou sigh I decline.
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Poet: Huang Dashou

  City people housing bottom, buildings and the river bank level.
  Pressure river embankment, the vast potential want to dump.
  Teng Hydra of ancient embankment, independence and Jiang Zheng Heng.
  Huge increase in volume flow rose, floating Kazuma suddenly scared.
  Oil can be combined with them, plate eddy boiling Peng Teng.
  Turbulent spin off the sound, turn long whale swallowed drain.
  Weimang every Iwamura, Cheng-million to make the sand collapse.
  Stream are boats sailing to and from flying flies.
  Yinshan carrying giant wind, lives a feather light.
  Located southeast of insurance protection, such as days of Qiao Jie rope.
  The use of force Morrow Jing, Haoxiong submitted by dispute.
  Xuande For Xing Liu, Yan deep in the business.
  Sitting pursuant to turbulence, glimpse of the enemy advance and retreat.
  A Ese current affairs, Fu Yi to open the West shut.
  West side has heard, the city government for the hills.
  Tang Tang Henghu ago, He Wei million soldiers.
  Good health insurance of their throat, Who waits for his teacher collapse.
  Better use of my long, laughing received the win.
  What are non-God Machine, who used to be British.
  Machines used a little lost, mountain species of uncertain shape.
  Truce, not theory, desolate over the situation with the pharynx.
No. 3
  Society as a whole (including the social order, public property, civil rights, etc.) Your ~ Security ~ Board staff.
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No. 4
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No. 5
  Security forces
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No. 6
  County name, in Hubei Province
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No. 7
  Refers to the Ming Dynasty as represented by Hongdao Gong'an. Zhou Yi, "Wai Wind Words" Volume: "On the word of people today, probably ever person on the poem. Nominative who Mogu almost under their calendar? Primary interest were the police of almost freehand?" Ba Jin "sink": "Two days later at another university, he lectures, public security, the value of the Jingling School Essay." detailed "Gong'an School."
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Society, public order
  Community public safety. Liang, "Newman said," 16: "Therefore, whether the so-called moral Thai East the West, which claims that there are those who praise the police public cloud Seoul." Sen "president that the House Judiciary 2 through ordered their torture ban text": " The purpose of the penalty, in the maintenance of state rights, protection of public security ... ... harsh and cruel violence, meaning no access Yan. "
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Public Security
  (Police or Public Security)
  Society as a whole (including the social order, public property, civil rights) law and order, "Public Security" means the "police" or "police." Maintenance of public security called police, the police also includes the meaning of public security. Including China, there are few countries in the world, so called, there is generally referred to as "police."
  The public security organs is an important part of the Government, is the national executive, while it undertakes the task of investigating criminal cases, and thus it is also one of the country's judiciary. Public security organs is an arm of the government, according to management of social security, the exercise of national executive power, while public security organs according to law and investigation of criminal cases, the exercise of state judicial power. The nature of the public security organs have a dual nature, that there are both administrative judicial.
  The difference between public security and police: the reality of the public security system from our point of view, "police" and "public security" and there is no real sense of the difference, the reason for the name of the parallel result in the case of the two has a historical and practical factors. In the first time in history of our party, "Public Security" is the name of the February 1939 order from the name and the puppet police differ, in the Central Committee issued a "decision of the Ministry on the establishment of a social", the requirement Border Administrative Office of the Public Security Bureau or the Security Office located in the county _set_ up the Public Security Bureau. After the founding of October 15, 1949 convened the first meeting of the National Police identified the use of "public security" name. After reform and opening to adjust the functions of relevant institutions, international exchanges, contacts and other reasons, "police," the call began to reinstate a number of occasions, and the rapid promotion, until the 1995 enactment of the "People's Police Law" to the law the form of confirmation. Second paragraph of Article II of the Act on Police defines the scope, the "people's police, including the public security organs, state security agencies, prisons, reeducation through labor authorities in the People's Police and the People's Court, People's Procuratorate of the judicial police." Can be seen, all members of the public security organ belongs to the people the police. From the legal understanding, the law clearly stipulates that "public security" only be used for the name, individual members of the public security organs should be accurately called "police", "public security", "police officers", which are not standard . Even the name, one up from the literal understanding of the meaning of "police" than it seems, it is called "Public Security Bureau" and other more intuitive and easy to understand some, especially to avoid the exchange of words when the barriers to international exchanges; the same time also more logical, can accurately defined by the many different functions and responsibilities of the people's police of individuals of this group connotations.
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Place name
  Hubei Jingzhou area are
  Police Prefecture
  Police in central and southern edge of the county in Hubei Province, south of the Yangtze, the East Han Dynasty Shanghai, west Sichuan, Hunan and Guangdong, the South controlled the north, Shaanxi and Henan, the "channel seven provinces," said, and the Dongting Lake Plain and Japan, and an old city bridge. County jurisdiction over 16 towns, 326 administrative villages, land area 2,258 square kilometers, with a total population of 103 million people.
  (C) natural resources. Within the flat, river clouds, pleasant weather, birds are flying long grass. Quality rice, high-quality cotton, high-quality rapeseed have been incorporated into national and provincial agricultural products in regions planning, forestry, fisheries, livestock enter the province. County annual 55 million tons grain, cotton, 40,000 tons, 10 million tons of oil. Public County, is the one of the famous cotton-producing areas, ranking seventh in Guochan Mian County, Premier Zhou Enlai Jibei sixties known as the "Southern cotton banner", known as "Silver Police," said. Police County beaches and more long dike, grassland rich in resources, is the high standard plain green counties, National Afforestation Pokka County, the province's forestry work in the eighties that proposed the "learning remote mountain safety, public security Plain School" slogan . The total area of ​​the county of 56 million mu of forest resources, forest coverage rate of 17%, forest stock volume of 1.45 million m3, "during" the county can produce wood of poplar 100 million m3. Public County Salt (including Glauber's salt) rich resources, has been initially in the Songzi - Police South Lake District valley salt and gravel beaches Su embankments proved reserves of 1.5 million tons, 6.255 million tons of Glauber's salt, has high value mining . Public Security is truly a "better Lake County," the water of 54 hectares, of which 22 acres water intensive, production of 75 thousand tons of aquatic products, aquatic products accounted for 60% of the famous, rich mud lake bream and silver fish, Chong Lake crab and other special aquatic turtle well known across the country.
  (D) economic development. Police distinctive characteristics county agricultural, industrial pillars of prominent trade and business activity. Agricultural structure adjustment and optimization of the structure from a single grain and cotton growing diversified economic development, industrial management of agriculture to promote positive depth. Jinan textiles, straw based medium density established sheet metal processing, Wilfong mushroom processing, deep processing of days Luyuan rice industry, Winterthur leading oil processing enterprises and other industries increasingly apparent leading role. Sustainable development of the industrial economy has been built into a new plastic materials, machinery and auto parts, textiles, bio-chemicals, packaging paper, agricultural processing and the six pillar industries of the local industrial system has to "bridge the first unit of China" - - Hubei bridge, "a banner of China Plastics Industry" - Kaile Science and Technology on behalf of two listed companies of 70 to highlight the scale of industrial enterprises. Geogrid, plastic pipe, cable, agricultural vehicles, gear, car front and rear axles, king of old cellar wine, cotton, amino acids, such as transplanting spirit of industrial products sold in more than 100 famous domestic and international markets. British Tanzanite Company, Buckton company, Italy Fu Lama Company, Hong Kong Hong Kong Park Group, Beijing Jin Hao Group, 四川剑南春 Wine Group and Hubei Jinlong Quan Group and other famous enterprises have _set_tled in the public security. Police trade and prosperity, market activity, "Wujiu Road boutique street," renowned in the province, in the business of large department stores such as supermarkets and Hawaii 7 Commercial Street, Nanping Trade City, Hunan, Hubei, big market business opportunities to the public security. In 2005, the county can achieve 6.5 billion GDP, the scale of industrial added value achieved 1.02 billion yuan, fiscal revenue 3.5 billion.
  Police, formerly known as channels in seven provinces. Han emperor five years (202 BC) built coward Ling Xian (the predecessor of the county public security), the county seat is located in Chai Lin Street (also known as dodger Ling Street), this county has jurisdiction of public security, the first stone, monitoring the safety of rural Victoria and Hunan , Tsu, Li County, County, Huarong and other places. Han Yuanshi years (AD 2 years) sub-dodger Ling Home Huarong; Year 8 years to change the new dynasty of Wang Mang Ling Xian is frail frail land County; AD 25 restored the coward Ling Xian county; AD hills home for frail 40-Year Tang County.
  In AD 209, Liu Bei led Jingzhou, animal husbandry, camping oil Eguchi (now fighting Hudi), said the left-general (ie, left the public), to frail Tombs Police County camp, seizing public land left. Police began when county. 219 years, while Liu Bei Sun Quan into the River of Time, and then pro-Police recaptured in Jingzhou, also called coward mausoleum complex county. Jin Tai first year (280 years) sub-dodger hills home jiangan county, located two Holy Island Counties. Nan Chen (548) to change security for the public security Jiang. 589, the frail and Wing Ling County Police into the county, the town is renamed the Police Explorer House Jingzhou Nelson; Southern and Northern Dynasty, the river washed away the second Holy Island is the county seat moved to the oil Eguchi, named Plum.
  742 years, the public security is Jingnan Jiedushi jurisdiction; 925 years, the separatist Jingnan Jiedushi Xing Jing high season, in the final, Gap Tri-State, said the Nanping Wang, States _set_ Gangneung, Nanping States are for the county public security. Northern Song dynasty, the public security is Jingzhou Prefecture in Hubei Jiangling Road, then called Jingnan House; 1130, was promoted to the county public security public security forces, Chi Zhen Fushi; 1135, revocation of the public security forces to restore public security county building, is Jing South House.
  1364, public security is a province of Jingzhou, Hubei and Hunan House; 1376, public security is Huguang the Chief Secretary for the second County; 1628, Plum fire, resulting in both inside and outside city government offices, civil, shrines, towers burned, the public security by the censor Mao Yujian extension of memorial to the DPRK, the request to move the city Law Park; 1634, approaching Jingzhou Li Zicheng peasant rebel army, police Ji Jin Yiwei palm Zou Wei prefect of the military governor there something Zhao Ting memorial to the request to move the city in Zhujiapu Kong, 1643 Li Zi Cheng Army town totally destroyed the peasant uprising, the county seat moved to Law Park complex; 1648, the county seat moved to fight Hudi, 1651 I wish to move home county Kong; 1873, Songzi river bank breach, flood immersion, and public security, washed away by water after the county seat Tang Gang moved (now Nanping Town); 1874, the county public security code Account 5 rural counties 32 years.
  In 1912, public security is in Hubei Province Jingnan Road, County Department still _set_ the city; 1917, the county is divided into eight administrative village, with a total area of ​​1694 square kilometers. 1926 changed its name to the county government, the resident has not changed; 1932, the fourth Chief Inspector of Police Commissioner is under the jurisdiction of Hubei Province. November 11, 1938, the Japanese invasion of China owned aircraft bombed the first nine Nanping county department to destroy all the walls, the county government moved in lion's mouth; March 1943 moved to the Royal Factory, June moved to support the Soviet Union Fort; January 1944 move in Shenjin Du; August 1945 War Victory, October Nanping county to move back.
  Jingzhou area is 1949. Analysis of police and Songzi 1953, Stone County's first three home Jingjiang County. Revocation of the Jingjiang River County in 1955, into the county public security. Jingzhou area is 1970. 1995 is a Jingsha City (renamed in 1996 Jingzhou City).
  July 1949 Public liberation, is a leading Jingzhou Commission; resident Nanping county government; with the public security establishment of county government, the county is divided into seven administrative areas. Build grassroots political power in 1950, changing the rural villages, districts and villages changed little.
  Huangshan in 1950, the county public security in some areas south of Hunan province was placed under the Anxiang County (Central Military Commission on December 20, 1950 approved); Public County was placed under the TOD small embankment Feng County, Hunan Province; County, Hunan Province, Luo Feng Tin, Liu Gong village, Taiping embankment, was placed under the Public Security of Hubei Province County (Central Military Commission on December 20, 1950 approved); Hunan Anxiang by-laws of the embankment, pigs Cao embankments, new into the embankment, Hebei embankment, Hubei province was placed under the stone embankment and other colleagues in the first county, the county public security. August 1951, the county added to the ten district, 176 villages.
  In 1952 after the founding of the country's largest water conservancy project - the construction of Jingjiang flood diversion project in public security, in order to adapt to this situation, to facilitate organization and management of the project. An Hudong region and analysis of public Songzi, stone home the first three County Jingjiang County of Jingjiang County People's Government in fighting Hudi. 1955 County and Jingjiang County Police merger, the people fighting the government moved in Hudi.
  Sixth District Police in 1955, the county town was placed under the strict Jia Zui Feng County, Hunan Province (State Council, February 15, 1955 approval). To May 1961, a total of 9 District 3 county town, 58 people's communes.
  In 1968, the Revolutionary Committee of Public Security is a leader in Jingzhou district. In 1975, the withdrawal area and community, _set_ to the 24 communes and 1 town, 4 games, 54 Management District, 482 Brigade, 3638 the production team. In 1978, public security is Jingzhou prefecture leadership.
  Administrative Division
  Police county 14 towns and 2 townships. A total of 60 neighborhood committees and 326 village committees. County People's Government in the fight Hudi town.
  Doo Hudi Town Area: 100 sq km Population: 131,865 people Code: 421022101
  Jurisdiction over 10 neighborhood town, 12 village committees: river, oil Jiang, Jingjiang, stone bridge, Liu Lang Lake, Fergus, Guan Shan, car Yin, Ling trickle has quay, high build, high strength, oil Jiang, Zhan Bridge, Dongfeng, with the rise, Germany and Italy, Dang, Golden Beach, had quay, Story, Jing Hua, Ling trickle vegetable field. Hudi town government in the fight.
  Jingjiang County in 1952, is the first area, the town built in 1958. ? Years, was incorporated into the bucket Hudi rural town quay.
  Port Town Area: 233 sq km Population: 100,552 people Code: 421022101
  6 jurisdiction neighborhood town, 44 village committees: Port River, March Eighth, Jiang Ming, Lei Chau, justice and, three, newborn, Weijia Zhou, Lei Chau, East Lake, Simei, Dongfeng, Tsing Hua Temple , group together, Yang Tan, the new red, consensual, horse market, third, red special, Guo field, heroes, Jingnan, water de Temple, the new benefits, new flat, Chen Taiwan, day eye, leap, group righteousness, Dongyue view, Peoples, solidarity, justice and, Xie, composite, lighthouse, group power, cypress lakes, seven _set_s Temple, North Gate, Pacific port, off Temple, Jinlong bridge, group together, gold _set_s, west flow , renaissance games, stars, moon in the water. Government in the river port town.
  Jingjiang County in 1952, the Fifth District, _set_ in 1958 changed the North Gate commune, the town was built in 1987.
  Folder Yuen Town Area: 118 sq km Population: 56,178 people Code: 421022102
  2 jurisdiction neighborhood town, 20 village committees: folder Chuk Yuen, gold mouth, Mao Taiwan, Pioneer, Yang Hong, Chen pressing, gold mouth, Red Star, three in the bridge, golden cat mouth, Chen Temple Bridge New Kong, Zixiao concept, Weidong, forward, tile pool, in Ridge, bridges, Lung, together,, Kwun Yam Temple, Xinmin. Chuk Yuen town government in the folder.
  1958 Jingjiang Gong Club, 1983 Folder Pentecostal. In 1987 the town was built.
  Town Gate area: 127.4 sq km Population: 56,754 people Code: 421022103
  Jurisdiction three neighborhood town, 14 village committees: building, ditch Mausoleum, view East, triumph Han, Takahashi, pressing Ling New, the same margin, Hop Hing, and Cheung, Kwan Wu, Yang Tsui, Renfrew, Paul Heng embankments, Lianhua, double-Lake, Red An Temple, Yonghe. Town Government in the gate.
  Established in 1959, the commune gate, built in 1961, the town re-established in 1975, the commune, the town of rehabilitation in 1978.
  Yang factory town area: 133.8 sq km Population: 54,402 people Code: 421022104
  Jurisdiction over a neighborhood town, 17 village committees: Yang factory, along the river, the new Island, Wuzhou, the Yangtze River, New River, Xing Yuan, Qing Ji, welfare, green, Ren, Malone Taiwan, and Jing, Jing , the Qing Luo channels, Ren, Hongshenghuo, agricultural abundance. Yang factory in the town government.
  1955 Jing (River) Public (an) Chengguan District into two counties, in 1958 changed the Yangtze River Corporation, 1987, Yang factory town home.
  Ma Ho Town Area: 192.8 sq km Population: 63,032 people Code: 421022105
  4 jurisdiction neighborhood town, 24 village: Ma Ho mouth, yellow jacket, sand plants, cross-dike City, Jiangnan, Ma mouth, goose in Hong Kong, Huang Ling, Bei Di, sand hill, the new ditch, Xinhua , brick bridge port, White Dragon, Zhu Wu, Ping Nam, Moon Lake, Jing Feng, Zheng River, tail _set_s, Zhao Jia Wan, Yuhua, sand plant, the people prosperous, Democratic National Construction Association, the Union, the workers and peasants, friendly, weekly field . Howard Government in the port town of Ma.
  1955 South Farm, the commune in 1975 to 1981, was renamed Ho Ma commune population, the town was built in 1987. ? Years, Yu Hao Ma Township into the Town public.
  Ouchi Town Area: 109.2 sq km Population: 46,623 people Code: 421022106
  4 jurisdiction neighborhood town, 13 village committees: the new port, democracy, the people, the Ni family tower, with New, happiness, Xiang Ling, five-star, co-peak, new music, Jiyu mouth, Luk embankment, Yang Temple, Gao field, sun, urban and rural areas, Gao Hong. Town Government in the Ouchi.
  Stone County, originally the first in 1965 was placed under the Public County, Ouchi 1975, changed the town of the commune, the town built in 1978.
  Huangshan Town Area: 117.4 sq km Population: 38,388 people Code: 421022107
  Jurisdiction three neighborhood town, 14 village committees: monument, boundary ditches, Kitamiya Tsui, Ma On Shan, Ding Tsui, built of red, Ke Jia Zui, xiashaojia Kong, Kitamiya, Yongzhong, the new embankment, chestnut tree pits , up, had mouth, Mary Rose, Tanjiaqiao, zygote embankment. Town Government in the Huangshan head.
  1983 years ago, the South Gate area of ​​jurisdiction of the town is 1987, built the town.
  Meng Town Area: 112 sq km Population: 49,261 people Code: 421022108
  Jurisdiction over a neighborhood town, 17 village committees: Meng River, the Three Yuan, Yuejin, Dragon, Double Lake, South, yellow embankment, Yongxin, Jinqiao, brave, Hao Kong, Huangtian, monkeys shop, gold Kong, Jin Ming, Swan, National Day, Tai Hing. Town Government in the Meng Creek.
  Huangshan is a commune in 1958, 1975, Meng Jian River Corporation, 1987 Town Meng Jian.
  Nanping Town Area: 89.4 sq km Population: 56,505 people Code: 421022109
  Jurisdiction three neighborhood town, 15 village committees: Red Star, Metro, Victory, in Dou, Kinmen and Matsu, Bao Guan, San Tin, Tsing Ling, Cai Tian, ​​Zhe Lin Tan, Yang weir, tug shop, the military port, May, in the long, Ssangyong, Zhu Wu, Yang. Town Government in Nanping.
  Jurisdiction for the county town in 1955, 1960, changed Nanping commune, the town of rehabilitation in 1979.
  Zhang Zhuang Dipu Town Area: 187.3 sq km Population: 66,622 people Code: 421022110
  6 jurisdiction neighborhood town, 23 village committees: Zhang Zhuang shop, Wei plant, Dongyue, gravel beach, public transit Zheng, Jia-branch, Yan Jia Zui, Jing Hong, concentric, Double Star, Newport, climax , Rong agriculture, Xiao Tsui, Samsung, Yu Xu Court, five flags, Lian Xing, Zijin, Jubilant Place, Hongqiao, Cheng wall, clouds, peaceful, white crane, Shek Mun Tsui, Phoenix, pine, Mao Jia Ping. Chapter village shop in the town government.
  Chapter village commune was established in 1975, _set_ in 1983, Zheng Zhang Township Public Area, Dipu Town 1987, Zhuang Jian Zhang. Jian Zheng Gonggong Society in 1958, 1987, Du Zhen Jian Cheng public. ? , Zheng Zhang Zhuang Dipu Town into the public Du Town.
  Lions Town Area: 171.6 sq km Population: 67,228 people Code: 421022111
  6 jurisdiction neighborhood town, 22 village committees: lion's mouth, Dou mouth, Google rose Temple, Shen Jindu, estuaries, sweet-scented osmanthus trees cross raisins, Google rose Temple, Shen Jindu, kiln stars, Hengxi Bridge , Yi Xing, Yi Wang, Jing Yanggang, flood, estuary, Google rose Temple, Hokkeji, Xinglong, double horses, Double V, steep Hing field, dragon boat Tsui, Lu Lin, the new joint, Venus, Shun-Xing, monument mouth. Town Government in the lion's mouth.
  Owner Dang Town Area: 169 sq km Population: 74,099 people Code: 421022112
  4 jurisdiction neighborhood town, 29 village committees: owner Dang, flowers Dayan, HU farms, towns and, Hu field, Zhenjiang, Yongfeng, Nianzigou, Yang Pier, chicken Causeway, off stream Tsui , longevity view, double east, Ng home field, U.S., gooseneck Lake, Yang Formation, School Street, a long ridge dike, double stone, Shou Temple Bridge, Lotus Dang, sand hole, near the river, garden, Su crossing, South Pond mouth, ambush bridge, car possessions, the Son of Heaven Temple, Jinsong, with and, Yin Liu Tsui. Dang owner in the town government.
  1958 East Port Corporation established in 1961 is _set_ to change after the area twice in 1987, building owner Dang town. ? , The Hu family farm owner Dang village into the town.
  Mao's home town Area: 170 sq km Population: 76,440 people Code: 421022113
  2 jurisdiction neighborhood town, 33 village committees: Mao Hong Kong, the official channel, Tang mouth, cross-dike, military embankment, Fuxing, the Grand Duke, Cao Tsui, Kwai Fung, a small mouth, Wei Ancestral Hall, Yanjiapo beans, Albatron, Ding Tai Po, Kong river, bridge, Nanti, New World, screws Bay, the White Horse when, ring port, West Fork, Zhang Lake, dawn, Yin Jia Wan, the red flag, under the bridge port, township government, Long Lake, Long, red, chestnut street, Kamata Tsui, military units, new Dou. Mao town government in Hong Kong.
  Yuhu commune established in 1958, 1983 home area, 1987 built home town of Mao.
  Gan factory town house Area: 101.6 sq km Population: 42,591 people Code: 421022200
  Township jurisdiction three neighborhood committees, 14 village: sweet house plants, gates, three pine, Wo embankment, Yang factory, Dongsheng, Lu Xing, high-profile, cooking skin Hill, seven loose, willing to shop at home , Qinghe, Ssangyong, three pine, sheep Kong, Jia-Gang, door. Township Government in the Gan family plant.
  Bangladesh River area in 1957 is, as the area of ​​jurisdiction of the commune in 1961, 1987, factory town house located Gan.
  Zhang Tian Temple in rural area: 125 sq km Population: 46,355 people Code: 421022201
  Township jurisdiction two neighborhood committees and 16 village committees: Zhang Tian Temple, Hu factory, Darren, Mao shop, I wish the home field, the red, permanent, Luo collapse, public Hing, double kernels, carved wood, Ping Hing, then Feng, Nanyang, Conservancy, to mercy, joint units, fir bridge. Zhang Tian Temple in the township government.
  December 1957 Bangladesh River area. Chapter at Temple was built in 1961, the commune, village _set_ in 1987.
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English Expression
  1. n.:  commonweal,  police,  Gong An county,  public safety,  (Ministry of) Public Security,  public security
French Expression
  1. n.  sécurité publique
Gong'an County
commonweal Community
Gong'an Village
Commonweal Juweihui
Gong'an Town
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National Defence University, CPLA