information and computational science : information and electronic science : math and applied math > information science
information science
  Ever-changing computer technology, when you sit down quietly, to grasp what to do when everything has become obsolete
  Information technology has changed everything, it lets you see all possible you've never heard ...
No. 2
  The whole process of the information was treated subjects. In information theory, cybernetics, electronics, computer science and other subjects on the basis of the theory and developed. Phenomenon and its study all the information and the information linked to various fields, including literature information, information system concepts and structure of information science.
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No. 3
  Research information production, acquisition, storage, transmission Pian, handling and use of science.
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No. 4
  Information science is based on information as the main research object, the movement of information as the main research and application of content to computers and other technology as the main research tool, to extend the human information functions as the main target of a new comprehensive subject.
  The information is material, energy, information and property marking; information uncertainty increases. Information is the phenomenon of things and their properties identifies the collection. [In 2006, the medical information (magazine), Deng Yu et al.]
  Information science from the information theory, cybernetics, computer science, bionics, and artificial intelligence systems engineering disciplines, such as mutual penetration, combined with each other formed.
  The late twentieth century, 40, American mathematician Shannon published "A Mathematical Theory of Communication" and "communication noise" two well-known papers, mathematical formulas proposed entropy, from the quantity to describe the transmission and retrieval of information problem, the creation of information theory. So first of all in communication engineering information theory has been widely used for information science research laid the initial foundation.
  With the automation systems and automatic control theory, the emergence of the information started to break the original concept of limited transmission. During this period American mathematician Wiener published his famous "control theory" and "stationary time series extrapolation, interpolation and smoothing problems," reveals the view from the control animals and machine information and control of the common law of the use of filtering and prediction methods, obliterated by the noise from the signal to extract useful information for signal processing problems, the establishment of the Wiener filter theory.
  60 years, as a result of large systems require complex engineering computer to control the production process, system identification has become an important research topic. From the information science point of view, system identification is through the input and output information to study the behavior of control systems and internal structure, and use simple mathematical model to be said. Control is based on system structure and requirements of information processing, transformation and utilization.
  Information and control is the foundation and core of information science. Since the 70s, television, data communications, remote sensing and the development of biomedical engineering, information science to make a large number of research projects, such as information compression, enhancement, restoration and other image processing and transmission technology, information feature extraction, classification and identification model, recognition theory and methods, there has been useful image processing and pattern recognition systems.
  Shannon information theory is only the first quantitative description of the information were made, without considering other aspects of information, such as information and information on the effectiveness of the semantic problems. The time of the original communications, information theory has widely infiltrated into the automatic control, information processing, systems engineering, artificial intelligence, which requires the nature of information, information on issues such as semantics and utility of further research, a more general theory, resulting in information science.
  Control and decision-making in order to solve the non-numerical problems, and adapt to 80 years after the research needs of intelligent machines, as well as knowledge of information processing to solve the problem, then have a knowledge engineering, and has developed into expert systems, natural language understanding systems, and Smart robots.
  Formation and information science is developing rapidly, the range of people of their research there is no uniform understanding. The main research topics are focused on the following six areas:
  Theory and information source access, the study of natural information sources and social sources of information and information sources to extract information from the methods and techniques;
  Information transmission, storage, retrieval, transformation and processing;
  Signal measurement, analysis, processing and display;
  Mode of information processing, research on text, images, sound and other information processing, classification and identification and development of machine vision systems speech recognition device;
  Knowledge and information processing, knowledge representation research, access to and use of, the establishment of a reasoning and problem-solving knowledge of automated information processing system that is expert system;
  Decision-making and control, information collection, analysis, processing, recognition and understanding to make judgments on the basis of the decision-making or control in order to build a variety of control systems, management information systems and decision support systems.
  Optical communication technology: the basic concepts of optical communications, the development trend of optical communication, optical communication and application of the significance.
  Communication and Information System: Introduction to basic communication and information system concepts, communications and information systems applications, communications and information systems such as the history and latest developments.
  Physical Electronics and Nanotechnology: the relationship between electronics and physics, nano materials, nano electronics, nano-characterization technology.
  Wireless communication technologies: the basic concepts of wireless communication, wireless communication status and trends of development.
  Quantum Electronics and Laser technology: basic knowledge of quantum electronic devices, history and current status of the application field of quantum electronics and so on.
  Computer Software: Introduction to the concept of computer software, computer software, the main research, computer software development trend of software engineering.
  Computer architecture:: the basic concepts of computer architecture, computer architecture, history, current status and trends.
  Computer Network and Information Systems: basic concepts of computer network, computer network basics, the primary role of the computer network.
  Digital multimedia technology: the basics of digital media technologies, standards, and the development of domestic and international situation and the future.
  Machine perception and machine intelligence: an overview of machine intelligence, in particular aspects of machine perception and status of the latest research results and looking forward to its future research directions.
  Intelligent information processing technology: describes the computational intelligence, intelligent information processing, intelligent sensing and target identification technology, data mining and knowledge discovery techniques.
  Signal and Information Processing: The signal and the basic concepts of information processing, signal and information processing applications, signal and information processing history, present and future.
  MEMS: the basic concept of MEMS, it is important introduction of several MEMS devices, MEMS development status and trends.
  Microelectronics and integrated circuit technology: the basic concepts of micro-electronics, microelectronics science and technology development in the history of the basic concepts of micro-electronics, microelectronics importance in the national economy, microelectronics science and technology and industry development trends .
  Information exists in the process of biological, social, industrial, agricultural, defense, scientific experiments, daily life and other areas of human thought, so information science will be engineering, socio-economic and other aspects of human life an enormous impact.
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Economic Wikipedia
  Information science: research information production, acquisition, storage, transmission, processing and use of a basic discipline.
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Wikipedia Daquan
  xinxi kexue
  Information Science
  information science
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English Expression
  1. n.:  information science
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