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·Tidings news·xìn xī·No. 3
·No. 4·No. 5·The basic definition of information
·The classic definition of information:·1 against the Shannon information defined·2 Inverse Wiener defined information
·3 Deng Yu universal definition of information such as·4 follow the definition of imitation·The difference between representation and identity
·5 passive class definition of information is reflected·6 definition of simple comparisons of three similar·A brief history of information defined
·Characteristics of information·Second, the characteristics of information·Expression of popular philosophy of information
·Specific performance information·Highly developed information - information technology·Communication of information
·Economic Wikipedia·English Expression·French Expression
·Thesaurus·Related Phrases·Containing Phrases
·Classification details·More results...
Tidings news
  ① tidings; message: exchange of information | separated by vast oceans, the information barrier.
   ② communication system transmission and processing of objects, generally refers to events or information and data. Its value depends on the uncertainty of events, if the receiver is unable to predict events contained in the content and meaning, the greater the amount of information. Usually the logarithm of the incident probability measure to measure.
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xìn xī
  A destination tag in the communication system or computer input signals above ... (such as telephone numbers, a number)
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No. 3
  Asked to see the wisdom of heard, a husband must have the information, quickly sign. - "San Xia Wu Yi,"
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No. 4
  Tidings news. Surname of Li in "late spring Huai enemies" Poetry: "West Side Story Beauty Shen information, head to wear a long way Yilou Taiwan." Songchen Liang, "Plum Blossom" poems: "To pass the spring of information, not afraid of snow buried." "Water Margin" Fourth 4 back: "Song Jiang overjoyed and said: 'Only Xiandi goes fast, Xunripianzhi information.'" s "Family" 31: "How do the two things cousin? Why do not give me a message? "
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No. 5
  Modern science refers to a message sent things, instruction, data, symbols, and the content contained. People through access to, identifying the different natural and social information to distinguish between different things, to understand and transform the world. In all communication and control systems, information is a common form of contact. Chen Yuan, "sociolinguistic" 4.1: "according to the concept of physics, information is only way to be certain to line up the signal sequence. In the social communication activities, this definition is not enough: the information must have some significance, or Information must be 'significant carrier'. "" Science Illustrated "No. 1 of 1983:" The whole metro center run by a computer control, control of information which it from loading at the station and the line between stations The high sensitivity instruments. "
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The basic definition of information
  Word "information" has a very long history of early Western Han Dynasty two thousand years ago, that is "trust" the appearance "and" faith "often do come to understand the message.
  As the everyday language, "information" often means "audio message" mean. But so far there is no information on accepted definition.
  Information is material, energy, information and property marked. [In 2006, the medical information (magazine)].
  Information is the increase in uncertainty.
  Information is the phenomenon of things and their properties identifies the collection.
  Information to the media as the carrier material, a variety of things passing, and reflect the world as a state of existence characterized by movement.
  Information (Information) is the sum of movement of material, information is not material, nor is energy!
  Information is an objective state of affairs and the movement characteristics of a universal form of a large number of the objective world exists to generate and convey to them the various ways that information out.
  Shannon considered the founder of information theory: "Information is the ability to eliminate the uncertainty of things."
  Information Related information: image information (also called messages), also known as information, is a message, usually text or audio, visual form of expression is associated with the data arranged according to a meaningful result. Information from the meaning and symbols. Literature is a kind of information, which is usually referred to the literature information. Information refers to the sound, language, text, images, animations, smells, etc. expressed by the actual content.
  Information is a collection of abstract on the physical map.
  Information is valuable, as can not do without, like air and water, humans can not do without information. So often said, matter, energy and information are the three elements constitute the world. Therefore, the dissemination of information is extremely important and effective.
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The classic definition of information:
  In 1948, American mathematician, founder of Shannon information theory, entitled "A Mathematical Theory of Communication," the paper pointed out: "information is used to eliminate the random uncertainty of things."
  In 1948, the famous American mathematician, the founder of cybernetics Wiener in the "control theory" in his book, states: "Information is information, neither matter nor energy."
  1) Ontology-level information:
  In the most general sense, ie without any constraints, we can define the information as to the existence of mode and form of the motion state. Here the "things" refers to the existence in human society, thinking activities, and all possible objects in nature. "Existence" refers to the internal structure of things, and external linkages. "State of motion" means things change in time and space characteristics of the display, trend and laws.
  2) epistemological level information
  Perceived or expressed by the main things the way the existence and state of motion. The main perceived the main input to the outside world the information is expressed in the main body of information output to the outside world.
  The ontological level, there is no information to the main premise of the existence, even if the subject does not exist, the information still exists. Epistemological level is different, there is no body, you can not understand the information, there is no information on the epistemological level.
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1 against the Shannon information defined
  Reverse Shannon (Shannon) information Definition: Information is the increase in uncertainty.
  Information is confirmed positive (deterministic) things. Or confirmation of information is positive. Corresponding to the formula
  Ir =- logPi +1
  Or Ir '= log ((N-ni) / N) = log (nq / N) = logPq
  The Shannon information, the form of negative entropy - uncertainty is transformed into the formal entropy compensation - certainty. See the original negatives of the Shannon definition of information: information is something to remove the random uncertainty. Formula
  I =- logPi =- log ((ni) / N) =- (logni-logN) = logN-log ni
  =- Log ((N-nq) / N) = 1-1 - logPi = 1 - (1 + logPi) = (1 - logPi) -1
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2 Inverse Wiener defined information
  Wiener defined the inverse of information: Information is information, information is material, energy, information and property marked.
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3 Deng Yu universal definition of information such as
  Deng Yu who in 2002 proposed the "information" concept and definition: "Information is the phenomenon of things and their properties identifies the collection."
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4 follow the definition of imitation
  Characterization of information is the property of things (≈ <mark, logo, said that reflected the performance of ...)。 Representation = representation. Characterization <<identity, logo, mark
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The difference between representation and identity
  Characterization of = information in the minds of the presentation, representation is a reflection of objective reality, but also the object to be processed. Have a strong subjective, subjectivity. Characteristics that have the image of the characterization, also known as representation, it is just a form of representation. Characterization requires at least two elements, one object, such as things or property, text, graphics, etc. - the objective, object; second brain, processing machines, quality is different from different levels, manufacturing (Imitation or create) a product different - - genuine and imitation differences. Total is the source + the destination. Poor representation of identity, different subject, the object will be different for the same great differences, dissent.
  Tags: mark, mark + identification (difference, difference, change, said the difference), objectivity, subjectivity weak. Connotation of deeper, wider extension. Identify the areas covered by the broader number, and signs should be part of identity.
  Logo: It is characteristic that marks things. It simple, obvious, easily identifiable images, graphics or text as a visual language of symbols, in addition to what is said instead of what, but also with the expression of meaning, emotion and the role of command actions.
  Signs, as human beings and the special natural and intuitive way to contact. Statistics in the "signs"
  Statistics also known as identity marks, overall the unit has the attributes or characteristics as signs.
  ID (biāozhì)
  Sign "and" identity "is equivalent in modern Chinese. They have the same pronunciation, which biāozhì." Flag "and" identity "is a homonym, synonym, Variant.
  "Modern Chinese Dictionary", the 【ID】 biāozhì with "signs."
  Knowledge (zhì) <book> ① mind: Strong knowledge CMP. ② marks: inscriptions │ identity.
  Knowledge (shí) ① awareness. ② knowledge; knowledge.
  "Building standard, _set_ the table know that things are." Logos and signs are exactly the same in ancient China, and identify the signs.
  From an objective reality, the city in ancient China, although very early, but the city's structure is simple, identify the main functions of the business. Literally, "identity" and "sign" two words have a "standard" word "standard" is the table know, is a memory of the oldest methods is the memory, a symbol or mark. However, the ancient Chinese coinage is not free, "the logo" and "mark" the suffix of two words is different in the use of different. "Chi" in the ancient links "flag" is a tag identifying people, not only to help with a form of memory, the image can also be self-assertive; and "know" when the same although the word "ambition", but first and foremost The significance of the "know" "know", is to make people familiar with, remember. "Know" the word is in addition to "remember" the meaning, the "know", "recognition" of the further request more of a communication. May be ancient, "Ambition" and "know" the word homonym, and therefore suspected of borrowing, so the mix of both logos and marks, you can also use their special occasions, respectively. Identity and logo in essence not very different meaning, but in the direction of the expression of the existence of different meaning or scope of the areas covered by the former is more extensive for some, but part of the logo should be identified.
  In modern cities, can completely identify with signs equating the two? Although many occasions have been mixed, but noticeable when in use within the meaning of the different "signs" of the term to point to a class of more graphics and text graphics or a combination of the mark, as characterized by a certain class of things; and "identity" not only on behalf of the class graphic symbols, and language expression text, numbers, directions and other standard mark, have a wider field of use, it should be said, marked a part of identity.
  In English, the word embodies a lot of sense identity, but the usage is different. Such as the "landmark" the term refers to the point feature in the city, is the point of reference for people to experience outer space, usually refers to the land affirmed the specific object, and "identity" is very close in meaning. "Landmark" belongs to "mark" class symbol is a sign or a mark of history, is a building with landmark, the iconic logo. "Mark" is also used for commercial logo, originated very early, to do still in use, trademark is a "trademark".
  English also has "sign" the word has "signboard" "signpst" "signage" and other words referring to is identified. "Sign" a symbol, mark, marks, signs, signage, and so meaningful, and the instructions of the system today is very close in meaning. "Signal" refers to the signal, but also for signs. "Signpost" used for road signs, "signboard" means that signs, billboards, bus stop is the "signboard". In addition, there are the English "nameplate" "nameboard" and other words, they like the house in front of the Japanese family name written on the sign to say "nameboard", also refers to the trademark. Identified in various types of foreign expressions, but also not very clear.
  "Information is the existence of a material way, shape or movement patterns, but also a general property of things, generally refers to the data, contained in the meaning of the message, the message can make the events described in the uncertainty Jianshao"
  ... ... "Scientific and technical information system standards and terminology standards guide ----"
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5 passive class definition of information is reflected
  In accordance with the "definition" of the rules, is the standardization of the definition of + species difference should be active, positive style. The negative form, the definition of passive compared to "active" even more convoluted, bend the addition of a circle. Therefore, the information known passive definition: information is being reflected in the material properties of modified active, will be more to the definition of scientific definition.
  Active: The information reflects the properties of things, slightly better than original "is reflected in the material properties", which is one.
  Second, reflect, logos comparison, domain, meaning a smaller extension.
  Reflect: is the interaction between things and his things when something else in order to reproduce some of its characteristics change. Usually refers to the role of objective things in the human senses, while the form of an idea makes its laws and properties of the object model to write, copy and reproduction. It will "reflect" replaced by "signs, or logos," the definition of information is more universal. That
  Property information is the identity of things. Better! (No characterization, and reflect)
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6 definition of simple comparisons of three similar
  1. Information is reflected in the material properties (the "information is being reflected in the material properties" of certain type of transformation)
  2. Information is the identification of the attributes of things
  3. Information is an objective representation of things in general properties
  The key difference between the three definitions is the last of the three "gerund": "reflect - Identification - Characterization." The front of "is" the difference between post-copula relative to these three words a little more. Speech from the three basic meaning of the word see, "identifies" the connotation and extension of the broadest, most profound, is "reflected in representation" of the mother. So, the three definitions (interpretation) in the "attribute information is the identity of things" is the most superior definition, while the 1 'information is a reflection of the material property information is reflected = material properties'; 3' information is objective things Characterization of common property 'is 2 definition of "property information is the identity of things," child defined sub_set_. In other words, the definition 2 and definition than the definition of a _set_ of 3 larger.
  2 Define the definition of ≥ 3 ≥ ≥ 1 define
  Property information is the identity of things ∈ information is reflected in the properties of materials (generally property information is the characterization of objective things)
  2 definition is a definition of derivative, 3, 2 and 1 is defined as the definition of copying, follow. 1 is the source of the product 2,3, 2 is authentic (out of the former products 'information is reflected in the material properties' of the original innovative product.) 3 is paid goods, forgery.
  On the other hand, the source definition of "information is reflected in the material properties" in the main object "substance" of the scope, domain, content, extension and smaller than "things" of meaning, and is more around the bend of the "passive" . Therefore, the 2 definition of "property information is the identity of things" is the best compared to the broad!
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A brief history of information defined
  Brief history of information defined process: the definition of the times the information
  Post transfer, etc.
  The emergence of fast information defined 100-year history, "information theory" after 60 years anniversary, it should be with the times, to find a new pivot, do not always stay and immersed in the ancient memory of the old should be future-oriented, multi-core computer times out of 286 on a single core computer, up to date. The total collection of Japanese history, the old general to be a collection of antique inventions. Forgotten when the forgotten, favorable physiological function, should be preserved.
  In fact, the information is defined, the real classic also 10 to a rest more than the rest, the information noise. These are the classic definition of imitation, "replace the word" practice. So it should be Qucuqujing, the real face of the definition of recovery information. 10, 3,5 is the normal condition of the industry. Copying more than a hundred similar interpretation of chaos.
  More classic definition of information, rough look, there are three key important time,
  The first is that Shannon and Wiener, 1948, information theory, control theory, when the founders, though, is not complete, but there is great progress, the more revolutionary of the original definition.
  Zhong Yixin second is the definition of the breakthrough stage. During the "information is reflected in the material properties" will be a classic.
  The third is the inverse of the Shannon, the definition of inverse Wiener information: the modern, the new definition of the times
  Information is the increase in uncertainty. The affirmative confirmation.
  Information is information, information is material, energy, information and property marked.
  Property ID information is something
  Wiener had to borrow the original definition of the deformation, changing narrative, to be a summary
  "Information is information, neither matter nor energy. 'It is matter, energy, information and property marking'. Does not recognize that materialism can not exist in the current era."
  1. Jieshengjishi of the definition of information: 1948 Shannon
  Founded in 1948, the Shannon information theory, measuring the amount of information given point of the definition of the so-called information "the information to eliminate uncertainty," the concept of birth information.
  Another well-known definition of Wiener information "Information is information, neither matter nor energy" to answer questions at the same time created a larger problem. These are considered, the classic definition of information.
  Freedom of information is _select_ed (Hartley, 1928)
  2. Abacus definition of information during the
  Information is reflected in the material properties
  Information is the content of communications transmission (Wiener, 1950).
  Information is the process of interaction with the outside world in the name of the content exchanged
  Probability distribution of the information is to make a change in something (Tribes etal, 1971).
  Information is the difference between things (Longo, 1975).
  Information is a collection of variability (Ashby, 1956).
  Information is a field (Eepr, 1971).
  Information is negative entropy (Brillouin, 1956).
  Information is a measure of orderliness (Wiener, 1948).
  Information is the measure of the degree system organization (Wiener, 1948).
  Information is reflected in the difference (УΛ cy Λ, 1968).
  Information is reflected in the variability
  Definition 3.286
  Information is the subject or the perceived status and movement of things expressed in a formal way relationship. (Zhong Yixin)
  Refers to the movement of the actual state of things and the way
  Information is the expression of the structure; (Chen Yusi)
  Information "volume" is the difference between structure; (Chen Yusi)
  Information "can" is to change the structure of capacity.
  Information is reflected in the specificity (Lu Chenguang)
  Property identification information is a collection of things (such as Tang Yu, 2002)
  4. Multicore era definition of information in the 21st century against the Shannon definition, the definition of inverse Wiener
  In 2006, the definition of inverse Wiener
  Information is material, energy, information and property marked. [In 2006, the medical information (magazine)].
  Information is the increase in uncertainty. Shannon defined inverse
  Property identification information is a collection of things
  Bu Wei Wei, Tsinghua University, as Yun, the definition of information and philosophical discussion of the definition of the nature of the information, unique. In 2005, the ideological front. The classical definition of Shannon information
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Characteristics of information
  (1) Identifiable
  Information can be identified, the identification can be divided into direct and indirect recognition not identify, is not directly recognized by the sensory recognition and indirect recognition is the identification by means of various tests. Different information sources have different identification methods.
  (2) can be stored between
  Information is stored by various methods.
  (3) scalability
  Information over time, will continue to expand.
  (4) compressibility
  People to information processing, sorting, summary, induction can be so refined, so concentrated.
  (5) transitivity
  Information is information that can be transitive nature of such symptoms.
  (6) The transferability
  Information is available from one form into another form.
  (7) the effectiveness of specific areas
  Information in a specific range is valid, otherwise it is invalid.
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Second, the characteristics of information
  Authenticity: authenticity of the information has divided things objectively reflect the degree of real-world accuracy of the information.
  Hierarchy: the information is hierarchical.
  • Can transfer of: a carrier attached to the information needs of transmission.
  Can be transformed: It can change is the way that information can be converted into different forms, but also by different carriers to store.
  • Identifiable: information can be identified in a certain way.
  • Treatability: information can be processed by some means.
  • to restore the reproducibility: Information can be passed in different forms, reducing reproduction.
  • diffusion and can be shared: the same source can supply more than the destination, so information can be shared.
  • timeliness and time lag: The information in a certain period of time the information is valid, is invalid outside of this time information. And the dissemination of any information from the source to the destination after a certain period of time need to have their time lag.
  • reusability: the information source to send a message regardless of the number of places to send all letters will not decrease the number of places, and a message can be repeated many times use.
  • Storage of: information can be stored in different ways in different media.
  • Information can be converted: the information can be converted from one form to another form.
  • Information is valuable: information is a resource, so it is valuable.
  Three forms of information
  There are 4 general shape of information: data, text, audio, images. This form can be transformed into each other 4, for example, photos transferred to the computer, put the image converted into numbers.
  (Four types of information
  Information can be classified from different angles.
  ① in accordance with the degree of its importance can be divided into: strategic information, tactical information and job information.
  ② can be classified according to their application areas: management information, social information, technology information and military information.
  ③ in accordance with the information processing sequence can be divided into: an information, second information and third information.
  ④ in accordance with the information reflected in the form can be divided into: digital information, image information and sound information.
  5. By nature can be divided into qualitative and quantitative information.
  Fourth, information constitutes
  Information form is:
  (1) information sources;
  (2) content;
  (3) vector;
  (4) transmission;
  (5) recipients.
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Expression of popular philosophy of information
  Expression of popular philosophy that information is the motion state of the material world and the conversion method, the essential attribute of matter. Here, the material refers to all human and animal studies can identify possible objects, including humans continue to increase awareness of the external universe of material objects, but also the phenomenon of the subjective world of the spirit; "movement" refers to any significant changes of including mechanical movement, chemical movement, thinking movement and social movements; "campaign mode" refers to the movement of things in time, presented a variety of composite complex process; "state of motion" is the movement of things in the space shown on the form.
  For example: people have time is life, the quality is the life, information is instruction, information is business, which in some level, information is fully revealed the inherent laws of the physical world. And people to grasp some information is only part of the law ignores the performance!
  The ancient Chinese idiom: Queer and promise better, so all the performance of popular philosophy of everyday life, the interpretation and expression are regularly!
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Specific performance information
  1, define the source
  We all know that any information must be experts in information standards, in accordance with the "definition" as defined by prevailing standards, a reasonable scientific explanation and reveal a variety of complex performance of the material world, the internal laws of certain identifiable; and science and technology through the stages definition.
  2, the performance information
  The long evolutionary history of human development, the accumulation of scientific and technical practice, the information is expressed as the beginning is hard to determine the authenticity of the news group, the internal laws of the physical world as humans, need to draw facial features and thinking and to identify monitoring techniques, and these technologies continue to advance with the times, the dynamic development; which case the message is information, information is the core message; information is different from the signal, the signal is the information carrier, information is the content of the signal by the load ; information is different from the data, the data is to record information in a form, the same information can also be expressed in words or images. Information is also different from the intelligence and knowledge. In short, "information that the state of the movement of things and the way" This definition has the most universal (the definition may only take a local to explain the whole), not only the definition to cover all other information can also be converted by introducing constraints for all other information defined. Yu Wu that the information is the mapping of the abstract collection of material, since the information is mapped, the material and conversion of said information does not exist, and this mapping and the world, the model is related to the conversion of information, nothing more than the conversion between the world map , the definition of Professor Chung might just get a local to explain the whole. For example, the introduction of Cognition in the constraints can be translated into epistemological definition of information, that information is the perception or understanding of the main movement of things expressed in the state and how. For a constraint to the main course of cognitive ability and observations based on the epistemological sense can be further divided into information on prior information (knowledge of the main memory has), take-home information (knowing subject with the ability to learn) and it is information (in ideal conditions, understanding of the main observations obtained all the information about things.) Layers of the introduction of more constraints, the more rich information content, the smaller the scope of application, which constitutes the link between them have a certain concept of information systems.
  For example: the first language of human communication, babbling, interactive exchange of information is dynamic expression. , Respectively find food, safety warnings, courtship reproduction, sleep and fatigue. There are many available on the Internet pictures, web pages, music, flash, FTP resources (including papers, software, courseware, etc.), are used to show the way information
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Highly developed information - information technology
  Information and human understanding of the material world and its own history of closely related growth.
  Human society is so rich, because information and information technology has been the inevitable result of sustained progress!
  Information technology is the study of information acquisition, transmission and processing technology, computer technology, communication technology, microelectronic technology combination, sometimes called "modern information technology." In other words, information technology is the use of computer information processing, use of modern electronic communications technology in information collection, storage, processing, utilization and related product manufacturing, technology development, information services, new disciplines
  Five: Human information activities through 1. The acquisition of language 2. Text to create 3. The invention of printing 4. Morse telegraph technology 5. Application of Computer Network
  Appendix References
  Introduction to 1000 Edition ISO9000 family standards
  Information information
  Meaningful information
  2, the definition of telecommunications economics:
  Information is the state of the world, of all things, characteristics and changes in the reflection of the highest form of human thought theory.
  3, method of conveying information:
  Information is transmitted through the media. Including the Internet, television, posters, newspapers and so on.
  Future Information Technology
  21st century will be the information age. Information technology will be information resources, information processing and transmission of information to achieve integration of Microelectronics and Optoelectronics. Intelligent Computing and cognition, brain science combined, with its applications will be more extensive and diverse new work for humanity and way of life.
  Currently, INTERNET in China's development is still in its infancy, the 21st century, its development will show a rapid trend. In China, Internet users in early 1999 from 210 million to end of the year between 6 million to 8 million. Under such a growth, it was predicted to reach nearly million next year. By that time, the industry will be a qualitative change. This qualitative change is the result of the Internet to infiltrate all walks of life and produce a large-scale social benefits. In fact, the Internet currently in the country is beginning to infiltrate the various industries. In the long run, this penetration will also spread to the retail, manufacturing and production of traditional commercial areas.
  In the future, the Internet economy will be reflected in two core values. The first large-scale, universal. Understanding of the Internet from a small number of people the first step and gradually spread into people's lives, as people is an important part of life. Another is the combination of traditional industries and penetration. Internet business will simply focus on the IT industry, and gradually penetrate into all the traditional industries and become a part of progress in all walks of life itself, and even boosters. These two values ​​is the core of the Internet really play, but also a future trend in the development of the Internet.
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Communication of information
  From a philosophical point of view, information is the existence of the movement of things or expression is a common property of all matter, in fact, including the characterization of all physical movement. Information Communication Research is a case to reduce or eliminate the uncertainty of anything, it is the creation of the human spirit.
  Information characteristics: the objectivity and universality of expression, mobility.
  Information function: cognitive function, social function.
  Information Society: also known as post-industrial society, referring to the information society is the breadth and depth of the whole society, and to use information technology methods and techniques for dealing with the theory of practical problems as the main feature of the social
  Information: can be understood as the economic and social activities through the widespread use of information technology and electronic information equipment, more efficient development and use of information resources to promote economic development and social progress, so that the use of information resources, and create work value (economic value added information) in the proportion of GDP gradually increased until the dominant process; can be understood in terms of relative industrialization of a new economic and social patterns, in this new pattern of information as a management based, decision-making basis, the first element of competition has become more than substance, more important resource of energy; can be understood as a new stage of cultural development
  The most direct form of information is the information technology are:
  1, bringing great changes in industry structure, manifested in: the basis of modern information technology to generate a large number of industrial revolution during the period of the past, no new industries; traditional industrial system into recession, the use of information technology to its transformation, as traditional industries respected the way out; service industry to become increasingly dominant in the national economy;
  2, bring the form factor of production structure and management changes in modern society, knowledge of factors of production structure and greatly enhanced the role of technology has become the primary productive force, and material data and the relative weakening of the role of capital
  3, the accelerated process of internationalization of the economy, on the one hand reflected in the development of modern information technology itself international, on the other hand the performance of modern information technology to promote the internationalization of the economy; 4, leading to changes in social structure, and in the urbanization scattered trends, strengthen family and social functions, the occupational structure of knowledge and high technology vocational increased work and lifestyle change.
  Information in the management information system is defined as: the information is available about the objective facts of the communication of knowledge.
  The latest definition of information: Information is the exclusion of incidental physical movement (Shannon copy of the definition of the old definition); its features are: transfer, sharing, dependence, and can handle, value relativity, timely, true and false of ; data is the information carrier.
  Information seen or even touched, it seems there are some with a real difference. For example, unlike the tools in our hands, different from eating the food into the mouth. But people are increasingly aware of the importance of information, far more than its value or even a lot of tangible things. If the history of human development as a path, extended forward in accordance with a definite purpose, then you will find information which is expanding along the direction of moving forward. Small amount of information, communication efficiency and low social development of the slow pace of growth in the information, that is, social stagnation, or even thousand of years the same; the amount of information, dissemination of efficient society, on the fast pace of development, it can leaps and bounds over the past year, a century of development. Explosion of information, so that the acceleration of human society to move forward to achieve incredible levels. Mankind is the door into the information society. Information is the great driving force of social progress. Traditional forms of information dissemination is changing, this change is profound. People every day from television, radio, newspaper, telephone, books, magazines, computer media until receiving a lot of information on, and our ancestors life in the information obtained may not, as we gained in the day and more. Dissemination of information is no longer limited by time, geographical constraints. Human capabilities to expand due to the increase of information. Led to the rapid spread of information technology development, technology development and dissemination of information provides a new means. The emergence of computers, the emergence of optical fiber, resulting in a global network era, so that the dissemination of information from the natural kingdom into the realm of freedom. Today's students use computers, just a few minutes to complete years ago, ancient mathematicians around the world are difficult to complete the work. In the absence of prior to the global computer network, even if the use of modern postal service, a letter across the Pacific, also need a month or so, and e-mail is almost just a few seconds. Today's computer communication technology, can make any corner of the earth at the same time the people "face to face" to work.
  Modern society is from the post-industrial society to information society transition. It has been the past can not imagine what our society is like today, and we can not imagine today what tomorrow's society. Information is the background of human civilization from the remote stand out as one of the most realistic sense of what can be. Information is the blood of civilization, because it's surging, mankind has unlimited energy.
  What is the information? (Did not say anything, or do not know what information)
  People everywhere are talking about information, more and more we hear the term information. We hear: We have entered an information society, we are into the information superhighway, we are going to usher in a new era of information explosion.
  So what is information? (Logical cycle, did not explain, such as: information is the message, the message is the message. What is the information or do not know!)
  Broadly speaking, information is the message. There are all information. For humans, the facial features of people born to feel the information, they are receivers of information, they feel everything is information. However, the amount of information that our five senses can not directly feel the human being through various means, the invention of various instruments to perceive them, found them.
  Today mankind has entered an era of information dissemination of information has greatly changed the face of people's life, the dizzying development of human society
  However, it is generally said that the information refers to the exchange of information and more. Exchange of information has always been to, if not the exchange of information to useless. Information also to be stored and used. The books you read, you hear music, you see things, or did you think of things, these are the information.
  Information Services
  Jun Friends of the Information Centre is a world-renowned classics of Chinese literature media information service providers, to provide the information collected from the medium of evaluation, knowledge management, a full _set_ of information services. Personalized according to customer demand for customers from the microfilm, digital-to-paper a valuable reference document, as well as government and business decision-makers as a target of economic and financial research presentations, industry competition intelligence, assisted clients make major decision-making.
  Information is the basis for development of human civilization
  All human knowledge, all of the story is information.
  The message that all human activities and natural survival convey presence information and messages. Accumulation and dissemination of information is the foundation of human civilization and progress.
  Survival of human society, the development of the three basis of material, energy and information. The world is composed of the material, energy is the driving force of all motion of matter, information is the human understanding of nature and human society credentials.
  This is the site of ancient rock art paintings left to the characters in baggy robes, wearing a bowl-like helmet, the antenna up on end, how people look at all like the universe. This with a mysterious message to today's endless human imagination.
  This is the Chinese Tang Dynasty, Tang Xuan Zang went to Buddhist sutras. He experienced hardships, through the long distance, just to get some kind of unknown. The information needs of human beings is often more than everything.
  With a camera to record images, which is close to what over the years. Prior to this, except through painting, we can not see the true face of the past, people.
  Three main categories of information
  There are many kinds of classification information. It is generally put it into the universe of information, the Earth's natural and human social information class information.
  Information refers to the universe in space, was issued with a variety of stars and planets through the reflection of electromagnetic waves of information the message, forming a direct communication of information dissemination of information and reflection.
  Information is the earth's natural life on Earth as shown by reproduction and survival of various actions and forms, biological motion and a variety of information inanimate physical movement of information.
  Information refers to the human of human society through gestures, eye contact, language, text, graphics, graphics and images expressed by the indirect information about the objective world.
  Ten Characteristics of information
  Information have the basic characteristics:
  Measurable. Information can be measured in a unit of measure and encode information. Such as the use of modern computer binary.
  Can be identified. Visual identification information can be taken to compare the recognition and indirect recognition and other means to grasp.
  Convertible. Information can be converted from one form to another form. If the information can be converted to natural language, text and images, forms can also be converted to electromagnetic signals or computer code
  Can be stored. Information can be stored. The brain is a natural information storage. Human invention of writing, photography, audio, video and computer information can be stored in memory so
  Can handle. The human brain is the best information processor. Human brain functions can make decisions, design, research, writing, improvement, invention, creation, and other information processing activities. Computer also has information processing capabilities.
  Can pass. Information transfer is the transfer of matter and energy simultaneously. Language, facial expressions, movements, newspapers, books, radio, television, telephone and other common human way of information transfer.
  Renewable. Information has been processed, you can other forms of regeneration. After the manual, such as natural information processing, language or graphics, etc. can be re-generated information. A variety of data input into the computer text and other information, available display, print, drawing, etc. and then generate information.
  Compressible. Information can be compressed, can be used to describe the same amount of information of different things. People often use a minimal amount of information that describes the main features of a thing.
  Available. Information has a certain effectiveness and availability.
  Can be shared. With the diffusion of information, so you can share.
  Dissemination of information
  Information needs to be spread. If you can not disseminate information, the information meaningless existence. So what is it spread?
  Send information and receive information is the dissemination of information. We speak, write, do things, that is, during the transmission; we listen to others speak, read an article written by someone else, understand the work done by others, that is, accept the communication. So we have the knowledge, because we live in a society of information dissemination.
  In human society, the spread appears to be a ghost, it ever, everywhere. Therefore, no communication, there is no society, no human will to survive.
  When a person is alone, the spread is in fact carried out. Meditation is a kind of inner communication; thinking is to discuss themselves and their own, and convey a message; diary, or read books, it is a kind of spread. In human society, communication is widespread.
  3 kinds of information the main form of communication
  When humans have language, writing and painting and other means of transmitting information, the humans from the animal's state of ignorance, into civilized society. Because the exchange of information so that humans can acquire more experience and knowledge to move forward.
  Language to convey information with sound, text, graphic symbols used to convey information, paint with an image to transmit information. Sounds, symbols, images, information has become the main form of human communication. Only through the expression of human can communicate with each other and understanding. Therefore we can say, sounds, symbols and images are unique to the human form of information 3
  Information activities of human experience great changes 5 times
  The whole history of human evolution, but also a history of the evolution of human information activities. In the entire history of human development, has experienced tremendous information revolution times. Information changes each time the development of human society are a tremendous driving force, bringing leap forward. Followed by the information revolution: the birth of language, the text of the birth, the birth of printing, the use of electromagnetic waves and computer technology. They will be divided into species of human history, the information age.
  Forward the evolution of human society in different times will face different problems, and related information, to become the subject of particular attention.
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Economic Wikipedia
  On the movement of things and laws of the state of the characterization, but also the knowledge on the movement of things. Information is to use symbols, signals or messages contained in the content, knowledge of objective things, to eliminate uncertainty. Because information is the movement of things and laws of the state characterized by the existence of information is so widespread; and the mettle of information with knowledge, so it human survival and development is essential. Information commonly found in nature, human society and human thought into. The concept of information is a profound summary of human social practice, and the development of science and technology with the development. 1948 CE Shannon, founder of information theory in the theory of generalized communication system is defined as when the information source of uncertainty degrees. 1950 N. Wiener considered the founder of cybernetics, information is people adapt to the objective world, and that this adaptation is the process of the objective world experience exchange with the objective world, the contents of the name. 1964 R. Carnap semantic information presented. Not only with the use of semantic grammar and sentence structure, but also to the destination for the symbols used on the subjective perception. Therefore, semantic information is a subjective information. 80 general information raised by philosophers, that information is directly or indirectly describe the objective world, the information as the scope and substance into the philosophy side by side.
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English Expression
  1. :  Information (INF)
  2. n.:  communication,  data,  info,  information,  intelligence,  message,  messages,  message sense,  news
  3. adj.:  particular,  piece of information,  detail,  fact
French Expression
  1. n.  information, nouvelle
xinxilian, youyi, youyilian, story, thing that is communicated, data, advices
circumstance, circumstance, detail, proceeding, particular aspect or precise detail
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