all means of traffic and transportation > traffic engineering
No. 1
  traffic engineering
  Traffic Engineering Description:
  The occurrence of road traffic, composition and movement of the theory and application of disciplines, is derived from the road works and development. Study focused on people, vehicles, roads and land use, building and other integrated relationship between the environment. Purpose is to explore the maximum transport capacity of the road traffic system, most cost-effective, traffic accidents and pollution at least the minimum level of scientific and technical measures to obtain the optimal transport system to guide the planning and construction of road systems and transportation systems operation and management.
  Traffic Engineering was founded in the 20th century, 30 years. 1930 American Association for the establishment of traffic engineers, to investigate the reduction of the initial traffic congestion, traffic safety and traffic management. Noting the age of 40 transportation planning issues. 50's attention to the study of human traffic, vehicle, road the relationship between the three, the creation of a traffic flow theory. 60s in the traffic engineering application computer control signals, process information and formulate plans, and pay attention to the problem of traffic pollution. 70 years in the field of traffic engineering into systems engineering knowledge. China in the 70's to carry out traffic engineering studies.
  Business direction:
  Engineering research through the content delivery include:
  1) The traffic characteristics. Including vehicle characteristics; characteristics of drivers and pedestrians, mainly referring to their psychological factors, physiological factors and response capabilities; road features such as the number of road quality, road traffic volume growth rate and the relationship between growth rate; traffic volume ; vehicle speed; road capacity and so on. Investigation of these traffic characteristics, in order to reveal the traffic laws, under which traffic planning, design and implementation of traffic management road alignment.
  2) transportation planning. Traffic Situation in research to predict future population, socio-economic and land use on transportation needs, based on the development of transportation planning. It is the city or regional master plan is an integral part.
  3) Traffic flow. That vehicles traveling on the road to form a continuous traffic flow, the available flow, velocity and density (per unit length on the road with the number of vehicles, in units of vehicles / km) 3 parameters to describe. Operation of law of the road traffic flow, road and can be used to analyze effect of the use of various transport facilities, and improvement measures.
  4) The road alignment design. Including road horizontal alignment and Vertical Alignment, road intersections, road landscape, road entrance and road drainage design. Design guidelines is to ensure pedestrian and vehicle safety and smooth.
  5) traffic management. Study how to correctly handle the traffic by means of a series of human, vehicle, road the relationship among the three, to ensure traffic safety and reduce traffic pollution.
  6) road safety. The regularity of traffic accidents and the causes, which made traffic safety measures.
  7) Traffic pollution. A motor vehicle emissions and noise and vibration caused harm to the public. Of pollution prevention measures and more attention.
  8) transport energy. Trial, including fuel-efficient cars, fuel-efficient geometric design research.
  Traffic Engineering Course:
  a) Subject:
  Traffic engineering, systems engineering.
  b) Main Courses:
  Traffic engineering, systems engineering, traffic engineering economy and legislation, transportation planning, general layout and transportation design, traffic to Hong Kong station design, traffic control and management, road works, rail transportation, transportation project evaluation, project budget and so on.
  c) main practice teaching links:
  Including engineering drawings, surveying practice, vehicle driving and testing, the Hong Kong Station internships, the general arrangements for 12 weeks.
  Knowledge and abilities:
  1) The traffic engineering disciplines to master the basic theory, basic knowledge;
  2) the general control system engineering analysis and systems control the basic technology;
  3) with transport planning, traffic engineering and traffic control systems development the initial capacity;
  4) Be familiar with state on transportation planning, construction and management principles, policies and regulations;
  5) understand traffic engineering, in particular, developments in intelligent transportation;
  6) to master the literature search, data query of the basic method, a preliminary scientific research and practical work.
  Training Objectives:
  This professional development with traffic engineering and system planning, design and control knowledge, at the national and provincial and municipal departments of development planning, transportation planning and design department, and traffic management departments engaged in transportation planning, traffic engineering, traffic control system development and other aspects of the work of the advanced engineering and technical personnel.
  Training requirements:
  The students mainly study systems engineering, traffic engineering aspects of the basic theory and basic knowledge, by the knowledge graph drawing, computer operation, engineering survey, project budget of basic training to acquire the transport infrastructure planning, design and engineering projects Evaluation of the basic skills.
  Professional traffic engineering is not close to transport, more emphasis on traffic engineering works should belong to the civil engineering. Written here, "traffic engineering" should be "traffic control and management" is a management class management class so more similar to the "Transportation" Traffic Engineering major courses: descriptive geometry, theoretical mechanics, material mechanics, structural mechanics, soil mechanics, fluid mechanics, road materials, engineering geology, operations research, surveying, road embankment construction, concrete structures, bridges and culverts, hydrology, road planning and geometric design, bridge engineering, airport planning and design.
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Traffic Engineering
  Traffic Engineering Traffic engineering is the development of interdisciplinary research and the basic theory, is derived from the road engineering of a relatively young discipline, it is the people, vehicles, road, environmental and energy aspects of transport-related integrated In the continuum of road traffic research, to seek the maximum road capacity, traffic accident at least, running the fastest, most economical transportation costs, minimal environmental impact, the lowest energy consumption of transport system planning, construction and management solutions to achieve safe, rapid, economical, convenient, comfortable, energy-saving and low pollution purposes.
  Traffic engineering academic characteristics: 1, 2 systematic, comprehensive and - subject of traffic engineering is often from five aspects: Engineering (Engineering), Regulations (Enforcement), Education (Education), Energy (Energy), Environment (Environment ), so traffic engineering disciplines is often called the "Five E" Module 3, cross 4, social 5, 6 advance, dynamic
  Traffic engineering disciplines are being developed is a comprehensive discipline, transport it from the perspective of the people, vehicles, road, environmental and energy research as a continuum, both social science and natural science double features.
  Traffic Engineering was founded in the 20th century, 30 years. Traffic engineers established in 1930, Association of the United States, marking the birth of traffic engineering disciplines. Focuses on early stage to reduce traffic congestion, traffic safety and traffic management. Noting the age of 40 transportation planning issues. 50's attention to the study of human traffic, vehicle, road the relationship between the three, the creation of a traffic flow theory. 60s in the traffic engineering application computer control signals, process information and formulate plans, and pay attention to the problem of traffic pollution. 70 years in the field of traffic engineering into systems engineering knowledge.
  Generation of traffic engineering disciplines, traffic engineering expert Mr. Zhang Qiu Chinese Americans played an important role in promoting. Since 1978, Mr. Zhang Qiu, represented by the United States, Japan, Britain, Canada and other countries of the traffic engineering experts were in Shanghai, Beijing, Harbin, Nanjing, Xi'an and other cities to give lectures, introduced the Western developed countries, transportation systems planning, traffic management, traffic control and traffic safety and other aspects of construction and management experience. China has also sent several delegations abroad to participate in the UK, USA, Japan, Australia, Germany and other countries organized by the Traffic Engineering Conference, these activities promote the domestic production of transportation subjects.
  The establishment of traffic engineering disciplines unlike the United States have a clear sign, but is generally believed that China's transport engineering disciplines in the 20th century produced the early 80s, while the Chinese-American Mr. Zhang Qiu is the founder of the discipline.
  Business direction:
  Traffic engineering study will include:
  1) The traffic characteristics. Including vehicle characteristics; characteristics of drivers and pedestrians, mainly referring to their psychological factors, physiological factors and response capabilities; road features such as the number of road quality, road traffic volume growth rate and the relationship between growth rate; traffic volume ; vehicle speed; road capacity and so on. Investigation of these traffic characteristics, in order to reveal the traffic laws, under which traffic planning, design and implementation of traffic management road alignment.
  2) transportation planning. Traffic Situation in research to predict future population, socio-economic and land use on transportation needs, based on the development of transportation planning. It is the city or regional master plan is an integral part.
  3) Traffic flow. That vehicles traveling on the road to form a continuous traffic flow, the available flow, velocity and density (per unit length on the road with the number of vehicles, in units of vehicles / km) 3 parameters to describe. Operation of law of the road traffic flow, road and can be used to analyze effect of the use of various transport facilities, and improvement measures.
  4) The road alignment design. Including road horizontal alignment and Vertical Alignment, road intersections, road landscape, road entrance and road drainage design. Design guidelines is to ensure pedestrian and vehicle safety and smooth.
  5) traffic management. Study how to correctly handle the traffic by means of a series of human, vehicle, road the relationship among the three, to ensure traffic safety and reduce traffic pollution.
  6) road safety. The regularity of traffic accidents and the causes, which made traffic safety measures.
  7) Traffic pollution. A motor vehicle emissions and noise and vibration caused harm to the public. Of pollution prevention measures and more attention.
  8) transport energy. Trial, including fuel-efficient cars, fuel-efficient geometric design research.
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Traffic Engineering
  a) Subject:
  Traffic engineering, systems engineering, road engineering.
  b) Main Courses:
  Traffic engineering, systems engineering, traffic engineering economy and legislation, transportation planning, general layout and transportation design, traffic to Hong Kong station design, traffic control and management, road works, rail transportation, transportation project evaluation, project budget and so on.
  c) main practice teaching links:
  Including engineering drawings, surveying practice, vehicle driving and testing, the Hong Kong Station internships, the general arrangements for 12 weeks.
  Knowledge and abilities:
  1) The traffic engineering disciplines to master the basic theory, basic knowledge;
  2) the general control system engineering analysis and systems control the basic technology;
  3) with transport planning, traffic engineering and traffic control systems development the initial capacity;
  4) Be familiar with state on transportation planning, construction and management principles, policies and regulations;
  5) understand traffic engineering, in particular, developments in intelligent transportation;
  6) to master the literature search, data query of the basic method, a preliminary scientific research and practical work.
  Training Objectives:
  This professional development with traffic engineering and system planning, design and control knowledge, at the national and provincial and municipal departments of development planning, transportation planning and design department, and traffic management departments engaged in transportation planning, traffic engineering, traffic control system development and other aspects of the work of the advanced engineering and technical personnel.
  Training requirements:
  The students mainly study systems engineering, traffic engineering aspects of the basic theory and basic knowledge, by the knowledge graph drawing, computer operation, engineering survey, project budget of basic training to acquire the transport infrastructure planning, design and engineering projects Evaluation of the basic skills.
  Professional traffic engineering is not close to transport, more emphasis on traffic engineering works should belong to the civil engineering. Written here, "traffic engineering" should be "traffic control and management" is a management class management class so more similar to the "Transportation" Traffic Engineering major courses: descriptive geometry, theoretical mechanics, material mechanics, structural mechanics, soil mechanics, fluid mechanics, road materials, engineering geology, operations research, surveying, road embankment construction, concrete structures, bridges and culverts, hydrology, road planning and geometric design, bridge engineering, airport planning and design.
  Create institutions:
  East China Jiaotong University, Tongji University, Shandong Architecture University, Chongqing Jiaotong University, Qingdao, Shandong University, Shandong University of Technology, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Lanzhou Jiaotong University, Xinjiang Agricultural University of Architecture & Technology, Anshan University of Science and Technology University, Shanghai, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, China People's Public Security University, Harbin Institute of Technology, South China Agricultural University, Huazhong University of Technology, Beijing Jiaotong University, Changsha University of Southwest Jiaotong University, Civil Aviation University of China, Chang'an University, Jilin University, Southeast University, Jiangsu University, Yancheng Institute of Hohai University, Nanjing, Yangzhou University, Nanjing University, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Nanjing Forestry University, Harbin Institute of Technology Huaiyin University of South China University of Technology Hefei University of Northeast Forestry University, Beijing Forestry University Hebei University Hebei University of Technology Inner Mongolia University Inner Mongolia Agricultural University Inner Mongolia University of Technology Beijing Institute of Heilongjiang Institute of East China Jiaotong University, Wuhan University, Wuhan University of Technology, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Yunnan University, Tianjin City Construction of the Guangzhou Institute of Suzhou University of Science and Technology Shanghai Maritime University, Xinjiang University, Beijing University of West China University of Guilin University of Electronic Science and Technology
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Wikipedia Daquan
  jiaotong gongcheng
  Traffic Engineering
  traffic engineering
  The occurrence of road traffic, composition and movement of the theory and application of disciplines, is derived from the road works and development. Study focused on people, vehicles, roads and land use, building and other integrated relationship between the environment. Purpose is to explore the maximum transport capacity of the road traffic system, most cost-effective, traffic accidents and pollution at least the minimum level of scientific and technical measures in order to guide the planning and construction of road systems and transportation systems operation and management.
  A brief history of road planning and traffic management concept has existed since ancient. In China, the Zhou Dynasty 2000 years ago era, road planning, has Duan Xu; traffic management, there are laws and regulations. Such as the "man from the right, the woman from the left, the car from the center," and planting trees, as a road-oriented signs. Qin Dynasty (BC 221 ~ 206 years ago) not only built the road network leading to nationwide Chi, and the reunification of the country's tracks distance, so that the repairer and the road with standards. Tang Dynasty (618 ~ 907 years) capital of Chang'an, built by the city planning board shaped road network.
  In the West, about 400 BC by the Roman construction of the 29 city of Rome as the center of radiation to large areas of the road (often called the Roman road network). In urban transport, such as the one-way traffic, the provisions of the peak period, commercial street in the city center are not allowed to stop vehicles entering the city limits and other general can be said that the seeds of traffic control. 1868 Westminster area of ​​London traffic lights the gas, can be regarded as the prototype of modern transport facilities.
  Traffic Engineering in the 20th century, automobile traffic as the main object. U.S. auto industry started in 1903. In order to manage automobile traffic, traffic engineers have the title in 1921, to 1930, established the Institute of Transportation Engineers. In 1932, Germany built the world's first highway, and began to study the relationship between vehicles and roads. 30 years, also appeared to probability theory of the relationship between traffic volume and speed of mathematical models.
  50 years, a lot of road construction, surge in the number of cars, and promoted the development of traffic engineering. In transport planning in the growing recognition of different land use (such as for industrial, commercial, residential, etc.) is the source of the traffic demand. In order to better carry out transport planning, paying attention to traffic and land use-related investigations, such as the start of the 1953 Detroit area survey of OD traffic (ie, OD survey), especially in 1955, three Chicago-area time-consuming _set_, after large number of investigations, the preparation of a comprehensive transportation planning; also held in London, including 2,437 square kilometers and population of 8.827 million large-scale traffic survey; attracted worldwide attention. In traffic flow theory, based on different assumptions in the creation of the following theory, fluid mechanics theory (traffic wave theory) and queuing theory, in December 1965 in the United States held its first Detroit International Conference on Traffic Flow Theory. Traffic engineering practitioners and scholars in related disciplines began to use applied mathematics, operations research, control theory, psychology, economics, traffic engineering studies, recognizing the human factor in traffic engineering occupy an important position. Human physiological functions, psychological status, feeling and reaction sensitivity and accuracy, emotion and adaptation of vehicle performance has a significant degree of influence; the introduction of traffic engineering psychology, traffic psychology topics formed to communicate the people, vehicles, road three to each other.
  During this period, also began large-scale highway, the construction of a high standard of the times, the United States, Western European countries for the height. With the highway has brought a rapid development of dynamic traffic, and accordingly the city and still have a very serious traffic problem that is difficult issues parking. Therefore, the addition of a traffic engineering study and an important part of the parking problem.
  The development of automobile traffic, causing the surge in traffic accident, consequent traffic safety can not help but pay attention to. This added an integral part of traffic engineering. The late 50s, the proliferation of private cars, so serious traffic congestion. Reactivated public transport is considered to solve the "car damage" is one of effective measures, so the added traffic engineering study, the content of public transport.
  60's, automobile traffic on the environment increasingly serious traffic hazard. Air pollution, traffic noise and traffic vibrations, causing resentment and dissatisfaction of residents; consequent transport of environmental protection came into being, and more attention. Around 1965, began to use computer in the automatic control of traffic signals and traffic planning. Future plans to improve the transport system and improve the delivery
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English Expression
  1. n.:  traffic engineering
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