aesthetics : classical documents : literary and artistic creation : arts > brushwork
·brushwork·shū fǎ·No. 3
·No. 4·No. 5·No. 6
·No. 7·No. 8·Calligraphy introduction
·Calligraphy explanation·Origin of Calligraphy·Introduction of Calligraphy body
·Non-Chinese calligraphy·Urdu instrument method introduced·Prehistoric to the summer - Chaos initiation of calligraphy
·Business to the Western Han Dynasty - totally into the sequence of calligraphy·Precedent of the Qin Dynasty Calligraphy·Degree seeking to recover rhyme - the Eastern Han Dynasty to the Northern and Southern Dynasties
·Long seek regulatory law - Five Dynasties Sui·Books in the heyday of the Tang Dynasty·Still declare Italian Love - Song Zhiming in
·Lyric Yang Li - Ming and Qing dynasties·Modern fashion - today's calligraphy·Ancient calligrapher
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  Calligraphy is a traditional art form unique to China. Chinese characters are created by working people, began to picture notes, after several millennia, evolved into today's text, because of their ancestors invented writing with a brush, he produced a calligraphy through the ages, a brush to write Chinese characters are mainly As for other writing forms such as hard brush, means books, the writing brush to write with the law than the law is not very different, but the basic interlinked. Claim based on the source of the request (refer to Oracle later), here focuses on the law of Chinese brush writing. As long as we have in calligraphy, "narrow" understanding, then to the understanding of the "extended the calligraphy" will be a major benefit.
  Narrow sense, calligraphy is written in Chinese characters with a brush methods and laws. Including the pen, brush, stippling, structure, distribution (distribution, transportation times, the rules) and so on. For example, the author of that virtual real palm, fingers Qi power; brush center shops cents; dotted with views to the pen, Run-Qiao same; structure to form the word Li, Xiang An echo; distribution complex, density properly virtual and real, the whole chapter consistent gas ; section literacy this ancient section, the word wealthy small, rather high not to low.
  Broadly speaking, calligraphy is a symbol of the written rules of language. In other words, calligraphy is in accordance with the characteristics and meaning of the text, written its body style, structure and organization of writing calligraphy, making the rich beauty of works of art, as cultural development, has not only limited to the use of brush calligraphy and writing Chinese characters its meaning has been greatly increased. For example, speaking from the use of tools, only a document that the multifarious, brush, hard brush, computer equipment, spray gun with such a wide range of branding. Paint is not just using black ink blocks, ink, adhesives, chemicals, paint glaze and other colorful, full of wonders. The four treasures of the past - brush, ink, paper and ink stone, its meaning has expanded greatly, species too numerous to list; way from the pen point of view, some hand-write, some write their feet, that is, to other organs authored also no shortage, even some people simply do not use a pen to write, such as "that book" "squeeze leakage book" and so on; from the written text, said species is not a kind of Chinese characters, and some minority languages are also mounted calligraphy art, is a case in Mongolian; from the body and the organization of writing the book point of view, in addition to the traditional book to send authentic than in the country has emerged on the merits (line) the same movement combined with the "intent" faction, known as Calligraphy. It is based on the traditional Chinese calligraphy, to innovate, "change" and into poetry painting as a whole, seek unity of form and content, so the work was, "meaning the United States, Sound and Form" in the three US-masterpiece. Many calligraphers in Japan abandon the language of the text, establish the text "image" of the emergence of "Mexico as" send to a pen and Xu disease severity, stroke of a pen position to open and close and change, write a variety of images of text. This book sent, although prominent, "image", its characters also tour the new, but the characters are not "image", so it become difficult, the development is restricted. All of these (of course not only these) can be seen, like calligraphy and other things, is constantly developing and changing. This must lead to calligraphy circle of people seriously.
  Calligraphy 【origin】
  Calligraphy is the art of writing Chinese characters. It is not only the Chinese nation's cultural treasures, but also in the world's cultural treasure house of artistic flourish alone. Characters in a long long history of evolution, on the one hand play the exchange of ideas, cultural heritage and other important social role, on the other hand it is itself a unique form of plastic art. After recent research on the origin of Chinese characters is generally believed that in about a year ago about 5000,6000 Yellow River in China's "Yangshao period", has created the text. Yangshao due to rope in Henan in 1921, Shantou Yangshao first found in the village its name. Nearly 40 years, has gradually found there are many.
  The text all the nations of the world, summed up in three main types, namely, phenotypic characters; ideographs; phonograph. Chinese is a typical form of the text in the table developed on the basis of the ideographs. The growing number of Characters and method, that is the kind drawn. But drawing tends to be more simplistic, abstract, a prominent physical features of a symbol representing a certain sense, the pronunciation of a certain ... ... of our characters, from pictures and signs to create, shape, from Ancient Seal Script to Xiaozhuan the seal and the scribe, Kai, line, grass, a variety of physical shape. Application of Chinese characters in the process of writing, gradually produced a national language in the world unique, the art of calligraphy can be an independent category.
  【Introduction】 various calligraphy body
  1: Oracle
  A kind of ancient Chinese book of the names, is the oldest existing Chinese characters. Engraved on the bones, the first used for divination (the Yin people use turtle shells, animal bones divination. Divining the period after the divination, diviner's name, the things divination divinations with Knife Carving in the next, Some of them also had a number of the future fate is fulfilled also afterwards. scholars call this record for the inscriptions), is the result of the divination of future things, Sheng Yu Shang. Oracle found that in 1889, is the late Shang Dynasty royal family fortune when the records found in Henan Province, Anyang Xiaozhun Cun area, has more than 3,000 years ago. Oracle is the first piece of Chinese calligraphy in the history of treasure, the strokes have thickness, weight, Ji Xu changes, write light and illness, the line of thick and heavy, closing document fast and the Czech Republic, has a certain rhythm. Stroke the bend radius and recent steep sides were moving, were soft and round. The line is more harmonious than the smooth Tao, the Chinese art of calligraphy unique line _set_ the tone and rhythm. Oracle composition and rectangular, laid the character of the font. Oracle of the guitar body with the body contour, either its natural. The Art of Composition of different sizes, many different radius, with a long flat shape, scattered and diverse yet harmonious unity. The so-called mixed descendants scattered, interspersed avoidance, the DPRK military's echo-day follow-up to _set_ out the principles of Chinese writing, etc., has been generally available in Oracle.
  2: Bronze
  A kind of ancient Chinese book of the names. Shang, Zhou, Spring and Autumn and Warring States period bronze inscription on the font general. Flourished in the Zhou Dynasty. Bronze was another milestone in the history of Chinese calligraphy. Attached to bronze, cast tripod aimed at "making people aware of God evil" it is a religious ritual ceremonies. Bronze is also known as Zhong Dingwen, devices culture, ancient inscriptions. And the bronze cast of the inscriptions with the lines of Oracle's more sturdy than the strong, mean and more pictographic characters strong, the earliest inscriptions found in the mid-unearthed bronze business, the data was quite small, years earlier than the Oracle Bone Inscription . Zhou Dynasty was the golden age of bronze inscriptions, inscriptions unearthed at most.
  Major works of this period are: "Li Gui," "day of death Gui" "Dayu Ding" "wall plate", "s scattered disk", "Guo quarter of sub-white plate." Especially the "mother of E Division Ding", "San's disc" "Maogong Ding," the most famous, also the highest artistic achievement.
  3: Culture stone
  Stone produced in the Zhou paper, flourished in the Qin Dynasty. During the Eastern Zhou Qin Stele text. In the 10 drum quality granite stone, engraved with four words each poem, the contents of singing Qin Guojun hunting situation, it is also known as hunting stone tablet. The legendary Xia Dynasty when the first stone is a "mountain peak monument" style tone poem engraved with the "Book of Songs" Ya similar size. Font close to "Shuo Wen Jie Zi" contained in the Zhou Wen, calligraphy has always been its high regard. His main works are: "about Mr", "Yi Hill stone," "Tarzan stone" "Langya stone" "Huiji stone" and so on.
  4: ink bamboo and silk
  Qi Wen
  Oracle of another name. Lease through carve, because in order to lease Knife Carving on tortoise shells, animal bones, hence the name. A Summary of the Qing Dynasty there <Qiwen example> Volumes I and II, for the Explanation of the beginning of Oracle.
  Engraved Symbols
  Qin Dynasty, a kind of special-purpose seal script body. Han Xu Shen, "Shuo Wen Jie Zi Syria": "Qin Shu eight bodies, third is carved symbol. To comply with the letter." Duan Note: "" Wei Shujiang style table "book characters who meet under the , one of six weeks of the system, Chinese system of bamboo, long six inches, divide and consistency. "engraved on the character of such Zhuanti special section on the line with a Knife Carving a result of the metal, not mildly smug, it is nearly straight strokes, Founder body close to, such as Yang Ling Fifteen Strings of Coins on the existing text.
  Seal Script
  Seal Script is a font commonly used in Western Zhou Dynasty, is said to benefit the creators. Writing for different media, also Bronze Seal Script (or "Zhongding Wen"), Zhou Wen difference.
  Bronze appeared later than Oracle is inscriptions, inscriptions, also known as Zhong Dingwen. Business Week is the bronze age, bronze ritual vessels, represented by Ding, musical instruments in minutes for the representative, "bronze tripods" is synonymous with bronze. So, Zhong Dingwen or inscriptions refers to cast in bronze or carved on the monument.
  Bronze was the sacrifice to the content is about, giving orders, edicts, expedition, hunting, covenants and other activities or events recorded, all reflected the social life. Bronze font neat Qiu Li, simple and heavy, and Oracle Compared off stiff, diverse, and more enriched. Bronze basically Zhou Zhuan Ti. These words, when the Emperor had been found, then someone will find out in Fenyang sent to the palace a tripod, so Han will reign as Yuanding (formerly 116). One after another after they have found inscriptions. Ouyang Xiu Song Dynasty, Zhao Mingcheng all good books, done research on the inscriptions and records.
  When King Xuan of Zhou cast of "Maogong Ding" on the inscriptions are representative, the inscription of 32 lines, 497 words, is the longest unearthed bronze. "Maogong Ding" inscription font structure tightly, lean fresh flowing layout is not no hurry Chi, anchor properly, inscriptions works leader. In addition, the "big Yue Ding" Ming, "San's plate," Ming is the superior of the inscriptions for.
  Zhou Wen Qin used the ancient text, is Xiao Zhuan predecessor, because people in Spring and Autumn Period to the Qin's "History of Zhou article" in a collection of 223 words, so called Zhou Wen said to "Zhou" means "reading" . Tang dynasty unearthed "about Mr" According to research is the moment when Duke Xiang Qin, and "History of Zhou article" in the same text, is the representative of Zhou Wen.
  Bird book worm
  Also known as the "bug book." Seal of the flower body. Warring States have this font, most cast or carved on the arms and bells. Often composed of strokes with the shape of animals, like the book like painting, interesting taste. Han Xu Shen, "Shuo Wen Jie Zi Syria" Remember the Qin Shu eight bodies, "Si Yue book worm"; Mang Six, "Liu Yue Bird book worm, so the letter written banner also." Duan Note: "banner, as a banner, banner book, that book banner; letters, that section of the book character." Description of such books for the flag and symbol of multiple letters, printed in Chinese and there are some birds in the book into print examples of insect .
  Book Department
  Also known as "book list." Han Xu Shen, "Shuo Wen Jie Zi Syria," said: Qin Shu eight bodies, "Liu Yue Department of books." Duan Qing Dynasty "Annotation" contains: "biopsy, the book department also, check where all the letters inscribed Jieyue Department, the title list, saying the department."
  About Mr
  About Mr norms than Bronze, solemn, but still retains a certain extent, the characteristics of Bronze, which is the small seal from the Bronze to the development of a transitional body of the book. Before the Legend about Mr Zhou Xuan Wang Tai Shi Zhou bronze inscriptions have been conducted on the transformation and consolidation, with a Dazhuan 15, it is also known as Seal Script, "Zhou Wen." About Mr No legacy is the Seal Script, save more complete and sign one of the words more books.
  Shek Kwu total of 10 high-two feet, more than a foot in diameter, the image drum and the small circle under the micro-rough top (actually a stone tablet-shaped), due to hunting and fishing inscription to dwell on things, so they call it "hunting stone tablet." Zhou Wen points to 10 for a group of carved four-word poem. Currently the word has more than a forgotten, no longer a deposit on the ninth word drum. The book Communication for the history of Zhou are mine, body grand, generous, round live unrestrained, forceful temperament, hardness and softness, while old Mao Qiu Pu Yi gas. Smooth vertical and horizontal, rigorous and neat, use of center, almost the same stroke thickness, composition and symmetry Pingzheng some, and some words are irregular scattered, small seal near Xiaozhuan without the formality. Layout in the organization of writing, though every word independence, but noted that the vertical and horizontal relations between the Yan Yang Qing Court, which document the strong force is extremely prominent in the stone, in ancient writing calligraphy is called singularly unique color and unique style God. Kang called "such as gold-tin Committee, the Chicago grass cloud, do not bother the whole I, adopted its own strange." Books for the Seal Script its transition to the small seal characters, learning "about Mr" to the chase Seal Script, the next school Xiaozhuan no risk at all. Regarded as a genuine school seal by key later, are all temporary learning. Yang Yi, Sun, Wu Dacheng, Wu Changshuo, Wang Fu-Um h ave effective here.
  Shek Kwu first antiquities of China, also the first rule book at home, with high cultural and historical value and artistic collection.
  Sand lance seal
  Also known as "jade chopsticks seal." A seal script. The written document Road, mellow natured, bar-shaped jade (chopsticks), hence the name. Began in the Qin Dynasty, Tang Qi has "Master Xie Yu Tan City bars Seal" Poetry said: "Jade bars genuine to long-suppressed Hing, Li Si Li Yang reached the ice." Descendants of the book, the pen rounded golden age in the other fonts, also known as "sand lance . " Yen Chen-Ming Wang Shizhen comments as written: "" Family Temple "," Maoshan monument "is the book sand lance writer."
  Wire seal
  Xiao Zhuan kind. From the Qin Dynasty "Tarzan Stele", "Langyatai Stele" and other books in the wind sand lance prolapse. Live round pen, small hard like iron, flat end to end, such as lines, hence the name. Later Tang Dynasty, said Li Yang ice seal script as the "money line seal."
  Official script
  Grass seal
  Calligraphic name. Another name for white flight. Han Yong said: "What grass seal of feet deep, but gentle s not declared." "Jin Shilin Introduction": "First of white fly, Fragrance appearance attached bone, mixed with ancient and modern methods, mien for grass seal for the device The make, for the self, not otherwise have. "refers to the cursive strokes of seal character writing. "History books will be", said: "(Zhao) official history of optical storage Benedict Italian literature, creative grass seal, cover," Cullinan "Monument to the small and Yan, Yao has exceeded its character, the book does not tread remains." Fu Shan, etc. have good grass Seal.
  Division Doo Man
  Also known as "Section fight book", "Branch bucket seal." Seal character (including ancient, Zhou) of known handwriting. Due to the pen dipped in ink or paint for books, pens, Road Department started to write rough, closing document of a minor, shaped like tadpoles, hence the name. The name has shown signs in the Han Dynasty, Lu Zhi letter to "the ancient arts fighting, close to reality." ZHENG Kang-Cheng <Book of Zambia> said: "The book first out of the house wall, all weeks, hieroglyphics, the so-called Section fight this book." Qiu Yan Yuan I fight book form demonstrated the formation of families is: "No ancient ink, bamboo very point book paint bamboo, the bamboo tired of the hard paint, painting can not row, so head and thick tail thin, shaped like the ears. "
  Han copy system seal body with a Seal. Six of Wang Mang. Han Xu Shen, "Shuo Wen Jie Zi Syria," Remember the Six Mang said: "Wu Yue Mou, so copy and India also." Leveling the square shape, well-meaning scribe, and the circle gesture absorbed by the Xiaozhuan mildly evolved to buckling winding. With preparations to establish meaning, hence the name. Qing Gui Fu "sub-Yun Mou," Han will be printed with multi-body Zhuanwen collectively referred to as "Mou." Also known as "copy printed seal."
  Regular script
  Regular script is difficult to locate two questions: First, its name is written, official script, this scribe, eight books, the book confusing and hard to statute; second _set_ when the divergent views of its origin. Generally speaking, the standard regular script is Founder-side homogeneous, unlike the small seal script long longitudinal and transverse Flat Confusion has evoked no wave pick. Strokes off the bend and so on with no turn. In addition, the line running script style, oracle bones, bronze tripods are not fixed, so line informal. Since the Qin later, all from right to left, are all exceptional. Sun-off court, "the book spectrum", said: "True to stipple the form of quality, so to love nature." That is a generalization.
  Thin Gold Book
  Also known as "Slender Gold." A regular script. Song Zhengzong Chinese calligraphy learning Chu Sui-liang Zhao Ji, Yao Xue Xue Ji out to new, sharp Jin Yun trim, pen Tao Qiao thin thin Run hard and have sweet sublime Fengshen, into a law, since the number "slender gold script." Ming Tao Zongyi "History books will be" called "Beginners Xue Ji, changed their testimonies from No. slender gold script." Neighbor Ye Chang Chi "language Stone" called the book: "For bronze Yong books, and reference to Chu Dengshan, less Xue Bao, Shou Ying truly inspired, like cut jade, the Bank said that the book is also thin gold. "surviving works are" regular script Thousand Character Classic "," Shen Xiao Yu Qing monument. " The italics this is also from the extrusion.
  Font name. Another name for "Ligusticum book." Generalized means, whether times, fonts, those who drafted illegible; narrow sense refers specifically to strokes rolling, easy to write the font. Han Xu Shen, "Shuo Wen Jie Zi Syria," said, "Hon Hing has cursive." Handwriting is a common early Han grass attached (that is hasty official script). Gradually developed into "Zhang Cao." To the Han Dynasty, is said Zhang Zhi off "Zhang Cao" in the wave of spine-Yun had the stroke and the official script every word suffix of the acting is not associated, under the guise of a code next to each other, rolling strokes convenient "this grass," that is later called cursive . To the Eastern Jin Wang Xizhi and greatly improved. Mid-Tang Zhang Xu, Huai Su to "this grass," written in a more indulgent Strangeness, pens away snakes, known as the "Wild Cursive", as distinct from "this grass."
  Also known as "big grass." Cursive one of the most indulgent. Jin Wang Xizhi gentle way out of cursive style, rolling Bentu gesture, shape changing, very Tappi induced snake dance. Named after the Tang Zhang Xu, Huai Su. Zhang Xu handed down, "Poetry 4 posts" and the Huai, "Autobiography quote" shall be the representative.
  Also known as the "line charge book." Calligraphic name. According to legend, created by the end of Han Liu Sheng. Chinese calligraphy running script generally form the basis for smooth and convenient to write, not as hard to distinguish cursive is placed vertically, but also a vivid than regular script is simple, is the extensive use of hand-written letter body. Script writing and keep the line of Min, the paper rather than carved, turned to re-light, water clouds, line, no less interruption, business has almost forever. Song Jiang Kui that cursive script "to the pen for your old, rarely missed, can illumine. The concentration of fiber in your room out, blood, bones and old healthy, Fengshen crisp, attitude and taste."
  Non-Chinese calligraphy
  [Vietnamese calligrapher to write the non-Chinese character calligraphy]
  Vietnamese calligrapher to write the non-Chinese Calligraphy
  "Arabic calligraphy" written in Sanskrit alphabet calligraphy, Vietnamese Mandarin word calligraphy, are "non-Chinese Calligraphy" category, which the Vietnamese Mandarin word calligraphy is an art unique to Vietnam in recent years very popular. Mandarin words in all parts of Vietnam, the Vietnamese calligraphy club, many of which are very well written calligraphers Mandarin words, work is very collectible. Vietnamese Mandarin word is to the Latin alphabet-based phonetic system, the characteristics of the Vietnamese Mandarin word calligraphy is often the inscription in the painting. Left for the money Wenzhong Sanskrit calligraphy Sanskrit bit like Chinese calligraphy running script, although the handwriting, but handwriting is easy to identify.
  【Prehistoric to the summer - Chaos initiation of Chinese Calligraphy
  Chinese calligraphy in Chinese art to the production phase began, "Sound can not pass on the remote, to stay in the different, the reason that the text of Health. Text, it had traces of the meaning and sound." Therefore, the generated text. The first works of art of calligraphy is not a text, but some depict symbols - hieroglyphic or pictographic writing.
  Characterization of Chinese symbols, first appeared in pottery. Characterization of the first symbol that only a rough idea of chaos, there is no precise meaning.
  8000 years ago, appeared in the Yellow River Basin magnetic mountains of Fiji Ligang Wen, Fei Li Gang unearthed in hand-made ceramics, there are more symbols, such symbols are inhabitants of their communicative function, Recorder Chaos and pattern combined with decorative features, which although not a real character, but it really is the embryonic form of Chinese characters.
  Then back some 6000 years ago, the ruins of Banpo Yang Shao culture, unearthed a number of similar simple text describe the pottery. These symbols have been different from the tread pattern, the further development of Chinese characters step forward. This can be the origin of Chinese characters.
  Then there are two cultures and two years post inside culture. Erlitou culture found in archaeological excavations in the characterization of pottery mark, its mark a total of 24 kinds, some of the Oracle Bone Inscription similar words, is a single stand-alone word. 2 Gang culture has been found in the text system. Here the word has been found three bones, two each word, a 10 character, seems to practice lettering and carving. This makes civilization a major step forward in advance.
  The origin of the original text is a copy of the instinct for the image of a specific thing. Although it is simple and chaotic, but it already has a certain aesthetic sensibility. This simple text so you can call it prehistoric calligraphy.
  【Business to the Western Han Dynasty - unaware into the sequence of Chinese Calligraphy
  From the Shang and Zhou, after the Warring States, Qin and Han Dynasty, 2,000 years of history, development has also led to development of the art of calligraphy. The period continued with a variety of calligraphy body appears, there is Oracle, inscriptions, stone article, red and black bamboo and silk manuscripts, etc., which seal script, clerical script, cursive script, regular script and other fonts in the screening of hundreds of miscellaneous body out of shape, the art of calligraphy orderly development began.
  【First of its kind in the Qin Dynasty Chinese Calligraphy
  Spring and Autumn Period, the text very different countries, is developing a major obstacle to economic and cultural. Qin Shi Huang unified country, the minister presided over reunification of the country with Lisi text, which in Chinese cultural history is a great achievement. Qin Qin after the reunification of the text known as the seal, also known as small seal, is the basis of inscriptions and engravings on drum Ethical Functions. Presided over the famous calligrapher Li Si sorted out the characters in seal script. "Interpretation of carved stone," "Tarzan stone" "Langya stone" "Huiji stone" shall be written by Lisi. Through the ages, a high rating. Qin is the inheritance and innovation of the reform period. "Shuo Wen Jie Zi order", said: "Qin Shu eight bodies, one said, Seal Script, second is Xiao Zhuan, third is carved Fu, Si Yue insect books, printed copy Wu Yue, Liu Yue Department of books, say seven books, eight said, official script. "basically sums up this point font face. By the Li Si Qin Xiao Zhuan, the seal demanding, writing inconvenience, there was official script. "Official script, the seal of the Czech Republic also." Its purpose is to facilitate writing. To the Western Han Dynasty, official script completed by the Seal to the official script of the transformation, composition and vertical momentum into horizontal momentum by the lines more apparent wave spine. The emergence of official script is a major step writing Chinese characters, is a revolution in the history of Chinese calligraphy, Chinese tend to side is not only a model, and in calligraphy on a single center, breaking through brush, all kinds of Books for future schools basis. In addition to these masterpieces of the Qin Dynasty calligraphy, there Chao Edition, right quantity, eaves, currency and other text styles. Qin Dynasty calligraphy, calligraphy in the history of our glorious page in the left, the daring, ambitious, called the lead.
  【Seeking degrees chase rhyme - the Eastern Han Dynasty to the Northern and Southern】
  Han Chinese calligraphy
  Law art boom, starting from the Eastern Han Dynasty. Eastern Han period saw the emergence of specialized theoretical works of calligraphy, calligraphy theory first author at the turn of the East and West Han Yang Xiong. The first theoretical monograph calligraphy is the Eastern Han Dynasty Cui Yuan's "cursive potential."
  Han Dynasty calligrapher can be divided into two groups: the Han official script is home to Yong represented. One is cursive home to Du degree, Cui Yuan, Chang Chi as the representative, Cecilia Cheung was later known as the "Cao Sheng."
  The best features of the Han Dynasty calligraphy, than is the inscriptions and calligraphy on the bamboo slips. Han inscriptions everywhere, this period inscriptions, carved in the Han Li, fonts Founder, and his testimonies precisely in distinct waves hall. At this time official script has reached its apex.
  Han Chong Hing cursive, cursive script was born, in the history of the art of calligraphy is of great significance. It marked the beginning of calligraphy into a high degree of freedom to express emotion, the performance art of calligraphy character. Cursive initial stage of grass attached to the Eastern Han Dynasty, the further development of grass attached to form a Zhang Cao, Zhang Zhi created after the grass today, that cursive.
  Wei calligraphy
  1: Three Kingdoms period
  Three Kingdoms period, starting from the Han official script landed Evolution of the peak position of a regular script, regular script calligraphy as another subject. Regular script, also known as the book is really a book by bell created by Yao. It is in the Three Kingdoms period, the regular script into the Stele of history. Three Kingdoms (Wei) era, "straight season recommended the table." "Declared the table" and became a male as one hundred generations of treasures.
  2: Jin Dynasties
  Jin calligraphy height, the main performance of the running script, the running script is cursive and regular script between a font between. His masterpiece "Three Greek" or "Bo Yuan quote" "quote quick snow and sunshine," "Mid-Autumn Festival posts."
  3: Northern and Southern Dynasties
  Northern and Southern Dynasties, the Chinese art of calligraphy into North Monument South posts the times.
  Northern Dynasties inscriptions calligraphy, to the Northern Wei, Eastern Wei the most refined, colorful style resembles the capital. Includes "Zhang Toronto landmark," "King Shijun monument." Rubbings among the works are: "sub-text of thousands of real grass." Northern praise bloods, revealing the family business, Stele is more posts than the South as the North Monument, North Kai South line, North China Southern soil, the North South show are all male-based differences.
  If the representative of North and South factions, it is the South beam, "Crane Ming." Wei, "Zheng Wengong monument" is one of North-South binary, the North sent writers mostly common people, the book is not anonymous, it when the crown of calligraphy, known as "the holy book", the North sent Wang Youjun.
  【Seeking Noritaka France - Sui】
  Sui Dynasty Calligraphy
  Sui Northern and Southern end of the chaos, the unification of China, and are relatively stable after the Tang period, the development of the South Posts Sui Northern monument while mixing with the flow, the formal completion of the form of regular script, the highest historical continuity of the status of the book. Kai Sui Northern and Southern Dynasties History Deck. Open standard under the new Bureau of the Tang Dynasty, Sui has Beiban left the world, mostly true book, divided four styles:
  1: Pingzheng sun and protection, such as Ding Road, the "Kai Temple Monument Act", etc.
  2: Jun Yan Fang ordered such as "Beauty Dong epitaph" and so on
  3: deep round strength, such as "Taming Nobuyuki Zen Master", etc.
  4: Xiù Lǎng very small, such as "Long Zang monument" and so on.
  【Books】 peak of the Tang Dynasty
  1: Tang Dynasty Calligraphy Introduction
  Tang and profound culture, brilliant and reached the peak of China's feudal culture, described as "the book to the Tang Dynasty and the zenith." Tang ink has spread before those who took more than a large number of Beiban left valuable calligraphy. The Tang Dynasty calligraphy, another of the former generation of both inheritance and innovation. Regular script, running script, cursive script developed to the Tang Dynasty are entering a new situation, a very prominent characteristics of the times, the impact on future generations far more than any previous era.
  Early, national prosperity, calligraphy from the left France in the Six out of cicadas off all regular script to Ouyang Xun. Yu Shinan. Chu Sui-liang, Xue Ji, Ouyang calligraphy through 4 for the mainstream. General characteristics of structured and clean, so future generations of the book as "Tang weight between the frame" approach, momentary respect for "the highest Langhammer," until the Tang merry combination of Confucianism and Taoism, Li Yong change Youjun line method, unique, Zhang Xu, Huai to willow drunkenness will push the extreme form of cursive, cursive Ze Yi Ting Sun had known for elegance, I like Zhizhang, Li Longji Sincere Yi Kuang Chong also force, strength of character Feng Li of the new realm. The Yen Chen a cashier at the novelty among the traditional method, students outside of the new law on old-fashioned. Dong Qichang that book borrowing from Chinese, a large preparation of Lu. To the late Tang and Five Dynasties, national power to slow down, Shen Chuan teacher. Another change to Kai Fa Liu public power. Jin explicit Zijin to thin. Further enriched the Tang Kai of law, to the Five Dynasties, Yen Liu Yang condensing adopting both long. The capsule two kings, side front attitude, focus on laying cents, then at the occasion of Independence Rao Chengping chaos and the like, but also the back light Tang. Five occasion, the wind Wild Zen Chi, the book also goes to affect the altar, "crazy Zen calligraphy" was not a significant scale in the Five Dynasties, Song Dynasty calligraphy course is not a small effect.
  Tang Dynasty art of calligraphy can be divided into the Early Tang, Tang, Tang three periods. Early in succession mainly respect the stipulations, deliberate pursuit of Jin Jin calligraphy United States. Tang innovative, extremely prosperous. Progress in the late Tang calligraphy.
  The highest institution of the Tang Dynasty, there are six, namely, Imperial College, Imperial College, 4 science, legal science, calligraphy, arithmetic. Books which specialized language support calligraphers and calligraphy theorists, is pioneering the Tang Dynasty. Famous dynasties of giving birth Glowing. If the Early Ouyang Xun, Yu Shinan, Chu Sui-liang, etc.; in the Tang Yen Chen, Liu public rights, are all calligraphy. Late have Wang Wenbing seal script, regular script, and Yang Li Ning E-type "Wang Yan Liu 2," finish.
  Sui and Tang Dynasties calligraphy can be divided into three stages
  (1) Sui Dynasty to Early
  Sui Dynasty unified China, Northern and Southern culture and the arts will compatibility package store, to Early, political prosperity, gradually the art of calligraphy from the legacy of the Six law free oneself out with a new attitude emerged. Early in the mainstream of regular script, the total characteristics is well constructed ramparts.
  (2): Tang, Tang stage
  Tang Dynasty calligraphy, such as the social form was carried away to pursue a romantic way. Such as "Britain Chang Su drunk" (Zhang Xu, Huai Su) of Wild Cursive, Li Yong of the running script. The mid-Tang, regular script again with a new breakthrough. Represented by Yen Chen laid the standard for the regular script, _set_ an example, the formation of the orthodox. So far Chinese calligraphy style has been fully determined.
  (3): Late Tang and Five Dynasties period deposit legacy
  AD 90 years, destroy separatist who Zhuquan Zhong Tang, the establishment of Later Liang, Later Tang Dynasty this calendar, Houjin, after the Han, the Later Zhou Dynasty, Five Dynasties said. As the country was on the wane and with scattered, arts and culture was also found downhill trend. Although the late Tang calligraphy while contractors continued, but the impact of war Binghuo formed litter the general trend of decline. Five, in this calligraphy commendable, when push Yang condensing. His calligraphy calligraphy decline in the Five Dynasties, can be described as the mainstay. Another Li Yu, Yan repair accomplished calligrapher, etc.. Thus, Tang Ping Zheng rigorous style has now been silenced book, after the Northern Song Dynasty, "4" next to hit, it _set_ off a new era waves.
  【Still intended to declare the situation - the Ming and China】
  Song Calligraphy
  Song calligraphy is still Italy, This is due to Zhu big advocate of Science, Meaning and content, contains four points: a heavy philosophical, double Knowledgable, stylized triple, quadruple artistic expression, and mediated Calligraphy in the personal and original sex. Reflected in the calligraphy of these, if Sui's still law, is the pursuit of "jobs" reflects, then the maturity of the Song Dynasty, the calligraphy is still intended to start with a lyrical new face appeared in the world. This is the book home to Chi In addition to "natural", "work" two levels, the need has "knowledge" or "bookish" Song 4 changed the face of Tang Kai. Jin posts directly Script legacy.
  No recognition is both talented high Cai Xiang and Su from the innovative, or high depending on the ancient Qi Huang Ting and Wen Tong Mi insurance, are trying to express themselves in while the calligraphy style, highlights a kind of maverick attitude to learning The gas luxuriant luxuriant hair in between ink and give people a new aesthetic conception, which in the Southern Song Dynasty, Wu said. Zhao Ji. Lu. Fan Chengda, Zhu, Wen Tianxiang and other books at home has been further extended, however the Southern Song Dynasty calligrapher's ink foundation learning and no longer than four and a Song. Is representative of the Song Dynasty calligrapher Su, Huang, rice, Cai.
  Yuan Dynasty Calligraphy
  Early Yuan economic and cultural development is not, calligraphy is a nostalgia for the general situation, patriarchal Jin, Tang and less innovation. Although the political rule of the Yuan invaders, however, been a cultural assimilation of Han culture, and Song informal mood often pursue different method, meaning the performance of Yuan deliberately seeking workers for the open pursuit of beauty, it is advertised Sushi "I intended to make this book can not," Zhao Mengfu advocates is the "eternal pen," the former meaning the pursuit of Lv Yi, later emphasized the meaning of intention. Yuan Dynasty calligraphy is the central figure Zhao Mengfu, founded by his regular script, "Zhao" and the European Union and Tang Kai. Yan style. Liu body and said four bodies, a major book future generations regulatory body copy, because thought is not Zhao Meng-fu, calligraphy exceed two kings step, so the king sent his calligraphy calligraphy on fine between quite unique insight, showing " Warm and Elegant, "" Studies show elegant "style look, this is also his Buddhism. Aesthetic attitude towards ethereal detachment of free access to a certain kind of spirit contact. In the Yuan Dynasty calligraphy are still fresh in the prestigious hub, Tang Wen-yuan, Zhao Mengfu although less success, however in the calligraphy style has its own unique. They argued that painting with the law, pay attention to the word node body.
  Throughout the Yuan Dynasty calligraphy, calligraphy is characterized by the Yuan Dynasty, "is still Guzun posts" and its achievements are still large areas in cursive. As Zhuanli, although a few famous, but not how well. This kind of line, cursive calligraphy for the mainstream development to be changed before the Qing Dynasty. Yuan Dynasty calligraphy style, is still learning along the Song Sheng in calligraphy, Tang Jin cases, although each has its magic, the law can not stand the book to a forum, than literature or painting, categories, yet were not as much cold.
  Ming Dynasty Calligraphy
  The development of the Ming dynasty calligraphy in three stages:
  1: Phase I - the early Ming
  The early Ming calligraphy "with the word million," "Taiwan Pavilion body" prevails. Can brother Shen fueled school will work towards the ultimate stability of the lower case. "Where the Gold jade book, with the court, possession of secret government, awarded vassal state, will command the book", 2 Shen Kai calligraphy pushed for the examination is. Calligraphers are good at the early Ming Liu cursive base, Liaohe Song workers in lower case, then fine Zhuan Li, Song Zhang Cao and renowned the world famous Zucker. And Evaluation on the, Wen-Hui Ming, Wang Chong, "third son."
  2: Phase II - Ming
  Wu Chung-Ming four mid-rise, calligraphy began to move toward the direction of advocating. Evaluation on the Wen Zhengming, Tang Yin, Wang Chong and the fourth son, according to Zhao Meng-fu through the Point, borrowing from Iyataka; style is peerless, and then that the liberation of the pioneering ideas, calligraphy began to promote personalized into a new area.
  3: The third phase - Ming
  Ming calligraphy promoting a critical thought, calligraphy and the pursuit of big Kampf, shocks and visual effects, side front to take the situation, Wang Tu vertical wipe, Full of smoke, so that the original order of calligraphy began to collapse; the plan on behalf of books home with Zhang Rui Huang Tao Zhou, Wang Duo, Ni Yuanrui so. The calligraphy rd Runner Dong Qichang insisted traditional position.
  【Lyric Yang Li - Ming to Qing】
  Ming and Qing Yang aesthetic reasons lyric main current of the banner, the pursuit of individuality and promote the rational combination with each other, legitimate differences to the classical aesthetics and new aesthetics and Sheng. The overall tendency of the Qing Dynasty calligraphy is still quality, and is divided into two calligraphy and stelae and development period.
  The Unconventional Ming calligraphy pen and ink, not wild. Cynical atmosphere of the early Qing Dynasty further, such as the works of Zhu Fu Shan and others still show from my inner life and a non-ending case of emotions. This is in the medium term the "Eight Eccentrics" of the body another repetition. Meanwhile, the late Ming calligraphy also further expanded to carry forward the unification, Jiang Ying, Chang, Liu Yung, Wang governance, beam, etc. He takes the book with respect for tradition in a time when deliberate attempt to show a new face, or light ink writing, or change the organization of writing and so on. However, calligraphy long tradition, not good to clean up, understand, adjust, and a long-standing problems have deepened, making the dismal science quote appeared inevitable.
  Is at this time, stone unearthed in the day, scholar interested in chido shifted from stone philology, 1:00 opposition inside and outside the monument before school rush, the last Qing dynasty calligraphy of the hair to become democratic stream, combined with Ruan Yuan, Bao Shichen. Kang strongly provocative, stelae and calligraphy as a counterweight to the Books of the system exist. At that time the famous calligraphers, such as gold farmers, Deng Shiru, Ho Shao-chi, Zhao Zhijian, Wu Changshuo, zhao, Kang were all painted with a monument intended to write, to the best of possible reasons. Bright state. Can be called a culture of Chinese calligraphy in the landscape. If that quote scientists trying to find quality has not been fulfilled, then this desire realized in the stelae there.
  【Modern fashion - today's Chinese Calligraphy
  Forum diversified in the book today, the art of calligraphy to the concept of sublimation of high-level change, this is undoubtedly a major step. Modern calligraphy art of calligraphy is not simply depends on the form, structure, lines of extrinsic features, but on the inner spirit of modernization. The spirit of modern calligraphy is the art of calligraphy by the contemporary manifestation of the value of conductivity trend of modern society.
  Calligraphy has a wide range of practical
  The most basic activities of calligraphy writing, and write the primary objective is to exchange notes and feelings of characters minimum requirement is to write specifications, clean, clear, people looked happy to accept, if messy handwriting, and even arbitrary, random creation and readers such as the interpretation of "Double Dutch", can not identify, has lost its practical value. Some people think that writing with a brush as easy to use hard brush, hard brush can replace the brush, only the knowledge, calligraphy calligraphy; Some people think that calligraphy is a "genius" of the patent, "Our study calligraphy is not expected." In particular, some slightly higher age Some friends, by the "people over 30 do not learn his craft," the shackles of old ideas that have been too late to learn calligraphy. Some people think that calligraphy and mysterious, inscrutable, God can not sign, shape is difficult to form good hard into. All these ideas are not desirable, as long as there are laws to speak of writing, especially in many occasions, not calligraphy "facade," Absolutely not. For example, trademark, advertising, slogans, couplet, calligraphy scrolls and so inseparable from calligraphy. Undeniably, the use pens and other tools to be a convenient word, but no matter what tools to use to write their brush with the same basic rules, so both should be learning how to write calligraphy. Calligraphy on the age, from childhood or youth begin to learn, no doubt a great advantage, but at the age of people learn calligraphy, but also many strengths; have the knowledge, there is life, there is experience, understanding, quick, deep feelings, good to express so, young people are not comparable. As for the "genius", is designed to mean "there is such a talented man," wisdom is by no passion, hard work and scientific learning in return. "Nothing is difficult to seek, nothing," "ruthless summon up the resolve not afraid nothing will be accomplished." One student asked when the calligrapher A few useful phrases, lessons learned, in simple clear, memorable. Asked "what age the best calligraphy?" A: "From the beginning of literacy, are suitable for any age." Q: "Can I become a calligrapher it?" A: "Do you think you can --- then you will!" Learning Like other arts of calligraphy and learning, as long as we do not doubt their ability, confidence, enthusiasm, coupled with appropriate methods will be successful. Do not be a number of monopolies intimidated by metaphysics. They say marvelous calligraphy, teaching abstract, trifles, ignorant of the closed circle cycle and waste the students. Calligraphy is also a matter of fact such as "windows of paper", is "a barrel on the break." Its charm can be imposed, the image can be expressed, techniques desirable, the rules up. "Shengtangrushi" look and accessibility.
  With artistic calligraphy
  Calligraphy healthy
  "For the book to keep gas, gas can help." Practicing the book, to doubt God must consider the whole hindquarters start, power delivery cents side note on paper, to express the chest gas, loose heart Yu. Thus, on the psychological and physiological aspects of regulation and exercise a certain role, over time, make people spiritual heart glow, no illness and life. Even illness, also can practice writing, the raising of the more heart disease, accessibility sickness. Calligraphy through the ages that make people good health and longevity, not the virtual mass. If the history of Ouyang Xun, Yan Zhenqing, the great calligrapher average life expectancy of 79.2 years, of which Yen Chen was killed at age 76, otherwise life will be longer. According to information on the Ming and Qing dynasties famous modern artists (paintings connected) compared with the monk, 28 people, painter monk live longer than 12.7 years, indicating practice calligraphy and painting activities may also benefit health than the monk, had a consensus for the world. 76-year-old now has a "general calligrapher," Mr. Li Zhen, through practice writing, heart disease better, and insomnia is no longer up_set_. He said with deep feeling, learn calligraphy, "Over time, there must be obtained. This" may "not only in calligraphy, especially on health benefit." Ink pond can be seen, indeed the power fitness, as long as the persistence, perseverance, can change "calligraphy" is wonderful "good health."
  Calligraphy can mold your
  Sentiment is the feeling and thinking, comprehensive, calligraphy is an art, an art. Its beauty comes from nature, from life, from social practice, and other things interacts closely linked. Features calligraphy, techniques, theory, expressing the artistic conception is extremely broad. "The mind is the book, write fairly good." Calligraphy, literature, philosophy, aesthetics, astronomy, geography, history and other knowledge nothing less. Clearly, we can not simply be understood as is the calligraphy writing. Calligrapher Mr. Wu Shanmao he said: "Calligraphy is a write, but not all write calligraphy." Calligraphy study determined the internal laws of the seriousness of the book. This requires learning the book must have a good mental state to a high degree of passion for learning, strong entrepreneurial activities of scientific thinking, as if sincere effort to treat. Must be diligent and persistent, tireless, to prevent impulse, halfway; must go deep into life, expand horizons, to prevent the arrogant hypocrisy, Shicaiaowu; the need to strengthen training and broaden the conception, to prevent rigid, bartering; to be rich in knowledge, erudite, to prevent the careless, the good exposed the ugly; must crave appreciation, Kam to innovation, to prevent the routinization, remains unchanged. Otherwise, idle away, will achieve nothing. In short, a pond ink, happiness knows no boundaries, we would like product described by human ingenuity in the flower it!
  Chinese calligraphy is an ancient art, from Oracle, Jin evolution of the Seal Script, characters in seal script, official script, to the shape in the Eastern Han, Wei, Jin cursive script, regular script, running script various body art of calligraphy has always exudes charm.
  Chinese calligraphy history stages, from the total of the division, may Tang Yen Chen as a demarcation point, formerly known as "scripts during evolution", since known as the "Style in the period." Books History during the development of calligraphy for the book the main tendency of the evolution of body, calligrapher and art style of the show is often associated with the body of the book. Style in the period of the book already has, not to scale new a new font. So calligrapher of an "Adoration," the idea of "scripts" have been fixed, and the "meaning" is a living, which further strengthened the role of the subject.
  Calligraphy is not only can China, Japan, Korea, North Korea, these countries influenced by Chinese calligraphy has.
  Wang Xizhi Japan since then worship it for the formation of Japanese calligraphy played a big impact. When the late Kana calligraphy to finally have their own characteristics.
  Korean calligraphy derived from the written forms of Chinese characters, each character in an imaginary box in several different shapes of the lines by a combination of all to express a specific meaning. Calligraphy and painting in Korea has always been close, they believe the strong from the brush arrangement and harmony of the point of view, painting is the subject of calligraphy. So in South Korea, the art of calligraphy is more than painting by attention, people often like calligraphy art to hang on the wall, like appreciation, and appreciation of it as the same on each painting a unique appreciation of its charm with the ink appreciation of the skill distribution is the whole site, bone cells, charm and so on.
  Able to understand the kingdom of Baekje in the southwest art of calligraphy reached a high degree of information less. According to the scholars of the Kingdom of the high level, these two seem fine art, calligraphy on it is likely to have reached a mature level. 1972, the ancient capital of Baekje in the Korean public and the central state of chance discovery of the Tomb Wuning king and queen found in a number of important archaeological value, including a square stone inscriptions on the calligrapher and the Treasure of scientists said to be rare . This stone placed in this square sixth century, the entrance to the tomb, tomb, similar to that for the construction of underground gods to the purchase of an established land Deeds. Chinese characters inscribed on the stone font and beautiful, showing a very high technology.
  The following Unified Silla, due to the respect for the Chinese Tang Dynasty culture, and thus many calligraphers, such as gold health, Cui Zhi. They basically follow the font calligraphy masters Ouyang Xun and Yu Shinan. Another calligrapher Wang Xizhi has been admired, and his cursive is widely copied. However, the font from the new Luowang Guo began to circulate Founder of Ouyang Xun body are still dominant in the Koryo era, until 1350 or so.
  North Korea is actually the most famous calligrapher of the Jin Zhengxi school. Jinzheng Xi is an outstanding calligrapher and scholar, he established called "Autumn History of School" style. He emerged from the Chinese calligraphy clerical script, but he painted in the rich sense of layout, good harmony in the asymmetry of view, but extremely powerful strokes, so described by the word dynamic. Because of these abilities, he finally created his own unique style of a lively and vigorous.
  【Xiangjie calligraphy "m" word format】
  Aixinjueluo Kai Xiang
  "M" word has always been the use of cell learners and lovers of calligraphy have differences and disputes. Edited in 1986, Mr. Qi Gong published "Introduction to Calligraphy" in the first 48 pairs of "m" word there is error description format. Qi Gong is not only my cousin, is my teacher, so with an opportunity to interview him this question, repeated by his professor. Today the practice of Qi Gong on the experience I have spoken and written in detail, for the later practice calligraphy in the structure of detours.
  Qi Gong has said the "m" word lattice structure is an important calligraphy rules, is also a significant contribution to the art of calligraphy, which is different from the Miao Hong mold on the pretext of "m" word or "well" the word lattice. Miao Hong mold on the lattice are arranged for beginners stroke location for reference. "M" word lattice is written m the structure of the word, ∠ ∠ 1 is smaller than ∠ 3, ∠ 2 is smaller than ∠ 4, ∠ 5 to less than ∠ 7, ∠ 6 to less than ∠ 8.
  That is the word on the part of the two meters to stand a little bit, the bottom half and press down to write a little bit flat, it appears the word nice.
  The most common mistake is to understand the word of two meters and a write are written with a flick of the Miao Hong grid on the oblique angle of 45 cells, the think, would be the standard. To write this with so-called smooth vertical and horizontal as is undesirable, write the words that no sense of beauty.
  "Introduction to Calligraphy" wrote: If m word, less than 3,4,3,4 less 5,6,5,6 1,2 are smaller than 7,8, such as in turn the result is not known a question. Here obviously guilty of geometric errors, because if ∠ 1 <∠ 3 <∠ 5 <∠ 7 and ∠ 2 <∠ 4 <∠ 6 <∠ 8 _set_ up, then come to ∠ 1 + ∠ 2 + ∠ 3 + ∠ 4 < ∠ 5 + ∠ 6 + ∠ 7 + ∠ 8 of the conclusions, which is clearly contrary to ∠ 1 + ∠ 2 + ∠ 3 + ∠ 4 = ∠ 5 + ∠ 6 + ∠ 7 + ∠ 8 = 180 ° the basic laws of geometry. This is probably a clerical error in compilation of people, or a misunderstanding of this theory, Mr. Qi Gong. There should be; ∠ 1 <∠ 3, ∠ 2 <∠ 4, ∠ 5 <∠ 7, ∠ 6 <∠ 8, while ∠ 3 and ∠ 5, ∠ 4 and ∠ 6 no relationship between, like the drawings the m word, and looked very pretty.
  There are many Chinese characters can be used, "m" word lattice patterns.
  The first is pricked on the part of two words, such as: light, still, when, Shaw.
  The second type is lower part of the mid-point pricked with a flick of a written word, such as: wood, East and so on. Violation of the "m" word lattice rule to write these words, the effect see the answer.
  By extension out, there are two points on the structure of calligraphy more with less understanding and encourage one another.
  First, there are many similar character structure of office, to find a structure if the law and took it extended to other words, can quickly acquire more way of writing.
  Second, the structure of the beauty of Chinese characters are rules to follow, in the serious study to master these laws before, do not rush to pursue innovation and reform the old. In the mastery of basic skills and structure of calligraphy after your own unique thing is naturally accomplished.
shū fǎ
  Art of writing, especially as the art with a brush to write Chinese characters
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No. 3
  China painting and calligraphy as a margin, but more fun with literature. - Cai "picture"
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No. 4
  Repair history of the ancient historian, on the material handling, history reviews, no judgments, have principles, style, called the "calligraphy." "Zuo Venerable years": "Dong Hu, also the ancient history of good, calligraphy is not hidden." Liu Zhi Tang, "General History Puzzle by": "old friend was Shichen serious matters straight pen, while Sri Lanka has committed die, and calligraphy without homes who carry on. "Xiecai Bo Song" secret fast notes "volume IV:" "The Analects" calligraphy of Yan, the "Spring and Autumn" calligraphy. "Ming Liu Ji," Spring and Autumn Ming Jing Zheng Xu Zheng Bo Cutting Cutting Xu ": "cap and cutting Xu Zheng, Xu Zheng Bo of calligraphy with the carry on cutting."
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No. 5
  Art of writing the text. Also refer to calligraphy. "Nan Qi Shu Zhou Yong Chuan": "small from the outside General's Ju Ji Zang Wei Hang loose quality home may Clerical, law and the very work." Song of money shy "private Zhi Qian": "Zhang Yuan Miao calligraphy, today can be described as the first. "" The Scholars "second eight back:" Poetry of the ancient and there is no good. another wonderful and calligraphy, There is no third. "Zhou Yang" in Chinese calligrapher opened the First Congress Ceremony of ":" unique Chinese calligraphy as an art, we should attach importance to it. "
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No. 6
  Refers to Chinese characters. Ching Yeh Feng, "One II triplet wantonly west of miscellanies the words": "As to the Qin and Han monument, only 23 different calligraphy."
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No. 7
  Wording. Shuxiang "<Chronicle> punctuation personal views": "" Mirror ", 'night' word for the sentence, will have some bearing. Above that the date is not a matter of, 'night' word with the next time, 'the night 'words point break, meaning' to the night ';' Night 'word constantly, meaning' to take advantage of the night '. "
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No. 8
  One of the traditional arts. Means writing with a brush seal, scribe, are, lines, grass each Chinese character art. Techniques on stress pen, pen, stippling, structure, composition, etc., and traditional Chinese painting, seal cutting art of close. Three thousand years of history, to the Shang and Zhou bronze inscriptions for the bud; then seal the Qin, Han Li, Jin grass, Rubbings, Tang Kai, Song OK, all good at their victory.
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Calligraphy introduction
  Speaking from a narrow, calligraphy brush to write Chinese characters refers to the methods and rules. Including the pen, brush, stipple, structure, layout (distribution line times, the rules) and so on. For example, the write means the virtual real palm, fingers Qi Li; brush center shop cents; dotted with the intention to pen, steep run the same; structure to form the word up, peace and quiet echo; distribution complex, proper density, virtual and real, the whole chapter consistent gas ; this section shall ancient literacy, word wealthy is small, rather high not low.
  Broadly speaking, sign language, calligraphy is written in law. In other words, calligraphy is in accordance with the characteristics and meaning of the text, with its calligraphic strokes, the structure and tricks of writing, making aesthetic works of art, as cultural development, has not only limited to the use of brush calligraphy and writing Chinese characters, its meaning has been greatly increased. For example, speaking from the use of tools, only this one on a wide variety of pen, brush, hard brush, computer equipment, branded with a gun, a wide range of everyday tools. Paint is not just using black ink blocks, ink, adhesives, chemicals, paint glaze and other colorful, full of wonders. Over the past four treasures - pen, ink, paper and ink stone, and its meaning is also a great expansion, many varieties, too numerous to mention; write mode from the point of view, and some hand writing, some write their feet, is to use other organs write also no shortage, and even some people simply do not use a pen to write, such as "the book" to "squeeze missing book", etc.; the text from the types of writing, said, not Chinese one, and some minority languages ​​are also on board the calligraphy art scene, Mongolian is one example; body and tricks from the book point of view, in addition to the authentic tradition of the book sent outside, right and wrong in our country has emerged (line) is the same movement with the "intent" faction, the so-called modern calligraphy. It is based on the traditional calligraphy, to innovate, "change" and into poetry painting as a whole, and strive to form and content of unity, so that the work was, "meaning the United States, Otomi, form the United States," the three US-masterpiece. In Japan many books at home to abandon the language of the text, establish the text "image" of the emergence of "Mexico as" faction, the severity of a pen and Xu disease, stroke of the pen-down position to open and close and change, write The text of the image. Send this book, although highlighting the "image", the word also tours of the novel, but the characters are not "image" of the word, so with difficulty, development is restricted. All of these (of course, not only these) can be seen of calligraphy and everything else, is constantly evolving and changing. This must cause calligraphy people's attention.
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Calligraphy explanation
  Calligraphy is a testimony of a senior art. Focuses on "testimonies"! "Law" is no "law" is the difference between the book maker, and calligrapher. One of the traditional arts. Means to write with a brush seal, scribe, are, lines, grass art of Chinese characters. Techniques on the stress writing, pen, stipple, structure, the rules and so on, and traditional Chinese painting, seal cutting art of close. Three thousand years of history, as the seeds of the Shang and Zhou Jin; then seal the Qin, Han Li, Jin grass, Weibei, Tang Kai, Song OK, all good at their victory.
  (1) the history of the ancient historian repair of material handling, comment on historical events, people appraise, each principle and style, that the "calligraphy."
  (3) refers to the characters body.
  (4) wording.
  [English] calligraphy, penmanship [France] chirography
  [Japanese] calligraphy. Calligrapher calligraphers.
  [Korean] [명사] (1) 서도 (calligraphy). 서예 의 필법. (2) 사가 (historian) 의기록 필법. (3) 한자 (Chinese characters) 의형체. (4) (시가 · 문장 또 는말 에있 어서) 문자 의 용법 과 사구 (phrases) 의배치.
  [French] [n.] calligraphie
  [German] [Kunst] Chinesische Kalligrafie [S] Kalligraphie
  [Italian] [name] calligrafia; serittura
  [Spanish] caligrafía; escritura
  [Portuguese] [f] caligrafia
  [Arabic] خط, علم الخط, خط اليد
  [Uyghur] خەتتاتلىق, خۇش خەت, ھۆسن خەت, خەتتاتلىق
  [Russian] почеркподрисованныйписчий སུག་བྲིས། ལག་བྲིས།
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Origin of Calligraphy
  Calligraphy is the art of writing Chinese characters. It is not only a treasure of Chinese culture, and arts and cultural treasures in the world alone and flourish. Characters in the long evolution of the history, on the one hand plays the exchange of ideas, cultural heritage and other important social role, yet it itself has created a unique artistic style. After recent research on the origin of Chinese characters is generally believed that in about 5000-6000 years ago, China's Yellow River "Yangshao period", has created a text. Yangshao by 1921 the first village in Henan Mianchi Yangshao found its name. Nearly 40 years, and gradually there are many discoveries.
  The text of all ethnic groups in the world, summed up in three types, namely, phenotypic characters; ideograms; phonograph. Chinese is a typical form of the text in the table developed on the basis of the ideographs. Pictographic method of coinage, that is the kind drawn. But drawing tends to be more simplistic, abstract, becoming a prominent physical feature of a symbol, representing a certain sense, the pronunciation of a certain ... our characters, from the pictures, symbols to create, shape, from classical to Xiaozhuan Seal, by the seal and Li, Kai, line, grass, a variety of body shape. Application in writing Chinese characters in the process of gradually produced a national language in the world unique, and can separate category of calligraphy.
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Introduction of Calligraphy body
  1: Oracle (Qiwen)
  Body of ancient Chinese characters the name of one kind of book is also the oldest extant Chinese text. Engraved on the bones, first used in divination (the Yin people with shells, animal bones divination. Divination period after the divination, fortune teller's name, the thing with Daoke divination divinations in the next, and some also had a number of the future fate is fulfilled is also engraved. scholars call this record for the inscriptions), is the result of the divination of future things, flourished in the Shang Dynasty. Oracle found that in 1889, is the late Shang Dynasty royal family fortune when the record, found in Henan Anyang Xiaotun area, has been 3,000 years ago. Oracle is the first piece of the history of Chinese calligraphy treasures, the strokes have thickness, weight, Ji Xu changes, write light and illness, the line of thick, heavy, fast and Jie received pen, has a certain rhythm. Radius of the turning point of stroke and recent steep side were moving, were soft and round. Its lines are more harmonious than the pottery smooth, unique line of Chinese calligraphy art of tone and rhythm. Oracle rectangular guitar body lay character of the font. Oracle knot shaped body with the body, any of its natural. The tricks of sizes, many different radius, with the long flat-shaped, scattered and diverse and harmonious unity. Descendants of the so-called mixed scattered, interspersed with avoidance toward Yi echoed earth-shaking _set_ out the principles of Chinese writing, etc., has been generally available in Oracle.
  2: Bronze
  Body of ancient Chinese characters the name of one kind of book. Shang and Western Zhou, the Spring and Autumn Warring States period, inscriptions on bronze fonts in general. Flourished in the Zhou Dynasty. Bronze is another milestone in the history of Chinese calligraphy. Attached to the bronze, cast tripod intended to "enable people to know God, evil," it is a religious ritual ceremonies. Bronze is also known as Zhong Dingwen, device text, the ancient inscriptions. And cast bronze with inscriptions in Oracle is more than thick lines strong, mean and more pictographic characters strong, the earliest inscriptions found in the bronzes unearthed in the mid-business, data, though not many, years earlier than the Yin Ruins Oracle . Jin Zhou is the golden age, most inscriptions unearthed.
  Major works of this period: "Li Gui," "day of death Gui" "Dayu Ding", "wall plate", "s scattered disk", "Guo Hideko white plate." Especially in the "Si Mu Wu Ding", "San's plate," "Mao Gongding" the most famous, have the highest artistic achievement.
  3: Culture stone
  4: Ink Bamboo Slip
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Non-Chinese calligraphy
  "Arabic calligraphy", Devanagari writing calligraphy, calligraphy Vietnamese Mandarin words, are "non-Chinese Calligraphy" category, in which the Vietnamese Mandarin word calligraphy is an art unique to Vietnam, very popular in recent years. Mandarin words in all parts of Vietnam, the Vietnamese calligraphy club, many of which are well-written calligraphy Mandarin word, works very collectible. Vietnam Mandarin word is the Latin alphabet-based phonetic system, the characteristics of the Vietnamese Mandarin word calligraphy is often an inscription in the painting. Left for the money Wenzhong Sanskrit calligraphy Sanskrit bit like Chinese calligraphy running script, although handwriting, but handwriting is easy to identify.
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Urdu instrument method introduced
  Urdu (Urdu, and "barracks language" means) is the main language of the South Asian subcontinent, Pakistan's national language, but also widely accepted in India, is one of the official languages ​​recognized by the Constitution. Indo-Iranian language family it belongs to Indian language support. Urdu is from near Delhi about for centuries, a dialect of Hindi developed independently, it is now very similar to Hindi, among them the most important difference is that the former with Persian - Arabic letter writing, and the latter written with the Devanagari and develop their own literary language quite different. Urdu is the language of a literary tradition, educated Muslims to Urdu poetry can be used for fashion.
  Although Urdu is Pakistan's official language, but in fact most of the Indian subcontinent on the communicative language, spoken in India, some parts of Bangladesh. In recent years, to go along with the West, the Arab countries to study, workers in the increasing number of South Asia, Urdu is also popular in other countries.
  Urdu text in Persian - Arabic alphabet based on the changes to be developed, written from right to left cross. It is written in Arabic letters and some additional writing. Additional letters are used to indicate certain kinds of Indian and Persian words special sound.
  Urdu calligraphy writing very famous in the world until the 1980s, Urdu newspaper is handwritten newspapers to invite the famous calligrapher of the text and then printing and publishing, these newspapers are actually calligraphy art. In Pakistan, almost everyone can write beautiful calligraphy.
  Urdu calligraphy features:
  ① Urdu total of 35 letters, written when the order to make the layout more neat and beautiful, not between words separated by an empty compartment.
  ② Urdu words is continuous writing, there are four letters written that most of the first word, the word, the word at the end, and "exclusive use" of four, but sometimes writing letters and articles in order to integrate the vicinity of the letter even more beautiful, and some letters will be transformed into another written up when the 25 species with a letter written.
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Prehistoric to the summer - Chaos initiation of calligraphy
  Chinese calligraphy in Chinese art to the production phase began, "Sound can not pass in different places to stay in the different, the reason that raw text. Text, so there is meaning and sound of the tracks." Thus, resulting in a text. The first works of art of calligraphy is not a text, but some depict symbols - hieroglyphic or pictographic writing.
  Characterization of Chinese symbols, first appeared in the pottery. Initial characterization of the symbol only represents a rough idea of ​​chaos, there is no exact meaning.
  Dating back eight thousand years ago, the Yellow River Basin appeared magnetic mountain, Fei Li Gangwen of, Fei Li Gang unearthed in hand-made ceramics, there are more symbols, the symbols are the ancestors of the communicative function, functional notebook Chaos and pattern with decorative features, which although not a real character, but they are the prototype of Chinese characters.
  Dating back some 6,000 years ago, followed by Yang Shao culture Banpo site, unearthed a number of similar simple text describe the pottery. These symbols have been different from the patterns, the development of the Chinese language has a step forward. It can be said to origin of Chinese characters.
  Then there Erlitou and Erligang culture. Erlitou archaeological excavations have found pottery mark depicts its mark Twenty-four, and some similar to the Yin Ruins word Oracle, are independent of individual words. Erligang culture have been found in the text system. Here was discovered the bones of three characters, two of the word, a ten words, seems to practice lettering and engraved. This makes civilization to move forward in a big step.
  The original origin of words, is an imitation instinct for the image of a specific thing. Although it is simple and chaotic, but it already has a certain aesthetic sensibility. This simple text so you can call it prehistoric calligraphy.
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Business to the Western Han Dynasty - totally into the sequence of calligraphy
  From dynasties, through the Spring and Autumn, to the Han Dynasty, 2000 years of history has also led to the development of the art of calligraphy development. The period continued with a variety of calligraphy body there, there is Oracle, Jin, stone text, handwriting and other simple silk red and black, which seal script, official script, cursive, running script, regular script and other fonts in the screening of hundreds of miscellaneous body out of shape, the art of calligraphy began an orderly development.
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Precedent of the Qin Dynasty Calligraphy
  Spring and Autumn Period, the text very different countries, is a major economic and cultural barriers. Qin Shi Huang unified country, the prime minister Li Si presided over a unified national language, which in Chinese cultural history is a great achievement. Qin Qin unification of text known as the seal, also known as small seal, in the inscriptions and engravings on drum on the basis of Shanfanjiujian from. Lisi presided over the famous calligrapher Xiaozhuan sorted out. "Yi Shan stone," "Tarzan stone" "Langya stone" "Hueiji stone" is written by Scott. Ages are very highly. Qin is the inheritance and innovation of the period of change. "Dictionary order", said: "Qinshu eight bodies, one said Seal, second Xiaozhuan, third is carved characters, Si Yue insect books, printed copy Wu Yue, Liu Yue Department of the book, said book seven, eight said official script. "At this point the basic outlines of the font face. By the Li Si Qin Xiao Zhuan, Fragrance law harsh, writing inconvenience, so official script appeared. "Official script, seal of the Jie of it." Its purpose is to facilitate the writing. To the Western Han Dynasty, official script completed by the Seal to the official script of the transformation, into a guitar body from the vertical and horizontal potential trend, more pronounced lines, wave spine. The emergence of official script is written in Chinese characters, a big step forward, is a revolution in the history of calligraphy, not only the characters tend to Founder model, but also in the strokes on the center, breaking through a single brush, schools for the future of the book laid the foundation for the body. In addition to the Qin Dynasty more than a masterpiece of calligraphy, there are imperial version, the right amount, Vatan, currency and other text styles. Qin Dynasty calligraphy, calligraphy in China's history has left a brilliant page, the daring, ambitious, called the first of its kind.
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Degree seeking to recover rhyme - the Eastern Han Dynasty to the Northern and Southern Dynasties
书法 求度追韵—东汉至南北朝
书法 求度追韵—东汉至南北朝
书法 求度追韵—东汉至南北朝
  Han Dynasty Calligraphy
  Boom in the art of calligraphy, from the Eastern Han Dynasty began. Eastern Han period, there has been a special calligraphy theoretical writings, the earliest proponent of the theory is something Chinese calligraphy at the turn of Yang Xiong. The first monograph on the theory of calligraphy is the Eastern Han Dynasty Cui Yuan's "cursive potential."
  Han Dynasty calligrapher can be divided into two categories: one is the Han official script home to Yong represented. One is cursive home to Du degree, Cui Yuan, Chang Chi represented.
  Most representative characteristics of the Han Dynasty calligraphy, is nothing more than simple slips on the inscriptions and calligraphy. Han inscriptions everywhere, this period of the inscriptions, carved with Han Li, font Founder, testimonies careful and precise, clear wave spine. At this time official script has reached the limit.
  Han Chong Hing cursive, cursive, the birth of the art of calligraphy in the history of the development of great significance. It marks the beginning of calligraphy into a high degree of freedom to express their emotions, personality calligrapher performance art. Cursive initial stages of grass scribe, to the Eastern Han Dynasty, Slavery and the further development of grass, the formation of Zhang Cao, Zhang Zhi after the creation of this grass, that cursive.
  Six Dynasties Calligraphy
  1: Three Kingdoms period
  Three Kingdoms period, starting from the Han Dynasty official script landed Evolution of the peak position of regular script, regular script calligraphy into another body. Regular script, also known as the book is really written by Zhong Yao created by. It is in the Three Kingdoms period, regular script into the stone of history. Three Kingdoms (Wei) era of "recommended straight season the table." "Declared the table" and became a male as the EMI treasures.
  When Jin calligraphy height, mainly in running script, the running script is cursive and regular script between between a font. His masterpiece "Three Greece", that "Bo far post," "fast Snowfall," "Mid-Autumn Festival post."
  Northern and Southern Dynasties, the Chinese art of calligraphy into the North South posts era monument.
  Northern Dynasties inscriptions calligraphy, to the Northern Wei, Eastern Wei and the most refined, colorful style resembles the capital. Representative of the "Zhang Raptors monument" "King Shijun monument." Rubbings among the works are: "true grass one thousand sub-culture." Northern praise Ancestors, revealing the family business, a multi-stone, I post as North Monument South, North Kai southbound, north China Southern soil, the North South show are all male-based differences.
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Long seek regulatory law - Five Dynasties Sui
书法 求规隆法—隋唐五代
书法 求规隆法—隋唐五代
  Sui Dynasty Calligraphy
  Sui Northern and Southern end of the chaos, the unification of China, and are relatively stable after the Tang period, the development of the South Posts Zhisui North Monument and mixed with the flow, the formal completion of the form of regular script, the history books will continue in the home position. Kai Cheng Jin Sui Northern and Southern History on. Under the open specification of the new Bureau of the Tang Dynasty, Sui has Beiban undisturbed, mostly for real books, sub-four styles:
  1: Chun-ping, such as small road and protect the "Kai Temple Monument Act" and other
  2: Jun Yan Fang ordered as "Dong beauty epitaph" and other
  3: deep round strength, such as "Nobuyuki Zen Taming", etc.
  4: XiùLǎng very small, such as "Long Zang monument" and so on.
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Books in the heyday of the Tang Dynasty
书法 书学鼎盛的唐代
书法 书学鼎盛的唐代
书法 书学鼎盛的唐代
  1: Tang Dynasty calligraphy Profile
  Tang Dynasty culture is profound, brilliant, reached the peak of China's feudal culture, described as "the book to the Tang Dynasty and the heyday." Tang ink has spread before those who took more than a large number of Beiban left a valuable calligraphy. The Tang Dynasty calligraphy, another of the former generation of both inheritance and innovation. Regular script, running script, cursive development of the Tang Dynasty are entering a new situation, a very prominent characteristics of the times, the impact on future generations far more than any previous era.
  Early, national prosperity, calligraphy from the Six Dynasties law left out of cicadas off all regular script to Ouyang Xun. Yu Shinan. Chu Sui-liang, Xue Ji, Ouyang four of calligraphy through the mainstream. General characteristics of structured and clean, so future generations on the book as "Tang weight between the frame" is said, sometimes revered as "the highest Langhammer," until the Tang songs and dances, combined with Confucianism and Taoism, Li Yong change Youjun line method, unique, Zhang Xu, Huai Su in the cursive form of drunkenness willow to the extreme, Zhang Xu, known as "Cao Sheng," Sun before the court cursive places known for elegance, I like Zhizhang, Longji also create unaffected Yi Kuang Li, Feng Li of the new realm of strength of character . The ancient Yen Chen a cashier at new ideas among the students outside of the new law on old-fashioned. Dong Qichang that the Chinese book originates, Lu Gong large equipment. To the Late Tang and Five, the country situation turn bad, Shen Chuan teacher. Liu Kai Fa public power and then changed. Zijin to thin fresh explicit. Tang Kai further enrich the law, to the Five Dynasties, Yan Liu Yang condensing either a long. Capsule on the two kings, side front stance, laying mm focus, then on the occasion of independence Rao Chengping chaos and the like, but also for Tang's back light. Five of the occasion, and the crazy wind of Zen Chi, which is also affecting the book world, "crazy Zen calligraphy" was not a significant scale in the Five Dynasties, Song Dynasty Calligraphy course on the impact is not small.
  Tang Dynasty art of calligraphy can be divided into the Tang Dynasty, the Tang, the late Tang Dynasty three periods. Tang Dynasty to inheritance-based respect testimonies, deliberate pursuit of the Jin Dynasty calligraphy fresh beauty. Innovation in Tang, extremely prosperous. Some progress late Tang calligraphy.
  Sui, Tang and Five Dynasties calligraphy can be divided into three stages
  (1) Sui to early Tang dynasty
  Sui unified China, the Northern and Southern culture and the arts-compatible package build, to the early Tang dynasty, political prosperity, gradually the art of calligraphy from the legacy of the Six Dynasties of the law oneself out to a new attitude emerged. Early in regular script for the mainstream, the total structure is characterized by careful and precise straighten out.
  (2) Tang Dynasty, the Tang period
  Tang Dynasty calligraphy, such as the social form of the pursuit of a romantic way carried away. Such as "Britain Chang Su-drunk" (Zhang Xu, Huai Su) of Cursive, Li Yong of the running script. The mid-Tang, regular script again with a new breakthrough. Yen Chen, represented by the standard established for the regular script, _set_ an example, the formation of the orthodox. So far Chinese calligraphy style has been fully determined.
  (3) the legacy of the late Tang Tang, Five Dynasties period deposit
  AD 1907, carved out by Zhu Quanzhong off Don, the establishment of Girder, this calendar Later Tang Dynasty, Later Jin Dynasty, Later Han, Later Zhou Dynasty, known as the Five Dynasties. As the national trend weakness and chaos, arts and culture was also found downhill trend. Although the order of the late Tang calligraphy while continued, but Binghuo war influence the formation of a general trend of litter decay. Five of the occasion, the calligraphy on the commendable, when push Yang-condensing. His calligraphy calligraphy decline in the Five Dynasties, can be described as the mainstay. Another Li Yu, Yan Xiu and other accomplished calligrapher. At this point, the Tang Dynasty ping rigorous book has now been Xiaoxie wind, after the Northern Song Dynasty, "four" followed by the sky, _set_ off a new era waves.
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Still declare Italian Love - Song Zhiming in
书法 尚意宣情—宋至明中
书法 尚意宣情—宋至明中
书法 尚意宣情—宋至明中
书法 尚意宣情—宋至明中
书法 尚意宣情—宋至明中
书法 尚意宣情—宋至明中
  Song Calligraphy
  Song calligraphy is still Italian, which was caused by Zhu advocate science, which means the content, contains four points: a heavy philosophical, double pedantic, stylized triple, quadruple the performance of mood, while advocating the creation of personalized calligraphy and originality . These are reflected in the calligraphy, Sui, Tang and Five Dynasties still if the law is to strive for "work" of the expression, then the Song dynasty, calligraphy is still intended to start in a new lyric emerged in the world. This is the book home to Chi addition to "natural", "work" two levels, the need to have "knowledge" or "bookish", Song Tang Kai four changed the face of a direct legacy of Jin running hand post.
  Whether it is talent from both the high and out of new ideas of Cai Xiang Su, or high depending on the ancient Qi Huang Ting and Wen Tong Mi Fu insurance, are trying to express themselves in the style of calligraphy at the same time, highlights a maverick attitude, the knowledge of the depressed in the pen and ink gas between exuberant hair and giving a new aesthetic mood, Wu said that in the Southern Song Dynasty, Zhao Ji, Lu, Fan Chengda, Zhu Xi, Wen Tianxiang and other books at home has been further extended, and then book the Southern Song Dynasty family's knowledge and skills have not ink and four compared to the Northern Song Dynasty. Is representative of the Song Dynasty calligrapher Su, Huang, M., Cai.
  Yuan Dynasty calligraphy
  Economic and cultural development is not the early Yuan Dynasty, calligraphy is advocating the total retro, patriarchal Jin, Tang and less innovation. Although the political rule of the Yuan invaders, but was culturally assimilated by the Han culture, and Song informal pursuit of common law, the mood is different from the meaning of the Yuan Dynasty deliberately seeking workers for the performance of open-the pursuit of beauty, it is advertised Sushi "I made this book not intended," Zhao Mengfu advocates is the "pen eternal," the former pursuit Lvyi meaning, which it intends to emphasize meaning. Yuan Dynasty, the central figure in the book is Zhao Meng Tan, he founded the regular script, "Zhao body" and Tang Kai of the European Community, of Yan, Liu body and said four-body, a copy of the main rules book offspring body. As Zhao Mengfu calligraphy is absolutely not exceed two king thought a step, so the king sent for his calligraphy calligraphy subtlety quite unique insight, expressed as "warm and Elegant", "elegant research show" style look, this is also He Buddhism, elegant aesthetic of detachment of the state tend to be a kind of spiritual relief which has some links. In the Yuan Dynasty book world there are also fresh in the prestigious hub, Deng text of the original, although the achievement is less than Zhao Meng, ran in the calligraphy style has its own uniqueness. They argued that painting with the law, focusing on end-word body.
  Ming Dynasty Calligraphy
  The development of the Ming dynasty calligraphy performance in three stages:
  The first phase of the early Ming ─ ─
  The early Ming Dynasty Calligraphy "with the word Wan", "Taiwan Pavilion body" popular. Brothers Shen fueled school charm will work to the extreme stability of the lower case. "Where the Gold jade book, with the court, possession of secret government, awarded vassal state, the book will be life," two for the imperial Kai Shen calligraphy is pushed. The early Ming Dynasty calligrapher Liu are good at cursive base, workers lower case lao Song, Song Zhuanli then refined and renowned the world famous zhangcao Zucker. And Zhu Yun-ming, Wen Hui Ming, Wang Chong, "third son."
  ─ ─ Ming in the second stage
  The mid-Ming Wu four rise of calligraphy began to move toward the direction of state yet. Zhu Yun, Wen Zheng-ming, Tang Yin, Wang Chong and the four sons pass by Zhao Meng Jin and Tang Dynasties, borrowing Iyataka; style is also peerless, and this was the liberation of the pioneering ideas, personalized calligraphy began to enter the advocates of the new Realm.
  Ming ─ ─ Phase III
  Late that the rise of an altar book critical thinking, the pursuit of big Chifu calligraphy, visual shock, take potential front side, vertical cross-coated wipe, Full of smoke, so that the original order of calligraphy began to collapse; these books home with Zhang Rui map on behalf of , ecliptic week, Wang Duo, Ni Yuanrui and so on. The posts still adhere to traditional Dong Qichang school runner-up position.
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Lyric Yang Li - Ming and Qing dynasties
书法 抒情扬理—明中至清
书法 抒情扬理—明中至清
书法 抒情扬理—明中至清
  Ming and Qing, the main current of the lyrical aesthetic reasons for the banner of Young, the pursuit of individuality and promote the rational with each other, orthodox classical aesthetics and the new aesthetic and divergent Sheng. The overall tendency of the Qing Dynasty calligraphy is still quality, and is divided into two post school learning and development period of the monument.
  Ming Tan's book Unconventional ink, not wild. The culture of cynicism and further extended in the early Qing Dynasty, such as Zhu Fu Shan and others still work performance from my inner life and a non-event ending emotion. This is in the medium term "Eight Eccentrics" who once again reproduced. At the same time, the late Ming posts Everbright school integration also further develop, Jiang Ying, Chang, Liu Yong, Wang rule, Liang Weng Fanggang book and others with respect in the traditional when deliberately, trying to show a new face, or light ink writing, or change the tricks of the structure. However, due to post school long tradition, not a good way to clean up, understanding, adjustment, but also deepening a long-standing abuse, which makes the dismal science inevitably posts there.
  Is at this time, stone unearthed the day, the literati turned from enthusiastic chido science of textual criticism in the stone, and sometimes opposition inside and outside the monument was fascinated by science, the book eventually became the Qing Dynasty altar made democratic stream, combined with Ruan, including Shichen. Kang vigorously assertive, learning as a monument to compete with post school books school system exists. Was a famous calligrapher, such as gold farming, Deng Shiru, Shaoji, Zhao Zhiqian, Changshuo, Zhang Yuzhao, Kang were all painted with a monument intended to write, to the best of the best reasons. Bright state. Can be described as a culture of Chinese calligraphy in the landscape. If, scientists trying to find quality posts aspirations did not materialize, then learn where this desire to achieve in the monument.
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Modern fashion - today's calligraphy
  Diversification in the book world today, the art of calligraphy to the concept of sublimation of high-level change, this is undoubtedly a major step. Modern calligraphy art of calligraphy is not simply dependent on the form, structure, lines to outside face, but on the inner spirit of modernization. Calligraphy is a modern spirit embodied in the contemporary art of calligraphy, conduction of modern society tends to value.
  Calligraphy with a wide range of practical
  Calligraphy to write the most basic activities, while the primary purpose is to write notes and exchange of feelings, the minimum requirement is to standardize written word, clean, clear, people looked happy to accept, if the words are written chaotic, and even arbitrary, random creation and interpretation of the reader, such as "Double Dutch", illegible, lost its practical value. Some people think that writing with a hard brush with a brush as easy, hard brush can replace the brush, only calligraphy calligraphy scholarship; Some people think that calligraphy is a "genius" of the patent, "we are not learning calligraphy materials." In particular, some slightly higher age of friends, by the "people over thirty do not learn his craft," the shackles of old ideas that have been learned calligraphy too late. Some people think that calligraphy and mysterious, unfathomable, God can not sign, shape is difficult to form a good thing too hard. All these ideas are not desirable, as long as there are laws to speak of writing, there are many occasions especially not calligraphy "window dressing", absolutely not. For example, trademark, advertising, slogans, couplets, pictures and banners and so inseparable from calligraphy. Admittedly, the use of a pen, ballpoint pen and other writing tools are convenient, but no matter what the basic tools to write the rules and use the same brush, so no matter how writing should be to learn calligraphy. Age of calligraphy, or juvenile began to learn from an early age, no doubt a great advantage, but on the age of people learn calligraphy, there are many strengths; have the knowledge, life, have experience, understanding, quick, deep feelings, good to express so, young people are not comparable. Calligrapher Mei Xianghan A: As for the "genius", refers specifically to "have such talented people," no wisdom comes from a passion, hard work and scientific learning in return. "Nothing is difficult, who will try," "ruthless one mind, not afraid of nothing will be accomplished." Meixiang Han calligrapher A student asked a few phrases when very learned, succinct out of food for thought. Ask "what age calligraphy best?" A: "From literacy onwards, any age for" Q: "Can I become a calligrapher do?" A: "Do you think you can --- I'm sure you can!" Learning calligraphy Like other arts and learning, as long as we do not doubt their ability, confidence, enthusiasm, coupled with the right way, will be successful. Some do not be intimidated by the monopolist's metaphysics. They say marvelous calligraphy, to teach abstract, trifles, ignorant of the closed circle cycle, after delaying school. In fact, calligraphy, like "the windows of paper", is "a barrel on the break." Its charm can be imposed, the image can be expressed, preferred techniques, the rules up. "Shengtangrushi" look and accessibility.
  With artistic calligraphy
  Calligraphy healthy
  "For the book to keep gas, the gas can to help." Practicing the book, must be considered suspect of God, the whole footer start, power delivery cents side note on paper, to express the chest air, scattered hearts Yu. In this way, the person's mental and physical exercise have a certain role in the regulation and, over time, can make people spiritual heart glow, no illness and life. Even illness can also practice writing by, the raising of the more heart disease, accessible sickness. Calligraphy through the ages that make people good health and longevity, not the virtual mass. If the history of Ouyang Xun, Yan Zhenqing, the great calligrapher average life expectancy 79.2 years, with 76 years of age were killed Yen Chen, otherwise life will be longer. According to information on the Ming and Qing dynasties famous painter (painting similarities) compared with the monk, 28 people, painter monk longevity than 12.7 years, indicating the painting activity may also benefit health practice than the monks, has for the world consensus. 76-year-old now has a "general calligrapher," Mr. Li Zhen, through the practice writing, heart disease better, and no longer sleep and distress. He said with deep feeling, learn calligraphy, "a long time, there must be income, which" was "not only in calligraphy, especially beneficial to health." Pond visible ink, indeed fitness function, as long as perseverance, and perseverance, you can change "calligraphy" is wonderful "good health."
  Calligraphy can mold character
  Sentiment is feeling and thinking a comprehensive, calligraphy is an art, an art. Its beauty comes from nature, from life, from social practice, and other things are closely interdependent and linked. Calligraphy characteristics, skills, theory, expressing the mood is extremely broad. "Chest with the book, write good." Calligraphy, literature, philosophy, aesthetics, astronomy, geography, history and other knowledge nothing less. Obviously, we can not simply be understood as is the calligraphy writing. Calligrapher Mr. Wu Shanmao he said: "Calligraphy is the writing, but not all write calligraphy." Calligraphy of the inherent laws determine the seriousness of the book learning. This requires learning the book must have a good mental state to a high degree of enthusiasm for learning, strong entrepreneurial spirit and scientific thinking activities, just like a sincere attitude towards. Must be diligent and persistent, tireless, to prevent impulse, unfinished; must go deep into life, expand horizons, to prevent the arrogant hypocrisy, Shicaiaowu; need to strengthen training and broaden the conception, to prevent rigid, forest for the trees; to be rich in knowledge, erudite, to prevent superficial understanding, a good exposed the ugly; be reluctant to appreciate, Kam to innovation, to prevent the routinization, remains unchanged. Otherwise, wasted years, will achieve nothing. In short, the pond ink, happiness knows no boundaries, we would like the plot of human ingenuity in the pen flower it!
  Chinese calligraphy is an ancient art, from Oracle, Jin evolution of the Seal, small seal, official script, to shape the Eastern Han, Wei, Jin's cursive script, regular script, running all the body, the art of calligraphy has always exudes charm.
  Not only the Chinese have calligraphy, Japan, Korea, North Korea, these countries influenced by Chinese culture has calligraphy.
  Japan after worship from Wang, which for the formation of Japanese calligraphy played a big impact. To the latter part of the pseudonym calligraphy finally has its own characteristics.
  Korean calligraphy derived from Chinese characters written form, every word in an imaginary box in the line by some combination of different shapes, are intended to convey a specific meaning. Calligraphy and painting in Korea is always close, they believe that strong arrangements from strokes and harmony point of view, painting is affected by the calligraphy. So in Korea, the art of calligraphy more popular than the art of painting people's attention, people often like calligraphy painting hanging on the wall to enjoy the same, and as appreciated as it is for each painting a unique and appreciated its charm with the ink , appreciates the skill of the layout of the whole lot of it, bone cells, charm, and so on.
  Able to understand in the southwest of the kingdom of Baekje art of calligraphy reached a high degree of information less. According to the scholars of the Kingdom of the high level, these two seem fine art, calligraphy, it is very likely to have reached a considerable degree of maturity. 1972 in the ancient capital of Baekje in central South Korea Gongju accidental discovery of the king and queen of the Tomb Wuning found a lot of great archaeological value, including a square stone inscriptions of the calligrapher and the Treasure of scientists say is a rare . This stone placed in this square sixth century when the tomb entrance, similar to the tomb and for the construction of underground gods to purchase a piece of land by the legislature Wen Qi. Chinese characters carved on the stone font and beautiful, showing a very high technology.
  The following Unified Silla, because respect for the Tang Dynasty Chinese culture, resulting in a number of calligraphers, such as Jin-Sheng, Choe Chi-won. They basically follow the font calligraphy masters Ouyang Xun and Yu Shinan. Another master calligrapher Wang Xizhi also much admired, and his cursive is widespread copying. However, the new Luo Wangguo began circulating font Founder of Ouyang Xun body still dominant in the Koryo era, until 1350 or so.
  Korea Times is the most famous calligrapher of the Jin Zhengxi real school. Jinzheng Xi is an outstanding calligrapher and scholar, he established called the "history of fall camp" style. Chinese calligraphy grew out of his official script, but he painted in the rich sense of layout, good harmony in the asymmetry in the see, but extremely powerful strokes, the pen of the word dynamic. Because of these talents, he finally created his own unique style of vivid and powerful.
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Ancient calligrapher
  Oracle Jinwen Guo Chu bamboo shop Dayu Ding Mao Gongding Guo Hideko white plate attack Fuchai Kam Houma League books cover plate wall plate engravings on drum's wooden slips Dake Qingchuan Man basket used in state worship Warring States Ding Yue Wang Jianming Chen
  Seal Han Li Zhang Zhi Li Si cursive regular script running script B Wong Chung Ying as monument Shek Mun Yong, Cao Zhang Qian whole monument monument monument fresh Qin Huang Chao in the amount of sub-Ming Hou Brunei stone monument day prophecy God sent Yang Ling Fifteen Strings of Coins
  Wang Xizhi Suojing Sin Zhong Yao Lu Xun Wang Shi Yu Zhang Taishan Toronto monument by the black female epitaphs Dunhuang Calligraphy Zhang Yuan Yuan Hui pregnant epitaphs epitaphs
  Sui, Tang and Five Dynasties
  Zhang Xu Yu Shinan Yen Chen Ouyang Xun Xue Ji Chu Sui-liang Li Yang, Bing Sun before the court Zhizhang Zhang Xuhuai Su Zhi Yong Li Yong Liu Xu Hao Yang Ning-style directors of public power Epitaph beauty
  Song, Liao and Jin
  Su Shi Huang Ting Zhao Ji Mi Fu Cai Xiang Cai Jing Zhu Xiu Li Jianzhong Zhang Lin Bu Xue Shao Peng Wu Kui Bai Yuchan that the
  Yuan Dynasty
  Zhao Mengfu fresh in the hub where Nao Nao Kang Rao Ni Zan Zhang Yu Yang Weizhen Deng text of the original referral
  Ming Dynasty
  Dong Qichang Zhu Yun-Wen Zheng-ming Chen Chun Wang Chong Wang Duo Niyuan Lu Xu Wei, Zhang Rui Zhou ecliptic Figure SONG Ke Chen Hongshou Shen Chen Xianzhang Yao Shou Chen Jiru charm Bi Xing Dong Zhang Peng Tsai Yu Wen Zhong Shen Yin Wan meters Hanshan Xie Jin Mo is released to play Dragon Sun Cautious
  Qing Dynasty
  Fu Shan McKinnon Changshuo Deng Shiru Pu Hua Huang Shen Zheng basket used in state worship Shi Tao Zhao Zhiqian Wu Hsi Yao Nai Ho Shao-chi Song Cao Charles River standard Yangshoujing Wan by Pakistan Weizu Weng Shen Zengzhi Wu Zheng Wang Shi Shen Li Shan Liang Yan Mo Friends of the Chi Liu Yong Huang Yi Qian Feng Xu Sangeng Weng Fanggang Iraq Bingshou Yu Yue Zhang Yuzhao Zheng Xie Liang Zhou workers Gao Feng Han
  Chang Bao Bao Shichen iron rule Chenhong Shou Gong Xian Ding Jing Wang Zeng Liang Kang
  Hong Yi Shu Shen Yinmo with Mao Guo Yu Yu-jen Lin Zhao Puchu Sha Menghai bulk of Qi Gong Kang Zhang Yin Fu Bogeng Liubing Sen Ouyang, Shen Peng Shuai in the stone bell-induced
  Zhang Rongqing Ninglan Zhi Zou Dezhong Lizhen Kai Wang Yong Lvwei Tao Zhang Siping Fan Qiang Wu Shi Fu Zhong Xiaoping Malan Sheng Zhang Yi Jin Yangcheng Nan Lu Zong Wei Ling were super-peak Mahua Lin Zhang Qi-Yuan Guan Tian Zhu
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Detailed calligraphy "m" word format
  "M" word usage of grid learners and lovers of calligraphy has always been there differences and disputes. Mr. Qi Gong edited 1986 book "Introduction to Calligraphy" in page 48 of the "m" word there is a description of the error grid. Mr. Qi Gong is my cousin and he is a teacher, so with an opportunity to interview him this question, he repeated the professor to get. Today, the practice of Qi Gong on the experience I detailed spoken and written, for the later practice calligraphy in the structure of detours.
  Mr. Qi Gong talking about the "m" word calligraphy lattice structure is an important law, but also a significant contribution to the art of calligraphy, which is different from Miaohong die playing of the "m" word or "well" of the grid. Miao Hong mold on the grid is arranged for beginners stroke position for reference. "M" word lattice structure of the law is written m word, ∠ ∠ 1 is less than ∠ 3, ∠ 2 is less than ∠ 4, ∠ 5 to less than ∠ 7, ∠ 6 to less than ∠ 8.
  That is half of the points on the m word to stand a little bit, the bottom half and press down to write a little bit flat, it seems the word nice.
  The most common misunderstanding is the word of two meters and a write are written with a flick of the Miao Hong grid inclined 45 degree angle on the grid, that this was standard. This so-called writing with smooth vertical and horizontal, as is to be condemned, so do not write out the word beauty.
  "Introduction to Calligraphy" wrote: words such as rice, less than 1,2 but less than 7,8 3,4,3,4 less 5,6,5,6, do not ask if we can see the effect in turn. This obviously made the geometric error, because if ∠ 1 <∠ 3 <∠ 5 <∠ 7 and ∠ 2 <∠ 4 <∠ 6 <∠ 8 _set_ up, then come to ∠ 1 + ∠ 2 + ∠ 3 + ∠ 4 < ∠ 5 + ∠ 6 + ∠ 7 + ∠ 8 conclusion, which is clearly contrary to ∠ 1 + ∠ 2 + ∠ 3 + ∠ 4 = ∠ 5 + ∠ 6 + ∠ 7 + ∠ 8 = 180 ° the basic laws of geometry. This is probably compiled's clerical error, or misunderstanding of this theory, Mr. Qi Gong. There should be; ∠ 1 <∠ 3, ∠ 2 <∠ 4, ∠ 5 <∠ 7, ∠ 6 <∠ 8, while ∠ 3 and ∠ 5, ∠ 4 and ∠ 6 no relationship between, like the drawings Torx, looks very nice.
  There are many Chinese characters you can use the word "m" word grid pattern.
  The first is pricked in the upper half there are two words, such as: light, still, when, Shaw.
  The second type is lower with a flick of a mid-point of a vertical write words such as: wood, East and so on. Violation of the "m" word format to write these words the law, the effect see at a glance.
  By extension out, there are two points of the study calligraphy with less understanding of structure and encourage one another.
  First, the structure of Chinese characters in a lot of resemblance, if you find a structure of law, again it extended to other words, can quickly master the written word more.
  Second, the beauty of the structure of Chinese characters have rules to follow, and after careful study and master these laws before, do not quickly reform the old pursuit of innovation. In the mastery of basic skills of calligraphy and the structure, your own unique things will naturally achievements.
  Modern Calligraphy
  A new era began. Social revolution is bound to affect the arts and culture change, as one of the art of calligraphy, of course, is no exception. Calligraphy, art history, after thousands of years flow Yan, already fill volumes, especially in the calendar clear and to the Republic of the occasion, it is attributed to the sea and rivers actually Ben.
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  Means of calligraphy into a performance art, and usually there is some difference between writing and calligraphy must have a pen, the structure, the rules, Mexican law means of artistic expression.
  Western Zhou Dynasty's casual drive
  Tricks of the word and word, between lines of the overall relationship and arrangement. In addition to this arrangement density, balance and other relations, a calligraphy must stare down every word, so matched, trekking interrelated, Qimai consistency, making it both a perfect harmony and variations of the whole. Especially cursive and running script, it often increases stroke pull wire, a belt, echoing each other, so that calligraphy has a whole lot of music like rhythm, and rhythm.
  Equipment in addition to Mexican law calligraphy pen, there are ink and paper. Pen, ink, paper and produce changes between three different effects, so the Mexican law often valued for the calligrapher. Ink is used: thick and black, light ink, dry ink, ink thirsty, wet ink, dry ink, ink and so on up. Light ink, do not use more than the ancients for the book, Ming Dong Qichang love with light ink, and to be widely adopted in modern times, and the word among the shades of interoperability, between strokes, penetrate each other, produce a wealth of charm.
  There are books calligraphy font seal, scribe, grass, Kai, line, etc. These fonts have been used for the ancient and modern calligrapher. The formation of a variety of fonts, the inseparable relationship between each other, but there are their physical appearance and characteristics, so different methods of writing.
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English Expression
  1. n.:  brushwork,  calligraphy,  chirography,  graphics,  hand,  handwriting,  penmanship,  writing,  hand of writ,  hand of write,  beautiful handwriting,  style of handwriting,  person's particular style of this
French Expression
  1. n.  calligraphie
autography, penmanship, private
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