traditional Chinese medicine > Chinese herbal medicine
zhōng cǎo yào
中草药 zhōng cǎo yào
  Made of Chinese herbal drugs by
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That China's traditional use of plant, animal and mineral drugs, which the plant for up to
  That China's traditional use of plant, animal and mineral drugs, which the plant for most. "Flower City" No. 3, 1981: "It was fortunate that her father was a dedicated research of Chinese herbal medicine for the elderly, listened very pleased, sent for his daughter took him up the hill recognize Abstract, frying medicine."
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中草药 概述
  China is the birthplace of Chinese herbal medicine, currently there are about 12,000 kinds of medicinal plants, which is not available in other countries, in traditional Chinese medicine resources, we take dominance. Sages of ancient Chinese herbal medicine and Chinese medicine in-depth exploration, research and concluded, making Chinese herbal medicine has been the most widely recognized and applied.
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  Traditional Chinese herbal medicine is the prevention and treatment of diseases, drugs used in the unique, different from other Chinese medicine is an important symbol.
  Exploration of the Chinese people experienced a Chinese herbal medicine for thousands of years of history. According to legend, Shen Nong tasted a hundred herbs, the first medicine, Shen Nong's the title of "imperial medicine."
  Mainly by the herbal medicine (roots, stems, leaves, fruit), animal drugs (viscera, skin, bone, organs, etc.) and mineral composition of medicines. Accounted for the majority of herbal medicine for, so also known as herbal medicine. Currently, over 5,000 Chinese medicines used around or so, the relative compatibility of various ingredients to form the prescription, it is endless. After several years of research, formed an independent scientific - herbalism.
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  The application of traditional Chinese medicine theory unique. There are four five flavors of Chinese medicine. Gas, also known as four of four, is the potency of the cold, hot, warm, cool. Gomi means the drug Xin, sour, sweet, bitter and salty. Chinese herbal medicines gas, smell different, their effects are different.
  The application of herbal medicine in many forms, useful drugs cooked with water to the residue left after the juice from the decoction, ground into powder with a powder, as well as pills, creams, alcohol, tablets, granules, injection agent.
  There are many names in Chinese herbal medicine, botanical ginseng, Ganoderma lucidum, fleece-flower root, wolfberry is best known. Animal medicine to bezoar, bear bile, venom, velvet and other most precious. Cinnabar mineral medicine, ocher, talc, Glauber's salt as the most commonly used.
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  Trimmed to remove weeds, sediment and non-medicinal parts. According to the requirements of different species, and some need to scrape off the skin, such as the peony; some thick skin to be trimmed away, such as cork; some to remove the reed head, fibrous roots and leaves and other residue, then the size of the classification, such as Achyranthes, Green wood, Salvia, Angelica, Peucedanum, Shegan, Polygonum, etc.; some wood to be stripped of the heart, such as paeonol.
  Steaming, boiling, burning some of the starch or sugar containing mucus quality and more quality ingredients, easy to dry, and some also contain some elements of the decomposition and transformation of their own enzyme, such as by heat treatment, the enzyme will lose its vitality, it can to maintain potency without deterioration.
  Number of rhizome cutting herbs, such as Salvia, Angelica, Peucedanum, Achyranthes, Shegan, Polygonum, commercial land, puerarin, soil V Ling, Scrophulariaceae, etc., should take advantage of fresh sliced, block, or segment, and then drying; If the fruits of a large class of difficult to dry herbs, such as the promotion papaya, lime, bergamot, etc., should be cut and then dried; Herbs such as Eucommia bark, Magnolia officinalis, cinnamon, should also be taken advantage of fresh cut into pieces or after sheets or rolls into a tube, and then drying.
  The purpose of drying is to facilitate long-term dry storage of spare, dry crude drug processing keep the appearance, odor, and effective components in the same.
  Dried by the sun and outdoor air will flow dried herbs. Drying method is generally applicable to a certain color and does not require that the herbs contain volatile oils, such as Coix, Arctium, astragalus, Dan, Eucommia and so on. Dry method is simple, but different methods are also different herbs. When drying herbs harvesting usually lay it on the mat, we should pay attention to rain, dew, to prevent wind blown, and often turning to promote their early dry.
  Dried using low-temperature baking oven proof or fire pit, so that herbs dry. Drying temperature should be controlled, low temperature, the easy to dry, high temperature affected the quality, such as baked rhubarb temperature does not exceed 60 ℃, the temperature is too high then the vesicle dark color, quality reduced; flowers herbs drying, the temperature can not be too high, such as the drying temperature of the hands of Yinhua 38 ℃ -42 ℃.
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中草药 相关
  Chinese herbal medicine knowledge to collect varieties of the country. According to the drug name, source, form, habitat, cultivation, plucking, chemical, pharmacological, sexual taste functions, attending usage, with party agents and other writing, accompanied by a color image. Rich, more accurate and reliable data can be combined with a certain degree of knowledge of modern medical science, for research and clinical reference.
  Chinese atlas of traditional Chinese medicine to build a strong image database, including the various sources of medicines and Pieces pictures, and introduces the basic information of various herbal medicines and processing methods!
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  Prescription medicine commonly used prescription describes the composition and naming, and classification of Chinese prescription pharmacology of the content. Common side collection contains prescription medicine to the principle of party legitimacy, according to the classification method of governing law column of the table agent, heat agent, _set_tlement agent, the parties to party named classes, pharmacology, clinical applications and notes for the project, discussed Prescription pharmacological studies, clinical application of effective prescriptions and precautions, adverse reactions, etc., written in simple, discussed fully.
  Anti-tumor herbs
  Prescription anti-tumor
  Disease Dietary Therapy
  Ginseng, rhubarb, skullcap, Astragalus, Poria, Atractylodes, Chuanxiong etc.
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中草药 著述
  Compendium of Materia Medica, Herbal Pu Wu, Annotations of Materia Medica, Materia Medica, Yan Yi, liquid herbal soup, about to drink meal, Southern Yunnan Materia Medica, Herbal Essentials Collection, Meng Quan herbal, herbal medicine by Ya Banji, herbal medicine prepared to,
  This by every original, herbal medicine by the solution, the new Materia Medica, Supplement to Compendium of Materia Medica, Materia Medica truth, Herbal above the hook element, food Kam herbal medicine, herbal medicine summary, Herbal choose to outline, was with herbal medicine, herbal medicine harm profits, divided by the herbal medicine to medicine sub-agent, Pearl Fu herbal supplement capsule, drug sign
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  Plant Extract (Plant extract) refers to the use of appropriate solvent or method, from the plant (whole plant or part) as raw material extraction or processing, can be used to improve health or other purposes. And Lin Bio
  Plant extracts industry developed in the past 10 years, is and in the pharmaceutical, fine chemical industry, agriculture industry an edge between the industries. Expression defined as follows:
  Based on plant extracts of plants as raw materials, according to the extraction of the final product uses, through the physical and chemical extraction and separation processes, directed to obtain and concentration of a plant one or more active ingredients, without changing its active ingredient structure and the formation of products. Currently, the concept of plant extracts products, relatively broad. According to the different components of plant extract, the formation of glycosides, acids, polyphenols, polysaccharides, terpenoids, flavonoids, alkaloids, etc.; in accordance with the final product characteristics can be divided into vegetable oil, extracts, powder, lens and so on.
  Comprehensive national legislation and the use of categories and concepts, the concept of plant extracts can be accepted and recognized by the countries, and it is common in countries spread of the common herbal expression. China's exports of plant extracts as early as in 1999, exports had more than medicine. In western countries, plant extracts and their products (herbal or food supplements) have broad market prospects, has developed into an annual sales of nearly 80 billion dollars in new industries.
  China's plant extracts in general are intermediate products, the current use of a very wide range, mainly used in pharmaceuticals, health food, tobacco, cosmetics, raw materials or auxiliary materials and so on. Extraction of raw materials for the plant species are also very much into the industrial extraction of the present in more than 300 plant species.
  As we all know, in the history of human civilization, most recently about 200 years ago most of the time, humans have relied on traditional medicines (of which more than 90% drug) to combat the illness. The major ancient civilizations and peoples have a certain degree of civilization almost all their national medical system, among which China's medical system in the most comprehensive, the biggest achievement. Can be said that the Chinese medicine system is the highest expression of the ancient medical science.
  Herbal plant extracts and modern connotation of the concept that there are cross-cutting, each containing part of each other. Modern herbal extract is largely based, is a modern herbal plant extracts and components of the main raw material; and some kinds of plant extracts were used directly as medicinal materials. Within the world of herbal medicine there is no uniform definition. But the West used to be called the natural herbal medicines. Natural medicine refers to all derived from nature, used to treat diseases without chemical treatment of the drug, medicine, herbal medicine should bear with its scope.
  Germany is a modern herbal medicine in the treatment refers to the _select_ed plant extracts, It can extract the whole plant, it can be part of the extract, usually a chemical compound. Germany since 1976 will be defined as herbal medicines. At present this definition is adopted by the American Society of Plant.
  Herbal products as defined by the EC is not just a single medicinal plants, which can be a variety of herbal compatibility (HERBAL MEDICAL PRODUCTS), containing the specific active ingredients of plant or plant extracts, herbal plants to be used in medical the purpose of medical supplies. Medicinal plants and their products is considered to be an active ingredient in the composition or treatment of medical products is not very clear. Herbal preparations as plants crumble into a powder, extract, color, oil based or liquid based, pressure rolling and processing plant juice production plant, to purify or concentrate, isolated from a single plant or mixtures of compounds, which when no longer seen as herbal and chemical drugs such as atropine is considered.
  Chinese herbal medicine to prevent liver injury
  Chinese herbal medicine people always feel safe using them without scruple. In fact ancient herbal medicine, medical books on the toxicity of Chinese herbal medicine has a clear exposition of modern research is some of the toxicity of Chinese herbal medicine on the role of the liver have a clearer understanding.
  Herbal liver injury "black list"
  Common clinical drug-induced liver disease can cause a type of Chinese medicine:
  1. To the general liver injury, such as long-term or excessive taking ginger Breit, Puhuang, Loranthaceae, Arrowhead Mountain, etc., there may be liver discomfort, pain, abnormal liver function.
  2. Cause toxic liver, such as an overdose Toosendan, Dioscorea bulbifera, castor bean, Tripterygium decoction, can cause toxic hepatitis.
  3. Jaundice caused by liver disease, such as long-term use of rhubarb or intravenous injection holly, may interfere with bilirubin metabolism, causing jaundice.
  4. Induced liver tumors, such as Chenopodium ambrosioides, Shichangpu, star anise, pepper, tea, bee head, Senecio with sassafras and other herbs in the ether; green wood, wood-pass, saltpeter, cinnabar, etc. containing nitro compounds, can induce liver cancer.
  Specifically, the proprietary Chinese medicines can cause liver damage include: Zhuanggu joint pills, rickets scattered plot, grams of silver balls, silver consumption tablets (pills), proliferation levels, soothing pills, Tripterygium, psoriasis scattered, Liushen , Shufeng and pain pills, poisoning caused by damp clean, eliminate ringworm Ning, Fang Feng Tong Sheng Wan, blood poison pills, dehumidification pills, capsules snakes Herd, Zhuanggu Shenjin capsule, nourishing Shenjin capsule, nine scattered Herd Toukuwan, bone cents tablets, hyperthyroidism, capsule, tablet women, blood pill, nourishing hair growth capsules, Shouwu films, SHL oral liquid, Yinqiao tablets, compound GLY, Niuhuangjiedu films, Pueraria , Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang and so on.
  How to avoid herbal liver injury
  Many of these drugs are commonly used drugs in the life of ordinary people as normal liver function, normal doses can be used normally. But if you are liver disease, these drugs do not have to do the best to, to less to less, for therapeutic purposes, should be promptly discontinued.
  If taking these drugs after a few days or week of fatigue, nausea, loss of appetite, dark urine, yellow eyes and other abnormal symptoms, it is timely to a regular hospital check liver function tests. Once the diagnosis of drug induced liver injury, it should add enough heat, water and vitamins, or the appropriate application of glycyrrhizin preparation, glutathione, silymarin and other liver drugs.
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Component of
  Plant Extract (Plant extract) refers to the use of appropriate solvent or method, from the plant (whole plant or part) as raw material extraction or processing, can be used to improve health or other purposes. And Lin Bio
  Plant extracts industry developed in the past 10 years, is and in the pharmaceutical, fine chemical industry, agriculture industry an edge between the industries. Expression defined as follows:
  Based on plant extracts of plants as raw materials, according to the extraction of the final product uses, through the physical and chemical extraction and separation processes, directed to obtain and concentration of a plant one or more active ingredients, without changing its active ingredient structure and the formation of products. Currently, the concept of plant extracts products, relatively broad. According to the different components of plant extract, the formation of glycosides, acids, polyphenols, polysaccharides, terpenoids, flavonoids, alkaloids, etc.; in accordance with the final product characteristics can be divided into vegetable oil, extracts, powder, lens and so on.
  Comprehensive national legislation and the use of categories and concepts, the concept of plant extracts can be accepted and recognized by the countries, and it is common in countries spread of the common herbal expression. China's exports of plant extracts as early as in 1999, exports had more than medicine. In western countries, plant extracts and their products (herbal or food supplements) have broad market prospects, has developed into an annual sales of nearly 80 billion dollars in new industries.
  China's plant extracts in general are intermediate products, the current use of a very wide range, mainly used in pharmaceuticals, health food, tobacco, cosmetics, raw materials or auxiliary materials and so on. Extraction of raw materials for the plant species are also very much into the industrial extraction of the present in more than 300 plant species.
  As we all know, in the history of human civilization, most recently about 200 years ago most of the time, humans have relied on traditional medicines (of which more than 90% drug) to combat the illness. The major ancient civilizations and peoples have a certain degree of civilization almost all their national medical system, among which China's medical system in the most comprehensive, the biggest achievement. Can be said that the Chinese medicine system is the highest expression of the ancient medical science.
  Herbal plant extracts and modern connotation of the concept that there are cross-cutting, each containing part of each other. Modern herbal extract is largely based, is a modern herbal plant extracts and components of the main raw material; and some kinds of plant extracts were used directly as medicinal materials. Within the world of herbal medicine there is no uniform definition. But the West used to be called the natural herbal medicines. Natural medicine refers to all derived from nature, used to treat diseases without chemical treatment of the drug, medicine, herbal medicine should bear with its scope.
  Germany is a modern herbal medicine in the treatment refers to the _select_ed plant extracts, It can extract the whole plant, it can be part of the extract, is usually complex chemical substances. Germany since 1976 will be defined as herbal medicines. At present this definition is adopted by the American Society of Plant.
  Herbal products as defined by the EC is not just a single medicinal plants, which can be a variety of herbal compatibility (HERBAL MEDICAL PRODUCTS), containing the specific active ingredients of plant or plant extracts, herbal plants to be used in medical the purpose of medical supplies. Medicinal plants and their products is considered to be an active ingredient in the composition or treatment of medical products is not very clear. Herbal preparations as plants crumble into a powder, extract, color, oil based or liquid based, pressure rolling and processing plant juice production plant, to purify or concentrate, isolated from a single plant or mixtures of compounds, which when no longer seen as herbal and chemical drugs such as atropine is considered.
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Medical contraindications
  Chinese herbal medicine people always feel safe using them without scruple. In fact ancient herbal medicine, medical books on the toxicity of Chinese herbal medicine has a clear exposition of modern research is some of the toxicity of Chinese herbal medicine on the role of the liver have a clearer understanding.
  Herbal liver injury "black list"
  Common clinical drug-induced liver disease can cause a type of Chinese medicine:
  1. To the general liver injury, such as long-term or excessive taking ginger Breit, Puhuang, Loranthaceae, Arrowhead Mountain, etc., there may be liver discomfort, pain, abnormal liver function.
  2. Cause toxic liver, such as an overdose Toosendan, Dioscorea bulbifera, castor bean, Tripterygium decoction, can cause toxic hepatitis.
  3. Jaundice caused by liver disease, such as long-term use of rhubarb or intravenous injection holly, may interfere with bilirubin metabolism, causing jaundice.
  4. Induced liver tumors, such as Chenopodium ambrosioides, Shichangpu, star anise, pepper, tea, bee head, Senecio with sassafras and other herbs in the ether; green wood, wood-pass, saltpeter, cinnabar, etc. containing nitro compounds, can induce liver cancer.
  Specifically, the proprietary Chinese medicines can cause liver damage include: Zhuanggu joint pills, rickets scattered plot, grams of silver balls, silver consumption tablets (pills), proliferation levels, soothing pills, Tripterygium, psoriasis scattered, Liushen , Shufeng and pain pills, poisoning caused by damp clean, eliminate ringworm Ning, Fang Feng Tong Sheng Wan, blood poison pills, dehumidification pills, capsules snakes Herd, Zhuanggu Shenjin capsule, nourishing Shenjin capsule, nine scattered Herd Toukuwan, bone cents tablets, hyperthyroidism, capsule, tablet women, blood pill, nourishing hair growth capsules, Shouwu films, SHL oral liquid, Yinqiao tablets, compound GLY, Niuhuangjiedu films, Pueraria , Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang and so on.
  How to avoid herbal liver injury
  Many of these drugs are commonly used drugs in the life of ordinary people as normal liver function, normal doses can be used normally. But if you are liver disease, these drugs do not have to do the best to, to less to less, for therapeutic purposes, should be promptly discontinued.
  If taking these drugs after a few days or week of fatigue, nausea, loss of appetite, dark urine, yellow eyes and other abnormal symptoms, it is timely to a regular hospital check liver function tests. Once the diagnosis of drug induced liver injury, it should add enough heat, water and vitamins, or the appropriate application of glycyrrhizin preparation, glutathione, silymarin and other liver drugs.
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Detailed Books
  Of: Ye Jianhong ed
  Publisher: Shandong People's Publishing House
  Published by Time: 2009-1-1
  Folio: 16 open
  ISBN: 9787807660439
  Price: ¥ 19.90
  The life blood stasis commonly used drugs, hemostatic, expectorant, rheumatism medicine, aromatic medicine dampness, diuresis Shenshi drugs, drug astringent, aromatic resuscitation drugs, sedative drugs, drug Qu Shu Wen in medicine, digestion medicine, anthelmintic, Chung vomiting drugs, then of each herb, taste, meridian, efficacy, clinical use, usage, dosage, the use of attention, pharmacological effects, prescription by side, diet prescription and other aspects of the preparation of 9 to highlight clinical use, but with a map of each drug, so illustrated.
  Book in Chinese herbal medicine for the production, purchase and sale and in Chinese medicine, integrated Chinese and Western medical staff to read, but also as family health books.
  This book is divided into two volumes, the book is on the books.
  Chapter tonic
  Section qi medicine
  American ginseng
  Hyacinth bean
  Section helps the positive drug
  Cordyceps sinensis
  Treating diabetes
  Section III hematinic
  Arable land
  Root of herbaceous peony
  Fructus Mori Albae
  Yin IV drug
  Ligustrum lucidum
  Turtle shell
  Turtle shell
  Chapter relieving drugs
  Section divergence cold medicine
  Magnolia flower
  Section divergent wind-heat medicine
  Free oneself
  Chapter antipyretic
  Section powder heat diarrhea
  In seeds
  Night out sand
  Section II heat dampness drugs
  White Paper moss
  Qin Paper
  Section III heat antidote
  Paris polyphylla
  Smilax glabra
  Hedyotis diffusa
  Arrowhead Mountain
  Euphorbia humifusa
  IV drug Qingreliangxue
  Buffalo horn
  Bai Wei
  Silver Bupleurum
  Chapter IV diarrhea prescription
  Section I take drugs
  Glauber's salt
  Aloe Vera
  Run II prescription
  Hemp seed
  Yuli Ren
  Jun drugs by water under Section
  Pharbitis purpurea
  Wind, drug Chapter Pinggan
  Abalone shell
  Daizhe Dan
  Tribulus terrestris
  Antelope horn
  Chapter VI drug qi
  Cyperus rotundus
  Lindera aggregata
  Citrus aurantium
  Da Fupi
  How fragrant drop
  Shi Di
  Flowers bloom
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  Chinese herbal medicine
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  Chinese Traditional and Herbal Drugs
  "Herbal" (Chines. Is such as Moon Mountain Zit naz and Herbal Drugs) months
  Journal, founded in 1970, is a bimonthly to monthly in 1976. Formerly known as "herbal
  Communications, "to present title in 1980 changed its name. By the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Tianjin by
  Host. Reported the contents of main active ingredients of herbal extraction, isolation, structure test
  Fixed, chemical synthesis, herbal pharmacy, production process, analytical testing, quality research, machine
  Mechanical equipment, pharmacological experiments and clinical observation of Chinese herbal medicine, medicinal plant and animal research, study abroad
  Overview and synthesis of research and other herbs. Audience for pharmaceutical scientists, pharmaceutical workers
  And technical personnel, medical workers, research intelligence personnel, medical institutions and students, medicine
  Departmental management and herbal cultivation, feeding workers. (Wang Jingrong)
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English Expression
  1. :  herbal medicine
  2. n.:  Chinese herbal medicine
French Expression
  1. n.  plantes médicinales traditionnelles chinoises
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Technology Fill one's pipe library Chinese herbal medicine culture techniqueXinnong village Nongjiyuan Library y Chinese herbal medicine discriminate And Appliance
Classification details
ExpandchickenExpandholothurianExpandJapanese Dock RootExpandchemical composition of Chinese herbal medicineExpandLead
Expandcodiaeum variegatumSophora japonicabloomsebonybergamot
lilycuckoochestnutsfructus chaenomelisVitis vinifera
cherrylilybatBetel nutflag
orangeclovescanelong surf clamemerald
chrysanthemumlycheeasparagusplum blossomangleworm
LimeBulbus Narcissi ChinensiPeach blossomravenmelon
mandarin duckblack carpoystermarrowamber
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