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Chinese Culture
  The origin of Chinese culture. Source: Kang Yongsheng Culture Communication World
  Shen Nong Chinese nation in the political form before the time of tribal politics and tribal leaders as "witch." This view very different from traditional cognitive, people's perception in the history of the "witch" is a superstition, "the witch" is Zhuangshennonggui no knowledge. In fact in the ancestors of the original era "witch" is a scientist, "Witchcraft" on behalf of the authority of knowledge.
  The original waste time, ancestors of knowledge is not open, see the natural phenomena, such as mountains and rivers on the ground, thunder and lightning storm to climate change and so on. Due to lack of understanding, the heart of doubt, terror. To get the answer to these doubts, only the whereabouts of "witch" teach. Wu for this phenomenon, through observation, thinking, analysis, conclusion is made after the process has Aeolus wind, rain rain god, mine are Raytheon, an electric power of God, the other mountains and rivers of the earth is not without moon and stars have a God is in charge. Master of God, modern man seems to be too scientific, too superstitious. But who can guarantee that the phenomenon of contemporary scientists made the explanation of the universe, so of years later, does not refer to the overthrow of superstition, anti-science it?
  In addition, there are two things humans can not deal with their own, we must turn to others. One is physical, people do not do not get sick, the life of the patient must be your doctor. The second is psychological, people do one thing, always worry about the outcome in advance, the East to the West think, hesitate, then have to ask people for information and advice. Now of course know ill go to the hospital clinic. Heart hesitant to do, ask friends and family, or consult an expert. In primitive times, two things happened, and turned to the same person is the "witch." From the ancient "medical" Writing the word "medical", and divination of the "Divination" proof of character to do.
  (B) and then asked something about: the things asked by our ancestors, to weather-based. Mainly for hunting. Let us recall, weather has the latest scientific instruments, yet it can not predict the weather changes, witch can really predict what skills it? And Wu concluded that the development of the matter, as the same drug treatment less direct, less obvious, it will create a great divide. For the people's problems, but also can not answer. Clever witch questions for the people not to be a clear answer, and changed the way mining analogy to the other a hint. And its use of metaphor and more casual folk lyrics. Been passed down to Fu Xi, the history of the witch answered the answer to organize the people into a sixty-four cases summarized, this is the "Book of Changes" of the origin. "Medical" and "easy" is a pair of twins, two main axes of human culture, the "Book of Changes" version circulating: no symbols in the text before the human, is the use of Jieshengjishi, "Book of Changes" gossip " Yang Yao "," Yin Yao "is a big knot, and two were represented by a summary. String of a string of rope hanging on the wall end is the "Gua" the origin. The hexagrams are grouped into overlapping by the gossip, so each hexagram hexagrams Yao by two three-phase connection diagram, so they called "even three." Yao and because the three diagrams in the not "three" of the diagram, only the "Mountain", "Gen the mountain." Progress by the guitar string to symbol text after the "three" links up like "Mountain" diagram as stem arrangement is "" seems to link the two characters look like mountains, so the "with three" to (Hill) the. As civilization advances, the involute of human knowledge, knowledge of the surrounding issues have changed, so the (Hill) is amended easy to organize. To the Yellow Emperor invented the text, the original hanging on the wall (Hill) is easy to change into flat symbols. Found easily arranged, the two should be dry by the Kun Gua start. And the most important place of human life is the earth, so to Kun, dry hexagram in dry front row, came in first, it changed to name the (normalized possession). Yan Zhao Yan has been used. King Zhou of political persecution by emperor, imprisoned in the Youli. Emperor prisoner trapped in Youli King Zhou of his play in order to avoid suspicion of conspiracy, so the political, military, economic and other aspects of the books can not read. Only get a (normalized possession) is easy to read, to show lack of ambition. King Wen in the speech that is easy to show the way the story of the origin. (Normalized reservoir) is finishing the Book of Changes Amendment emperor renamed the "Book of Changes." The "Book of Changes" to carry forward the most powerful of Confucius. Anti-Lu Confucius travel around the world, sixty-year-old was "Book of Changes" and found all the questions in my mind, in the "Book of Changes" the answer can be met. Confucius Reading "The Book of Changes" "Wei Code Ruin" shows that their use of the ground effort. And the "Book" to write a dozen articles, extolled "the Book of Changes" theory. The last sigh, "I added a few years, fifty to learn easy, you can not be greater than now!" Sighed easy to read too late, if in the five-year-old read the "Book of Changes", then do not have to travel around the world, everywhere asked the . "Book of Changes" after Confucius, after finishing to be finalized, and after no one else who dares to change a word phrases. So (Hill), (owned by Tibetan), "Book of Changes" is actually a book, because there are different versions and different titles.
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Early culture
  Modern archaeological discovery in the Central Plains Peiligang, Jiahu culture, 7000 years ago to 10,000 years ago has entered a primitive agriculture, animal husbandry, and handicraft production as the mainstay, supplemented by fishing and hunting industry, the primitive clan society, which unearthed Lease shells carved with symbols some 3000 years ago are similar to the Shang Oracle and similarities, China and the world is the word origin of the earliest discovered and the kind of information. When the development of Chinese civilization in the Central Plains, when the territories of China are now also distributed in other cultures. Among them, 5,000 years ago to 10,000 years of culture, modern archaeological discoveries since the yin and yang business culture north of Nanking, Gaoyou Long Qiu Zhuang culture, Jiaxing Majiabang culture, Yuyao Hemudu culture, Hanshan Lingjiatan culture, hill Xue gang culture, Heavenly Gate Shijiahe Culture, Wushan Daxi culture, located in the Yangtze River, middle and upper reaches of other places. Sanxingdui found in ancient Shu civilization, but also reached a very high level.
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Local Culture
  China's vast territory, culture, after several years of development, gradually with distinctive local characteristics, and in common with Chinese culture. In addition to the main ethnic Han, Tibetan, Manchu, Mongolian, Qiang and other ethnic minorities also have the local culture with its own characteristics. Chinese culture can be divided into several regions: Henan, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Hebei, Shandong Yellow River basin area; Sichuan, Yunnan and Guizhou in the vicinity of the upper Yangtze River; Hunan, Hubei, Jiangxi along the Yangtze River; Anhui, Zhejiang, Jiangsu area Yangtze River; Northeast China; Inner Mongolia; Xinjiang; Tibet, Qinghai and western Sichuan, Tibet and other places; Guangdong, Guangxi in the vicinity of the Pearl River, Minjiang River in Fujian and so on.
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  In the Spring and Autumn Period, the collapse of the Zhou feudal system, feudal lords crusade against each other. Or of intellectuals in China to save the world of knowledge, or invention to facilitate the princes of various academic hegemony. Created in the history of Chinese thought the most active age. That produced during the various academic, total known philosophers.
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Totem Symbols
  Composed of a dragon and a phoenix, which means on behalf of yin and yang, that is, men and women, the Han population, accounted for most of China's historical development, it continues the dragon of China's most ancient animals, as a symbol of our nation. Flamboyant, the Central Plains region and southern region national flag.
  Chinese people call themselves "Descendants of the Dragon." Chinese emperors called themselves "true sons of the dragon", a symbol of authority. In China the dragon is a legendary fictional animals with snake, lizard legs, claws, tail, antlers, fish scales, mouth have to be, the amount of beads under the image. Long ranked fifth in the zodiac. Dragon and phoenix, unicorn, tortoise and said with the "four auspicious." (There are also many books and historical writings referred to "four auspicious" are: Ya gating, ranking, PI, Suan Ni.) Green Dragon and White Tiger, Suzaku, basalt is the four images in astronomy.
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  Han Chinese clothing is the traditional national costume of China, the Han dynasty clothing all have different characteristics. After the Manchu rulers of the Qing Central Plains, requires that all people must wear Manchu dress, and it has destroyed the traditional Chinese clothing. Began a renaissance in recent years, the movement of Chinese clothing, sponsors and more young people to advocate Chinese culture. There is also a lot of people believe that the Manchu costumes should also be summarized in the Chinese nation's traditional clothing.
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  Only Confucianism since the Han Dynasty began, China has started the 2000 years of Confucian education. Sui Dynasty imperial examination system established at the time, begins the construction of the College Song. Qing Dynasty Imperial Examination system was abolished. Mainland China is now the main implementation of the system to _select_ students for college entrance University; Taiwan is based on aptitude test system to _select_ students into the university.
  Examination system in ancient China. The Government is also a way of _select_ing officials. Began in the Sui Dynasty (AD 518 - AD 618), until the Qing Dynasty (AD 1644 - AD 1911), lasted a total of 1,000 years. First scholars to participate in "Kid Test", regardless of age who participated in what are called "Confucian child" or "child life" passed the examinations to be admitted, "school" later known as the "life member", commonly known as "scholar." Scholar divided into three ranks, the best performance called "intrinsic Health", issued monthly by the state of food; second is called "proliferation" does not supply food, "intrinsic life" and "proliferation" is a certain places; third are "epiphytic", that only enrolled members with students. Scholar who obtained qualifications in order to participate in a formal examination. Official examination points "Provincial Examination," "will try", "palace examination" three. Provincial Examination: held every three years in the provincial capital, said "majority." Admitted called "lifts." Test first is called "Jie Yuan", the second is called "Asian dollar." Will try: In the spring of the second year after the provincial examinations in the capital of the "Rites" (a government authority) held, admitted called "Gong Shi", the first name "Yuen." Successful candidates: presided over by the emperor himself, only the "Gong Shi" to be eligible to participate, sub "top three" admission. A given one of three "Scholars and third", the first name of the "champion", the second name of the "second place", the third name of the "third overall" and collectively "Sanding A"; dimethyl give "into the soil origin", the first a name "Chuan group of people." The top three thanks to "Chin was born with."
  Imperial History
  Sui Dynasty Sui Dynasty imperial situation (AD 581 - AD 618) is established, the forces of medium and small landowners to be strengthened to require an official desire to participate in politics has become even more intense. Examination system can not only meet this desire, and explore more widely, to win over people, so the government officials _select_ed one of the ways. The situation of the Tang Dynasty Imperial Tang Dynasty (AD 618 - AD 907) of the system and improve the examination system started up. Government at all levels of students studying Science Museum Science Museum of believers and not everyone can attend regular school examination, in addition to the expedition and other incumbent officials. Examinations, the common subjects Scholars, Ming Jing, Ming Law, Meiji, Ming count, a history, three history, Kaiyuan Li, Dao-Ju and other subjects, and later _set_ up a system of give and Martial. Scholars only have the official exams and qualification, the next step to go through the Ministry of Personnel _select_ion test pass, was the official award. Song of the imperial situation in the Song Dynasty (AD 960 - AD 1279) examination system has been further change and development. Examinations, the common subjects of Imperial, system families, word families, Ming Jing, three history, clear rules, the boys, Martial and the "three homes Law" admitted as such. Chin Song, Ming and other examinations by the test are generally divided into state, provincial examination, successful candidates three. Provincial test, successful candidates by then, the court immediately granted official candidate. Yuan Yuan's imperial situation (AD 1279 - AD 1368) the Mongol rulers of the imperial examination system implemented with a clear ethnic discrimination color. Examinations held every three years, divided into the Provincial Examination (province examinations), will try (Rites Examination), Royal test (successful candidates) levels. In the provincial examinations, when the Mongols and the Northwest will try only to test two of the minority, while the Han Dynasty shall be three. Royal test, although the candidates are asked a test policy, but only the first two were more than Five Hundred Words, and Han Chinese must be more than thousand words. The examination content, the subject is also more difficult to Han Chinese. Ming Ming imperial situation (1368 - 1644) Imperial examinations to test the most important. Candidates by the county government after the test pilot and as child health, can participate in the official Imperial examinations, examinations must be stereotyped making a fuss. Imperial Court trial is a formal examination of the first national level, in Tainan, or held directly under the province's state capitals. School test followed by the Provincial Examination, held in the capital and the provinces the provincial capital, a three-year examination, said provincial examinations taken in the lifts, has had an official qualification. Test and successful candidates will be the highest-level examination. Sponsored by the Ministry of Rites will try, held in the capital Gongyuan, usually in the second year of provincial examinations. People who will try to be admitted, as Gongshi, first called the Council yuan. Gongshi also attended by the emperor himself presided over nominally successful candidates, the top three Chubang points, one a gift Scholars and third, that is, the familiar champion, second place, third overall. In the highest imperial examination, fame to come to an end. Qing Dynasty Imperial Examination situation Qing Dynasty (AD 1644 - AD 1911) basically followed the Ming imperial system and the examination process. In the Qing Dynasty, the emperor met every birthday, ascended the throne and other celebrations, there are also additional Araliaceae provincial examinations, called Enke. Dimethyl, the top three successful candidates, we will conduct a chin-shih examination, called into Korea. Qing Dynasty Imperial Examination in the eight-legged essay must also be making a fuss. Qianlong Poetry increased content of the examination, after hospital tests, the Provincial Examination, will try to be given to poems, called Poems trial.
  Ancient examination content
  The ancient name of the school
  China 4,000 years ago have a school. When the school called the "itch." High-level university called "the itch", the low level of primary school is called "Under the itch." To the Xia Dynasty (21st century BC - 16th century BC) the school is divided into four levels, by level is called: "Learning", "East Order," "Western order", "School." To the Shang Dynasty (16th century BC - 1066 BC), the name again to the four schools are: "learning" and "right school", "left school", "Preface." The later dynasties as well as in schools _set_ up by the palace, called "hall with a circlet", "as are" other. To the Han Dynasty (AD 206 - AD 23), the highest level of the school called "Imperial College", the following were called "Eastern Learning" "Western", "Southern Studies," "North School." And then later the "Imperial College" to "national child study", "National child Temple", "Imperial College." Han Dynasty, ancient China, history of education in a relatively prosperous period. Han's school is divided into two kinds of Governmental and private schools. One private school in the library, also known as Mongolian Studies, Department of private school properties, equivalent to primary education. From now the nearest to the Ming Dynasty (1368 AD - 1644 AD), the Qing Dynasty (AD 1644 - AD 1911), "Imperial College" is not the nature of the school, and become a national specialized management education institutions. And this time the school generally referred to as "College", "book Hall", "private school" and so on. Twenty-nine-year dynasty, the Qing government promulgated the "outs _set_ting charter schools," not only clear the entire school system, also provides the school curriculum at all levels. "Played the scheduled charter schools" in the primary curriculum announced is the first of a formal primary school curriculum.
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  The Cultural Logic of Chinese civilization and the "hemispherical dome," said a close relationship. Of course, if we recognize the cultural sources of field system - "Jiang Li," Agriculture and "Jiang Li," Planning the initial definition of property rights on land the role and significance. So, from the "hemispherical dome" and "Jiang Li," agricultural point of view, the origin of Chinese culture and civilization, historical context is very clear, and this cultural relations can even be traced back to around 8000 years ago in Henan Jia Lake cultural era. Therefore, the field system can not only solve China to break the Xia, Shang and Chou dynasties basic problem of political and economic systems, can also better understand the Chinese culture and civilization of the origin. Spring and Autumn when the progressive thinking, rational human spirit to thrive, the ancient religious concept of evolution from the innovation. Season Leung said: "the people the Lord God, the sage into the public first and then dedicated to God." God created man, Man is the ancestral, the previous concept of the ancient mystery of fading. Ancient "God" by the nature of the concept of gradually "days" instead of, the day incarnation of moral public opinion, which later formed the basis for the Chinese cultural beliefs. "Respect worship" is the most basic beliefs of Chinese culture elements.
  Taoism is China's domestic production of the religious form of Buddhism was introduced into China since the Eastern Han Dynasty, and China in the continued integration of cultural exchanges as an important part of Chinese culture. Confucianism is not a purely religious form of Confucian scholars concerned about the real world.
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  Chinese characters used in China is one of the most ancient text, are still the only widely used Logogram, about 4,000 have been used in recent years.
  Exist not only in Chinese characters, also in Japan and Korea, and Vietnam and other countries use. Chinese characters in simplified graphic symbols formed in the process. Shang Dynasty unearthed animal bones on the Oracle is now the earliest that the maturity of the characters. Bronze on the same Zhongding Wen also has a high historical value. Pre text quite unified, all countries in the Spring and Autumn period of Chinese characters in different degrees of development of the division until the Qin Shi Huang Tongyiliuguo, the Seal was changed Qin Xiao Zhuan, the end of the text and differentiation history.
  Xiaozhuan in the development process, there have been a new form of sound words to appear knowing, so that more accurate written records of precision. Xiaozhuan main strokes to curve, then gradually becomes a straight line features are more easier to write. To the Han Dynasty, the official script book to replace Xiaozhuan become the main body. The emergence of official script of Chinese characters a big step forward, laid the basis for the structure of modern Chinese characters, became a watershed in ancient text. Today, people write methods are official script, regular script, Song, running and so on. Been simplified because of China's reform of Chinese society today there is Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese (or Traditional Chinese) are two main writing systems.
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Chinese social and cultural
  Chinese social relations is a typical type of social relations of reciprocity. Different social relations are usually similar to the family by calling to express. The individual and the society was called the "relationship", and this contact is called inside the emotional "feelings." Chinese social relations is usually carried out by each other presents. Chinese social relations in a very important concept is the concept of face and other related with the concept of oriental culture. For example, the Buddhist concept of "fate" is one of them. Hence affecting the Chinese perception of events and characters, often interest to determine what good or bad.
  And other national, social accustomed to the analogy between the individual and society view the relationship between the size of the box is different, the Chinese tend to the social relations compared to "net." Therefore, the Chinese assessment of social relations with others, to rank the quality is not the inside and outside.
  Experience of the Cultural Revolution in mainland China such as the destruction of culture, the preservation of Chinese culture in Taiwan to become one of the most intact, including the traditional text, local drama, heritage collections, traditional festivals and so on.
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Traditional Culture
  See the ancient Chinese culture.
  Lunar - Martial Arts - Ershibasu - Couplet - Dragon - Five Elements - gossip - Chinese traditional festival - the ancient Chinese philosophy - Confucianism - Air - Road - tea
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Traditional disciplines
  Mathematics: "Zhou Bi Suan Jing"; "Nine Chapters on Arithmetic" (the three countries with Liu Hui); Zu; thinking.
  Astronomy: astronomical observations, invented telescopes: sundial; armillary sphere; simple instrument; high table; Yang instrument, developed calendar (lunar calendar).
  Medicine: Chinese medicine, Tibetan, Mongolian.
  Agriculture: "Arts for the People", Jia Sixie the "Waterways", Li Tao Yuan book
  Four great inventions: paper, printing, gunpowder, the compass.
  Construction: see Chinese architecture, gardens, temples, palaces, the Forbidden City, Metrical, tower, Great Wall, tomb construction.
  Painting: Chinese Painting, Riverside.
  Calligraphy: Bronze - Zhuanwen - Clerical - Regular Script - Script - cursive - hard brush calligraphy.
  Music: Chinese folk music, Chinese opera, traditional folk songs.
  Crafts: paper cutting, Chinese embroidery.
  Dance: Ancient Dance, Zhou Chaoya music, big dance, little dance, Han Yue, Tang music and dance, modern dance, ribbon dance, martial arts, fan dance.
  Opera: Peking Opera, Peking Opera, Shaoxing opera, Cantonese opera, Flower Drum Opera, Hunan Flower Drum Opera.
  Folk art: comic, opera, shadow puppetry, Nan Qu, high-A play.
  Music Video: Chinese film, Chinese film history, Chinese TV, Chinese TV history.
  Clothing: See Chinese dress.
  Food: Please refer to Chinese food.
  Eight Cuisine: Szechuan (Sichuan food)
  Hunan (Hunan)
  Guangdong (Cantonese)
  Jiangsu cuisine (Jiangsu cuisine)
  Shandong cuisine (Shandong dishes)
  Zhejiang cuisine (Zhejiang cuisine)
  Min Cai (Fujian cuisine)
  Anhui cuisine (Anhui dishes)
  Education: Imperial College, Imperial College, Imperial system, private school, college, the Imperial Academy.
  Literature: See Chinese classical literature.
  Chinese mythology.
  Chinese Fables.
  Chinese proverb.
  Chinese fiction.
  Chinese poetry.
  Sports: Chess - Go - Wushu (Kung Fu) - Qigong - Kickball - mahjong.
  The Cultural Logic of Chinese civilization and the "hemispherical dome," said a close relationship, of course, if we recognize the cultural sources of field system - "Jiang Li," Agriculture and "Jiang Li," Planning for land property rights define the role and significance of the original. So, from the "hemispherical dome" and "Jiang Li," agricultural point of view, the origin of Chinese culture and civilization, historical context is very clear, and this cultural relations can even be traced back to around 8000 years ago in Henan Jia Lake cultural era. Therefore, the field system can not only solve China to break the Xia, Shang and Chou dynasties basic problem of political and economic systems, can also better understand the Chinese culture and civilization of the origin. Cultural, political, economic and institutional arrangements already exist between the structural integrity of the relationship between the traditional economic theory not only be necessary to reveal it. In fact, mercantilism is not trying to get rid of who can afford to get rid of. Institutional arrangement should be an important path of civilization, but also discuss the economic nature of certain social structure is an important method. The establishment of macro-theory of value may help to discuss these issues and to obtain more convincing explanation, it can provide the traditional economics and new institutional economics to explain a common basis.
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  Chinese culture, the broad and narrow sense, refers to the broad Chinese culture together to create a Chinese cultural circle, inheritance, extension and development of civilization, she includes in Northeast Asia, East Asia, Southeast Asia and Central Asia, part of the area and scope. This range began to form in the Han Dynasty, Tang Dynasty and reached its peak times per life. The narrow sense means a successor within the territory of our country, the continuation and development of civilization.
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Impact on the world of Chinese culture
  Since ancient times, Chinese culture and the surrounding areas of China had a profound impact, forming a relatively independent of the Chinese cultural circles, the Confucian cultural circle, the area in addition to China, but also including Japan, North Korea, South Korea, and Vietnam.
  Chinese culture but also in other parts of the world had a major impact. To Confucianism as the core of Chinese culture, modern Europe, the source of the important thinking of the Enlightenment.
  Imperial examination system, the four great inventions, sailing ship
  To achieve the great rejuvenation of Chinese nation, it must enhance the vitality of Chinese civilization, not only to expand the scope, but also to carry forward through inheritance and innovation to enhance its appeal.
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English Expression
  1. n.:  Chinese culture
Chinese traditional culture, Chinese culture
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