consuetude : order > funeral service and burial
English Expression
  1. n.:  funeral service and burial
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funeral expenses
Classification details
coffin containing a corpseput a corpse in a coffin
attend upon a dying parent or other senior member of one's familyfuneral
make funeral arrangementsHi shed
Speed buriedcoronach
Zhaohun townshipnecrology
DaxiangXiong Li
call back the spiritannounce a death
sableThe beginning of the end
Tree BurialTower funeral
bierready-made suits
Report Templemourning hall
hangingdress in mourning
wail in mourningmoney as gift
hold a memorial service or funeral ritesBow to a coffin before it is carried to the grave
funeral shedWorking life
attend a funeralmourning
Sad rodreassume office
offer sacrifices on the route of a funeral processionSang township
Jiafanxian townshipSong of the Night
Conenumber of years lived (by one who dies old)
Overturn riceto announce a bereavement
news of sb.’ s deathKai Ling
keep a coffin in a temporary shelter before burialincense burner table
Qi mourningGong Fu
Hong titlean elaborate funeral
Went to ReportWith spirit
In addition to filialFunerals
Qi Cuito mourn for one's deceased parent by dwelling in a hut built by the grave
Contribute to funeral expenses grantHou Yang Funerals
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