history > World History
World History
  马克思主义史学也采用四阶段分期法,其基础是历史唯物主义关于社会经济形态发展的理论,与以政治兴替或其他“重大事件”为分期标准者有本质的不同。马克思主义历史学家对世界史的分期,一般都以“古代”相当于原始社会及奴隶社会阶段,“中世纪”相当于封建社会阶段,“近代”相当于资本主义社会阶段,而“现代 ”则是指以俄国十月社会主义革命为开端的一个新的时期。
  ●第一章 史前时期的人类
  ●第二章 古代文明的出现
  亚洲 (公元前5000~前500年)
  苏美尔·阿卡德城邦的建立和统一、苏美尔的政治结构神庙、大经济阿卡德统治、南部两河流域乌尔第三王朝、古巴比伦王国时期、古巴比伦王国的兴起、汉谟拉比的统治、亚述帝国亚述国家的产生和演变、亚述帝国的建立、新巴比伦王国、新巴比伦王国灭亚述、古代两河流域的文化、楔形文字、吉尔伽美什史诗、古代两河流域的科技、巴比伦的天文学、巴比伦的数学成就、腓尼基文明、腓尼基的兴起、腓尼基发达的经济、赫梯和古巴勒斯坦赫梯的兴亡、古巴勒斯坦的统一犹太教的产生、古代印度文明、早期哈拉巴文化阶级的产生和国家的出现、四大吠陀婆罗门教的创立、列国时代的印度十六国的建立、摩竭陀国称霸城市的再度兴起、沙门新思潮佛教的产生与释迦牟尼、中国第一王朝——夏朝、大禹治水、阶级社会的产生、夏启建国、少康中兴、夏桀亡国、商朝的兴衰、成汤建商商朝的灭亡、商朝的农业生产技术、神奇的甲骨文、发达的青铜文化、礼乐统治下的西周等级森严的分封制、周公制礼作乐、西周的宗庙祭祀、国人暴动与宣王中兴、三星堆文化、纷乱的东周、平王东迁、春秋五霸与战国七雄、“清净无为”的道家、孔子创立儒学、《考工记》问世、波斯帝国的兴衰、波斯帝国的建立、大流士一栏母铩⒋罅魇康亩酝庹摺⒉ㄋ沟酃木茫ㄋ沟酃 乃ヂ洹?
  ●第三章 帝国与征服
  秦朝统一中国、第一个封建王朝的建立、秦始皇万里长城的修筑、秦朝的覆亡、“世界第八大奇迹、” 西汉刘邦建西汉、汉武帝时代、汉匈和战、司马迁著《史记》、孔雀帝国被占领的时代、旃陀罗笈多创立孔雀王朝、阿育王的征伐、孔雀王朝时期的政治与军事、森严的种姓制度、孔雀王朝后的印度、帝国时代的文化、印度的史诗《佛本生经》、孔雀帝国时代的建筑艺术
  ●第四章 走向繁盛的封建国家
  美洲、非洲(公元元年~400年) 正在发展的美洲和非洲、玛雅文明的兴起、摩羯文化、印加文明兴起、阿克苏姆国统治,东非加纳王国的繁荣。
  ●第五章 漫长的中世纪
  日耳曼王国的建立、古代日耳曼人的社会制度、西欧封建关系的萌芽、日耳曼诸王国的建立、伦巴德人入侵意大利、西欧封建制的产生、克洛维创建法兰克王国、矮子丕平篡权、查理曼帝国形成、帝国的分裂、北欧海盗海盗时代的来临、北欧海盗的扩张、“无骨者”伊瓦尔和哈拉尔德、北欧海盗的覆灭、发达的航海造船技术、北欧的口头文学、 9~11世纪时期的西欧、加洛林王朝时期的法国农业、罗伯特王朝与加洛林王朝的斗争、加佩王朝的建立与王权的式微、亨利一世统治下的德国、俗权和教权之争、盎格鲁一萨克逊人征服英格兰、十字军东侵、十字军东征的起因、克勒芒城宗教会议、十字军第一次东征、十字军血洗耶路撒冷、萨拉T反击十字军、君士坦丁堡之灾、法兰西民族国家的形成、法国王权的加强、路易九世改革、腓力四世控制教权、巴黎市民起义、路易十一统一法国、11—15世纪时期的英格兰、诺曼底征服、亨利二世改革、《自由大宪章》的签订、獒国国会的出现、既特·泰勒起义、红白玫瑰战争、英法百年战争、百年战争的爆发、竟雷西战役、二十年的和平、圣女贞德、酉年战争的结束、德国、意大利和西班牙、菲特烈一世侵略意大利、哈布斯堡王朝的开始、汉萨同盟的建立、媛尼斯和佛罗伦萨共和国、西班牙基督教王国的兴起、暴死病黑死病的泛滥、黑死病的传播路线、黑死病之后的欧洲经济、蒜死病的长期影响急剧下降的人口、中世纪的基督教和西欧文化、罗马教会教阶制的演变、英诺森三世加强教权、异端运动的发展、大学的出现、哥特式建筑的兴起、拜占庭帝国查士丁尼一世的法典改革、查士丁尼对外扩张、拜占庭帝国的瓦解、拜占庭的史学、中世纪时期的东南欧、第一保加利亚王国的建立、尼曼亚统治塞尔维亚、阿尔帕德王朝时期的匈牙利、瓦拉几亚时期的罗马尼亚、中世纪时期的捷克和波兰、捷克国家的形成、德国势力的渗入、胡司宗教改革、胡司战争、普亚斯特王朝时期的波兰、俄罗斯的建立和扩张、留里克王朝的建立、基辅罗斯公国、蒙古贵族统治时期、伊凡四世改革,立窝尼亚战争。
  北朝北魏的建立、孝文帝改革、贾思勰著《齐民要术》、北周立国、北朝开凿石窟、南朝刘宋的建、立齐梁陈的更替、祖冲之求圆周率、山水诗勃兴、刘勰著《文心雕龙》、隋朝一统、隋朝的建立、隋朝改革官制和创设科举、炀帝开修大运河、李春建赵州桥隋朝的灭亡中前期的唐朝贞观之治玄奘西游与鉴真东渡武周革命开元盛世造纸术西传僧一行实测子午线唐朝的衰败安史之乱、宦官专权和朋党之争、黄巢大起义与唐朝灭亡、原始火药的发明、诗歌艺术的顶峰、北宋的兴衰、陈桥兵变、王安石变法、北宋和辽、西夏的关系、活字印刷术的发明、宋词的兴盛、南宋南宋的建立、南宋抗金、繁荣的南宋商业、朱熹集理学之大成、宗教大融合和禅宗盛行、 元朝成吉思汗建立蒙古帝国、忽必烈称帝、元朝建立行省制度、郭守敬与《授时历》、关汉卿与元曲、中前期的明朝、明朝的建立、明初设内阁、朱元璋加强吏治、郑和下西洋、明朝与东南亚国家的关系、晚明景象、赋税制度的重大改革、明朝与后金的战争、明末农民起义与明朝的灭亡、明朝的科技、长篇小说的繁荣、中世纪时的伊朗、科斯洛埃斯改革、萨珊帝国、后期的对外扩、张萨珊帝国的灭、亡萨非王朝的建立、中世纪伊朗的史学和文学、发达的建筑艺术、阿拉伯帝国、阿拉伯帝国的建立、阿拉伯帝国的对外扩张、阿拉伯帝国封建制度的发展、帝国的分裂和衰败、帖木儿帝国等蒙古诸国家的兴起、拔都西征旭烈兀西征、伊儿汗国的衰败、帖木儿帝国、奥斯曼帝国、奥斯曼土耳其的兴起、政教合一的封建制度、奥斯曼灭亡、拜占庭帝国、苏里曼一世的扩张、土耳其的艺术、从笈多帝国到德里、苏丹时期笈多、帝国的盛衰、戒日帝国的兴起、德里苏丹时期的印度、印度教的出现、先进的数学、天文学、莫卧儿帝国早期、巴布尔创建莫卧儿帝国、阿克巴改革、西方殖民者入侵、印度锡克教的兴起、绘画和建筑艺术、新罗和高丽时期的朝鲜、新罗灭百济高句丽的灭亡、后期新罗的土地制度、新罗的衰亡高丽王朝的建立和扩张实行柴田科制度和公田制高丽灭亡李氏朝鲜前期封建专制集权的加强壬辰卫国战争中世纪时期朝鲜的文化教育、繁荣的佛教、李朝世宗创制朝鲜字母、日本的封建化改革、圣德太子改革、大化改新、奈良时代的社会经济、平安时代的日本武士的兴起、幕府统治和日本的统一、镰仓幕府的创建、内外贸易的发展、,日本的战国时期及统一。
  ●第六章 思想文化的繁盛
  意大利早期文艺复兴、但丁创作《神曲》、第一个人文主义者彼特拉克、薄伽丘与《十日谈》、早期文艺复兴的艺术、早期文艺复兴的史学、意大利后期文艺复兴、全才式人物达·芬奇、米开朗琪罗、乔尔乔涅和提香、政治思想家马基雅维里、空想社会主义者康帕内拉、西欧各国的文艺复兴艺术家、丢勒空想社会主义家、莫尔拉伯雷与《巨人传》、文坛巨匠莎士比亚、塞万提斯与《堂·吉诃德》、发展中的自然科学和人文科学、哥白尼和天文学革命、科学巨人伽利略、数学的突破、物理学的重大发展、培根与哲学、宗教改革前的德国、发达的工商业、天主教会统治下的德国、处境不佳的骑士阶层、城市的阶层关系重重压迫下的德国农民、德国宗教改革、马丁一路德的早期宗教改革观点、 “九十五条论纲”的提出、闵采尔的激进改革宣传、莱茵骑士暴动、德国农民战争、路德派新教的创立、宗教改革的扩大、慈温利改革、加尔文的宗教改革、瑞典和丹麦的宗教改革、新教的进一步传播、天主教会的反宗教改革、阿卡德统治南部两河流域、阿卡德城位于苏美尔地区北部(今巴格达以南)。
  World history is the history of an important branch, says the history of mankind from the original, isolated, scattered groups developed close ties with the world into a whole system to explore and elaborate process. The main task of world history is the subject of the world's global perspectives, integrated study regions, countries, nations history, the use of related disciplines such as cultural anthropology, archeology, the results of research and clarify the evolution of human history to reveal the laws of evolution and trends.
  In China, about 50 years from the beginning of the 20th century, mainly due to the professional division of labor history, people accustomed to Chinese history and world history on the move, almost to the history of the world, said on behalf of foreign history. In fact, world history, Chinese history, not to exclude the extra-territorial history, the history of Chinese history, like all the other countries.
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  About the history of the world stage, have not yet complete agreement. As early as the Renaissance, the West had been the history is divided into "ancient", "medieval" and "modern" at all. This is mainly based on European history of the stage, the long-term follow historians in the West. Many historians and three times after "contemporary" or "modern", to form the four stages of staging.
  Marxist historians are staging a four-stage, based on historical form of social and economic development on the theory, and the political rise and fall or other "major event" for the staging standards are essentially different. Marxist historian of the stage of world history in general are "ancient" primitive and savage state the equivalent of "Middle Ages" is equivalent stage of feudal society, "modern" equivalent stage of capitalist society, and "modern" refers to the Russian October Revolution as the beginning of a new era.
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Period and the specific events
  ● The first chapter of human prehistory
  500 million years ago ~ 5000 BC the ancient (500 million years ago ~ 5000 BC)
  Early human evolution
  Australopithecus, an early ape-man, late ape-man, early Homo sapiens, late Homo sapiens, the evolution of Palaeolithic and blood family, blood family, the emergence of the early Paleolithic, Middle Paleolithic, Upper Paleolithic, matriarchal commune, matriarchal commune of the production, the prohibition of consanguineous marriage Neolithic and the emergence of pairing marriage. The emergence of primitive agriculture, the emergence of the original animal husbandry, and use stone patrilineal clan era, the formation of patriarchal clan of private ownership, military democracies have, the culture of primitive society, primitive religion, original paintings, original sculpture, original music.
  ● Chapter emergence of ancient civilization
  500 years before 5000 BC
  Asia (500 years before 5000 BC)
  Sumerian and Akkadian the establishment of a unified city, the political structure of the Sumerian temple, largest economy in the Akkadian rule, Third Dynasty of Ur in southern Mesopotamia, Babylon Kingdom, the Kingdom of the rise of Babylon , the rule of Hammurabi, the Assyrian Empire, the emergence and evolution of the Assyrian state, the establishment of the Assyrian Empire, the new Babylonian, Assyrian destruction of the Chaldees, the culture of ancient Mesopotamia, cuneiform, Gilgamesh epic, science and technology in ancient Mesopotamia, Babylonian astronomy, Babylonian mathematics achievement, the Phoenician civilization, the rise of Phoenicia, Phoenician developed economy, and the ancient Hittite Hittite's Rise and Fall of Palestine, the ancient unity of the Palestinian the generation of Judaism, the ancient Indian civilization, culture, class, generation of early Jalapa and the emergence of countries, the creation of the four Vedic Brahmanism, India Sixteen nations era establishment of Magadha country to dominate the city's re-emergence of Salmonella the generation of new ideas of Buddhism and Buddha, China's first dynasty - the Xia Dynasty, Dayu, the emergence of class society, XIA Qi Jianguo, less Kang Zhongxing, Xia Jie doom, rise and fall of the Shang Dynasty, Cheng Tang commercial construction company toward the demise of the Shang Dynasty, agricultural production technology, the magic of Oracle, developed bronze culture, under the rule of the Western Zhou ritual hierarchical packet system, the Duke of Zhou ritual music, Western Zhou Ancestral Sacrifice, people riot and declare Wang Zhongxing, Sanxingdui culture , chaos in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, King Ping dongqian, Spring Five Powerful Chiefs and the Seven Warring States, "pure inaction" of Taoism, Confucius founded Confucianism, "Kao Gong Ji" come out, rise and fall of the Persian Empire, the establishment of the Persian Empire, Darius I of reform, Darius's foreign policy, the Persian Empire's economy, the decline of the Persian Empire.
  Africa (500 years before 5000 BC)
  National production and early dynastic period of civilization before the dynasty, Ti Nisi established dynasty, the ancient Kingdom of the economy and society, the ancient kingdom's economy, the collapse of the Old Kingdom, Middle Kingdom pharaohs and pyramids, the first intermediate period and the popular uprising, the Egyptian the re-unification, the Kingdom's foreign wars, the Kingdom's agriculture and handicrafts, the demise of the Middle Kingdom, New Kingdom, the Rise and Fall of powerful eighteenth dynasty, New Kingdom metallurgy and textiles, developed business and overseas trade , Ai He then swallowed the Reformation, the garbage for two Si II and the Hittite hegemony, the decline of the New Kingdom, late Egyptian dynasty Lewis Cyprus, Egypt, late pre-economic, the Persian conquest of Egypt, the Persian rule in Egypt, the Egyptian people resistance, the struggle against Persia, the late demise of Egypt, the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs early cultures, totem worship to nature worship, magnificent architecture and exquisite sculpture, craft, art, advanced astronomy and calendar, other civilizations of Africa, the Sahara farming community, Nubian culture, Kerma culture, civilization and the rise of Carthage, Carthage's political system, the expansion of Carthage in North Africa, Carthage, trade and adventure.
  Europe (500 years before 5000 BC)
  Aegean civilization Minoan, Mycenaean civilization, Mycenaean tombs, the Trojan War, the ancient Greek city, the country's emergence, the formation of city-states, Sparta city, state formation, Athens state formation, reform of Solon, the Greek city-state's prosperity, the war after the war between Greece and Persia, the Greek city-state economy, the development of slavery, the development of democratic city-state, all the Greek city-states of the decline of the maritime supremacy of Athens, Burrow Ben Nisa war, various city-states of the crisis of the post-war, post-hegemony and the decline of the Greek polis, the Greek classical period and the previous culture, Greek religion and mythology, developed drama, fine architecture and sculpture, history of prosperous, Rise of Philosophy.
  Americas (5000 BC 500 years before)
  America's early civilizations, the immigration of Asians, the Olmec civilization, 特奥蒂尔坎 Chavin culture, Paracas culture,
  ● Chapter Empire and conquest
  BC ~ AD 500 the first year
  Europe (BC 500 to AD first year)
  The rise of Macedonia, the rise of Macedonia, Philip II unified the Greek, Alexander the Eastern Campaign, Antigonus dynasty established social reform Sparta, Ptolemaic and Seleucid kingdom, Ptolemaic dynasty dictatorship rule, the decline of the Ptolemaic dynasty, Seleucus Kingdom of authoritarian rule, developed Seleucus business, handicraft Seleucus, Seleucus the decline of the culture of Macedonia during the mathematician and physicist Archimedes Euclidean geometry Germany with the development of astronomy and geography, philosophy and the further development of increasingly sophisticated sculpture, Aesop's Fables, Wang Zheng Roman times, the Etruscans, the Roman military system of the clan system of democratic Figure reform in Ukraine, Wang Zheng end of the era, the early Roman Republic, the establishment of the civilian public security officer, Stuart Law Licinius a Seck civilians struggle and the emergence of new nobles, conquered Italy, the early Roman Republic's socio-economic, Rome external expansion, the first Punic War, Second Punic War, Third Punic War, the Spanish invasion of the province of Rome, the Roman rule, the decline of the Republic, Sicily revolt, Spartacus uprising, the Republican culture of the times Rome, Rome, priests, religious myths and architectural art, history and philosophy of simplicity, power dictatorship era, Mitelida ladder wars, the rise of Pompey dictator Sulla, the first three first alliance, Caesar autocratic allies after the three .
  Asia (the first year BC 500 AD)
  Qin Dynasty unified China, the establishment of the first feudal dynasty, Qin Shi Huang built the Great Wall, the fall of the Qin Dynasty, "the eighth wonder of the world," Liu Jian Han Han, Han era, Hungary and the Battle of Han, Sima Qian of "Historical Records" , occupied Mauryan era of Chandra Gupta Maurya established, Asoka's conquest, Mauryan period of political and military, strict caste system in post-Mauryan India, Age of Empires culture, the Indian epic "Buddha Jataka, "Empire architecture Peacock
  ● Chapter to prosperous feudal state
  In the first year of 400 AD
  Europe (the first year of ~ 400 AD)
  Asia (the first year of ~ 400 AD)
  America, Africa (the first year of ~ 400 AD) is the development of the Americas and Africa, the rise of Maya civilization, Capricorn culture, the rise of the Inca civilization, Axum ruled the country, the prosperity of the East African kingdom of Ghana.
  ● a long Medieval Chapter
  400 to 1500 AD
  Europe (AD 400 ~ 1500)
  The establishment of the Germanic kingdoms, the ancient Germanic people's social system, the seeds of feudal relations in Western Europe, the establishment of the Germanic kingdoms, Lombard invasion of Italy, the production of feudalism in Western Europe, Frank created the Kingdom of Clovis, Pepin usurped power, Charlemagne the formation of the Empire, the empire split in the era of Viking pirates, the Viking expansion, "no bones were" Ivar and Harald The Viking's destruction, advanced sailing ship technologies, the oral literature of northern Europe, 9 Western Europe during the 11th century, the French Carolingian dynasty Agriculture, Robert Carolingian dynasty and the struggle Jiapei royal dynasty and the decline of the establishment, under the rule of Henry I of Germany, temporal power and religious power struggle between Anglo-Saxon conquest of England, the Crusades, the Crusades, the causes, Koehler Mountain City, religious meetings, the first Eastern Campaign Crusader, Crusader bloodbath in Jerusalem, the Crusaders back Sarah T, Jun Stearns Edinburgh of the disaster, the French nation-state formation, the strengthening of the French monarchy, Louis IX reform, religious right control of Philip IV, the Paris public uprising, unity of France Louis XI, 11-15th century England, the Norman Conquest, Henry II reforms, "Magna Carta" of the signing of the emergence of mastiff States Congress, both Tetai Le uprising, red and white roses War, Hundred Years War, the outbreak of the Hundred Years War, the Battle of actually Recife, two years of peace, Joan of Arc, unitary end of the war years, Germany, Italy and Spain, Fredrick, accompanied I, invaded Italy, the Habsburg dynasty, the beginning of the establishment of the Hanseatic League, Nice and Florence Yuan Republic, the Kingdom of Spain, the rise of Christianity, sudden death disease Black Death's spread, the spread of plague line, after the Black Death of the European economy, long-term effects of garlic dead sharp decline in the disease population, medieval Christianity and Western culture, the Church of Rome-order system to teach evolution Innocent III to strengthen religious right, the development of heterodox movements, universities, emergence of the rise of Gothic architecture, the Byzantine Empire Justinian I of the Code of reform, external expansion Justinian, the Byzantine empire, Byzantine History , South-Eastern Europe during the Middle Ages, the first establishment of the Kingdom of Bulgaria, Ni Manya rule Serbia, Al Prabhupada dynasty of Hungary, Wallachia Romania during the medieval period of the Czech Republic and Poland, the Czech state formation, the German forces The infiltration of the unified Mongol Empire during the Reformation Hus, Hus war, Puyasite dynasty of Poland, the Golden rule, the establishment of Rurik dynasty, Kiev Luo Sigong States, reform of Ivan IV , Livonia war.
  Asia (AD 400 ~ 1500)
  Northern Wei establishment, Xiaowen reform, Jia Sixie the "Arts for the People", the North Zhou Liguo, Northern dug caves, Southern Liu Song of the building, _set_ Qi Liang Chen's replacement, Zu find pi, landscape poetry rise, Liu Xie a "culture Diao heart ", the Sui Dynasty unified, the establishment of the Sui Dynasty, Sui Dynasty Bureaucracy and the creation of imperial reform, open repair of the Grand Canal Emperor Yang, Li Sui Zhaozhou Bridge was built in the early demise of the Rule of Xuanzang Schedule of Journey to the West and Kam Going Wuzhou Ge true life Kaiyuan West Spirit Monk papermaking line measured radial decline of the Tang Dynasty, Rebellion, and the eunuch clique struggle, uprising and Huang Chao Tang dynasty, the original invention of gunpowder, the pinnacle of poetic art, the Northern Song Dynasty rise and fall, Chen Qiaobing change, Political Reform, Song and Liao, Western Xia, the relationship between the invention of movable type, the rise of Song, Southern Song Dynasty established the Southern Song Dynasty, the Southern Song Dynasty against gold, and prosperity of the Southern Song Commercial, Zhu Xi _set_ the culmination of Science, Religions Zen Fusion and the prevalence of Genghis Khan established the Yuan Dynasty Mongol Empire, Kublai Khan became the emperor, established the Yuan province system, Guo Shou Jing and "THE HISTORY" Guan Hanqing and Yuan, in the early Ming Dynasty, the establishment of the Ming Dynasty, _set_ the early Ming Cabinet , the emperor strengthened officialdom, Zheng He, the Ming and Southeast Asian countries, the relationship between the scene of the late Ming, a major reform of the tax system, after the payment of war with the Ming Dynasty, Ming peasant uprisings and the demise of the Ming Dynasty, Ming Dynasty technology, novels prosperous, medieval Iran, Kesi Luo Ace reform, the Sassanid Empire and later the foreign expansion, Zhang destroyed the Sassanid Empire, the establishment of Safavid dynasty death, medieval history and literature in Iran, developed architecture, the Arab Empire , the establishment of the Arab Empire, the Arab Empire's foreign expansion, the development of the Arab Empire, the feudal system, the empire's disintegration and decay, the unified Mongol Empire, Batu expedition Xulie Wu west, the decline of the Iraqi children Khanate, Timur's short-lived empire, the rise of the Ottoman Turkish Empire, theocratic feudal system, the Ottoman demise of the Byzantine Empire, Su Liman I, the expansion of Turkish art from the Gupta Empire to Delhi, the Sudan during the Gupta, Rise and Fall of the Empire , quit at the rise of the Empire, Delhi, India during the Sudan, the emergence of Hinduism, advanced mathematics, astronomy, early Mughal Empire, Mughal Empire, Babur create Akbar reform, the invasion of Western colonizers, India Sikh to teach the rise, painting and architecture, Silla and Koryo Korean, Silla destroyed Paekche Koguryo's demise, the late Silla land system, the new Law of the decline of Koryo dynasty, the establishment and expansion of the implementation of Shibata Branch system and public land system Korea early demise of the feudal autocracy of Korean Imjin Patriotic War Ideology in Korean culture and education during the Middle Ages, prosperity, Buddhism, Li Zhaoshi were created the Korean alphabet, the reform of feudal Japan, Prince Shotoku reform, Dahua change new, Nara social and economic times, and peace, the rise of the samurai era, the Japanese shogunate rule and unity of the creation of the Kamakura shogunate, the development of domestic and foreign trade, Japan's Warring States period and unity.
  Americas (AD 400-1500) of
  Medieval Indian civilization, the Aztec civilization, the establishment of the Inca Empire, Inca culture, Mayan trade, Maya social structure.
  Africa (AD 400 ~ 1500)
  Egypt, the feudal period, the formation of the feudal system in Egypt, the Egyptian state's independence, legislative struggle against the Crusaders and prevent the Mongol empire westward, under Turkish rule in Egypt, the Egyptian culture during the Middle Ages, North Africa and East Africa, the independence of the Maghreb , Aer Mo Bernhard toward unification, the East Asian countries Sudan, Ethiopia Kingdom, "Sang to the empire" period, Sang to the Empire developed foreign trade, South Africa, Ghana, West Africa and the Kingdom of the rise and fall, the rise of the Kingdom of Mali, Songhai kingdom independent , the decline of the Kingdom of Songhai, Great Zimbabwe.
  ● Chapter prosperous thinking and culture
  1300 ~ 1600
  Europe (1300 ~ 1500)
  Early Italian Renaissance, Dante created "Divine Comedy", the first humanist Petrarch, Boccaccio and the "Decameron," the art of early Renaissance and early Renaissance history, the late Italian Renaissance, versatile style People Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Giorgione and Titian, the political thinker Machiavelli, utopian socialists Campanella, Western Europe's Renaissance artists, Durer utopian socialism at home, Moore Rabelais and "Giant" literary master Shakespeare, Cervantes and "Don Quixote", the development of the natural sciences and humanities, the revolution of Copernicus and astronomy, science giant Galileo, mathematics breakthrough, a major development in physics, bacon and philosophy in Germany before the Reformation, developed industry and commerce, Germany, under the rule of the Catholic Church, Knights of the situation of poor class, the city's hierarchy in Germany under the heavy oppression of the peasants, the German Reformation Martin Luther's early religious reform, a point of view, "ninety-five Outline" of the proposed radical reform of Munzer publicity Knight riots Rhine, the German peasant war, the founder of the Lutheran Protestant, religious reform, the expansion of Lee Chee Wen reform, Calvin's religious reform, religious reform in Sweden and Denmark, the further spread of Protestantism, the Catholic Church's anti-religious reform, rule of southern Mesopotamia Akkad, Akkadian Sumerian city located in the northern part of (now Baghdad South).
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Recommended reading world history
  1. "World History", [U.S.] 斯坦夫里阿 North book
  2. "A Short History of the World", translated as "World History", "we wrote a concise history of the world", [England] with the British Buli Xi
  A Little History of the World
  3. "History of the World", [England] Wells book
  Outline of History, by HGWells
  4. "World History", translated as "a concise history of the world addressed to young people," [British] Wells book
  A Short History of the Word
  5. "Thames Atlas of World History" [English] 杰费里巴勒克 Musharraf Code
  the Time Atlas of World History
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Documentary "World History"
  A total of 100 _set_s the film, tells the story from the Neolithic period until the Bandung Conference, the process of world history, from the CCTV Movie Channel (cctv-6) of the International Department film production, producers Yan Xiaoming, director of Jincheng. The film adaptation of the book, "saying the world history" has been published.
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English Expression
  1. n.:  World history,  the history of the world
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