
Love is not a profession
genteel or otherwise

sex is not dentistry
the slick filling of aches and cavities

you are not my doctor
you are not my cure,

nobody has that
power, you are merely a fellow/traveller

Give up this medical concern,
buttoned, attentive,

permit yourself anger
and permit me mine

which needs neither
your approval nor your suprise

which does not need to be made legal
which is not against a disease

but agaist you,
which does not need to be understood

or washed or cauterized,
which needs instead

to be said and said.
Permit me the present tense.
抱歉, 该类数据暂时缺失......

分裂词曲大话李白 后弦词曲
刘亦菲可爱横幅词曲佛陀的诞生 昌圣法师 李娜词曲
全世界最伤心的人 扬炀词曲曾在你怀抱词曲
风铃 周惠词曲白色恋歌词曲
Action 苏有朋词曲为你而歌词曲
坏习惯词曲醉清风 六月de雨词曲
星夜的离别词曲宇春和何洁 小游戏词曲
绿岛小夜曲 苏小明词曲分手前的雨天词曲

hòuyè  [1] [2] [3] ... [295]296[297] ... [304] [305] [306]  qiányè