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所以说诗人的使命虽然在物品、技术统治时代发生了内容上的转换,但诗人边缘化角色的非确定也是诗人应该承担的社会定位。无论怎样,在我看来,诗人田斌对诗歌最重要的概念的把握始终没有发生动摇:就像他在《中国》这一首诗中所说:“一张嘴/上顶天/下抵地/不偏不移 一颗心/拥有天下美玉/纵成帝王/也走不出樊篱”,珍爱生命、热爱生活永远是诗人藏在骨血里面的生命细胞,那些庸俗细胞、资本细胞、权力细胞都会被一一排斥掉。这是诗人田斌坚持的创作方向。当然多元化的创造路线是诗人应对场景的必然趋势,把所看、所感、所接触的事件统统加以梳理,利用字词的原始冲力和意义的强大召唤,使人这个既是自己又不是自己的能动物体,变得自省和逐步理性,是诗人一次或多次提醒的单元和局部任务。


[China]Sheng Min

Poems Imbued With Enthusiasm

—A review of Mr. Tian Bin’s poetry writing

Mr. Tian Bin has a dream of poetry art for over twenty years. His seeking for poetry originated in the magic of poetry and the bright connotation of word, originated in the pleasure when the Poet has refined the inner things from words and details from real life, which can be called as “a creative joy”, or a kind of “drunkenness” as Roland Barthes once pointed.

Mr. Tian Bin began to learn to write poems since he was a college student, and this laid a foundation of a green hope of literature. Of course, as a primitive refining sort of language, poetry’s artistry and ability to generalize is a bright shadow that any poet is unable to throw off, and so is Mr. Tian Bin, so he voices this sort of mood again and again in his poems. Since 2005, Mr. Tian Bin, as a poet, really began to indulge in poetry art, in other words, he began to scan all the regions that should be scanned with his reserves in the past: Social problems, the village life in his memory, the changeable scenes of information society, the broken human nature caused by power, the beautiful hinterland of the south of the Yangtze River, labor and the primitive and modern changing forms of labor, affection and love … Mr. Liang Xiaobin, a famous poet once used words as following to appraise Poet Tian Bin and his poetry — “a poet wet by drizzles in the south of the Yangtze River”, “his inspiration in poetry writing is fed up by spring, green grass and white snow” and “he is good at capturing the factors and special bright part of poetry.” I think, Poet Liang Xiaobin’s opinion is sincere and to the point.

Due to poetry, Mr. Tian Bin and I have known each other for years. The speed of the change of society is one of the targets that poetry should concern and also the specific category that poetry should expresses. Mr. Tian Bin has long served in organs in charge of publicity and educational circles. Living in this age of changing of social tracks, Poet Tian Bin has broken up from the dream of beauty and has cast his eyes at this twisted world: Fragility of life, the snobbish ways of the world, desire for material comfort and its press to human nature… These updated information and images keep flowing out of Mr. Tian Bin’s poems. This, I think, can be regarded as the second change of his poetry writing, the revival of the review of value in Poet’s mind that he has to judge again.

In the age ruled by matter and technology, the content of poets’ mission has changed, but poets’ social role is as before; In my view, Mr. Tian Bin has never changed his seizing on the most important conception, just as what he wrote in one of his poems “China” —“A mouth/ towering into the sky / standing firmly on the ground / without leaning to either side / A heart / having all fine jades on the earth / Even an emperor / is unable to step out of this fence” Cherishing life and loving living are always the living cells hiding deep in a poet’s blood and bones. This is the direction and pluralistic line of writing that Mr. Tian Bin has been sticking to. He always rationalizes what he has saw, heard and thought, and then shows them by his poems.

Each true poet is a carver of his age and the operator to defeat the primitive meaning of words. I wish Mr. Tian Bin will further find the boundless resources latent in Chinese letters and how to integrate the content that poetry should declare and its fine quality and the effectiveness of fable of games. Mr. Tian Bin has published three collections of poems, which record his feelings and observation to the society for twenty years. He is on the way to a higher realm of poetry art, and he will surely collect and select the scenes and details he meets, and then turn them into lines. I believe, the dream placed on his chest will never fly away.

(Tr. Yang Zongze )

2007-10-07 05:31:21
杨光 ?2007-10-08 21:25:05?? 引用并回复


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