




?????Lake's blog


???the trouble with poetry is that it encourages the writing of more poetry -- Billy Collins

胡礼忠2010-11-15 05:21:45


Lake2010-01-16 09:05:12

Thank you.

我家三儿2010-01-07 05:21:39

我叫太阳每天把幸福的阳光洒在你身上,我叫月亮每天给你一个甜美的梦境,祝愿你事事如意! 

Lake2008-11-04 11:04:13


hepingdao2008-11-04 10:52:29

and you can configure to show or not to show those articles from bbs

西方文学 Western Literature
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Brick Kiln Blues With Music (edited) 加上了新音乐,请提意见

Brick Kiln Blues
--- Child Slaves

It’s June, the sun shines, the sky is blue
Yet deep in the mountains, nothing sifts through
There’s no sunlight here, my child, there’s no sunlight here

On the road side by the train station
A stranger lured you with temptation
He’s gonna sell you, my child, he’s gonna sell you

The moon’s still up, the cock hasn't crowed
You are beaten ‘cause you’re tired and slow
But you work fifteen hours a day, my child, you work fifteen hours a day

In the river there swims a buffalo
For years, your skin diseased, eyes shallow
They won’t let you bathe, my child, they won’t let you bathe

The bricks you’ve baked a year
Made the owner a millionaire
Who pays you not a penny, my child, who pays you not a penny

Grass withers in winter, anew in spring
Everyday’s the same to you with a bell-ring
You can't go home, my child, you can't go home

Run in the forest, soaked in night dew
Guards and dogs are lookin’ for you
If caught, you’re dead, my child, if caught, you’re dead

“Why don’t you ask for help?” some say
"Officials should send the evil-minded to jail."
But they sing the same tune, my child, they sing the same tune


2007-08-27 12:00:07
William Zhou周道模 ?2007-08-27 16:14:54?? 引用并回复

赞赏 Lake: 1、语言、诗句不复杂,一读就懂,适合这个题材;
4、对人性中丑恶的揭露和对社会阴暗面的批判是“愤”而不“怒”, 把诗歌和同题新闻拉开了距离。

阅览成员资料     William Zhou周道模北美枫文集
kokho ?2007-08-28 11:04:47?? 引用并回复

the cock’s not to crow  ?


阅览成员资料     kokho北美枫文集
Lake ?2007-08-28 19:15:31?? 引用并回复

William, 你是语文老师吧,像是写评语似的。 开玩笑。

不过确实是想用一种 poignant 语调语气, 很高兴,你也感受到了。


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Lake ?2007-08-28 19:25:36?? 引用并回复

kokho 写到:
the cock’s not to crow  ?


Rolling Eyes

Any problems with the use of diction or the expression?
I know this piece is not your taste.

我愚钝,请明示。 多谢! Smile

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kokho ?2007-08-28 22:31:30?? 引用并回复

country song Smile


阅览成员资料     kokho北美枫文集
Lake ?2007-08-29 05:54:56?? 引用并回复

kokho 写到:
country song Smile



yes, a song... but supposed to be sorrowful, not playful.

Blues have helped shape virtually all the major styles of contemporary pop--jazz, rap, rock, gospel, country... and influenced modern poets.

"It is from the blues that all that may be called American music derives its most distintive characteristic."--James Weldon Johnson

I have never thought I could be able to write anything like a song eventhough it sounds like crap...

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William Zhou周道模 ?2007-08-29 06:28:48?? 引用并回复

答复 Lake : 我早期是学语文的,后来又学英语,最主要的是我从诗歌的语感语气中去理解诗人的立意。

阅览成员资料     William Zhou周道模北美枫文集
Lake ?2007-08-29 17:55:12?? 引用并回复

“the cock’s not to crow“

嗯,听起来不顺 ? 我本来是写成这样的:

the cock has not crowed

How about that?

阅览成员资料     Lake北美枫文集
Lake ?2007-08-29 17:56:49?? 引用并回复

William Zhou周道模 写到:
答复 Lake : 我早期是学语文的,后来又学英语,最主要的是我从诗歌的语感语气中去理解诗人的立意。


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