





???literature and english language teaching




?????kino's blog


西方文学 Western Literature
English Poetry
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On the wall of the lady’s
A mirror is placed.
Every two minutes there comes
A girl, who will spend two or
More minutes before it.
Looking into it at themselves
To check whether there is anything new
On the face she has examined
For millions of times;
Turning around and looking back,
And turn back again to lift her bra,
Which holds all her happiness and hope.

2007-06-25 05:05:55
Lake ?2007-06-25 17:18:37?? 引用并回复

A snapshot.
Girls are narcissistic.

"Looking into it at themselves
To check whether there is anything new
On the face she has examined "


"And turn back again to lift her bra"

You are blunt. Surprised Laughing

阅览成员资料     Lake北美枫文集
kino ?2007-06-26 05:49:46?? 引用并回复

Embarassed didn't notice. thanks

阅览成员资料     kino北美枫文集
博弈 ?2007-06-29 17:25:23?? 引用并回复

忒蜜若,还是哦美乐笛; the mirror, has a melody Smile

阅览成员资料     博弈北美枫文集
kokho ?2007-07-01 22:09:07?? 引用并回复

This is a nice and witty one Wink)

Cool Laughing Laughing


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