
????? ?????Lake's blog 查找Lake发表的所有帖子 ???the trouble with poetry is that it encourages the writing of more poetry -- Billy Collins 胡礼忠2010-11-15 05:21:45拜访老师、颂冬祺! Lake2010-01-16 09:05:12Thank you. 我家三儿2010-01-07 05:21:39我叫太阳每天把幸福的阳光洒在你身上,我叫月亮每天给你一个甜美的梦境,祝愿你事事如意! Lake2008-11-04 11:04:13Thanks. hepingdao2008-11-04 10:52:29congratulations!
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西方文学 Western Literature |
Hot Pot
Hot Pot
As though
the pot were
a basin, where
lettuce, spinach and cabbage
grow, where cows
and sheep graze.
And fat fish and shrimp
swim and swarm
the river surface.
We watch -
in the boiling
spicy soup, the greens
absorbing drops of oil
turn glossy green.
Red and white
slices sink then rise,
in curled and uncurled
That is how
they assimilate in
this rich broth,
a collage of tastes
and colors,
a beauty in one pot
while still keeping
their own unchangeable
2010-09-27 10:54:45 |
SLIU ?2010-09-29 04:54:12?? | |
Very nice little poem. Vivid description! Thanks for sharing. |
Lake ?2010-09-30 16:14:34?? | |
sliu6 写到: |
Very nice little poem. Vivid description! Thanks for sharing. |
Nice take sliu.
Thank you! |
非马 ?2010-10-05 08:12:32?? | |
Smells good! |
William Zhou周道模 ?2010-10-25 16:32:29?? | |
it's so nice to watch, smell and taste it---- the poem! |
Lake ?2010-10-26 09:40:30?? | |
Thanks Mr. Fei Ma and William.
It is a poem prompt for food. |
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