




?????Lake's blog


???the trouble with poetry is that it encourages the writing of more poetry -- Billy Collins

胡礼忠2010-11-15 05:21:45


Lake2010-01-16 09:05:12

Thank you.

我家三儿2010-01-07 05:21:39

我叫太阳每天把幸福的阳光洒在你身上,我叫月亮每天给你一个甜美的梦境,祝愿你事事如意! 

Lake2008-11-04 11:04:13


hepingdao2008-11-04 10:52:29

and you can configure to show or not to show those articles from bbs

西方文学 Western Literature
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A Summer Day

A Summer Day

I put on glasses, walked beneath
the sun to see tea trees.
A Daizu girl in tube-shaped dress
played a flute to greet me.

We wandered up the hill and saw
green rows of soldiers stand,
salute us, weary, sticky in
the heat, and fair skins tanned.

But soon a gentle breeze arose
as leaves and sprouts unfurled.
They escorted me the way stars
surround the moon, and twirled

around my apron, oversleeves.
I picked with care the buds,
tender, cool like infant fingers
tickling my basket.

I wrapped the tea disc I kneaded
and waited by a tree.
There is a time in life I’ll pour
my friend a cup of tea.

(I know it's not quite there yet, but I'm stuck and post it here for crits and opinions. Thanks.)

2009-11-20 08:56:41
justjust123 ?2009-11-20 16:23:13?? 引用并回复

nice. i like it.
for a quick comment, i think

1. S2: 'to find' might have been misused,

2. S2: 'sweaty sticky' may be 'sweaty, sticky' or 'sweaty and sticky'?

3. S4: i would prefer adding some more words like this:
around my apron and oversleeves,
I picked with care the little buds,
tender, smooth like infant fingers
gently tickling my basket.

4. S5 might seem a little vague. I don't know what a tea disc is.

阅览成员资料     justjust123北美枫文集
Lake ?2009-11-21 00:03:05?? 引用并回复

Hi just,

Thanks for jumping in to help.

justjust123 写到:
1. S2: 'to find' might have been misused,

I'll think about this word again.

justjust123 写到:
2. S2: 'sweaty sticky' may be 'sweaty, sticky' or 'sweaty and sticky'?

What's the name of the poet who took out a punctuation mark in the morning and put it back in at the end of the day? Smile I'm just doing the opposite - used a comma at first, then removed it. Now I see why... it was "sickly" in place of "sweaty" during the edit.

justjust123 写到:
3. S4: i would prefer adding some more words like this:
around my apron and oversleeves,
I picked with care the little buds,
tender, smooth like infant fingers
gently tickling my basket.

This is a bit tricky. I see what you are doing here - to add some colour, some gentle feel to it. I have to admit that I was trying my hand at a ballad, not very successful you can tell. Meters deviate in places, S4 doesn't rhyme. But on the other hand, if I may say so myself, because of the glitches, it sounds interesting. Wink

On the second thought, L1 can be rewritten as

around my apron, and my sleeves.

to sacrifice "oversleeves". "little" and "gently" are modifiers. Do "bud" and "infant fingers" imply the little, gentle meanings?

justjust123 写到:
4. S5 might seem a little vague. I don't know what a tea disc is.

That bugs me, too. Other expressions are "tea bricks", "tea cakes", but none of them is satisfying to me. Any suggestions for 茶饼?

Thanks for your comment that helps me see which part is not clear to the reader.

Very much appreciated.


阅览成员资料     Lake北美枫文集
justjust123 ?2009-11-21 18:19:24?? 引用并回复

Thank you for your detailed reply.

1. my mistake for not recognizing that this is a ballad. I took 'tickling' as a 2-syllable word. sure there is no need of 'little' and 'gently',
2. I think I understand what a 'tea disc' is (unprocessed tea) though I have never seen one myself except the one you posted,
3. as for 'to find', 'and saw' could replace it. i think normally we say 'found him standing there' or 'found that he stood there'. 牛津双解 is the best one i have seen in terms of explaining usages of verbs. unfortunately my copy was long gone,
4. 'soldiers stand ... in heat': the phrase 'in heat' means something else, i don't know if it can be used in the way it was being used here. i have heard of 'in the heat',
5. 'There is a time in life I’ll pour my friend a cup of tea' might sound a little abrupt. of course i don't have anything in mind to offer.

阅览成员资料     justjust123北美枫文集
Lake ?2009-11-21 21:19:27?? 引用并回复

Thanks again, just.

1. "tickling" - syllable count sometimes is really a matter of how the speaker says a word. e.g.

tick·le (tĭk'əl)

2. I'm just lucky enough that I actually made one 茶饼 myself under the supervision of the professionals last summer. And bought it, not cheap. Smile

3. The use of "find", "in heat" - fair enough. I'll rework on these places.



阅览成员资料     Lake北美枫文集
justjust123 ?2009-11-21 23:18:55?? 引用并回复

Thank you.
I think we can write oversleeves as o'ersleeves to shorten the number of syllables

阅览成员资料     justjust123北美枫文集
Lake ?2009-12-06 16:56:03?? 引用并回复

justjust123 写到:
Thank you.
I think we can write oversleeves as o'ersleeves to shorten the number of syllables

The shortened word sounds Shakespearean. Smile

Some minor edits.

阅览成员资料     Lake北美枫文集
非马 ?2009-12-07 10:35:59?? 引用并回复

I like the poem. The line "tickling my basket" is wonderful, though I feel the word "smooth" in the line above might not be necessary.

阅览成员资料     非马北美枫文集
Lake ?2009-12-07 22:57:14?? 引用并回复

Glad to hear from you, Mr. Fei Ma. You're right, "smooth" is not needed. I changed it to "cool".



阅览成员资料     Lake北美枫文集
佟俊儿 ?2010-02-23 22:42:57?? 引用并回复

try to translate your poem,i hope you can like it ,hehe.i have learned more,thanks ,land.your poem is very beautiful ,i hope i can have a chance to have a cup of tea with you.someone said "woman is a cup of green tea.",right?)







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