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致枫 To Maple

雪原如海, 枫林如海, Snow field and maple forest
如海的还有你身边飘浮的云朵, 而你 boundles as the sea
就是那个日夜兼程的 as the sea as the floating clouds besides, you
赶海人 are so busiest day and night ,
the fishing man

如果可以 If you like
好想为你唱一支歌 I am willing to sing a song for you
你知道 you know
I dont like rock
更不喜欢无病呻吟的小曲和那些 tired of the tastless tune
狂热的流行跟风 and drifting songs of hot pop

今天清晨, 窗外飘来一瓣雪花 Morning, a snow flake befallen to my window
就那么悄悄地 Quietly
融了。融为我的手心一滴透明的泪水 melting, melting as a drop of cristal tear within my hand
我用她研墨 I grinded it into ink
为你写下无字的音符, 想问 Wrote down no word but music. I wonder
我的恋人, 你 My sweet. could you hear
可否听见? The melody

2009-07-13 10:43:45
白水 ?2009-07-16 16:50:48?? 引用并回复

问好。 那天走,何日回?

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