





西方文学 Western Literature
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sonnet XIII (训一个认为汉语令他智商下降而自卑的人)

resolved to search for truth of humankind
you wrongly come to woo your inner beast
the monster quickly tangles your feeble mind
so that you look askance at Mighty East
with twisted logic fused with phony math
you strive to shame Chinese and the Chinese
the argument so forged is filled with wrath
and you a lesser man your blurred eye sees
now truth is saddened by your silly fit
and therefore pains it takes to guide you through
a golden time to whet your withered wit
yet madly you refuse t' repent and rue
we still love you though you've yourself disgraced
falsehood may drown you, which you've blindly chased

2009-06-03 21:02:42
Lake ?2009-06-04 05:17:31?? 引用并回复

Well metered, rhymed sonnet. Not sure "truth is saddened", though. Wow, XIII already!

On the contrary, I'm regretful that my Chinese is mediocre and is getting worse, otherwise I'd be able to teach foreigners to read and write Chinese poems. Laughing



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