
shi di fu





???Chinese language and poems



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西方文学 Western Literature
English Poetry
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Highly Recommended English Poetry Books

Hello all:

I thought these were among the best English language poetry books published in Canada ( and one from the US) last year:

Primer for the Hereafter by Steve McOrmond (Wolsack and Wynn)
Point No Point by Jane Munro (McClelland and Stewart)
The Strange Hours Travellers Keep by August Kleinzahler (Farrar Straus Giroux)
The Octopus and other Poems by Jennica Harper (Signature Editions)
Lunar Drift by Marlene Cookshaw (Brick Books)
Gravity's Plumb Line by Ross Leckie (Gaspereau)

I'm looking forward to hearing about your favorites!



2007-01-19 05:57:15
小枪 ?2007-01-23 22:02:17?? 引用并回复

Steve, thank you very much for recommending the books. but those are not available in China. Sad

阅览成员资料     小枪北美枫文集
kokho ?2007-01-24 20:33:24?? 引用并回复

Thank you for sharing ..

Cool Smile

阅览成员资料     kokho北美枫文集
中外华文诗歌联赛 Poetry Competition