shi di fu
???Writer ???Chinese language and poems
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西方文学 Western Literature |
One More poem for Bei Mei Feng Translators
Kimmy Beach
[The Lounge at Franklin's Inn, Sherwood Park, Alberta,
10 April 2004]
I sit at the bar where I don't have to
look directly at Bonnie murdering
Space Oddity at the Karaoke machine
she is beyond drunk
tonight the double Paralyzers make her deaf
to her own voice
I am nameless
on the TV above the bar a large, sweating
Chinese man forces himself
between the spread legs
of a slightly smaller Chinese man
I'm startled by the man-on-man action
the wine is considerably cheaper (and better)
than the two glasses I drank before
the David Bowie concert tonight
I could hear nothing in my left ear
my front row seat just feet from
the monstrous arena speakers
David Bowie asks my name from the stage
I mouth the word
breathe it up to him
he nods, sings the first few lines
of China Girl in Chinese
when he switches to English, I sing with him
the weight of his glance a hot brick in my pelvis
in my car afterward, Suffragette City spills from my stereo
Bowie from all eras pouring over
elbows perched on open car windows
my beautiful Asian bartender tries
to coax me into performing
he can tell I'm a lovely singer by the way
I hold my pen , sip my wine
my blue eyes in the bar's smoky gloom
purple Karaoke words - Ashes to Ashes
-reflected, tumbling
across my cheek from the TV screen
he touches the base of my glass
leans in, tells me he's sure my voice
makes some lucky man very happy
he's right
but I won't be singing
for him in this odd, place
I'll do my own kind of singing later
as I dream this man wrestling me
under the eyes of thousands, a sweating
and slim David Bowie
(blond hair spilling
into his eyes, one brown, one blue)
the soundtrack of our public love
Kimmy Beach is the author of A Nice Day for Murder, Fake Paul, and Alarum Within, and her new book, In Cars, is forthcoming from Turnstone Press soon. She lives in Red Deer.
Notes for translators:
Mullet, 这是头发的方式,黄色慢的。
Paralyzer, 一杯 很强的酒
Space Oddity, China Girl and Ashes to Ashes, 都是歌曲。
2007-01-13 10:58:25 |
和平岛 ?2007-01-13 11:52:55?? | |
Great job, shi di fu!
Who wants to translate this poem for the magazine?
Please post your translations right in this topic.
Thanks |
maybe ?2007-01-13 19:40:16?? | |
感觉这一系列挑选的英文诗有一共特色:后现代的人与物质的交谈,透露出遗失与拾起的意识,主观60%的新意识流。 |
hepingdao ?2007-01-13 19:59:35?? | |
maybe 写到: |
感觉这一系列挑选的英文诗有一共特色:后现代的人与物质的交谈,透露出遗失与拾起的意识,主观60%的新意识流。 |
谢谢 |
maybe ?2007-01-14 08:13:14?? | |
hepingdao 写到: |
maybe 写到: |
感觉这一系列挑选的英文诗有一共特色:后现代的人与物质的交谈,透露出遗失与拾起的意识,主观60%的新意识流。 |
谢谢 |
谢谢,但我对这首没感觉,甚至不觉得这首是诗。女诗人们或许感觉不同吧。这样借歌词扩大意涵要有连接的意义可能会好些,但即便如此,我不赞同这个方法,即使是open form的写法,标点符号用得不够干净。或许原作者可以解说一下她到底想说啥? 直言了! |
shi di fu ?2007-01-15 03:54:32?? Some notes for Kimmy Beach's poem | |
1. 诗名是酒吧的名字
3。她的朋友唱 David Bowie 的歌曲。
5。她记得摇滚乐会的David Bowie
6. 她记得听一听David Bowie 同时开车。
7。她想想她跟David Bowie 刷跤运动.
"Ashes to Ashes", "Space Oddity", "Suffragette City", 都是歌曲的名字
Steve |
和平岛 ?2007-01-16 08:05:45?? | |
thanks, Steve |
白水 ?2007-01-17 06:59:24?? | |
谢谢 STEVE, 你的到来更有利于我们加强东西方文化的交流. 不仅是字面上, 更有不同的文化背景, 思维方式等多方位深层的东西. 盼能常看到你的回贴. |
shi di fu ?2007-01-17 12:29:55?? | |
谢谢你。我现在忙不过来,但是我会明天给你回信,好吧? |
白水 ?2007-01-17 18:11:16?? | |
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