???学生 ???写诗、下棋、游泳
????? ????? 查找柿子发表的所有帖子 ???心到、意到。 柿子2010-11-02 03:27:33我来自新蔡二高,高中时很喜欢文学,写下了这些文字!慢慢的,我感觉搞文学太苦了,开始做生意,于是对诗歌的热爱就不是那么强烈了!现在在商丘职业技术学院读大二,学的是市场营销专业!很少写诗歌了!来的也少了,呵呵,希望以前的老朋友理解啊! 柿子2009-09-28 20:15:34读大一了 ,却写不出了诗歌,原以为自己会成一代作家,原来,我错了。我 开始为了生活忙碌了,开始为了 理想奋斗了 ,对诗歌,一个业余的爱好,却拿不起了!也许是 因为,我失去的已经失去了 ,没了感觉,也就不 会再有那种花前月下的 诗情了吧~ 柿子2009-04-11 08:35:40《四月高三》窗外风淡淡 一串玲声春梦断 醒来不知月朦胧 头疼 无聊,难熬,心躁! 望天笑,天不笑! 哭,无泪无声… 谁识此情? 流萤?星星? 柿子2008-07-28 17:39:52如果高三的生活可以自由自在,我愿意再读三年。可是...... 柿子2008-02-25 08:32:59靠才华为自己带来幸福的是才子;靠才华为自己带来痛苦的是诗人!!------韩少君
朋友,我很欣赏你的这句话。 柿子2008-01-19 22:16:29我好象一直都在失败中挣扎,是吗? 柿子2008-01-11 23:25:00泪的晶莹,谁又知道有多痛! 柿子2008-01-10 17:44:12问好朋友,学习吃紧来一趟不易啊!说实话,真的挺想念你们的,我给大家道个晚来的“新年快乐”! 柿子2007-09-25 09:05:16知识的海洋,请让我和你一起探索,一起飞翔,一起成长。
我真的很想也发出一点儿光芒...... |
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-----My mom was an embarrassment to me .Once during elementary school, she suddenly came to school."your mom only has one eye!" My classmates laughed at me. So l said to my mom,"Mom you make people laugh at me .Why do you come?" My mom did not reply .l was so angry with my mom and wished that she would just disappear from this world .
------That niaht ,l woke up to find she was crying sadly as if she was afraid she might wake me up.Even so ,l disliked her . l told myself l would lwave her and become successful .
------Then l studied really hard .l left my mother and got accepted by the Seoul University .Now l am married and living happily as a successful man .But one day someone unexpected came to see me ."What ? Who is it ?" My little girl ran away ,afraid of my mom's eye .
------"Who do you think you are ?" l shouted at her." How dare you come to my house and frighten my daughter!" My mother calmly answered ,"Oh, l'm sorry .l may have got the wrong way ,"and then she disappeated .
------Then one day ,l received a letter for a school get-together .After the get-together l went down to the old house l used to live in .To my sutprise , l found my mother lying on the cold grund with a piece of paper in her hand:
------My son ,l won't visit you any more , but l miss you so much . l am sorry l only have one eye and make you feel embanrrassd .You see , when you were very young ,you had an accident and lost your eye .l couldn't avoid watching you grow up with only one eye , so l gave you mine .l was never angry with you for anything you did because l love you . Don't cry for me because of my death .You mean the world to me !
2008-09-27 20:41:41 |
移民心语 |