

???Qingdao China




???writing and boxing



???You see me, you lose me

西方文学 Western Literature
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By Ma Huairong

The locals are the capital capitalists.
With three knives in hand---
The first, the cost of housing,
The second, the cost of tuition fees,
The third, the cost of medical treatment,
They stripped the citizens of all their savings
from the cradle to the middle,
from the middle to the sepulchral.

The officials are the people’s major troubles.
With another Three Huge Mountains---
One, the luxurious cars,
Two, the magnificent mansions,
Three, the higher salaries,
They have men’s backbones bent.
They have the women’s marrows squeezed.

Among the mentioned above,
the CORRUPTION ranks the first.
The invisible ropes,
The invisible snakes,
The invisible burdens,
The people, like cows and camels,
any loads and weights could possibly bear.
But how shall the state future take care?

2008-08-17 01:01:00
William Zhou周道模 ?2008-12-30 14:04:51?? 引用并回复

read it, understand it.

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