







职场信息 Job Information
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RCMP is recruiting

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police offers a challenging and exciting career to hose interested in making a difference in their communities and country. Due to retirements and increasing demands for police officers across the country, the RCMP plans to train up to 2,000 cadets each year for the next few years.

Career opportunities include:

General Duty,
Boarder Integrity
Marine Policing
Traffic Services
Aborignial Policing
Economics Crime
Drug Investigation
Customs and Excise
Police Dog Service
Foreign Missions
Explosive Disposal

Police Officer Salary:
At engagement: $44,513
After 6 months: $57,835
12 months: $62,751
After 3 years: $72,125

For more information, visit www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca or call 1-877-888-0433

2008-01-03 03:03:43
Nancy ?2008-01-03 03:36:05?? 引用并回复

Hi, Laura, thanks for sharing.

Happy New Year
nihao shake hands

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