
???IT consultant ???乒乓、摄影、诗歌
????? ?????kokho's blog cházhǎokokhofābiǎodesuǒyòutièzǐ ???乒乓、摄影、诗歌 7008262008-03-22 01:31:03感念KOKHO,一切可好?! 孤独牧牛2007-11-22 06:16:05感谢kokho 放飞心情LL2007-11-22 05:24:40今天是感恩节!虽然我不信基督,但我认同感恩,真的感谢上苍让我们相识,但愿我们成为一生的好朋友!祝福你我,亲爱的朋友,愿一起度过这个快乐的节日. 勿妄言2007-05-02 10:11:29英文啊?看不懂 (
五一快乐! ) 半溪明月2007-05-01 08:36:25问好KOKHO,五一快乐! |
宾至如归 | English Poetry |
American Zen by Ray McNiece HAIKU - 1
<> Ray McNiece
wet sands raven tracks
amidst just fallen maple leaves
deeper where it lifted
2007-04-17 10:58:24 |
kokho ?2007-04-17 10:58:48?? | |
I met Ray McNiece during the April session on "subTEXT" monthly literary
gathering at the basement of Center National Library of Singapore, where
he was the last and anchoring reciting poet of the night.
This is an event organised by Shu Hoong, a respectable poet/writer
in Singapore.
These 2 works were extracted from a book - ISBN 0-933087-91-8
which is supported by Ohio Arts Council;
< American Zen, A Gathering of Poets >
Edited with Introduction by Ray McNiece & Larry Smith
Featuring Zen statements and works of 30 poets.
Published by Bottom Dog Press, Huron, Ohio
These postings were with verbal understanding from Ray McNiece for
The purpose of a review to be written by me.
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kokho ?2007-04-17 10:59:42?? | |
Dear Lake, would you like to review this one ?
.. |
Lake ?2007-04-18 11:27:35?? | |
kokho xièdào: |
Dear Lake, would you like to review this one ?
.. |
This one, I saw all the imagery, but failed to utter "Aha" at the end. Please help.
wet sands raven tracks
* Black bird foot prints on the wet sands(on the shore?)
amidst just fallen maple leaves
**Maple leaves are falling implying the season of Autumn.
deeper where it lifted
***(I know I should get the "Aha" moment or epiphany here, but I get stuck.) Does "deeper" refer to accumulation of leaves?
What does "it" refer to? Raven? As in raven tracks? But even that could be plural: "raven tracks" from multiple ravens. Or is it some unspecified shore creatrue pushing up from under the leaves? Maybe I am way too off.
听 Kokho 老师讲禅。
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kokho ?2007-04-18 22:06:05?? | |
〉deeper where it lifted 〈
This may be the food print of the raven;
Or This may be the mark left on the twig by the plunging maple leaf...
<1> when one is leaving its presence is but most significant !
<2> you are looking at a scene, black ascending while red descending ?
So... do you get any Ah Ha ????
Lake ?2007-04-19 10:28:28?? | |
kokho xièdào: |
〉deeper where it lifted 〈
This may be the food print of the raven;
Or This may be the mark left on the twig by the plunging maple leaf...
<1> when one is leaving its presence is but most significant !
<2> you are looking at a scene, black ascending while red descending ?
So... do you get any Ah Ha ????
Thanks for your elaboration, Kokho.
Aha, I got <2>, but did not 升华到 <1>.
Traditionally, a raven is symbolic for ominious signs, hopefully it will 脱胎换骨 in here.
wet sands are most likely on the shore, then how could maple leaves, which usually grow on the mountains, hills and plains, plunge over to the shore? Oh well, I will just take it as sands by a pond or a stream...
"deeper" is too far away from "raven tracks", but right after "maple leaves", that's why I thought it may have another probability of piling up of leaves, or even the color of the leaves is getting darker. You may accuse me of being too mindful of words, as you please.
Now I have read 禅诗 往往是来自于非理性、非逻辑、非思量的直觉体验中的,禅思的语言甚至是“胡说”。
问的是心, 答的是脚。
走题了。 Please bear with me, my nonsense.  |
kokho ?2007-04-19 13:27:06?? | |
irrelevancy - is common in Zen and post modernism...
Its beauty is derived from surprise;
For Zen, one of the essence is in disregarding the the logic or value...
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kokho ?2007-04-22 23:45:53?? | |
link to more info
http://myspace.com/tongueingroove |
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